The Bad Kids (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Ri Ji

Let go
Where are you taking my dad
My dad is not a bad guy
Let go of me
Let go
Dad come back
Let go
Let go of me
Put your arms up
Let me tell you how to swim
Just lower your head like this
Give me a hand Help Help
What's the matter Pupu
I called Auntie Liu
She told me
that Xin already lost his voice
As soon as Zhang pays us
we can save Xin
If he doesn't have surgery soon
it might be too late
Why are you here
This is urgent
My dad is here
Can we wait until I finish swimming
We can't waste more time
We have to go to Zhang Dongsheng
We can wait for you at your home
Come on
Finish this and we'll continue
I feel kind of tired
Finish this and we'll go home
He must have lots of excuses to turn us down
What should we do
The money is for Xin's treatment
If we can't save Xin
it would be meaningless
the number you have dialed is not available
What is it
He turned off the phone
I'm going to his apartment
Yan Liang
Yan Liang don't be such a hothead
I'll find him at the Children's Palace tomorrow
It's safer this way
what are you doing
You're in there forever
I'm almost done
What were you doing
Why do you need the goggles
I'm practicing holding my breath
Holding your breath?
I want to learn to swim this summer
Mom can you swim
I can teach you when I'm better
today we are going to go over
what we have learned last time
Open your books to page 30
Why so soon
Zhang Dongsheng isn't here today
Maybe he ran away
Let's go to his apartment
You guys wait for me nearby
Let's go
Why are you here
It's an emergency
Come on in
What do you want
Can you pay us in advance
I've already told you
I don't have the money right now
If you don't pay us
we will
You will call the police
Hello Mr Zhang
You are
I am Ye Jun
This is my daughter Ye Chimin
Hi Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang sorry to bother you
The thing is
my daughter wants to
do the Math Olympiad course this summer
but we failed to sign up
-So we -Zhu Chaoyang
Please come in
Mr Zhang shall we take off our shoes
It's okay
Chaoyang why are you here
Hi Mr Ye
I came to Mr Zhang to
I tutor him individually every week
Do you know each other
Chaoyang and Min are in the same class
No wonder he has the best scores
How did you find my place
Mr Zhang
My daughter
had been asking me every day
We went to the Children's Palace
but you weren't there
We heard that you hadn't been giving classes
so I asked Ms Tang for your address
Mr Zhang
A couple of my classmates
told me that you are a great teacher
I really want to do better in math
For children at their age
learning for Math Olympiad
can help to get better grades
Isn't that right Zhu Chaoyang
Mr Zhang we've actually met before
I was in my police uniform the other day
A few days ago
didn't a girl fall off the building
at the Children's Palace
My team went there to investigate
Oh I remember now
Let me get some water for you
It's okay Mr Zhang We are leaving soon
It won't take long
Zhu Chaoyang
how long have you been tutored by Mr Zhang
Not so long
Is being tutored
different from having a class
It's basically the same
There are more exercises
What about today
What exercises are you doing today
An exam paper
What kind of exam paper
Can I have a look
Zhu Chaoyang
Come and give me a hand
You shouldn't be here
Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang all these card boxes
Are you moving out
No My wife just died
My condolences
I'm so sorry
that we came at a bad time
How about this
Let me get her an exercise book
Thank you Mr Zhang
Complete Chapter 1
Answer everything you can
Let me see your performance
Thanks Mr Zhang
Goodbye Mr Zhang
Take care
Tell me
What's your plan
How did she die
Is it another accident
I'll have the money in a few days
Wait for my call
Did he kill his wife
I don't know
Let's finish this as soon as possible
He promised to get us the money
in a few days
We have to set a place for the deal
We can't go to his place anymore
Where should it be
Shall we ask him to come here
We have to choose somewhere public
The more crowded the safer we will be
How about
the Xinhua Bookshop
There are a lot of people there
Let's withdraw all the cash first
and leave as soon
as he pays us the rest
Who were those two people
that went to his place today
My classmate Ye Chimin and her dad
Her dad is a cop
Why did a cop visit him
They were there for his tutorial
Come in
Are those difficult
Are you still mad at me
It's just that these exercises are too difficult
Let me have a look
What's the point
You don't know the answers
How about this
I promise to you
that I will find
a tutor even better than Mr Zhang
I'll drive you to the sessions
every single time
- Really?
- I promise
Go on
I'll stay with you
I like the ocean views here
I heard that your wife passed away
so you wanted to sell the apartment
She didn't die here did she
Of course no
I guarantee you
Can we have a look of the other rooms
Of course
This is the master bedroom
This is the study
This is the living room
Can we get a lower price
The price we gave you
is already much lower than the market price
Of course it should be lower than usual
It's an apartment
with this kind of history
Shut your mouth
The apartment is not for sale anymore
Watch your attitude
Sorry ma'am Sorry
Mr Zhang
We both know
that this is not easy to sell
Could you please be a little more polite
Why ask about my personal life
if they were just buying the property
It's none of their business
We can't hide it from the clients
Or it would be a lot of trouble
I'm not selling it okay?
Don't come to me anymore
One condition is 300000 tael of silver
for the ransom
The other
is to get your sword
and exchange it with him
I've already told you
I don't want to hurt you
but you forced me to
30000 yuan
was drawn from my card
on an ATM today
Can you help me find out
the location of that ATM
Have you investigated all people
from the Children's Palace
Including Zhang Dongsheng
He was giving a Math Olympiad class
A lot of students can verify that
Keep the money safe
Can you do something for me
What is it
Can you copy what's in the camera
to this memory card
When we get the money from him
I will give it to the police
and tell them everything
I will tell them
that this was all my idea
It had nothing to do with you and Pupu
You don't believe me do you
I do
One other thing
Don't tell Pupu a word about this
Why are you looking upset
Are you tired
When I was in high school
you know how wide the Pearl River is
I could swim across it and back hands down
Back then all the girls in school
came to watch me swimming
Can you imagine how popular I was
When will you take me
to swim across the Pearl River
You have to practice more
How about we go
when you turn 18
Before that let's practice in the pool
Come on
Three two one
Don't forget to take my case
when you leave tonight
are you coming tomorrow
Today is my last day of work
and my last mission
See you tonight
Come on man We are closing
In a sec
It's fresh beef Enjoy
Thank you ma'am
-Enjoy -Alright
Give us a speech
Of what
Reflect on your life as a police officer
Give the younger generation some tips
He's right
Come on
I've spent my whole life as a cop
I'm devoted to my job in law enforcement
I'm sure of it
But sometimes
there are still things
that I wish I would've done
I am retired today
but I still feel inexplicably bad
when I think of the things I could've done
You've done well enough
Come on
Let's raise our glass
for our old comrade
Make Chen our example
-Here -Here Cheers
Don't make me your example
Is it done
Hello Yan Liang
It's me
Wait for me at the crossing
of Limin Road at 9:00 AM tomorrow
I'll take you to visit your dad
What did he say Yan Liang
I'm going to meet my dad tomorrow
Really? That's great
Hey you
Don't wander around
Excuse me
I'm not from here
Do you know who's in charge of the boats here
Ask me if you need anything
I'm in charge at my boss's behest
Here's the thing
Isn't the closed season almost over
I'd like to buy a couple of boats
Are these for sale?
You're buying?
I'll give you my boss's number
These boats are too old
You can't use them anymore
Looks alright to me
I think it would be nice after a renovation
Have a cigarette
Don't light a fire here
These are all made of wood
They'd be burnt to dust if caught on fire
15 August
Today I have a new goal
which is to swim across the Pearl River
with my dad when I turn 18
Yan Liang asked me to make a copy
He told me that after everything's done
he's still gonna report Zhang Dongsheng's crime
Why aren't you in your uniform
I'm retired
I am helping you for nothing
I'm a good friend aren't I
Pupu what are you writing
It's a secret
I'll show you when it's done
We're here for Yan Wenbin
You dad just can't get off drugs
His mind has been impaired
He's sometimes here
Sometimes not here
He was getting worse
so they sent him here
When he was conscious
I asked him
whether I should tell you this
and he refused
So I just kept my mouth shut
Now you understand
You have to be prepared
before we go in there
Yan Wenbin
Come down
Come on
Just come down
Be careful
Come down
Come down
Be careful
Have a bite
It's very sweet Fresh from the tree
It's really sweet
What are you doing
This pear is for my son
He really loves pears
Come on eat
It's sweet
Really sweet
I'm not gonna see him
No no no
No No
No no Not gonna see him
Let's go
Go back
I'm not
-No -Alright Alright
Let's go back
-Not gonna see him -No Let's go
not gonna see him
No Let's go
Could you give me a few more days
A few more days
Didn't we have an agreement
After visiting your dad
you'll go back to the welfare house
What's the deal this time
I have something really important
I will go back with you once it's done
What's so important
Tell me
I can't
You can't tell me?
Then you must be lying
What is it
Sir please sign here
You brat
Get off now
Get off
Your son
is exactly the same as you
I'm worried he'll end up like you
I am retired
I should be at home
holding my grandchild with my wife
I should have been enjoying my life
I have done so much for your son
I have done my best for you two
Do I owe you
I owe you nothing
I have tried to pursuade you
Was I wrong to take you to rehab
Was I wrong to take Yan Liang
to the welfare house for education
Let me spell it all out for you today
Yan Liang
I am here with your dad
I'll let him know
how you lied to me
Just leave me alone
I'm doing this
so that you won't end up like him
I'm helping you
I don't need your help
You said what you did was for my dad
but look where he is now
Your dad being here
is not the reason for you to act up
Just stop talking
You won't understand
East Binhai Road
I'm going to find your son
A soda
A soda
Let me talk to the moon ♪
Let me talk to the sun ♪
Let me talk to the rain ♪
Let me talk to ♪
every word in the history ♪
We are dancing on the moon ♪
We are dancing on the sun ♪
We are dancing in the rain ♪
We are dancing with ♪
every note in the galaxy ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
A day we are free ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
A day we will never be afraid ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
Not so late ♪
It's a day ♪
Fly me to the moon ♪
Fly me to the moon ♪
Fly me to the edge ♪
of the world ♪
Fly me to the place ♪
where you will get higher ♪
and higher ♪
with a white rabbit ♪
I am the one ♪
who steal the moon ♪
I am the one ♪
who steal the capsule ♪
I am the one ♪
who steal the story ♪
I am the one who made ♪
The Thousand and One Nights ♪
I am living on the moon ♪
I am living in the capsule ♪
I am living in the story ♪
I am living in ♪
The Thousand and One Nights ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
A day we are free ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
A day we will never be afraid ♪
It's a day It's a day ♪
Not so late ♪
It's a day ♪
Smiley faces on ♪
Smiley faces on ♪
like a rainbow ♪
on the face of the moon ♪
Smiley faces over the rainbow ♪
We will fly to the edge ♪
of the galaxy ♪
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