The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Andrey is looking for ways to protect his family

- Hi.
- The girls already left.
I should be going soon too.
We have some dumplings. You want some?
I'm changing!
Is Vladimir there? Sorry.
Which Vladimir? Who are you?
I'm Andrey, about Marat.
Darling, bad timing!
That Aigul,
who was dating Marat
jumped out the window.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Is she alive?
And who's Aigul?
Marat's ex.
- Does he know?
- No, I don't know how to tell him.
He ran here!
Ah, there you are!
- Rudakova!
- Hello. Dear, calm down.
- So there are two of you!
- It's alright.
Rudakova, well
- Of course, I suspected in principle.
- Quiet.
- Don't yell, we'll resolve the issue now.
- You'll resolve your issue at the police.
And you? In line?
Turned this into a brothel, huh?
- Go to hell. -What?
- Natasha, why, no need.
- You little slut!
- Get out of here!
You'll be thrown out of your school,
like a dog they'll toss you out!
- All right, quiet.
- You damn whore!
- And who are you?
- Why yell?
- Who are you?
- We can resolve everything amicably.
Especially - here I am,
we haven't even been introduced.
I am Vladimir Suvorov.
Cadet of the police academy.
- And who's this?
- Andryushka, my brother, came to visit.
And Natalya is my fiancee.
We're getting married in a week.
And we invite you to the
wedding. Will you come?
- I will.
- Great.
- You know where the House of Tatar Cuisine is?
- I do.
We'll be waiting
there. Bring your friends.
Good day. I'm Suvorov,
older brother of this guy.
Could you let him go?
We have family matters.
Go, Suvorov.
- How are you overall?
- Fine.
Let's go.
- Where?
- Come with me.
Why did we come here? What for?
Grandma Valya is buried somewhere here.
We should visit more often.
Mom visited, I think.
A good guy.
18 years old.
Let's drink to him.
A sip for him.
Your friend?
A guy from "Razyezd".
Why are you grimacing?
Same as me, as you.
Dreamed of returning.
In Afghanistan, it didn't matter
what street you were from.
He sang Vysotsky's song funnily.
About this mental hospital.
Just like him, with the intonations.
"Dear broadcast!"
On Saturday, almost in tears, All of
Kanatchikova's dacha rushed to the TV.
Instead of eating, washing,
injecting, and forgetting,
"The whole mad hospital
gathered at the screen".
Come on.
A sip for Sanya.
Rest in peace.
We're all mortal, Marat, we'll all be here.
Maybe we'll find something to eat?
I'm sorry.
For what?
Just forgive me.
Boys don't apologize.
Then drink.
Good morning!
Came back for seconds?
Bitch, freeze!
What, you brats, huh?
- Enough.
- Enough!
There. Now you look like a normal person.
You laid a hand on my brother.
Hurt him again - I'll kill you.
Got it?
See you with Ira - I'll cut your balls off.
- Go there, can't get closer.
- Who knows, they might be waiting for me.
Can you make it?
Marat, brother.
Marat! Wait!
Your Aigul
She jumped!
Ah! Cold!
Who did you kill?
Who did you kill?
There was a search in the
apartment yesterday - remember, no?
Who did you kill, thugs?
I didn't kill anyone, we didn't kill anyone.
were at the cemetery.
At Vova's
Sanya Vysotsky was killed
The cops are at the superintendent's,
girls said they're looking for you!
Now we can go.
You're nuts!
What did you do? Why are they after you?
Defended a woman's honor.
- Who is she?
- Not mine. Marat's.
A girl, 14, was kidnapped.
From the video salon.
They kept her in a storeroom.
Raped her.
I went there alone.
Took her, brought her to her parents.
- She jumped out the window.
- My God!
What kind of people!
What kind of people
Wanna go to Abkhazia?
I was there for training.
- With a gang?
- No, not that.
At a boxing tournament.
It's like summer there now.
Not many people.
The sea.
I have a job.
You can work there too.
We'll start building a house together.
There are undeveloped lands there,
right on the shore.
They give them away as a thank you.
Well, I don't know.
- Do you have anywhere to stay for now?
- Of course, I'll manage.
I have an aunt, remember,
I told you about her.
I promised to visit her.
Well, if you promised, let's go.
No, I Maybe together?
Stay with her for a while in Vasilyevo,
no one will come there.
You'll be a great help to me.
If anything, you're my fiance.
Shh! They'll hear.
All right.
Let's go!
Aunt Nina!
Oh, Natasha! Finally!
I'm alone here, and I have my grandson,
I can't stay up all night.
- Hello.
- Hello, yeah.
You talk to her about something, don't be
silent, or she'll start talking incoherently.
Aunt Nina?
Natasha! See what's happening?
He's just lying there.
- Who is this?
- A friend.
My name is Vova, hello.
My condolences.
Yes, come in.
Come on. I'll go cook something,
right, Nina?
Please sit with her.
How could this
My son
My son
How could this?
Oh Oh
Aunt Nina.
- Quiet-quiet-quiet.
- Let's sit on the couch.
Quiet-quiet. Aunt Nina,
where's your medicine?
I'll go look for some sedatives.
My son!
Why? For what?
My son!
A boy.
Such a good one.
Such a smart one.
Always helped.
Opened doors.
Just as I taught him at five years old,
so he did
Never let a woman carry
a bag when he was around,
always snatched it away.
He even
lost his competitions on purpose.
No anger at all.
His coach told me so.
No, he says, no anger.
And these
How are their mothers raising them?
Where does it come from?
To just
kill a person?
How does it happen?
Already lost weight.
Why did you go there?
What drove you there?
Come on, come on.
Pure and immaculate Virgin,
who bore God without seed,
pray for the salvation of his soul.
Have mercy on us, God,
according to Your great mercy.
We pray to You, hear and have mercy.
The Heavenly Kingdom
for the newly departed
servant of God Vadim.
Eternal rest to him
and a good defense
at the Dread Judgment of Christ.
May the Lord and the
Mother of God protect you.
That's all, my friends.
Put out the candles.
I'll collect the candles now
and put them in the coffin
Hello! May I?
Come in.
Fatty! What happened?
A girl from class 8 "A"
jumped out of the window, apparently.
- Who?
- Akhmerova.
Let me go! Let go!
Bitch, let go!
Where are you, mom?
Mom, where have you been?
Where were you, mom?
Went for Yulia, sonny.
To pick her up.
- From the daycare.
- Where is she, mom?
Where's Yulia?
Where is she? Did she leave?
Mom, remember, where's Yulia!
- She's not here!
- Did she hide or something?
- Yul!
- She's not here, mom!
- Mom, remember, where's Yulia.
- We were in line with her
- What line? Come, show me.
- We were in line!
Put on your hat, it's
cold there. Yulia! Yul!
Youngsters, help there!
Careful, careful. Right now.
- Come on, Aunt Nina.
- Come on-come on.
- Carry, guys!
- Come on, up
Oh my Hold on, hold on.
What are you, scum?
Oi, oi!
Get away!
You're sick, get him away!
No need!
Who did you, goat, bring here?
He killed him! Adidas killed, bastard!
Come on, come on. Quiet-quiet.
Enough, Gypsy! Later.
Oi, my son
Doesn't seem broken.
Need to get an X-ray.
It's not true, right?
What he said here, it's not true?
It was Zheltiy who kidnapped the girl.
Are you lying?
Are you lying?
You're lying!
You're lying!
You're lying!
You're lying!
You're lying!
There was a woman in glasses there!
- That's not Yulia.
- How come
Have you seen here
What are you doing,
what are you doing! Yulia!
She's not in the line,
she's somewhere on the playground, sonny.
Mom, let's go to the guys, they'll help.
Vodka! Vodka!
- What's up?
- My sister's gone missing.
We've searched everywhere. Not in the
daycare, not on the playgrounds either.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I just don't remember.
It's like it flew out of my
head, can you imagine?
Hello, guys.
And what are you sitting here for,
why don't you come to our house for tea?
She's sick now
We'll come.
Guys, Palto's sister is missing!
- How old is she?
- Five.
- Any distinguishing features?
- A coat
- She had a spotty hat.
- Don't worry, we'll find her.
- Really?
- Of course.
- She couldn't have gone far.
- Don't worry yourself!
Where can she go from a
submarine. Come on, guys!
Mom, let's go check the juvenile
department. Maybe someone brought her there.
Well, she had a beige coat on.
- Beige coat.
- Regular tights.
Felt boots, mittens.
- And the hat?
- Spotty.
And a spotty hat.
Right, thank you.
We'll go then. We're
also searching there.
Wait, let mom have some tea.
- The chak-chak is very tasty, you can't buy like this.
- Mom, we have to go.
No, I won't go, it's cold there.
I'm cold, you understand?
Well, there!
Oh, Svetlana Ivanovna?
- Kir, what's wrong?
- I can't stand it when it's about kids!
An inadequate person. Look at her!
They let her loose on themselves.
Svetlana Mikhailovna,
what's the date today?
Our calendar at home ended.
Very good. And how do you feel?
Tired. Been running around.
Do you have a pill? My head hurts.
- Yes, there's a pill.
- We'll go to the hospital now,
they'll feed you, give you tea.
- They'll give you a pill.
- Hey, what hospital?
Don't touch her! You have no right!
- They have all the rights, shut up.
- I won't go to the hospital!
- I won't go to the hospital, please!
- Kira!
- No-no-no!
- Mom! Don't get in, mom!
What a madhouse,
someone hold him down.
Why are you struggling!
They'll find her and bring her, you'll
sit with us for a while, have some tea!
Stop! Stop, I said!
- Mom!
- Stop, I said! Stop!
- Mom!
- Stop!
Mom! Mom!
And what did you
achieve with your running?
Tore your uniform. Good, along the seam.
Thank you very much, you helped a lot.
Andrey, please go home.
Maybe Yulia will come back on her own.
And I'll stay here on the phone.
If information comes up -
we'll call each other. Okay?
- Give me 15 kopecks?
- I don't have any, leave me alone.
Give me 15 kopecks?
Give me 15 kopecks?
Yulia! All right, all right!
Had enough fun, let's go home.
- Where's your hat?
- Sold it.
Yeah? Good job, for how much?
For 15 kopecks!
Here, take mine for now. What?
- Ew.
- Uncomfortable? But it's pretty!
Check it out. Is this the one you lost?
I don't want to, I don't want to go home!
- What's wrong?
- I'm hot.
I Damn
Thank you.
- Look after the little one.
- It's your sacred duty, got it?
You're the older brother. If this
happens again - don't be upset, I'll ask.
Hey! Bye, 15 kopecks!
- All right, let's go.
- Let's go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, guys.
We collected money from people of all ages
here. Didn't know if you had one or not.
What, I'll get myself a motorcycle.
- Where's Zima?
- He's in the cop shop, with the knife, remember?
We need to resolve an issue.
You aware of the situation with Marat?
Yes, I am.
Leave him alone.
What do you mean leave him
alone? He's above the others?
The whole "Razyezd" already knows that we had
a bottom bitch dancing around in our circle.
They already buried her!
That's it. Case closed, guys.
We're focusing on the wrong thing.
What do you mean?
The wrong thing.
So what do you suggest, Vov?
Go work at the factory like my dad
and drink every evening?
What to do, Vov?
Now you think about it.
But I'm done, guys.
See you.
I'm leaving. The street is yours now.
Zima as the boss.
Then you can hold elections.
Democracy, right?
See you.
Eat more porridge.
Take care of yourselves.
You too, Vov.
"The wasp's"
- Whiskers.
- "Whiskers."
The catfish's
Good job.
Okay, keep reading.
- Where's little Yulia?
- In the room.
- Let's gather the clothes.
- Underwear, outerwear, shoes.
- Why all this?
- We're processing a removal.
- Removal of what, who?
- Everyone.
You're also a minor still.
- What the heck
- Come here.
Understand, mom's in a complicated state.
She won't be able to
look after Yulia for a while.
And your Ildar Yunusovich,
he's not a guardian.
So what do we do? What are we waiting for?
Until something tragic happens to Yulia,
like with Akhmerova?
Come on, help her pack.
Maybe take a toy or something.
- Pack your things too.
- Mine?
Where's the shoes? They
said to pack things, dummy!
- Let me have her.
- Come on, come on, hands!
- Let me have her.
- Come on, don't touch me!
- Don't touch!
- Let go!
Why are you up? Don't you want to help?
Why are you running around naked again?
Lost it again?
There, the cops came.
Took everyone.
Mom, sister.
Barely got away from them.
Can't go back for now.
No keys. And they will probably,
seal it off, I guess.
Damn! Where did they take them?
Mom to the hospital. She's sick.
And the sister - I don't know.
- Likely to the children's shelter.
- We'll visit tomorrow.
Okay, let the boy warm up.
Lamp, give him your clothes
and go to the gym, my car's there.
- It's all oily.
- Run!
- Why always me?
- Kegel, you have a lot of hair.
They'll warm up, come on.
- You'll return it.
- Thanks.
You'll live in the gym, until the house
situation is resolved. Just don't mess it up.
- Make him the gym's caretaker.
- Yeah.
Once you're sure you're not being watched,
climb through the window to open it.
Thanks, guys.
- Thanks!
- Alright, that's enough.
So grateful.
Stick with the guys, and we'll kick
your cop uncle off the block.
That's it.
Don't worry.
It's all good.
Where's Vov?
You care?
Vov's where he needs to be.
Now Zima's our temporary boss.
You know, maybe? Our girl jumped off.
Basically, she was killed.
- Those freaks from the "Dom Byta" killed her.
- So you say, our girl, right?
Our girls don't go around
sleeping with random guys.
- She didn't sleep with them.
- Yeah, right!
Then who was banging
her for a day? A pigeon?
- My friend, that's not how it works.
- Turbo, enough.
- No, what do you mean "enough"?
- The guy raised a question. Let's clarify.
She was getting banged there.
And you, the next day, what?
- Did you drink from the same glass as her?
- What glass?
I don't know. Did you kiss her?
Did you smoke a cigarette
with her? Tell the guys.
She didn't
- Nothing happened with her
- Of course, nothing!
Your brother got three off her, didn't he?
But apart from that, nothing. And she jumped out
the window - just wanted to take a walk, right?
Where are you going,
when your elder is talking to you?
Look at me!
Let me explain it to you in simple
terms, like they do on TV shows.
If a guy sucks dick, what is he?
- A fagot.
- I didn't ask you.
Moving on!
If a woman is a whore,
and a guy - let's say Lampa
starts smoking the same cigarette as her,
drinking from the same bottle, what would he be?
Why are you silent?
What would Lampa be?
- Now you tell me.
- Tainted.
Tainted, right.
And what do we do with tainted?
Do we share bread with them?
Or give them our last?
Or shed blood for them?
Am I saying something wrong?
He brought his whore
to the disco with the guys.
Well, she at least had the character
to jump out the window.
And him?
No, guys, I'm not ready for this.
- This isn't a team, but God knows what.
- Turbo!
Stop it. Adidas will return -
we'll address the issue.
And what about Adidas? If he returns,
does this guy stop being a smear or what?
Since when do we not dismiss such people?
Let's start a Sodom here.
- So we get flooded to hell.
- Fine, go ahead.
Go ahead and dismiss him.
But, out of old memory, no blood.
Let's start shaking hands with him in the
morning. No blood - is that a dismissal?
- I won't leave without blood.
- Fine.
No, let him land a punch,
he wants to. Go ahead.
Well, the man himself is asking.
- Get away from him!
- Get him off!
- Don't interfere!
- Hold him.
Even a wolf pack!
Even wolves!
Never drive out a sick animal.
They all walk together, whatever
happens to you - you walk with them.
That's why the whole pack moves
at the speed of the slowest wolf.
There, it's real socialism.
Why did you drag me here?
Take me to the station, to your masters,
whose boots you lick.
I just wanted to show you
how our Youth Creativity Center operates.
Where, by the way, I've been the head
since 1987.
Do you know how many
events we've held since then? 86!
And products sold
for half a million rubles.
I wasn't planning to call the police.
You'll go yourself and write a statement.
If you feel that strongly about it.
You're just used to being the aggressor,
but today you're the victim.
By the way, what happened to you?
No idea.
You don't know?
But the symptoms are clear.
You think I don't understand
what's going on with you guys?
Older ones beat up the younger ones.
Systematic bullying.
It's just a world turned inside out.
Okay, calm down.
They kicked me out.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, come on!
Welcome to our legitimate production.
Self-financed. Whatever we earn -
that's what we get.
And everything goes
for the benefit of youth.
Well, you see the products yourself.
These are still unfinished, I'll show
you the boiled ones - much better.
- Hello!
- Hello.
Natalia Leonidovna, how's your leg?
Getting there, thank you.
Alena Valentinovna, enjoy your meal.
Oh! We're making whistles.
A trendy item.
Also, we're soon opening a video salon
in the library building.
Guys! Please admire.
Yesterday a member of a youth gang,
and today - a normal person:
- Marat Suvorov.
- Hi, Marat.
Sit down, Marat.
I won't sit with you.
Embarrassed, right?
I understand, I understand.
Meet Yura from "Razyezd."
Former quarter's Skolzkiy,
now we call him Sergey.
And of course, our pride,
Rozochka Bagautdinova.
Our shining star.
And let me say, without any false modesty, that
each of these youngsters has found their place here.
- Correct me if I'm wrong, guys.
- Why would it be wrong? That's exactly right.
So, it's your choice:
Join us in breaking bread
or head back to the streets.
Take a seat, Maratik.
Can't stand looking at your faces.
To hell with your stonewashed
jeans and the streets.
I hate all of you.
Marat, wait!
Just a second.
Wait, can I talk to you for a second?
Do you see the girl
sitting at the third table?
What will you order?
Nothing for now, I'll wait for John.
John asked me to tell you, to go to hell.
And because of that,
she jumped out the window.
I'm sure it was those from "Dom Byta."
Can you stop crunching?
Know the name?
Just a nickname.
Did Vova tell you?
- I said it.
- Explain properly.
- You have no enemies here, there's
- Wait a second.
Feel sorry for the girl.
But she can't be brought back.
But justice can be restored.
I give you
my word.
An officer's.
I will help.
I'll find and bring them to justice.
Of course, I'll need your help.
Will you help?
I understand everything.
Where's the gun?
I don't know.
- What?
- Good evening!
Could you call Natasha, please?
She's not here!
She must be, her shift ended an hour ago.
Maybe they kept her. No, I tell you.
Tell her then that Vova came,
wanted to have a heart-to-heart. Alright?
I'll hang around here. When she
comes, ask her to come down. Okay?
- She might not want to come out.
- Maybe she has nothing to talk about.
I just don't want to lose her!
Natasha! Natasha, what
about Abkhazia, the sea?
The house! Natasha!
You don't dare to talk to me?
It's all some kind of nonsense.
Vova will figure it out, for sure.
Is Vova home?
So, are you here for him or for me?
For you.
Got cigarettes?
Still, I will avenge Aigul.
I'll find this Kolik.
Well, you visited.
Let's go.
You know what.
Don't come to the training tomorrow.
Just don't come.
Guys, over here, here, here!
Hey! Where are you going?
You're not allowed anymore.
Come here!
Have you gone completely
mad, Black Abdulla?
I give you five seconds, get out of here.
What, got scared? Let's go one on one.
With whom? One-on-one with a loser?
Guys, what are you waiting for?
Get this trash off the court.
And why are you hiding
behind the guys, you scaredy-cat?
Stop, guys!
- Turbo, enough.
- Quiet-quiet, it's all good.
Such a pitiful sight.
Come on, come on!
Let's get out of here!
Damn it!
- Let him go!
- I'm holding him!
All right, all right! That's
enough, that's enough!
Okay, quiet.
It's all good.
Who's the leader?
Did you rat us out, you sewer rat?
Pick him up.
Eh That's not mine!
Adidas, you bastard! What have you done?
Did you plant this on me?
Guys, this isn't mine! What are you doing?
- Call the witnesses.
- Let's process everyone.
Hey, it's not mine! Seriously,
it's not mine, what are you doing!
Marat! Marat, what have you done?
What have you done, huh?
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