Suicide Squad Isekai (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

All right, honey.
That bank's got a rock-solid safe
a rock-solid security system,
and rock-solid guards.
The whole shebang.
It's literally impenetrable.
Nobody's ever been able to break in.
Great, so how are we
supposed to rob it?
Who knows! That's the challenge!
If we botch this
like all the other idiots
then we'll be stuck
behind bars in no time.
So, honey,
how would you approach it?
Like, don't bother and just give up?
You're a smart cookie, honey!
That is an option.
But that's not how I roll.
Present me with an impenetrable bank
and I break into it.
Not for the money, of course.
But because it's never
been done before.
Just think of the thrill.
You and I are going to
make a laughingstock of it.
I knew you weren't like
all those other brainless dummies
out on the streets, Puddin'.
This is my kinda date!
Guess what?
I've found a way
to crack it wide open.
And how's that?
It's simple, really
Hard to believe they built all that
in just one night.
Ugh! We're already short
on time as it is!
They're gonna do
every damn thing they can
to stop us from resetting
our bombs, huh?
Stupid jerks!
Well, it's working.
I really must hand it to them.
A stage like that would be suitable
for something like
Beauty and the Beast or maybe even
Our friggin' heads are gonna
go flying in a few hours.
Get serious!
Aw. Me need those.
Take a good look.
They've got those damn elves
all over the place.
There's no way in.
Yeah, this is gonna be
a pain in the ass.
We're going to get caught if we just
rush in there without a good plan.
So listen up, nobody better
jump the gun this time!
Clayface, can you make a map?
That's a silly question.
Who do you think you're talking to?
I'll be damned!
From what I could see, there are
soldiers posted from here to here.
And they're lined up side by side
with no space to sneak through.
Oh? Your precision is impressive.
No matter how crooked
they become later
- soldiers are trained to be precise.
- Hey, don't pretend you know me.
I was crooked
before I joined the military.
I bet.
What's the matter?
Look over there!
Oh, it's her.
The bitch who helped Ratcatcher.
I had heard
she was leading their group
but I still can't believe it.
Things just got a whole lot tougher.
We can't kill that egghead without
luring her away from him first.
Then why don't we just beat
the hell out of the mad scientist
and that sword whore
at the same time?
Two shitty birds with one stone!
Plus I can get my revenge!
It's the perfect plan!
If only it were that simple.
Jeez! What do you want?
Me want see too.
Seriously, you guys?
So, how exactly are we gonna
break into the impenetrable fortress?
Based on what he said last time
all of the soldiers' brains
are connected.
Although, normally
the strain from that should have
fried their brains to a crisp.
His "Thinking Cap"
is what makes it possible.
Which means we need to find a way
to get it off him.
Impregnable, impregnable
Hey, I've got it!
So this one time,
Puddin' and I robbed a bank.
And cracked a safe that was kept
under super tough security.
Can you guess how we did it?
What is this? Bragging time?
You figured it out with skills
that you accumulated
in a training montage?
Like how it goes in the comics.
Hey! I'm being serious here!
Anyways, the point is that the safe,
the security system, and the guards
aren't even important!
It's the people who matter.
So all we gotta do is
threaten the guy who has the keys.
In other words
Very nice.
Now we have
the last piece of the puzzle.
Why didn't I think of that myself?
I absolutely hate that smirk
on your face
but it does get me excited!
Here's how this is gonna go.
For starters
Harley, King Shark, Clayface, and I
will approach the fortress
from the back.
For crying out loud!
This is humiliating!
- Keep it down!
- I'm not a toy, dammit!
How dare you do this to
You better not mess this up.
Break a leg out there, Nana.
Oh, and remember not to eat this guy.
He clay. Not eat 'cuz taste bad.
Me carry him. Do good job.
Listen here, Nanaue!
I'm going to tell you one last time!
Water is bad for me!
Clay may be wet, but it's not water!
So don't soak me in the water!
No matter what!
Are we clear?
Got it.
Me dive now, okay?
Son of a bitch!
Did you hear a word I said?
Hey, stop! Dammit!
Hopefully there'll still be
some of him left.
Let's move.
While King Shark takes
Clayface over to the fortress
Colonel Flag and Deadshot
will head for the front gate
and wait for the signal.
After you see the signal
Colonel Flag will attack and lure
the elves to the hut located here.
You don't want me to attack?
No, Deadshot.
We need you to keep an eye on
what's happening inside the fortress.
Take command
of the infiltration team.
Make sure they don't get caught.
You're not the boss of me, jackass!
So, when's this signal coming?
Uh, actually did we even decide
what the signal would be?
- Go now!
- What?
That was the signal! Move your ass!
Aw jeez!
Come and get it! I'm over here!
I'm enjoying the hell outta this.
All right.
Time to get started!
It's about time.
Go ahead and try
whatever strategy you want.
This fortress will never fall.
So, will you attack me with numbers?
Or weapons?
Or perhaps some sort
of new metahuman power?
Summon her! There's work to do!
You're next, Clayface.
After you hear the signal,
start working your magic.
H-Hey there
You needed me for something?
Ah, yes that's right!
Then get to the point.
The point?
Uh, well, you see
I wanted to have a discussion with
you regarding the brain's structure.
Will you join me over in that lab?
There's something
I would like to show you.
You could stand to benefit
from ruminating about
intelligence once in a while.
Because spending too much time
staring at your sword
- will turn your brain to metal.
- Clayface will transform himself
into Thinker
and keep Katana distracted
while Harley and I kidnap one
of the elves to imprison in the hut.
How are we going to lure one in?
I'll disguise myself as an elf.
Should be simple.
- Huh?
- Huh?
Real friggin' funny.
You can't seriously think
Whoa! That's what you look like?
See? They'll never catch on.
Wait, hold on. Go take
a good look in the mirror, pal.
'Cuz there's no way in hell a buff
mofo like you can pass for an elf!
Oh, come on
Somebody wake Nanaue up!
Change of plans!
I see.
So this is the telepathy device, huh?
I've heard all your brains are
connected as a single unit.
That makes you easy to command.
The perfect army.
But I'm curious!
Do all of you
have enough integrity not to crack
under intense pain and fear?
Nana, don't eat him! Stop it!
What are you fools doing?
Go to the soldier whose frequency is
the most out of whack!
Time to kick some ass, Nana.
Seems like
everything's going smoothly.
Keep it coming, suckers!
There's the signal.
Nana! Arty! Play nice, okay?
Brainless fools! What are they doing?
There's no army waiting
to ambush us outside the fortress
and no magical weapons
from the Kingdom!
Not even a new metahuman power!
So what the hell are they up to
Hi there, Mr. Egghead!
Is that outfit trendy
over in the Empire or what?
It's you
It looks like total shit to me.
Well, now. This is amusing.
Your plan is so utterly idiotic
I never bothered
to consider it a possibility.
I guess I overestimated you
a little too much.
Sounds to me like
you're just butthurt
because you couldn't find
a way to cheat and win.
Where is Katana?
She's not coming.
'Cuz we've got you keeping her busy.
The one time I need her
and she's useless.
Enough chit-chat.
We gotta settle this shit fast.
'Cuz nobody wants their head
going kablooey!
Ready for the pain?
Stop predicting all my moves!
How am I supposed to hit you?
You simple-minded fool.
I'm not just going to let you hit me.
Screw it!
Look at all the birdies!
Heh. How dumb can you get?
Look at that big-ass head!
You intentionally took a hit
to the head
so I can't read what you're thinking.
But that only works
on a surface level.
I can always just dive deeper
into your head!
Go ahead and try!
Scramble my brain
like you did to everybody else!
Stupid bitch!
You're going to regret this!
So, these are Harley Quinn's
No, Harleen Quinzel's memories?
She was a psychiatrist
at Arkham Asylum
with a bright future ahead of her,
but then
Hey, Doctor.
Got a question for ya.
If you really love me,
would you die for me?
C'mon. Prove it.
Fall down and swear
an eternal oath to me.
Oh, don't have a fit.
You'll be okay
as long as you love Puddin'.
- Ain't that right?
- What's going on?
How are you doing this?
It shouldn't be possible!
So, which side are you on?
We'll find out
once he takes the fall.
- Wait! Wait!
- Do it!
Please don't!
Didja have a nice dream?
It over now?
Hot damn! Look at this bloodbath.
What are you giving me
that look for?
You knew this was the plan all along.
Guess I can't complain
about being labeled a villain now.
Let's get going.
We don't have much longer
until the bombs go off.
Now you show up?
For the guy known as being
the smartest man in the world
you didn't amount to very much.
Ugh, I'm soaked to the bone.
What the hell?
Aren't you on the same side?
He was only worth
keeping around for his cap.
So this is perfect.
I'll give you credit.
That was a pretty good plan.
Not again!
This bitch really pisses me off!
Hey, Clay!
You gonna sit there
like sludge or what?
I can't proclaim to be a gentleman
if I don't step up
when a lady needs me!
Wow! So you do have
a face under there.
You're a fascinating woman
Well, thanks.
Not so fast!
That jerk!
Chasing them now would be
a waste of energy.
We'll have to get our revenge
another day.
It sucks that she got away,
but at least we still have our heads.
Oh, yeah!
I totally forgot about that!
Lucky us!
I'm friggin' sick and tired
of having to rush all the time
'cuz of these stupid bombs.
Can't you do
something about 'em?
Don't look at me.
It's out of my hands.
All right.
Time for us to report the good news.
To who? And how?
Keep it up, Arty!
You're almost there!
Wow! Way to go, Arty!
A round of applause!
Pretty good work
for his first mission.
What did you say?
Well, um
one of the Empire's generals
and his elf forces
that established a new fortress
have all been defeated per a report.
That escaped gang of hooligans
from the other world were
apparently responsible for it.
Dispatch our troops!
Bring those bastards here
to the castle!
And cut their heads off
if they try to resist!
- Y-Yes, Your Majesty.
- Y-Yes, Your Majesty.
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