Stupid Wife (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


Luiza, calm down!
Luiza, look at me!
Luiza, what's wrong?
Calm down! Look at me, Luiza!
Look at me! I'm here.
I'm here! Calm down.
How can you expect me to stay
calm when I saw blood on her hands?
Whose, Luiza?
What are you feeling? Talk to me.
What are you feeling?
How can it be nothing? You were screaming.
What happened?
I saw
I saw my hands
at the same time, it was
it was as if it wasn't me.
It was like it was someone else, you know?
I swear that I saw it! I swear I did!
I swear to you that I saw it!
You need to breathe, you're nervous!
The bed was wet, Valentina!
Trust me.
I know.
I know!
Calm down. I'm here.
It's alright, okay? I'm here!
I'm here with you.
Luiza, can you explain what happened again?
So that I can have a more accurate opinion.
I feltas if for a moment,
my hands were covered in blood.
at the same time, it was
as if it was someone else.
As if it wasn't me.
I was
I don't know, numb
as if I was in a movie.
Kauã, do you have any idea
of what might have happened?
to have a more precise
diagnosis, we need more time.
We need to observe it.
But, in my opinion, Luiza is suffering
from a depersonalization disorder.
What does that mean exactly?
Depersonalization disorder occurs
when the individual mirrors situations
that have occurred to himself
or herself onto another person.
It is like a mirroring,
she sees from outside her a
trauma that happened to herself.
Do you think this has anything
to do with her current situation?
As Luiza's amnesia is
a post-traumatic event,
it comes with other problems.
Disorders like derealization,
depersonalization, anxiety
So, you mean I can feel it again?
Well, we are going to work
on minimizing these symptoms.
The first of them is to
continue with psychotherapy.
Today, I'm going to prescribe
you a mild herbal medicine,
and I will refer you to a
psychiatrist that I trust as well.
I need a break.
I'm going outside.
Excuse me!
do you think that this
sensation of bleeding that she had
has anything to do with that subject?
Most likely, yes.
Patients with dissociative amnesia usually
remember the trauma this way, and usually,
these flashes come on a day of crisis,
such as what happened yesterday.
I don't have the guts to
tell her what happened.
And I am terrified of what she might do!
Sure, I understand.
I understand.
Look, in this case, I can't
advise you of anything.
Whether or not to tell her
is a family decision, however,
if I can give you some advice,
if you decide to tell Luiza,
let it be in Dr. Alice's office,
in a psychotherapy session,
or in a warm and supportive
family environment.
Take it.
The doctor said it will make you
feel a little sleepy, but not right away.
So you can still talk.
Could you leave us alone
with your wife for a while?
Oh, so I'm being kicked
out of my own room now?
There is a child out there
who needs care, you know?
I'm going to stay with Leo, okay?
But I'm keeping an eye on you, huh?
she has left. Now, tell us!
What's this about you kissing Valentina?
How come?
What is this story again? I'm your
sister, and I don't know anything!
I think this medicineis
making me sleepy.
Oh, how silly!
Luiza, don't even try that!
I know you've been through
a rough time these days,
but now is the time for gossiping,
it's the best part of the day!
And I also have something
very important to tell you.
So, go ahead, tell us first!
Not until you do!
You're a pain in the ass!
Oh, it was no big deal!
We were at home watching some DVD's,
Valentina was kind of emotional,
then we kissed, that's all!
That's all?
Of course it was not only that!
You can tell us all the details!
Do you want the details?
I want details!
It was no big deal!
Your turn now, tell us!
I'm pregnant.
What do you mean, pregnant?
I'm afraid.
Afraid of what, Duda?
I don't know, my life is currently
so organized, you know?
I'm doing well at my job,
Aninha has grown up some already,
what I'm going to say is horrible, but
I'm afraid that this
child will mess up my life.
Duda, are you prepared
to have another child?
I'm not, am I?
But Igor is bursting with happiness!
He's a great father, isn't he?
Then enjoy it, and experience it again!
You are a wonderful, strong
woman, an amazing mother!
And look
I assure you that this baby will
have the best aunts in the world.
But tell me, sister-in-law,
What about boyfriends?
Do you think that this situation has
anything to do with the amnesia disorder?
I do!
And so does Kauã!
He said that this lapse in memory
is very common in situations like hers.
What makes me most anguished
is the fact that we don't know
what to do in this situation.
I still think that we should tell her!
We should tell her everything!
Kauã himself said that
Where are Leo and Aninha?
They are upstairs, playing
video games with Igor!
How are you feeling?
I'm fine, mom. I'm getting better.
Oh, my God!
Looks like Sleeping Beauty has fallen, huh?
Not at all, I was just testing gravity!
Is it working properly?
I love it when you
get pissed off like this!
Luckily for you, I'm against violence.
Can we do TikTok?
Right now?
Can I play video games?
Mom needs to rest and you
need a shower. Don't think I forgot!
I'm not taking a shower!
Oh, but I'll give you a shower!
I'm taking you to have a shower!
Why did mommy sleep on the couch?
Oh, my love!
Shall we brush our teeth?
How lovely, put some
toothpaste on it, let me help you!
Yes, that's it!
Are you enjoying the book?
Very much!
Also, I'm identifying myself a
lot with one of the characters!
Come over here!
Did Dudatell you about her pregnancy?
Has Igor talked to you?
He is bursting with happiness!
She is quite insecure!
But having a child is incredible!
Just imagine, she will be able
to experience all those moments
that she experienced when Aninha was born!
Sure, but
she is enjoying
another moment, isn't she?
She is doing very well professionally,
she's focused on her career,
she has some other goals!
But having a child is always
a wonderful experience!
Think of the joy it
will bring to the family!
I did not mean that
the child is a bad thing!
I just think that we should not
romanticize this pregnancy issue!
The giving birth issue!
Only those who have been through
this know how much it demands of us!
Perhaps this is not the right time for her.
What's wrong?
I'm hungry! I'm going
downstairs to get something.
Would you like to come too?
No, I'd rather stay.
I'm going to finish reading
the book, then will go to bed.
Good night!
Good night!
Good morning!
Don't even! If I don't come here,
you won't show up at my house!
Duda, stop being a drama queen,
will you? We saw each other yesterday!
Someone here has to work, huh?
What are you drinking?
I'm drinking coffee, the
students are electric today.
Did you know that Leo is
sleeping over at my house tonight?
Valentina has told me!
Why don't you take advantage of
this time for the two of you to have fun?
Stop with this!
That's all you think about, isn't it, Duda?
Oh, I'd better go to my class, you know?
Come on, girls!
Good afternoon, people!
Good afternoon!
Wow, everybody sounds excited!
Today I'm going to teach you
some individual moves, okay?
We are not partnering to dance today!
Everybody wants to dance
cheek to cheek, I'm watching you!
It's going to be Bachata steps.
Please count along with me, OK?
Come on!
7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8, turn around!
That's right! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Turn around again!
That, now go back to the
base. Just you guys, come on!
What are you doing here?
Did I scare you?
I didn't notice it was you.
What are you doing here?
Well, I was praying that
no ghosts would appear.
But as it turns out, it didn't work.
It's late. It's dangerous for
you to stay here by yourself.
Come on! I will give you a ride.
You're crazy to think I'm
getting on that thing, aren't you?
Come on! I will take you home.
Don't you remember what
happened the last time?
Don't try anything stupid, okay?
Valentina, do you think that the
fact that I saw blood on my hands
has anything to do with my past?
I don't know
something that I did wrong?
Hey. I'm talking to you!
I'm feeling kind of sick!
I'm going to take a quick shower, okay?
Is that so?
Do you need help? Do you need anything?
No! No! I'll be right back.
If you need anything, I'mhere!
Valentina, do you think that the
fact that I saw blood on my hands
has anything to do with my past?
Can I ask you something?
Of course!
Sleep with me tonight?
I'm glad that you are here!
Good night!
Good night!
Are you okay?
Where is Leo?
Who is Leo?
What are you talking about?
Call Valentina!
I'm not feeling well! Call Valentina!
What do you want with
Valentina? Valentina is in her house!
Valentina is my wife!
CallValentina, for God's sake!
Luiza, are you going crazy?
You hate Valentina!
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