The Baxters (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Old Wounds

[Tim] I'm gonna give it
everything I have.
I will find my way back.
Prove it.
What about your paintings?
You were always winning awards
in school for your stuff.
I don't really paint anymore.
Trust me, Ashley
is not a mystery
that you wanna unravel.
Is that because of everything
that happened in Paris?
It goes a little bit deeper
than that.
The best things in life
are worth fighting for.
Are you willing
to put in the work?
I think we need to go back
to the way things were.
Goodbye, Ryan.
I went to my first AA meeting.
I know this is my journey,
but I want
and I need your help.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[AA medallion clinks on floor]
Five months.
That is quite
an accomplishment.
Thank you.
Uh, it's been
a really rewarding experience.
All of this is.
It's nice to see some
of the affection returning.
We're taking it day by day.
Which at times
feels like year by year.
Oh, really?
-I thought this was a place
for complete
and total transparency.
Speaking of transparency,
are we comfortable talking
about the other people
that were part
of the situation?
Ryan is out of the picture.
We have had no contact.
And I haven't had any contact
with Angela.
Well, then,
on to the important stuff.
How is the nursery
coming along?
We're actually going
to pick out paint swatches
this afternoon.
The real test
to a relationship.
I think we'll survive.
Me too.
I'm happy for you.
Thank you.
-[knocking on door]
-[Luke] Hey, come in!
Christmas lights?
It's not even Thanksgiving.
They're for the scavenger hunt.
I was thinking
that this year I would
kinda line the church halls
just keep all the lights off
to add a little
sense of adventure and
-Ah, danger.
-With Christmas decor.
You know, moms
are master untanglers.
Oh, yeah?
So, is Reagan helping today?
Yeah, she's actually been
amazing with all the prep.
We've been together
almost six months.
-But who's counting?
Yeah, I,
I really like her, Mom.
More than anybody
I've ever dated.
That's good.
And I approve.
-Yeah, no problem.
You're a real pro.
Can you, uh, just
fold those programs
in half for me?
-Thank you.
It makes me sad that
Lilly has never seen those.
I think she'd really
love what we've done
to honor her son's memory.
Well, maybe she still will.
Dirk, I do understand
you're worried about Angela.
No, you don't.
You won't tell me anything
about what happened to her
or where she is.
I can't reveal
private information
about a student.
You know that.
I know he did something to her.
Who did?
I don't wanna say.
Is there something
I should know about?
Look, I know that Angela
was important to you.
And I can tell you
that she's is no longer
a student here.
And that the decision
to leave was right
for her.
And she made it on her own.
Because she had to.
I think that
the best thing
that you could do for Angela,
as a friend,
is to give her the space
that she clearly needs.
Let her work out her things,
and you focus on your life
here at school.
Now, I think Angela
would want that for you.
Yeah, sure.
-[door opens]
-Now, I'm here if you need me.
[door closes]
[Tim] Uh, we did say we like
this one over here.
[Kari] Eh, I was thinking
No, I was thinking
all of this and
more gray.
[unenthusiastically] Gray.
I like gray.
Gray's gloomy.
It's classic.
-Makes me sad.
-It's simple,
chic, gender-neutral.
-So is yellow.
What do you say
we skip the whole waiting
and just find out?
Yeah, we could tell your family
next week at Thanksgiving.
I thought you wanted to wait.
Yeah, well, I did
until you started
throwin' out
Yeah, let's do it.
-Wait, now?
Why not? They said to give
'em a call if we changed
our minds.
And then what?
They just tell us
over the phone?
Just like that?
I mean, I guess. Is that not
what you want?
[sighs] Sure.
[line ringing]
[ringing continues]
[Luke] Okay, so we'll set up
the flashlights
for "grey ghost" in the back.
That way when everybody's done
with "face your fears," they
can head out to the lawn
for reverse "hide-and-seek."
Please, please, please, do not
forget the extra batteries
to the flashlights.
[man] Cool.
[all voicing agreement]
-[Luke] One, two, three,
go team!
-[all] Go team!
-You're just very cute,
-for a Baxter.
-Oh, man.
Come on, no guy wants
to be cute.
Oh, no, I mean cute
in the manliest of ways.
[chuckles] What's with
the locks?
Uh, okay, so,
every single lock
has a bible reference
attached to it.
And you have 60 seconds
to match the reference
to the key
with the correct verse.
And then from there it's just
a race to the finish line.
The Ashford Dash.
Yes, it's the last event
of the night.
Why is it Ashford,
by the way?
It's the only part
of the scavenger hunt
that's name doesn't have
a biblical meaning.
Uh, it's a dedication
to a friend of mine,
my best friend,
My whole family, actually,
was really close to him
and his mother, Lillian.
But he died in a car accident
a few years ago.
Oh, my gosh.
How How did
you never say this?
I don't know, uh,
I guess maybe because it's,
like, the one thing I can't
really downplay with a joke.
I'm so sorry.
No, it's okay, really, uh,
I mean, this night always
reminds me
of the best times with him.
Which ironically do not include
the race
dedicated in his memory.
He was the terrible runner.
The absolute slowest.
-Shall we?
-Yeah, let's do it.
Oh, yeah.
Being unemployed is exhausting.
Tell me about it.
We could go to that
new coffee shop.
And maneuver through
a crowd of hipsters?
No thanks.
What about the mall?
[takes deep breath] Pass.
What's the point?
They're all the same.
Super hero in red spandex
saves the day.
Superhero in black spandex
saves the day.
Superhero that turns
into another superhero
saves the day.
It's like no one has
an original idea anymore.
What was that?
I couldn't hear you all the way
up on your soap box.
Boredom brings out
the cynic in me.
We could always go
to your brother's event.
[high-pitched] Mmm
It could be fun.
A few guys from
my philosophy class
said they were going.
Well, church and fun don't mix.
Okay, first,
it's not church. It's an event
that just so happens
to take place in a structure
that frequently acts
as a church.
I love the delusion
you bring to our friendship.
And second, it'll be a lot
more entertaining
than spending another night
watching cartoons with
a four-year-old.
-No offence.
-None taken.
Cartoon dog saves the day.
Cartoon pig saves the day.
Fine, I'll go.
But the minute somebody
tries to make me pray, I'm out.
[upbeat music playing]
-[man] Here you go.
-[Erika] Thank you.
-[Ashley] Thank you.
-[man] You're welcome.
Why do I feel like
the worst person here?
Relax, it's one night.
[negatively] Mmm
I think we should go.
[Luke] What are you doing here?
We came to show our support.
Did you guys happen to reserve
a sleeping bag?
For the lock-out
that we're doing
after all the games?
-[Erika] Lock-out?
-[Reagan] Mmm-hmm.
I thought this was a lock-in.
Yeah, so only
the high schoolers are
doing the lock-in.
Luke thought that this year
it might be cool to
have all the adults that come
sleep outside with nothing
but a sleeping bag.
-Um, to raise awareness
for homeless and at-risk youth.
You know, people a little bit
less fortunate than you.
[Reagan] We um,
we did it every year at home
in my old church,
in the winter.
It really helps put things
into perspective.
Sounds, um,
[clears throat] cold.
Um, well, make sure
that you guys grab a lei
for the scavenger hunt.
Each team's gonna have
a different color.
Maybe let people who come
every year pick first.
Okay, cool.
We'll see you guys.
-[Luke] Thank you.
-[man] Welcome.
-[Reagan] Thanks.
-[man] No problem.
You know, it wouldn't hurt
to maybe be, like,
a little friendlier.
I've been doing this for years
and she has never
shown up once.
Yeah, it's all the more reason
to be more welcoming,
you know?
So, slight change of plans.
Remember that time I said
I'd go to that thing with you
and then I backed out
at the last second
and invited someone else
to fill my place?
-Someone about a foot taller
with broad shoulders
and eyes you could get lost in?
[flippantly] Doesn't sound like
anyone I know.
You two have fun.
Where are you going?
To the movies.
I hear there's a great new
superhero film.
Buenas noches.
[chuckles awkwardly]
-[door opens]
-[Tim] There you are.
You okay?
You've barely said a word
since we spoke to the doctor.
Oh, no.
I'm fine, I'm just
You know, I'm
trying to soak it
all in, it's
all very exciting.
[Tim] I wanted it to be a girl.
You did?
You never said that.
So she can grow up to be as
strong and beautiful
as her mother.
Tell me.
Tim, our first baby
was a girl and
Ah, I understand.
But God's blessing us again.
With a different life.
I know but
feels the same.
What if he's
giving us a second chance?
To welcome a baby
into this world
as a stronger couple.
That's a nice thought
Kari, God wants us
to celebrate.
And that's what
our baby needs, too.
Let's cozy up
and watch a movie tonight.
That sounds perfect.
Come help me pick one.
I'll be right down.
[people talking indistinctly]
[Luke] All right, right.
-[Landon] You go first.
Look, I don't know
what Erika had to say
to convince you to come here
Oh, wow.
I'm flattered you think
I needed to be convinced.
I just
I don't want you to think that,
if I'm here,
my life is suddenly
all about the church because
It's not.
Well, don't worry.
Your reputation is intact.
I feel like Tom Cruise
in Mission: Impossible.
Think that's the point.
Wait, what?
I thought this was supposed
to be a scavenger hunt.
Yeah, well,
my brother has to make
everything [groans]
-Oh, God.
-more complicated.
I think these are supposed
to represent, like, barriers
in the faith or something
weird like that.
Oh, wow.
I get it now.
[Ashley] If you say so.
[Ashely groans]
[Landon] Come on.
[boy] Oh, you got that one.
[girl] Oh, wow.
-I'm late.
-Oh, here I go.
-No, no, no, no!
-[balloon blasts]
-[all cheer]
Wow, good job.
-[sighs in exhaustion]
Can I ask you something?
Do I have a choice?
How come you're back
in town and
not off being a famous
painter somewhere?
I mean, your stuff was
world class even
in high school.
Yeah, well
I stopped painting for the same
reason you stopped.
asking me out.
Oh, yeah.
This thing of rejection.
Something like that.
But do you miss it?
I miss the way it felt when
I first moved to Paris.
Right, you went
right after college.
How long were you there?
Can we talk about literally
anything else?
Sure, let's talk about
finishing this thing.
Right, so we can
get out of here.
Okay, what's next?
[resignedly] Of course.
Hey, Ash, you okay?
I should not be here.
-I'll take you home.
-No, I'm fine.
-You stay.
-W-what is?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
The "Ashford Dash," Luke?
So we can all relive it?
Uh, no. So we can all
remember him.
Why did you even come here?
I really don't know.
[line ringing]
Hello, Lillian,
it's Elizabeth.
I could have sworn I saw you
at church a few months ago.
Was that you? I just got
your house listing
and it would be
lovely to see you
when you come back to town.
Will you please call me back?
Can I help you with something?
Where is she?
Excuse me? Who?
You know who.
[stammers] I-I don't know.
Angela. Angela Manning.
I know you had an affair
with her.
All right, let's calm down.
You are the reason she's gone.
You seduced her,
you strung her along
and then you dropped her.
You ruined her life.
And mine.
Dirk, I don't want to have
to call security.
You're angry,
and I understand.
But what happened between
Angela and me is
none of your business.
And I'm faculty here.
So I think it's in your
best interest
to take a deep breath
and walk away.
Yeah, you don't need
to call security.
Good. Smart kid.
The best thing you can do
for yourself is
put this behind you.
Are we okay?
Sorry about that.
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
[Erin] We're here!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Heard so many wonderful things
about this community.
I didn't hesitate when
Pastor Mark offered me
the position.
Sisters are very protective
of their brothers, okay?
It's a normal
for me to be nervous.
You have nothing
to be nervous about.
[Tim] Speaking of being
thankful for children,
we just found out
we're having a girl.
-[all gasp]
Isn't that wonderful!
Yep, it's a little girl.
Kari, this pregnancy
is totally different.
I don't think I could survive
losing another baby.
Hey, if you ever need anybody
to talk to
I'm only a phone call away.
[theme music playing]
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