The Absent Voice (2024) s01e07 Episode Script


MAN 1: (OVER RADIO) Bermúdez, do you copy?
- Bermúdez, do you copy?
- I'm listening.
MAN 1: Someone is in the house.
MAN 2: Let's go.
MAN 3: Going in!
Freeze! Police!
Hands in the air!
MAN 4: Hands in the air!
CECILIA: Hands in the fucking air!
OSCAR: Raise your hands!
How horrible, my God. Atrocious.
(SIGHS WEARILY) What is this?
- And Bruno?
- He's over there. He's coming.
I'll take him home.
You knew.
That they were about to adopt a kid
before Bruno was born.
Yes, I knew, but José and Candela
begged me to be discreet.
You were with him.
Yes, your brother told me to come.
We spent an afternoon here.
I take after you
in the way I can read people.
You were with that kid all afternoon
and couldn't tell
he was being systematically abused?
What are you saying?
You knew and didn't do anything.
You let Candela and José
send him back to that hell.
The only thing I did was defend my family.
And this is the result.
You're a monster.
Me? A monster?
You should be especially grateful
for my discretion, honey.
- What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
You think I couldn't tell the way
you and Candela looked at each other?
The way you avoided each other
when we were all together?
And Candela getting pregnant
out of the blue?
And, what a coincidence,
you left for Spain.
If José had known you were Bruno's father,
who would have been the monster then?
I'm not Bruno's father.
Are you sure?
I'm Assistant Inspector Cecilia Bermúdez.
I'll ask you a couple of questions.
They told me you don't want a lawyer,
so, from now on,
your best choice is to cooperate.
Where's Hernán?
Where is your brother?
We know there are two more books.
If one of the victims is Hernán,
who's the other one?
Turning yourself in means
you completed the message.
Who's the other victim?
CANDELA: Hey, it's been so long.
- How are you?
- Fine.
I can't find my pearl.
I don't know where it is.
Toxic exotic plants
paralyze the nerve endings
as a powerful sedative
An undetectable narcotic
PABLO: I know how Dante
fabricated my brother's suicide.
It's a toxic variant of thorn apple.
It has a toxin that quickly leaves
the bloodstream.
So, it doesn't show up in the autopsy.
CECILIA: Okay, we'll check with the lab
to see what they say.
I'm sorry I have to say this now,
but there's another emergency.
Dante will only speak to you.
Will you tell me where Hernán Hontou is?
Are you ready for what's next, sir?
His only sin was having a family.
The one your father denied you.
Since Cain and Abel, family has been
the source of all suffering.
Is that why you made me come here?
To talk to me about catechism?
It takes courage
to eradicate evil from the root,
the origin of suffering.
From Cain and Abel
to Candela and José.
I get it.
He's buying time.
He goes over and over the same things.
Something doesn't add up.
What do you mean?
Do you think
he'll mention his next victims?
He turned himself in.
Do you think
he already accomplished his goal?
- No.
- No.
No, there are two left, two books.
The invisible man
gets himself lynched.
He's beaten to death.
The hunchback starves to death.
Hernán being lynched doesn't click.
The corpse would have appeared.
And if it happened,
why would he keep him hidden for so long?
No. But starving to death
- Takes several weeks.
- Yes.
Let's say Hernán is the hunchback.
How do we find him?
The hunchback turns up dead among corpses.
- In a cemetery.
- In a cemetery.
Which one?
The Hontou.
They must have a family tomb.
MAN: We're here.
It's clear.
The Hunchback of
Notre Dame
CECILIA: He's breathing.
I need paramedics, please.
Calm down, Hernán. We're here.
Calm down.
Good news, Rouviot.
We found Hernán Hontou alive.
We weren't always on the same page,
but I recognize a big part of this
was thanks to you.
Let's find the remaining victim
and fuck up this psycho's party.
Thank you.
Go with him. He needs you.
Thank you.
Did he ask for water?
Yes, many times.
Excuse me?
This guy has
an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I've been to where Dante Santana lived,
and a person with germaphobia
wouldn't be able to live there.
What happened?
PABLO: Now I understand
the memorized speeches.
The DNA.
The evasive excuses.
It's like he's repeating
someone else's words.
What are you saying?
I'm telling you
that this is not Dante Santana.
Dante Santana is on the loose.
You know where to find me, Little Rooster.
Fuck. I want to talk to him again.
Calm down, Cecilia.
- How did we not notice?
- We underestimated him.
Your family is in danger.
They need urgent protection.
I'm on it.
I want to go in again.
- Pablo.
- Is Bruno with you?
Yes, he's collecting his things
to go home. Why?
I'm calling him and he won't answer.
- Should I put him on?
- Yes, please.
SARA: Bruno.
Who are you?
Who are you?
You'll spend years of your life in jail
if you don't cooperate.
You'll rot in jail, just like Dante.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Stop, girl.
You came, motherfucker.
We missed you, Little Rooster. All good?
Think about whether
this is really worth it.
Just for killing Mansilla,
Dante earned my loyalty forever.
You ruined your life.
Why did you help him?
I was only there when he needed me,
when he took care of that woman.
You can only prove my involvement.
Although, I would have done whatever
he asked me to do.
Who are you?
That's a good question.
I'm nobody.
DANTE: Calm down, bro. Calm down.
ERNESTO: When Dante came looking for me,
I didn't have a purpose.
- He gave me an identity.
- DANTE: an identity.
- He taught me how to lie.
- DANTE: He taught me how to lie.
- Lying is survival.
- DANTE: is survival.
- PABLO: Who is this kid?
- FRANCISCO MANSILLA: Dante's only friend.
Do you remember Dr. José Rouviot?
We'd call them "Siamese twins"
because they were always together.
Friends, sometimes, are our real family.
DANTE: You're lucky, you know?
She couldn't stop crying because of you.
BRUNO: I'll kill you, motherfucker.
(CHUCKLES) Really?
Show me.
I can't believe it.
He was sitting in front of me
and I didn't see it.
I didn't.
Because he's invisible.
Dante is the ignored and rejected kid.
He's been made invisible.
He's an absent voice.
He's the invisible man.
How does the invisible man die?
Beaten to death
when he shows himself for the first time.
I know where he is.
MAN: Go!
Get out my way! Let me through!
BRUNO: I'm going to kill you,
Let's see if you're like me.
- Police! Hands up!
- Police!
Against the wall! Come on!
Fucking move!
Hands up!
Come on! Leave him alone!
On the floor, come on!
PABLO: Calm down. It's over.
It's over.
It's over.
It's over.
The Invisible Man
Mom, I will always remember you.
Your son, Bruno
Try to rest. We'll leave tomorrow morning.
CECILIA: I heard
you're going back to Madrid.
That's good.
I didn't want you to leave
without thanking you again.
It was really nice to meet you.
PABLO: Don't make it sound like a goodbye.
I'll come back, okay?
Still, thank you
for making me feel welcome.
I didn't always show up for my loved ones.
Now I understand.
It was hard, but I did.
JOSÉ: I love you, Cande.
Thank you for these 20 years.
I love you. I adore you.
Thank you for gifting me
the happiest day of my life,
the day that hairy beast
beside you appeared,
that beast called Bruno.
We love you.
PABLO: Unfortunately, there are things
that will be broken forever.
But, well,
there are others I can still fix.
Take care, Bermúdez.
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