Tandav (2021) s01e07 Episode Script


I want the landline records
for the night, the day before
and the day after.
I want the record for every
single phone call made.
You're a really demanding man, sir.
When will I get it?
Records of the entire hospital?
Our relationship has really evolved, sir!
Look, I had the file ready
before you asked for it.
This record is for?
Two days before and two days after.
You'll get your money tomorrow.
I could make your life easier
if you pay me today.
The money?
You'll get it.
Sir, I've done my research.
You work really hard.
You scour through the
CCTV footage day in and day out!
I figured I could help you out.
There's a landline phone at the reception.
The CCTV camera in the lobby takes
30 seconds to move from right to left.
So, for those 30 seconds
that phone's in a blind spot.
I have a list of about 25 numbers
which I feel are suspicious.
And these are the numbers that
were dialed the day your boss died.
Here you go.
Why the fuck were you
sitting on it, dumbass?
Who is it?
It's me, Shukla!
Hello, sir.
I am calling from IICMS.
Man, you guys have really screwed me.
I'm borrowing money to
pay my medical bills.
Balvinder Transport Service.
What's wrong?
I just wanted to have
one last look at this room
before I bring the CBI here with me.
I'm kidding.
I really miss this room.
This chair
I hope I can come here
whenever I wish to.
You must've been really surprised
when I made Aditi the defence minister.
You're the prime minister.
What more do you want?
Mental peace!
And I can't have it until
I have a two-faced chameleon
breathing down my neck.
This is where you killed him, right?
How did you give him the poison?
What did you use?
you guys have been
fighting amongst yourselves?
Who was fighting?
Speak up!
Sir, it was Haryana versus Bihar.
Where are you from?
I'm from Rajasthan.
I was trying to make peace.
You were trying to make peace?
You guys are young blood.
These twats on TV say that
you're the future of this country.
The country's future
is standing here with ointment
splattered across its bruised ass.
One ticket to Dubai costs 21,098 rupees!
If your fucking shitshow
forces me to cancel my fucking tickets,
I'll have to take appropriate
action against the perpetrators.
Are you getting me?
Now, be the good little boys you are,
and keep chanting
"Vande Mataram" every day.
What will you say?
Vande Mataram.
Once again and louder!
What will you say?
-Vande Mataram.
-Vande Mataram.
Very good.
-Yes, sir?
Take them to the hospital.
And listen up!
If I get one more complaint
I'll oil your asses up and
beat the shit out of you myself!
I've been calling you!
Why aren't you answering?
Something's wrong.
I don't think Chetan did it.
He wouldn't have reacted the way he did,
had he done it.
Maybe, we're not looking
at the whole picture.
Everything's possible, Shiva.
But why would Chetan do it?
I don't know.
Maybe it was their plan
to gain some sympathy.
But they ended up having a fight.
Or they wanted control over the party.
-Or they don't want us in the--
-Sana! Sana!
What are you saying?
I'm fucked up, Shiva!
And I am fucking you up too.
I know--
I think we should give it some time.
But we can't just sit here.
we can't leave it up
to the police either.
We should get some help.
From who?
Samar was here at VNU.
He had praised you.
He likes you.
And he's in power.
If he steps in
we could have a fair investigation.
He's close to Mr. Jigar as well.
we could talk to him
and ask him to help us.
Fucking piece of shit!
Hello, Dr. Pathak!
Mr. Gurpal?
How are you?
Yes, I'm doing really well.
But what are you doing here?
Well, I'm just getting a three-hour sleep
for the past few weeks
because of you and Dr. Sooraj.
I'm forced to stare at your ugly faces
and empty lives on my laptop.
Tell me, is that fair?
Mr. Gurpal
you've questioned me
in every possible way.
I haven't said a word.
And, sir, I--
I've already received my payment.
Why would I take a risk?
That is why I am asking
why would you take a risk?
Gurpal, I've warned
you against coming here!
You're creeping me out now!
One minute, ma'am.
Let me explain.
Dr. Pathak
I have a couple of bad news for you.
The first one is in this folder.
Dr. Sooraj often pays your wife a
visit between 02:00 to 03:00 p.m.
What do they do in there?
Well, I'm not interested
in wasting my time.
I don't think you're
interested in watching it either.
The second
is in this folder.
Four hours before Devki died
you were tying your
shoelaces at the reception.
The camera moved from right to left
and when it came back you
were still tying your laces.
But the thing is
you used the wrong foot
and the laces were already tied.
Take your glasses off
Take your glasses off.
Tell me the truth, motherfucker!
I was fucked, sir!
I was fucked.
The deal I made with you
it really haunted me.
I felt like
what I was about to do was a grave sin.
It's a vicious job!
I wanted to get out of this deal.
But I knew that
you guys would kill me if I
tried to get out of this deal.
I was just trying to save
Mr. Devki Nandan.
Mr. Devki Nandan's close associate
Anuradha Kishore.
I found her assistant, Maithili's number.
I don't know why,
but I thought if I told Ms. Maithili
she would try and save Mr. Devki Nandan.
You told Maithili about this?
That was it, sir.
She didn't help me either.
I had to do
what you guys wanted me to do.
What proof did you give Maithili?
No, sir!
I didn't give her any proof.
Damn it, Pathak!
Stop lying now!
How did she know about the chemical?
Ma'am, please believe me.
I didn't give her any proof.
In fact, back then, we had no proof!
There was no evidence!
I just called her once, that's all.
Did you meet Maithili after that?
No, sir.
Sir, I didn't even give her my name.
Please, trust me, ma'am!
All I did was one phone call!
I didn't give her any evidence, any proof!
Fucking bitch!
So, when Anuradha came over
to meet Father that evening
she knew it!
Yes, assuming Maithili
told her everything.
The old hag's devious, sir.
As you guys have seen
the revolutionaries of SAI are
busy fighting amongst themselves.
The entire university is laughing at us!
Because you guys are
fighting like petty fucking goons!
Do you think a party
that cannot handle itself,
will be able to handle your issues?
Enough! Stop this bullshit.
-What do you mean by bullshit--
-Guys, please shut up!
-I didn't say a word, man!
You're not saying a word.
You aren't campaigning with us!
Everyone knows you handed
over the phone to the police.
They were "fighting" for farmers' freedom.
But they've ended up in jail themselves.
You know that the cops always support JLD!
And the media is their fucking lapdog!
They tried everything they could!
But they had to let Chetan go in two days!
Our national party
has been running this
country for the past three terms.
And this college needs
a strong party like CJLD as well!
Come on!
We have the presidential debate tomorrow.
I request you to be there.
Let's do this.
Let's stay together till
the elections are over.
Just a few days more!
What do you say?
You are contesting the election, right?
Are you contesting the election?
No, sir.
Not in the midst of this chaos.
He's waiting for you.
Sir, what you said at
the university the other day,
that's our reality as well.
He was a really close friend.
And as you know, friendship supersedes
party politics in our university.
Sir, if you could push
for a fair inquiry
it would really help Vishal's case.
Are you sure none of
your friends are involved?
When was the last time you saw him?
On the 12th.
A CBI team is already on it
Are you coming?
No, man. Carry on.
I'm reporting live from Chandni Chowk.
The CBI has discovered
several crucial evidences
in the murder case of
VNU student Vishal Awasthi.
Our sources tell us that
a team of CBI officials
is headed straight towards
Mahant Kunj police station.
The investigation is under progress.
Reporting live for K News,
Owais Bhatt, Delhi.
They were on it the second
I got a call from Jigar.
They'll be releasing
an official statement soon.
On the night of the 12th,
Chetan Kranti and some of his associates,
kidnapped Vishal Awasthi.
They were holding him
in a factory in Old Delhi.
Two days later,
Vishal was murdered.
The DNA reports clearly prove that
Chetan Kranti is the man
responsible for this murder.
Who's Chetan Kranti?
Where are you taking him?
Do you have a warrant?
Sir, please listen to me!
Sir, please listen to me!
Chetan, we'll handle it.
It's me, Samar Pratap.
You were right.
CBI is done with its investigation.
It was Chetan.
Come home.
We need to talk.
Yes, sir.
This debate is being canceled.
There are some serious concerns
with regards to one candidate.
The browser that was used to call you
was used for an online
transaction as well.
That's all I could get.
I know this vulnerability on this portal.
I was trying to track someone else
and coincidentally my
system found the match.
I've found an address and a phone
number based on the credit card details.
The address is,
"Alley number seven, 15/6, Old Delhi."
And you're sure about this?
Hundred percent.
-Hi! How are you?
All good! All good!
And congratulations!
Sandhya gave me the good news.
Thank you.
But I'm not going to be the dean.
Yeah, but you're going
to be a father, right?
Now be prepared for the madness
and I am coming for the party!
Bye! See ya!
Sandhya's pregnant, Samar.
It's over.
She won't be coming back.
She always wanted to have a child.
And now
she'll marry him.
No, she won't.
You don't know her, Samar.
You don't know the law.
Our dear friend, Mr. Kailash
will have to divorce his wife as well.
Sir, Shiva's here.
I'll talk to you later.
you have a scandal up your sleeve.
You might lose a finger.
But the enemy's gonna
lose his fucking dick.
You should be contesting
this election, Shiva.
Our party has been shattered, sir.
I'm the traitor who ratted the party out.
You can be Jan Lok Dal's candidate.
The JLD youth wing has 40 lakh students.
Not a single one of them
has made it to this room.
You might think I'm being opportunistic.
Or that I helped you out
because I had an ulterior motive.
And that's alright, Shiva.
You have a fire in you.
When you speak,
the people, they believe.
Getting thousands of people to
believe you is no mean feat, Shiva.
This country's politics needs you.
And you need politics.
A corner office, no matter how grand
won't satisfy you, Shiva.
And it shouldn't.
But you know this deep inside.
I knew it.
I knew it when I was 22.
Everything you want to do,
you need to be in power to do it.
And at least for the next 15 years,
JLD's the only party
that's gonna be in power.
You know it.
The rest is up to you.
But remember
your present fame
it won't last forever.
Some girl will come along
with a dazzling new wink,
she'll become the new internet icon.
Two years from now
the press might print someone else's face
with your name written under it.
And no one will give a shit.
You cannot be a nobody anymore, Shiva.
You'll lose your mind.
The university doesn't
have its candidates.
The election nominations
will be reopening.
Sleep over it.
You're a good boy.
Thank you, sir.
Sir, you had asked me
to sleep over it, but
I've made my decision.
You are right.
I need politics.
I will contest the election, sir.
But I won't do it for your party.
I'll be an independent candidate.
I'll form my own party.
I might have to work
a little harder, but I'll do it, sir.
And thank you very much, sir
for having this talk.
Now, it's my turn.
Will you like to have a drink with me?
I hope I have your blessings, sir.
all the best.
Thank you, sir.
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