T.P BON (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

The Dark Labyrinth

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[tranquil music playing]
- [mother sighs]
- [clatter]
Finally, it's all hung.
It seems like there's never enough time.
Days when the sky is clear
always put me in a good mood.
[curious music playing]
What happened?
How'd all my laundry get back in there?
My clubs are all dirty again!
- [descending whir]
- [Bon] Duh. Uh. [groans]
- [Buyoyon gasps]
- [Ream] Huh?
[Buyoyon] You dimwit.
What did you do this time?
Topachack's cap wrench
is all black and dirty.
So that's what happened.
[Ream] It's no wonder
the reverse time flow was leaking.
[Buyoyon grumbles]
[Ream] I've managed to get it
back up and running for now.
Thank you, Ream.
You can't procrastinate on maintenance.
Time Boats are crucial part of our job.
- Besides, you should always
- [Buyoyon laughing]
You're one to talk. Your boat breaks down
all the time because of poor maintenance.
- [laughs]
- That hasn't happened for at least a week.
If your boat's not working,
it might be dangerous for you to come.
- We've got a job to do.
- Well, I'll just have to do it myself.
What!? Hey, wait for me!
Whoa! [grunts]
Hold on!
Please don't leave me behind
like that, Ream.
You don't have to come
if you don't want to.
I do. Stop saying that.
Who are we saving this time?
[Ream] 1500 B.C.
A man and a woman from Athens
are going to be sacrificed to the Minotaur
on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea.
[Bon] What? Sacrificed?
[somber music playing]
So this is where you are.
I'll never see this again.
Our decision is going to ensure
the safety of our homeland.
This is a privilege.
There's no reason to be afraid.
I understand that.
[man] I'll be right beside you.
[woman sobbing softly]
The man's name is Menesthes,
and the woman is Creusa.
The two of them
have been chosen this year.
Chosen to be killed?
What crime did they commit?
[Ream] It's not like that.
They both come from noble families.
They are devoted
to the mission of protecting Athens.
They've been chosen for this honor.
[Bon] Being sacrificed is an honor?
And where is this
bull-headed Minotaur monster?
Isn't that thing just a myth?
- Try and learn something for a change!
- Gah!
[Ream] Along with Mycenae,
Tiryns, and Sparta,
Athens was one of the kingdoms into which
present-day Greece used to be divided.
However, in this era,
it was still a developing country,
since the heyday of Greek civilization
was to come much later.
[Ream] In contrast to that,
Crete was exerting its dominance
as a naval superpower
under the reign of King Minos.
[Bon] The people of Crete
worshiped bulls as sacred animals,
and King Minos asked Athens
to send young people
to be sacrificed to the bulls every year.
This practice may have influenced
the myth of the half-human,
half-bull Minotaur monster,
which emerged later on.
[Minotaur growls softly]
[foreboding music playing]
Crete is a scary kingdom, isn't it?
It only gets scary
when you break your agreement with it.
Despite losing to them in battle,
we can enjoy life like this
because King Minos
and our country have made a pact.
Namely, to ensure
that they have sacrifices
at Crete's annual Grand Festival.
You've made us very proud.
Here's to the two of you.
[all] Cheers!
[Ream] Okay, how are we going to do this?
For starters, why don't we cause a storm,
divert the ship to a different island?
The investigation
by headquarters concluded,
the ship should reach Crete
with no problems.
Have you got any other ideas?
Our goal is to prevent the two of them
from getting anywhere near Crete.
Plan B is to somehow convince King Minos
not to go through
with the sacrificial ceremony.
- [boat rattling]
- And if that doesn't work
- Uh!
- What's your boat doing?
- Aah! Help!
- [Ream gasps]
I've lost control of it!
Yeah, maybe he should have
sat this one out.
- [Bon] Whoa!
- I'll lead the way.
So just switch it over to autopilot, okay?
- [Bon] H-How do you do that?
- [Buyoyon] Ugh.
- Aah!
- [Buyoyon] You're saving him next time!
Wah! Wah! Ah-ha-aah!
- [Buyoyon] Buyo.
- [Bon groans]
- [sighs] Thanks, Buyoyon.
- [Buyoyon grumbles]
Oh well. Looks like
we have to fly straight to Crete then.
[Buyoyon] We'll sneak into
the Royal Palace and execute Plan B.
[timber creaking]
[Creusa] Captain Fereklos.
- [Fereklos] Hmm?
- The delegation is celebrating.
- Would you like to join them for a drink?
- [Fereklos] No. No, thank you.
- You look like you're not feeling well.
- [Fereklos] That's not it.
We've come to the end.
I just want to spend
the last night in peace.
"The last night"?
Oh. I think I understand.
This will be the last voyage
to Crete for the Captain.
To fulfill our solemn promise
to the Minoans,
I've been burdened with the task
of delivering young people
to be offered to their king every year
to keep the peace.
Thank you for your service.
[Fereklos] I've always felt
conflicted about this.
So many young people
have offered up their lives
for the sake of Athens until now.
And Athenian ships can sail safely
through these waters.
The Minoan fleet protects them
in return for those sacrifices.
Yes, I know.
And that is why I
I'm sorry.
Never mind.
[Creusa] Mm.
- [man] Captain!
- [gasps]
Ships ahead!
[Fereklos] It's the Minoan fleet.
Follow their lead!
[Ream] This island has been inhabited
by people since the Neolithic Age,
6000 B.C.
The Minoan civilization flourished
from approximately 2000 to 1400 B.C.
[mystical flute music playing]
It's hard to believe they were able to
build all this more than 1000 years B.C.
It's really impressive.
[Ream] Crete's diplomatic
and trade networks
were centered around the Aegean Sea.
Using the power of their navy,
they expanded to the Middle and Near East.
They even established
close ties with Egypt.
[man] King Minos, may I present to you
this year's tribute from Athens,
Menesthes and Creusa.
Very good.
They will do nicely.
I welcome you.
[all gasp excitedly]
We are most grateful
for your kindness, my lord.
Athens has shown its goodwill
to our nation.
With this, peace has been secured
between Athens and our Kingdom of Crete.
Thank you. We are honored.
Feel free to make yourselves at home
and enjoy all we can offer.
A feast will be held
on the eve of the Grand Festival.
Please enjoy it to the fullest.
[door closes]
[Ream] Crete was the first nation
in the world to achieve prosperity
by establishing a naval force.
Its ruler, King Minos
[Bon] Was the first person
to ever govern people through laws.
Isn't that right?
[Ream] He maintained
a master-servant relationship
with the neighboring countries
that he conquered
by forming a pact
involving human sacrifices.
In a way, he was a practical ruler.
[Bon] But human sacrifices?
[Menesthes] Mm! This food is delicious.
The island of Crete
is a wonderful place, isn't it?
Everyone's so kind.
It's so nice, it almost makes you forget
that you're about to die.
[Menesthes] Uh. Huh?
[Creusa] I'm going outside
to get some fresh night air.
Do you want me to join you?
- [Creusa] No, I'll be fine.
- [footsteps depart]
[beeping, chiming]
[solemn music playing]
[Bon] This place is huge.
[Buyoyon] I bet it'd be easy
to get lost in here.
[Bon] That's the symbol of the Minoans,
the double axe, or the Labrys.
[Ream] Right.
That's where the word "labyrinth"
comes from.
So for Plan B, if we use the hologram,
do you think it will fool him?
It might, but don't be surprised
if it doesn't.
[Bon] Why is that?
[Ream] That's how divine messages are.
People only believe
what they want to believe.
[Bon] Huh.
Yeah, kinda like when my friend Yoko
got a "bad luck" fortune,
she picked another one,
and another and another
until she got a "great luck" one.
[Buyoyon] Well, let's just hope
the king believes so they can be saved.
[music continues]
Why did you do that?
[servant girls scream]
[Ream] Minos, king of Crete.
[Minos gasps]
[Ream] I am the goddess
who protects Athens, Pallas Athena.
I come bearing a divine message.
Goddess of Athens?
[Ream] Return the two sacrifices
to their home.
No, I cannot do that.
Human sacrifices are offerings to our god.
Letting them go
[Ream] You choose to ignore
the divine message?
You must be aware that in the past,
we used to offer seven sacrifices.
The number was reduced to only two,
thanks to the merciful Minotaur
[Ream] No.
This is a sign
of the diminishing authority
of the Minoans.
You must have already realized this.
What are you talking about?
There is a foreboding shadow
about to close in from the north.
Should you fail to amend your ways,
your country will soon perish.
[Bon] She's right.
The Cretans are going to be conquered
by the Mycenaeans who live north of Crete.
- [Minos] You speak lies!
- [gasps]
[axe clangs]
As long we have protection
from the great Minotaur,
my kingdom will remain invincible.
Begone, evil goddess!
[clang rings out]
[man] Your Majesty! What has happened?
We have an intruder!
Capture them!
- The goddess
- [man] At once!
Well looks like
your big hologram goddess didn't cut it.
Hate to break it to you,
but it's time for Plan C.
Now we'll have to go into the labyrinth
on the day of the Grand Festival
and somehow get those two out of there.
[Bon] What labyrinth?
[Ream] The great underground labyrinth
that starts at the temple.
It's a system of caves,
intertwined like a spider's web,
across who knows how many miles.
And at its center,
in a place called the Great Hall,
is where the Minotaur is said to be.
- [Time Boat clanks, rattles]
- Huh?
Whoa! Ho! Wah-ah!
Ream! What the Aah!
- [Ream] Whoa-oh!
- Oh!
We've gotta get our boats under control!
[Bon] Wah-ha-ha!
- [Ream grunts, strains]
- [Bon] Oh!
- Aah!
- [Bon] Whoa-ho-ho!
- Ream! Where are you taking us?
- [Ream screams]
- How should I know?
- [Bon] Whoa-ho-ho! Aah!
- [Buyoyon] It never ends with these two.
- [both] Aah!
- [crickets chirping]
- [soft clattering]
[Buyoyon] This is what you get
for ignoring maintenance.
- [Ream] Shut it.
- Humph.
[Bon] So what do you think?
Can you fix it?
[Ream] The battery's dead.
[tool clattering]
[Bon] Hmm
Come on out, boat!
Come on out!
[crickets chirping]
That's great. We don't even have a way
of finding out what time we're in.
Even the smallest of batteries
would do the trick.
And where would we find that?
- [man] There it is.
- [both] Huh?
- Thank goodness I found it.
- [whimsical music playing]
I was worried I'd lost it
and all of my precious photos.
Isn't all so breathtaking?
The great discovery
of the archeologist Arthur Evans.
The origins of European civilization,
the ruins of Knossos!
So astounding.
Oh, are you here for sightseeing too?
Man, it really is
a life-altering experience.
- Well, goodbye.
- [footsteps depart]
So then
[Ream] This is the island of Crete
in the 20th century.
Excuse me!
That camera you have
uses a mercury battery, doesn't it?
- Huh?
- Give it to us, right now.
- What? I'm not just gonna give my
- We need it to save someone's life!
- I'm sorry.
- [murmurs nervously]
[music fades out]
[man shrieks]
[crickets chirping]
[Ream] We've made it back
to B.C. times somehow.
I wonder where my boat is.
Maybe it's gotten lost
somewhere in space-time.
And I'm afraid, my boat's
dimensional conversion system
isn't working.
What does that mean?
We're not gonna be able
to get inside the labyrinth
by diving through the ground.
Then, does that mean Plan C,
to get those two out of the labyrinth,
is off the table?
We have to come up with
a really clever solution.
[Buyoyon] The ship from Athens
is still here.
[Ream] The delegation will head home
after confirming that the sacrifices
have been offered
at the Grand Festival tomorrow.
[crowd cheering, laughing]
[bull growls, snorts]
[crowd cheer]
You show him! Go! Ha-ha!
[faint cheering in distance]
- [Fereklos] Creusa.
- [Creusa gasps]
Excuse me, Captain.
It's okay. I don't want to be
around the crowds tonight either.
"I just want to spend the last night
in peace," were your words.
- Isn't that right?
- Yes.
I understand now
what you meant.
To be honest, my heart is torn.
I mean, I know full well
that what I'm doing
is for the sake of Athens.
But still, if the Goddess could answer
only one of my prayers,
I'd wish I could run away.
[Fereklos] Young lady,
if you want to run away,
you can't go back to Athens.
[murmurs nervously]
[Fereklos] Very well, then.
This is going to be my last voyage.
If that's what you really want to do,
then I will help you to escape.
Captain, I
[cheering continues in background]
Thank you for your offer,
but I simply can't run away
from my destiny.
Talking to you has cleared my mind.
I'll offer up my life for my people.
But, Creusa
If you'll excuse me.
- [footsteps departing]
- [cheering intensifies]
[timber creaking]
[sailor] We'll be setting sail
when the delegation comes back,
so get moving and get the cargo loaded.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [crowd laughing, cheering]
- [instrumental folk music playing]
[Buyoyon] Hey, look.
They're being taken away.
They're carrying them
to the temple on the hill.
[Ream] Once they enter the labyrinth
from the temple,
we won't be able
to do anything to help them.
Are you all right?
I know you're frightened.
I'm feeling the same way.
But understand that this is our duty.
The gods of our homeland
will be watching over us.
[Creusa gasps]
[Menesthes] So we have to
show them our resolve.
I saw her
the Goddess.
- Hm?
- Pallas Athena appeared in the courtyard.
I saw her with my own eyes,
speaking to King Minos.
She was condemning human sacrifice.
The Guardian Goddess of Athens
was here on the island of Crete?
She's going to save us! I just know it!
What's gotten into you, Creusa?
I know she will!
- Stop this nonsense!
- [zap]
It's too late!
A miracle isn't going to happen!
- Huh?
- [Creusa] Uh.
- What was that?
- [Creusa gasps]
[both murmur nervously]
It's a miracle.
- [Bon] Could you two please step down?
- [Menesthes] Huh?
- [stirring string music playing]
- [Menesthes] Who are
Are you helping Pallas Athena?
So the Goddess decided
to answer my prayers.
- [hurried footsteps]
- [Ream] Please hurry.
You're both free now.
- [Menesthes pants, grunts]
- [Creusa] Thank you.
[music fades out]
[Time Lock clacks]
[ethereal thrum]
- [zap]
- [cheering continues]
[music continues]
[crowd laughing, cheering]
Oh, great Minotaur,
please accept this human sacrifice
and grant your peace and blessings
upon Crete and Athens.
[doors thud]
- [flames crackling]
- [Buyoyon whizzing]
Well, we saved those two. What's next?
Now, we just have to
find a way to save ourselves.
- [water dripping]
- [somber music playing]
[footsteps plodding]
This place really is a maze.
It feels impossible to get out.
This Minotaur,
do you actually think it exists?
I've never heard of
a carnivorous bull before. Have you?
I guess it could be an omnivorous type.
- Better watch your step.
- [Buyoyon] The moss could be slippery.
- [tinkling]
- [Bon] Hmm?
What is it?
Down there, I thought
I saw something shining.
- [Buyoyon] I'll go check it out.
- Good idea. It might be an exit.
- [Buyoyon] Aah!
- [both gasp]
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Buyoyon! Are you okay?
[Buyoyon murmurs nervously]
- Look.
- [both gasp]
- [dramatic sting]
- [Buyoyon] Bones of the victims.
- [Bon] So this must be
- [Ream] The Great Hall of the labyrinth.
[Bon] Then, in the depths
of that darkness
[music swells, fades]
[air rushes]
[Buyoyon] It It's waiting in there.
I can feel it.
- [Bon murmurs]
- [Buyoyon] Huh?
What's wrong?
- [echoing growl]
- [Bon] Can't you hear it, that sound?
- [Ream] Now I heard it.
- [growl]
[all murmur nervously]
[echoing growl]
- Do you think it went away?
- [Buyoyon] Uh-uh. It's close.
It's too dark to tell.
- [whoosh, crackling]
- Uh. [gasps]
[gasps] The moss is catching fire.
That's good.
[whoosh, crackling]
- [Buyoyon] Aah!
- [both] Huh?
[Buyoyon murmurs]
[Ream] What's that?
- [growl]
- [Bon] It's the Minotaur.
[Buyoyon] See? I told you it was here.
- [ominous music playing]
- [snorts]
- [growling]
- [both murmur nervously]
[growls, snorts]
[music intensifies]
- Ream, stay here.
- [Ream] Mm.
[Buyoyon] Huh! Wait!
Aah! Time
- Aah! [whimpers]
- [growls]
[somber music playing]
[panting, sobs] Bon!
[gasps] Bon is dead.
- [growl]
- [gasps]
- [growling]
- [dramatic music playing]
[Ream gasps, grunts]
[Buyoyon] Ream! [gasps]
- Aah!
- [bull growls]
No! Stay away from me! Get away! Get back!
- [cries out]
- [Ream pants]
[dramatic music continues]
[murmurs anxiously] Ow!
- [whimpering] Aah!
- [growling]
[rustling nearby]
[sighs, gasps]
[gasps, grunts]
[music swells]
Unh! Time
[music fades]
[melancholy music playing]
No! Ream!
[distorting] Ream!
[soundscape fades out]
[fire crackling]
[Buyoyon murmurs nervously]
- Huh?
- Huh? What?
What the hell
just happened?
- [whoosh]
- [gasps]
[triumphant music playing]
Hey, look! It's my boat!
Somehow our time was reversed!
- [Ream] Get on!
- [Buyoyon] Buyon!
[gasps] Ream!
[Time Boat whirs]
[rock cracking]
- [rocks cascading, crashing]
- [growling]
[music fades out]
[adventurous music playing]
[Time Boat whirs]
[Bon] We're safe.
My boat reversed the flow of time?
It must have been wandering
somewhere nearby,
and it heard your screams,
so it knew to fly over and save you.
Aw, man! You're the best boat ever!
All right, let's go get my boat.
- Hang on!
- [Time Boat whooshes]
[Time Boats whirring]
Now that I've located my boat,
let's go get our clothes back.
Excuse us.
- [Creusa] Uh.
- Hmm?
The servants of the Goddess!
[gulls calling]
I'm glad you were able
to safely make it off the island.
And don't worry.
We kicked that Minotaur's butt.
So what are the two of you
going to do now?
Well, when we left Athens,
we were supposed to be sacrifices,
so we can never go back there.
The captain said he knew of an island
where Athenians and Cretans
wouldn't be able to find us,
and we'll be safe there.
[both] Hmm.
- Well, we'll be off, then.
- [Forgetter trills]
Thank you two for all the
[both] Huh?
Hold on. Weren't we just
talking to someone?
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
[Creusa] Oh, no. Everything's fine.
I just find it very strange
that none of the islanders noticed
that we disappeared from the palanquin.
It was because the Goddess
was looking out for us.
[gulls calling]
[Menesthes] Yes. You're right.
It's a miracle.
You know, that was a pretty fun mission.
Even when the Minotaur killed you?
You know it was pretty cool.
And who ever could have imagined
that the reason we would be saved
was because I had skipped
on the maintenance of my boat
and it reversed time?
I guess, sometimes, laziness pays off.
[Buyoyon] Stop coming up with excuses!
The two of you
still have to do maintenance!
- [chuckles]
- [Time Boat whirs]
Yee-aah! Oh, whoa, whoa!
- [descending whir]
- Ow, ow, ow, ow!
[mother] What? The laundry's back
in the baskets again!
[father] How do these golf clubs
keep getting dirty?
Guess I better put together
a maintenance plan.
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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