Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Now You See Me

Pete: I told you that
one of the side effects
of the meds that you're on
is hallucinations.
We're still trying
to piece together
the things
that you don't remember.
I keep hoping that we will reach
a point where we can grieve.
Theresa's not dead.
You don't have to
come by anymore.
It's not good for you
to be here.
I am one of the biggest boosters
of this team.
Don't come by.
It's over, John.
It is not over
until I saw that it is over!
John: You put me back
on a bad path,
you made me think
about bad things.
And now here we are.
I know something,
you know something.
We found a necklace
on the remains.
-It's our daughter's.
We're closed.
I hoped
I'd just catch you.

That necklace belonged
to Theresa Barlow.
The missing girl,
the one whose mother
-has made it her life's work
-I know. I know.
I know who she is.
to prove that
you're as guilty as Parker.
-You still sure?
-Of what?
You never saw her.
You never crossed paths
with her?
The only thing that happened
in those woods, was--
was giving birth to Freya.
That's all I know.
I don't know anything
about a body.
Maybe you blocked it out.
Do you think that
I could forget seeing that?
Yeah, I do.
I think this is it.
I think this is the event that
triggered your memory blackouts.
That's it.
Yeah, well, that's--
that's great for you, Pete.
I'm happy. I'm happy that
you have some closure.
A body was found
in Minnesota
No, remains.
You said remains.
Pete: From the time you
and him were arrested.
It could be an animal.
It could be anything.
The skull was bashed in.
Most likely by a hammer.
Emma, it's him.
This was Parker, and I think
you were there,
and I think you saw all of this,
and I think
that you have blocked out
everything ever since.
So take a look.
I don't remember.
Well, you'd better try.
Because pretty soon,
the FBI is gonna ask me
what I think you know.
Again, please take a look.
I get these flashes.
But I don't know
what they are, Pete.
I don't know
if they're nightmares or
[breathing heavily]
or memories.
Every time I close my eyes ♪
I can touch the colors
Around me ♪
Suddenly, I realize ♪
Everything ♪
You're not keeping
any of it?
Throwing photos away.
I should've done this
a long time ago.
I made frittata
it's in the fridge.
Last night.
Didn't sleep.
I made chocolate chip cookies,
too your favorite.
Yeah, when I was eight.
We're gonna
get through this.
I'm fine, Mom.

-Oh, shit!
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?

Band-Aids in the back.
[ Rustling ]
You're the girl from Seattle,
aren't you?
[ Growls ]
You seem troubled.

When you're ready
to figure it out, come see me.

Thank you so much.
Take care.
All right.
[ Door opens, bell jingles ]
[ Door closes, bell jingles ]

You okay?
I don't think I am.
So, uh, Caterina says you're
trouble and you believe her?
No, not that I'm trouble,
that I'm troubled.
It's a big difference.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
Isn't that
the craziest question
when you really
think about it?
There's so many things
that all of us aren't
telling each other
all of the time.
What is it?
This just isn't about
Caterina Keep, right?
Give me credit for that.
[ Sighs ]
What do you see
when you look at me?
You're a cop, you see a lot of
people in a lot of situations.
You must be pretty good
at reading them, so

I see that little freckle.

I see you got
a little dimple.

That's not what I mean.
I mean, like, really,
what do you see?
Like deeper
than the freckle?
Yeah, like deeper
than the freckle.
What do you see?
Someone I wanna be with.

-Everything ♪
-[Hammer pounding]
Shines much brighter ♪
I want to fly
Into this beautiful life ♪
I think it'd nice with you ♪
I want to fly
Into this beautiful life ♪
I think it'd nice with you ♪
With you ♪
With you ♪
With you ♪
Set the night on fire
If we want to ♪
[Both panting]

Where have you gone?

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Fingertips, northern lights ♪
Tracing colors
Right through the sky ♪
-Underneath a lullaby ♪
-[ Sighs ]
-She loved this song.
I just want to keep
hearing it, you know?
I got that.
And my heart sings
In a world so incredible ♪
It's a bench, for her.
Shines much brighter ♪
I want to fly
Into this beautiful life ♪
It's something I've been
thinking about for
a long time.
Looks good.
Listen, I know there's, uh,
gonna be a big memorial,
from the trust
I just
I don't know if I really want
the bench inside some church
that she was never
even in before.
I was thinking maybe we could
do something, the three of us.
Say some prayers,
lay some flowers.
I was thinking we could do it,
uh, out at Calaveras Lake.
Yeah, she loved it
out there.
Hanging out with the stars ♪
We were thinking
maybe late tomorrow.
I very well thank you ♪
Oh, uh, I don't know, Saul.
I have that conference.
Set the night on fire ♪
Doesn't have to be tomorrow.
We-- We want you there.
Hanging out with the stars
And the big moon ♪
[ Sighs ]
Listen, it's a great spot.
You're absolutely right
on where you want to put it.
You don't have to build it
around me.
I think it'd be
Nice with you ♪
With you ♪
[ Birds crying ]
[ Popping ]
[ Trunk slams ]
Everything okay
over here?
I'm fine. I'm cool.
Thank you.
I know what I'm doing.
Good luck.
[ Car approaches ]
I'm fine!
I'm fine!
Keep going.
Thank you.
You kiss your mother
with that finger?
[ Birds singing ]
Oh, hi.
Car trouble?
Unfortunately so.
I just read that one.
You like it?
It's, uh, enough to make a guy
like me stop writing.
I never met a writer before.
I've never met
a cop before.
So, uh, you got problems
under your hood.
Well, I assume you're talking
about the car.
That's how little
I know about
I know even less.
I'll have someone come out
to you.
-We'll get you moving.
Hey, would it
be presumptuous
if I caught a ride
with you into town?
I'm kind of on the way home,
I was just hoping to get
to the hotel.
Gonna meet my girl there.
-Thank you so much.
Thank you.
[ Car door closes ]
Uh, would you mind putting
the lights on for me?
Please? So I could feel
like I'm in a movie?
[ Siren chirps ]
So, um, what brings
you out here?
Well, love will make you
do crazy things.
Tell me about it.
Are we a couple of, uh,
role playing romantics, Tom?
I guess we are.
Then, uh,
what's the bar in town
that's really gonna
blow my girl away?
Thursday nights at The Fly Trap
are pretty fun.
I mean, it's nicer
than it sounds.
[ Laughs ]
Yeah, that doesn't seem hard.
Now you can buy me a drink
for insulting my bar.
Hey, you're on.
Let's do it.
I owe you.
Touch the colors around me ♪
Suddenly, I realize ♪
[ Cellphone buzzes ]
Everything I thought
Was impossible is here ♪
And my heart sings ♪
In a world so incredible ♪
[ Buzzing continues ]
John: Mary?
She's gone, John.
My daughter.
So now it's time for you
to just get on with your life.
That's what I'm doing.
That's what we're all doing.
It's over.
I didn't find her.
No, Mary, no.
This is not you talking.
This is not my Mary.
I'm not your Mary.
This is grief.
You're not thinking clearly.
No, I'm--
I'm finally thinking clearly.
Okay, John?
- Unh-unh.
I'm gonna call you tomorrow,
I'm not-- I'm not gonna
abandon you.
Not when you need me most.

-[ Click ]

[ Birds singing ]
[ Folder thuds ]
[ Sighs ]

[ Billy Idol's
"Dancing With Myself" plays ]
On the floors of Tokyo-o ♪
Or down in London town
To go, go ♪
A-with a record selection ♪
And the the mirror's
Reflection ♪
I'm a-dancing with myself ♪
Oh, when there's no-one else
In sight ♪
A-in the crowded
Lonely night ♪
Well, I wait so long
For my love vibration ♪
And I'm dancing with myself ♪
Oh, oh,
Dancing with myself ♪
Oh, oh,
Dancing with myself ♪
When there's nothing to lose ♪
and there's nothing to prove ♪
And I'm dancing with myself
Oh, oh, uh-oh ♪
Hey, you weren't lying,
this place is the bomb.
Car trouble.
No way.
Best haircut in town!
This is weird.
This is so weird.
This is good weird.
Do you mind?
Please, please.
I'm dancing with myself ♪
Oh, oh, I'm dancing
with myself ♪

I am literally only
at your table for one drink.
I do not crash
someone else's date.
Oh, John, it's cool, okay?
Stay-- 'til your girlfriend
gets here.
It'd be--
be great to meet her.
She's a little shy.
But thank you.
Emma-- John's a writer.
It's only my first book.
Of a three-book deal.
What do you write about,
Um, it's a work in progress.
A woman gets away
with murder,
but her conscience
basically kills her.
The prison of her regret is
worse than the literal prison.
She never knows that,
'cause she never owns up to it.
You sure she did it?
Oh, yeah.
She did it.
Sounds intense.
[ Chuckles ]
I gotta pee.

So, uh,
are you guys close by?
Yeah, I'm East bank and Emma's
on the other side of the water.
Yeah, I'm still getting
my bearings, that's north
We call it the Long Bank.
"The Long Bank."
Sounds beautiful.
Our next speaker is a woman
I have great admiration for.
She has been an advocate for
missing and exploited children
not just in Texas, but
throughout the United States.
And she has shown
such strength of spirit
in being here with us today.
It is my pleasure
to welcome Mary Barlow.
[ Applause ]
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
[ Microphone feedback ]
When my daughter
Theresa disappeared--
one of the 90,000 people who go
missing every year in America.
I, like so many parents,
felt powerlessness
and uncertainty
in the absence that was left.
My Foundation is about
transcending powerlessness
and uncertainty.
I wanted to know
[ Scoffs ]
I don't think I can do this.
The truth is
uncertainty is agony,
but at least it allows
for fantasy,
some-- some imaginary
happy ending.
I don't want to hear
that my daughter was buried
on the side of the road,
or left dead in the woods, or--
or sold to someone
who watched her die,
but that's what's coming.
All this was about certainty
and-- and now I know
and I would give that certainty,
that knowledge
back in a heartbeat.

[ Sighs ]
Set the night on fire
If we want to ♪
Hanging out with the stars
And the big moon ♪
Put them down for a dance
With your lasso ♪
[ Record scratches,
music stops ]
I was listening to that.
Enough with the song.
She loved that song.
You loved that song.
She pretended to love it,
for you.
She's gone.
She's gone.
I'm sorry.
[ Sighs ]
I thought this
is what I wanted.

She's gone.
Our girl is gone.
It's okay.
[ Sobbing ]
It's okay.
It's okay.

[ Belt buckle clinks ]
[ Unzipping ]

You were about to give birth,
so if you were running,
it was because you were afraid.
It had to be.
[ Sighs ]
Theresa: If you're my friend,
you'd believe me.
You'd just believe me.
-How long have you known him?
-Why are you asking me this?
Because there's something
about him.
There's something in his eyes,
in the way he looks at me.
There is nothing in the way
he looks at you.
He's got dark eyes is all.
You ever heard
that expression--
the eyes are the window
to the soul?

What did you just remember?
I remember a feeling.
What feeling?
What if I was running
because I-I did something?
Something so bad that
I couldn't remember it.
worse than
everything else?
Emma, I know you.
You know what I tell you.
No, I know behavior,
I know people.
I know I'm not sitting next
to a murderer right now.
What if you're in too deep
to know what you see?
[ Chuckles ]
Wh-What do you mean?
So now you're
analyzing me?
Pete, you brought me
to live here at your place.
You're my only visitor.
You don't encourage me
to form any other
You know almost everything
that I do.
Maybe you know everything.
Do you know everything?
We've had these
I thought we worked
through this.
No, we've worked on me.
We've never worked on you.
I think you have
feelings for me.
Well, I do.
I care about
all my patients.
More than that.
What, you think
I'm in love with you?
Yeah, I do.
And I think that it gets
in the way of what you do.
I don't think that
you see me clearly.
Well, I think
you want easy answers.
I think you want me to confirm
that you're a bad person.
I think you want me
to justify your guilt.
You're not gonna get
easy answers from me.
And I'm not
in love with you.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
I still love you.

I'm not a good person.
Yes, you are.

You're my good person.
[ Sighs ]

Karen: Don't show it.
That you're afraid.
It's dangerous to be afraid.
Was it you?
Was it you?
Saul: "Do not stand at my grave
and weep.
I am not there I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight
on unripened grain.
I am the gentle Autumn's rain.
When you awaken
in the morning's hush.
I am the swift uplifting rush.
Of quiet birds
in circled flight.
I am the soft stars
that shine at night.
Do not stand
at my grave and cry.
I am not there.
I did not die."

[ Crickets chirping ]
[ Indistinct yelling ]
[ Car alarm blares in distance ]
I came for a reading.
[ Lock clicks ]
Well, those don't look good.
All the cards are good
as all the cards are truth.
I see here that you're
leaving things behind.
I see a lot of change
and a lot of grief.
I see a city in the north
near the water.
The cards are not
a travel guide,
the cards are metaphorical.
I'm s-- Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I don't think that
you can help me.
How much do I owe you
for your time?
Do you smoke?
-Not cigarettes.
I don't mean cigarettes.
I mean harder stuff.
Uh, nothing that hard.
Do you have any allergies?
Uh, no.
Sit down, please.
[ Whimpers ]
[ Water pouring ]
I can't help you.
Maybe you can help yourself.
-What is that?
-Seer's tea.
What is, uh, "Seer's tea"?
Drink it.
Then what happens?
Who knows.
Why, you got someplace to be?
[ Gulping ]
[ Coughs ]
Now close your eyes.
[ Sighs ]
And think of what it is
you want to remember.

That's her necklace.
Isn't it?
I remember it.
She never took it off.
Jess: They'll hurt me.
They'll hurt me.

[ Coughing ]
[ Gagging and coughing ]
What's in--
What's in that stuff?
[ Sighs ]
[ Water running ]
So why do you have
her necklace?
No water pressure.
[ Man speaking indistinctly ]
They're up to their games
next door.
They let the shower
run on and on
after they finish
their business.
Dirty girls.
So, why do you have
her necklace?
You know Jess?
Not by name,
they all blend into one.
They come and go
so much next door.
But I remember that.
It's a stone
with very special properties.
I asked her to trade once,
but she wouldn't.
What do you mean--
"they come and go so much"?
They come for the men,
of course.
Girls like that from a place
like that.
It's one road to ruin.
The apples fall not far
from the trees.
What-- What happens next door?
What happens?
No, wait, wait.
Don't get involved.
Please stop.
Do not do this, please.
No, no, no.
No, no, let's stop that.
Hey, open up!
This is not your business.
Oh, please.
Don't make trouble for me.
-They pay my rent!
Just please,
don't make trouble--
-Open up!
Open up!
[ Grunting ]
[ Panting ]
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Hey. Hey.
Is she dead?
No, she's breathing.
Call 911.
Call 911!
All right!
All right, all right.
It's okay.

Oh, Jesus.

[ Groans ]
Hey. Hey.
I can't stay.
I'm so sorry.
Help is coming.
It's coming.

[ Indistinct talking ]
Caterina: Please,
it's an emergency.
There's this girl.
I don't know what happened
to her.
Probably high
on crack cocaine,
but it's not for us to judge.
Just send the paramedics.
Yes, please hurry.
[ Door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Door closes ]
How was the lodge?
I thought you had
a lodge meeting tonight.
Oh, yes.
I was good.
It was good.
I have some more work to do.
I'll be upstairs for awhile.
[ Insects chirping ]
[ Dog barks in distance ]
[ Lock clicks ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Machine beeps ]
To record a personalized
please press five.
When you have completed
your message,
press the pound key.
[ Button clicks ]
[ Answering machine beeps ]
Mary Barlow is no longer
accepting calls.
Please refer all inquiries
to Jake Barlow at extension 303.
Thank you.
[ Answering machine beeps ]
No, no.
I'm just--
I'm just passing through.
You know, this
all this, this-- this place,
it's all for nothing.
I found other people's
daughters, other people's sons.
my girl?
[ Voice breaking ]
My-- My daughter
My daughter is dead.
My daughter.
My daughter is dead.
She had her head beaten in
by a man who murdered
many, many women.
So I'm so sorry.
I don't think you need
to come here anymore
because this-- this place,
this-- this mausoleum is over.
It's all over.
[ Sobs ]

Mary: "Do not stand at my grave
and weep.
I am not there I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight
on unripened grain.
I am the gentle Autumn's rain.
When you awaken
in the morning's hush.
I am the swift uplifting rush.
Of quiet birds
in circled flight.
I am the soft stars
that shine at night.
Do not stand
at my grave and cry.
I am not there.
I did not die."

[ Screams ]

[ Yells ]

Tell me a story.
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