Sexy Beast (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

You and Me

Why do you love me?

Because when I'm with
you, I'm not afraid.

I was five and he was six ♪
You've always had a
window, you knew that.
It's gotta be done, Gal.
You don't want something
shoved up your ass?
I heard you love it.
How the fuck'd you do that?
- Bang, bang ♪
I hit the ground ♪
Bang, bang ♪
What the fuck is this all about?
He's been fucking a
porn star for months,
Gal ain't gonna marry that tart.
- What's the matter, girl?
- No, you stay out of it, Dad.
I'm sorry, Marj.
Larry Taylor.
Have you seen him, Ann Marie?
Seasons came and changed the time ♪
No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Fucking hell!
- Alan! Fuck you! Stop!
He would always laugh and say ♪
Remember when we used to play? ♪
Bang, bang ♪
I shot you down ♪
Bang, bang, you hit the ground ♪
Bang, bang, that awful sound ♪
Bang, bang ♪
I used to shoot you down ♪

Music played and people sang ♪
Just for me the church bells rang ♪

Did you have a good time?
Don't worry.
It's not as bad as it looks.
Some drunks fancied themselves.
Stag do got a bit lairy is all.
So nothing to do with her?
I need some painkillers.
Tell me who she is.
[SIGHS] "She" who?
The "she" you're fucking.
Don't what?
Just tell me who she is.
- Please, Gal.
- You tell me,
'cause I ain't got a clue here, Marj.
What did you think would happen?
That you'd just keep screwing her?
Hoping that you just wouldn't
get an hard-on for her
as soon as the ring was on your finger?
- Was that your plan?
- What are you talking about?
Don't lie to me, Gal!
Well, you need to tell me
what's going on here, Marj.
Ann Marie told me.
And Don.
Told you what?
A fucking
[SNIFFLES] A porn star.

- Porn star?
- Fucking stop that!
Stop fucking laughing at me!
Hey, you fucking stop it.
Since when have you ever
listened to Ann Marie?
You know what she's like with you.
Oh. And Don?
Yeah, they're fucking
with me, both of them.
No, she sounded convincing,
and Don was pretty fucking serious too!
Oh, Don's always fucking serious.
Just fuck just
just fucking tell me.
Just tell me.
Just tell me. Please,
just tell me the truth!
I can't fucking deal with this
Listen. You need to calm down.
You listen to me very
fucking carefully, okay?
I'm gonna tell you.
All right, I'm gonna tell you. But
you need to promise me something.
You cannot breathe a word of this
Larry got himself
shot in the head,
and Ann Marie has convinced herself
that I've got something to do with it.
So she will do anything
to royally fuck with me.

Why would Don say it too?
'Cause she would have been in his ear.

You know what Don's like with women.
Do you remember that that
night with that bird Sara?
He doesn't know if he wants
to fuck 'em or kill 'em.
Women fucking terrify him.
What's that got to do with this?
Ann Marie knows how
to get into his head.

She's lying?
Oh, fuck.

Look, we can talk about it
in the morning, all right?
We'll get it sorted with Ann Marie.

I'll get you some paracetamol.

Birds flying high,
you know how I feel ♪
Sun in the sky, you know how I feel ♪
Breeze drifting on by,
you know how I feel ♪
It's a new dawn, it's a new day ♪
It's a new life for me, yeah ♪
It's a new dawn, it's a new day ♪
It's a new life for me ♪
- Fucking move!
And I'm feeling good ♪

Fish in the sea, you know how I feel ♪
Fuck, shite. Fucking
River running free, you know I feel ♪
Let's just blow the wall.
Blowing the wall ain't an option.
Might blow the whole fucking place down.
It won't sound like
no fireworks neither.
- You're a liar, Gal.
- What?
We need to deal with the Pete thing.
Who did it, eh?
Done what? We will after the job.
But we've only got 24
hours to figure this out.
The kicking, them cuts on your face.
No, I don't think so, Gal.
No, just one fucking
thing at a time, eh, Aitch?
Well, so what are we supposed to do,
- just forget about it, then?
- That's not what I said,
but we drop the ball on this job,
and whoever fucked with Pete
is the least of our worries.
Teddy Bass won't fucking blink
before shooting us all in the head.
- Who was he?
- I told you, a mugging.
You didn't say it was a mugging.
Just drop it, Don! Fucking hell.
"Drop it, Don." "Drop it, Don."
- He said he got jumped.
- Fuck off, will you?
Yes, Don!
For once, drop it and shut the fuck up.
That fucking mouth!
I swear to fucking God,
Don, that piehole of yours
is gonna get you killed someday, mate.
I want you to think this through again.
With the thickness of the concrete,
we'll never get through it with our kit.
What the fuck are those
service tunnels all about?
Mace, we need the as-built plans.
You must know someone
that can get us them.
Building control might have them.
But without the right cutting
gear, we'll never get through.
[QUIETLY] Fucking hell.
I need to go see someone.
Get me them plans, Mace.
You want me to come, Gal?
Fucking brave coming here
after the way she was last night.
I never seen nothing like
it. This better be good, Gal.
- She got the wrong end of the stick.
- [LAUGHS] Here we fucking go.
It was a misunderstanding.
I swear on me mum's
life. It was Ann Marie.
She put 1 and 1 together. She got 11.
Oh, so who'd you fall out with, then?
'Cause I assumed that Marj
took a fucking wine bottle to you.
I got jumped. That's
why I missed the stag.
But listen, you can
me and Marjorie, we've got it sorted.
And she'll tell you.
She'll tell you herself.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Look, whatever you've done,
whatever you haven't done,
you need to get her
down the aisle quick.
Get your feet under the
table, your snout in a trough,
and then it's all gravy, boy.

Kath and I are thinking of
throwing a little extra cash
at the honeymoon, you
know, make it special.
No, you don't need to do that.
No, I know I fucking don't!
- Don't worry about that.
- All right.

Jeez, these are all contracts, Keith?
I mean, Marj said you were
doing well, but fucking hell.
It's boom time, Gal.
Docklands, all along the Thames.
Huge developments springing up
where the old warehouses used to be.
And I am gobbling up
the groundwork contracts
like that fucking [SIGHS]
Little yellow video game fucker.
- Pac-Man.
- Yes, Pac-Man.
I signed two this morning.
It's groundworks you do, innit?
And demolitions. We do
full turnkey to damp.
No, no, no. I remember.
You got that high-pressure kit.
No, it's high-frequency.
Cutters, hyperbaric
welders. The best there is.
- What the fuck, Alan?
- Listen, babes
You could have fucking killed him.
Oh, come on. He was still walking.
What was I supposed to do,
eh? You won't talk to me.
So, what, you brought a fucking gang?
You were fucking the guy in his car.
You knew exactly what you were gonna do
when you found him, so
don't make this about me.
- Hey, where you going?
- None of your business.
Dee, look, can we
please talk about this?
There's nothing to talk about, Alan.
Not anymore.
I'm done.

They're all coming for you, boy.
Tick, tick, tick, tick.

"How high." Don't forget, now.
When he tells you to
jump, that's what you say.
The fuck you laughing at?

Where we going?
You'll see when we get there.
- This a job?
- Yeah.
- What job?
- It's just a job.
- What's it for?
- It's for the job.
A job for the job? What
the fuck you on about?
- Where was you?
- What'd you say, hmm?
To Marjorie?
Maybe if you'd have been
there, you'd have heard.
Oh, God. You got no idea
what you've done, do you?
I didn't say nothing, 'cause
you never tell me nothing,
- so I didn't say nothing.
- You liar.
You know, it's no wonder, Don.
It is no fucking wonder that
the world fucking recoils
when it sees you coming.
I should have just walked away,
crossed the street when we was kids,
let them kick the shit out of you.
Probably deserved it.
Then I wouldn't be lumbered with you.
You're like a tumor.
That's what it is.
That's what you're like.
You're like a tumor that
has been growing on me
since we was kids.
You're a cancer, Don!
A big fucking malignant one.
I should have walked.
- I didn't say nothing.
- Yes, you did.
If you'd have been
there, you'd have heard!
I didn't say nothing!
That is no fucking excuse, Don!
If I you know what?
I'm done with you.
I'm done with you.
This time you're gonna put me
in a early fucking grave, mate.

I wrote my speech.
- What speech?
- Me best man speech.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
- Want to hear it?
- No, I don't want to hear it.
Okay, here it goes. [CLEARS THROAT]
- "Unaccustomed as I am"
- Do not want to
I just said to you, I
don't want to hear it.
- Well, you're gonna hear it.
- Shut up, Don!
- "I've known this big twat "
- Shut up!
"Since I was eight years old "
- Shut up!
- "Two of us kicking lumps
out of these Whitechapel kids,
and he's been following
me ever since "
Follow? I haven't followed
you anywhere, mate.
"Like Cannon and Ball,
Starsky and Hutch
Thick as thieves." Pause for laughter.
"Who said that? Hello.
You a pig? Fuck off.
Anyway, where was I?
If anyone deserves a sexy,
sexy gal like this, it's Gal.
So you're Gal's gal now, Marjorie.
But I will always be Gal's boy."
- What now?
- We wait.
North London boys look proper shocked.
No idea who took the necklace.
Yeah, they're too fucking hopeless
for this kind of thing.
Fuckers have a nosebleed if
they cross Blackfriars Bridge.
Most of the East End dinosaurs
didn't seem a fit neither.
No, leave the old firms alone.
This isn't their thing.
Someone's getting promoted here.
Someone's losing their virginity.
One of our lads down the
station got me something
about Dowd.
It seems
it seems he met with someone.
Well, I'm no fucking detective,
but even I worked out
he probably wasn't alone
when he decided to go swimming
with a fucking bullet in his head.
It was Freddie.

I can't fucking believe
you're still here.

Find him.

McGraw's been knocking heads together.
Yeah, I know.
You think they're sniffing round us?
Sniffing everywhere,
which means they ain't
got a fucking clue.
It was the factory settings.
The safe with the necklace.
Most people don't bother to change it.
Lucky guess, I guess.
Yeah, that's what I thought, Gal.
Deedee got arrested.
I was her phone call.
That's why that's why
I weren't at the stag.
Her boyfriend, Alan, got a
few of his biker mates round.
That's how I got
What, them Notting Hill ponces?
- Yeah.
- Wanna be going round there,
mob-handed, return
the fucking compliment.
- No, we don't.
- Oh, we don't?
No, of course we don't, but we should.
I'm just saying we could, should.
Last night, Gal.
When you weren't there
I get a fly in me bottle
sometimes, you know I do,
and it buzzes about me skull.
It buzzes and buzzes, and
If you'd have been there,
I'd have shut it down and kept it shut,
kept it zipped, you know?
- I overreacted.
- No.
Oh, no. I'm sorry, Gal. I really am.
I get it. I do.
Blabbing like a kid, I was.
Like a baby, I was.
Don't matter anyway.
It's over
with Marjorie.
I can't go back, Don.
It's done.



All right. No fuckups.
We need this, or the job's off
and we're dead in the water.
- No fuckups.
- It's just like the old days.
- Old-school job.
- Smash and grab and gone.
Softly, softly, catchee monkey.
Yeah, that's it.
Let's move.

Centurion alarm system.
- With a monitored phone line?
- No, it's just a dialer.
It'll give us five
minutes, tops. That's it.
- Five minutes?
- Yeah.
- You good with that?
- Great.

- Nice one.


You got it, you got it.

This is it.
This is what?
- Drills.
- Drills?
Diamond-tip core drills,
with German high-frequency
12-kilowatt motors.
Hydraulic busters.
State of the art this kit, son.

We robbing your fucking father-in-law?
Is Gal in?
You don't look like a porn star.
You're really pretty.
Come in.
I just want to know he's
all right, that's all.
Oh, he's fine.
He's excited, actually, 'cause you know,
he's getting married in a few weeks, so.
He told you that, though, right?
There's nothing going on.
But somebody thought there was.
- That's why
- Ah, well.
At least you've got
the decency to deny it.
Gal had you as a figment
of his sister's imagination.
Denied you even fucking existed.
So I guess I like you a lot
more than I like him right now.
I should go.
I don't think there's gonna
be a wedding now, do you?
It's a shame.
See, I met Gal at school.
I remember he, uh,
invited me round to his for tea one day.
His mum was, uh, doing up
his room, so he showed me.
He'd got her to, um,
wallpaper his bedroom
in the same paper that I
covered my school books with.
I still think about that, because
well, 'cause it's the nicest
thing anyone's ever done for me.
It's a nice thing to
do, that, wasn't it?
Are you in love with him?

- I'm sorry.
- For what?
For fucking him?
Or pissing on years
and years of me and him?
I understand.
I really am sorry.


Long time, no see, babes.
I haven't seen you in a club in ages.
Have you been avoiding me?
It's taken me ages to find you, babes.
Who did you tell?
If you scream
I'll fucking kill you.
I I I didn't tell anyone.
I promise.
I I wouldn't.
I don't even know who that man was.
Then why have I not seen you?
'Cause it was fucked up, Freddie.
I should I should have
I should have come to see you.
I just thought with everything,
it'd just be best to just
just let you forget.
It's not something you forget.
So that's why I've not seen you, eh?
I think it's 'cause
you've been blabbing.
Freddie! [SCREAMS]

Your dad wants to see you.
Come on. I'll give you a lift.
Yeah, sure.


All right, Tommy. What's this, then?
That's five-pin.
Runs on three-phase. 415 volts.
Will it work in ours?
Yeah, if they got enough juice,
but you might need to divert a phase.
Right, and d'you know
someone that can do that?
Well, yeah.
- Me.
- No.
- No, not you.
- Why not?
'Cause this ain't for you, Tommy.
Look, I can do this.
All right. Well, good
luck finding another sparky
who's gonna keep his mouth shut
for whatever you need that for.
Look, I ain't fucking about here.
Neither am I.
Look, I know what I'm doing.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Good boy, Tommy Gun.
You've seen Ann Marie?
Probably keeping her head
down after all the fuss.
Well, look, that's
all sorted now, right?
Some boys here, looking for Don.
- Who?
- Northerners.
Fuck a duck.

- Hello, lads.
- Where's Don?
Yeah, Don ain't due back for a while,
but you're welcome to wait.
Maybe win some more of our money.
Make it worth your while.
Or maybe we'll take all of your money.
[CHUCKLES] Let's see, shall we?
Take Tommy to Kensington
and give him the guided tour.
He's gonna set us up in
there and then get out
so get him familiar with
all the ways in and out.
And a security rota in
case there's any delays.
Where you going?
I'm gonna tell Teddy Bass
that we've finally got a fucking plan.
Good lad, Tommy.
We drop in through the sewers.
Tommy takes a live feed of the intake
by diverting a phase.
Power up, drill through
the concrete substructure.
We get into the crawl space,
work on the outer wall.
Through again and we're into the vault.

And this, uh, Tommy?
Yeah, he's a good boy. Boxer.
He's family, so.
He do that to you?
This? [SCOFFS] No, this is some lads.
It's no big deal.

Let's go for a drive.



I heard there was a bit
of bother at your stag.
Yeah, I'll sort it.
I need you fit and I need you focused.
Do you hear me?
'Cause it don't take much, Gal. Nothing.
A stray bird can get
sucked into a jet engine,
and suddenly, there's
fucking bodies everywhere.
I know.

So there's nothing that I
need to worry about, then?
No, Ted.
We're good.


All sorted?
There's a three-phase
intake to the neighbors
- so we're good to go.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
- Look, wait.
We've gotta do the security check.
We know what happens.
Yeah, well, Tommy don't.
Oh, for fuck's
Okay. Same routine.
Two guys swap to one,
and he rotates with the patrol at 10.
That's it. Got it? Good.
I I really think he needs to see it.
I don't give a fuck what you think.
Soppy bollocks.
He's off his head, boss.
Course he is.
And there's word going round,
something happened to him.
Like what?
- Fuck's sake, what?
- Well, what I heard is
Freddie got attacked.
Well, more like raped.
Raped? [LAUGHS]
What the fuck are you talking about?

Who was it?
What I heard is
Teddy Bass.

All of this,
every building within a
mile of Hyde Park Corner,
belongs to one man.

Medieval land grabs, the feudal system,
hereditary peerages, entitlement.
And we just let 'em.
God save the Queen, eh?
You know, the French had it right
with dear old Madame Guillotine.
That's what we should do, Gal.
Lots of eggs in baskets.
Do you know what that is?
I I know what it looks like.

Let me know if you find a buyer.

Shall we?

Say cheese.

The game's afoot, Gal.
Pretty bold fucking move.
Now they know it was you.
Now they know it was us.
We're gonna take them
down, Gal, one at a time.
Cut their fucking heads off.

I don't care about whatever
fucking stuff you're wrapped up in.
But when you start fucking with me
I'm gonna take an interest.
You know that.
That fucking cop Dowd
couldn't be trusted.
And you can?
You should be fucking thanking me.
You have any idea
how much I want to smash your
head on that table right now?
For fuck's sake!
- Jesus, Freddie.
Okay, Freddie. Enough now.
- That's enough.
Look, I know.
I know you're struggling right now.
- What are you talking about?
- It doesn't matter.
- We can sort it all out.
All that matters is,
I need you straight.
Just a minute.
You're gonna want to take this, boss.
Uh, Don, where the fuck are we going?
Notting Hill.
Seems it was some
biker gang that did Gal.
Need to knock some
fucking sense into them.
- Hold on, Don. What are we doing?
- No, fuck this. Fuck this.
The last thing we need
is a knife in the ribs
- this close to a job.
- Who said we'd do anything?
What? You just did!
Did not. We'll just check them out,
let them know it's in
the post. That's all.
This is a very bad idea, Don.
You're right, Mace.
You're always right.
[LAUGHS] What was I thinking?
There you go, girls.
Shepherd's Bush tube's that way.
Go on.
Don, don't do this, mate.
Fucking get out.
- Fuck.
- Fuck's sake.
It's my fucking car!
Fucking lunatic.
Come on. Hey, come on, eh? Huh?
- Hey, here, give us some more.
- Come on, come on.
- Yeah, come on, mate.
Hope you boys ain't cleaned me out.
Think your machines are rigged, darling.
You're robbing us blind here.
He's on his way, my brother.
Yes! Come on!
Yes, lad.
Look at that.
Your lucky night, boys.
Right now ♪

I am an anti-Christ ♪
I am an anarchist ♪
Don't know what I want
but I know how to get it ♪
I wanna destroy passersby ♪
'Cause I ♪
I wanna be anarchy ♪
You are in luck, boys.
This is Don Logan. Or rather, these are.

I'll leave you boys
to, uh, get acquainted.
I wanna be anarchy ♪
You fucking cunts!
Fuck! You fucking lairy twat!
I get pissed, destroy ♪

I want 'em all here now.
No excuses.
How did we get it?

They took it to an antique dealer.
Who? A fence?
Arrogant fucker did it himself.

Teddy fucking Bass.
I should put a fucking
bullet in your brain.
You knew.
You knew all this fucking time!

My whole business going
down the fucking toilet,
and you knew!
You fucking knew.
Teddy Bass promise you a cut
whilst he was fucking you?



Call the cops ♪
Fucks sake.

You want a fucking photo?
- Hey, rainmaker ♪
- Fuck off.
Come away from that man ♪
You know he's gonna take
away your promised land ♪
Hey, good lady, he
just wants what you got ♪
You know he'll never stop ♪
Marj, would you talk to me for a second?
I don't want to fucking
talk to you, Annie.
- You're fucked.
- Annie, I don't wanna fucking
- talk to a Dove right now!
- Fuck you!

Gonna stamp out your
fire, he can change ♪
- Marjorie?
- Nah, it's me.
Where the fuck have you been?
Listen, you need to get down the Eagle.
- Why? What's
- Marjorie's off her head.
She's got pupils like dinner plates.
She's gone fucking insane.
I'm on me way.
Listen, I had no choice.
Knuckle-draggers like
him, that's all they know.
Just take your stuff and go.
Well, what was I meant to have done?
I don't know.
Maybe something grown-up,
like have a conversation
instead of swinging your dick
around like a fucking teenager.
Yeah, like you've behaved
like a fucking saint.
Get your ass off the
moral high ground, Deedee.
You're the one fucking around, not me.
I want you to leave.
You don't get to just fucking
walk away. We've got plans.
- You have.
- Bollocks.
This was gonna be our
thing, for both of us.
You don't just get
to cut me out, Deedee.
- You're delusional.
- I'm the only one that fucking cares.
So chalk him up.
Let's move on.
You fuck plenty of guys at work.
He's not work.
I fucking gave you everything.
You've only ever had your
eyes on the prize, Alan.
Utter bollocks, Deedee. You
should be fucking grateful.
Coming home every night
after fuck knows who's been
emptying their junk
inside you. Who wants that?
It'll wear off, you know.
And then all he'll see is Veronica.
It's a stain, Deedee.
Here's the man.
Hey, you ever wonder what
would happen if you have kids?
- I don't want kids.
- All their mates watching
their mum getting fucked?
You're a fucking porn star, Deedee!
You'll never be anything
other than that, ever.
You're fucking stained!
I always knew one day you'd
tell me what you really think.
Now you have.
You think you've got it
all worked out, don't you?
You've got no fucking idea.
All that she wants is another baby ♪
She's gone tomorrow, boy ♪
Jesus, what happened to your face?
Don't matter. I need to know exactly
what you said to her last night.
Nothing that's not true, Gal.
She's gone tomorrow, boy ♪
All that she wants is another baby ♪
You all right, Gal?
- All right, mate?
- All right.

Get your fucking hands off me.
- Oi, leave her alone.
- Fuck you.
- What the fuck are you on?
- Fuck you!
Fuck off, Gal! No!
You're gonna show yourself up.
Get your fucking hands off me, Gal! No!
She came looking for you.

She looked at me
and I thought I was
gonna fucking vanish
into thin air.
are you even here, Gal?
You've broken my heart.
You've fucking broken it.

And I just never thought
you would do this to me.
Not you.
Because it's us, it's you and me.

I know.
It's all gone.
Marj listen.
Just just let me
just let me take you home.
Just let me take you
to your home.

Get your fucking hands off me, Gal.

Blue eyed dressed
for every situation ♪
Moving through the
doorway of a nation ♪
Get your fucking hands off me.
I'm sorry, right? I'm sorry.
Just let me take you home.
Don't fucking touch me, Gal!
You bring me down ♪
[SCREAMS] Don't fucking touch me!
Marj, please. Stay out of it, mate.
Oi, get your fucking hands off her.
- Hey.
- Fuck you, Gal!
- Marj. Marj, just
Turn the fucking music off!
Fucking a porn star behind my back, Gal.
You fucking disgust me!
What the fuck are you all looking at?
Eh? Fuck you!
Fuck the lot of you.
I was five and he was six ♪
We rode on horses made of sticks ♪
He wore black and I wore white ♪
He would always win the fight ♪
Bang, bang, he shot me down ♪
Bang, bang, I hit the ground ♪
Bang, bang, that awful sound ♪
Bang, bang ♪
My baby shot me down ♪

Seasons came and changed the time ♪
When I grew up, I called him mine ♪
He would always laugh and say ♪
Remember when we used to play? ♪
Bang, bang, I shot you down ♪
Bang, bang, you hit the ground ♪
Bang, bang, that awful sound ♪
Bang, bang ♪
I used to shoot you down ♪

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