Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Scale of God and Sorcerer of the Grasslands

Must be nice to be you.
I'm hungry.
You just ate bread.
That nasty, hard piece of bread
doesn't count as food.
If I bought enough food
to satisfy you for each meal,
I'd go bankrupt within a week.
As a male, shouldn't you feel
honored to be able to spend
your money on someone as cute as me?
If only I could slap that "honor"
onto some bread and eat it.
Did I get a rise out of you?
I'm not bread, so I don't rise.
How long until we get to the next town?
It's on the other side of that hill.
What kind of food will we eat this time?
I want to sink my teeth
into some fresh and juicy beef or lamb.
And if I can have something sweet as well,
that would be perfect.
We just ate a mountain
of apple pies in Pazzio.
After helping you finish all those apples,
I don't want to even
smell anything sweet for a while.
That sure was tasty.
That was a new way of eating apples
that even I'd never thought of.
Processing apples like that
isn't free, you know.
I'll tack that expense onto your debt and
-Is that it?
That is Poroson.
For us, our one-and-only God has
What a boring town.
There are no food stalls, after all.
You make it sound like
I'm only interested in food.
Want to go listen to a sermon, then?
They're 500 years too early
to preach to me.
You should listen to a sermon
on living a simple and frugal life.
I am a wolf, after all.
Their sermons are too difficult
for me to understand.
Well, their teachings
on simplicity and frugality are
anywhere outside of this town, anyway.
In the city of the church, Ruvinheigen,
where we're headed next,
bishops and priests
who should be following those
teachings are lining their own pockets.
Did you say, "Ruvinheigen"?
-Do you know it?
But the "Ruvinheigen" that I know
is a person's name.
Yeah, you're not mistaken.
It's the name of a saint who led an order
of holy knights to exterminate pagans.
He was a man with
bushy, fiery red hair and a beard
and a stern look on his face.
According to records,
that's what he looked like.
They also say his left arm
was chewed off when
he fought against pagan gods.
Left arm?
-It was his butt that I bit.
As soon as he saw my cute ears and tail,
he started chasing me around,
saying that I was sent by the devil.
He got on my nerves,
so I bit into his butt.
It was sinewy and not very tasty.
His butt? I'd be too embarrassed to
keep that on record too.
But just so you know
I only bit him.
I didn't kill him.
You care about that kind of stuff?
It's important.
I guess it is.
All right,
let's go to the trading company.
Okay. But before that
Sorry for the wait.
You looked like a nun with that robe on,
but now you look like
a regular girl in town.
You won't find
a girl as cute as me, though.
But in a boring town like this,
I can't even flaunt it.
We'll head to Ruvinheigen once I sell
this pepper to Latparron Trading Company,
so bear with it until then.
Is Ruvinheigen a big town?
It's huge.
It's more of a city than a town.
There are lots of stalls too.
-How about apples?
-You never get tired of that, do you?
What's delicious, is delicious.
So, how about it?
I don't know about fresh apples.
By now, I think they might be pickled
in preparation for winter.
They pickle them in honey.
They also do pears and sometimes peaches,
although that's rare.
It's quite expensive, though.
They thinly slice peaches and add
a layer of figs and almonds in between.
Then they pour a generous amount
of honey over that
and top it off with a bit of ginger.
I've eaten it once.
It's so sweet,
the church even considered banning it.
Hey, you're drooling.
But I'm not sure if it'll be there or not.
It's generally for nobles and rich people,
so stores don't have them
If the store has them
Fine! I'll buy it for you.
Well then, let's hurry up!
They might sell out.
I can't have that. We're talking about
peaches and honey, you know!
I can't believe it! It's like a dream!
We still don't know
if it's available, okay?
But pears sound just as good.
Pagans and devils
are lurking around town
without us even noticing.
Believe it or not, the other day,
a mage who manipulates
wolves has started living
near Ruvinheigen.
But the church extends mercy to
even people like them
and offers forgiveness.
Well then, shall we talk business now?
Thank you.
So, what kind of goods
did you bring today?
This, here.
Oh, black pepper?
How did you know?
The scent.
All right, let's weigh it.
Do you have a scale?
No, I don't.
However, I trust in God.
I must say,
you brought that at a very good time.
The demand for black pepper has been
soaring recently.
My goodness If you had come one week
earlier, I could've bought it cheaper.
I'm thirsty.
Even a saint cannot live without water.
Would you like water?
Or wine?
May I have water?
One moment, please.
It's worth 45 weights.
Where is this pepper from?
This was imported from
Ramapata in the Kingdom of Leedon.
The Milone Trading Company imported them.
From Ramapata, huh?
This pepper has traveled
quite a long way, hasn't it?
The certificate looks to be real.
Well then, how about we offer
one gold Lumione coin
per weight?
What is the spot price of
gold Lumione coins?
What currency do you mainly use?
Silver Trenni coins.
Let's see
It's 32 and 5/6 of a coin.
That's the spot price.
That sounds good to me.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
I feel a bit dizzy.
Are you okay?
You must be tired from the long trip.
Everything that I see
is tilting to one side.
it seems I am still dizzy.
everything appears tilted in my eyes.
Well then, did I drink water or wine?
What I drank was wine.
Isn't that right?
As they say, "The owner of a busy bar
does not drink himself."
I see.
The key to having a thriving business
is being the only sober one.
-Isn't that right?
-No, this is
It seems I was drunk on alcohol,
just like my companion.
So I'll probably forget about a few things
that I saw or heard while I was here.
On the other hand, drunkards are known
to say outrageous things.
I'll ask for the payment of the pepper
that is correctly re-weighed,
Let's see
consent to buy
double that amount on margin.
That's going too far!
Is that not possible?
That's too bad.
I feel like I'm sobering up.
As for the goods
What about quality armaments?
The annual great northern expedition
is coming up soon.
Armaments are a safe and sure way
to make a profit, don't you think?
Armaments, huh?
I'm sure you have trading companies that
you're on good terms with in Ruvinheigen.
If I sell it to them and offset the loan,
I can pay you back in no time.
What do you think?
Thank you very much.
Well then,
can you get the goods ready now?
Um, what about the appraisal?
I'll trust you with that.
I have faith in God, after all.
Now then, I am also sobering up.
As long as I get
premium wine and dried lamb,
I'll be happy.
There's a place we do
business with nearby,
so please order whatever you want.
I will call someone to escort you there.
Poor guy
I can't believe you noticed that though.
I have good looks, a fine tail, brains,
and good ears and eyes.
I noticed the moment we entered this room.
I guess it's a good enough trick
to deceive someone like you.
I have nothing to say to that.
You should be fine on your own
from this point on.
I'll go buy food while you finish up.
We have to hurry to Ruvinheigen
for the honey-pickled peaches, after all.
Only enough to get us to Ruvinheigen.
I know! Simple and frugal, right?
That took longer than expected.
Holo isn't back yet?
I hope she doesn't drink
until they go bankrupt.
I heard about it
during my pilgrimage to the north.
The town was worshipping
a pagan wolf god.
-That was delicious.
Don't tell me you ate it all!
Don't worry, there's still more.
What happened to "simple and frugal"?
Well then, now that I'm full,
I have to care for my tail.
That's right
What's up?
When we get to the next town,
I'd like some oil.
I've heard that it's good
for tail maintenance.
Buy it for me, will you?
Have you ever calculated
your clothes, comb,
travel expenses,
and food and drink expenses?
Don't tell me you can't do addition.
I can do addition.
Not just that,
I'm also good at subtraction.
Then a smart wisewolf like you
should know my answer.
Yes, I do.
You will most likely buy it for me.
After all, you are going to make
quite a profit thanks to me.
Buy me oil, will you?
Do you realize how much money you owe me?
Why would I buy you
more unnecessary things?
My goodness Do you want me to
pay off my debt that badly?
Of course!
I didn't realize you felt that way
What do you mean?
Well, if I pay off my debt,
I'll be free to go.
Then I'll just return to the north.
I wonder how Paro and Myuri are doing?
There is no payment deadline
for your debt.
It's fine as long as you pay it off
before we get to the north forest.
Are you satisfied now?
I'm sure I will pay off my debt
by the time we get to the north forest.
The oil, huh?
Buy it for me, will you?
Thank you!
But why did you get armaments?
Because Ruvinheigen is a supply depot for
the great northern expedition
against the pagans.
Armaments are hot sellers.
Then we'll make quite the profit.
No, there are many merchants
who will be selling them.
So naturally, the interest rate drops.
But with this much stuff,
I'm sure we'll make good money.
We'll make enough
to buy your oil, I guess.
But if you think about it that way,
spices are really great.
You ate it?
I'm not like you. I'm talking about money.
Then you should've just got more spices.
There's not much of a price difference
between Ruvinheigen and Poroson.
You actually lose money
because of tariffs.
If only I could sell something that
is as profitable as spices.
Then I'd have my own shop in no time.
You can't think of anything?
What about jewels or gold?
Those things aren't very profitable
in regard to Ruvinheigen.
Why is that?
When you try to import gold
into Ruvinheigen,
they impose heavy tariffs.
Do the people in that town
not want gold or what?
That's not it.
Merchants who are partnered
with the church bring in gold.
The tariffs
are reduced for them, after all.
And when they take it to
the church in Ruvinheigen,
they can get the gold engraved.
It's then called holy gold
and becomes highly valuable.
the church and a handful of merchants
are monopolizing the profit, huh?
Talk about "holy."
It's as filthy as you can get.
Well, if you can manage to smuggle it,
it would sell for ten times more.
Can't we just bring it in secretly?
If we could, everyone would be doing that.
If you're caught, they'll sever
your dominant arm, at the very least.
It's not worth the risk, in my opinion.
That's true.
Well, your business is doing good,
so might as well just keep at it.
But a certain someone keeps
squandering my hard-earned money.
there's a lot of people.
To make a detour,
we'll have to go down Saint Lyne.
How about this fabric?
Can anybody speak Parousian?
Apparently, down this road
A mercenary company, who should be
in the north, is moving down south.
You can take a detour,
but there are wolves roaming about
and recently, there are rumors of
a pagan mage who can summon wolves.
So, what is Holo the Wisewolf's opinion?
I've never had a good experience
with mercenary companies.
Well, they're troublesome
wherever they go.
What about the wolves?
They're easier to handle than humans.
At least I can communicate with them.
Then it's settled.
Nobody is here.
Rumors carry more weight than you think.
Are there any wolves?
Wolves aren't stupid enough to be
spotted that easily in a place
that's as open as this.
the kind of human that I hate
is ahead of us.
The mage or whatever? What should we do?
It's their job to run away.
There's no reason for us to avoid them.
A shepherd.
The "mage" they were talking about
was a shepherd?
What was that for?
It's a ritual you do
when you meet a shepherd.
Now we know that person is not a mage.
I'm Lawrence, a traveling merchant.
She's Holo, my traveling companion.
If it was God's will that we met,
and if you are a good shepherd,
you should know what to do.
Next time, "A Traveling Companion
and Sinister Message."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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