Savage Rhythm (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Betrayal

[upbeat rhythm with emotional piano music]
- [Karina groans, exhales]
- [Mateo] What's up?
- Are you okay?
- [Karina breathes heavily]
[music stops]
- When you fall, I flip you.
- Yeah, I'm sorry. It just I'm
It's nothing personal, but could I just
maybe try it with Vicente?
I feel like with him,
my flow is just a little better.
Look at you, huh?
That's really interesting.
You trying to direct now too?
Listen, Mateo.
If you can't handle criticism
about your part in the show,
you've understood nothing.
- No, clearly, I didn't understand a thing.
- Vicente.
I'm an idiot
who doesn't get anything, right?
- You guys can go to hell. I'm out.
- [María] Where are you going?
I resign. Fuck this shit!
You can all fuck off. I'm done!
Right. Vicente, please. Come on.
Let's go.
[pounding lockers]
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
[cell phone buzzes]
- [Chama] You're leaving now, girl?
- Dude, I gotta go. I'm really late.
I can go to the airport with you.
- No, you're not ready, and I have to go.
- I'll throw something on, and we'll go.
Girl, I don't wanna drag this goodbye out.
Come on.
No, wait, wait. No goodbye hug?
I'll call you, okay? You know I will.
- [Ximena chuckles]
- [Chama] Mm.
[melancholy music playing]
[all chuckling emotionally]
Girl, go and kill it over there.
- [Chama] Checho.
- [Checho moans]
- Checho.
- What?
There's something weird
about Ximena's trip.
How so?
I don't know. Before she left,
she got this random message.
Something with her suitcase.
- Where's she at?
- She just left.
- You just let her?
- She wouldn't let me go with her.
[knocking on door]
I'll get it, chill.
- [Chama] Hey.
- Hey, girl.
- Uh, Liliana?
- She's inside.
[door closes]
What are you doing here?
[chuckles] No wonder
you didn't answer last night.
- You good?
- For sure.
We were exhausted,
and I didn't hear the phone ring.
Thanks for the invite.
What happened?
I got a message from Joe.
[chuckles] We got the audition
for the music video.
Ximena left this morning.
Where is she?
She's left for the States
to live with her mama.
Are you serious?
I don't know.
Something's weird about this trip.
The message on her cell this morning
was super strange.
We can't just let Ximena leave.
Let's go.
Don't forget about what you said.
Ignore that it hurts.
Focus on the emotion. You got it.
[both chuckle softly]
[emotional piano music playing]
[upbeat rhythm joins piano]
[Karina chuckles breathlessly]
- [Vicente laughs]
- That was great.
Let's take five and grab some water,
then we'll get right back to it.
[Vicente panting]
You okay? You sure?
[phone buzzes]
[uneasy music playing]
[uneasy music continues]
[line ringing]
She won't answer.
Try her again.
[line ringing]
It's turned off now. Son of a bitch!
Man, that crazy bitch.
I have an idea.
But you're gonna have to trust me.
[intriguing music playing]
Can I have your ID, please?
And Miss Libia Alarcón,
you're going to the US, right?
Mm-hmm, yeah.
[uneasy music playing]
Yeah, her passport.
Does that look right?
- [supervisor] This right here?
- [agent] Yeah.
Oh, okay. I get it. Thanks.
[supervisor] Mm-hmm.
[agent] Um, this is perfect. Thanks.
[unsettling music continues]
This way. Come on.
[Antonia] Fuck, she's not here.
Come on.
[Antonia] Hi there.
How much does this suitcase cost?
[airport employee] Everyone have
their passport and boarding tickets out.
Next, please.
Hello, folks. Passengers going to Miami,
line up single file over here.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dog sniffing]
[knocking on door]
[Miranda] Come in.
Am I interrupting?
[Miranda] Not at all. I was expecting you.
- How are you, Bernardo?
- Well, I'm here.
[Miranda] Welcome. We are very excited.
We have two stars with a lot of potential,
and I know you're gonna love them both.
Mm, perfect.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Checho] Hey, hey, my passport was stolen!
I'm gonna miss my flight!
Sir, can you please help us?
- [Antonia] Yeah, just
- [police] What happened?
- It's lost.
- [Antonia] I'm looking.
- [police] You okay? What happened?
- [Checho] We have to board now.
We've been robbed. We're gonna be late
getting to the terminal.
[police] Don't worry.
We'll get it figured out.
Are you guys okay? What happened?
[Checho] We're fine,
but we've been robbed.
- Just relax. What happened?
- Hey, wait! I know where I left them.
Yes, in there
I left them at the restaurant.
- Thanks, sir.
- But you're okay? Wait.
- She's so careless.
- [police] Just a minute.
- Dude, what are you doing?
- Calm down. Let's go, I'll explain.
- Come on, girl.
- No, man, I can't do that.
- This is trouble now, come on.
- Hey, this isn't my bag.
- [Chama] Let's go now.
- Dude, where's my bag at?
Let's go outside.
We have to get rid of Ximena's suitcase.
- Antonia, what the fuck is happening?
- What the hell, Ximena!
Calm down, man. You know we just
saved your ass. You should say thank you.
- You don't understand, dude. Stop.
- Look, why don't we talk somewhere else?
This is fucked up.
We have to get out of here.
You need it all explained
to your snobby ass, right?
You should say thank you.
I did you a fucking favor.
They'll kill me.
What do you mean?
Who's going to hurt you?
What are you into, huh?
Um, we should go. Like, right now.
Plus, I hate to bring it up,
but we're gonna be late to the audition.
[uneasy music playing]
What audition?
We booked the audition with Joe.
I need to fix this stuff first.
Ximena, you really need this audition.
We all need this audition.
You're not getting it, man.
It'll be all right.
Let's go, come on.
There, look.
And you guys?
What do we do now?
Let's go.
["So Va" by Tuto playing]
All right, next two groups.
You guys, hurry up. Go ahead.
[Chama] What is this?
We're not the only ones?
And you are?
We're Pure Street.
So, where's your fourth girl?
Sorry, girls. You need a complete group.
[Checho] Don't you get it?
I knew that something was up with you.
- Why didn't you tell me before?
- Don't you talk to me like that.
They'll kill me, Checho.
Right now, I don't need a lecture.
I need your help.
Not your sermons and bullshit.
Come on, dude. Really?
Ximena, you know I'm between
a rock and a hard place too, don't you?
Look, as much as I want to help
I'm not good with this shit.
If you don't help me, then who will?
[Jacob] Karina.
Get ready.
- We have a date.
- Who with?
Miranda invited a potential investor.
He wants to meet
the new stars of the show.
So, you and Vicente.
Yes, of course. That's cool. I just have
to step out, but I'll be right back.
Fifteen minutes, and I'll be back.
It's a big opportunity.
Don't be late, okay?
I'll be waiting in Miranda's office.
[Miranda] Are you ready?
Karina is a bit late, but nothing serious.
Well, how late?
Only like, uh, ten or 15 minutes.
Are you sure?
We'll be ready.
By the way, your lead actor quit.
We're going with Vicente.
And what do we have here?
[scoffs] You girls love improvising
way too much.
[man] Uh, can we have
the next two groups, please?
[upbeat hip-hop music playing]
- [Liliana giggles]
- [man] What did I say?
You need four people in your group.
[Karina] Chill.
I almost wasn't, but now I'm here.
[women chuckling]
What are you doing?
Who called you?
I called her.
- What, you don't want us to get this?
- [Antonia scoffs]
Chill. I'm just here for my friends.
Pure Street needs me.
[man] Let's go, dancers.
All right, ready? Perfect.
Let's go. Kuno's group first.
Front and center.
["Señor Light"
by JUANPORDIOS! and Lee Eye playing]
- [music stops]
- [man] Good job, guys. Okay, who's next?
- Pure Street, ready?
- [Karina] Yeah.
[chuckling sarcastically]
Hey, I'm sorry. We need just a minute.
The camera we're using just broke,
so if you could, hang out for a bit.
How long will it be?
What, are you in a hurry or something?
[tense music playing]
[line ringing]
Leave it alone.
Don't call your mama. She'll just worry.
Just chill, okay? Trust me.
Nothing is going to happen to you.
[Ximena exhales]
Go get some rest, okay?
You're tired and stressed out.
Go get some sleep
and I'll handle it, okay?
Just wait there.
[Mario] Checho.
What's up, man?
Grab a gun.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Bernardo, meet our new Romeo.
It's a pleasure. Vicente Flores.
Pleasure. Bernardo.
And Juliet? Where is she?
She's almost here.
[man] All right. Pure Street, we're ready.
We're gonna start back up with you.
Let's go.
[Bernardo] When did you say
she's going to be here?
Karina, you said 15 minutes.
It's been over an hour, girl.
What happened?
Where are you?
[upbeat hip-hop song playing in Spanish]
[song ends]
And what?
When do we find out if you chose us?
Don't worry about it. We'll be in touch.
Where's Karina?
[uneasy music playing]
Chill, bro, that bitch is on the plane.
- Just chill
- [Checho] Hang that shit up.
And if she calls, don't answer, okay?
Hang it the fuck up, dude.
I'll call you.
[ominous music playing]
[Mario] We finally meet, huh, shithead?
Who do you work for?
Who wants to know?
Don't make this hard, you fucker.
Don't make me kill you.
Who's bringing the dope to Miami?
My brother and me.
Just chill, bro.
Can you put the gun away?
Let's talk.
We're gonna talk, that's cool.
Checho, put it away.
But there's a problem.
That you, my dear friend,
involved yourself with the wrong chick,
you motherfucker.
[agent grunting]
[music intensifies]
[agent coughing]
[agent groaning]
[agent moans]
[Mario] Finish this shit.
- Sorry I'm late. I
- [Jacob] You made me look like an idiot.
Look, Jacob, I can
I don't think that you get
where you are, Karina.
I do get it, but
- [sighs] It was complicated and things
- If things are getting too complicated,
do me a favor and keep me in the loop.
We can't go on like this.
I've put too much on the line
to just throw my career away.
I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
I hope you're not confusing things.
Go rest, okay?
[somber music playing]
Damn it.
[film rewinding]
[playing classical music]
[film rewinding]
[classical music continues]
[Mateo] Thanks for coming.
[knocking on door]
[gentle synth music playing]
What's up? What's going on?
I wanted to see you.
I can't stop thinking about her.
I'm done with dancing.
[María] Don't say that.
Let me prove you wrong.
So, what did the doctor say?
Until the Iberoamericano is done,
I'm not going to a doctor.
They gave me the lead role.
[chuckling] Hey, dude!
Vicente, that's amazing!
That's awesome. You deserve it.
You really do.
[gentle song playing in Spanish]
You see? You can do it.
[Miranda] You all know dance is my life.
Because I want the company to recover
its place in the Iberoamericano.
[music ends]
Have you had many boyfriends?
Boyfriends? [chuckles]
No, none.
- I've had female friends. And you.
- [both chuckle]
Female friends?
Well, I don't have
time or money for that, Vicente.
[Vicente] Hmm?
[chuckles] And now you have time?
And what about your dream to
to dance?
Because when I can't do it anymore,
you can replace me.
When your life's all set up like that,
it's easy.
But when you're fighting for it
in the streets
[Vicente chuckles]
Things aren't always what they seem.
Well, it seems very different
from what I know.
I don't really live.
I survive.
All right, but
can you really dance?
[both chuckle]
- Don't laugh, okay?
- [Vicente] Mm.
[lighthearted pop song playing in Spanish]
- [song ends]
- [knocking on door]
[Álex sighs]
- Hi there, son.
- [Vicente] Dad, what are you doing here?
- How are you doing?
- Good.
Uh, Pop, this is Álex.
- [Vicente's father] Good evening, Álex.
- Good evening.
Nice to meet you.
[Álex] Yeah, a pleasure.
Well, dude, I think
I'm gonna catch you later, yeah?
- [Vicente] Mm-hmm.
- [Álex] Cool.
- Uh, see you.
- [Vicente's father] Take care.
[intriguing synth music playing]
[Karina] 'Tis but thy name
that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
But what is a Montague?
It is not hands
nor foot nor arm,
nor any other part belonging to a man.
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
But what is a Montague?
It is not hand nor foot nor arm,
nor any other part belonging to a man.
[cell phone vibrating]
He's not calling.
[Antonia] Ya think?
[cell phone ringing]
Yes, this is she.
Yeah, I understand.
Great. Sure, yeah.
Okay, thanks.
They want us.
[all laughing and cheering]
- Oh my God!
- And rehearsals start tomorrow.
- [Chama] That's so dope!
- [all laughing]
Does Joe know I'll replace Karina?
Mm, no, but I don't think it's a problem.
Yeah, and let's not worry
about it right now.
We'll just deal with it tomorrow, okay?
Just relax.
So what's up?
Guess who the new dancers are
for Guaynaa's new music video?
[Liliana] Mm.
- Well, congrats. You deserve it.
- [Liliana giggling]
I have good news for you.
Everything's gonna be fine, okay?
[warm music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Ximena] What, did you find them?
Look, did you guys kill him or what?
Hey, stop asking stupid questions.
Leave Mario alone.
I can take care of myself.
[Liliana] We have to show up
with killer choreography.
Let's watch the video.
[Ximena] It's your birthday, baby.
[giggles] Yeah!
[Antonia] What's happening in there?
Did something happen last night?
What do you want us to say?
Just tell me the truth.
[door creaks open]
Are you sleeping with Checho?
He's fucking me.
But don't trip, okay?
I'll be at that rehearsal tomorrow.
With all I got.
[Checho] Dude.
- Just go to hell.
- Hey, what's going on?
- [Antonia] Leave me alone.
- Wait, what happened?
- What's she gonna do, huh?
- Did she say anything?
["El Barco" by Karol G playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
Yeah? Hello?
Hello, Antonia.
I have a proposal for you.
["El Barco" continues]
- ["El Barco" fades]
- [mid-tempo pop song playing in Spanish]
[song fades]
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