Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Jedi and the Thief/The Missing Kibbin

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
I've got you now, Taborr.
[powers down]
[Lys] Whoa, nice move!
[speaking Poobian]
That costume you put on the droid
looks like Taborr.
-[Nubs chuckles]
-It is pretty great, right?
Kai, may I speak with you, please?
Yes, Master Zia?
I'd like to talk about the costume
you put on that droid.
-Oh, that? It helps me focus.
-[droid powers up]
I can pretend like I'm fighting
a real pirate like Taborr.
-Hmm. So, you want to fight Taborr?
-[weapons clashing]
Well, yeah.
Taborr's a thief and a pirate.
He takes what he wants,
and he's mean to my friends.
If I could fight him,
then I could make him stop.
Kai, I'm about to leave
on a quick mission.
How 'bout you come with me? Just us.
A mission?
With you?
So, where are we going, Master Zia?
Well, one of the Temple's
cooling units broke.
I have an old friend nearby who should
have exactly what I need to fix it.
[controls beeping]
And it looks like we're already there.
[people chattering]
[droids beeping]
[sighs] It's good to be back.
I trained on this planet
when I was your age.
What? You trained here?
No way!
[laughs] I sure did.
-I was a lot like you then.
-[droid beeps]
Kai, about the droid you dressed up
to look like Taborr…
I know some of the things
Taborr does aren't good,
but there's more to being a Jedi
than fighting pirates.
Of course, Master Zia.
But what about fighting
to protect people and--
Zia? Zia Zaldor Zanna?
-[gasps] Oh. [chuckles]
You know him, Master Zia?
Kai, this is Faraz.
I met him when I was training here.
Faraz, I was hoping you had
a spare cryo-spanner I could trade for.
Hmm. [chuckles]
I'm sure we can work out a deal.
Did you really know Master Zia
when she was my age?
What was she like?
Uh, she was a feisty one.
Always looking to fight
with some pirates, scrappers, or thieves.
Yes, I've learned a lot since then.
Master Zia,
someone is stealing our shuttle!
Faraz, can I borrow your speeder?
Uh-- Uh, sure.
Come on, Kai.
Just try to bring it back
in one piece this time.
Thank you!
Who would steal our shuttle?
Not sure. But we have to get it back!
Whoa! Nice moves, Master Zia.
Oh, no! The shuttle's too high up.
Not quite!
Hold on tight, Kai!
[Kai screaming]
We're not gonna make it!
We're not gonna make it!
[Zia] Come on!
[Kai screaming]
[both grunt]
We made it.
Oh! Not again.
Sorry, Faraz.
Let's figure out who's on board.
Got you now, thief.
Took you long enough.
Ace? Ace Kallisto?
You stole my ship?
Getting slow in your old age, Zia.
[sighs] I should've known.
Don't often see Jedi shuttles here.
I wondered if it was my old pal Zia.
-So, I just had to have it.
Plus, shuttles used by Jedi
are very valuable and all that.
Wait. Master Zia, you know her too?
Yep. She's quite the famous thief
in this sector.
No! Wait a minute! Stay back!
Who's the kid?
My name's Kai.
Kai Brightstar.
And Master Zia and I are here
to get this shuttle back.
-[alert beeping]
-[alarm blaring]
-Oh, no!
-Kid, what did you do?
[Zia] The flight controls are busted!
We're going down. Hold on!
[Kai, Ace screaming]
[ship crashing]
[Zia groans]
[Ace coughs]
What-- What happened?
Your little light sword show
busted the controls and we crashed.
But I-- I-- [sighs]
-[Zia groans]
-Are-- Are you okay?
Let me just--
-Master Zia!
[Zia groans]
You twisted up that ankle real bad.
We need to call for help.
[grunts] We can't.
The comm system is broken.
[grunts] My comlink isn't working either.
I think I know why.
Our shuttle slid into a cave
when we crashed.
We can't get a signal out.
Well, if the cave is the problem,
we just need to get out, right?
[both] A stalaat.
I don't know about that, kid.
Looks like we crashed into its home…
…and it's not happy about it.
-[stalaat growls]
-We're trapped, and it's my fault.
I-I was just trying to help.
It was an accident.
Now we need to find
a way past the stalaat.
I can do it.
I got us into this mess and--
Kai, you can't go alone.
[winces, sighs]
But I can't walk.
Perhaps if you and Ace work together?
Go with her? But she's a thief.
That's Master Thief to you, small stuff.
But Zia's right, kid.
We need to work together if we're gonna
get past that thing and call for help.
Kai, do you remember
what I told you earlier?
That there's more to being
a Jedi than just fighting?
Yes, Master Zia.
I know, but--
Kai, I was a lot like you
when I was young.
When I trained
on this planet as a Padawan,
I met Ace, but we weren't friends.
She was a thief.
I wanted to stop her because I used
to think Ace was, you know, a bad person.
But isn't she?
Kai, even if someone
has done bad things before,
they can still choose to do good.
That is what the Jedi believe.
And it's what I believe.
I know it's hard to understand, Kai,
but trust me.
Go with Ace.
I'll be safe here.
I won't let you down.
-[both panting]
All right, kid.
You distract the stalaat while I sneak
out of the cave and call for help.
Uh, how do I know you won't just run away
and leave us here?
Why don't you distract it?
What, you don't trust me?
Uh, probably smart.
Okay, I'll distract it.
[growling continues]
T-There are two of them?
[both growling, roaring]
So much for our plan, kid.
We both gotta get out.
-[Kai, Ace panting]
Back off.
-Oh, you don't like glowy things, huh?
-[Kai grunts]
Oh, you want the glowy thing.
[Kai grunts]
Oh, and I bet you do too.
Keep it up, kid!
[Kai grunting]
[Kai] What?
Ace! Where--
Where are you going?
[grunts] She left?
-[growling continues]
[shouts] Whoa! [grunts]
Oh, no!
[Kai whimpers]
Aha! That ought to scare 'em off.
[stalaats screeching]
[gasps] You didn't run away!
What are you waiting for, kid?
Make the call already!
This is Kai Brightstar of the Jedi Order.
Our shuttle crashed, and we need help.
[static on comm]
[rescuer] We've got a lock on your comm.
We're sending a rescue crew now.
Oh. [clears throat] Thank you.
[pit droids chirping]
[chuckles] The kid takes after you, Zia.
I'm sure he'll turn out good.
[Zia] I'm sure he will too, Ace.
The real question is, will you?
[scoffs] Don't count on it.
But it was nice seeing you again, Zia.
Until next time.
-[droid beeps]
Feeling better already.
I'm glad you're okay.
Master Zia, I've been thinking about Ace
and whether she's good or bad.
Oh, yeah?
And what have you decided?
I mean, well, stealing is wrong.
But she also saved me
when she could've just run away.
So, I guess she's not all bad.
And I believe people can change
and choose to do good too.
Master Zia, do you think that one day
Ace will change her ways?
I certainly hope she does.
If Ace can choose to do good,
then maybe one day Taborr can too.
[Nubs, Lys grunting]
-[Nubs yelps]
-[Lys chuckles]
Master Zia, you're limping.
[speaking Poobian]
-Oh, I'm fine.
Just a little excitement during our trip.
Master Zia jumped from a speeder
onto a shuttle in midair!
Whoa! Really?
Oh, that reminds me.
I need to get Faraz a new speeder bike.
Nubs, Lys, we don't need to pretend
we're fighting Taborr.
[speaking Poobian]
We don't?
Being a Jedi isn't about fighting.
It's about believing that people
can choose to do good.
Even pirates like Taborr.
Thanks for helping me understand,
Master Zia.
Now, who wants to practice
some lightsaber moves?
-[Kai, Nubs grunts]
-[Lys laughs]
-[Kai] Whoa!
-[Lys laughs]
[Kai] Watch this!
[all grunting, laughing]
[band playing upbeat music]
-[speaking Poobian]
Are you really that hungry, Nubs?
-We had breakfast at the Temple.
-[Nubs grunts]
But something smells good.
[speaking Poobian]
Mmm. It does smell good.
I guess I can go for a snack too.
My favorite Jedi!
Can I interest you in today's specials?
The first is a new recipe.
Tenooan channelfish dumplings.
Pretty tasty, if I do say so myself!
And the other recipe is spicy vegetable
and riverweed dumplings.
Mmm. Hap, you've done it again.
Another amazing new recipe.
Why, thank you.
-Excuse me, sir.
-[stranger] Move!
-Aren't you gonna try your dumpling, Kai?
Oh, I will, but there's something strange
going on out there.
-[stranger grunts]
What do you mean strange?
Someone's going around the marketplace
making a mess.
What do you think they're doing?
[speaking Poobian]
We could always ask.
[stranger groaning]
Uh, hello?
Huh? What do you want, kid?
Uh-- I'm Kai Brightstar.
I'm a Jedi, and so are my friends here.
We were just wondering
why you're looking around the marketplace
and in the trash?
[groans] You're Jedi, huh?
More like younglings.
The name's Ansen Strung.
Not sure it's any of your business,
but if you must know, I'm a bounty hunter.
[speaking Poobian]
You know,
someone who's paid to find things.
Usually it's people.
I used to get all kinds of jobs.
[groans] But not anymore.
Today, my job is to find
a pet kibbin named Figgles.
A kibbin!
-I know that creature.
It looks like this.
So cute.
Yep. Small, furry, purple.
I know what a kibbin is.
Some kid hired me to find her pet.
Never got hired for a missing pet before,
but I don't get much work these days
now that I'm getting older.
Anyway, she offered a big reward
to find it before this evening.
But I'm worried I may run out of time.
Oh, well, we could help you.
Jedi are supposed to help people.
[grunts] I work alone.
I have everything I need right here.
Jet boots, detonators, infrared binocs.
-Ooh! What does this button do?
[both scream]
[speaking Poobian]
Oops. Sorry.
-Well, we're no bounty hunters.
But, uh, my friends and I are really good
at finding things.
[speaking Poobian]
If we all work together, I bet we could
find the kibbin before this evening.
[groans] I-I've always worked alone.
But if I don't find it in time,
I won't get that reward.
And I really need that reward.
[groans, exclaims]
I guess if you wanna look too,
it's not like I can stop ya.
-[both] Yes!
We'll find that missing kibbin, Ansen.
-This don't mean we're a team or anything.
I'm not splitting that reward.
-You got it?
-[speaks Poobian]
Hmm. It says here that kibbins
are very fast, easily scared,
and good at hiding in small spaces.
-[coos, speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Hmm.
That could be a lot of places
in Kublop Springs.
Maybe we can ask
if someone's seen something.
[groans] You mean talk to people?
It'll be great!
People are friendly here.
The more people that help,
the faster we'll find the kibbin.
Hmm. I doubt that.
[Lys] Hmm.
How about them?
Excuse me. Have you seen--
You! Where's the kibbin?
[screams] Kibbin?
Was I supposed to have a kibbin?
-What's a kibbin?
-I don't know.
This guy's scary.
Let's get outta here.
Please wait.
Have you seen a cute creature
that looks like this?
No. But the channelfish
we caught just went missing.
My sister thinks she saw
something take it from the boat.
Hmm. Could be a clue.
-Let me take a look.
-[both scream]
Maybe if you ask more politely?
Yeah. Okay.
[speaking Poobian]
Those look like kibbin tracks!
A little hard to see though.
Can't tell which way they're going.
That's why I have these.
I'll just switch to infrared mode.
It should let me see
that rascally kibbin's tracks better.
Yes! [grunts]
There they are. Going thataway.
Now we're cooking!
Just like the good old days!
Nothing can run from Ansen Strung.
[clears throat]
I mean, um, come on.
Let's see where these tracks lead.
And then Ansen used his amazing binocs
to follow the tracks
all the way here to your home, Nash.
Wow. Well, unfortunately,
I haven't seen any kibbins around.
And I've never heard of bounty hunters
looking for cute animals before.
Seems kind of strange.
It's worth a lot of credits, okay?
I just want the reward.
Could we take a look around?
Maybe the kibbin is hiding somewhere.
Sure. I'll keep an eye out
and let you know if I see anything too.
Thanks, Nash.
[mutters] All right.
Not that I needed anyone else's help,
but th-- [groans]
Thank you.
You're welcome, big guy.
[Nubs straining]
Nothing hiding over here!
[Nubs straining]
Hmm. [exclaims]
[straining continues]
Here. Hop on my back,
furry little Jedi kid.
[Nubs exclaiming]
Any luck up there, Nubs?
[groans, speaking Poobian]
Me neither.
All I found is this half-eaten sandwich.
Who ate my channelfish sandwich?
Aw, I was saving that.
These look like kibbin teeth marks.
A clue! We found another clue!
[chuckles] I mean, of course we did.
[Nubs screams]
And those look like bread crumbs
from the sandwich.
Let's follow 'em!
Mmm. Mmm. Still good.
[Kai] And the bread crumbs led here.
So, have you seen a kibbin?
Can't say I have.
Uh, what is a kibbin again?
Furry, purple, about this big.
Oh, like that thing over there
sniffing around in a junk pile
of smelly old channelfish cans?
-[speaking Poobian]
Shh. Wait! Don't scare it.
Look. Figgles is blocked
on one side by that junk.
If we work together,
we can surround it before it runs away.
I'm sorry, kids. I told you I work alone.
You helped me find the kibbin,
but now it's time for me
to do my job my way.
Kibbins are way faster than they look.
[Figgles chitters]
[all gasp]
[groans] What?
[chittering continues]
-Which way did it go?
-I don't know.
There's no sign of it anywhere.
[speaking Poobian]
[groans] What did I do?
Some bounty hunter I am.
Can't even find a missing pet.
Maybe I really am getting too old
for anyone to hire me.
Might as well give up.
Ansen, you don't have to give up.
Yeah. I know it's hard, but we found
the kibbin when we worked together.
And we can do it again as a team.
[speaking Poobian]
I guess it is my fault
I tried to catch the kibbin alone.
Maybe working with a team ain't so bad.
You still really wanna help me?
-[Lys] Of course!
-[Nubs exclaims]
And if I know Lys's thinking face…
[Lys] Hmm. Hmm.
…that means she's coming up with an idea.
[gasps] I've got it!
Instead of chasing the kibbin,
we can make it come to us.
Figgles took the channelfish from the boat
and also likes these cans.
So it must like the channelfish!
We can use Hap's channelfish dumplings
to lure it out of hiding…
-[Nubs exclaims]
-[Figgles chitters]
[Lys] …and bring it to where
we want it to go so we can trap it.
[Force rumbling]
Ansen, now!
[Figgles chitters]
-[chuckles] Got you! Yes!
[chittering continues]
It's okay, little buddy.
We're not gonna hurt you.
-We just wanna get you back home.
Tricky little critter.
You were my hardest job yet.
-Yes, you were.
-Here you go, little one.
Mr. Ansen, you found Figgles!
-I was so worried about you.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you, Mr. Ansen.
My uncle told me you were
the best bounty hunter in the Outer Rim.
-I guess he was right.
Of course he was.
Nothing can run from Ansen Strung.
Yeah, well, I've never been hired
to find a lost pet before.
It's harder than it looks.
And I suppose
I couldn't have done it without your help.
We're just happy
you got your pet back, Raena.
Oh. Aw.
Here's your payment, Mr. Ansen.
-[chitters, purrs]
All right, Figgles.
Let's go home.
You know, I think I'll stick around
Kublop Springs for a while.
I admit, it was kind of nice not
to do things alone for once.
And the people here are pretty friendly.
And here's a fresh plate of dumplings.
Besides, I can't get enough of these.
-[Nubs chews]
-[Ansen] Mmm.
Mmm! Mmm!
Oh, let's get some more, please.
Next round is on me!
Oh, and some delicious sap beverages
for everyone too.
Oh, right away, Mr. Bounty Hunter, sir!
[laughs] I thought you said
you weren't gonna share your reward.
Ah, well, we were sort of a team.
Just don't get used to it.
[all laughing]
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