The Bionic Woman (1976) s01e07 Episode Script

Bionic Beauty

Oh, Jaime,
be careful!
It weighs a ton.
Here, let me help you.
JAlME: No, no. It's okay.
Just give me some room.
Oh, my God.
Okay. Here we go.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, it's not gonna fit!
I could've told you that.
I'll have Jim chop it up
when he gets home.
I've got a pie in the oven.
I'll get the door
on the way out.
Oscar! What a surprise!
How are you?
Oh, I'm so messy.
I'm sorry.
I was cleaning out
the fireplace and
chopping the wood.
Things like that.
You look terrific.
You know, I'll bet
you used to be a
beauty contest winner.
I'll bet you were
a prom queen.
Beauty queen business
never really interested me.
I'm hoping maybe,
well, I could
change your mind.
For the last two days,
I've been working
night and day
on a micro-computer circuit.
The part is very important to
our National Defense system.
Here one second,
gone the next.
No leads.
In addition to
all these problems,
I get this.
What is it?
From one of our
leading agents
in Europe.
JAlME: "The next
Miss United States
will be Miss Florida."
What's this
supposed to mean?
I don't know.
But I've gotta get
someone to find out.
What is this?
Your sash.
My Oscar, If you think
I'm gonna go in there
and parade around and
Jaime, I can't overlook it.
I've gotta find out
what this is all about.
I've gotta find out if
this beauty-contest is rigged,
and if it is,
who's on top of it,
and what does the OSl
have to do with this?
Jaime, these beauty contests,
the security is incredible.
I can't send a man in.
It's got to be this way.
And since you are
the most beautiful and
qualified agent in the OSl,
I thought maybe
you'd enjoy being
Miss California.
I hate it.
I need your help.
Have Helen come
as a chaperone.
This whole thing
may be nothing.
It may also be
extremely dangerous.
But I can't do it.
I'm involved with that
Defense Department theft.
And I've gotta have
somebody who can
go in there alone
and handle
the unexpected.
Oscar, look, before
I put on this sash
and go in there
and make a fool
out of myself,
why don't you call
this agent and make
sure he wasn't joking?
I mean, this is
a pretty silly message.
I can't do that.
They found this agent
this morning,
face down
in the River Seine.
Oh. Oh, Jaime.
Come here quickly.
Miss California.
Do you want to put this on?
You have to peel it off
at the back, you know.
May we have one
of those programs?
Give me two.
Give me two.
And could we have
Ladies? Ladies,
everybody up here, please.
We have to register to
get our room assignments!
Up to the desk, please.
Thank you.
"On her first night,
Miss United States
will fly to Paris
"on her own private jet
for a goodwill tour!"
Oh, Jaime!
I'm so glad you and Oscar
asked me to come along.
It's so thrilling!
Thrilling? Did you read
the fine print on the
bottom of the page?
What fine print?
Oh. "No liquor of any kind,
no male visitors,
"no cigarette smoking
in public,
"and no telephone calls
outside the complex
"unless approved
by the Director.
"Contestants will be
supervised at all times."
Well, that's reasonable.
Reasonable? Helen,
that's worse than
being in prison.
Did you see the security
down there?
Well, that's the way they
do it at all these things.
Maybe that's why Oscar
asked me to come along
as your chaperone,
to show you the ropes.
Miss California.
I don't know why
I could never get you
to enter a contest
when you were
in high school.
Why, you just
wouldn't do it!
How did Oscar
ever convince you?
I still don't understand.
Well, this is a contest for
professional women, Helen.
And then the winner
is picked by
a state committee,
without any kind of
a pageant or
anything like that.
And I guess
I came in second.
I see.
And I didn't even
know about it myself
until yesterday
when Oscar told me
that the winner had
come down with the flu.
And they needed
a replacement. So
So here we are!
Oh, that's so thrilling!
Oh! These hotel rooms
are so stuffy.
Need some help?
Pity they are not
judging on strength.
You'll be judged on poise,
beauty, intelligence
and talent.
The qualities
that distinguish
an ordinary girl
from an
extraordinary woman.
But as you participate
this week,
I want you to remember
above all that this contest
is not a competition,
but a pageant
of the loveliest women
in our country.
So, be proud,
keep your head high,
and remember
that there's something
very special about you.
May the best one win.
And now, I want you
to welcome someone
you already know.
Your Master of Ceremonies,
pageant Director,
they call him Mr. Smile,
Ray Raymond!
Now, isn't she something?
Now, if you've read
your schedules,
you know this is gonna
be a hectic weekend.
Our first press conference
starts in
just an hour and a half,
and that doesn't
give us much time.
Now, you've all
been assigned
in groups of five.
This is your family.
And everything you do
in the pageant,
you'll do with them.
Now, let's split up,
find your family,
and get acquainted.
Is anybody in Family B?
I am. Hi,
I'm Jaime Sommers.
Miss California.
You're the replacement,
aren't you?
Yeah. Second string.
We can still be
friends, huh?
Friends? There's no
Miss Congeniality Award
in this contest, honey.
Well, l
Look, every girl here
wants that crown badly.
You're not gonna
make friends.
Just friendly enemies.
Hello, Mr. Raymond.
Well, hello. Are you
enjoying it so far?
Oh, it's wonderful.
I've met so many
new friends.
Oh, Jaime.
RAYMOND: Do we have
a deal or not?
I have to let someone
know this morning.
I'm counting on it.
But you still
haven't told me
what I have to do.
RAYMOND: Does it
really matter?
SALLY: I'm putty
in your hands.
I'll let you know
what to do
when the time comes.
MAN: All Miss United States
contestants backstage
for the talent taping.
Will you come for me
when it's almost
my turn, Helen?
This is Raymond.
Miss Florida's set.
She'll do it.
Now, I'll be in
the back of the center
while Belding's
doing the bed check
around 11:00.
Don't worry.
Once she's crowned
Miss United States,
everything will
go like clockwork.
No one can stop us.
hold it, hold it,
hold it! Cut! Cut.
I'm sorry, Mr. Brady.
You about ready, honey?
(STAMMERlNG) I'm sorry.
This is the first time
I've ever done it
with real fire.
Real fire?
It's her first time.
One more time
from the top.
Now where's Miss California?
She's next.
The talent competition
will be taped
this afternoon
to be shown on
closed circuit television
during the finals
tomorrow night.
This is a real
electronic timesaver
which will allow the girls
to catch their breath
and change from their
swimsuits into their
Cut it, Charlie.
Cut it. Cut it.
All I know, Oscar,
is that the pageant
is definitely rigged.
But I still
don't know why.
Jaime, that's great.
Keep it up.
At least you're
having some luck.
You mean you still haven't
found that defense thing
you were looking for?
No, I got a call
from Steve in Brussels
this morning.
He's not getting
anywhere either.
But we'll just
keep it up.
Oscar, did Steve
ask about me at all?
He always
asks about you.
How you're feeling,
are you seeing anyone.
If I'm seeing anyone?
Is he seeing someone?
No, Jaime.
Nothing serious.
You know how
he feels about you.
You know, I just get
so confused sometimes
when I'm trying to
sort out my feelings
about Steve.
Jaime, they want
you onstage!
Miss California,
we're waiting for you!
Oscar, I gotta
go now. Bye.
You're not allowed
to use those phones.
You. You see that
doesn't happen again.
Yes, sir.
Come on!
Let's go!
Here she is.
You're going to have
to be more prompt,
Miss California.
All right, Mrs. Belding.
Let's go, let's go!
And now our
next contestant,
Jaime Sommers,
Miss California.
Thank you.
I would like to sing
a song for someone
that I grew up with,
and I sure hope
he gets to see it.
(SlNGlNG) Feelings
Nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my
Feelings of love
Rolling down on my face
Trying to forget my
Feelings of love
For all my life I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you, boy
You'll never come again
Feelings like
I've never lost you
But feelings like
I'll never have you
Again in my heart
For all my life I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you, boy
You'll never come again
Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
My feelings
My feelings of love
Feelings of love
My feelings of
I wish Steve
had been here.
She was talking
on an outside line to
somebody named Oscar.
There's an Oscar Goldman
who works for the OSl.
There's also an Oscar Mayer
who makes wieners.
Probably just
her boyfriend.
Yeah. Well, don't forget.
She's the only contestant
who was a runner-up.
They just kinda
slid her in on us
at the last moment.
Are you suggesting
she's a plant?
Jaime, will you tell me
what you're doing?
Helen, I have to
follow someone.
Follow someone?
Mrs. Belding will
be here in a minute.
There's a curfew.
I didn't want to
have to tell you this,
but Oscar sent me here
to get some information.
It's very important
and it could be dangerous.
Are you here as a spy?
I guess I never believed
that runner-up story of yours.
You always hated
beauty pageants.
I have to follow
Raymond now.
Mr. Raymond?
Is he involved?
He was always
one of my favorites.
What do I do
if Mrs. Belding comes?
Well, cover
for me, please.
And don't
close this window.
Leave it open. Okay?
Okay. Jaime.
Be careful.
Falcon One,
this is control.
Come in, Falcon One.
MAN 2: Falcon One here.
I'll get back to you. Out.
You're late.
For half a million dollars,
you can afford to wait.
Miss Florida hasn't
changed her mind?
She's very ambitious.
Bed check.
Hi, Mrs. Belding.
Is it time
for bed already?
It's 11:00.
Every contestant
should be in her room.
Isn't that funny?
'Cause I could've sworn
I just saw
Miss California outside.
MAN: You're not
being watched?
No one's suspicious.
It's important, Raymond.
The package
must be in Paris
the day after tomorrow.
Just get it to me
backstage tomorrow night.
I'll give it to her.
And she'll carry it
onto her private jet.
How're you gonna
rig the contest?
Brady's our stage manager.
He tabulates
the judges' ballots.
He and I are the only ones
who know their decision.
So I can pick
any name I want.
Perfect setup.
Her own private jet,
whisked through Customs
above suspicion.
Miss United States
is an ideal courier.
Pull this off tomorrow,
and you're on your way
to becoming a rich man.
No one deserves it more.
HELEN: Oh, Jaime,
where are you?
Who is it?
Mrs. Belding. Bed check!
Good evening,
Mrs. Belding.
Is Miss California here?
Oh, yes,
she's in the shower.
I'll have her call you
when she comes out.
She was late for
the talent taping,
wasn't she?
I think you're right,
Mrs. Belding.
We'll wait.
Jaime, honey?
Will you hurry please?
Mrs. Belding's here.
Oh, it is getting
a little chilly.
Well, I don't know
what's taking her so long.
Jaime, honey,
will you please hurry up!
Mrs. Belding is getting
very impatient.
Hurry, Jaime! Hurry up.
Mrs. Belding's here!
Mrs. Belding!
She'll be out
in a minute.
What was that
clanking sound?
I'm sorry I kept you
waiting so long.
Well, where were you?
Well, as you can see,
I was in the shower.
(STAMMERlNG) I would've
come out sooner but
I had to wash my hair.
You really do
have lovely hair.
You know,
I just love the color.
Especially when it's dry.
Thank you, Miss Florida,
you've been most helpful.
Now, where were you?
In the shower.
Don't lie to me!
You were outside.
I heard you
on the fire escape.
I could swear
I saw you
on the ground.
I can't afford to have a
troublemaker running around
on the day of the finals.
First, you were late
for the taping, now this.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
I'm going to have to
notify Mr. Raymond
and the judges
of your misbehavior
and confine you
to your room
until the pageant
starts tomorrow night.
She was outside?
Are you sure,
Mrs. Belding?
Oh, no, no!
No, I think it's
a good idea to keep her
in her room tomorrow.
Yes, I'll inform the judges.
You might be right.
The next time
she steps outta line
will be her last time.
Good morning, ladies.
I have a couple
of announcements
before we start.
B Group, Miss California
will not be with us
until tonight.
She's a little
under the weather.
All right.
Let's take our places for
the opening number, huh?
Are they still out there?
Two of 'em.
Helen, I have got
to talk to Oscar.
Is it important?
They'll let me out.
Oh, Helen,
I can't get you
mixed up in this.
Jaime, I want to help you.
It'd be exciting.
We sent that picture
three days ago.
I don't believe this.
Hold on.
This is Goldman.
Hold on.
It's about the size
of a flash cube.
That's right.
A flash cube.
Falcon circuit.
F No, no, no.
Falcon, F-A-L-C-O-N.
Right. Falcon.
I'll send it to you.
Hold on a minute.
Send this over
the wire to Milan.
They don't know
what it looks like.
Make sure it
goes out by code.
This is
Oscar Goldman speaking.
This is Helen Elgin.
Helen? Are you
What about Jaime?
Is she all right?
Oh, she's fine.
She can't come
to the phone.
She wanted me to
give you a message.
All right.
What is it?
Well, is it okay?
I mean, is it all right
to give it to you
over the phone?
Of course
it's okay, Helen.
Your secret
is safe with me.
What is it?
Helen, what's the matter?
Uh, no, I think
I better call you back.
Is there anything wrong?
No. No.
I'll get right back
to you, Oscar.
Yeah. Goodbye.
Who were you
talking to?
Oscar who?
Oscar Lipschitz.
He's an old beau
of mine from college.
Whenever I'm in his area,
I always call him up and
You know, you're not
to be using these phones
without my approval.
You read
the pageant rules?
Yes, sir.
I think you'd better
spend the rest of the day
in your room
with Miss California.
You didn't tell him?
I didn't have time
before Mr. Raymond
caught me.
Oscar was talking
to some man about
a bird project.
Uh Falcon.
Falcon circuit.
I've heard that.
What else did he say?
Uh, something about
sending a photograph.
Wait a second.
The man in the car.
The radio
called him Falcon.
He said they were
gonna bring something
here tonight. What?
The Falcon thing
That's it, Helen!
That's what Oscar's
looking for!
Jaime! Jaime!
Do you know,
Miss United States
is going to take
Oscar's circuit to Paris!
She's gonna
be the courier!
What are you
talking about?
That's where they found
the agent. In Paris.
Face down
in the River Seine.
I've gotta talk to Oscar.
I don't know what to do.
But how?
They won't let us out
before tonight.
The five finalists
are picked right off
the bat, aren't they?
Yeah, they do
most of the show.
The rest is
just background.
Well, it's a cinch
they're not gonna pick me
for one of the finalists.
And I don't think
they're gonna miss
one of the girls
from the background.
Los Angeles, California,
Mrs. Oliver J. Belding
and Belding Industries
proudly present
the Miss United
States Pageant!
And now, your
Master of Ceremonies,
Mr. Smile himself,
Ray Raymond!
I feel like
a side of beef.
How do I look?
You know what?
I really liked
my old legs better.
I think they were better.
Thank you. Good evening,
and welcome
to America's only pageant
for beautiful,
professional women.
Why wait any longer?
Let's meet these
wonderful ladies now,
in the bathing suit
Miss Alabama!
Miss Alaska!
Miss Arizona!
Miss Arkansas!
Miss California!
Miss Florida!
Miss Hawaii!
Miss Tennessee!
Miss Texas!
Miss Utah!
The agonizing task
of picking five
of these outstanding
American women
to be our finalists.
I can only say that
I'm very happy that
I'm not a judge.
But seeing these
lovely ladies,
I am sure you can
well understand
what a difficult
choice it would be.
But a decision
has been made.
And one of these
outstanding American women
will be the new
Miss United States.
May I have the envelope,
please, Mr. Brady.
Thank you.
Here are the names
of our finalists.
Miss Oklahoma!
Miss Hawaii!
Miss Tennessee!
Miss Florida!
And our
fifth finalist,
Miss California!
So, there you have it.
Our five beautiful finalists.
Miss Oklahoma, Miss Hawaii,
Miss Tennessee, Miss Florida
and Miss California,
a dark horse candidate
who made an extremely
strong showing
in the talent competition.
Now while they
and the rest of the girls
are changing
into their formals,
we're gonna show you
taped highlights of that
talent competition.
Am I ready?
You look beautiful.
I'm so proud of you.
I've gotta go.
What? Where?
Well first, to call Oscar,
and then to try to find
that computer circuit
or whatever
that thing is.
Look, if they call for me,
Helen, just stall them.
Oh, again?
But they won't
believe me again.
Good luck!
Oh. Jaime!
RAYMOND: And now
our next contestant,
Jaime Sommers,
Miss California.
Thank you.
I would like to sing
a song for someone
that I grew up with,
and I sure hope
he gets to see it.
(SlNGlNG) Feelings
Nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my
MAN: Hard to believe
that something that small
can be the key to the
entire defense system
of the United States.
Yeah. So let's get it
to its hiding place
before anything
can happen to it.
Trying to forget my
Feelings of love
All my life I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you, boy
no one's about to
look for it there.
Tomorrow it is Paris.
Have a good night.
Whoa, feelings
Look what I found.
Did she faint?
No, chloroform.
It'll keep her
out a while.
Did she see anything?
Now, do you believe me?
Yeah. I believe you.
What's wrong
with her?
I don't know.
She passed out.
I think she's
on something.
I knew it!
I knew she was trouble
the moment I saw her.
Put her out for
a few more hours.
By the time she comes to,
we'll be out of the country.
What if she
starts talking?
Who'll believe her?
You think Mrs. Belding
is about to let
a troublemaker like her
discredit the pageant?
Steve, you're sure
of your source?
Now, let me
get this straight.
The Falcon circuit
is coming out
of Los Angeles tonight.
Thanks, pal,
keep in touch.
Maryann, I want a list
of all international flights
coming out of Los Angeles.
Private and commercial.
Rush it!
Get me the airport.
This oughta hold
you down.
Enough in there to keep
a horse out for a week.
She's got a hide
like an armadillo.
Pete, send an x-ray team down
to the air freight terminal.
Check everything.
Any hunch you have,
follow through
Follow through on.
Get me the
Ambassador Hotel.
I want to speak to
Miss Jaime Sommers.
Get me a radio.
I wanna hear this
pageant on the radio!
WOMAN: I'm sorry, Mr. Goldman,
but we are unable
to locate Miss Sommers.
All right.
Well, keep trying.
your Master of Ceremonies,
Mr. Smile himself,
Ray Raymond!
Thank you. Thank you.
And before we continue,
I'd like to announce
that Miss Jaime Sommers,
Miss California,
has regrettably taken ill
and will be unable to
continue with the pageant.
Get my car.
We're going to
the Ambassador.
And that's my goal.
To make friends.
RAYMOND: Miss Oklahoma,
in your own words,
we would like you
to tell us what your
ultimate goal in life is.
I play the saxophone
for an all-girl jazz band,
and if I could just
fill the world with music,
that would be
my ultimate.
that ends our question
and answer portion.
And now the judges
will make their
Oh, excuse me.
Look who I just found.
What a surprise!
It's our fifth finalist,
Miss California!
Let's give her a big hand.
She's a real trouper!
Now all America can
keep their eyes on you.
Just step up to
the microphone and give us
a big smile, can you?
You're feeling better,
Miss California?
Yes, I needed a rest.
You know,
the excitement
of all of this,
just kind of
snuck up and grabbed me
from behind.
Yes, I know how strenuous
these pageants can be.
But you're just in time
to answer a question
for our judges.
Well, I can't think
of anything I'd rather do.
They would like
to know what your
ultimate goal in life is.
Well, frankly,
I'm still searching,
you know.
But a good friend of mine
by the name of Oscar Goldman
once taught me
a very old Chinese proverb.
Oscar Goldman?
I didn't realize
he was a Chinese prophet.
Well, he's many things
to many people.
Anyway, the proverb is,
"As the queen flies
to Paris on her Falcon,
"so must we continue
the search for our goals. "
Just doesn't make sense.
I certainly hope
it does to someone.
Goldman to base.
I want 10 backup
units immediately.
Well, thank you,
Miss California.
And now, it's time
for the judges to
tabulate their vote
and vote for the new
Miss United States.
This is Oscar Goldman.
I'm six blocks from
the Ambassador.
Have the backup
units stand by.
I'm going in.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your attention please.
All the months
of planning,
the nominating
committee meetings,
the rehearsals.
All of these seem to point
towards this magic moment.
One young lady behind me
will soon become royalty.
A queen of talent
and beauty and poise.
The zenith of
American womanhood.
Mr. Raymond Brady,
notary public,
has counted
the judges' votes.
May I have
the envelope, please.
Thank you very much.
Any idea of what
we could do
to get out of this?
You just read 'em the card.
I'll take care of the rest.
Yes. Thank you.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
I have here the results
of the judges' decision.
Who will be
Miss United States?
First, our fourth runner-up,
Miss Tennessee!
The third runner-up,
Miss Hawaii!
Goldman to backup units.
Surround the building.
Exercise extreme caution.
I don't want anybody
to get hurt.
The second runner-up,
Miss Oklahoma.
I got a place where
you can see a little better.
Oh, that's very
nice of you.
RAYMOND: Now, the next name
I announce will be
the first runner-up.
In the event that
Miss United States
becomes ill,
or for any reason
cannot discharge
her duties,
the first runner-up
will take her place.
The first runner-up, Miss
Florida, Sally Bartell.
Jaime Sommers,
Miss California,
is the new
Miss United States!
Isn't she wonderful,
ladies and gentlemen?
Tears streaming
down her face,
Jaime Sommers has to be
the happiest person alive.
Look in the wings.
Now, do as you're told,
and she'll stay alive.
Make one bad move,
glance at anybody
in the audience,
and she's a dead woman.
You understand?
Miss United States!
Go out and
meet your public!
You've come
a long way, woman
It's been a hard pull, ma'am
But you're our
Miss United States, lady
Come take your place
beside Uncle Sam
Do you hear me?
Is the Falcon circuit here?
Do you know where it is?
Are you having
any trouble?
You've come a long way, woman
It's been a hard pull, ma'am
Do you want me
to move in?
But you're our
Miss United States, lady
Come take your place
beside Uncle Sam
All right now,
move quickly
and quietly.
There's a car waiting
in the garage.
Come on.
Get up. Get up!
You've got me.
Why don't you
let her go?
Look, I'll take that now.
The car's over there.
Let's go.
I wanna talk to you!
You promised me that crown!
Sally, get outta here!
Okay. Out! Get out!
Jaime, are you all right?
Yeah. I'm not much
of a beauty queen
though, am l?
Oh, you've never
looked prettier.
The circuit,
have you got
the circuit?
I think so.
I don't think
that Ray Raymond's
going to risk his neck
for a rhinestone wand.
And all this time
I thought you were
just a pretty face.
Oscar, I'm
Miss United States!
JAlME: Sally?
I've been looking
all over for you.
Sally, are you all right?
I feel so ashamed.
Jaime, you know,
I never realized
how selfish I was,
until I almost
sold out myself,
and my country
for a beauty pageant.
What kind of a person
does that make me?
Hopefully, somebody
who can learn
from their mistakes.
Look, I found this.
Thought you might
like to see it.
What is it?
It's the final ballot.
They found it in
Brady's pocket.
You mean I won?
Fair and square.
You didn't even need them.
Here. I think
this belongs to you.
I can't take this.
Not after what I've done.
That's true.
Besides, next to the crown
you just gave yourself,
it looks pretty tacky.
Let's get outta here.
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