The Broken News (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Operation Umbrella

Kamal Wadia. Juhi Shergill.
I am sending the car number.
It should look like an accident.
Good morning!
-Good morning!
Radha, what happened?
-Nothing, why?
You have called early in the
morning and that too on video!
I just felt like seeing your face.
Why is that surprising?
Tell me, you were planning
Himachal trip with Montu uncle
have you done your planning?
If you want I can send
you some recommendations.
Ok, then send.
Yes I will send the recommendations.
Radha listen, someone is
at the door. I will just see.
Take your time.
Now see this, low f-stop means
more light into the camera.
And high f-stop means
less light into the camera.
This is too complicated, dad.
-No, it is not!
You have to learn all this if you
want to become a good photographer.
Don't worry.
I will teach you.
Will you come to Dubai to teach?
Xerxes is expanding his
business, to the Middle East.
So we are moving
to Dubai, next month.
Listen, both of you can go
wherever you want but not Ahana.
You have got one
hour to be with Ahana.
Do you really want to
spend the time like this?
Can your mom and dad discuss?
Go ahead.
Dad, I love you.
I love you too, dear.
Ahana won't go to Dubai.
-Dipankar, it is decided
Ahana will go only
where her mother goes.
Then I will go to court.
You will drag your
daughter to court.
I knew you were selfish
but not to this extent.
Arunima, Ahana is
everything for me.
Only News is everything for you.
Stop deluding yourself, please.
You leave her because
things could get ugly then.
I don't listen to don and minister.
You and your boyfriend
are nothing.
Fiance actually.
Only today I received
some photos, Dipankar.
You and your call girl
very getting a bit more cosy
in your sex pad.
Lisa, right?
By the way do you plan
to keep Ahana there?
I think you people have
started watching more TV serials!
If you are threatening, then
come straight to the issue.
If you create a scene in the court,
then I will do it on National TV.
When Dipankar Sanyal speaks
the whole Nation listens
including your judge and lawyer!
I will unearth so
many dead bodies
coming generations will be
born with their nose covered.
Only those who have double
life are scared of getting exposed.
Xerxes is clean!
Really, you think one can earn
so much money being clean?
Get this straight in your head.
Otherwise I will expose you
on Indian prime-time so badly
that the Dubai Government will
cancel the Visa immediately for life.
Papa, what is happening?
Nothing you want
to say bye to your dad?
He was just going to leave.
Yes, I was just leaving.
Take care.
Good morning.
Good morning!
Kamal, why is your garbage
on my table, remove them.
Excuse me, A) this is not
garbage. B) this is not your table.
It belongs to my
Assistant Reporter, Juhi.
-And your glass palace
is there madam.
-Corner cabin.
Ok, no way.
I am not sitting there.
Yes you are.
Now you will know how
the caged zoo animals feel!
Especially when the
entire office is judging you!
When did I judge you?
All the time.
edit meeting 2.
Come on.
Is she serious?
-What is this?
Sir, I saw Shinde's interview.
He got flustered when
you took up that funding issue.
I think maybe there is
something - Get into his secrets.
Ok, probably this may take
us to Operation Umbrella.
Sir in that fake TRP case,
the police are after us till now.
If so, to be after Home Minister
-Were you born upside down?
We are Media people
and people should be scared
of us and not vice versa.
You focus totally
on Operation Umbrella.
Yes sir.
-And report directly to me.
Yes sir.
And this story should
not go out of this room.
Got it?
Praful, you wait.
Xerxes Khambatta.
Khambatta builder's guy.
I want his complete
background check.
You get me this.
6 to 7 slot is yours!
Okay, sir.
We can do this story
Atharva uranium today.
We have solid paper work.
Oh I thought today Josh 24/7
Dipankar expose plan.
Yeah, you know I was
thinking about it that
By showing down Josh 24/7,
Awaaz won't become big.
Kamal, talk a bit louder.
We all can hear.
But I feel it is very important to
let the people know
the truth about Dipankar.
Radha, give all the data
about Dipankar to Kamal.
And Kamal, Gulnaaz Khan's clips,
Anurag Bhatia clips
add everything and I
want to show the contrast.
You want to make 3 part
series on Atharva uranium.
We can do the first part today.
Ok, I will ring up Bhiku.
What else?
-I have a question.
Radha, what was the
big lead of Dipankar?
The one that could bring
down the Home Minister?
Well we are the subscriber
funded channel now.
And such a News can bring
down the Home Minister!
Imagine how many
subscribers will come to see that!
Operation Umbrella!
-Just this much.
Just this much but Radha,
Operation Umbrella can be anything.
Then how do we investigate it?
There must be some way out to
investigate this.
We know that Operation Umbrella
and the Home Minister are connected.
-So you are saying that we
will investigate the Home Minister
till the time we find out
what Operation Umbrella is!
That's the only way.
Excuse me.
Yes Mr. Damani.
Radha, how are you?
I am fine.
-This is your file.
Vectanet Global!
It is Nandan Balachandran's.
He is the owner of Gigasys India.
Indian Tech Industry's champion!
But I don't understand
why would Nandan put so much effort
to hide his own subsidiary company.
Tax fraud?
-No, no.
Vectanet and Gigasys India
the books of these
two are totally different.
So then?
-This you find out, madam.
There is some secret about Nandan.
Do you believe in
Covid-19 lab leak story?
I believe it.
In a lab in China, a
scientist made a mistake.
Minor procedural error.
Because of that there was a spread
of Covid-19 in the entire world.
Because of one person
50 lakh people died.
The Global GDP went down by 30%.
Mr. Atul.
News is like a deadly virus!
It has to be kept under control.
Everything is under control, Mr. Nandan.
I explained to Dipankar.
So my data indicates that he has
not understood what you said.
I will call the police
commissioner right now.
No, it is time you call the CM!
Not the police!
You don't have enough time.
The virus is out of the lab now.
Got to act before it spreads!
-I will handle him.
Oh Ketan, how are you?
-I am fine.
Come to meet Nandan.
Ok, see you then.
Come on.
Mr.Kedia sir will
see you now, please.
Thank you.
May we come in, ma'am?
Stop it guys, please don't make
this even more uncomfortable.
Dipankar Sanyal in black and white.
In this everything is black!
TRP scam, fabricated stories.
Lisa, she is a high profile escort!
How predictable!
The one who teaches morality
to the Nation every night at 9
himself is after his wife.
He is also fighting an
ugly divorce with his wife.
If this story comes
out, then he is finished.
He will lose his
child for all you know.
Yes but how many
people's life has he ruined
I mean it is really
hard to feel bad for him.
No, I am not saying
that we should feel bad.
But we have to give him a
chance to give his side of the story
for balance.
Yeah I will reach out to him.
And any News about
the Home Minister?
Nothing major but Juhi
might have something.
Till now we don't know
what is the connection.
But Atul Shinde's party?
Bharatiya Vikas Dal.
Till December 2018 it
was the party for the poor.
Perhaps that is why
it was a poor party.
And in January 2019
suddenly they got
10 thousand crores of funding.
Through electoral bonds!
Just like that!
BVD neither did any funding drive
nor changed its
positioning on any issue.
Still they got 10 thousand crores!
And as you know electoral bonds
are beyond RTI.
There for it is legally difficult to
find out from where the money came.
Did all this happen between
December 2018 and Jan 2019?
Wait, I have something.
Have a look.
In December 2018
Vectanet and BVD
organised blood donation camp.
There Atul Shinde met Vectanet
CEO Nandan Balachandran.
And as per this interview
they were together all day.
Yes Radha, this
doesn't mean anything.
Politicians and
industrialists keep meeting.
Look, maybe you are right.
This may not mean anything but
maybe it does.
Time is matching.
And Nandan is one of the
few people in the Country
who can afford to spare
that 10 thousand crores!
What if he is funding
the Home Minister?
Ok, but why will he do it?
I don't know.
-What you don't
Radha, we should have
some reason to doubt Nandan.
Can't doubt just like that.
But you are not telling us.
Julia Alvares.
City Glitz fire victim
Julia was my flatmate.
Prasanna Nair was with Julia
that night at City Glitz Mall.
He was working for Nandan's
Company Gigasys India.
After few days
Prasanna was also killed.
Ring up Sawant.
Suddenly you have come to meet me.
Hope everything is fine.
Everything is fine.
-You didn't have tea or something?
Will you have sweet
made of sesame seeds?
Yes, I will.
Hey bring the sweet for Mr. Atul.
Next week I am
going to Aurangabad.
for the launch of
Special Economic Zone.
You are also coming along with me.
What is this?
What is the need
for you to resign?
Resignation letter is yours, sir.
You sign it tomorrow
and give up your post.
And why would I do this?
In your left lung there
is 3 malignant tumours.
The dimension of
the biggest is 19 cm.
Dr.Rastogi has said
to get surgery and
chemotherapy done.
And you are going to
the US for second opinion.
So what if you have not informed?
How do you know all this?
now along with CM's post
you have to leave
this cigarette also.
Even my wife and cancer couldn't
stop me from smoking cigarette.
In the game of politics
you are a child, Atul.
If you leak the News
about my ailment
in the next election the sympathy
of all the public will be towards me.
There is a lot of
time for the election.
Now in this folder of mine
72 signatures of your party MLAs
who are leaving your
party and joining me.
How is it possible?
All these people have
something or the other to hide.
Ailment, mistress
black money etc. etc.
You know sir, if you
have the secret of your enemy
then his neck automatically
comes in your hand.
So 'Operation Umbrella'
So, what do we know?
Julia meets Prasanna.
Then Julia's death.
That too in a City Glitz Mall fire!
Then Prasanna gets murdered.
In cold blood!
By the way Prasanna was
working with Gigasys India.
And Gigasys India's owner
is Nandan Balachandran.
Who is perhaps funding
the Home Minister.
And perhaps the Home Minister
Is connected to
Operation Umbrella. But
In this story we have more
questions and less answers!
In fact we don't even know
whether it is one story or two!
And in the midst of all this
her laptop gets formatted!
Again under a very
mysterious circumstances.
Who formatted the laptop?
And how?
I was in the process of retrieving
it when the attack took place.
And I was 60% done
when I had to put it off line.
That means 60% data
can be retrieved, right?
60% data is there
but it is all raw data.
We have to use
keywords and search.
If there is any data
connected to keywords
it might show up!
Hello ma'am, this is Kamal Wadia
from Awaaz Bharati.
We want to meet your HR.
Ma'am we are working on a story
on the best place
is to work in Mumbai.
And we want to
feature your Company.
Who told you about Gigasys India?
Who has not said?
All your employees, you know
they write on, linked in.
It is everywhere.
Prasanna Nair
He is not working here now.
I know, he is dead.
Do you know who
murdered Prasanna Nair?
I am sorry, I don't think
I can help you with that.
Ok, how about telling
me what do you do here?
I am sorry.
-Who are your clients?
Ok, can you at least tell me who
is the owner of your Company?
Take them out.
Owner of your Company
is Nandan Balachandran.
Isn't it madam?
Bhau, can you come to office?
It is urgent.
Thank you.
That woman was scary!
-Yes, she was.
And those foreign security guards!
What is happening in that office?
You know what, I am sure
in Julia, Prasanna murder
they are involved.
Please don't scare me like this.
Juhi, you still have time
you can still go back to
your entertainment beat.
Let's go party tonight.
-Ah so funny, so funny!
Wait a minute.
Calling Radha.
Hey, what's wrong with the battery?
This is weird!
I am sure my phone
was fully charged!
Sorry, can I use your phone?
Thank you so much.
It is behaving funny.
Even my phone is
How is it possible?
Bhau have you come?
Yes I will come out.
You have to locate this person.
Hope this person doesn't have any
connection with the previous one.
Look Radha. They are
very dangerous people.
Don't be after them.
-Bhau please it is very important.
More than your life?
I promise, I will take care.
Look, this is the last one.
After this I won't get
any information for this project, okay?
Sir actually Jan 2019
BVD got a big funding.
10 thousand crores!
But it was done through
electoral bonds so we
We won't know who the donor is.
-Yes sir.
I know, this is the
purpose of electoral bonds!
Legalised bribing
of political parties!
You talk to them
through your BVD source.
So you gave up
following Atul Shinde.
You gave the order, you are
the boss and I am a servant.
So I had to leave him.
Don't take Shinde lightly.
He is
He is the Home Minister,
police is under him.
You have told me
many times, I know.
He was the Home Minister.
Now he is going to be CM!
So that is why he behaved so arrogantly
during the interview.
The whole game has changed.
Tomorrow CM Sonawane will resign.
CM's party will merge with BVD.
And Shinde will become the CM.
You will have a party tomorrow.
Shinde is very close to you!
Party may be there
if you co-operate!
No more questions about
Shinde, Operation Umbrella.
If we want to expand your business
we should stop questioning.
I only ask questions and you
talk of suppressing the questions.
And you too have
to do the same thing.
With someone else.
-What do you mean?
Is someone else also working
on Operation Umbrella?
-Awaaz Bharati.
They can't do this story.
No one can do this story.
-We need to talk.
It is urgent.
So you also turned
out to be a thief.
Operation Umbrella is my
story which you are doing.
It is a mistake.
Kamal is doing it.
But since when you started
getting offended by theft?
Whatever it is, Awaaz Bharati
surely can't be Josh 24/7.
Is it?
Then drop the story.
Your story and ours are overlapping.
City Glitz Mall fire tapes.
Radha, you won't break this story.
The story will break you.
Operation Umbrella is
very dangerous, drop it.
Are you worrying or scaring?
Accept that I am scaring.
Dipankar, you should
be getting scared.
We know tax fraud,
posh apartment
I left you for 5 minutes in my office
you docked into my laptop.
Exactly the same way in 2005
you broke into the
Defence Secretary's laptop
to expose the crimson missile files.
You know 'for the
greater common good'!
You are worried about
the wrong story, Dipankar?
Not Awaaz Bharati's
Operation Umbrella story
instead, you should be scared of
Dipankar Sanyal's expos' story.
Oh so this is why
you joined Josh!
And if you wanted to do a story on
me you could have simply asked me.
Ok, so here I am asking you!
Tomorrow you and I on
Aaj Ki Awaaz Bharati at 9 pm.
Your Channel will be
finished by 9 tomorrow.
Pray for it, because if we
break our story at 9 tomorrow
then at 10 O'clock Dipankar Sanyal
will be finished!
Sir, we are going
Live in 5 minutes.
First father died and 3
months later mother died.
Then 7 months later, elder brother.
Then both my younger sisters
in just one week.
Why is this happening
only with my family?
This is happening with hundreds
of families like mine, madam.
Can you people do something?
He is Bhiku Mahato
who shared his past with us.
Even today there are many
families like that of Bhiku
because of the
uranium direct exposure
are becoming a victim of cancer.
Lives are falling apart.
And we are
responsible for all this.
The Government is deaf.
So we, I, you and all of us
have to raise our voice.
Because if we keep quiet today
so what happened
at Vishnupur today
what happened with Bhiku Mahato
will happen in your
village, your town in future.
It will happen with you.
This is Radha Bhargava
and you are watching
Aaj Ki Awaaz Bharati.
And cut.
Bhiku, thank you so much.
Please have tea before leaving.
Listen, just get him some tea.
-You please come.
This way.
Hey guys what happened?
What are you saying Kamal?
How is it possible?
Amina, first our phones
stopped working, okay?
And then we were attacked.
And you feel that it is
Nandan Balachandran.
The billionaire
Nandan Balachandran!
He is behind this.
-Yes, 100%.
Only he has so much
reach and motive.
Radha, please explain.
Amina, it is
Yes Bhau, I am coming.
Guys, sorry please excuse me.
Kamal, tell me properly.
Excuse me.
Juhi sit, tell me exactly
as to what happened.
Yes ma'am.
-From first, you reached there then
Tell me.
This Jeeva is also working at
the same place like the first one.
Gigasys India?
Stays in Vashi.
Kamal, Yashwant bhau, is
working with me in my office.
Thank you, Bro.
I will go.
Are you going to meet him?
I will come along with you.
-Me too.
That Jeeva Reddy
You why did you
people come here?
Jeeva Jeeva, we
just want to talk to you.
You don't get scared.
-Absolutely no need to get scared.
We are from Media.
Awaaz Bharati News.
We are here to help you.
Your own industry's
journalist has died.
And how you will save me?
You guys have no
idea what you are dealing with.
Then tell us.
I had told Prasanna.
He will die and kill me also.
Was Prasanna your friend?
Jeeva, the journalist who died
she was my friend.
Julia was my best friend!
Prasanna and Julia both gave
up their lives to tell this story.
Please we can't let
their life go to waste.
Jeeva, help us, help us.
We need your help.
This phone
take this and take out your sim.
As I said what is happening?
And what is going to happen
you don't know anything.
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