The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

What About Your Friends?

Previously on The Challenge
Don't ever come
for Aneesa on my watch.
Welcome to your next challenge.
Only one person got
the whole puzzle correct.
And that was Big Easy.
As for the losing team,
Mark, Kendal,
I'll see you guys in the Arena.
As for the rest of you,
deliberate and nominate one
female who will then
be choosing her partner.
It's not fair
for any of you girls
to have to go
into an elimination,
so, I will go in.
Mark and Kendal,
come on down. Katie.
Now we got
to get you a teammate.
you're playing
Pull Me Over. Go!
Laterrian, Katie, you lost
tonight's elimination round.
Mark, Kendal,
go ahead and rejoin the group.
As you move closer
to the finale,
you have to switch
from nice to strategic.
Yeah, baby!
Champ is here.
Welcome back!
There you go!
There you go!
The Godfather!
With the kill!
It was brutal.
I couldn't let Nehemiah sleep
in that room alone.
I know.
There is no better feeling
in the world
than winning an elimination.
And as much as
I have not got along
with Kendal in the past,
Kendal stepped up tonight.
You did an awesome job.
I'd be happy
to run a final with you.
Any beef we had, from this on,
is, you know,
squashed at this point.
I at least took down
a big guy for us.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Derrick wasn't gonna do it.
Right, right, right.
I got tons to prove.
I haven't won a Challenge
championship since 2008.
Get over here, D!
And this season,
I'm still looking
for my first individual win.
I just need one,
just to feel good
about myself. Come on.
Yeah, man.
It was, uh,
the best elimination
I feel like
that we've had so far.
Ah, Jesus.
Now that we've gone through
quite a few challenges,
and I've also been
in the elimination,
I feel safe.
This is the most confident
I've ever felt,
and I haven't done a Challenge
in, like, ten years.
Pat on the back.
Well, you're welcome.
I'm just upset.
It's, like, terrible
when somebody goes home.
And I'm, like,
responsible for it.
Well, you're still here.
That's good.
I'm very impressed with
Kendal's performance tonight.
It definitely shows that she is
not afraid of elimination.
And, to be honest,
I'm a little bit
intimidated by Kendal
right now.
Like, she could beat me
in a final.
Does anybody see how strong
she is? Like
I will tell you, though,
I'm getting really tired
of packing and unpacking
and repacking and unpacking.
My confidence was not, um,
very high coming into this.
And I just wanted
to do something cool
to make my kids proud.
I think people are finally
starting to see me as an equal.
Are you sore?
Yeah, my legs are
surprisingly sore
Well, yeah, you were, like,
squatting for, like, an hour.
I can't even, like
It's funny, though.
I would not have been
good at that at all.
I love
I want to marry you.
Yes, that was the
It was a barnacle
from the Argentinian
Argentinian shedding tree.
The willow-willow tree.
The Argentinian
willow-willow tree.
Jisela's 1,000%
my closest friend here.
I mean, back home,
I talk to her
every day.
We FaceTime all the time.
Like, she's--
she's a part of my life.
This is like prison,
but without as many phone calls.
Girl, you're in
solitary confinement.
Aneesa and I,
we've been very good friends
for many, many years.
We met on Battle of the Sexes.
I'm last. Yes.
No, Jisela, no.
We have been
very good friends ever since.
Like, she knows my kids.
So she's definitely somebody
that I trust.
You don't get no phone calls.
You'd be my girlfriend
in prison.
We'd be--
oh, all the way.
You would learn how to braid.
I bet you would.
Bitch, I'd have them
French braids down.
Shorty, swing my way
You sure look good to me
Now would you please
swing my way
Look at all these
dad bods out here.
Look at Mark.
Oh, where's he at?
Not dad bod.
Where's Daddy?
Take your shirt off, Mark.
Take your shirt off.
Oh, he's doing it.
He's doing it.
Shorty, swing my way
Do it again, Mark!
You sure look good to me
Mark is like
the hot, hot stripper
that you hire for, like,
your mom's 50th birthday
so your mom doesn't feel
inappropriate touching
a younger boy
'cause Mark's her age.
This is the best TV show
I've ever seen right here.
Where's TJ?
Ready or not
Damn! Whoa!
Ready or not
Here comes
the boys from the South
Boom, here comes the boom
What's up, guys?
What up, T?
Today, we're taking
The Challenge
to the next level.
You have no idea
what's in store.
Oh, yes.
It's no joke.
You are playing as individuals,
which means it's all on you.
Now, today's challenge
is called Rib Cage Pass.
Now, each individual
is gonna be placed on the side
of that speeding truck.
When I say "go,"
you're gonna jump
from beam to beam all the way
to the other side,
where you'll retrieve a ball,
bring it back
and jam it into a net.
You're gonna continue
this process four times.
The man and woman
to retrieve the most balls
the fastest
will win today's challenge,
be safe from elimination.
You do the worst,
automatic ticket
into the Arena with me.
All right?
I know you're all thinking
about the final.
Well, it's closer
than you think.
Oh, yeah.
So if I were you, I would win.
Good luck, everyone.
Let's do this.
Good luck, ladies.
Good luck.
All right, ready?
I feel like
a newborn baby
when it's learning to walk.
It's so many things
that are moving at one time.
Like, I need to figure out
how to compensate
for being short.
My legs just aren't
long enough
to touch the other beam.
I've never felt more unstable
in my life.
But I get to the eighth beam,
do I risk this jump?
Or do I just stay here?
Because I know if Jisela
only gets to three beams
and I get to eight,
I'm not in last.
All right, ladies.
Good job, Jisela!
Normally in these challenges,
the first two people go,
you learn something.
With Jisela and Aneesa,
we learned nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
She was
on the first one, right?
Jisela, you are my girl,
but you have set the bar
really low,
and I appreciate you.
All right, you guys ready?
Holy shit.
Da, duh, duh, da, duh, duh
Let the boys be boys
Slam, da, duh, duh,
da, duh, duh
Make noise, B-boys
The big rig
is moving, feels like,
100 miles per hour.
I don't know how far
these beams are from each other.
I don't know
if I'm gonna overjump.
I don't know
if I'm gonna under-jump.
I just know
that I have to do it.
Buck, bye, tough guy
Oh, my God, I'm so high
Slam, slam, slam
Da, duh, duh
This is the type of competition
I've been praying for.
I have to win today.
I haven't won one all season.
I actually can see Nehemiah
moving faster than me,
and that means I got to light
a fire under my own ass.
Onyx hit you in the face,
so slam
Da, duh, duh, da, duh, duh
Let the boys be boys
Slam, da, duh, duh,
da, duh, duh
Make noise, B-boys, slam.
All right, we know who to beat.
Nice work, homey.
Nice work.
Good luck, Jem.
Good luck, ladies.
I got three balls.
It sets the bar high.
I need to be safe,
and it starts
with a fucking dunk.
Let's go, guys!
All right, ready? Go!
I always admit
when I'm scared. I'm scared.
Oh, my God. This fucking wind.
But the last thing I can do
is get off course
and let the shit hit the fan.
I just have to do better
than Jisela.
If I do better than Jisela,
I won't go
straight into elimination.
Here's the thing.
When the truck is going opposite
of you
you know,
it's easy to make the jump.
But coming back
is a different story,
'cause now this truck
is going the same way as me.
I know that I can do this.
It's pretty straightforward.
But that's
a far jump.
I don't know, man. I don't know.
Whoa, shit!
She's hanging off.
She's hanging.
Yeah, she is dangling.
Oh, yeah, she gone.
I look like a half-eaten crab.
Just, like
Just stuck
with the ball in my hand.
Way to go, ladies!
All right!
Nice job, Ruthie!
Let me see your balls!
Sometimes I get underestimated.
That's just part of life.
Long way down
It's obvious
that I'm the only dude in here
with no six-pack,
so I have an extra hurdle
to jump each time.
I'm focused on showing up
after 11 years
out of the game
and doing what some people
didn't think I could do
to begin with.
And the black-and-white world
never fades to gray
Long way down
I don't think
I'll make it on my own.
Oh, one's gone!
All of a sudden,
I'm hanging in the air.
I can hear the engine
of the truck,
and it is no longer
about getting balls in the net.
It's about holding on
for dear life.
Yes fell.
Get it! Get it!
I'm done.
I'm on the chopping block.
That's it, baby!
My big quest
for first place is over.
Get it! Get it!
That's it! That's it, baby!
People underestimate
Easy's ability
to be a good competitor,
and it's unfortunate that our
past can come back to haunt us.
Big Easy, like myself,
we just want a chance.
Way to go!
Right now,
I'm hoping that
I put the two balls
in the basket
quicker than my opponent.
Only on The Challenge
do you get to do
crazy shit like this.
Have some fun.
Alton's superpowers
are climbing.
Get up! Get up!
Get up!
And Darrell's are running.
This should be one close race.
Good observation, Derrick.
But talk to me
about Darrell's fear of heights.
He is extremely scared
of heights.
How does that play in
with the speed of the truck?
I don't like looking down,
I might be in elimination
Ready? Go!
Step by step
Ooh, baby
Gonna get to you, girl
It is very windy. I look over,
and that motherfucker is
a fierce competitor.
Hey, girl
In your eyes
I see a picture of me
all the time
And, girl
When you smile
You got to know
that you drive me wild
Step by step
Oh, shit.
Ooh, baby
Alton and Darrell
are flying
through this obstacle,
and I'm like, "Shit,
just please don't get three."
Matter of time
And that's it, that's it!
Step by step
Huh! Huh!
That thing was intense.
And where does that put Derrick
right now?
Still number one.
Still in the lead.
Let's go!
Looks like I'm
not winning today's challenge
and be safe from elimination.
But I beat Big Easy, so my ass
ain't going
into the Arena tonight.
They're gonna have
to nominate me.
You got this!
Get it!
I'm feeling good.
Um, I just know how important
this win is today.
The only way to be safe
in this game is to win.
The nerves are starting to
kick in a little bit right now.
I just want to get one ball
to beat Jisela.
I really need this win,
because it's a guys' day,
and I'm really nervous
that the guy might pick me
to go in with him.
And I just really don't want
to go in right now, because
we're right at the end.
Jonna just had a baby,
literally seven months ago,
and this girl has
tremendous heart.
A lot of people
are sleeping on her.
I am super competitive.
People may not know that I'm,
like, actually playing the game.
To make it this far, I pretty
much had to fly under the radar.
That's part of my strategy.
Uh-oh, somebody fell.
She fell.
Uh-oh. She hanging.
She hanging.
She got a ball on the right!
Is that KellyAnne?
Oh, baby!
KellyAnne is proving
that she is still
one of the top-tier girls
in this competition.
Good job, ladies.
Good job, good job.
Nice try, Jonna!
This is gonna be good.
Let's go, Mark!
For all the marbles.
KellyAnne, she gonna get you?
Yeah, she's gonna get me.
She's gonna get
at least two balls.
Here it is, the moment of truth.
Mark, "The Godfather."
He's my only competition left.
Ready? Go!
It's so important
that I win today.
I've been in two eliminations,
and I've won two eliminations.
The guys are gonna get
to pick someone
the next time--
it's probably gonna be me.
Kendal saw how well we did,
and I'm pretty sure
she's just gonna kick butt.
I'm so nervous,
and I just feel like
she's gonna do better
than me again.
Derrick thinks that three balls
is the best performance
of the day.
He's already celebrating
like he won.
But the Godfather
knocked Derrick off
his little pedestal.
Oh, my gosh!
He deserved it, man.
You lost the crown, homey.
You lost the crown, homey.
All right, great challenge
today, everybody.
Nice work.
It was a tight race,
let me tell you.
As for the losers,
Jisela and Big Easy.
Oh, no.
I figured. It's all good.
Jisela, Big Easy,
you are now teammates.
I'll be seeing you in the Arena.
I can't be mad
at anyone but myself.
This was an individual challenge
So we just got to get together,
get our game tight,
and make sure that whoever we
face in this elimination,
we send them packing.
I politicked
throughout the game,
and I've avoided the Arena
thus far,
but everyone has to
pay the piper.
It's my turn to go into
the Arena.
For the winners, and going
straight to the final
I knew it!
I should be a superhero.
You should put a superhero
outfit on me right now.
Can-can you do that?
Like, this is me.
Can you make me a superhero?
-: A macho man.
No? Yes?
And KellyAnne.
I did it!
I'm in the final,
and I'm safe from elimination,
and I am just so happy
because my last final was
The Ruins,
and we actually did
really well, but I didn't win.
Oh, man. It smells like ass.
You guys gave it your all.
It looked like
you were gonna
pull off a massive upset.
So I'm pretty confident
in my chances in this final.
As for the rest of you,
I need you to go back
to the villa
to nominate one man
to the Arena,
where they will pick
their partner
to go against Big Easy
and Jisela.
So see you soon.
Get out of here.
What are we doing?
I've talked to the girls.
It's up to you all
though, man. I mean
He's been talking shit
all season really,
so I don't mind
I feel like one of my best shots
is gonna be Nehemiah,
not only because of
the size,
but I don't want to go against
Darrell because he's a beast,
and I've not really seen
Yes in an elimination yet.
And I know that Alton is a beast
in there.
If they see some crazy shit,
and they pull my fucking ass in
against my best friend, and the
fact that I've already been in,
I'm gonna be pissed.
You're in the worst
spot there is
because all the guys,
any guy that gets picked
is gonna go,
"I'm probably gonna roll
with Aneesa."
I get put in every time
right before the final,
and I fucking need a break.
I'm trying to make sure I don't
go in this last Arena.
I feel like I've
been tortured for years.
That's it.
Come on, baby.
Come on, come on, come on.
You got it halfway up.
Yes, baby!
There we go! Pull! Yeah!
This ends your time here on
Battle of the Bloodlines.
Good job, Aneesa!
You're a vet in the game.
Unfortunately, tonight just
wasn't your night.
I just want to
make it to the final.
Give me the chance that I can
show what I can do.
Then you can talk
all the shit you want.
Any of you who end up going in,
if you pick me,
I'm not doing it.
Mic drop.
There's a few names
getting tossed out.
Alton. You.
My reasoning is this.
If Mark had not gotten the four,
you would've been number one.
To put you in is a disgrace
to the game,
because we played
this game fair.
You've already been.
You've already been.
Let's talk about people
who haven't been in.
Yes and Darrell.
So y'all decide on those two.
Big Easy's giving me the nod
that he wants to go against
Easy peasy, right?
Easy peasy until
you get upstairs
and find out what
Jisela wants us to do.
I don't want Alton or
Nehemiah or any of the guys
that have been in the Arena.
'Cause fair is fair.
I don't want Derrick
because if it
wasn't 'cause of Mark
that got four,
he would've been number one.
Jisela thinks that, since we've
been playing this game fairly,
that it should be a person that
hasn't stepped up,
and hasn't been in
elimination yet.
I'm not picking the people
that have kept me sane
and have supported me
through this whole time.
I'm new to the Arena.
Easy's new to the Arena.
Put some newbies in there
with us.
To be honest with you,
I'd like to hear
the people that are
on the chopping block
plead their case, so to speak,
and then I want to vote
in that moment
off of my intuition and my gut.
I mean, I wish you all the best
of luck on what you decide.
May I say something quickly?
Yes. Yes, you may.
Um, so as you all know,
Jisela is
my very, very, very
close friend who, um, told me
a couple things today.
Her point of view is that
there have been people
that have already been in,
and if we're
playing the game fair,
then shouldn't everyone
have to play?
She also said she didn't want me
or Alton to go in.
You know, once Jisela said,
"I want you guys to put someone
in that hasn't been in,"
that left her with Darrell
and Yes.
I don't know why
the ghost of Jisela
is in the room.
It does not need to be here.
This is our nomination.
I have gone in.
This man has gone in. And
you can skate
all the way to the final,
make $500,000 without ever being
in that position
of potentially going home.
So if I had to choose
between you and Yes,
I'm going to say Yes.
Um, I've known Darrell longer,
and I just met you.
I respect your honesty
This is about relationships,
just as you said.
And I just want all you to know
that my relationship
with you starts every day.
And I don't have alliances
with anybody.
I don't shake hands.
I wake up every day thinking,
when I look in your eyes
or make coffee with you
or eat breakfast with you,
that's the alliance
of the day.
So, to earn my keep,
it ain't about what we used to
do ten years ago, hanging out.
It's about what we did
this morning. And, hopefully,
I was able to meet you
and-and build a friendship
that fucking lasts.
My vote's for Nehemiah.
I'm gonna stay consistent
with the way
that I have been voting.
When it's individual,
then I've gone by
who was next to last.
From what I understand, Alton,
that would be you.
And so, um, I just have to go
based off of that.
Sorry. My vote is for Yes.
My vote's for Yes.
At this point in the game,
I don't care
what Jisela wants,
what Easy wants,
what any of y'all want--
I'm not voting for Yes.
My vote is for Derrick.
Jisela is my girl,
but her opinion
does not fucking matter to me.
I love y'all.
I just love me more.
Especially when there's half
a million dollars so very close.
Derrick, I'm gonna have
to vote for you.
My vote is for Nehemiah.
I'm sorry.
Return fire.
My vote is for Nehemiah.
This is really hard.
Much harder than I expected.
After hearing what Yes
had to say,
it really put things
into perspective.
My sanity in this game
and how I feel is depicted
on the relationships
that I do have.
Jisela may be mad, but
my gut is telling me
not to vote for Yes.
So, I'm gonna listen,
and I'll get through it.
So I'm gonna have to vote
for Nehemiah.
Aneesa says
my name.
I knew I could not trust her.
Welcome to The Challenge,
TJ said
in the beginning of this game
that relationships from the past
can come back to haunt you
or to help you.
And what I see right now
is that these relationships
are paying off,
and they've come out
and they saved me.
Now it's getting interesting.
People are stabbing each other
in the back. This is the end.
And after this elimination,
we're straight to the final.
The game
is just now getting good.
Real good. Damn.
What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
Red wine me, please!
Red wine! White wine!
No more
I don't know
Why you're not there
I give you my love
But you don't care
So what is right?
And what is wrong?
No, my thing--
That's not my thing.
She could've
My thing is, listen
What is love?
If you want to come in here
and play a grimy game,
like you always play
on your Challenges,
that's fine.
But me being the person I am
and the way I live my life,
do not involve me
in your shady shit.
She does this best friend game
every fuckin' Challenge.
Every Challenge.
what Aneesa does is she,
You're my best friend.
I would never do this to you."
And then she flips the script
and votes somebody
that she already said
she wasn't gonna vote.
I don't know why
we didn't see this shit coming.
I understand that she has got
the raw end of the deal
by going home
at the-right before the end.
That's her own fucking fault.
And, like--
and this late in the game,
we have to do our own thing.
It's I can't expect
anything else from her.
I know that.
I love Aneesa.
But in this moment,
I think Jisela is right.
You cannot be a chameleon
in the Challenge house
and not get caught.
To me, it just sounds like
people brought checkers
to a chess game
and they're getting mad
about it.
I'm not mad.
I'll give you
breakfast in bed in the morning.
I appreciate that.
What kind of juice you want?
I appreciate that.
You think I'm scared
about going against you?
I didn't say that.
Come on.
That's a joke.
Cool. I don't know
who's joking.
That's a joke.
Nobody's worried about you.
You should've been.
Who sent your ass home
in fucking Duel I, cousin?
Look, man,
you're not gonna affect my mood.
You're not gonna affect my vibe.
I called you out in Duel I,
and I sent your ass packing.
Come on!
You're good.
You're good.
I will send your ass
packing again.
Do not mistake that.
Whatever it is,
we're almost there.
And I'm impressed
by your ability to do so well
in this game without having
any political, strategic
Thank you. Thank you.
You're like,
"I'll just go in eliminations.
I'll just be team captain."
Like, you're
the original Barbie Beast.
When Nehemiah's chosen,
I already know
that I'm a possibility
to go into elimination.
He's already been in,
and now everybody's
throwing him in again.
feel like I need to
be prepared.
About to drink them out
of their white wine
like I drank them out
of their red wine.
What was your th--
Yeah, go ahead.
My thing is I really wanted
Yes to go in.
On this challenge, he fell off.
You know what I mean? So,
it was, like, kind of like
Oh, I think
he's gonna pick Aneesa.
You do?
Hell yeah.
Do you think she'll step it up
or you think she'll
Fuck yeah. Yeah, 'cause I'm
I'm not fucking
fucking with her.
So she'll-She has to.
Don't do me no favors, bitch.
I'm not your friend no more.
Yeah. No, I get it.
Best friend forever
out the goddamn window.
Losing Aneesa as a friend
does not affect me.
I'm a very cut-and-dry friend.
You do me dirty
and you're out. That's it.
It was just my gut.
And if she would've done it,
I wouldn't have been mad at her.
You play the same game
every Challenge, Aneesa.
I'm done with it.
That's okay.
"Jisela's my best friend,
my best friend."
So you could stab me
in the back at the end.
So if Jemmye
I didn't stab you in the back.
That's not stabbing you
in the back.
Yeah, it is.
And if you want to have
this conversation, we can.
But we're not doing that.
Nehemiah's gonna take you in.
It's the game you wanted.
No, it's not the game
I fucking wanted.
It is. It is.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is, Aneesa.
I get weaponized
every single Challenge
for being everyone's friend.
But you wouldn't know that.
You haven't played in 15 years.
You're not doing this.
Right. You're right.
I played with my integrity
Yes, I did.
But I don't end friendships
over this. Sorry.
You're right.
You're used to burning people
and still being friends
with them.
No, I don't burn them.
You do.
I literally can count
on three fingers
how many times I've ever fucked
anybody over in 20 years.
There's one goal here and that's
to make it to the final
and to win $500,000.
It's not to coddle
a grown-ass woman
and convince her
that I'm a good person
when we all know that I am.
You lose more than the Arena.
You lost a friend.
However you got to play, Jisela.
It's bizarre, as women,
to have, like, this kind of,
like, "You know what?
We're done."
Because outside of here,
I'd do whatever for her.
I didn't vote
for Yes or Darrell.
Aneesa, you always get caught up
trying to play this game.
If Nehemiah takes you
into that final elimination
with him,
it will be
because you said his name.
I don't mean to get emotional
about it, but, like,
how many shows do I need to do
that I have to keep proving
that I'm a good person
and, like,
how that doesn't get me
I'm super emotional because,
one, it's my friend going in.
Two, I might have to go
against her. And, three,
I want to get to that final.
And I'm scared that,
if I get thrown
in this elimination,
I may not make it out.
At this point,
I haven't made a decision.
Right now,
my options are Kendal,
who is a very strong competitor.
Then you have Ruthie,
who is small and nimble.
Aneesa would be a good choice.
But I'm just gonna trust
my instinct
and do what I need to do
when the time comes.
I wanted to come back
and not only prove
to everyone at home
but prove to myself that
I can make it to a final again.
And I can't go home
after coming this far.
I'm not ready
to leave this game,
because I've come so far
and I've done so much.
Tonight is
not about proving anything,
but it's about reminding people
who the fuck I am.
All right, everyone!
Welcome back to the Arena!
This is the last Arena.
I want to say congratulations
to Mark
and KellyAnne by securing
your spot in the final.
Big Easy, Jisela,
by losing the last challenge,
you're automatically
in the Arena. Let's go.
Let's go,
let's go. Let's go, baby.
I sent the rest of you back
to the villa
to deliberate
and nominate one man.
You chose Nehemiah.
So come on down.
Go get it.
Go, Nehemiah.
we need to get you a partner.
whoever you call down
is tied to you.
So if you lose,
you just cost them a chance
at $500,000.
No pressure at all.
Nehemiah, please don't pick me.
I just closed my eyes,
trying to disappear.
Nehemiah, if you pick me,
I will do snow angels
in the sand. I swear.
Pick somebody else.
I want
I know that Kendal is agile,
and she's also seen
the Arena and she's not scared
to compete in it.
I'm doing what I said
I was going to do, and that's
go to the final.
All right, Kendal,
come on down.
Go, Kendal!
Fucking go, Kendal!
You got it.
Nehemiah, you're gonna tell me
that everybody needs
to have their own
fair shot in the Arena,
but you pick Kendal.
I'm just like,
"Aah, Kendal."
Feeling bad.
This woman is a warrior,
and now,
Nehemiah's gonna yank her out
and put her at risk
in the final elimination
before the end.
The hypocrisy.
You're crying?
: Yes.
Why you crying?
It means a lot to make it
to the final.
I've been doubted
for so many years.
And just feels good
to be part of it.
I just I'm happy
to have the chance.
All right, so tonight
you're playing Ring Cling.
There are two nine-foot poles
right here
in the center of the Arena.
There's also a giant wall
on each side--
one for each team.
On each pole,
there are ten rings.
Your goal is to get those rings
off as fast as you can,
use those rings
to build a ladder up your wall,
climb the ladder
and ring the bell at the top.
First team to get this done
will win tonight's
elimination round,
stay in the game,
going for $500,000.
Which means you're going
straight to the final.
You win tonight, you're in.
You lose,
you go home empty-handed.
Good luck, you guys.
Let's fucking go, Kendal!
Let's go!
We feel pretty confident.
We are the only people
in the house
who have done this more
than once,
so this is going to be just
another day at the office,
clocking in for overtime.
We feel good.
We feel good right now.
We're good. We're excited.
You have to pay the piper
to get that money.
Um, I'm okay with it.
I have one of the best guys
out here to do it with me.
So I feel good about it.
All right, guys, you ready?
Come on, Nehemiah!
Come on, Kendal.
Let's point out the
obvious. Nehemiah and Kendal--
this is built for them.
Are Big Easy and Jisela
the underdogs tonight?
Do they have a chance?
I hope they do.
You're good.
Go. Go, go, go! Let me go!
Got one more!
Oh, one more. Fuck.
Go! My knee.
What happened?
Fuck! Fuck!
She okay?
I'm not sure
if she tried to jump,
if I moved,
but she goes down hard,
and that lets me know
that I might have
to finish this elimination
by myself.
Fuck! Fuck!
The pain I feel right now
is unbearable.
I do a quick medical assessment.
Am I bleeding?
Can I wiggle my toes?
And both of these things
are checks? Guess what.
Going over to the wall
to help Easy out.
Time to get to work.
Go, go!
Keep moving!
It's okay. Take your time.
I got this.
But I've had a few before
I'm trying hard to think
There you go. There you go.
Keep going.
Come on!
Coming up, yes.
Uh-huh, yeah, on the floor
Go on and take it off
Yeah, just keep going.
You'll figure it out.
Keep going, Kendal.
Talk to each other!
Talk to each other!
Good job, Nehemiah!
Go. Pull that off,
pull that off.
Pull that off. Pull it off.
I'm gonna clip it.
Now we have to put all
of these
rings on the wall.
Why are they not fitting?
What is going on?
Take it off baby for me
Go. Go.
I'm going up.
Hold on.
Slide the other one back.
Keep going!
Whoever can build this ladder
faster is gonna win.
I hate to say it, but
Easy is actually, like,
really smart.
I would have never thought
to, like,
build a ladder like that.
Come on, we're almost there.
Just because
this doesn't look
like your typical ladder
doesn't mean our arts
and crafts aren't beautiful.
It's a ladder.
It's a done deal.
Keep working!
Easy, keep it moving!
I'm not looking behind me.
I just don't want to hear
Nehemiah ring the bell
before I get up there.
Come on, Papa. You got it!
Come on, pull it up!
Very close, guys.
Very close!
Now I'm really freaking out
because I really thought
we would fly through this,
and we're struggling.
Keep going!
Keep fighting!
Keep fighting! Keep fighting!
keep going, baby!
Last one, Easy.
Come on, baby. Pull it up!
Up there! Easy, stay up here!
Be careful!
Ring that motherfucker!
Shit. It's okay. You're fine.
Oh, shit. Oh!
You're fine.
You're fine. You're fine.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Am I watching
Nehemiah lose to Easy?
Am I watching Easy
punch his ticket to the final?
Hit it again!
All right, Big Easy
and Jisela win!
Oh, my God.
Good job, Easy!
Oh, my God, you fucking bastard!
Oh! Beast mode!
Felt so good.
It felt like I was in there.
Jisela, proud of you.
You're a beast!
Nehemiah and Kendal
were undefeated 'cause
it's the first time they met
the choo choo train.
Wup! Choo choo!
So tomorrow, we get up,
clock back in and go to work
for a half a milly, baby.
Half a million!
Love you, brother.
Good job.
Big Easy is kind of
like my kryptonite.
It's the second time
I've lost to him.
I just want to thank you,
and I'm so sorry.
This is, uh
this is a hard loss.
It's actually my first loss,
so that
Oh! You know, rub salt in
the wounds there a little bit.
But I'm still pretty proud
of the work
that we've done.
That was very impressive.
Nehemiah, Kendal,
this ends your time here
on The Challenge.
You lost tonight's
elimination round, but
I really hope
we see you both in the future.
Take care.
Awesome job! Come on!
I love you guys!
Love y'all.
I worked so hard,
so hard to get
to this point, and
I literally just lost
the day before the final.
That burns.
It burns more than anybody
could ever imagine.
Love you, Kendal.
Come here, Kendal.
You did
a fucking great job, man.
Bring it in. Bring it in.
I hate to see
Nehemiah go out like this.
I am losing
a friend in this game.
But I'm not surprised,
because this game is nasty,
this game is dirty,
and this game is unpredictable.
Bring it in. MVP! MVP!
Kendal has
fought a very hard game.
As a person, I wanted her
to make it to the end.
But as a competitor,
I'm a little bit happy
that she is not in the final.
Great job!
18 years ago,
I had no idea
what I was getting myself into.
And I made
some really great friends.
And I didn't realize
how much of myself I had lost
in trying
to be a responsible adult.
Thank you for this experience.
Thank you
for making this what it is.
Um I'll miss you.
All I have to say is "Wow."
You are still in the game.
Thank you.
You are going for $500,000.
Fuck yeah!
Go ahead and join the group.
Full turn-up!
Easy! Full turn-up, baby!
Full turn-up, I'm back!
Next time I see you,
there will be a whole lot
of money on the line.
So, if I was you,
I would get some rest, 'cause
I will see you very soon.
Get out of here.
First show in 11 years.
First show back,
and your boy made it to a final.
And I'm looking around,
there's some stiff competition
in here.
My mind is focused,
and my eyes is
is on that half a million
dollars. I'm gonna fight.
Welcome to the grand finale.
But make no mistake about it
that the hard part starts now.
I might die on this mountain.
I didn't realize how
grueling this was gonna be.
You got to focus.
Oh, God!
I am ready to quit.
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