The Assassins (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Prison Guard

Whoever of us reaches
a position of power or influence
Whoever of us reaches
a position of power or influence
will help the other two
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
This was the pact of
Hassan Al-Sabbah and Omar Khayyam
and Abu Ali Al-Tusi, Nizam Al-Mulk
Nizam Al-Mulk became the state minister
My lord, the Sultan
and helped Omar Khayyam
to lead a comfortable life
through which he provided the country
with his ideas, knowledge and philosophy
and gave Hassan Al-Sabbah
even more than that
making him an employee
in the world Sultan's and
house of the Sultanate's secret
but Hassan breached the pact
and decided to kill the Abbasid Caliph
and the act that you're about to
carry out is the most noble ever
since my dawah commenced.
He enlisted a young man
who believes in his dawah
You will kill the Abbasid Caliph
-Nour Barek.
You'll be the performer of
the most noble act in history
Imagine the great honor!
Luck is not always on Hassan's side
Nizam Al-Mulk discovered the whole plan
and captured Nour Barek
and after torture and threats
Nour Barek confessed Hassan's scheme
so that friends could meet again
but in a poor cell in the Sultan's prison
You think you can destroy the
most powerful state on your own
If there were three like Hassan Al-Sabbah
there would not be a state like yours
there would not be a state like yours
Your head will roam
in the streets of Isfahan.
and the traitor
must die
on a spear
even if he was a lifelong friend.
"Episode Seven"
"Prison Guard"
Come on, hurry up.
Let's wait for my father.
Your father is the one who told me
If he's late tonight, we'll
leave as quickly as possible
To where?
-You'll know.
-What about our things?
We matter most, so we'll move lightly.
Come on, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
Come on. Let's go.
-What's this vault?
-Come on, dears.
Almost there, without haste.
Step up your efforts, let's go.
We're almost there.
Let's go.
Come on, Hussein.
Let's go, Mansour.
Where is Hassan?
In the oppressor's prison
but may God protect our lord.
Mansour, be careful while
you walk along the path
Our lord said that our lady is pregnant.
Got it.
As if I've known you for years.
What are you?
How are you still calm and
smiling with all this torture?
You are charged with all this torture
Your hand strikes
yet your heart is full of compassion.
What compassion?
I strike you with all my strength.
But You're oppressed like me
an oppressed can never hurt another
oppressed, no matter what they do.
an oppressed can never hurt another
oppressed, no matter what they do.
Who's the oppressed?
You are.
Those who lack your competence,
sincerity, and knowledge
will always find them ranked above you
-This is the way of the oppressors.
The one giving you orders is ignorant
your life will be wasted
at the hands of the oppressors
your life will be wasted
at the hands of the oppressors
living as an executioner of the oppressed
dies as if you had never lived
without even making a mark in life.
Don't worry!
Don't worry!
Don't worry, there's no pain.
How did you know my name?
When the truth passes through
the hearts of the oppressors
When the truth passes through
the hearts of the oppressors
they fear
but when it passes through
the hearts of the oppressed
-they become stronger.
-Aren't you afraid of pain, and torment?
The physical pain
is the mildest type of pain
but the soul's pain is tough.
Pray for me.
You cried until your tears dried up
eat, drink and be patient with God's will.
I'm scared and terrified
what will they do to us?
Open up!
Listen to me, girls
is expensive
if I were you
I would eat and drink
and smile
so the beauty would appear
so the beauty would appear
and the rest depends on your luck
you'll either be a maid for a prince
-or you'll be a maid for a shoemaker.
-What maid!
-I am free, and daughter of free parents.
yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh Shar, from whom did you hear
the word "free" before? yes, remembered
she was exquisite
but I made a big mistake
I gouged out her eyes
do you know why?
because she said to me, I'm free
because she said to me, I'm free
do you hear me?
O you with the beautiful eyes
what a shame on blindness.
Do you hear me?
Yes, I do.
Make her take a shower
dress her up
the merchant is coming tomorrow
if you didn’t get me the highest price
I don't know what to do with you!
In the name of God.
There is no power and no strength except
with God, the Most High, the Most Great
I seek forgiveness from God, and I repent
to Him. Indeed, I was among the wrongdoers
Give it to me my Lord.
No one lifts my burden but me.
I deserve it the most.
As you wish.
What’s the matter, Yahya?
I feel like you're carrying a lot inside
I feel like you're carrying a lot inside
and you can't express it.
How can a person, after you
house him and let him into your home
stab you in the back and betray you?
You mean the one who killed your father.
-May Allah have mercy on him.
-May Allah have mercy on him
He was a Esoteric, wasn't he?
Even if he was Esoteric
No school of thought
justifies betrayal and treachery.
You are right.
but you don't know how
the binding in Esoteric works
compliance and obedience
is an absolute must
compliance and obedience
is an absolute must
and whoever deviates
from this Esoteric binding
becomes a disbeliever
and they deem shedding his blood
and taking his money permissible
for this reason, he did the deed he did
while he thinks he's right.
Be strong.
Come on.
Go bring the rest of the carpets.
Your brothers are due for the lesson.
I seek forgiveness from Almighty God.
The Minister informs you to
increase the guard at the prison gate.
I don't want any slackening, Barzak.
You more worthy of this position.
Stop, stop.
Wait! Where are you going?
I'll kill you, if you do this again.
Throw her in the car!
We'll take a different
route before the sun sets.
A girl who has lived all
her life in her parent's house.
Where could she have gone,
if she ran away on a horse?
It's not about distances or the route
It's about what she'll
encounter on her journey.
What will she encounter
other than everything evil!
-She would've returned, if it was good.
We must return.
We're soldiers, we can't
be late any longer.
I will drink wine at night
and enrich myself with my cup
And I will rid myself
of disbelief and religion
I asked time's bride, what is your dowry?
-She said, my dowry is…
-Doesn't intend for the meaning, my lord.
Do not intend for the meaning
Your matter is confusing, Khayyam
Everyone's matter is puzzling, my lord.
A distinguished scholar
your knowledge has aided the
state in astronomy and algebra
but I have been told
that you are not a believer.
Not believing in what?
That is the question
Omar, personally
Omar, the poet is enough for me
the scholar
I received some words from some scholars
this is what made me
ask, and it is not a trial
but an attempt to understand
because I love you.
The whole life is not enough for
mankind's attempt to understand.
Long-lasting friendship
between me and Omar, my lord
and I still do not understand him.
Is Omar Khayyam
a believer in life after death?
in the resurrection and the reckoning?
Omar Khayyam
every moment is in heaven and hell
It's very easy to say that I'm believer
and exonerate myself from the accusation
it's also easy to say
that I'm not a believer
and take advantage of
your kindness and protection
but is Omar Khayyam really
A believer in the resurrection,
heaven and hell?
I don't know.
You don't know!
Faith requires certainty
and disbelief requires certainty
and Omar, my lord
and Omar, my lord
Omar is too weak
to have any certainty.
Let me say it more clearly
-Do you believe in the existence of God?
-Of course.
I certainly believe in God
but will he judge me by my faith
or my actions,
my thoughts and apprehensions
and my suspicions?
I am not one person,
I am a group of people
among them is Omar
the believer with strong faith
and Omar filled with doubt
and Omar the denier
the ascetic and the hedonist
their existence sometimes
at the same time is
-killing for Omar.
-In my opinion, my lord, Omar
he's with strong faith
but he's also
‫He is keen on investigating
about the truth.
Perhaps he is caught in the snare of doubt
Perhaps he is caught in the snare of doubt
and the certainty of faith.
It's nice
and I appreciate the discussion about it
but beware of the common people
also beware of scholars who do not
have a open mindedness like me
personally, I love you, Omar
but the matter has spread
everyone is talking about it
I will remain neutral
I will leave you to them
to hold you accountable
either convince them
or they will establish
the argument against you
or they will establish
the argument against you
or you can escape.
Why you in a hurry for death?
In two days, your head
will wander Isfahan alone.
I'm fasting.
Fasting every day?
You'll die like this.
You'll ruin the joy of Nizam Al-Mulk
by cutting your head off.
I won't die
and my head will not be cut off.
How come you will not die and
your head will not be cut off?
Because I know when
and where I will die.
Because I know when
and where I will die.
So, you know who will kill you?
I have orders to be the one
to separate your head from your body.
Barzak Amide will not cut
off Hassan Al-Sabbah's head.
Why not?
Couldn't you believe me
and sacrifice yourself for me?
You're either crazy
or you're not human.
You know I pray for you
I pray for you with every
whip strike on my body.
What do you pray for?
For livelihood
For livelihood
and livelihood has different kinds
The highest is soul's livelihood
bestow your soul the happiness.
and the least is
simple material livelihood
for example, a golden dinar
under your foot
for my love for you.
As I said from the beginning
no pacts are maintained.
Who breached the pact?
Me or him?
It doesn't matter
what matters is that the pact was breached
A malicious Esoteric
He’s plotting to kill the Caliph.
He has no right.
Death rules over all
on the Caliph, the Sultan
on friendship and everything.
I who brought him
closer to the Sultan, Omar
I gave him authority
no one had before him.
Being closer to the Sultan is nothing
but a step closer to the slaughter.
Your responses are strange.
What did you want me to do?
Reward him for his betrayal?
Al-Tusi, friend of youth and adolescence
does what makes him feel at ease.
Of course, at ease
and will even be more comfortable
with his head cut off and hung on a spear
being roamed around all
the streets of Isfahan.
What's the use of beheading
if the body is dead?
-The lesson.
-What lesson?
Three swore on brotherhood and loyalty
one of them beheaded the other
and hung his head on a spear
and invited the third to
witness joy and happiness.
and invited the third to
witness joy and happiness.
No pact is above the state prestige
There's no pact at all, Tusi.
Get going, Tusi.
I won't be able to see
my friend's moment of joy
by beheading his treacherous friend.
I never knew your position towards me?
or towards life?
or towards the world?
or towards religion?
Don't you see what
I gained from this world?
Don't you see what
I gained from this world?
What was my harvest
for all these years?
I am the candle of joy but
when I dimmed, I became nothing.
I am
A shining cup
when I shattered, I became nothing.
You are a thief.
-My leader…
-Don't approach.
Don't overstep your rank or your position.
Don't worry!
Don't worry!
I freed you from your
prison, so you found me.
Don't worry!
do me a favor.
What favor?
-Kill me.
-Kill me.
Are you insane!
I must die before we reach the market.
I can't be passed from a man to man.
Do whatever you want, far from me.
What you're doing will
also lead to my death.
Give me that.
Yesterday's friend is today's enemy
that's the wisdom
from the story of
Nizam Al-Mulk and Hassan Al-Sabbah.
My lord
I apologize
I ask for your forgiveness and tolerance?
You have many situations that
let me to forgive and forget.
All gratitude and recognition, my lord.
All gratitude and recognition, my lord.
But it's true, Nizam Al-Mulk
that you are the one who handles
country's affairs during the time of Jihad
without referring to
your lord, the Sultan?
My lord knows
that these are word of mouth and biased
and indeed, you are
the Sultan of all Sultans
and capable of governing
the Sultan himself
because thanks to you
he claimed the throne?
If my loyalty was to myself
my path would’ve proved that
My allegiance is
to the Seljuk state, my lord
I am a loyal servant to the state
I am a servant to it
more than my service to
my children and my family
out of conviction and certainty
and not out of weakness
or flattery
Not out of weakness
so, are you stronger than the state
and the sultanate, Nizam Al-Mulk?
If it's in the state's interest in
shedding the blood of Nizam Al-Mulk
If it's in the state's interest in
shedding the blood of Nizam Al-Mulk
I would not hesitate for a moment
I’m not really weak
I am strong
because I serve
the strongest state on earth
my power comes from its power.
Alright, Nizam Al-Mulk.
When's the spectacle
of beheading your friend?
I mean, your enemy.
God willing, tomorrow at noon
God willing, tomorrow at noon
in the large square.
I wish he had killed the Abbasid Caliph
He would have done
something to make me happy
and not brought blame upon me.
You get out to the large square
in Isfahan tomorrow at noon
And your head, beheading
it and hanging it on a spear
These are the orders of the Grand Vizier.
Didn't you see me in your dream at all?
Today is the last night
before my beheading
I want to stay up late
and tell you stories
Beheading tomorrow, and you want stories?
The time of dawn is a time for pledges
when we emerge from darkness into light
the time has come for
you to choose, Amide.
Choose what?
They are two paths with no third
the path of heaven with
Hassan Al-Sabbah and his loved ones
or the path of hell with
Nizam Al-Mulk and the Sultan
or the path of hell with
Nizam Al-Mulk and the Sultan
in both cases, I would respect your choice
and pray for you.
Don't worry!
What are you doing! Traitor!
Rebellion in the prison!
Barzak Amide
the sincere honest one
one of the three who
will be the reason justice prevails
and we three drive away
the oppression from the whole world.
But there's only two of us.
May God exalt our lord.
Association of dawah.
Thus the eagle has two wings
Thus the eagle has two wings
The nest is all that's left.
The eagle's nest.
"Where has Hassan Al-Sabbah gone?"
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