Suburrterna (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


Do you realize what you fucking did?
- I asked you a question.
- I fucked up, all right, Cina?
You want me to say I'm sorry? I am.
How did they find the coffin
is what I wanna know.
I don't have a fucking clue.
It's either one of two things.
Either someone snitched,
or maybe you're fuckin' me over again.
You're the one
who fucked everything up,
but I'm the problem?
The coffin is gone.
And so is Ercole.
Fine. I'll take care of it.
Hey, have you seen Victor?
He went and took his scooter
to go see his dad.
Alberto came and shot up our place.
Not once, but twice.
We gotta bring all this to an end.
- And what do you got in mind?
- We're gonna mess up his place too.
First off, we should scope out
everything at the Anacleti compound.
Our target should only be Spadino.
Make sure no elderly or any kids get hurt.
I'm gonna kill Alberto.
I'm gonna handle Spadino, not you.
I don't want our kids to be orphans.
Once is enough in this family.
It has to be me.
- You don't get it!
- It's been settled.
You're too emotionally involved.
- Hello?
- We can't find Ercole.
He's still gone?
We looked for him in the houses,
the shops, the warehouses.
We looked everywhere.
You're giving up?
Fine, I'll handle it.
Eminence. Excuse me.
Have you thought it over?
Then let's get rid of Tronto.
We did have a good plan before, Amedeo,
but it didn't work out for us.
You were partly to blame as well.
We're only human.
We must learn to accept failure
when it happens.
Eminence, you're giving up on this?
At a certain point,
all roads diverge, Amedeo.
I do wish you
good fortune with everything.
I wonder what my dad
would say to me if he were here.
I really fucked up.
I fucked up, not you.
All you did was come to save me.
This was your grandpa's.
He gave it to me.
Now I wanna give it to you.
It's done more harm than good in my hands.
Life put me and your dad
at each other's throats
our entire lives.
And many times,
we tried to go against it, but
there was only room
for one of us in this family.
It's all yours now.
You gotta face it.
You'll be the one in charge
after I leave this place.
Is that the knife you used?
Yeah, it is.
Keep it.
- I finally slept last night.
- Without waking up?
- I had a dream.
- What was it about?
I dreamed Boca won the championship.
There were some upsides, after all.
I'm just glad you were finally able
to give Flaminia a proper burial.
Thank you, Felipe.
Come in.
Good morning, Eminence.
An item has been added to the agenda
for the Vatican Advisors meeting.
Proposed by whom?
His Eminence, Nascari.
"Renewal and Redevelopment
of Vatican Foundation Funds."
Thank you.
He clearly amended it last night.
Go get me the file.
Wait. Are you sure?
Of course.
Nascari is challenging us right now.
His move is desperate.
We have to be prepared.
Yes, I agree we have to be fully prepared.
Although, by doing this, they'll say
that we are the ones who look desperate.
It's way too risky.
Hey! Where are you goin'?
So what is it you want from me now?
Killing my dad not enough for you?
I want you to talk to me.
You can ask me whatever you wanna know
about that night.
I wanna know what he went through.
It was over real quick.
Before he even realized.
I am sorry.
I heard about last night,
and I came to see
what you're planning on doing about it.
Spadino was nice enough
to drop by our place.
Tonight, we're returning the favor.
That's what we're doing about it.
Are you sure
you can take care of Cinaglia?
The asshole is like crabgrass.
He never dies.
I don't need him to die.
Cinaglia, I can deal with.
- Let's go.
- Talk to you later.
Be good, okey doke?
I'm sorry about what happened.
I know what it's like
to lose someone that you love.
Thanks, Ce.
It's not just that, right?
He doesn't want me
to do things all on my own.
That I always need to be careful.
He loves you so much.
And I love him too.
He only wants to protect you, Ange.
Here. This one's done.
Welcome. Welcome.
What a pleasure to see you!
It's all there?
He's smiling.
He's so sure of himself.
He won't be smiling in a few hours.
How are you so sure about that?
How can you be so level-headed?
- So confident.
- Confident?
Not at all, Felipe.
It's frightening to risk everything,
but it's all we can do.
- Miriana.
- Amedeo.
The coffin is gone.
They stole it back the other night.
What do you mean?
What did Bonatesta promise
in exchange for information?
What's that supposed to fucking mean?
Only three of us knew.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You never told me anything.
Oh, I'm sorry.
But couldn't your partner
have been the one who talked?
I trust him.
You, I don't.
Thank you to the secretary of state
and to all of you here today.
And thank you for accepting
the new item on the agenda.
As I anticipated,
I would like
the advising council to discuss
and authoritatively advise the Holy Father
on a very delicate subject.
The Foundation.
Specifically, the investment funds
within the Vatican walls.
Too many of the funds
have increased spending recently.
We have carelessly
risked the money of the faithful
on frivolous and material items
such as finance schemes, buildings,
movies, and weather forecasts.
Even during wars or pandemics.
If something happens,
the fund still makes money.
In my my proposal,
I plan to shut down compromised funds
as of today.
From now on, the Foundation's money
will be used correctly.
Remember our purpose.
We have our Christian tradition.
It is now up to you.
Those who agree with me, raise your hand.
I absolutely agree, Fiorenzo.
The money of the faithful
must be invested properly.
Our mission is to spread the word of God.
Investing in a fund
that speculates catastrophes
has nothing to do with the values
we have been called to represent
and protect.
- Ercole.
- Hey, what's going on?
How come you wanted to meet with me here?
Ercole, buddy.
They forced me. Ercole.
You disappeared,
so I made Miriana help me.
Is a gun really necessary, Cina?
I dunno. You tell me.
I'm sorry. The coffin's gone.
The coffin?
Who cares when I have
the new Colosseum's commissioner.
What do you want?
Give me the stadium now,
or give up your life.
You'll kill me, but then what?
Tronto has the money.
You think he'll just hand it to you?
If you kill me,
you'll be the one who's fucked, Cina.
Once you're dead, it's not
really your problem anymore, is it?
Why don't we shake hands and both
build this stadium together, eh, Cina?
Yeah. Together.
You with your allies
and me with mine.
Then all of us will get what we want.
I'm not gonna shake your hand.
What's the guarantee?
Meet me at the notary.
We'll set up two companies.
Mine and yours.
We'll split everything evenly
and put it all in the consortium.
Logistics, urban planning,
urban decor.
That is my guarantee.
I need more than that.
I need Tronto to be at the notary too.
I wanna make sure that all of
Badali's money ends up in the consortium.
Okey doke.
For now, you two come with me.
Call the notary
and get the documents ready.
- Let's go.
- Could you stop pointing that at me?
- There's no need.
- Shut up. Let's go.
Look. Over there.
- You think our distraction is gonna work?
- Yeah, but keep your voice down, Jules.
We'll throw paper bombs and make 'em panic
so we can buy some time
and attack Spadino.
And only him. Got it?
Those campers look empty.
They'll be perfect.
We'll set 'em on fire first.
I can't fuckin' wait.
You heard correctly.
Fiorenzo brought Sicilian Mafia money
into his foundation.
Why did he do that?
And why this treasure?
What did he have planned?
The new stadium in Rome.
They went as far as to baptize it
the "new Colosseum."
Moral? Or immoral?
The decision is yours.
And yet, Armando,
isn't it true that it was you
who moved all that money
from the Foundation
into the investment fund?
In fact, it was
your very first act as president.
Isn't that odd?
I could have reported everything publicly,
but it would've been like
putting a bomb under the Holy Sea.
Just imagine the headlines.
I couldn't let that happen,
and I had no choice
but to follow it through.
Follow through with my project?
An idea that's worlds apart
from what you have always thought
and preached about, huh?
Armando, forgive me.
I'm somewhat confused about
what the difference is
between you and Fiorenzo.
there's only one difference.
But that one difference can't be ignored.
Nascari's project is Nascari himself.
Nascari's ambition.
His rise.
I stand here in front of you
with no personal gain.
I only want what's good for all.
If it's for the good of the Church,
you've got my word.
This unspeakable secret will remain here.
It will stay within these walls.
Nothing will be heard outside.
Inside the walls, only the sound
of offerings pouring into St. Peter.
Is this coming from blood money?
Sure, but with our hard work,
we will cleanse it.
Not for our profit
but for the faithful.
For the faithful?
He's acting like
he's a pure and innocent man.
Perhaps you're unaware of
how he became president of the Foundation?
He blackmailed the Camerlengo
when he found out
he had a love affair with a Swiss Guard.
And that's not all he did.
Years ago, when he was a parish priest,
he had the gall
to cover up his own sister's death!
She was a drug addict
who stole from his church.
And then he buried her there.
I had the proof, but he made it disappear.
Did you really do that, Armando?
Mancuso, you believe that?
Look at him.
He's a desperate man.
Here's the proof of what I just told you.
Fiorenzo? Can you provide the same
for these absurd accusations you've made?
It's all true.
I just know it is.
By voting for his proposal,
you'll fall into his trap.
He only wants one thing.
He wants to erase
all proof of his previous sin.
- Well?
- The camp is full of armed men.
But it's gonna be fine
'cause we scoped it all out.
Our plan ought to work.
I'll get ready.
Don't be worried.
I'm not gonna risk
losing what I got right here.
All this chaos
to bring home this fucking deal!
That's all we can do.
Nascari left us. So did Miria.
I knew she betrayed us.
How the fuck did you let that happen, huh?
What about you? You're the one
who left two kids guarding the coffin.
What about this don't you understand?
I can't pretend to work with the Lucianis.
The Lucianis
don't count for shit anymore.
Albe, listen.
Tomorrow, we'll go to the meeting
with Tronto and the notary.
We'll open our company
and get onto the stadium project.
Then it's all good.
You can get revenge all you want.
They want to destroy us once and for all.
The signing is tomorrow night.
You need to be patient a little longer.
Ottaviano, where the fuck are you?
Vittoria. Where are you? You okay?
Papa, can you come get us?
We're at Grandpa's in Spoleto.
Listen, Vittoria.
Put the phone back where you found it,
and don't tell Grandpa.
I'll be there soon. Okay?
- Okay.
- Good girl.
What's going on?
My father-in-law took my kids to Spoleto.
Should I go too?
No, I gotta do this alone.
Stay here
and don't fuck anything up, all right?
See you tomorrow at the notary.
Hey, can I bum a cigarette off of you?
Hey, what do you think you're doing?
Don't worry, Miriana.
You've already done plenty.
I could even share yours.
I just want a couple puffs.
Thank you.
Shut up after this.
You got a light?
Thanks a lot, man.
You speak English pretty good.
I mean, speak it well.
How long have you been here?
Enough. The boss said
you can't talk to me.
So shut up.
I went to Tirana a few years ago.
I even went to the Great Mosque.
The famous one.
I don't get why they make you
take off your shoes though.
Albania's beautiful too.
Food's amazing
and pretty much free, it's so cheap.
Which works out well
for a country filled with beggars.
Miria, do you remember the boat
that came here 20 years ago
with 30,000 Albanians piled up like rats?
Oh, is something wrong?
- It's not like that.
- Ah.
My country has advanced a lot.
Oh, your country's much more advanced now?
Did you hear that, Miria?
Albania's advanced.
So why'd you come here, then?
I'll tell you why.
All you Albanians wanna mooch
off of our country. That's why.
Shut the fuck up!
- Stop!
- Shut up! I told you to shut up!
- Let him go!
- Hey!
Get the fuck off!
The fuck are you doing, huh?
- Ah, you're finally here.
- Give me that!
What do you think you're doing?
Glad you decided to show up.
Let's have a talk.
Or I could shoot you in the face.
Huh? And then I'll call Cinaglia.
Let me talk first.
You can still call after that if you want.
There's a line of people outside
who couldn't get in.
It is completely packed!
I'm happy to hear that.
Let me hear them play their set.
Just a sec.
Who the fuck is that?
I don't fucking know. Let's check it out.
What is that?
What the fuck?
Stay calm. Get inside!
What happened? What's going on?
This way.
Whenever Jules and Ce get here,
then we'll go.
I'll check the front.
You take the side!
Get down! They can see you.
Get your weapons! Go take cover!
Take the kids and take cover!
Find somewhere safe! Take cover!
Come on, get to safety! Come on!
Ce, let's go in!
- Ready?
- Yeah.
Over here! Come on!
Find somewhere safe and go hide!
Fuckin' assholes! You're all gonna die!
What are you doing?
You're not supposed to shoot anybody!
- Are you crazy? You're ruining everything!
- What the fuck are you doing?
Stop blowing the plan!
- What do we do?
- Come on! We gotta go!
Those fucking Lucianis!
- Take care of the women and kids!
- I'm goin' with you.
Victor, I told you.
Get them all out of here. Now go!
Everybody, get inside!
Inside, come on!
Inside! Let's go!
Come on! Stay calm!
You swore on Rubina's grave,
and then you came to our home
and ambushed us?
You killed my sister.
How could you do that?
Damiano told you that bullshit, didn't he?
It was him who got Nadia involved.
Damiano told her to call me,
and when I got there,
the Lucianis were waiting to ambush me.
Or didn't he tell you that?
He has you wrapped around his finger.
Aren't we
the most beautiful couple in the world?
You think so?
- Tell me the truth.
- Hmm?
Were you scared?
A little bit.
Little bit.
What did you just say?
Are you sure?
Do I have to do
every fucking thing myself?
And now I have to handle it?
No, never mind.
Shut up and don't do anything.
Just fucking go home.
Spadino survived.
Bunch of fucking morons.
They messed everything up.
It was gonna be perfect.
What are you thinking?
What a lovely little country house.
I wish I'd had a caring grandpa like you.
And it's so close to the military base.
Couldn't be safer for the kids.
Thanks, Ottaviano.
These fucking bases
are always in the nicest places, huh?
- What do you want?
- I'm taking my kids home with me.
They like it here.
They'll be fine anywhere
except where you are.
I seem to recall that a scooter was enough
for your guys to bring out all their guns.
That's not good.
Do you know why I came here?
Vittoria called me from your phone
to come get them.
Please go get their things.
I'll go wake them up.
- No!
- What the fuck are you doing?
Hi, sweetheart. Hi.
Let's wake up Fabrizio and go home.
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