The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Cain, the Rookie Adventurer

"To the one reading this:"
"The fact that you can read this
text written in Japanese means"
that you have also come
here from the other world.
My name is Yuuya Terra Hirasawa Esfort.
I am this nation's first king,
and I am Japanese.
So it's true!
I have decided to write my account
of how I came to this world.
I was involved in an accident
in Japan and thought I had died,
but I was summoned to this world.
So unlike me, he came here
in his original form?
Master Cain!
What are you doing?
Teles Silk
Oh, I know!
The academy entrance exams are
coming up, so you're studying!
Is that right?
Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Maybe I'll study with you.
I want to study with him, too!
Sorry! I don't have time to
hang out with you two today!
I have things to do
Tomorrow, then?
Tomorrow's even worse!
But why?
Sorry Sorry
Some other time!
Master Cain, wait!
When is "some other time"?!
My dear husband!
Perfect timing! Want to have a mock
battle outside the capital tomorrow?
Do you have plans or something?
Sorry! Some other time!
Dear husband! When is "some other time"?!
Sorry! Sorry, everyone!
Today is a very important day for me.
It's my twelfth birthday!
The day I finally get to
register as an adventurer!
Ever since I was little,
I've been training with tutors so
I could be an adventurer someday.
I reincarnated here as a noble
But that's a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"Cain, the Rookie Adventurer"
I knew the royal capital's
guild would be amazing!
It's so big and exciting!
What's up, kid? First time here?
Yes! I've finally turned twelve,
so I'm here to register as an adventurer!
Yeah? Well, just remember,
you've only got one life.
Don't do anything too crazy.
I feel like I've seen that red hair before
Welcome to the Royal Capital
Guild Headquarters.
You're here to register as an adventurer?
Please fill in the required
fields on this form.
Let's see My name is Cain
Wait, should I write the "baron" part?
That doesn't have anything to do
with being an adventurer, though.
Just "Cain" should be enough.
Does that look okay?
Yes, looks good.
Now I'll need you to place a drop
of your blood on this crystal.
My blood?
Yes, it will register your magic
capacity on your guild card.
You'll start at G-rank.
Come to think of it
My instructors said they
were D-rank, didn't they?
I wonder what they're up to now.
If anything is unclear to you,
feel free to ask questions at any time.
Thank you, ma'am!
Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Retia.
It's nice to meet you, Sir Cain.
There's no need for "Sir." I'm only twelve.
Just my name, please.
I see. Well, then, I wish you luck, Cain.
Oh, but remember that your life is valuable.
I will!
Hey, Retia!
Ditch the brat and come hang out with us.
We'll keep you company
all through the night.
This again?
What's this? Be a good little kid
and stay home helping your mommy!
He dodged that like a real man!
Looks like this kid needs some education!
What the hell are you doing?!
That's what I should be asking you.
Get him!
Keep still, damn it!
If you draw that
Hey, you guys.
What're you doing to a little kid?
The red-haired guy from earlier!
Th-The guy from Ice Flame
If you wanna fight someone that bad
I'll fight you. All through the night.
Let's go! Better remember our faces, brat!
What a cliché.
Thank you so much, Sir Claude!
I appreciate your helping me out.
Don't worry about it.
I stopped them for their own good.
I can tell from the way you
moved that you're pretty strong.
What's your name?
Cain. My name is Cain.
Cain, huh?
I'll remember that.
I like you!
Join me for a drink in return
for that great show you put on.
Fruit juice for you,
since you're still a kid.
Anyway, you're pretty
well-trained, aren't ya?
Your evasive moves were incredibly efficient.
It takes a lot of practice
to pull off moves like those.
I've been training since I was very little.
I had tutors who were adventurers.
Huh? Tutors?
Nah, couldn't be. Never mind.
Here's to the promising new
adventurer I just met today!
By the way, Claude, that guy earlier
said you're with the "Ice Flame."
Yeah, Ice Flame is the name of my party.
I use a flame sword,
and my wife uses ice magic,
so the name kinda came naturally.
Wow, you're in a party with your wife?
You should find a trustworthy party
to work with as soon as you can.
Then you can take on the big quests,
and your rank will go up quickly.
Like this.
Wow! A gold card!
That means you're A-rank, doesn't it?!
Yeah, but I'm still a far cry from our
first king, who was apparently SSS-rank.
It's still amazing!
There's still a long way to go, though!
SSS-rank, huh?
Yep. I hear the SSS-rank card is black.
Of course, gold looks a lot cooler, though!
So this is where you've been!
I wondered where you were!
Why are you in here drinking?!
This is my wife, Lina. You'll love her.
Don't change the subject!
You just accepted a quest,
so let's get on it already!
Um, my name is Cain.
Claude saved me from some
guys trying to pick a fight.
Cain, eh? What a cutie!
There are a lot of nasty folks around here,
so if anything happens, you tell me, okay?
I will. Thank you very much.
Yeah, but, Lina, Cain's got some
skills, despite how he looks.
If I hadn't stopped him,
the floor would be covered in blood.
Excuse me!
Keep drinking, and the floor's
gonna be covered in your blood.
Ow, ow, ow, ow!
O-Okay, okay!
See ya later, Cain!
Bye now, Cain.
Ow, ow, ow!
That booze is coming out of
your quest payout, you hear?
Thank you again!
Sure! Find yourself a good quest!
Quests for G-rankers
Cleaning and cargo transport for a shop, huh?
With magic, that'd be a piece of cake
But I'd really rather not do that.
I'd prefer one that has to
do with defeating monsters
Getting rid of goblins
in the eastern forest?!
And the reward is per goblin
defeated, with no upper limit?!
This is it! My first quest
is right here!
My first quest!
Dear husband!
Tijuana?! Why are you here?
The order is training
outside the capital today.
What about you?
I just registered as an adventurer,
and I'm going on my first quest!
I see! In that case, I'll go with you!
But, Captain, we have training—
What wife would miss the start
of her husband's new adventure?!
As for the training, you can take charge.
Let's go, my dear husband!
Help me, Vice Captain!
Sorry, Cain. I can't defy the captain.
Oh, come on!
So this is the forest
mentioned in the quest
Alone in the forest with my dear husband
My heart feels so warm, even the
roars of the monsters sound pleasant!
Come! Come!
Doesn't the breeze feel wonderful?
Where are those goblins
you need for the quest?
I'm picking up signs of
goblins straight ahead.
Okay! Straight ahead it is!
Wait up!
Chase me down, my dear husband!
How awful.
My Search indicated they'd be around here
Dear husband, look!
Let's go!
Dear husband!
These beasts must be high-ranked.
Leave this to me! I'll make an escape route!
How'd you like that?
My blade is cutting well today!
Tijuana, it's okay.
I'll cover you with my magic!
Thank you! I'm filled with
my dear husband's love!
Now you and I are of one body and soul!
Dear husband! I love you!
Be it
in sickness
or in health
I swear to stay by your side!
Now is the time for our first joint task!
This blade is my vow of undying love!
I will be with my dear husband forever!
Time to cut the cake!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Tijuana!
Dear husband, praise me!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Green lizards!
Sheesh It just never ends.
Tijuana, take that man and run.
Let me handle it this time.
I'll be fine.
All right.
Come on, this way!
Now, then
Light Ball!
Now's my chance!
Ice Pillar!
What the heck was that?!
My dear husband is just too much today!
Some Time Later
Wh-What is this giant hole?!
The intel we got from the guild said
the green lizards lived in this area
but there's nothing here.
Not a trace of them.
I'm going home.
Wait up!
Nina! Nina!
And Now
Oh, Cain. What's the matter?
Um, I defeated some green lizards.
Does it still count if
I didn't accept the quest?
What? You defeated green lizards?!
Should I not have?
Well, quests for green lizards are meant
for D-rankers if it's a single one,
or C-rank if it's a group of them.
Thank goodness you're all right.
You were lucky.
I took out about thirty of them
What?! Th-Thirty?!
Chief! Chief!
This incredible boy says he
defeated thirty green lizards!
What? Green lizards, you say?
Bring him in here!
I'm Cedric. The guild master is with
a visitor, so I'm handling your case.
Tell me honestly, Cain.
Where did you get the green lizards?
You're a G-rank who only
just registered today.
And you're just a kid! There's no
way you could kill a green lizard!
Chief, it's wrong to accuse him
of cheating without any evidence!
That's right. I've told you that
I just defeated them like normal.
I looked at the registry,
and you're just a commoner.
You talk big for a peasant trying to
swindle the guild for reward money.
It's unfair for you to just assume that!
Shut up! Cheating must be severely punished!
I'm revoking your guild card!
Chief! That's an abuse of authority!
Shut up!
Cheating will never be tolerated!
My decision won't change!
We're done here! Get lost!
Y-You can't
I finally became an adventurer,
and they're revoking it?!
What's all the fuss here?
You're so loud, I can't
even hold a conversation.
Guild Master!
I'm sorry, but this brat
won't admit he cheated.
I keep telling you, I didn't cheat!
My goodness.
So how did you come to the
conclusion that he cheated?
I mean, c'mon! He claims he killed
green lizards on the day he registered!
Thirty of them, no less!
It's obvious there's a scam going on here!
Guild Master?
Why are you laughing?!
You say there's no way a child like
this could defeat green lizards?
You've got a lot yet to learn.
Guild Master
You'd believe a rotten little
brat like this over me?!
Hey, come on in.
The knight captain!
My dear husband!
What?! "Husband"?!
I thought so.
Tijuana, don't!
Our engagement is still a secret!
Wait, what are you doing here, anyway?!
I actually came back to the guild after that
to talk about countermeasures
against goblins and green lizards.
Cain no
Baron Cain.
What?! Baron?!
You hadn't heard
about the hero who saved
Princess Telestia and Miss Silk?
Th-That was this kid?!
Yep. Baron Cain.
A baron?! But the registry didn't
I didn't want to be treated
like a noble here,
so I registered as just "Cain."
And Baron Cain is also
a son of Margrave Garm.
H-He's a son of Margrave Garm?!
And if he marries Tijuana,
he'll also be my brother-in-law.
What?! You're Tijuana's brother?!
That's what surprises you the most?
Cedric, would you still call
him a rotten little brat?
I guess that would make
me a rotten big brother.
Master Cain! I'll be more careful!
Please don't have me charged
with insulting a noble!
Tijuana, is insulting a noble a crime?
The law says a commoner who
insults nobility can be executed.
E-Execution?! I'd never
do anything that horrible!
I accept your apology.
Please raise your head.
But please don't make any more
unfounded assumptions, okay?
Of course! Never again!
Anyway, will the guild
accept my green lizards?
I have about thirty of them.
We'll gladly accept them.
Right. We'll put them
in the storehouse later,
and then they'll be dealt with.
But for a G-ranked rookie to bring
back thirty green lizards
We can't just leave things as they stand.
To apologize for all this,
I'll raise your rank to C.
What? Really?!
Come now, Brother!
C-rank isn't nearly good enough!
My husband defeated a
red dragon at the age of ten!
Besides, he's stronger than me!
What?! He's stronger than
the captain of the knights?!
Does that make him the
strongest in the kingdom?!
Yep, that's right!
Right, my dear husband?
Hmm No one can attain B-rank
without subjugating some bandits,
but I doubt anyone would complain
if it was the hero, Baron Cain.
Why don't I just put you at A-rank?
What?! A-rank on his first day?!
Oh, you'll need to subjugate
those bandits, though.
Is it okay if I just capture
them and bring them in?
Yes, that's fine.
There are other quests the guild
will directly assign to you, too,
so you definitely deserve A-rank.
Retia, Cedric, take care of the paperwork.
Baron Cain, as the guild master,
I sincerely apologize for my
subordinate's rude behavior.
I'm sorry.
Please, don't apologize.
It doesn't matter now.
Thank you.
I was a bit surprised when I heard
you were engaged to my sister
But after finally seeing you today,
my mind's been put at ease.
I know my little sister
is a bit rambunctious,
but please take care of her.
Come on, Brother! What do
you mean, "rambunctious"?
I was only looking for a strong opponent.
I bet you strong-armed him into
getting engaged, didn't you?
Please! My dear husband and I have already
performed love's first joint task!
That is the symbol of the love between us!
Tijuana! Don't phrase it like that!
You're gonna give your
brother the wrong idea!
Don't worry.
I know my sister, and how she calls mock
battles "dates," better than anyone.
I'm so glad you're such an
understanding older brother!
He never changes, does he?
He's caused another commotion.
I really think giving him level
10 protections was too much.
It's fine. We need him to get even stronger.
Do you have some reason for
making him so powerful?
Yes. Aaron's seal will soon be broken.
If Aaron returns, the world
will be in real trouble!
Exactly. He was sealed 300 years ago,
but who knows what will happen this time?
In that case, we need him
to get much stronger,
or our world will lose all the prosperity
it has at long last obtained!
Yes, we must train him even more. But how?
There is someone hidden away who
could make a fine master for him.
Ah, yes, the one you speak
of would be perfect.
Let's have the child train under him.
Let's finally study together today!
Sure, we can do that, Teles, Silk.
Yay! A study date!
Please teach me lots of things!
There you are, my dear husband!
We had a forest date
so next we'll have a beach date!
What is this about a "forest date"?
You turned us down, but went
on a date with Tijuana?
Master Cain!
You must give us a thorough lesson.
Please do, Instructor Cain.
U-Um, um Y-You've got it all wrong!
Next time, "The Royal Academy."
"The Royal Academy"
Come to think of it,
Claude reminds me of someone
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