The 8 Show (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[4th Floor] 5th Floor!
Get down here!
Hurry it up, sleepyhead!
We get to go home! [laughs]
The show's over!
We're getting paid! [gasps happily]
5th Floor!
- [ticking]
- [closes door]
[5th Floor gasps]
[upbeat music playing]
Farewell, my love ♪
I'm gonna miss you, my love ♪
- [squealing]
- I'll search the heavens up above ♪
Till we meet again… ♪
Ah, so nice and cool.
- Farewell, my love… ♪
- Hey, girl!
Ah, I guess it's time to go.
- I still recall how it was ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
And that's what I'll be thinking of… ♪
- [5th Floor laughs]
- Till we meet… ♪
You're here! We just wanted
to thank you for everything.
- Aw, what are all the tears for?
- It's just… It feels so unreal still.
Oh, hey. You gotta try a hot dog.
This guy knows his way around a grill.
- Grab a beer too.
- [5th Floor] This is so nice.
Mm! Mm.
Oh my, this is good!
- [laughter]
- I wish you so well… ♪
Hey. You kicked this show's ass.
Now, let's get our money.
- Till we meet again… ♪
- [gasping and laughter]
- Farewell, my love… ♪
- [5th Floor] We really get to go!
- I'm gonna… ♪
- Wait, uh, just a minute.
- Where's 2nd Floor?
- Miss you, my love ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh… ♪
- Oh, she's up.
- Till we meet… ♪
- Lookee!
Again ♪
[music slows]
Farewell, my love… ♪
- [record scratching]
- I'm gonna… ♪
"Bitch, I'll kill you"?
I'll search the heavens up above… ♪
- [2nd Floor screams]
- Till we meet ♪
Again… ♪
Farewell, my love ♪
I still recall how it was… ♪
- Am I dreaming? What the…
- And that's ♪
- What I'll be thinking of… ♪
- [8th Floor laughing]
- [grunting and groaning]
- [8th Floor] Run! Horsey, jump! Bang!
- [taser crackling]
- [1st Floor wails]
[dramatic music playing]
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues with static]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, my!
Ah, glasses off. Mu… much better.
What's this? Where am… What is this place?
[machinery whirring]
[5th Floor and 6th Floor sighing]
[6th Floor] Please…
I need to hold you close.
Please free my arms. [sighs]
[tape rustling]
[6th Floor grunts]
by Michel Legrand playing]
[squealing happily]
[2nd Floor screams]
[8th Floor] Whee!
[1st Floor yells]
- Throw it! The tape!
- [8th Floor] Ah!
- Ooh!
- [5th Floor moaning]
[8th Floor] Ah… shoo!
Eek! [giggles]
[5th Floor whimpering]
[6th Floor] Tie him up!
- Hold still!
- [5th Floor moaning]
[8th Floor chuckles]
[6th Floor] Jesus, grab him!
- [4th Floor shrieks]
- [6th Floor] Shit…
- [Jin-su yelping]
- [4th Floor shrieking]
- [4th Floor screams]
- [Jin-su] Hey, wait!
[blows landing]
[giggling happily]
[1st Floor yelling]
[fighting and yelling continue]
[music crescendoes]
- [music stops]
- [giggles]
[6th Floor] Smith and Wesson M36.
And four…
[5th Floor sobbing]
[somber music playing]
Hey, sweetheart. I'm so grateful.
I do hope you know that.
[muffled sobbing]
Here I was thinkin' they
were just a bunch of damn wimps.
I gotta hand it to 'em.
The wimps played hardball.
[5th Floor squeals]
[muffled screaming]
[muffled yells]
[loud slam]
[6th Floor sighs]
Tell me. I'm down eight toenails.
Why'd you leave two behind?
Gotta say,
I sure underestimated you guys. Huh.
I'll admit my mistake.
That's on me.
So, let's talk… Who did it?
[4th Floor] Answer him!
Which one of you did this? God damn…
- [6th Floor] Did you?
- I'd never do that.
I swear, okay?
- And you?
- [1st Floor grunts]
It's not me. I swear! I mean it. [grunts]
Okay… that leaves… you.
It checks out, given your feelings for me.
- [2nd Floor sighs]
- [6th Floor] I'm a rational guy. I get it.
Tying me up, knocking me
around some, I get all that.
And yet, that wasn't enough, now, was it?
One of you took things a step further,
didn't you?
That wasn't just revenge.
That was straight-up torture.
[laughing] Ah, Jesus.
I'm speechless, guys.
I really am. Shit…
When I was tied up,
you know what I wanted most?
It wasn't just catching the bastard.
No, no…
That was a given. No, I wanted
to do something interesting.
So, I came up with a game.
Russian roulette.
You know it, right?
[6th Floor] I loaded up the barrel
here with one bullet.
Your odds are…
one outta five.
I will shoot you one by one.
I won't aim for your heads, though.
I wouldn't wanna kill ya.
No, I'll aim for your legs.
It should be fairly awful.
Now, shall we begin? [chuckles]
It's gonna be great.
[2nd Floor gasping]
Who did it? Fess up.
Beats me, asshole!
[6th Floor] One…
Man, I don't know!
- [screams and sobs]
- Three!
- [click]
- [2nd Floor gasping]
- [6th Floor chuckles]
- [2nd Floor groans]
Oh yeah!
- [giggling]
- [6th Floor laughing]
Ah, shit, girl.
- Guess it's your lucky day.
- [2nd Floor] God damn.
[6th Floor] You deserve a nice beating
to celebrate. Yah!
- [sobbing]
- [6th Floor] Take that!
Son of a bitch! [grunting]
- [blows landing]
- [6th Floor grunting]
- Hah!
- [2nd Floor groans]
Next up is Mr. Champagne Socialist.
- Are you willing to talk?
- I don't… um, I don't know.
- Please, I don't know.
- [6th Floor] You're not gonna talk?
- Now.
- [7th Floor gasping]
Let's begin.
- This one might sting.
- [7th Floor gasps]
- [7th Floor panting]
- Shoot.
- [gunshot]
- [7th Floor screams]
- [muffled wail]
- [screaming]
Oh fuck! What the hell… Ah…
[7th Floor screaming] Oh God!
[6th Floor] Crazy…
- Oh, God!
- Hey.
[7th Floor] Oh!
- No!
- [6th Floor] Bind his leg.
- Goddamn…
- [squeals] Ooh!
[7th Floor whimpering]
- Ah. Ah.
- [both whimpering]
- Tie him tight.
- [7th Floor yells]
- [56th Floor] Look at that blood. God.
- [7th Floor screaming]
- Gah!
- [giggling]
[muffled wailing]
- [sobbing]
- [6th Floor] Wow!
This thing means business!
- Ah.
- [sobbing]
[6th Floor sighs]
My, my… if it isn't 1st Floor.
How'd you like a second bum leg?
[whimpering] Have pity.
Spare me, please.
I'm begging you. I need my good leg.
Don't do it. Please, don't shoot.
Please, no. Not my good leg!
I'm begging, no!
- [wailing]
- [6th Floor grunting]
[6th Floor] Do you know,
I prayed for the first time?
I prayed that God would
help me find the bastard and get revenge!
[1st Floor] Please! Don't do this!
Don't shoot my leg!
Stop begging.
- [wailing]
- [6th Floor] Give prayer a shot, like me.
[1st Floor and 5th Floor sobbing]
[6th Floor] One…
[1st Floor] Please don't shoot!
[dramatic, somber music playing]
- Three!
- [Jin-su] Don't shoot!
Just hear me out!
I think I know who did it.
- [1st Floor sobbing]
- [Jin-su] Who… [groans]
Or, I mean, I don't actually know.
I just know how we can
find out who did it.
[6th Floor] What does that mean?
Do you know or not?
You better start making sense.
Witness. We have a witness.
Who is it?
The… the, uh…
The, uh, the… It's the cameras.
We're surrounded by them.
They're always running.
We can buy the CCTV footage.
I'm sure that we can.
We were able to buy a booze recipe.
I bet they'll sell the footage.
Yeah, I'd be shocked
if we couldn't buy it!
You know… that sounds like fun!
[Jin-su] Trust me, this'll work.
- [6th Floor] Where you goin'?
- [8th Floor] Oh, just to my floor.
[6th Floor] Why?
To watch your footage.
[2nd Floor gasping]
- [6th Floor] It's not a sitcom.
- [8th Floor] No, it's way better!
[laughs] It's delicious!
It's a whodunnit.
I love the suspense! [giggles]
Oh, I'm dying to watch it.
[6th Floor] Stay and stand guard.
[4th Floor] Why?
[6th Floor] Because I said so!
[4th Floor] Ah… sure.
[8th Floor] Ooh! [giggles]
Ah! Could you send up footage
of 6th Floor getting attacked?
- I can't wait to check it out.
- God.
- [8th Floor] Yes, to my room.
- [sighs]
[8th Floor] Oh… Pricey.
I'd like…
I'd prefer to watch it alone, please.
Yeah, but it's more fun if I watch it too.
7th Floor…
Are you okay?
- Hah.
- [2nd Floor] Just come clean.
- Who was it?
- [7th Floor groans]
Hey, keep quiet!
[2nd Floor] We're all gonna know
soon enough anyway.
Just admit it now.
[8th Floor] Hmm.
Hmm. Bye-bye, hundred mil.
- [projector whirs]
- [8th Floor] Oh!
It feels like a movie theater! [laughs]
Gosh… Don't you just love a special event?
What a nice surprise. [giggles]
[2nd Floor] Which of you did it?
[8th Floor] Gosh… Oh, I'm so excited!
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[8th Floor gasps]
Oh my gosh.
[Jin-su gasps] It was you.
Wasn't it, 1st Floor?
That fucking dick!
[1st Floor] I'm so sorry.
I feel so bad…
I'm so sorry.
He treated me like dirt.
I was just so mad.
It was too much.
You wanted money too.
Is that not okay?
Those people… tormented us,
and made us their slaves.
Don't we have the right
to make a buck off of them?
Why… why can't we fight back
and get what's ours?
[sobbing] Why?
- [scoffs]
- [laughs]
[8th Floor laughing]
Oh wow, look at him!
God! Oh God, he's insane!
It's like he's unhinged! [laughing]
Oh… Aw, you're lapping it up
like a natural! [laughing delightedly]
- Ah!
- [1st Floor] It's true.
I wasn't ready to end the show.
We couldn't go home yet.
It was like leaving cash on the table.
I'd do whatever it took to stay here
a little longer.
I just wanted more time. That's all.
I'm so sorry…
[4th Floor] That's all you've got?
How could you?
You just pulled out my teeth like that?
[sobbing] Asshole!
You… you… you insane evil bastard scum!
I will… I'll need to get major dental
surgery 'cause of you. You happy now?
[sighs] I'm gonna kill that asshole.
[sighs] And end this thing.
[tense music playing]
[4th Floor] Oh! He confessed!
It was that bastard, 1st Floor!
- You're dead!
- [4th Floor] You have to make him pay!
[muffled] Please, don't hurt him! Please!
[6th Floor groans]
- Uh--
- [thump]
- [cracking]
- [gasps]
[ominous music playing]
[Jin-su panting]
[6th Floor splutters]
[8th Floor] Hmm.
Do you know what your problem is?
- [groans]
- You're too aggressive.
- [chuckles]
- [groans]
[8th Floor] He took a pretty nasty fall.
- 4th Floor! Come up and bind him for me.
- Huh?
Okay. [gasps]
[1st Floor gasping]
[8th Floor] Oh, 5th Floor,
such a tender soul…
You guys shouldn't blame her.
- [5th Floor whimpering]
- Hmm.
That asshole.
I'm gonna kill that pig. I swear it.
- [sobs] I feel violated.
- Aw.
I hope he rots in hell…
- None of that, okay?
- [whimpers]
Come on, dear.
You want me to free you, right?
I got your revenge, believe me…
His back crunched right into two.
I bet he wishes that he were dead.
But we can't… have anyone die in here.
- [sobs]
- Not ever.
- Show me that you understand.
- [gasps]
[8th Floor gasps]
Look how much time we got, you guys!
This has been such an exciting day.
I simply love this place. [chuckles]
Ah! God, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.
Who knows what fun's still in store?
We're gonna find out soon.
[Jin-su] 8th Floor had 5th Floor
treat 7th Floor's wound.
[7th Floor groans]
[Jin-su] She made us
drag 6th Floor to his room.
- [8th Floor] Can't you go faster?
- [Jin-su] And after that…
- Bind him. Hurry up.
- [Jin-su] She tied us up.
And locked us in our rooms.
- That day had started out so full of hope.
- [moans]
[8th Floor] Rest up.
- [coughing]
- [Jin-su] And now, here we were.
Bound and bleeding.
Our revolution was over.
It all felt like a beautiful dream.
A world separate from our current hell.
It was like we'd never even escaped.
It was too much to comprehend.
All this pain. This endless torment.
Maybe… it was all just a bad dream.
I mean, how could this be real life?
She bought the CCTV streams
for all our rooms,
so she could watch us writhe in pain
in real time.
- [tick]
- [Jin-su] The footage was expensive.
But with her earnings, it was no problem.
[8th Floor sighs]
[soft, sensual music playing]
[8th Floor moaning softly]
[gasps] Oh!
I'm craving something more stimulating.
We've all shed ounces of sweat and blood.
We've beaten, tased, and shot each other.
There's been deception, and scheming.
- Manipulation, extortion.
- [7th Floor] A coin.
[8th Floor] We've gone back and forth,
tricking and screwing each other over.
[4th Floor laughs]
It seems like we've covered all the ways
people can inflict pain on one another.
Things are getting stale.
The spark's dead.
[Jin-su] I imagine
the showrunners are bored.
They've seen everything.
That's right.
How do you keep something fun?
What makes something thrilling?
[4th Floor] Don't move.
I think… we have to find something new.
That's what they want.
A brand-new frontier.
We won't do anything
to actually injure you.
We can't have the show ending.
If you do fall ill,
our trusty 5h Floor will tend to you.
[7th Floor grunts]
D… don't… Wait…
[Jin-su] The Geneva Convention
unambiguously forbids
experimenting upon unwilling humans.
Even when people
are blowing each other's brains out.
In a war, the line gets drawn
at medical torture.
- This new game signaled a shift.
- [moaning]
It wasn't for the show.
It was for the thrill.
The shock. The pain.
All the previous games
had been leading up to this one.
Violence in its purest,
most stimulating form.
The thrill of something new.
Something never before seen.
Nothing is as fun
as being the first witnesses.
I swear, I'm sorry.
[Jin-su] We were being pushed
into the darkest reaches of our psyches.
- I take it back. [whimpers]
- [7th Floor laughs]
[2nd Floor] Please, forgive me.
I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
- [moans]
- [4th Floor] Oh.
- [Jin-su] 4th Floor fed us by hand.
- [4th Floor] Please don't.
[Jin-su] And reapplied tape as needed.
[2nd Floor] Please…
[Jin-su] 5th Floor worked with her
to maintain the torture.
[whimpers] Forgive me…
[Jin-su] She seemed fully checked out,
like a woman devoid of hope.
She did the bare minimum,
ignoring our screams
for help like a zombie.
We were kept alive,
unable to die or escape.
[Jin-su] Oh.
How've you been doing in here?
[Jin-su gasping]
7th Floor… How… how'd you get here?
- Weren't you getting tortured, too?
- Tortured?
- Huh?
- Why would I? I'm the 7th Floor.
You didn't know?
Man, you really thought… [laughing]
Nobody else is playing anymore.
[laughs] This is…
[Jin-su] Huh?
This game…
All of this is just in your head. [laughs]
[laughing loudly]
- [gasps]
- [solemn ambient music playing]
[gasping softly]
[Jin-su grunting]
[snapping fingers]
[snapping fingers]
[Jin-su whimpering]
[music intensifies]
[elevator whirring and clanking]
[fingers snapping]
[Jin-su whimpering]
[continues gasping]
["Boléro" by Ravel playing]
[sobs] Oh, dear God!
Oh, it's like I can feel them suffer!
[4th Floor] I know, right?
Um… yeah. Man, why does it feel
like we're in pain, too? It's so much.
[8th Floor] It's too much.
Ah, um, should I free them? I'm happy to.
I have to paint about this.
[4th Floor] Paint?
I'm overwhelmed with emotion.
This feeling…
I must express this feeling in a painting.
[gasps] How is it?
[4th Floor gasps]
Oh wow…
This is beautiful, I love it.
What are you calling it?
- [8th Floor] Number Five.
- [4th Floor] Oh, like Chanel. [chuckles]
That's the perfect name for it. Luxurious.
And gorgeous, like you.
[8th Floor] Then… to celebrate…
Uh… why don't I get myself a purse?
[laughs awkwardly]
Oh, you've got to.
I forgot!
I just have one more thing that I want.
What is it?
["Boléro" stops]
Coco… Do you like it, huh?
[Coco whines]
"Woof, woof! We think your purse is cute!"
[laughing] "Yes, it is!"
[Coco whines, farts]
"Woof, woof."
[groans] God, this sucks…
[1st Floor] Can we talk?
[4th Floor] Ugh, what? [sighs]
I'm in a bad mood, okay?
[1st Floor] I'm so sorry.
Oh, come on.
[sighs] Did you go again?
How could you?
You only eat, like, two bites a day!
- [1st Floor] It isn't that.
- [4th Floor sighs]
I'm sorry for pulling your tooth out.
I really didn't want to hurt you.
I should never have done that.
[clears throat] That's all?
- [1st Floor groans]
- You had me worried there.
It's okay.
I was sore at first,
but now I can see why you had to do it.
When money gets involved,
things get insane.
Besides, you extended the game.
What's a tooth compared to cash?
- I'll buy myself a whole new mouth.
- [1st Floor sighs]
The truth is, on this show,
I don't really think of it
like it's real life.
I'm more… like, playing, you know?
In real life, I have a heart, I'm a human.
But in here, we just
have to put on a good show.
And that's why I'll deal with whatever.
I'll put up with taking care of you guys,
and cleaning up dog poop, too.
I just mean that
I'm very serious about this show.
[1st Floor] 4th Floor…
[4th Floor] Yeah?
[1st Floor] Did you really mean that?
[4th Floor] About what? The dog poop?
[1st Floor] That you're serious
about the show.
[4th Floor] I mean, I'm not
wiping your butt because I enjoy it.
Why else would I be here right now?
Do you want more rice?
[1st Floor] There's more money to be had.
You don't know it,
but you could walk away
with more than you've ever dreamed.
- [groaning softly]
- What?
We don't have to keep our floors.
[gasps] What the fuck are you saying?
You can…
move to a new floor.
It's possible, I swear.
You can change rooms
and move up to the 8th floor.
[suspenseful music playing]
Ten grand…
What if I…
Hi, there. Uh…
Would it be possible…
to switch floors?
That much?
[whimsical waltz playing]
[Jin-su] How long?
How long till we stop the show?
1st Floor should make the call,
because he earns the least.
Yeah, you should decide, okay?
How much will you need
before we can leave?
I guess…
It might… sound…
far-fetched right now…
but I need a billion.
[whimsical waltz continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
[somber music playing]
It's been a lovely day ♪
Where am I going? ♪
So it's getting closer ♪
To my face ♪
Where are you coming from? ♪
Mr. Stranger ♪
You are just darkness ♪
To me ♪
It's too hard for me ♪
To get there ♪
Where are you taking us? ♪
Mr. Stranger ♪
Save me ♪
Find me ♪
I know you'll never let me ♪
Dive in ♪
So find a reason ♪
Mr. Stranger ♪
[music fades]
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