Ten Percent (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

-Cheers, mate.
- Thanks, luv.
Anna Pavlova:
The World's Greatest Ballerina.
Thought it wasn't happening
till next year.
They've brought it forward to the autumn.
-To the autumn?
-Robert Pattinson had a window.
-Oh, great. Good for him.
Don't get me wrong. Robert's lovely, but--
Come on.
-Film's called Anna Pavlova for a reason.
-Of course.
-No way I can do it then.
-Before you completely--
-Where is the cloth?
-The cloth?
Yeah. It's The cloth.
Let's just take a moment
before we make any hasty decisions.
Why? What for? I need to get more cheese.
Look, it's only women
who have to face this choice.
Really? Funny.
Never occurred to me before.
Okay, so how about
we just take control of this,
and say no to making it.
Easy for you to say.
You are perfect for this.
That's all that matters.
At least it should be.
Really, I need to be there for Oscar.
That was the whole point
of taking time out.
-I know.
-So Sorry.
Let's not forget that it was you
who came to me with this, originally,
and told me you had to have it,
-that it was a once-in-a-lifetime event.
How many times does such an event occur?
Is that supposed to be a joke?
No, sadly, no, it's not.
-Oh. Hi.
-Hello. Who the fuck are you?
-Harry Jones.
-I'm sorry. Who?
-Have you seen the French doors?
-Yes. Yes.
Sorry, I was just talking to
Um, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
-Oh, hi. You have an appointment?
An appointment? No, I don't. I live here.
-Oh. You live here.
-This is my home.
-Oh. Right.
-He doesn't live here.
-What? Charlotte.
-Not discussing this.
-What's going on?
We're interrupting these people's viewing.
Okay. Okay, okay.
This house isn't for sale.
I'm terribly sorry,
but I'm gonna ask you all to leave.
Upstairs is ready for you now.
Tidying away a few last things.
No, of course. Shall we
-Nice to meet you.
You can't do this. Please don't do this.
Why are you here?
-Came to pick up shirts.
-Shirts are in here.
Socks, pants, trousers,
God knows what else.
-Most of it came from the laundry basket.
-Please, we have to talk.
There's someone coming
to change the locks.
Mark, hi, yes.
Yeah No, I'm good. I'm good.
I was gonna call you.
Yes, I spoke to Clémence,
and she's thrilled.
She was beyond thrilled,
was pirouetting around the room
when I told her.
I couldn't stop her.
Well, I know, exactly.
Yeah. Well,
this is all incredibly exciting.
Let's set up the meeting with Clémence.
I will get back to you about that.
And let's see if we can make
this happen. Yeah?
Great. All right. Speak soon. Bye.
-So great to see you.
-Come on in. Have a seat.
So, I have asked Kevin
to join us for this.
-So I see.
-Hey, Rebecca.
- Okay, great.
I want to say how much I appreciate
you making the time--
-Can we get on with this?
-Sure. Perfect.
I guess what I wanted to do here,
I'm curious to know what your thoughts are
on how we package Eight Days.
-How we package it?
attaching talent early
is the way to go with this.
-This will be a great ride for all of us.
I haven't decided yet
where I want to take it.
And to that, we have--
-No, I think it's still me.
If and when it comes to casting the role,
I made a commitment to Margaux
that she and I will make that decision.
I think No, I know that is the reason
she decided to go with us.
-It's so interesting to hear that.
These are some ideas we had
we'd love to know your thoughts on.
-Right. But--
-You wanna maybe
So the team in LA are super excited
by the idea of Megan Fox.
-Megan fucking Fox?
-For Margaux?
-Oh, my gosh!
What team? What are you talking about?
-She'd be a terrific fit for Eight Days.
-But she's completely wrong.
Matthew McConaughey
had his whole McConaissance moment,
this could be
a Meganasance moment for her.
So exciting.
Sorry, have you heard
anything I just said?
A message for Stella Hart
from the Imperial breast unit.
Got your test results back
and we need you to come in
and discuss them.
Give us a call back when you get this?
Okay, thank you. Bye.
- Hi, Stella.
I've got Simon Gould in reception for you.
Yes, excellent. Thank you.
-So can I ask you guys a question?
Ye-Jun is flying in from LA this weekend.
-Ye-Jun, my partner.
-Oh. Right. Okay.
-Your partner?
A long way to come for a week,
but otherwise, it's like,
FaceTime's cool, it's great.
-But you kinda miss the smell of someone.
- Yes.
Wanted to ask
where should I take him for dinner?
-'Cause Ye-Jun knows about food.
Yeah, I'm not the best person
to ask about that.
Sure. I got it.
-Uh, what kind of smell?
-Excuse me?
What kind of food does he like?
-I'd say modern French is probably--
-Modern French.
-Some of the best times we--
-Le Bouchet.
-The table in the corner.
Completely private,
looks out to the river.
-Wow. Looks great.
-Ye-Jun is gonna love this.
-He so is.
I'm gonna call him right now.
-What happened to you?
-Yes. Nothing.
Why? No. Shut up.
I don't know what to say.
They asked me to send them your showreel.
My showreel was the last thing
to show anybody.
-Yes, I watched it. It's dreadful.
I insisted they audition you instead.
I mean
The Crown though, for God's sake.
What about it?
Sure they're serious?
They are if you are.
Oh, absolutely. Yes.
This isn't one of those minor equerries
or stiffs in the background, you know.
No, exactly. That's the point.
He was the only Archbishop
of Canterbury she talked to.
Yes, so I gather.
It's a rather touching story,
yeah, she's very gentle.
The two of them take tea
together once a week.
-No one's quite getting it.
Well, I'll have a crack at it anyway.
Try not to fuck it up.
How are the A.A. meetings going?
Oh. Yes, yes, I'm going.
-Not exactly fun.
Been thinking a lot about
what you said to me.
-When I came in and gave you that.
What did I say?
-You asked me if I was better.
-After my little brush with--
You said, "If you're better,
then, for God's sake,
live the life you've got."
So, yes, I am serious about it.
Because that's it in the end, isn't it?
-What is it?
-Darling girl.
You went for a meal with him?
It was just a kebab.
-A kebab?
-Just like the two of you?
I can't believe that.
-I just--
-I mean, why?
He was going home. Not home, obviously.
He was on his own,
everyone else was at after party.
-Right. Yeah, poor him.
-I felt sorry for him.
Don't feel sorry for him.
That's how I feel. I can't help it.
I know you're not talking to him.
No. Can we talk about something else?
No, that's It's okay.
So, have you finished
writing your script yet?
I haven't really,
exactly felt much like writing recently.
I've showed it to someone.
-I showed it to Rebecca.
Should have asked you.
I know it's not finished.
No. No, yeah.
But the thing is, she really likes it.
-She wants to know how it ends.
-Yeah, yeah.
But she would really like to meet you.
If you wanted that.
If you wanted me to set that up.
-You nearly finished?
-Tom needs this by the end of the day.
-Which one's Tom again?
I told you. Guardian Tom.
Oh. Right, yes. Guardian Tom.
-You'll probably meet him tomorrow night.
-Great. Yeah.
If you don't want to meet
my friends, it's fine, don't have to.
No, no, I'm looking forward to it.
It's normal to feel nervous.
I'm not nervous. It's just
Like, half of them
are gonna be war correspondents,
and the rest probably work
for Médecins Sans Frontières.
What am I gonna talk to them about?
Don't worry, they'll love you.
Not even sure
if you like me half the time.
-Could I read it when you've finished?
-Yeah, if you don't mind.
Ah. I'm done anyway.
I need a shower.
-Oh. Yes, morning.
-Hi. So, the shirt
My shirt's hanging on the back of my door.
Yes, that's right.
How did they get there?
-Yes, no. So I was talking to Dorita.
-Dorita, your cleaner.
-Uh-huh. Yeah.
She didn't want to deal with them,
-so I said I'd look after them.
-And I didn't know where to put them.
-Right. Okay.
-Yeah, no
-Misha, could I have-- Great.
-Yeah, yeah, sure.
Oh, my God,
he's so cute. He's adorable.
-Yeah. He's lovely, isn't he?
-Oh, thank you.
-And who's this?
- Ah. This is Monsieur Bobo.
He is way more important than I am.
Hello, Monsieur Bobo.
My partner and I
are thinking of starting a family.
-Oh, that's great.
-A family with children?
Excuse me?
-Hi, Rebecca.
-Mark here?
-He's running a bit late.
-Great. I can get myself sorted out.
Nothing. So you brought Oscar?
Yes, and he's adorable.
-You spoke to him?
-Yes. We had a coffee.
-How is he?
- Okay. I mean, I think.
-I mean, you know?
Did you tell him I'd read it?
Yes, I told him that.
And he was okay with that?
Yeah. I mean, he was. Yeah.
Did you mention the idea
of us maybe meeting up?
-All right.
So, the thing is,
he's not really comfortable
with the idea of you phoning him.
So, I said,
I could arrange it, if he wanted.
Oh, gosh, thank you, Misha.
No. Well, don't thank me yet.
No, I mean it.
It means a lot.
This isn't going to be a problem?
No. No, no, no.
It should be fine.
They do know about him, right?
-Oh, Jesus!
You're kidding?
You've been low profile
about the whole thing.
I have, but you haven't told them?
Not that I haven't told them.
Why wouldn't you tell them?
-You're the one who said
it's only women
who have to face this choice.
Look, I want you to have this job, okay?
-I want you to have this.
-So do I.
So it might be an idea just for today
to be all about you, that's all.
-This is me.
-All right,
but there is time to tell them
once the ink is dry.
Who else do they think I am?
There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow just you wait and see
No, look at me.
David, please don't turn away.
Just look at me.
We've got this moment now.
It's enough. It has to be.
'Cause beyond that,
beyond that is madness.
- Okay, reset!
can you keep an eye on the lights, please?
Yes. Okay.
-No, I mean, it's okay, it's fine.
-It's just
-I'm sure it's me.
No, no, no.
It feels a bit written somehow.
-Oh, that's okay.
-Didn't know he was gonna be here is all.
-Neither did I.
Okay, so, I mean, maybe if--
-What about if I kissed him?
I could kiss you after I say--
You don't need to say anything.
-We don't need words now.
It's what you do, nothing to say.
-Okay with you guys?
-I think that's great.
-Show me.
- They have to mark here.
Okay, so Um
-So it's like a pause, right?
And then
There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
-Think it worked?
Of course it worked.
It's a kiss that contains
all the other kisses
you're never gonna have again.
Okay, from the top.
Hey. Hey, little guy,
what's all this about, huh?
Shh. Look, it's Monsieur Bobo. Look.
It's okay.
What's that Monsieur Bobo?
Mummy's in a meeting.
Nobody knows about Oscar.
-So that's not helping, okay?
I'm sorry but that's not helping.
Great. Good.
-So great to meet you, I can't tell you.
-Yes. You too.
And the timing of this,
suddenly with Robert's window.
Suddenly, everything goes crazy.
-Robert's window, yes.
-Then to find you're available.
-What are the chances?
Couldn't believe it when she told me.
Sometimes with these things,
-I don't know, maybe it's fate.
Yeah. No, I mean, it's so great.
Yes. No, it's great.
You leave the Pennsylvania
Station about a quarter to 4:00
Read a magazine
and then you're in Baltimore
Dinner in the diner Nothing could be finer
-That's good?
Frame that. See this?
Where were you? The head?
Fuck me.
-It's great.
-She's so great.
I can't get enough of her.
No. Uh
-So can I just
-Yeah, yeah.
Two seconds.
-Yeah Yes.
Yeah, I don't quite know
how to put this, but
I was watching that last scene,
and I don't think
I mean, I'm pretty sure
that wasn't in the script.
-The What you were
-The Yeah.
-The kiss?
No, it wasn't in the script.
No. So, the thing is,
I just don't think,
in this day and age, with everything,
I really don't think you can
just spring that on an actor.
-Without first asking them.
-It was her idea.
-The kiss.
-That was Zoe's idea?
I felt it was overwritten. She did, too.
-She suggested changing it to a kiss.
-Which is fabulous.
-Is that okay with you now?
-Yes. No, that's
-I was just, uh
-Thank you.
I thought, as her agent,
thought I'll check.
-Great. You're in the shot now.
-Yes, I'm in your shot.
There you go. Still in the shot.
-Need you to go this way.
Should I go. I'll go that way.
Rebecca tells me you trained as a dancer
when you were younger.
-Hope you don't mind me telling him that.
-Why not?
-What are the chances, right?
The physical side of this
is gonna be everything.
Rebecca may have told you
the story. I'm sure she has.
But Alfonso is gonna be
codirecting this with Antoine Zhuber.
Such a great choreographer.
Oh, my goodness, yes.
Antoine's a force of nature.
He doesn't take prisoners,
he changes lives.
-Yeah, so, so great.
-He's in London this week.
What would be great,
if you're up for this,
will be to get the two of you
together in a dance studio somewhere.
Absolutely, yeah. Great.
-Oh. Hi.
-Oh! Hi.
-Uh How's it going?
-That was amazing.
-Oh. Thanks.
Going over my lines for this afternoon.
-You want a hand?
-I can read Sam.
-Oh, no, I'm fine.
-No, I'll be okay. Thanks.
Didn't know you were coming.
I was out this way.
-Out here?
-Thought I'd look in.
'Cause Marcus was saying
maybe it should just be
crew for the scene.
-All right.
-Yeah, so
-You comfortable with that?
-If you're not
-I don't mind.
-I'm sorry if--
-No, it's fine.
If anything cropped up,
you're not comfortable with anything,
just give me a call.
-I will.
-I'm here.
-I mean, not here, but here.
Okay. Knock him dead.
-Knock 'em dead.
-Yeah. I'll try.
-Okay. Okay.
-Thanks. Bye.
-Okay, bye. Yeah.
Can't believe you did this.
You want me to tell you weren't ready?
-You said the autumn.
-I know.
How am I going to become
Anna Pavlova by Thursday?
You don't become her by Thursday.
Need to show him you're ready to start.
I'm not ready. That's the point.
-Try having one of these.
Mark didn't say anything to you,
but I know they are seeing other people.
-Okay. Two other people--
-Don't tell me.
-I won't.
But they can dance, okay?
They both started out in West End shows.
-But neither can act
to save their lives, all right?
Everyone knows.
They want it to be you
to help them over the line.
-How do we get through Thursday?
-Get you lessons.
You're in great shape.
They can't, I'm a big, clumsy elephant.
Look, whatever you need, okay?
I'll call you later
and we will make a plan, okay?
-Bye, Oscar.
-Don't wake him.
This is gonna change your life, okay?
Right. Okay. Good.
I'm just coming up to
the main entrance by the transport area.
Okay, thanks. Thanks. Bye.
-Looks great, doesn't it?
-What's this?
-The film.
-Oh, that.
It does. It looks great.
-I think he's really talented.
-Sorry, who?
-Marcus MacLead.
-Oh, right. Yeah.
-He's going places.
Yes. No, he is, yes.
You're not convinced?
Yeah, I don't know.
He's young, which is great.
No, it's just, it's his first feature,
and he's lucky. That's for sure.
What do you mean?
So I represent Zoe Spencer.
She's great.
I know, she's brilliant,
but reading between the lines,
she's basically
directing a lot of it for him.
-Keep this to yourself, obviously.
Sorry I'm late.
Wondered if you would come.
-Yeah, I'm here.
I'll get you a drink.
Right. Okay, then.
-Oh, hi. Yeah, Rebecca.
-All right. Rebecca. Yeah.
Nice to meet you. This is Tom.
-Hi, Rebecca.
-We've heard so much about you.
Good to meet you in the flesh.
We thought she might have been
making you up.
Oh, no, no. No, I'm real.
So, you're producing on Eight Days, right?
Yes. Yeah. Well, with any luck.
That's great.
-Who's playing Margaux then?
-Oh, tell me it's not true.
Yeah. No,
it's still a long way from sort of
Sorry, tell you what's not true?
Sorry. Excuse me. What the fuck?
Got your drink here.
Was going to bring it out.
What the fuck is this about? Megan Fox?
Kirsten called me.
-She said you and she had talked.
-We did talk.
-Wondering if you would say anything.
I told her to fuck off.
Really? She didn't mention that.
Of course she didn't. She's a stupid
Look, it's not gonna be Megan Fox.
What do you take me for?
-She's being talked about.
-She's not.
-You don't tell me what's happening.
-You are only one to talk.
-Look, I know about Sudan, okay?
Were you gonna tell me or fuck off?
You know because you read my emails.
There is such a thing as
"recently opened documents," Rebecca.
So you checked up on me.
So you don't trust me.
I did. I don't now. I was wrong.
- Hi.
Hi, how are you?
I'm okay.
Someone's made an offer on the house.
-I've accepted it.
They've offered asking price.
-Have you gone mad?
-But the key thing is,
there's no chain, which is great.
What, "you've accepted the offer"?
-How did you?
-Don't make this difficult, Jonathan.
I'm not making it difficult.
I know it's not the 1950s
but I bought the thing.
I paid off a huge
No, actually, sorry.
-Fuck it. None of that matters.
-No. Exactly.
No, that's not what I wanted to say.
Don't want to sell our home.
Not trying to make this difficult,
trying to save my marriage.
-Yes, good luck with that.
-Charlotte, please.
-You always said we needed to talk.
-Not now, Jonathan. Not now.
-Seen this?
-Seeing it now, yes.
-Oh, my God!
-Didn't know she was a journalist.
You didn't actually say this?
She looked like a normal person.
-Heard anything from production company?
What's Marcus gonna say?
Who cares? I'm worried about Zoe.
-This is terrible for her.
It is.
-I'm such a fucking idiot.
-You so are.
There's tea and coffee
in the lobby afterwards.
And some biscuits, too.
-Biscuits. Excellent.
- Yes.
Okay. So some of you may have noticed
we have a newcomer with us today.
Would you like to introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Kirsten,
and I am an alcoholic.
Don't think I'll ever
quite get used to saying those words.
-Hi, Simon, nice to meet you.
Yes, you too. Excellent.
We're not gonna make it for the biscuits.
Shall we go for a drink instead?
I was in London for one summer in my 20s.
Worked in a bar in Kensington.
-Well done.
Oh, gosh, what a summer that was.
That seems like such a long time ago now.
-And now you're back.
Great new job, terrific apartment.
Really couldn't be better.
-Then why now?
-Excuse me?
It's none of my business, obviously.
Why now, at this point in the proceedings?
-LA's great, of course.
-Absolutely, yes.
I've never been.
It's wonderful actually. Really.
But you get to a point.
I was in love with a guy,
and he was married.
This was, like, three years.
Used to say he was only alive
when we were together.
Nothing else meant anything.
He'd left his wife.
He was just waiting
for the right time to tell her.
I kind of believed him, you know.
I actually think he meant it.
I knew, of course, all along I knew.
But I didn't want to know, you know.
And he was kind of my boss, too.
He still kind of is,
which didn't make it any easier.
So, anyway, his wife found out.
And you're still in love with him.
Of course you are.
Of course.
Hi, Clémence,
just wondering where you are,
'cause you're not here and we are meant
to be going in sort of basically now.
There you are. Great.
And you brought Oscar. Brilliant. Okay.
-Don't worry.
-I was leaving you a message.
-No, it's a fucking nightmare.
Sasha hasn't come back.
Her boyfriend's out,
but he's decided
to tattoo her name on his arm,
and it's gone septic.
Thing is,
what are we gonna do about Oscar?
I was thinking on the way here
that it might be time to tell them.
-Like you said,
-we take control.
-And Or what?
Not sure
now is the best time to tell them.
You're about to meet Antoine Zhuber.
-Hi, Mark.
-Antoine's here, if you're ready.
Oh, who's this?
-This is Oscar.
-Oscar. Hello, Oscar.
That's a lovely name, isn't it?
Yeah, sorry, my nanny
had to go to Budapest.
-Her boyfriend's tattoo has gone septic.
-That's horrible.
Yes. I know, yeah.
Shall we?
-Sorry about this.
-That's okay.
Not like Rebecca to be late.
Maybe she's had second thoughts.
Read it again, realized it's shit.
No, I'll call her. I'll see where she is.
I can come back at a different time.
You'll stay here?
-What do you mean?
-You won't go anywhere.
-No, of course not.
-Great. I'll be back.
-Oh, hi.
-About to phone you.
Had a meeting with Tom Hiddleston,
couldn't shut him up.
-Oh, is he here?
-Yes, he's here.
Oh, great.
-No, nothing.
It's just you will be careful
with each other?
-Of course, yes.
-If he's angry, or
I'm sure he will be angry.
He's got every right to be.
Yes, he has.
-Okay, well, wish me luck.
Listen, thank you so much for doing this.
-No, I truly appreciate this.
-No, that's okay.
Keep the back straight.
Yes, very good, Clémence. Exactly.
Go ahead. Arms in position.
-So we feel the opposing energy.
Mummy's dancing.
- Keep the lead.
Just shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up.
-Your back straight. Yes.
Everything in alignment.
Bend the knees.
Voilà. Yes.
-I'm sorry, but this is difficult. Yeah.
-Yes, sorry.
It's important to concentrate.
We need a silent atmosphere.
Yeah, yeah. Shh, Oscar.
I think he's probably He gets a bit
-Probably anxious.
-Yes, anxious.
Would have been ideal if you just step
outside for a bit, Rebecca.
Yes. Yeah.
Until the session is over,
then you can step back in.
-Thank you.
-If that's okay with you.
-Yeah. So I'll
-Yeah. I'll just be out here.
-So not far away.
Come on then, Oscar.
-Yeah, bye.
- Thank you very much.
And so
Take the first position.
Okay. Good.
I don't believe you, okay?
I'm telling you she didn't tell me.
So she lied.
She lied to you, if you think about it.
-If you thought I was gonna be Rebecca.
Look, Misha's upset.
She wanted us to talk.
Maybe we should listen.
Oh, poor her.
Look, it wasn't actually a lie anyway.
Yes, I read it,
but I didn't know who it was by.
And I did think,
"Fuck, this guy can write."
You might not want to hear this,
but I was proud.
I was really proud
when I found out it was you,
and I don't really have much
to be proud about,
so it means a lot.
I'm never gonna forgive you.
-I'm not perfect.
-If that's what this is about.
For what you did to Mum,
I'm never, ever gonna forgive you.
How is she?
Look, look, Luke,
things are never as straightforward
as they seem, okay?
-I know she wants to sell the house.
-Look, if you were able to tell her that--
-If you were to tell her--
-Fuck off!
-This was never about my script.
-Of course it wasn't. Let go of me.
-No, Luke, wait.
It's fine, it's fine. I'm okay.
Sorry. Sorry.
-No, sorry, I came. Sorry.
- Yeah, that's it.
Shush for Mummy.
She loves you. She's gonna be a minute.
She's just doing something difficult.
Should we Maybe we watch her
through the window. Yeah.
Would you like that? Yeah?
Come on, then. Come on.
All right. Look.
There she is. Isn't she brilliant? Yeah.
Aren't you lucky
to have such a lovely mummy?
Very good. Let's do it again.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
Oh, hey.
You're here. You're at the airport.
I was gonna try to
Okay, so Wait, you're still there?
You're still in LA?
No, wait. Ye-Jun, what do you mean?
Okay. But we can talk about this, right?
-You okay? Okay.
-Yeah, I'm good. I'm okay.
I thought maybe you were crying.
So Ye-Jun didn't make it.
Oh, my God, no. What, he missed the plane?
He didn't miss it.
-He didn't get on it.
-Oh, okay.
So I guess I won't be needing
the engagement ring, after all.
-Look, it's my fault. I didn't listen.
-No, it wasn't.
-I should have
-Actually, yes, it was.
It is your fault.
Let's take control of the situation.
That was your pitch to me.
-I was
-Next thing I know,
you're pretending Oscar's yours.
-You're a natural with babies.
-Well, thanks.
If there's a part I was born to play,
I'll do it in my terms.
Right from the start.
-But you said it.
How many times does
a once-in-a-lifetime role come along?
-Exactly. We know the answer to that now.
Yes, exactly, twice.
-Are you even French?
-It's perfect.
Thanks, that's great.
Yeah, see you tomorrow. Yeah. Thanks.
-I've had a long day.
-I know, I'm sure, can I just--
Why'd you do that?
I'm really sorry, okay.
-Why would you say that?
-I know.
Have you got any idea
what it's been like for me today?
Of course I haven't. 'Course I have.
If you're jealous of Marcus, your problem.
I know it is.
I know that. I always do this.
I had to get down on my knees
to apologize to him.
On your knees?
If you can't be my agent
and my boyfriend, choose.
-Sorry. I'm sorry.
-Or neither.
I've had enough of this.
-I haven't had enough of either.
-I'm really tired, I'm sorry.
-Yes, me too.
Sorry, not tired. I am tired,
I haven't slept.
-Yes, goodnight.
Only 'cause I don't deserve you
and I'm terrified of losing you.
Never mind.
-Hey. Absolutely.
-Have you got a moment?
There's something
I wanted to share with you.
So I've been thinking about Eight Days,
and I think I've solved our problem.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Yes, exactly.
That's so exciting, because Kevin and I,
we were just talking about that.
-Kevin, you wanna
-Sure. Absolutely.
I did some asking around,
and what happened is,
Jeremy ran into Megan
at Little Beach House Malibu.
-Little Beach House is
-Yeah. No, I know what it is.
He was talking about Eight Days,
she was like, "I'd kill to do that
at this point in my whatever."
Jeremy was like, "Megan,
we should make that happen."
- Right.
We are excited for you
to be on this journey with us.
I bet you are but I'm not
actually on that journey.
-No, 'cause what's exciting
-is I've had a much better idea.
So your idea about attaching someone
very early on, like now, basically
-Sure. Great.
-so great.
So if we're gonna do that,
Clémence Poésy.
I can't believe
I didn't think of it before.
She's French, she's brilliant,
totally believable as a war correspondent,
and she's a client.
-I know.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
What's great,
the timing couldn't be better.
She's had a baby
and wants to take a year out.
-So we attach her now.
We give her an executive producer role.
We take control
of this whole thing with her.
We build it around
when she's ready. It's perfect.
-Oh, my gosh.
-We should get into that as a possibility.
-Absolutely. 100%.
We don't have to.
Excuse me?
She's here,
and I've asked her and she said yes.
-Oh, my word.
-I couldn't believe it either.
Clémence, you wanna step in?
-Lovely to meet you.
-Yes, you too.
-Can I just say, I'm so excited.
Great. That's great.
Me, too.
Ow! Ow!
Sorry. Sorry.
-It's okay.
-Maybe if you don't talk.
All right, yeah.
-Okay, right.
It's important to keep the wound
immobile for as long as possible.
-Okay, well, thanks, Julia.
-Yes, no. Yes, yes.
Yeah, I think that's probably
done for the day?
-I said, I think I'll go home now.
-Oh, yeah.
-Not home.
-But anyway
-Uh Have a nice weekend.
So on Fridays, I sometimes go
for a drink on my way home.
Right. Right.
Drink. Yeah.
-Oh, fuck.
-Guess it's Salsa night on Fridays.
-Yeah. Shouldn't we go somewhere else?
-Yeah, okay. Come on.
Hang on. Did you know it was Salsa night
when you suggested this?
Me? No. Why?
Julia! Julia!
They give you free sangria
if you dance, actually.
-Okay. Yep, come on. Yep.
Let's drink.
Didn't expect to see you.
Yeah, no, I was gonna call but I just
Yes. I was going to call you, too.
Oh, okay.
I wanted to come over to tell you
I've solved the casting problem
with Eight Days.
-Obviously, subject to your approval.
-I think you're gonna love it.
-Clémence Poésy.
-What, you don't like her?
-No, I think she's great.
-How are you?
-Okay. Busy.
What were you gonna call me about?
I thought I should return these to you.
I don't think I'll be needing them.
I wasn't going to go.
-To Sudan.
Was going to turn it down.
That's why I didn't tell you.
Right. But now
Now I'm going, yes.
I've said yes.
-No. Please, please, don't do this.
-I'm sorry, Rebecca.
Really sorry.
You good? You need to loosen up.
-It's all in the hips.
-What, my lips?
Trying not to move them.
-Your hips. Your hips.
-Oh, okay. Yeah.
-Thank you.
Look at you. I'll
-Can we say it's not that.
It's not that. I mean, obviously.
-This can't happen, can it?
-It can.
-No, think about it.
-I'm thinking about it.
-No, Julia, we're a bit drunk.
-No, I'm not.
I'm a bit all over the place.
I don't know what I want.
No, I don't want to hurt you.
You wouldn't hurt me.
I don't want to hurt anybody.
Look, this feels wrong, doesn't it?
Oh, God. Okay, it's been a hell of a week.
I shouldn't have let it get this far.
I'm really sorry.
Yeah. Of course.
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