The A List (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Nothing Can Survive Alone

[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
You feeling better?
You said you thought you were
on Peregrine Island
and something about a girl called Midge?
I don't know.
I don't know anything anymore.
We've got time to figure everything out.
And your dad's on his way.
-He's coming here?
-Yes, of course he is.
He's worried about you.
-[knocking at door]
Right on cue.
[door opens]
[door closes]
-I can't believe you're here.
-Of course I am.
I think I'm losing my mind.
Hush, now, little Mamma Mia,
it's gonna be fine.
Maybe you should see
Dr. Saperstein again.
To talk through your feelings.
[eerie music playing]
-What's that music?
-Left the radio on in the kitchen.
Your mum said you were
talking about Midge?
Who is she?
She was on the island.
[music stops]
But there was another girl, too Amber.
Did you see Midge? Talk to her?
[Mia] Hmm?
Midge, you were telling me about Midge.
Tell us about Midge
and then you can have a lie-down.
Midge is dead.
She she died a year ago.
Thank you, Mia.
You've told me what I needed to know.
What is this?
I can't hear you.
[Mia's mum] I can't hear you. Who is this?
It's me, it's Mia.
Mia who?
Your daughter.
I don't have a daughter.
I don't have
[Amber] a daughter.
[dial tone]
What's happened?
I think there's something wrong with Mia.
I'm still here.
I'm still here.
[indistinct chatter]
[Dave] Is is everything
Ah, it's fine. Mia wasn't feeling well.
[Brendan] Mia, are you okay?
Mags, what's wrong with her?
We've had some tension.
It's perfectly normal in any group,
but for now, it's best if Mia
takes a time-out and gets rid of any
negative energy. [chuckles]
[narrator] They say plants have
a social life, too.
Trees grow better in a forest.
So, what happens to a tree planted alone,
away from the others?
I'm just gonna go
and get you a duvet, okay?
Won't be a minute.
[Alex] Mia?
What happened to you?
You said you were gonna
phone home and leave.
None of us are leaving.
Amber won't let us.
She was in my head.
Looking for what I know about Midge.
So, I was right.
Amber killed Midge.
And she'll kill us all
to protect her secret.
[Mags stammers] Alex!
You shouldn't be here.
I just wanted to check how Mia is.
Yeah, well, you'll see her tomorrow.
Now, she needs some alone time.
Let Mia rest.
Come on, Mia.
Amber, you're hurt.
Oh, I must have scratched myself.
You can't have a rose without thorns.
[Mags] I'll bring you something to eat
when dinner's ready, okay?
[door closes]
Mags, what do you know
about a girl called Midge Rayne?
-She was here last year. She died--
-It's my first year on Peregrine Island.
I don't know anything about last year.
Come on.
[owl hooting]
[bat squeaks]
Hi. Hi.
[stammers] I didn't hear you come in.
I'm very stealthy.
[Mags laughs]
[Dave] You got Mia to clean that up, then?
[stammering] Yeah, I did, and I'm going
to go and check on her again in a minute.
[laughs nervously]
I was, uh wondering
where you got to yesterday.
There was no kitchen prepped,
um, when we got back.
Oh, I'm sorry.
[sighs] I got caught up
[chuckles] dealing with Mia,
but I'll tell you what, to, um
To make up for yesterday,
after the kids have eaten,
why don't we have dinner together?
You're on. [laughs]
Let me cook for you my signature dish,
chicken à la Dave.
[Mags laughs]
[Dave] Mountain biking after breakfast!
Grab a helmet, meet me out back.
[pop music playing]
Party in my cabin tonight.
Kind of a house-warming. A new beginning.
You gonna get off
with Harry again tonight?
That was nothing.
I just felt sorry for him.
Well, whatever happens tonight,
you won't be there to see it.
Thanks, Amber.
The whole Harry thing was only because
I was emotional and missing Stefan.
I already hardly see him,
because he's studying all the time.
-I'm hungry.
-I'll get you breakfast.
Waking up ♪
We feel the kick and beat ♪
Of each other's heart ♪
It's just us and darkness ♪
I wanted to thank you for yesterday.
It's the least I could do.
It was my fault you fell.
I'll forgive you if you come tonight.
-Do you have a minute?
-I have many, all for you.
Amber's having a cabin-warming party
and I got her to invite you.
I'm in the same cabin as Amber.
I don't need an invitation.
Perfect! Then you'll definitely be there.
No, I'll skip the party.
Not really into hanging
with Amber and her A-List.
I tried.
But I do want to talk to you.
Good, because I want to talk to you, too.
[narrator] This island
is a complete eco-system.
Every living thing, no matter how small
works together to sustain their home.
It's a complicated network
of roots and branches,
but it only works if you're part of it.
[girls giggling]
-[object thuds]
-[girls giggle]
[Petal] Are we there yet?
There isn't really a "there."
I just wanna be away from camp.
I was joking.
Right. Sorry.
I'm usually very good at jokes,
but with this
You're freaked out because you don't
want to believe you saw a ghost,
so you're trying to find
a rational explanation,
even though you know there isn't one.
Yeah, pretty much.
Whatever we saw in that cabin
is trying to make contact,
and this time, she said her name is Midge
and she died last year.
If I don't find an answer
that makes sense,
I'm worried I'm gonna end up like Mia.
What happened to her?
I think this haunted island stuff
snapped her mind.
She can't handle it, so she's made it
part of her Amber drama.
-What's it have to do with Amber?
-Nothing, that's the point.
But am I any better?
My genius idea
was to find Midge's remains,
then I realized it's ridiculous.
Why? Maybe she needs to be laid to rest.
You believe in all of this stuff, Petal,
but for me, it changes everything.
Because if Midge is really a ghost,
then all the laws of physics are wrong.
And I really like the laws of physics.
-How do you feel about chemistry?
-It's okay, but I prefer physics.
You don't need a scientific
explanation for everything.
There are some things that we just know.
Like how
I know I like you.
I like you, too.
Even with the whole nature child thing.
You know what I mean.
I "like you" like you.
What are you doing?
-Can't you tell?
I don't just no, okay?
You said you had something
to tell me. I thought--
You thought wrong.
-Let me get some of that spray over here.
[upbeat music playing]
Your affection ♪
Every inch of you just started to ooze ♪
She needs attention ♪
I've got the fire
You just give me the fuse ♪
We're living in a ghost town ♪
It's faceless ♪
-We're dust clouds ♪
We're weightless ♪
Alex, talk to me.
There's nothing to talk about.
You got the wrong idea.
Just because I dress like this,
that doesn't mean that I'm
What? Gay?
Because I am and it has nothing
to do with how anybody dresses.
Then you should know
not to assume things about people.
You don't know me.
I guess not.
But at least I know myself.
[dance music playing faintly]
-Do you think I put on enough aftershave?
-Enough for a whole football team.
It's just I sweat when I'm nervous.
Listen, you'll be fine.
Kayleigh likes you.
I won't even speak to her. Look,
there's enough fit girls for all of us.
[door opens]
-Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Deena who?
[in thick accent] Deena will be served
in half an hour.
What are you up to? Need a hand?
Uh, no. No, just, uh
practicing arts and crafts
in case we need a rainy day activity.
You can have
my first masterpiece.
Oh, that's lovely.
[dance music playing faintly]
[indistinct chatter]
Sorry. Invitation only.
-Oh, I never got one.
-Then you're not on the list.
-It's okay, he's with me.
-No, he's not.
It's all right. You go ahead.
I wanted to go for a run anyway.
Hardly trained since I've been here.
Don't worry about it, yeah?
The secret to a good party:
it's not just about who you invite,
but who you don't.
-[upbeat music playing]
-We're gonna stay up ♪
We're gonna stay up forever ♪
We're gonna have fun ♪
Come on, Jenna.
I have a boyfriend.
I think me and Stefan
are a bit past Spin the Bottle.
These are the memories we'll keep ♪
So hold on tight to every little thing ♪
Don't let 'em pass you by
In your sleep ♪
So let's spend this time together ♪
Because these are the best of our days ♪
[romantic music playing]
Can you hear? ♪
Can you hear? ♪
The saddest glimmering ♪
Why do his words cling ♪
This night is shimmering ♪
She doesn't want to feel a thing ♪
Black night vanishes ♪
It follows the river ♪
Don't you want to see
What you're wondering aloud? ♪
Can you hear? ♪
Can you hear? ♪
Can you hear? ♪
[Zac laughing]
[Kayleigh] Ooh!
-[Zac] Go on, Dev.
[door opens]
I'm not here for the party.
I just came to give Dev his watch back.
-What? I didn't lose my watch.
-Yes, you did, you muppet.
It's got your name on the back.
"Happy Birthday, Devon."
[door closes]
This doesn't make any sense.
Brendan! Wait!
I didn't lose my watch!
[door closes]
Oh hi, Alex.
Hi, Dave.
You've been running Peregrine Island
for years, haven't you?
I started coming as a camper,
and then had such a great time,
I kept coming back.
But much as I'd love
to talk about the good old days,
right when I'm starting dinner
isn't the best time.
It will only take a minute.
Where did Dev go?
Maybe he bottled out
of Spin the Bottle. [chuckles]
Not that Dev wouldn't want to kiss you.
Jenna, you're the relationship expert.
Why don't you tell us
all about your boyfriend, Stefan?
I don't really have a boyfriend.
Stefan is just a guy I snogged at a party.
But he never texted me back.
[girls giggling]
Do you remember Midge Rayne last year?
I'm sorry, there have been so many people.
Midge Rayne, uh
Midge. Midge.
It sounds familiar, but
Nope, it's gone.
I'll tell you if I remember anything,
but for now, can you
not be here?
[laughing] Hello. This looks lovely.
[Amber] Dave.
[sighs] Amber, we're just
about to have dinner.
I need to talk to you.
It's personal.
-Duty calls!
You're in danger.
[Dave laughs]
Oh, what, are the kids planning a prank?
You're in danger from people
asking questions about last year.
I heard you and Alex talking.
[voice breaking] I remember.
[Amber] You blamed yourself,
didn't you, Dave?
You're supposed to look after everyone.
But a girl died.
[Dave] It wasn't my fault.
[stammering] She fell.
[Amber] I can make you forget again.
I can take away all your hurt
all your guilt
make you feel like you did
when you first came here
all those summers ago.
That's a pretty necklace.
[twig snaps]
You won't remember this.
You didn't see anything.
[chuckling] What, nothing?
[narrator] There are connections
running through
-all the life on this island
-[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
[narrator] because nothing
can survive alone.
You were right about Amber.
I saw her mind control Dave, and I felt
her trying to get in my head, too.
I believe you.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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