Running Point (2025 s01e07 Episode Script

A Special Place in Hell

I don't want to speak too soon,
but it seems like ol' Isla Gordon
has turned the Waves around.
Since Marcus gave Dyson the confidence
to shoot free throws granny-style,
our opponents can't foul us late in games.
We've won three in a row…
- Morning.
- Morning.
…and are now only three games
out of making the playoffs.
- Hi.
- Morning.
Basically, I'm killing it.
I even finished my gallon of water
before 9:30.
Jackie, can you refill my jug?
Which means I have to pee.
That's the greatest thing to happen to me.
Including finding out
I'm in a family of billionaires.
Oh my God.
I'm so late.
Tell Travis I say hi.
Yeah, I'll let her know right away.
Oh man.
"Imagine fumbling this bag."
I did fumble that bag.
Where were you this morning?
I had to make my own smoothie.
The kitchen's a mess.
I just left it. I walked away.
Oh, sorry. I, um…
I had to stop on my way in and… vote.
Oh shit. We have to do that again?
Ah, no, it's just a local measure.
They're trying to ban…
stop signs.
Well, I hope you voted for it
so you can get here on time.
Actually, Ness's assistant just called.
They wanna see you
in the conference room right away.
Next time, tell me the urgent message
before you do your online stalking.
- Pick it up!
- Let's go! Let's go!
The Waves are facing an existential
threat from inside the organization.
This is something I've never encountered
before. Don't know how to get out of this.
Please do not tell me
we have another secret brother.
I can't remember any more names.
No, it is much worse than that,
and not nearly as adorable.
This is Travis's mom, Bonnie Bugg.
She is an opinionated
northern Florida momager,
which normally, who cares?
None of these players' parents
are a real walk in the park.
I can handle the overeager parent wanting
to talk about their kids' playing time,
but Bonnie is built different.
She comes on the court during practice.
She's calling plays.
She is criticizing my players.
She told Badrag he's getting fat.
The guy already has body-image issues.
Now we're food journaling together.
Okay, so just tell Travis
to send his mom back to Florida.
Do you not understand the relationship
between pro players and their moms?
I guess not.
It's the most codependent relationship
in the history of human relationships.
These young men come from nothing.
Their moms have sacrificed their lives
to get their sons where they are today.
We're talking food stamps,
we're talking midnight shifts
on Christmas Eve at the tire factory.
The point is, these guys trust these women
more than anyone in the world,
and I can't get between them.
But you want me to.
Why? Because I'm a woman?
No, this is your problem
because you refused
to trade Travis back to Florida…
-Oh God.
-…so she moved here.
Now, Isla, you are gonna have to deal
with the consequences of your decision.
Isla, the playoffs
are just around the corner,
and we can't afford any bumps.
And she is bumpy as hell.
Okay, fine. I'll do it. No big deal.
Moms love me.
I mean, not ours, but others.
What are you doing tonight?
Want to come over for Shake Shack and…
Street parking is limited.
I recommend a rideshare--
-Excuse me.
-Oh my God. Mr. Ramirez.
-Jackie Moreno.
We've never been properly introduced.
Nice to meet you.
It is an honor, sir.
Actually, I got my appendix removed
at the Stephen Ramirez wing
at Children's Hospital.
My mom said it was the first time
she'd seen a Latino name on a building.
Thank you. They were very helpful
with my son's eczema.
Now, he has perfect forearms.
You're such a pillar of our community.
I mean, you, Sonia Sotomayor, Fluffy.
Thank you.
I must say, I never approved
of Jack Gordon's lifestyle,
but seeing you fit in here makes me think
that some good came of his proclivities.
Keep up the good work.
-You too.
Yes, there you go.
It's open. Open.
There you go.
That's what I'm talking about.
Good practice, everybody.
I'm telling you,
that is what I'm talking about.
That was a great pass.
See how you're shooting?
You don't need no analytics.
Your spots are the same as in high school.
-Left elbow, middie, right corner, three.
-Left elbow, middie, right corner, three.
Ooh, that's what I'm talking about.
I love this boy.
I love you so much. I'll see you at home.
And don't eat. I'm making your favorite.
Trash bag chicken.
-Thanks, Mom.
-I love you.
- Oh, trash bag chicken. Save me a piece.
- Oh!
-Isla Gordon.
-I know who you are.
I have you on my vision board
of my favorite feminists.
It's you, Paula Deen,
and the brave Megyn Kelly.
Here, give me a hug. Bring it in. Ooh!
Oh, that's so kind. It's so nice
to meet you finally, Mrs. Bugg.
That is too formal.
You call me Bonnie or Lady Bugg.
I'm trying to get that going.
-I'll stick with Bonnie.
I just wanted to say it's amazing
to see your commitment to Travis.
Well, thank you.
Not a lot of people know the determination
it takes to get to this level, but you do.
-You are so kind. I just wanted to ask--
-When Travis's daddy left, it was tough.
Fun fact, he was the last man in Florida
to get the electric chair.
Oh my God.
No, on't worry. He deserved it.
The point is, after they crisped him up,
I said to myself,
"I'mma do anything for that boy."
And that's why I turned to stripping.
Oh, dancing to pay the bills.
That is an admirable thing to do.
Oh, no. There was no dancing involved.
Just getting naked in front of
a bunch of rednecks and Air Force pilots.
But it let me raise my boy
and encourage his gifts.
That's great.
You get it.
You know, it's funny, when I first learned
you were the reason my Travis
is not gonna be traded back to Florida,
well, pfft, I wanted to kill you.
-I was fixing to murder you, you know?
Just dig a hole in the desert
and throw you in there,
and make it look like your fiancé did it.
But now Travis
is playing better than ever.
You did not make it easy on him,
so he had to grow.
And so did I.
Look at me in California. And I am eating
salads that are not mayonnaise-based.
I appreciate you.
-I love the end of what you just said.
-Mmm, came from the heart.
Bonnie, listen,
I'm just gonna give this to you straight.
I need you to be more of an observer
and less of a participant
during practices.
Mm-hmm. Mm-mm.
Because it's you asking,
I'mma go ahead and say yes.
Look at us, see?
A couple of ex-strippers talking.
What can't we do?
-I was not a stripper.
-Oh, of course you weren't.
She was not a stripper, ever.
Come on, bring it in. Let me feel it.
Yeah, that's money right there. Ooh!
-All right. Off you go.
Boy, those pilots would have loved you.
Full thrusters all ahead.
Yes, there she goes.
Hey, it's Charlie.
I can't come to the phone.
I'm with a very important client.
But I'll return as soon as I can.
Hey, Charlie, it's me… Sandy. Um…
I know we're not technically, uh, talking,
uh, but found that AirPod
you were missing.
Is it AirPod? EarPod? Air Bud?
Nope. No, that is a…
That's a movie about dogs,
which you love.
Uh, but I… I have it if you need it.
Um, I could drop it off anytime.
Hope you're well. Love you.
Uh, goodbye.
Damn it.
Hey, you got a minute?
Yeah. Three forty-nine, three fifty.
I can do that later. What's going on?
I just-- I need some advice.
I'm… I'm having problems with my…
you know, down there.
When I pee,
it feels like fire is coming out.
Oh yeah. You got chlamydia, dawg.
Are you sure it's not kidney stones?
Have you been eating
too many beets lately or fucking?
-I never had a beet in my life.
-There you go.
You're gonna be fine, okay?
I won't get into specifics,
but I've been down that road.
Got the clap in Amsterdam, '98,
Fatboy Slim concert.
I got crabs hooking up
in the Hard Rock pool in Vegas.
Chlamydia? That's like the sniffles.
What does this mean? What do I do?
What you're gonna do
is see the team doctor, Dr. Haber, okay?
-He's discreet. He's a wizard with this.
-Doesn't he just handle player injuries?
My sweet little angel.
I mean, STDs are like 80%
of what team doctors deal with.
Thank you, Ness.
Yeah. Hey, you know what?
Congrats on all the sex.
Can't seem to get you out of my head ♪
You know,
I really like that Isla lady.
She's smart, she's a straight shooter,
and I did a little research.
I think her boobs are real.
Well, she really won me over.
Yeah, she's cool.
Oh, and good news.
I got you a fancy new brand deal.
-Did Old Spice call back?
-Oh, better.
Pensacola Springs Car Wash and Mini Golf.
Mama, I thought we said we were
gonna hold out for something national.
Honey, we got to make money while we can.
Those Mormons are putting
$15,000 in our pockets.
Plus, they threw in some free car washes.
With blackout dates,
mornings only, no SUVs.
Whatever. Can I get some pills?
My knee's been yelling at me for hours.
Not pills.
One pill.
Can I get two tonight?
Do you want to make it no pills
or do a three-peat at rehab,
and this time everyone finds out?
Look, honey, you are playing better
than you ever have.
But if they find out
that your knee's messed up,
you're not gonna get that extension, okay?
We've just got to hang tough
for a little while longer.
-Yep. Yeah, fine.
Why don't you go on the porch and swing
this bag of chicken around for your mama?
And don't worry about salmonella.
That's a deep state lie, honey.
Ooh la, la, la
Ooh la, la, la ♪
Ooh la, la, la… ♪
Good morning, dickheads.
So how'd it go with Bonnie?
We had a long conversation,
and I drew two conclusions.
Which are?
She's a hero,
and you three are sexist pigs.
-I'm not.
-I'm not.
Wait, Malala married my ex-wife and me.
I don't know who that is,
but what Bonnie has overcome
is nothing short of a miracle.
Single, working mom,
husband was some BTK killer,
and she still got her son into the pros.
Okay, so did she agree to back off?
Yeah. All it took
was a little kindness, gentlemen.
-Maybe you could learn from that.
-You just called us dickheads.
Um, you're welcome.
You'll remember this when Charlize Theron
gets ugly to play her in a movie.
I'd see that.
So, uh…
where you from, Doc?
Right outside Pittsburgh.
Anyway, let's see your penis.
-Can you say "ah"?
I'm fucking with you. You have chlamydia.
Are you-- Are you serious?
Can we maybe, like, run a blood test?
We could,
if you want to waste a good needle.
I've seen dongs
of every size, shape, color, affliction.
At this point,
I can diagnose chlamydia by sight.
And gonorrhea by smell, which…
Nah, you're good on that front.
All right.
What am I gonna do?
You're gonna take a round of doxycycline,
and it's gonna clear up.
-All right, playboy?
-Wait, really?
Yeah, you're good.
But you should call any sexual partners
you've had in the last 30 days or so
and let them know they should get tested.
Any way you could you do that for me?
Like, as part of my health plan?
No. You can put your dick away.
Have a good one.
Hey, it's Jackie from…
Jesus, Bonnie!
Oh, Isla, I'm sorry.
I had a couple of breakfast Whoppers
and had to take a little nap.
Oh, and you chose my office
and took your shoes and socks off.
Mmm, well, whenever I have Burger King,
it always gets my gout going.
Actually, I'm glad you're here.
Have a seat.
Um, okay.
Is that one of them drinks from Erewhon?
I've heard about them.
Yeah. Do you want it?
Yes, please.
Oh gosh.
Look out, Hailey Bieber, here I come.
- Mm-mm.
- Oh.
That's gone bad.
Do you want a napkin?
Bonnie, what can I help you with?
Well, I was thinking about
our conversation, and you're right.
I can't just be
waiting around for Travis all day.
I need my own thing.
I love that for you, Bonnie.
Great. So I can work for you.
Not a lot of availability right now
with the recession, the economy, COVID.
I get it, I get it.
It was a stupid idea.
My husband always said I was a dumb bitch.
Oh God. I miss him so much.
Don't say that.
You are not a dumb bitch.
I just don't know what my i-den-tittie is.
My i-den-tittie.
You know, the set of characteristics that
makes one different from someone else.
-Oh yeah. Your identity.
-That's what I said.
You know, my whole life,
I've just been Travis Bugg's mama,
or the wife of the Kissimmee Killer.
I suppose that's all I'll ever be.
You know, maybe I'll go back to stripping.
Are there any Marine bases around here?
I don't know.
I think that's more San Diego.
Look, Bonnie.
You are so much more than Travis's mom.
Before I was the president,
I was just Jack Gordon's daughter.
And this was not a place
where women were given opportunities.
Until now.
Which is why
you're gonna come work for me.
I'm gonna be
the vice president of the Waves!
Oh, no, that's not possible.
But I'll find you a job.
God bless you, Isla Gordon.
You are my guardian angel.
So, what is it I'mma be doing?
Absolutely fucking not.
Hear me out. This is an opportunity
for you to mentor a strong woman
from a protected class.
Being the mother of a terrible rapper
is not a protected class.
Come on. She's a nice old lady.
I thought Asian people
respected their elders.
Yeah. Our elders.
Old white women are not my problem.
Well, it's happening. I'm sorry.
Bonnie, come in!
This is Ali Lee, the Waves Chief of Staff
and my best friend.
- Best friend for now, am I right?
- Ow!
Isla, please don't do this.
Ali, you have lots to catch Bonnie up on.
Bonnie, do everything she says.
I will. I'mma be real helpful.
But first, I'mma take
a quick smoke break, okay?
Watch that for me.
We need to talk.
Everybody's scaring me today.
Last night, after a long day at work,
I was looking forward to coming home
and having some chicken parm
and watching The Masked Singer.
Instead, I was greeted by a sobbing wife
who informed me that our precious daughter
needs to be tested
for a sexually transmitted disease.
Oh, Stephen, I'm so sorry to hear that,
but this does feel
more like a personal issue.
It was your brother who gave it to her.
What? Was that rehab, married, gay?
No, Jackie. No, not Jackie.
Yes, Jackie.
-Stephen, I don't know what to say.
-I need you to make this situation right.
So, uh, Jackie needs to marry Daniella?
What? No, no, she's a junior at USC.
How ethnic do you think I am?
I want Jackie gone.
-You want me to fire my brother?
As chairman of the board, I've supported
your family through thick and thin.
The least you can do is make sure
I never see his face in here again. Ever.
He's not out there.
He's been in the bathroom for 20 minutes.
Stephen said Jackie
gave his daughter an STD.
Wait, that sweet little Disney mouse
that sits outside the door?
-Yes. He wants me to fire him.
-That's funny. I want you to fire someone.
-Ali, she can't be that bad.
-She put Gatorade in the Keurig.
Drink it! It's fine!
I need to get to the game.
So, once again, I'm so sorry about this.
I-- I really hope you can forgive me.
- And if you do, I'd love to see you again.
- Hey!
-Where have you been?
It is one thing for you to be late and MIA
when I need a Diet Coke or M&M's.
It's another thing
for you to be a disease-ridden skank!
Oh. N-- Did Ness tell you?
No, Stephen Ramirez did.
He thinks you gave his daughter chlamydia.
-I don't even know his daughter!
-Apparently you do. Her name is Daniella.
Oh, D-Train?
-Yeah, I hit that.
-How many girls have you slept with?
A lot. I'm sorry.
Is Stephen gonna murder me?
Look, everyone is horny
for everyone they work with,
but you don't do anything about it!
Especially with
the chairman of the board's daughter!
Jackie, he wants me to fire you.
You're gonna fix this,
take accountability,
handle it like a grown-up.
Okay, I can do that.
I'm so sorry. I'm not used to having
this many girls interested in me.
Jackie, this is your life now.
You are a smart, good-looking guy
who's a Gordon.
There'll be lots of opportunities
to board lots of different trains.
-Wear a condom, you idiot!
-I will. Always.
I'm-- I'mma go put one on right now.
You need to come to the Captain's Lounge
and see what your feminist icon is up to.
Come on.
Everybody in here has to sign a waiver!
Can I get a Chardonnay
with a tequila topping?
Bonnie, what the hell is going on here?
What happened to you?
The gout started creeping up my leg.
Thank goodness I found this wheelchair.
She stole it from the medical center.
It's for injured players.
What is with this camera crew?
Are you filming something?
Don't be mad, Isla,
but there I was working
in your bossy little friend's office,
bored out of my mind.
Then I realized
I can't be behind the scenes.
I have a story to tell.
It's called A Bugg's Life.
It's a reality show based on
a plucky, underestimated woman,
reformed party girl, making it work
in the world of men's sports.
That's my story.
Okay, we gotta get her out of here.
Scott Disick is judging us.
Oh! Oh hi!
You gotta let me talk to Scott Disick.
I want him to introduce me to Kris Jenner.
-I don't think so. Let's go.
-Get your hands off me, gay man!
Now grab a drink and throw it in my face.
It'll be really good for the trailer.
Get the cameras down.
I want them down right now! Thank you.
-It's all right.
-Do not call my brother "gay man."
Technically, not an insult,
but didn't love the tone.
You need to take your camera crew,
and you need to leave immediately.
I see what's happening.
You're jealous of me.
You say you want to support women,
but at the end of the day,
you're just like your daddy.
You know what, Bonnie?
Everyone said you were a huge problem,
and I tried to see the good in you.
But they were right, and I was wrong.
You're bad news.
So get your fucking camera crew
and wheel your ass back to Pensacola,
or I will have you dragged there.
And that wraps up
our coverage.
The Waves pull out a close one here in LA.
Coming out on top versus Seattle…
Hey, great game tonight, Isla.
Oh yeah.
They played hard.
Are you okay? It was crazy
when that lady punched you in the face.
-Yeah. Thanks.
-Okay, have a good one.
Hey, uh, are you all right?
I heard Bonnie Bugg knocked you out cold.
Yeah, I was out for, like, two minutes,
but I'm fine.
Glad to hear it, yeah.
So, um, look…
I would never be one of those people
who says I told you so,
but seeing how events
played out this evening…
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I called you a sexist.
I will never trust a woman again.
-No, that's not what I was going for.
-Too late. I hate women.
Okay, well, um,
are you allowed to have a drink?
Oh God, please.
Thanks for, um, suggesting this.
It's actually… This is nice.
I couldn't let you spend another night
at home being sad, jerking it.
Will you please have one meal where
you don't bring up masturbation
before the bread basket comes?
-Mm-hmm, yeah.
-Thank you.
Oh my God.
-What, the tartare?
-No. Charlie's here.
He's with someone. Do not look.
Don't, don't. Stop.
Don't. Stop looking.
Who is the guy he's with?
Who cares? Stop looking.
- Quit looking. Will you…
- He saw me.
-We've got to go over now.
-No, we don't.
-Yeah, come on.
-He already saw me.
-That doesn't--
It would be rude. Come on. Come with me.
God, I'll kill you.
- Hey, Ness. Sandy.
- What's up, Charlie?
Hello. Hey.
Left you a voicemail earlier
about your, uh, AirPod.
Never heard back. Just, um…
Just need to know what to do with it.
You can just throw it out.
Uh, Ness, Sandy, this is Bryson.
Nice to meet you.
Can I just say,
you are in incredible shape.
-I should be. I'm a personal trainer.
-So, what's, uh… What's going on here?
You guys just finished your workout,
grabbing a quick bite as friends, or…?
This is a date.
Charlie signed up
for a free session at my gym.
He said he wanted to get a revenge bod.
But by the time
we were done stretching his hamstrings,
which are perfect, by the way…
…I just knew
I had to ask this sweet, sweet man out.
-That was like a month ago?
-It was three weeks. Take it easy.
While I got you, no matter what I do,
I got these flabby lats.
-Is that genetic, or…?
-So, you've been dating for three weeks?
-We broke up a month ago.
-No, it was actually five weeks ago.
At your sister's engagement party
that I wasn't invited to.
Yeah, so my boyfriend of one year
moves on after three weeks.
We'll just head back to the table.
It was wonderful to meet you, Bryson.
Real quick, do you have
a business card or Instagram handle?
Just, the lat--
You know what? Not the time. I felt that.
Good night.
Look, we've got our foot on the gas.
We've just got to keep up the momentum.
It'll be easier now that that sociopath
isn't up in your shit.
Did I tell you she slashed my tires?
How does it look now? Is it fine?
All right, well…
you know,
you're gonna have a little shiner, but,
it'd take a lot to fuck up that face.
It's a good one.
Oh, look. My Uber is here.
Anderson. He's arriving soon.
-So, I should go.
Yeah, don't keep him waiting.
Have a good night.
I'll see you later.
Mr. Ramirez!
-Mr. Ramirez!
-What the hell do you want?
This is for you.
It's an Edible Arrangement.
-It's the biggest one they had.
-It's mostly honeydew.
I need to apologize for my behavior.
I have the utmost respect for you,
your daughter,
your family, your ancestors.
I'm so sorry I dishonored her. Or you.
And I'm also a shithead.
And I will go to church every week.
Listen to me.
You're a Gordon now,
but you're not the same as them.
You can't act like they do.
They can afford to make mistakes.
People like us
are held to a higher standard.
You're so right, Mr. Ramirez.
You've given me a lot to think about.
Well, not so fast, punk.
If you ever see my daughter again…
I will kill you.
And I'm a very rich man.
I will get away with it.
That makes sense, sir.
That is all.
Excuse me, Isla?
There's someone here to see you.
Oh, uh, come in.
Travis, I know you're probably mad at me,
but your mother crossed the line,
and she had to go.
Have you ever heard
that song by 2Pac, "Dear Mama,"
where he's talking
about how amazing his mother is?
I don't feel that way at all.
If I had to make a song about my mom,
it'd probably be like…
Yo, Bonnie, why you gotta be a pain? ♪
Ugh, now I gotta throw Mama
From the train ♪
Wait, you're okay with this?
What about the kisses?
What about the trash bag chicken?
Obviously, I love that old bitch,
but she's got some really bad ideas
for my career.
And she's always all up in my shit.
Like, I can't have girls over.
-That is not sustainable!
-I need to release, know what I'm saying?
-No need to paint such a vivid picture.
-I just wanted to let you know.
Hey, and, um, for real,
thank you.
You're welcome.
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me ♪
I don't know what
But I feel it coming… ♪
All right, I'll see you guys out there.
Might be so sad
Might leave my nose running ♪
I just hope she don't wanna leave me ♪
Don't you give me up
Please don't give up on me ♪
I belong with you and only you, baby ♪
Only you, my girl, only you, babe ♪
Only you, darling, only you, babe ♪
Only you, my girl, only you, babe ♪
Only you, darling, only you ♪
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me ♪
Why I feel this way
I don't know maybe ♪
I think of her so much
It drives me crazy ♪
What if she's fine? ♪
It's my mind that's wrong ♪
And I just let bad thoughts ♪
Linger for far too long ♪
What if she's fine? ♪
It's my mind that's wrong ♪
And I just let bad thoughts ♪
Linger for far too long ♪
Don't you give me up ♪
Please don't give up on me ♪
I belong with you and only you, baby ♪
Only you, my girl, only you, babe ♪
Only you, darling, only you, babe ♪
Only you, my girl, only you, babe ♪
Only you, darling, only you ♪
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