TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Pass Down

Narita's father asked his friend
to hit you on purpose.
It's highly possible that your dad
forced you to acquire a Privilege.
Saneatsu Narita holds the key.
Dad was working at the detention camp?
The driver who hit me was Dad's friend?
Mom died just because she was with me?
I play a vital role in the Majority Vote?
I can't be with you guys anymore.
Stop joking around.
I'm not joking.
I've been working with all of you in order
to survive and take down the Emperor.
But I've come to find out,
that I played a vital role.
I put everyone at unnecessary risk.
I don't deserve to be with you all.
Are you seriously saying that?
You guys will be fine without me.
You have Saaya, after all.
But you are our leader.
What are you talking about?
Saaya, you're the leader
have always been alone,
because I was afraid of
getting involved with others. But
Saneatsu, you called me your friend.
I'm able to talk to everyone normally now,
all thanks to you, Saneatsu.
I am here, because you are here.
You're the most important person
to me in the world.
Me too!
You relied on me, even though
I'm nothing but a burden on everyone.
Kazuhiko was the one who
got me fired up
when I was about to give up.
But Kazuhiko is the way he is
because of you. Isn't that right?
I always run away from everything.
But I'm still here
because you showed me the way.
You know,
I've dedicated my life to Omi,
since he saved me.
But I trust in you as well,
since Ishiki believed in you.
I was too fixated on surviving,
and I lost control of myself.
I was so shortsighted,
but thanks to you and Sudo
This man saved my life.
And you helped him come to his senses.
Ryohei Sudo put his trust in you.
So I'll risk my life for you too.
I wish I could do more.
When we were overwhelmed and only thinking
about how to survive the Majority Vote,
you opened our eyes to the prospect
of fighting the Emperor.
And on that day,
we promised to defeat the Emperor.
That promise and resolve
gives me strength.
Your words are what
move us to take action.
We are here thanks to you.
Saneatsu, you brought us together
and you are what keeps us together.
don't say that you're going to leave us.
You are part of us, Saneatsu.
What? Why?
If you have the time to be crying,
think of a plan to meet Ren Iruga!
Hurry! Right now! Come on!
Ryuta really can't stand it
when things get emotional, huh?
Ren Iruga?
Do you know him, Soma?
From the detention camp
Ren Iruga is from the detention camp.
His Privilege is the Division Right.
I remember now!
Supposedly, someone had obtained
the most powerful special right.
And Ren Iruga was
rumored to be that person's best friend.
I've never heard that rumor.
Well, only a few people were
secretly talking about it.
Plus, the researchers found out
and the rumor died down.
The person with the Command Right
was Iruga's best friend?
First of all, how could they tell
which Privilege was the most powerful,
without knowing all of the special rights?
You'd be able to tell
if you knew what was in all the envelopes.
That's true.
We can speculate that
the researcher who cooperated with Dad
used their special right
to see through the envelopes
and spread that rumor.
For everybody else,
it was impossible to read
all the envelopes and verify the rumor.
But they couldn't have ignored the rumor
in case it was true.
That's where Ren Iruga
came into the picture.
He was the only clue connected to
the rumor about the Command Right.
So the detention camp had no choice
but to keep their eyes
on Ren Iruga and deal with him
with the utmost care
in order not to provoke him.
It seems to me that
said researcher planned all of this.
Yes, and that researcher
is most likely Mido.
This is so confusing. I can't keep up!
Just tell me the conclusion later.
Let's change our plan.
We will lure out either Iruga or Mido.
Preferably, Mido.
If our guess is correct, Mido's Privilege
is something like a Right of Inheritance.
Even if it turns into a physical fight,
we have Ryuta and Soma on our side.
If Iruga ends up coming,
or they both come together,
we'll talk it out peacefully.
If we can't, we'll have to retreat.
I agree.
That guy's Privilege
is powerful, after all.
How will we lure them out?
We'll need Gobo's help.
Tonight, we'll use Gobo's Display Right
to call out to them.
My power, which was considered taboo
within the Black Institution, eh?
Is he from the detention camp too?
Very well. As I thought.
-When you need
-That's right! It's tonight!
That was my chance
to say something cool! For real.
What's wrong, Professor?
Tonight's announcement will narrow down
the Emperor's whereabouts.
The Emperor only chooses areas
within the 23 wards.
He declared that in the beginning.
Sudo claims that the areas are chosen
according to two rules.
Depending on which area is chosen tonight,
we can narrow it down
to one or two places.
What? Is that true?
Take a look at this.
It's a map of the 23 wards.
If you mark all the areas that
we've gone to up until now
It looks like this.
They're all connected?
That's right. Based on the path
that we've already mapped out,
Sudo speculates that
we are moving clockwise,
in a spiral pattern.
But some wards neighbor
more than one ward.
That's right. Suginami is connected
to Nerima and Nakano.
Kita Ward
is connected to Adachi and Arakawa.
Edogawa is connected to Sumida and Koto.
Ota is connected to Meguro and Setagaya.
Shinjuku is connected to
Toshima and Bunkyo.
And Bunkyo is connected to
Arakawa and Taito.
They're either on the inner side
or outer side of the spiral.
If we're following the inner side of
the spiral, the next area will be Arakawa.
If it's the outer side, it'll be Adachi.
We'll find out the rule
depending on the ward.
If Adachi is chosen, we'll be moving
along the outside of the spiral.
But that leaves us with
two irregular wards.
The Nakano Ward, which we already passed,
but is in the inner side of the spiral.
And Meguro Ward, which the spiral path
will bypass completely.
Now, if Arakawa Ward is chosen
Just as we went from Suginami
to Nakano and then to Nerima,
if we interchange between
the inner side and outer side
every time we have to
choose between two wards
We'll be able to pass through
all the wards.
And the final destination
will be Chiyoda Ward.
That never occurred to me.
But how do we know the Emperor is there?
Because he's searching for whoever has
the trump card that can defeat him.
Anyone who tracks down
the researcher from the detention camp
will find out about Narita's accident.
That's how the Emperor found out
that the trump card was on the loose.
And now he is trying to
get in contact with
Narita in order to get rid of
the trump card.
That is what Sudo deduced.
So the Emperor started at Suginami Ward
and is making us move
just to draw me closer to him?
That's right.
He probably thought that
only the person holding
the trump card would realize
why it started in Suginami Ward.
I'm sure very few people realize that
the Emperor, the Majority Vote,
and special rights
are all connected.
But why is he using
such a roundabout method?
Didn't the owner of the Command Right die?
Doesn't that mean the Emperor
collected the Privilege already?
Why won't he use his Command Right
to command you to come see him?
I see. That means
It's possible that the owner of
the Command Right is still alive.
It's just a possibility.
But if they're alive,
they can take down the Emperor.
And even if they're on the Emperor's side,
why aren't they using it?
That's true.
Everything that has happened up until now
shows that the Majority Vote
is the only way the Emperor can kill us.
Can he not use the Command Right
for some reason?
I guess the quickest way
to find out is
to ask either Iruga or Mido.
So, what do you want to display?
It's almost time to take a vote.
there will be nothing to vote on.
I have something that
might be worth considering
before writing the message.
The fact that we still have electricity,
water, and a broadcasting signal.
These three things
might be necessary for the Emperor.
A broadcasting signal
is needed to take the Majority Vote.
Water goes without saying.
But why electricity?
He can still broadcast
the Majority Vote without it.
And I'm sure his life
doesn't depend on it either.
Can it be for his security system?
I see.
The Emperor himself
must be in a safe place.
In that case,
if we cut off his electricity, that might
leave him vulnerable for a moment.
I already did research on that.
Currently, most of Tokyo's electricity
is supplied by both
the Shinagawa Thermal Power Station
and Oi Thermal Power Station.
Even if he has his own supply of power,
if we shut down both power stations
in a surprise attack,
his electricity will stop temporarily,
and his security will cease
for an instant.
Tonight, if we are able to
find out where the Emperor is,
we'll be able to develop
a more detailed plan.
Attacking the power stations
and causing a blackout
to get to the Emperor
Now I know what message to write.
Kanagawa is surprisingly far,
isn't it, Teppei-chan?
It is now time.
There will be no vote today.
Well, well
I guess someone wanted to be the good guy.
Interesting "The Resistance," huh?
What a fun little event.
Noon tomorrow, huh? Too bad I can't go.
This must mean they're
getting pretty close.
I will announce
tomorrow's designated area.
Tomorrow's designated area
is Arakawa Ward.
The Emperor
is in Chiyoda Ward!
This room is so neat and clean.
How typical of that strait-laced
little Teppei-chan.
If Teppei-chan was still alive,
I wonder if I would have changed my mind?
No matter what kind of
special right it is, I'll never use it.
Using it will be the same thing
as accepting their ways!
I'll expose them for their evil deeds
without compromising my principles.
Justice always wins.
that's not always the case, Teppei-chan.
If this was a world
where justice always won,
I would never have labeled it as
Both justice and people's worth
are determined by
the majority in this world.
Everyone's biased opinions are just
creating a false image of "what is right."
Now that you're gone, Teppei-chan,
it's as clear as day.
Justice never existed from the start.
Teppei-chan's cellphone?
He always had it with him.
Does that mean, this is where he died?
But that's strange.
The fact that the Emperor
isn't using the Command Right
must mean that he hasn't
collected that Privilege yet.
And so I was a little hopeful that
Teppei-chan might still be alive.
I'm the only one who knows where he lives,
so I thought victory would be mine
as long as I was able to outwit Mido.
I am Teppei Yoshii.
I am recording this message just in case
something happens to me.
It's Teppei-chan's voice.
This message is dedicated to Ren.
My best friend, Ren Iruga.
I am confident that
you will listen to this message.
Teppei-chan, you are the only one who is
stupid enough to have confidence in me.
Please search inside
the thing that I liked.
They will be numbered.
Please start with number one.
If something did happen to me
It doesn't matter anymore, right?
I see.
Now I get it, Teppei-chan.
He liked music, so
That must be it.
Divide whatever is holding
the component system together.
They will be numbered.
Please start with number one.
Dear Ren,
even if I die, as long as
letter number one is intact,
the Command Right still belongs to me.
The letters that I numbered two to five
each have simple commands written in them.
Those commands will activate one time only
upon whoever sees the command first.
How you use these envelopes is up to you.
I'll put my trust in you
and leave everything in your hands.
After all, you're my best friend.
The commands that I wrote
in letters two to five are
What were you going to do
if someone else found this?
You did all of this
when you couldn't even see?
Someone could've
abused this power, you know?
Teppei-chan, you're so strait-laced
and such a dummy at the same time.
I don't hate that about you though.
Thanks to you,
I might even change my ways.
What should I do?
Mido is out of the question.
But it's not like
I can do it myself either
We're going to defeat the Emperor
and stop this game.
How could I forget?
He is the best fit for this.
This is Teppei-chan's keepsake.
I won't let anyone have it.
I'll protect it until the day I die.
Well then, let's go and fulfill
Teppei-chan's view of justice.
Are you the ones who sent that message?
-That's right.
-What the heck! They're kids!
I'll ask just in case
You're not the Emperor, are you?
No. Why do you ask?
Then how were you able to
display that message?
By using my Right,
the Display Right.
We found a way to take down the Emperor,
so we're recruiting comrades.
A way to take him down?
Is that true?
Don't believe them so easily!
We risked our lives
to come all the way here
because it was our last bit of hope
to take down the Emperor.
But look at this!
They are nothing but kids!
That's true
We shouldn't trust them that easily.
Wait a second.
What if they're working for the Emperor?
Answer us!
All of you,
stand up straight and be quiet!
-Why am I?
-I can't control my body!
The most powerful Privilege,
the Command Right.
That's my Privilege!
The Command Right?
That's my Privilege,
the Material Manipulation Right.
I could've killed you already
if I wanted to.
We have a strategy
and the necessary power.
All we're lacking is people.
That's why we were waiting for
heroes like you to appear.
Trust us and lend us your strength.
If you can't, you can walk away.
I'll trust you.
That's my only option for now.
If you have this much power,
I'm sure you can defeat the Emperor!
Um, do you guys have
a detailed plan already?
We are going to
assign all of you
to the most low-risk job.
You won't even need
a special right to do it.
I see.
More importantly, we're in need
of an assistant adviser.
An assistant adviser?
Any candidates?
I'd love to. Actually
I must.
All right, that's settled then.
All of you can
go on up to the rooftop and wait there.
What? What do you mean?
Don't worry.
This building is safe.
Our comrade is on the lookout
for any enemies.
This is a pretty bold move.
I'm glad I came all the way over here.
Shut up and keep walking,
Nice to meet you.
You must be Sanetomo Narita's
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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