Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[foreboding music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
Gang Nam-soon!
[gasps, thuds]
-[man] What was that?
-[Yu-gwang] What's going on?
What are you doing? Get back to work.
Huh? Get back to work!
Get back to work now!
-Go, go!
-[people clamoring]
[man] She was pushed. I saw it.
Do you really hate me so much
you want to kill me?
If you hadn't shown up,
then my happiness wouldn't have ended.
Turn yourself in
or I'll arrest you myself.
-[Hee-sik] I'm a cop.
You understand?
Gang Nam-soon says
she wants to forgive you.
[Hee-sik] But I can't do that.
How dare you try to kill her.
I've broken a bone, I think.
[tense music playing]
[lock chimes]
[thrilling music playing]
Thank you so much for meeting me here
and taking time out of your busy schedule.
I should be the one thanking you
for inviting me here tonight.
I've also really wanted
to meet you in private.
Shall we sit down
and make ourselves comfortable?
[music stops]
[tense music playing]
What would you like to play, Mr. Ryu?
Indian Poker. Do you know it?
[Geum-ju] Of course.
Let's go with that.
[Geum-ju] How about this?
The winner gets to make a proposal
that the loser simply cannot refuse.
Are you scared or something?
[soft chuckle]
I'm not.
Let's do it.
[tense music playing]
I'll see you and raise you.
All in.
Are you gonna call?
No, I fold.
You've folded and your card was a ten.
You do know there's a penalty
when you fold while holding
the game's highest value card, don't you?
Your proposal, tell me.
What do you want?
I see Doogo is doing great these days.
How did you build
this empire all by yourself?
-Well, of course, the revenue is what
-I don't want the obvious answer.
I want to know the real reason,
the honest one.
Game changer.
"Game changer"?
The power to create a world
that's entirely mine.
Obtaining that power, that's my goal here.
Okay, so, ultimately, what do you want
to achieve with that power?
Only the fittest survive this world.
The powerless get discarded.
They get trampled on.
I intend on becoming
the apex predator no one can reach.
And once you've reached
the height of apex predator,
won't you trample on others yourself?
[Geum-ju] The way I see it, those who are
truly strong always protect the weakest.
My goal is to use my money and power
to create a world that caters
to everybody, strong or weak.
And for that very reason, I would like
to invest in Doogo, as a matter of fact.
Really? Well, how much money do you have?
How much do you need?
Come on, you think you can do
whatever you want 'cause you have money?
Of course not.
Did you even look into our market cap
before you dare to present this scheme?
Of course, 1.62 trillion won.
[Geum-ju] I think that's nowhere near
where it needs to be
so that Doogo can become
a global company, you know.
[amused chuckle]
[Si-o] You've got a lot of guts.
Or maybe you do have
a lot of money, really.
Which then makes me wonder.
All that money, did you, uh,
get it from doing bad things?
How dare you.
[Geum-ju] I got to where I am today
without ever, not once,
participating in shady business
or evading taxes at all.
My diligence and back-breaking work
got me here.
This contains the details
of all my wealth.
Both the Financial Supervisory Service
and the IRS have this data.
So it's not confidential.
[dark music playing]
Tell me what it is you want.
What's all this bullshit about?
There is something that I'd like to know.
The real mastermind.
Not the shareholders,
I'm not talking about them.
The real cash cow.
Doogo's mastermind, huh?
Why do you wanna know that?
I just have a feeling that whoever it is,
they're up to no good.
Use my money instead. That's what I want.
[Geum-ju] I wanna be
the one who pulls the strings.
That's what I wanna propose.
So I'll just leave that with you.
[door opens]
[heels clacking]
[playful music playing]
-[bones crackle]
What am I even doing in this picture?
[Bong-go] I look so awkward.
I'm not in the family.
I'm not an outsider.
I'm a weird in between.
Hi, Nam-in.
Wow. How did you know?
I could feel the weight
of your hands on my eyes.
But the big giveaway
was the smell of sandwiches for sure.
[sniffs, cackles]
Hey, Pa. I've declared independence.
From the dictator! I'm free!
[sighs] Do you really think you are?
I'm thinking this is only a pipe dream,
but maybe I'm just too used
to Geum-ju's shenanigans.
Oh, whoa!
Is that photo edited, Dad?
Yeah. I cut you in half.
Hey, you know, the dictator
won't be a big fan of this picture.
Well, Mom, I think she's trying
to keep Nam-soon a secret.
-But why?
-No idea.
I never get what she does.
[dark music playing]
[Geum-dong] Your phone, please.
If they've hacked you, the first step
is to find which app has the malware.
Here it is.
Now we reverse-engineer the malware,
and we should get the hacker's IP address.
But they usually use VPN,
so we probably won't.
[sighs] Didn't get it.
If they hadn't deleted the files
they got from your phone,
we should be able to trace these guys.
Hackers usually know that, though.
So they probably deleted them right away.
So what's the plan now?
We change course, obviously.
To where?
To their computer.
[keyboard clacking, buzzes]
-[both gasp]
-Please! Oh, Papa, I need your help.
-I accidentally hit my car.
-Got 'em.
-[scammer] I'm in Gangnam Police Station!
-Hey, give me this guy's location.
Ma, you're not testing me
or anything, are you?
[Geum-dong] 'Cause this is illegal.
[sighs] Wow. Oh, Mom.
[Jun-hee] Wait for me. I'll go with you.
Look at her. Punishing bad guys herself.
Oh, your phone. Your phone. Here.
Oh, right. Thanks.
[sighs] This was so taxing.
I need to lie down.
Oh, there's nobody here, I guess.
Let's just go, sweetie.
Wait, wait, wait.
Are you saying I'm a nobody?
Where the heck is Nam-in anyway?
Am I really supposed
to man the café by myself?
[line beeps]
Uh, yes, hello?
It's me, Myeong-tae.
What are you up to?
[door opens, chimes, closes]
[Young-tak] Hi, sir.
It's me. What's up?
I've been good.
No water.
That's great, sir.
Keep it up for a little while.
Thank you.
Where is Hee-sik?
Hee-sik, uh, at Doogo, sir.
I said there's nothing there.
What is he doing?
He got some leads, I think.
Let's leave him to it.
[exhales] Let's go.
Go where? Where are you going?
[Dong-seok] Want me to stay here forever?
[Hee-sik] I told you.
Don't expect her to change.
She, um, really tried
to kill me, didn't she?
Why are you so nice, huh?
Just be nice to me, will you?
Don't be nice to other people, please.
When she leaves the hospital,
I'll arrest her for attempted murder.
[sharp exhale]
Oh, right. Is your captain okay now?
[phone vibrates]
It's him.
Hello, Team Leader. How are you?
[Dong-seok] None of this stuff is it.
None of the items react to water?
You sure?
[Dong-seok] Yeah.
Not sure about this intel of yours.
I'll be there soon, sir.
[line ends]
They didn't find any drugs yet?
We should just buy the items, right?
So we save the trouble
of stealing them, don't you think?
We could just buy everything
on their site.
That product isn't available
to just anyone, of course.
So, um, maybe we could go through
the computer in the CEO's office.
Don't you think?
If there are special clients at Doogo,
then somewhere on that computer,
there's a list of clients
who can access the drugs.
So we could check that
instead of stealing them.
[deep breath]
Checking his computer for a list.
Let's find the special client's list.
If we can track down those customers,
it will be the most
definitive proof we can get.
How do I make it into his office?
Wait here.
[running footsteps]
How's your injury?
You're back at work again so soon?
Yeah, of course.
I'm even working back-to-back shifts.
It's no worries at all.
You're doing this without any sleep?
I'm taking a special health tonic.
So I'm not tired at all, honestly.
"Health tonic"? What's that?
So much for only be nice to me, huh?
Anyway, why do Korean people work so hard?
I mean, he's working non-stop.
I'm also working hard, all right?
-Shall we?
-Are you busy tomorrow?
-[Bong-go] Yes, I am.
Cancel everything.
Family party at Superior Room
of Geumju Hotel.
Oh, hello.
Yes, how are you doing?
Sure. See you there.
[thrilling music playing]
She imposes stuff all the time.
She's throwing a party.
I know. Your birthday's tomorrow, right?
She could be throwing a party
for your birthday.
Of course not.
Why would she?
She's never done that before.
[Bong-go] What's going on?
Why aren't you eating?
You only ate one. What's the matter?
Well, I took a weight-loss pill recently.
I think it's working, Pa.
-I don't have an appetite.
-Oh, really?
What kind of pill is it, huh?
[dark music playing]
[deep breath]
[shaky breath]
[suspenseful music playing]
I know Geum-ju opened this café
to write off business expenses,
but business is super slow.
She opened the café to teach Nam-in
how to run a business.
Profit's not the purpose.
What's yours?
I don't know.
I just take it one day at a time.
Anyway, I have to go.
I got a golf lesson.
Ms. Jung, wait. When you look at me
what do you see?
Why would you ask me that?
There's nobody here.
Oh, come on. Nobody again? Seriously?
Am I not a person?
-Some leftover chicken.
Leftovers from you?
[sighs] Your mom wanted me to persuade
you not to go live with Bong-go, you know?
-[Geum-dong] But I don't agree with her.
I think you'll have a better time
living with Bong-go than her.
Your personalities match, you know.
You two are like a set.
-How it should be.
-Where is Grandma and Mr. Seo?
Where did they go?
Those two are a set too, right?
Like pollock and mayonnaise.
Barney and Fred. Like Romeo and Juliet.
Ugh, she said
she wanted to sleep with him.
Ugh, Grandma's just yuck!
Anyway, Ms. Jung
[pitiful music playing]
Oh, come on.
UNIT 511
UNIT 511
Joong-gan! Joong-gan!
[action music playing]
[scammer 1] What's going on?
Hey, what the Who are you?
[both gasp]
Hey, get over here.
So would you like to walk out of here
or would you rather have broken ribs
and call a doctor?
[panicked gasp]
[scammer screams]
[bowling pins strike out]
-[scammers groaning]
-[gasps in amazement]
-Could you get the door, please?
-[Jun-hee] Uh, sure.
-[hands dusting off]
Oh, Mr. Seo.
You must be a bit shocked.
I'll explain it to you later.
Let's get in the car, hmm?
Come on.
Huh? [giggles]
[door closes]
-[Joong-gan grunts]
-[bodies thud]
Look what I brought you.
These guys here are the deepfake scammers.
-[Joong-gan] Lock them up.
You told me it would take over six months.
How could I catch those guys
so quickly myself, hmm?
They'll try to run, so keep them
in custody for now, will you?
Sure. Will do, ma'am.
-Hey, hey.
Get up, will you?
So you can be interrogated.
Look, if you don't return
the 20 million won
that you scammed right away,
I'll shatter your bones
into pieces so tiny,
that they could be used
to make beef bone soup, okay?
You heard me, right?
-And look.
If you don't investigate
this case properly,
the next one in line to face
my wrath will be you.
Where drums beat, laws are silent, buddy.
I think you get that, don't you?
I'll keep that in mind.
Let's go, hon.
Oh, after all that talk of bones,
I wanna have pork stew now.
I haven't had it in a while. Eh?
[cop 1] Take care, ma'am!
[Joong-gan sighs]
Um, Ms. Gil.
About the garage incident, the vict
Uh, the suspect has been found dead.
Huh? How did he die?
Cardiac arrest, apparently.
The drug department has taken on the case.
Oh, my god!
I did think it was weird
he parked his car in front of mine
when there were a lot
of open spaces everywhere. Mm?
It's very sad for this young guy, huh?
The guys from the drug department
might call you in as a witness,
so, um, hope you're able to help.
I will.
Oh, and by the way, could you check
on the guys upstairs
to make sure they're quick?
I won't have to hit them, huh?
-Oh, of course. Of course.
-[light chuckle]
In fact, I'll go up right now
and have a word with them.
I'll be trusting you, huh?
[cop 2] Take care, ma'am.
[romantic music playing]
Ms. Gil, um, your, um, strength?
Oh, right. Mm.
All the women in, uh, the family
have been so powerful for generations.
-[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Family party
this Saturday at 6:00 p.m.
[chuckles] That crazy girl, she's
My daughter's throwing a party at 6:00,
and I would love to bring you along,
so you'll finally understand
everything, hmm?
I just have one question.
Uh, I, uh, I hope you won't take offense.
Did you have surgery to
-[Jun-hee] Were you a man?
-[light chuckle]
-You're good at making jokes.
But it's not at all funny.
Didn't I tell you about my daughter?
I gave birth to her.
My mother, too, was very strong
like we are.
So that's why my name is Gil Joong-gan.
Because my mother gave birth
on the road back then,
which is what the name means.
That's a family thing.
And you thought I was a guy. Seriously?
And also, you checked it for yourself.
Oh, you're so silly, man.
[giggles] I'm so embarrassed.
Seat belt.
Oh, of course.
Oh. [chuckles]
[Geum-ju] I've thrown the bait.
He won't bite immediately,
but it should be more than enough
to get a reaction out of him.
Ryu Si-o was in Russia the whole time
until he founded Doogo, his company.
He must have made deals
while he was there.
Opulentia's looking into it right now.
[mysterious music playing]
What's the name of the Russian mafia?
[door closes]
[Yu-gwang] Uh, here, sir.
Why would Tsetseg steal?
Something happened today
and it might provide an answer
to that question.
Here. This person
had a fight with Tsetseg.
-Why so?
-[Yu-gwang] My guess is
the two of them wanted to steal together.
And then something went wrong.
An Eun-ji said she wouldn't do it.
And Tsetseg just
sends her flying.
Oh, by the way, An Eun-ji
joined our firm with a false identity.
Her real name is Lee Myung-hee.
[Hee-sik] This is the last one, right?
I guess we get the hang of this, huh?
Oh, right.
I'm seeing my dad tonight, dude.
I know. Did I say you couldn't?
I'll take these real quick,
so just wait here for a sec.
No way.
If you're late, I'm just gonna leave.
I'll hit you if you don't wait.
You're being cocky. Stop being cocky.
"You're being cocky."
"Don't be cocky."
Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. [giggles]
[Hee-sik] Jesus.
[Geum-ju] Do you have
romantic feelings for Nam-soon?
No, I don't.
Do I?
[dark music playing]
Hwang Geum-ju.
She's on another level.
Apparently, every major conglomerate
in Korea has borrowed money from her.
Find out everything about her.
Yes, sir.
[Geum-ju] Oh, right.
Here you go.
[Geum-ju] Could you look into this man
for me?
I think that man's a fraud.
And every woman in Gangnam
is falling for him.
So you're saying this man
charms his way into wealth.
It's something worse than that, I think.
I'm sure we'll find out this guy
is up to some terrible things.
[phone vibrates]
348, and 289.
Not now.
I'm not in the mood to play
one of your numbers games today.
[Hong-do] Wait a minute.
I thought you wanted updates
on Mr. Song's whereabouts?
They're the GPS coordinates
of his current location.
112, 348, 289.
I don't want numbers.
I want words, you idiot!
Cheongdam Round Jiji.
[imitating airplane engine]
-[Bread munches]
You know, Sheita Airlines
issued shares a total of 100 million,
and the stock prices
just plummeted to only ten euros,
which makes the market cap
a billion dollars now.
That means a billion dollars
is enough to buy the whole corporation.
But I've analyzed the entire company
and I realized
I could make over two billion dollars
just selling their airplanes,
warehouses, real estate, bag money,
future deposits, and other billion.
So the company's worth
three billion dollars in total.
[both chuckle]
Sheita's selling price went down
because of pandemic,
but the planes are still pretty useful.
To transport people, but not only that.
To transport cargo as well.
So you're telling me that
that's what the Bread Iron Fund does?
You'll hear the money coming in
like leaves falling down
during the autumn.
Sounds of money coming in
like leaves falling.
"Like leaves falling."
Oh, I can hear it. [giggles]
Don't let anyone
know about it.
[Bread] Like
leaves falling.
-The leaves are falling.
-They're falling.
-The leaves are falling.
-Are falling.
[mocking tone] "Leaves are falling"?
-He's a fraud, that jerk.
-Trust me on this.
He only picks single women,
and then he seduces them.
Uh, I
Ms. Hwang?
Oh, my, Ms. Gong.
I haven't been seeing you
in the golf club.
Is this where you've been up to?
-Ms. Gong, let's hit some ball sometime.
Bread-eating Bread Song, huh?
Oh, boy! That's poetic, isn't it?
[Geum-ju cackles]
You're talking investment, right?
Can you, um, fill me in?
I'm busy. Forgive me.
I'll contact you.
Bread. Bread. Bread. Hey, wait.
[Ms. Gong] Bread! Bread!
What a pretentious douche.
Dollars to tip.
[Yu-gwang] Bring down everything, okay?
Uh, Tsetseg.
The CEO wants to see you.
Why does he wanna see me?
Oh, just I don't know.
Listen, why
did you steal that stuff?
How did you find out?
I'm the manager.
You thought I didn't know?
Take me to his office.
[phone vibrates]
Hey, what's up?
[Nam-soon] Home-sik.
They've found out
that I stole those things.
The manager must've seen me.
So the CEO wants me in his office.
Ryu Si-o?
This is our chance.
I'll get information from the CEO
once I'm close to him.
Hey, look. I don't think
it'll be that easy.
Don't worry, man.
I'm Gang Nam-soon, right?
[light chuckle]
Don't be so reckless, Nam-soon. Come on!
[phone vibrates]
[Hee-sik] Hey, Young-tak.
[Young-tak] Kang Hee-sik, where are you?
Why aren't you here?
We've got a briefing session.
I need to get the customer data.
I'm a police officer now,
even though I'm a fake one.
I got this!
[door opens]
[door closes]
[daunting music playing]
[sirens wailing]
[shaky breathing]
Hello, I'm Tsetseg.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm Ryu Si-o.
Mm-hmm. 'Sup, dude?
As I said, she speaks very informally.
-Could you leave us alone?
-Ah, of course.
-[door opens, closes]
-About the stealing, I'm sorry.
I just wanted to send those things
to my parents in Mongolia.
In Mongolia, the color white
represents greatness.
I wanted to buy them
some souvenirs from Korea.
But I haven't received
my first paycheck yet.
Take it out of my pay. We good?
You're shameless.
Where in Mongolia are you from?
I lived in a small village, you know.
I don't think you'd know it.
Huh, it's strange.
It's pretty tough to get things
to Mongolia, aside from Ulaanbaatar.
[lips smack]
Back then, we had to use EMS
if we wanted to send things.
Nowadays, you can get things anywhere.
You should know.
You have a distribution company.
That's incredible.
What's, uh, "incredible", sir?
You are, Tsetseg.
Do you want to be friends with me?
Yes, I wanna be your friend.
Well, um
give me your number.
[keypad clacking]
[phone clacks]
You have my number now.
Shall we have dinner tonight?
I can't. Busy tonight.
[Nam-soon] I'll pick another date
and send you a text.
You can treat me to barbecue. I eat a lot.
It's just a shame
it can't be tonight, right?
Yeah, I guess it is.
Anyway, I won't steal anymore.
I apologize.
Do let me know.
have a good time.
[tense music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Gang Nam-soon, how was it?
-[Nam-soon] I got his number.
[Nam-soon] I got the CEO's phone number.
Now, let's figure out a way
to get the information.
Wait for me by the warehouse.
I'm almost there.
[line ends]
What? Got his number?
Mm-hmm. Hi, Pa.
I won't be long.
I'll be there soon, all right?
[engine clicks off]
So what happened?
How did you get out of trouble
for stealing?
I did it the Mongolian way.
I'm gonna tell you later, okay?
Now I have to go.
My dad's already waiting for me.
So you dress this pretty to meet your dad?
[sweet music playing]
I watched Korean drama
and that's how Korean men
would compliment women discreetly.
Korean dramas
also taught me another thing.
"Catch me if you can, huh?"
If I catch you, you're dead.
Are you really gonna catch me?
Oh, no, you are.
-Come here.
-Are you really gonna catch me?
[Nam-soon] No, you're not!
Hey, stop!
[dark music playing]
-Hey, Pa!
Hello, sir.
I'm Kang Hee-sik, Mr. Gang.
Is he your boyfriend?
No, we're just friends, Mr. Gang.
Do we know each other?
Uh, we've met.
I've been at your photo studio before.
You gave me a coupon,
which I then gave to Nam-soon.
And she went there
to get passport photos taken.
Ah! Oh, man.
Fate is funny, isn't it, huh?
Have a good time, sir.
See you.
[upbeat music]
-Papa, shall we?
[both cheering]
Go, go, go!
No, no, no! No, please. No photos.
Here we are.
[Bong-go] No photos. No photos.
No photos, please.
No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no photos.
Hey, Dad, look at that. Let's have that.
Thank you so much.
[Nam-soon] Hi!
Did you have fun?
Mm-hmm. So much.
I would have brought you here
a long time ago if I hadn't lost you.
But it took over 20 years
for us to come here at last, so.
At least we're here now, right?
And I'm so happy with you here now.
I took you to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia
because I wanted to show you the stars.
You've loved the sky ever since
you were a little girl, Nam-soon.
Your mom was always busy with work.
So it was just the two of us.
But you went outside every night.
I go check up on you,
only to find you sitting still like this.
Looking up at the stars.
You would always say that your dream
was to jump up to the stars.
Other parents wouldn't think
anything of it, but
I couldn't help but worry because you
You could do that if you only wanted to.
So did I really jump up
to the stars, then?
You jumped up on the roof.
You said you'd catch the stars.
And you fell off.
You got yourself injured.
Your mom probably never worries
about you now because you're strong,
but she wasn't there then.
I, uh
I would worry about you then
and I still do now.
After I lost you, I never went
a single day without worrying about you.
That you would jump and
try to catch the stars again,
hurting yourself.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
No, Dad. I'm sorry.
I am.
I'll never say
I wanna catch the stars again.
So don't worry, Pa.
Promise me one thing.
That you will never get hurt, dear.
Or do anything dangerous.
Okay, sure.
I promise.
[phone vibrates]
[Sang-cheol] Mr. Ryu, apparently,
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju
recently found her lost daughter.
"Lost daughter"?
[Sang-cheol] That's right.
Her name is Lee Myung-hee and she
recently joined our firm with a fake ID.
She's the girl who got
in a fight with Tsetseg.
But it turns out she was a fraud
because the real daughter
showed up soon after.
And how did you hear
about the real daughter?
[Sang-cheol] From the Geumju Daily,
Ms. Geum-ju's newspaper company.
The whole reason she bought the paper
was so she could find her daughter.
Their most recent article features
a picture of the real one.
Send it to me.
[line ends]
[phone vibrates]
[uneasy music playing]
Nice shot.
Oh, I'm getting better.
That felt like a very good round.
Thank you for your help.
[phone vibrates]
[Sun-kyu] Wow!
Showing up after the briefing's over
is a real legend move, dude.
Hey, I was working, all right?
Yeah, well, I guess you're more
of a Doogo employee than a detective now.
That job suits you, doesn't it?
I'm too tired to talk back.
Hey, uh, can you hack into Doogo's server?
Doogo's server?
I think all their products are listed
on their website, aren't they?
If we break into their server and look
through the source code of their products,
there's a chance we'll find
the items that are drugs in disguise.
I really have too much
on my plate right now.
Really, my heart is pounding
from the lack of sleep, you know, bro?
Oh, no, poor Chamma.
[quirky music playing]
You can do it.
What do I tell the others?
You'll think of something.
Oh, come on!
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Inspector Kang,
I'm throwing a party at 6:00 p.m.,
in the Superior Room
of the Geumju Hotel tomorrow.
I hope to see you there.
Hmm, a party?
[Nam-gil] Come on! Wrap it up!
Make sure it looks straight.
Yup, that's good.
I don't like the color of those flowers.
Wipe this down, okay?
Just look. Here, here.
Okay, everyone.
Smile, smile, smile. Come on.
Okay. This is it.
[grand string music playing]
Not here yet, huh?
-Uh, oh! Seo Jun-hee, sir?
Yes. This way, please.
[band music plays]
[Joong-gan] You're here.
[band music stops abruptly]
I've invited our family here tonight
to make an important announcement.
I'd like to thank Mr. Seo Jun-hee
and Mr. Kang Hee-sik
for joining us tonight.
Gentlemen, can you please
introduce yourselves?
[clears throat]
Hello, I'm Kang Hee-sik.
I'm a policeman.
What's your relationship with Nam-soon?
[playful music playing]
It's hard to say for sure, but
our relationship
is something we both need.
Mr. Seo.
Good evening.
My name is Seo Jun-hee.
I'm a barista.
Joong-gan and I
are in a relationship.
[groans in discomfort]
Wow, that was wonderful, Mr. Seo.
Do you know that my mother
has a sickly son, sir?
I've heard about it.
My mother has a husband who has run off
and left her. Did you know that?
I've heard about that.
And also that
he's been missing for a decade.
Hey, we haven't spoken in a decade,
and that's an automatic divorce.
You're ruining a lovely night.
[glass clinks]
Thank you for finding the time
to join us tonight.
I hope that Gil Joong-gan
and Mr. Seo Jun-hee
will have a life of sunshine
and rainbows together.
Now before we begin our meal,
let's make a toast with champagne.
[sweet music playing]
Cheers, everybody.
And also
my intention is to see
my Nam-soon conjugated
since we must continue
with our family tradition.
[clears throat]
[glass clinks]
[clears throat]
I have an important announcement
for the entire family.
My friends, I am having a baby.
I won't drink wine for the baby's sake.
The father of my child
[suspenseful music playing]
is Mr. Gang Bong-go.
[dramatic music playing]
[coughs in discomfort]
Ms. Jung, what kind of joke is that?
-Mr. Gang, we should tell everyone now.
What are you afraid of?
-Let's be honest about it now!
What are you talking about?
Why are you doing this to me?
-It's not It's really not true.
How could you do this to my sister?
Look, I swear it's not true! I'm not
We have to think about this child.
You and Ms. Hwang aren't a couple anyway!
Wow, this is so unlike you.
This even feels like
an American-style soap opera.
Is this a soap opera? Is it?
[Nam-in] Papa, I'm so disappointed!
She's lying!
Dad, I can't even call you my dad!
Nam-soon, look, I'm not like that.
Water, water!
-Open this bottle!
-Ms. Hwang!
-[Bong-go] I'm not the father.
-Open the bottle!
I swear! It's not true!
-Happy birthday, Dad!
-Happy birthday, Dad!
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Bong-go.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
Did you really have to go this far?
[cheering, clapping]
[sharp exhale]
Happy birthday, Gang Bong-go.
["Quizás, Quizás, Quizás"
by Osvaldo Farrés play in piano]
[singing in Spanish] I always ask you ♪
When, how, and where ♪
You always answer me ♪
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ♪
You're wasting your time ♪
Think about it ♪
Just think ♪
Think about what you truly want ♪
How long will you keep me hanging? ♪
As days pass me by ♪
My despair grows ♪
But then you reply with ♪
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ♪
You're wasting your time ♪
[classical music plays]
[dark music playing]
[Joong-gan whooping]
[bottle cap crackles]
Drink this now.
If you wanna leave this place alive.
[Bong-go gulps]
[women cheering]
[romantic music playing]
-[Jun-hee] Joong-gan.
-Yes, Mr. Seo?
Is it too soon to say I love you?
-Oh, really?
-[Jun-hee] Yes.
Oh, my god! Oh, my god! I'm so happy!
[Joong-gan] Oh, me too. I'm just so happy.
Don't you miss your parents in Mongolia?
The ones who raised you.
I miss Mom and Dad in Mongolia very much.
I'd love to live with them
if it were possible.
The most painful thing in the world
is saying goodbye to the ones we love.
Have you done that before?
My brother.
When I was 18,
he became a star in the sky.
He was studying in the States
when he got into an accident.
He was shot.
That's why you're a police officer now,
Just be nice to your brother, Nam-soon.
If mine were still alive
I'd give him everything I have.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, sure.
Even though you went through that,
you turned out all right.
That's my brother.
You always put me in a good mood.
I always feel good when I see you.
I feel the same way.
[romantic music playing]
-Really? Oh!
-[Jun-hee] I love you.
Oh, my! Oh, Mr. Seo! Oh, my god!
Hey, the presidential suite
is empty, right?
Take him home.
-I'll get him a driver.
-[Joong-gan] Don't be ridiculous.
We're in a hotel.
Why would I take him home?
Get him the suite.
[Nam-in giggles]
[gentle music playing]
[men sighing]
That crazy surprise
was Hwang Geum-ju's idea.
Of course it was.
She's the queen of overhype, my sister.
You've been drinking a lot.
It's all part of the son-in-law test.
Bong-go was also tested.
He passed after drinking a whole keg.
Hwang Geum-ju drank 80% of that.
Don't make him nervous.
He says they're just friends.
My sister's not like my mom, you know.
She's a kind person, so don't hurt her.
You have to have a daughter.
[freaky music playing]
That's the fate of the men in this family.
You must give her a daughter.
You have to keep the bloodline going.
[Joong-gan] Oh, he's so sweet.
I just wanna sling him
over my shoulder and bring him home.
But these days,
that's gonna count as an abduction.
Grandma, he's handsome, isn't he?
Oh, he's very cute.
If your man is good-looking,
he'll give you a pretty daughter.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Get to know him.
I ended up like this because I only cared
about your father's looks.
You don't think Bong-go's
that handsome for real?
Well, he's not bad-looking now, is he?
It's true, he can be an idiot.
But his face is very symmetrical.
I like the shape of his skull
and his ears are so pretty as well.
"His skull and his ears"?
And his left pinky is nice too?
Why did you get divorced anyway?
-Why don't you get back together?
-Nam-soon's back now. Why not?
-No way.
We get along better now
because we're divorced.
[deep breath]
If he moves back in now,
we'll just fight all day.
[Geum-dong coughs]
[blows raspberries]
I might, uh
I have an early start at work tomorrow,
so I think I should be on my way.
-Go ahead.
-Take care.
You know the way out, right?
I do like him.
Me too.
I wonder if he cooks.
He should, right?
Like every man in this family.
I can't believe the three of us are here,
enjoying a nice drink together
at a nice hot tub.
Hmm, this is nice, right?
[Nam-soon chuckles]
Wow, the moon hasn't been
this large since I got here.
In Mongolia, the sky is super clear,
and the moon is really large.
We even get
rainbow-colored Northern Lights.
Wait a minute.
Should I show you a moonbow?
What's that?
[cheeky chuckle]
-[dippers clonk]
Throw the water up to the sky
on the count of three, okay?
And one, two, three!
[all exclaim]
["Love Blooms" by Moon Byul playing]
[rain showering]
Rain? Out of the blue?
What's going on?
Our power allows us
to make moonbows like this.
We have such a special privilege.
So we should give
something back, don't you think?
[vehicle honking]
Hey, sir.
Sir, wake up!
-Oh, Jesus, what happened?
-Hey, call for help. Quick.
The CEO just called me into his office.
I won't work in the warehouse anymore.
-I'll talk to you later.
-[line ends]
-[deep exhale]
[Young-tak] Hee-sik,
have you heard from Dong-seok?
He won't answer his phone
and didn't come in today.
[knocks on door]
[door opens, closes]
[dark music playing]
You said you needed money.
Tsetseg, I want to help you grow here.
Well, I know I'm small.
But this is my height. I'm fully grown.
Join my inner circle.
I want
for you to become Doogo's lobbyist.
I'll give you prestige and wealth.
I can change your life for the better.
I have a test for you first.
A test?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Si-o] Don't be nervous.
I won't let you die.
[machine hums]
[machine clonks]
-[deep breath]
-[heart thumping]
[heart thumping]
[engine roars]
[upbeat music playing]
-[Hee-sik] You step back from this now.
-What do you mean? We're just beginning.
[Hee-sik] Ryu Si-o is a dangerous person.
I can't have you around him.
[Si-o] I'm going to bring her
into my inner circle.
She may be a gift sent to me by God.
[Nam-soon] I'll go into the office tonight
and get the customer data.
[Hee-sik] Why did I trust her
to go in there alone?
[Young-tak] I think she definitely
has something up her sleeve.
[Daniel] This Bread Song is a mystery.
[Geum-ju] What are you doing in there?
[Si-o] Have a glass of it
when you want to be really happy.
It will make you feel out of this world.
[Nam-soon] We're getting closer
to solving this case.
[Si-o] The clinical trial
has been completed.
It's perfect.
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