Survive (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

I Can't Hear You

- [grunts] My chest!
We did it.
We made it! We made it!
- You OK, Jane?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- You flew!
- Yeah. Until I hit those branches.
- [Paul chuckles]
- [Jane grunts]
- Ah! This is phone is busted.
[breathing heavily]
What are these? They
These fall out your pocket?
These yours?
What is this? Oxy?
Sleeping pills?
- I had a plan.
- A plan? What do you mean you had a plan?
- An exit plan.
It's what I meant before.
That's why it should've been me.
- How many of these have you got left?
- Look, I don't really want
to talk about it--
- OK, well, I do. It's inventory,
so I need to know.
- Enough to keep us
both sleeping for an eternity.
- [sighs] Oh, my God. Jane.
Can I ask why?
- No.
- What happened to your wrist?
- I cut myself while I was shaving.
- [chuckles] You cut
Jesus. Honesty, Jane!
We need each other up here.
I need to know that I can trust you, OK?
I need to know
you're not gonna tap out on me.
- Now they're yours.
Don't tap out on me.
- Let's
Let's keep moving.
We just got to make it through the clouds.
Watch your step.
[intense music]
[breathing heavily]
- JANE: I need to take a break.
- We can't take a break.
We got to stay ahead of the storm.
We can't stop.
- Do you just make this shit up
as you go along?
- Yeah. Basically, I do. Yeah.
- Oh. OK, cool.
Can I make shit up too sometimes?
- Yeah, be my guest
if you know what you're talking about.
- [wind whistling]
- Look, I-I get it, OK?
I know you're a little angry,
and I can be a little arrogant sometimes
- A little?
- Look.
I said it once and I'll say it again, OK?
- No drama that's not--
- "No drama that's not drama."
- I know.
- Yeah, OK, well, that's a good thing
to remember, all right?
Keep your head in the game.
- [wind whistling]
- Keep up.
- You keep up.
[intense music]
[breathing heavily]
- Keep up!
I see a
cave ahead!
[both panting]
Keep up!
[wind whistling]
- Jane!
- I can't hear you!
- Jane, avalanche!
[snow rumbling]
- Paul!
- Jane!
[wind howling]
- JANE: Help me. Help me.
Help me.
- PAUL: Jane!
- Help me.
- PAUL: Jane!
[breathing heavily]
Jane! Jane!
- [Jane whimpering]
- Jane!
- PAUL: I'm coming for you!
- Help me.
- I'm here. Jane!
Jane! I'm here!
[Paul screams]
[grunting continues]
- Help me.
- Help me.
- Jane!
Jane! Jane!
[grunts] Oh, shit.
[screams and grunts]
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