Suspect (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


This programme contains
strong language
and scenes that viewers
may find distressing.
I've gotta find out why she died
alone, frightened.
You were with my daughter
an hour or two before she died.
Don't do this, Danny.
Go and comfort your ex-wife.
She's hoping you'll go with her
for the viewing.
Harriet Carr. Harry Carr.
That's not a coincidence.
Look, you've got the wrong idea
about your daughter, OK?
You've still got it, then?
Your lucky horseshoe.
I give them to my favourite girls.
The world you thought you had
in your pocket
gets taken over by the likes of me
and Christina.
Perhaps you got someone else
to kill Christina for you.
Perhaps I could get someone else
to kill you.
Don't go sticking your nose
into things that are
best left well alone.
Richard. I've been trying
to get you all day.
Well, now you have.
What the hell happened?
With what? With Ryan.
He lied to me.
Oh, Jesus, Danny.
Are you saying
this wasn't an accident?
What does Ryan say?
Nothing much. He's pretty banged up.
Danny, you need to stop this.
You need to turn yourself in.
Where are you now?
I'm heading back to the station.
Good. I'll meet you there.
Danny. Yeah?
Listen to me. No more games, OK?
All right.
You came.
What happened to you?
Oh. Nothing. Doesn't matter.
They said they'll be a few minutes,
I spoke to Richard.
He said you've been making
a nuisance of yourself.
I just
I couldn't bear the thought that
someone might have done that to her.
Do you still think they did?
We're gonna do this properly, OK?
We'll say a proper
She was such a bold wee thing.
And yet so prim and proper.
You don't remember?
I used to wonder
why your memory was so bad.
I know now.
You were never really there.
Physically maybe
but emotionally you were
..somewhere else, off in your head.
I.. I just don't recall
her being prim, that's all.
She couldn't bear to get
a tiny bit of mud on her clothes.
And blood, my God.
She was so squeamish.
Remember that time at school?
They were dissecting worms.
She fainted. Ah.
She was very proud of that wee scar.
Just there.
Where did we go so wrong?
Don't do this, Danny.
We were a loving family.
I don't think you've ever
loved anybody. Not really.
You told me once
that you felt numb all the time.
You remember that?
And yet you were too proud,
too scared to seek help.
You know that's not my way.
Your mother. Susannah.
She was so selfish. So emotionally
cold. I'm not one of your patients.
She couldn't love you and so you-you
never learnt to love yourself.
Don't. And the pattern just repeats
itself and that's why
your relationship with Christina
was so unhealthy. Don't fuckin'
psychoanalyse me.
I can't stand it.
Well, that's always been your
problem, hasn't it?
Excuse me. We're ready.
My baby.
My baby.
How did we not know?
How did we not know what?
About the life she was leading.
..the darkness
that was enveloping her.
You know that scooter she rode?
How did she pay for it?
You gave her the money.
I don't think so.
You did.
You bought her that horse.
Three years too late.
She'd always wanted one.
She was 15, for God's sake. She
wanted a father, not a fucking pony.
So you sold it and
gave her the money and
..that's what she used it for. Hm.
Never mind.
I think she was good
at hiding things. Just like you.
It was right under our noses.
Right under mine, you mean.
Susannah, I didn't
My mum was dying, Daniel.
Perhaps that's one more thing
you don't remember.
Of course I remember. And my
practice, all those poor people.
In and out of lockdown,
their lives thrown up in the air,
desperate to talk to someone. I
couldn't just turn my back on them.
When she was still at home,
it was easy, I could
..go into her bedroom, I could her diary, I could find out
what she was thinking, feeling.
But when they go out
into the world
I just wish she felt
she could speak to me.
And that I had the chance
to tell her that
..whatever was eating her up, it
It would pass.
Please, Daniel,
please come back inside
and let's say goodbye properly. OK.
I thought we'd time.
I should have reached out.
I should have done more.
I begged you so many times,
both of you, to make it up.
At Christmas when you were supposed
to meet up,
I pleaded with you, Daniel.
We never even spoke about it.
Well, you wouldn't answer my calls.
I even sent you that video.
What video? Oh, please, don't
pretend you didn't receive it.
Susannah, I swear I never got
a video. And I swearI sent it.
I haven't even got that app.
Yes, you do.
Oh. well, I never look at it.
Ryan sent it at Christmas.
Hey, Susannah, I found her. She's
out of it. Danny didn't show up.
What are you doing, Ryan? What?
No, no.
Oh, God.
It's right therein front of you.
Do you know where this was taken?
I've no idea. Ryan didn't say.
Did he say why he sent it?
Er, I assume he wanted me
to know that he He'd found her.
Do you recognise the other voice?
What are you doing, Ryan?
I know her from somewhere.
What are you doing, Ryan?
Please don't play it again.
Why did you send Ryan to look for
her? Oh, Daniel. But of all people.
He was a police officer.
I thought if something had happened,
if she was in trouble,
he would help.
There's 150,000 police officers
in this country.
I would trust pretty much every
one of them before I trust him.
He was her godfather.
He was your friend.
"Was" being the operative word.
I was going to ask Richard,
but he It was Christmas
and he was with his kids.
I didn't I didn't want
to bother him. Richard? Yeah.
Didn't know you two
were on those kind of terms.
Yeah, well, you don't
know everything. Evidently.
You worked with him for more than
ten years. We never socialised.
We've been seeing each other.
You and Richard?
Yeah. Why not? He's separated,
I'm divorced.
There's no law against it. My boss.
Your ex-boss and your ex-wife.
My friend. Uh, you just said
you never socialised.
I don't owe you anything,
Daniel. And neither does he.
I'm really sorry. I've got
another viewing to get ready for.
Of course.
He was here with you.
Did he say anything?
He was very supportive.
About the investigation.
He said there's nothing
to investigate.
It was suicide.
You have to accept that.
I've tried. You have to. I can't!
There's no other explanation, love.
Of course there is.
Then what? Loads of things
don't add up. Like what?
Like why would someone so squeamish
that she fainted when cutting open
an earthworm decide that this
was the best way
to try and kill herself?
Richard said she may have taken
some kind of a tranquiliser.
It could have affected her judgment
in all sorts of ways. Yeah, yeah,
she was still capable
of cutting her left wrist.
Even though she's left-handed.
And why would she even have that
razor blade in her possession?
Women use razors.
Not classic safety razors.
Not a young woman, anyway. What
would you know about young women?
This is classic you.
You always do this.
What's that? Obsessing over the
minutia. Missing the bigger picture.
Go on, then, enlighten me.
She's gone, Daniel.
And any hope of peace we had
is gone with her.
Have you been listening
to a word I've said?
What the hell are you doing?
Her frenulum. It's torn.
This, this tendon here.
What about it?
It's a possible indicator.
Of wha?
That, uh, that someone may have had
their hand over her mouth.
That there may have been
some kind of struggle. No.
That somebody tried to smother her.
No Hey.
We're coming.
Richard's asking if you're here.
What should I tell him?
Tell him what you like.
He says I should stop you leaving
until he gets here.
Jackie Sowden said there was
no evidence of foul play.
The torn frenulum, it's not
mentioned in the postmortem report.
Go on, then. Do what you must.
Why would anybody want to kill her?
Are you sure you want to go there?
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