The Circle (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Picking Teams

[female narrator] Where we last left off,
two new players were entering The Circle,
and they're still
walking down those hallways.
Damn, The Circle is big!
Anyway, let's see what their stories are,
shall we?
Oh, my God!
We made it, finally!
[pop music playing]
I'm Sean, I'm 25,
and I'm from New York City.
I do social media
for a plus-size fashion company.
We have, like, over a million followers.
I'm all about putting out content
that makes women feel
like they're just not alone.
Fat girls always have to outshine
everyone else
in order to be even noticed.
If I looked a different way,
then someone would be like:
"Oh, my God, she's hilarious
and she's so talented,"
but the fact of the matter is,
people treat fat people like crap,
so I'm going to show up as thin.
I'm going to use
my friend Colleen's photos.
She is just kind of like
that All-American bombshell.
She's like a Barbie doll.
My personality, her body, winning combo.
This is a game, so I'm gonna play it.
Whoo! [laughs]
Oh, my God.
This is so nice.
With Sean settled, enter player two.
Damn, I got the VIP.
Circle, I'm here!
I arrived!
I'm in!
Hey, my name is Bill.
I'm 27, from Chicago, Illinois,
and I work in the auto industry.
I'd like to think everybody likes me,
but that's not reality.
I think I look like the typical,
average white dude,
but I make it work.
I'm the best-looking average white dude
you know.
My social presence is very similar
to my real life.
I'll have a laugh,
everybody likes laughing.
I do not post sexy pictures
because that's kind of douchey, honestly.
I feel bad for the people
that are just trying way too hard.
They're always in swimsuits.
Gimme a break, girl.
The posts that I hate is
when they'll give some positive message
and you just know
they're the worst person in real life.
My game plan is
to be best friends with everybody.
It's your best friend Bill.
We don't even care about what they say ♪
"Welcome to The Circle."
Thank you for having me.
"Now you must set up your profile."
Yay! Okay.
Ooh, Circle, take me to "posing."
Circle, pick the picture in the middle
left. Let's see what we got there.
You know, I think I like this.
They're gonna think I'm a professional.
That young professional.
I don't know, I think
this is a good, sincere picture.
I think they can at least
see a little personality in there.
Like, I keep it chill, I keep it cool.
Best friend Bill.
Circle, let's use this
as the main profile picture.
[Sean] There we go, alright.
Circle, open my bombshell album.
The top right.
I kinda feel like
this is a good profile photo,
just to kinda get things started.
There I am.
This is like someone that,
yes, is ridiculously hot,
but also someone that you can get to know,
and that's definitely the balance
that I'm trying to get.
Alright, Circle, let's fill out my bio.
"Just a fun guy, doing fun things
in the city of Chicago.
I like the hustle, I like the grind,
and I like going out with the friends."
I like it, I love it.
Relationship status?
That one's gonna change a little bit.
I have a boyfriend that I love at home,
but he wants me to win this money, too.
So, I'm gonna be single in The Circle.
I think these guys are gonna
give me high ratings
if they can flirt with this girl.
Okay, I'm gonna say:
"Social Media Manager
living in New York City.
Obsessed with breakfast food,
scary movies,
and gin and tonics."
[narrator] While gin-loving Sean
hopes her profile is just a tonic,
the others are in high spirits.
And the crowd goes wild!
And it's about to get crowded in here,
[Bill] Ooh!
My first alert.
Oh, my God, I'm nervous!
"Tonight, you will meet
your fellow Players
at The Circle Trivia Night."
I'm awesome at trivia.
I know everything about everything.
Oh, God. I'm not
I don't know if I'm good at trivia.
"And you will be leading one of the teams
as their Team Captain." Whoo!
Oh, my gosh,
I'm gonna be a great Team Captain!
"The other Captain is also a new Player,
who, like you, joined The Circle today."
[narrator] Yeah, get used to these kinds
of surprises, Bill.
Now the newbies, like Circle spies,
get to pry on their fellow Players
before they're revealed to everybody else.
Okay. Circle, take me to Adam's profile.
Wow, okay, hello.
Like, abs for days.
He seems like a genuine person.
I feel like I could have him on my team.
I swear he looks kinda like me.
He's got the facial hair,
but he's better groomed.
Can't trust those people from LA,
you know.
They're always flexing on their Instagram.
You don't know what's real,
don't know what's fake.
I feel like if you're catfishing,
you've gotta be pretty smart anyway.
Circle, can we go to Sammie's profile?
"Bottle service with brains, bitches."
Okay, I'm here for brains
on my trivia team.
This is someone I definitely need
to become friends with
because I don't want her
to be competition.
I want us to be on the same team.
She kinda looks like my ex-girlfriend.
Circle, open up Shubham's profile.
VR, California, Silicon Valley.
Goddamn genius.
You can just tell,
that's a confident smile.
That's a, like, "I know trivia" smile.
That's like a power smile.
Looks like he went to UCLA.
So, I kinda want him on my trivia team.
I feel like he knows some stuff.
Circle, show me Joey's profile.
Looks like you're trying a little hard.
I don't know. I'm not feeling Joey.
I think he'd even admit it,
he's just not good at trivia.
I mean, he could bring the team together,
he could be the wild card
I'm not even thinking about.
Circle, show me Chris's profile.
I mean, I feel like I want to be friends
with Chris, for sure.
Circle, go to Miranda.
Let's see what she's all about.
I like her. She's a cute girl.
Circle, show me Rebecca's profile.
She just seems really sweet.
I feel like the shy girls,
they hold back a lot of stuff,
they retain a lot of information.
Damn, she might be a good trivia person.
[Sean] I'm definitely excited.
I don't even know what to think.
I'm competitive, we're gonna win.
I'm gonna win this.
I'm gonna lead 'em to victory.
[narrator] Now that the newbies
have peeped at the other players,
it's time for a friendly little game.
Wonder if there's gonna be some kind
of unexpected twist.
- [buzzing]
- [all] Alert!
Here we go.
Oh, Trivia Night!
Oh, yes!
It's a game!
"It's time to find out who's got brains
in The Circle Trivia Night."
Oh! I'm 'bout to flex this big ol' noggin.
you will split into two teams"
"where you will compete
to answer trivia questions."
Okay, hold on.
Do we get to pick our teams?
Because I wanna pick my team.
"The winning team members
will receive a very special prize."
Who doesn't like a prize?
"The Team Captains for Trivia Night
will be"
It better be the influencers!
I will be pissed!
Oh, that means
I can't be on Shubham's team!
Of course the Team Captains
are going to be the influencers.
Just lay it down on me.
Hundred percent,
it's gonna be me and Sammie.
Da da-da da! ♪
Drumroll please.
[imitates drumroll]
Sean and Bill?
Who the fuck are Sean and Bill?
They're your captains, homie.
Hi, it's me.
I've never met a girl Sean before.
That's so funny.
[narrator] It's hilarious.
Is it short for something?
What the hell is going on?
"New Players Sean and Bill
will now pick their names
based on your profiles."
I'm over it.
This is great!
"Sean, pick your first player."
Oh, my God.
Ladies first. No big deal.
"The Player I want to pick first is"
[Sammie] "Sammie"!
Of course she picked Sammie.
I'm guessing Sean saw that blue check
on Sammie and said: "I need that."
I like Sammie. Um
Oh, well. She didn't pick my number one.
We still got the number-one pick.
Yup, there we go, Bill.
You know exactly what's up.
Oh, I knew it!
Two suck-ups. I hate 'em both already.
So, top dog for Sean was Sammie,
and Bill's number one was Shubby.
Next, Sean picked Adam aka Alex
- Yes!
- [narrator] and Bill went with Chris.
Final pick for Sean was Miranda,
leaving Bill to choose
between Rebecca aka Seaburn or Joey
for his last slot.
I think I'm gonna go with
Come on, Bill.
You got this, Bill.
Bill, have a heart
and pick your Uncle Joey, please.
[laughs loudly]
I did nothing wrong!
Oh, my God!
[drums table]
Damn, we have a stacked team.
I love my team.
"As Joey has not been picked,
Joey can now decide which team he joins."
Oh, God. I have to pick?
Are you kidding me?
Oh! Wild card!
Come on, Joey! I'll take Joey.
I'll take another player.
Message: "Circle, I'm going to Sean's team
'cause we're gonna win, and I'm excited."
Fuck yeah!
"It's time to get into your team colors.
You have a delivery at your door." Yeah!
Ooh! It's like Christmastime in the city.
Don't need another nipple piercing,
so let's just Whoa!
Yeah, I'm glad I wore blue today.
Cheers to team Sean!
[narrator] Teams picked, it's time for
Damn, what time is it?
- Oh, it's game time.
- [narrator] Thanks, bruh.
The captains are meeting the others
for the first time
and ready for some pep talk.
First to play, Sean and the Blue Team.
Message: "Hey, everyone.
I'm so stoked about this team!"
Circle message: "Let's kick some ass.
Hashtag Team Sean for life."
"I can't wait to win. Exclamation point,
exclamation point." Send.
And in the red corner, the Chicago Bills.
Message: "Hey, everybody. First off,
let me say: 'What's up? I'm Bill
and I'm really excited
to be here with you guys.'" Send.
At Bill: "Let's win this shit."
Message: "Hey, Bill.
Great to meet you,
and you picked a great team."
"Hashtag go time."
[narrator] Okay, rules.
Each round is a different category,
and the captains choose who answers.
Got it? Good.
'Cause I'm not here to explain rules.
So, it's a one-on-one gladiator style.
I like it.
[narrator] First category is
Def not me.
Pick Adam. He looks sporty.
She's gonna pick Joey
because Joey looks more sporty than Adam.
"Alright, team,
I think I'm going to pass
the sports category off to Adam.
You got this."
Fuck me in the
"Adam. You got this." Trophy emoji!
I hope he's good at sports stuff.
I didn't say sports in my profile, Sean!
Message: "Guys, I think I'm going
to take on the sport category first.
I feel good about this.
Hashtag let's go."
[narrator] Stepping up to the plate
for round one
is Captain Bill from Team Bill
and Adam aka Alex from Team Sean.
And you will never see two finer athletes.
"Name the team."
I see an "H," I see a star.
[narrator] This is tough. It'd be so much
easier if you had a book on sports!
Come on.
It's the Houston Astros.
"Houston Astros."
[Alex and Bill] Send.
[kisses loudly]
Suck it!
"Adam" in all caps.
"That's what I'm talking about!"
Oh! I love it!
The Astros.
There we go.
If you add another "s" to that,
it's literally the Ass-tros.
[narrator] Houston, we don't
have a problem. Good job, jocks.
Let's get ready to blast off
with round two.
Who's it going to be?
Message: "Rebecca."
In y'all's face, we about to destroy this!
- Miranda!
- Yay!
Get ready for the film face-off.
Not the movie Face/Off.
It's a face-off about film.
Okay, what is it?
I feel like I gotta get close.
"Name that film."
[mimics mechanical whirring]
Sex, insert in, plus the city.
Message: "Sex and the City."
Wow, she knew that right away.
Message: "Yes!"
I feel like
everyone else knew that one too.
[narrator] Good job, girl. So brainy.
You're such a Miranda.
Lemme see.
This is the universal symbol for okay.
Finger in a hole plus building?
That usually means, you know,
slapping skins.
Message: "Sex in the City."
[narrator] Ah! I just dropped my Cosmo.
Wrong? Bitch, you're wrong!
That was clearly Sex in the City.
What the fuck?
Sex and the City.
Message: "Sorry, guys."
"Rebecca, don't worry about it.
Hashtag Team Four."
Let's focus on the next one.
The red team is catching monumental Ls,
but they can still make their mark
'cause the next category is Landmarks.
Landmarks is a tough one.
Is that things like
the Leaning Tower of Pisa,
and, like, Windsor Castle?
I mean, I'm decent at landmarks.
I know a lot about American history
and world history.
Alright, message: "Shubham, you got this.
You're the ringer.
Hashtag Team Red."
Alright, let's go.
I'm begging, Sean, please don't put me in.
I just gotta put full faith
in my girl Sammie.
[Sammie] Oh, my God! I see my name.
I wanna cry.
I feel like this could go either way.
[narrator] Ooh, round three
is what we're all here for.
The battle of the influencers.
[Shubham] "Name the city."
Oh, my God.
The middle one is a boxer.
What famous boxers do we have in America?
The iconic scene, he goes up there,
and he's just like yeah!
Yeah, Adrian!
That's Rocky Balboa right there, baby.
It's the museum, the Rocky sculpture,
and the Liberty Bell.
Message: "Philadelphia." Send.
Hell yeah. Duh!
[narrator] Let's see if the UCLA graduate
has the "Eye of the Tiger."
The Liberty Bell, there's one in DC.
There's a lot of boxing things
from Boston.
[clicks teeth]
Come on, Shubham.
I think it's Boston.
Message: "Boston"
Oh! That's not Boston, bro.
The crowd has gone silent,
ladies and gentlemen.
[Shubham] Philadelphia!
Oh, my God, I feel so stupid.
[narrator] Oof! Really wondering
if the red team can redeem themselves.
I feel like it only makes sense
to give music to Joey.
Oh, Lord!
I'm definitely gonna go with Chris.
Ooh! It's Chris, bitch.
"Which Jonas Brother is missing?"
Why would they give me a question
for eight-year-olds?
Oh, my God, what is his name, Lord?
I don't know the Jonas Brothers!
[Chris] This is after my time!
Honey, I didn't grow up
listening to the Jonas Brothers.
Oh, my God, Kevin, Joe
That's Nick.
I'm sure of it.
Let's try Steve.
Oh my gosh,
if it's Steve by some weird-ass chance
Steve Jonas?! No!
No, it's Mike, bro!
Ah! What the fuck is your name, man?
Can Joey keep up with the Jonases?
Just put "Kevin Jonas."Put "Kevin."
If it's Joe, I'm done!
Oh, that is Kevin!
Oh, I knew it!
Message: "Way to come through, Joey."
[narrator] Chris didn't know
who Kevin Jonas was. Joey did.
I'm not sure who I'm more embarrassed for,
but Trivia Night is over
and they're about to find out who won.
I think they might have a clue, don't you?
Team Sean!
[squealing] Ah!
Team Sean!
[groans] Ah! Team Sean.
[Chris] Shit.
This sucks, man,
that we fucking lost, dude.
What do they get to do?
What's the prize?
At least tell us what the prize is.
[Alex] Yes!
"The winning team will each receive
a video message from home!"
[Sammie] I'm gonna cry.
My heart is beating so fast.
Winning is so good!
Oh, my God!
This is, like, an insanely good first day.
I feel like
they're all gonna have good feelings
about hashtag Team Sean,
which is, like,
everything that I could ask for.
[narrator] So, Team Sean's players
will get a video from home.
Captain Sean won't get one
because she's literally been here
like 12 minutes, guys.
What? "Congratulations,
here is your video message from home."
I'm so excited.
What is it?
I'm gonna cry, whoever it is.
I already know I am.
Oh, my gosh!
That's my best friend Tess in the middle.
There's Kyra on the left
and Kelsey on the right.
Hi, Miranda!
- [woman 1 and 2] We love you!
- [woman 3] We love you so much!
[woman 1] We miss you!
Everyone at work misses you
and we can't wait to see you.
[woman 2] I miss my friend. Come back!
We love you. We're so proud of you.
You can do it!
That was so sweet. [laughs]
Oh, I miss them so much.
I'm being such a baby.
That was a good prize. I'm so happy.
[narrator] Next up, Adam aka Alex.
Hi, Alex!
It's your wife, Gina.
And Blooper.
Oh, little stupid Blooper.
Who's barely sitting still.
We're so excited
that you've made it this far.
We can't wait
to see you come home a winner,
[Gina] And we just can't wait
for the world to see
what a special person we know you are,
[Gina] And we love you so much.
So, good luck!
We love you!
Gina, Blooper. Ah!
I miss them so much.
I can't wait to come back to you.
I miss you so much.
I love you, Gina.
[narrator] On my mama, mama's boy Joey
better have a message from his mama.
It's my ma!
Hi, Ma!
Hi, Joey, honey!
We miss you so much
and we're so proud of you!
I hope you're having a great time
seizing every moment.
Keep going!
You know Mommy, Daddy, your sisters,
all of us, the whole family,
we love you, Joey!
You got this!
You are the most beautiful, wonderful boy.
We love you, honey.
Do the Sasso way.
Be honest.
That might be
the best gift I've ever had
in my entire life.
Rarely am I speechless.
I love you,
I miss you,
and I'm so thankful to have
each and every one of you.
[narrator] Last is Sammie,
with a message from her aunt.
Oh, my God.
Hey, Sam, it's me.
I just want you to know
that we are super proud of you, Mimi.
You have followed your goals, your dreams.
You stepped off
and did something
that was out of your comfort zone,
so we are so proud of you.
Your sister and brother started school.
I hope they follow in your footsteps
because you are making your dreams
a reality.
Bring home the memories, the goals,
keep fighting, and you will win this.
[Sammie] That was my aunt.
My dad's sister.
When my mom died,
she was only, like, 21,
and she completely was ready
to just raise a kid at 21 years old
that wasn't even hers.
And she sacrificed her 20s to raise me
and she didn't have to.
Nobody asked her to.
It made me who I am today.
Oh, my God.
Alright, take it away.
That hit me hard for a second.
Gotta compose myself.
[narrator] After an emotional day,
the players are drained.
Feels like an early-to-bed kind of night.
Night, Circle.
I hope when I wake up
I forget about that stupid quiz.
[pop music playing]
All I needed was the love you gave ♪
All I needed for another day ♪
And all I ever knew ♪
Only you ♪
It's another dope day in The Circle.
Now, I'm just a humble narrator,
I'm not sure of many things, but
One thing's for sure,
I will forever know
who Kevin Jonas is now.
And another thing's for sure,
the players are still thinking
about those messages.
I got a video from my ma.
Oh, it made me so emotional. I love my ma.
Al I needed was the love you gave ♪
All I needed for another day ♪
- And all I ever knew ♪
- ♪All I ever knew ♪
Only you ♪
Oh, the Circle is up,
and everybody's there.
I look good!
Oh, I'm not an influencer anymore.
Sammie and my blue tick went away.
To be expected.
I think today's the day
that I try to earn my blue tick.
Sammie and Shubham aren't influencers.
Sean is here.
Look out.
With two new players in The Circle,
the others are all eager to see
who led them to glorious victory
or embarrassing failure last night.
Ah! [chuckles]
Let's start judging people
without knowing them
'cause that's what I learned that we do!
This is a great opportunity
to see what Bill and Sean are like.
Circle, can you please take me
to Sean's profile?
Let's see what Ms. Sean
is really all about.
Oh, wow.
Aw, she is so adorable.
Oh, wow.
Okay, look at them photos.
"Social Media Manager
living in New York City."
I hate social media with all my heart,
so that makes me really nervous.
"Obsessed with breakfast food,
scary movies, and gin and tonics."
Okay, honey.
You're already off to a great start.
Circle, let's open up the photos.
Come on, make 'em bigger.
Oh, shit.
I feel like her and Adam are gonna
get along very well.
Oh, wow.
Who wears a bikini with heels?
Circle, open the top right photo, please.
That seems like a very unsafe position
to be driving in.
She's driving a nice car.
Maybe she comes from money.
I could marry into wealth.
There is something fascinating
about this one.
I'm looking at her and I love it all.
The mug, the style, the fashion,
the social media.
There's something that's screaming to me,
I just can't pinpoint what it is yet.
[narrator] More like who it is, Chris.
I'm just gonna go in there
and have some fun today.
I'm just gonna make some friends,
be my cute little self,
make some people smile.
All my life, when I have done that,
things have worked out,
so I don't think it's gonna be
any different in here.
I feel like I got this.
Now, let's open up Coach Bill's profile,
please, Circle.
Let me get a look.
Okay, nice smile.
Yeah, just a chill, down-to-earth dude.
I like it.
And he's got a great neck.
I've always wondered what it feels like
to have a thicker neck.
Wow, there he is at the Friends fountain.
"Just a fun guy doing fun things."
[Joey] Bill seems like a good dude.
I like him.
I wanna give him a hug.
I wanna tell him: "Please retie your tie."
I love his floppy hair.
My hair is almost just as short as his.
We kinda got the same hairstyle going on.
It looks like it might be
a frat environment he's in,
but that's fun.
Reminds me a little bit of Joey.
Bill looks very fun.
Truthfully, he looks like an honest guy.
I wish I knew what he did for a job.
Maybe he's a spy.
The pictures on the right are great.
He's smiling, he's with his friends,
he wears glasses.
Super cute.
If I was looking at this on a dating app,
I would probably swipe right.
[Alex] "Just a fun guy doing fun things
in the city of Chicago."
Now, I know I can immediately
get along with Bill
because I spent five years in Chicago.
And he's going to have to be Adam's friend
because I want everybody to love Adam.
He seems like a great person.
And yeah, I'm really digging Bill so far,
a hundred percent.
After owning the trivia game last night,
Sammie wants to check in
with her fellow winners,
Joey, Miranda, and Adam,
about those emotional videos.
Circle, take me
to the Group Chat Video Fam.
[Sammie] Message: "Good morning.
Just checking in
to make sure everyone's okay
after their videos.
I know mine had me crying like a baby,
lol. How's everyone feeling?"
"Definitely crying like a baby, too.
Exclamation point."
"You all know I'm a proud Mama's boy
and that video
cut right to the core of me.
Best. Prize. Ever."
At Sammie: "Who was your video from?"
Give 'em a chance to tell a little bit
about someone they care about.
Message, at Miranda:
"It was from my aunt.
My mom passed away when I was a baby
and my dad wasn't able to raise me,
so my aunt took that responsibility."
I wonder what they're gonna say.
That's Sammie.
After I sent that message,
everyone went silent and stopped typing.
I'm sure that was hard for her to share.
It's a really nice thing she did
and I'm happy
that she opened the door to that.
Now, I'm scared.
'Cause now I'm really letting them in
to parts of my life.
I don't want people to treat me different
because of this information.
Sammie, I'm sorry to hear,
but your aunt sounds like
a strong and amazing woman.
Exclamation point, smiley face."
"Sammie, family is a blessing.
Your aunt sounds amazing."
I'm happy they kept it short and sweet.
Like: "Sorry, but your aunt's great."
Cool. Awesome. Move along.
Message: "Since we got to play the game
last night with Sean,
do you think we should add Bill
to this chatand get to know him?"
That's a great idea, let's do it.
[Bill] "Sammie has invited you
to the Group Chat Video Fam."
I'm a little nervous.
[Sammie] "Bill has entered the chat."
"What up, my homie from Chi-town?"
"Pleasure to meet you, man. Welcome."
Chi-town, baby.
Message: "Bill, it has to be hard
coming into this so late in the game."
"If you need a friend,
know off the bat I'm here for you, bro."
God, I want Joey to be Adam's friend.
Damn, Joey's so nice. I love Joey.
How easily I can be persuaded.
That's nice to hear. I'm glad.
Message, at Joey: "Damn, bro.
Legit, it's so nice to hear.
I'm in. We're homies.
Let's get this bread."
He looks like a nice guy.
I like Bill.
I wanna be Joey's homie.
It's okay. Bill isn't as physical.
Bill isn't as like, charming. I got it.
"Anyway, I'm super excited
to have met all of you guys,
but I gotta go back to gym time.
Can't wait
to talk to my best friends later."
Wow, claiming best friends already.
Just kidding, call me your best friend.
Put me high in the ratings,
that's all I care about.
Bill interacted with Joey a little more.
Joey's like Joey's so friendly.
It's like Adam needs to learn
to be a little friendly.
So, Alex needs to make Adam more friendly.
If only there were some way
he could control what he says
to other players.
And after feeling rejected
from Joey and Bill's blossoming bromance,
he's turned to favorite fellow catfish
Rebecca aka Seaburn.
Oh! Adam.
Message: "Hey, babe.
How are you doing this morning?
I've been thinking about you.
Hope you're doing alright."
He's so forward. He's like: "Hey, baby."
Like, it's weird 'cause, for me,
I'm the only one
that calls my girlfriend "baby."
It's like: "Whoa, back up there, fella."
I really need to make Rebecca feel good
because I really need Rebecca
to rank Adam high.
Ah. Message: "I am a little sad
and feeling a little homesick
because I didn't know
that winning trivia"
"The surprise would be a video from home.
How about you?"
Message: "It was great
to see my dog Zipper,
but I'm really feeling for everyone
who didn't get a video, comma,
especially you."
I do genuinely feel bad for her,
but I would not have traded
my video message for the fucking world.
He's really coming to pursue Rebecca. Oof.
Message: "Last night really has me
in a vulnerable place
because I absolutely cried.
I'm glad to know that you are on my side."
Message: "I wish there was a way
I could cheer you up.
Red heart emoji.
Hashtag Rebecca and Adam forever."
Oh, she's gonna love that.
Aw, you know imaginary girls so well!
Adam is really laying on
the smooth-talking words today, sugar.
Maybe she'll come at me
with something I can do.
This is good. This is really good.
We have a very high place with Adam.
That right there
is gonna play to our benefit.
I always want her to be my ally
because, right now, I think
that's the strongest connection I have
in all of The Circle.
[narrator] Speaking of connections,
having already made some positive ones
during the trivia game,
Sean is hoping to make another one
in the shape of Chris,
and it looks like homegirl
gonna be taking some notes.
Out of all of these people,
Chris seems like the one
who's gonna tell me like it is.
Everyone else
has been playing it super nice.
So, Circle open a private message
with Chris.
I hope that he is also excited
to talk to me.
Circle, take me to the Private Chat,
Okay, message, all caps:
"Hey, hey, hey!
How's it going, Chris, question mark."
And send.
That's already a fantastic start.
That sounds like me!
Those three dots are just like torture.
Come on, Chris.
Give it to me.
"Well, hello, hello, hello. Hi, Sean.
How are you, baby girl?"
Okay, so: "I feel like
everyone has been so nice,
almost too nice,
and you seem like the type of person
who will tell me like it is."
Okay, send.
"Laugh my fucking ass off, yes!
So, let's get to know each other.
I am an open book.
Feel free to flip through all the pages."
It's definitely promising
that he says he's an open book,
and so I really love that.
I feel like this is good for me.
Message: "So, are you a makeup artist?
Your looks are," all caps, "stunning."
"Laugh out loud. Thanks so much.
That is so sweet.
Sean, I can't help but notice
how stunning you are!
What's your beauty secret?"
Send message.
"What's your beauty secret?"
My secret is I use other people's photos.
My secret is it's not me at all, Chris.
I'm so sorry.
I did not mean to lead you astray,
but also I definitely did mean
to lead you astray.
[narrator] And send.
Just kidding!
[Sean] Okay.
What do I want to say?
My beauty secret.
Alright, message: "OMG,
you are seriously too nice.
This makeup works overtime for me, honey.
Let's do a crying laughing emoji.
Message: "I know the feeling, girl."
The Lord's grace keeps my mug together,
And we can add the little prayer hands.
Send message.
Okay, got over that hurdle.
I feel like me and Chris
are really getting along.
If you're reaching out to me
and we're bonding like this,
you got somethin' good with me.
That's how I play this game,
by connection,
what I feel is coming through.
Girl, you got a homie right here.
That was fun.
[narrator] After missing out
on a video from home last night,
Shubby wants to live vicariously
through the winners,
Adam aka Alex,
and Joey
aka the Jonas Brothers' number one fan.
[Shubham] "Guys, exclamation mark.
How are you doing living on your own,
question mark.
Did the videos make you guys
miss your family more than you did,
question mark." Send.
Message Shubby:
"Bro, I wish I could've shared the video
that my mother sent me with all of you.
She's an angel." Send.
Message: "I miss my mom so much."
I haven't lived with her in a long time,
but I still call her every day."
"But I still call her every day."
Adam, things like that make me like you.
He loves his mother, and I respect that.
I have to shut off all of the Alex
because I need to be talking as Adam,
but I can't help but
all this talk of home and family,
to think of my wife at home
and our two little bundles of fur.
Message Shubby:
"Let me ask you, dude,
how's your relationship
with your parents?" Send.
Message, at Joey:
"They're my best friends.
I drive every other weekend
from LA to SF to be with them.
I'm an only child,
so I think that's what made it
extremely strong." Send.
Whoa. Man, that is love.
It's hard being away from family.
Message: "Bros, all we need
is a nice Italian girl
and our lives would be perfect." Send.
Message: "At this point,
any company would be nice.
I'm feeling really lonely here." Or
I wanna keep it lols.
"At this point,
any company would be nice."
Oh, that's sweet. [laughs]
How do you respond to shit like this?
"I want both of you to know
that you're safe with me
and I got both of your backs.
Hashtag the trust has been earned."
It's really hard.
I feel like I was on a roll
and then it got into my head
and I faltered.
Get back on your game.
[trill lips]
I like Adam.
This sucks!
Everyone seems to be having a lovely time
here in The Circle.
Y'all know what that means, right?
- Alert!
- Alert!
Sound the alarm!
Oh, my God. What's happening?
"Players, it's time for the ratings."
Da da-da da! ♪
[yells] Ah!
[Bill] "Players Sean and Bill cannot rate
and cannot be rated."
Okay, good. I'm happy with that.
I get to see how everybody feels
about everybody.
Everyone else is probably, like,
shitting their pants right now.
[Shubham] "Once everyone has rated,
the top two Players
will become Circle Influencers
and have the power to block."
If Adam isn't an influencer,
let's hope that one of Adam's friends is.
So, I'm talking Rebecca and Joey
because those are the people
that are gonna stick out their necks
for me.
Circle, rate Adam sixth.
Simply because I'm just not a fan.
Adam gets the fourth spot.
Adam has really been laying it on thick
with Rebecca,
so he has nothing but good rapport.
But, with me, I can see
straight through the facade, my man.
I'm putting Rebecca in the second slot.
She's lovely, we have
this kind of romantic thing going on.
In first place, I'm putting Rebecca.
Rebecca's my sister.
I trust her completely
and I hope she gets first.
So, the second spot goes to Shubham.
Shubham has really had a way with words
when it comes to Rebecca,
and, on top of that,
he's really just been
an all-around genuine guy,
and we feel comfortable enough
to be open with him.
Sixth position should be Shubham.
I think he's hiding something.
He's been an influencer twice
since I've been here.
Everybody else loves him,
so me putting him in sixth position
will kind of drag down his average rating.
In fourth place, I'd like to put Chris
because I still think
that he's a little gray in the area
of who he's truly aligned with.
Third rating, Chris.
Another person who's spared me
and been good to me.
Hopefully, I'm still on his good side.
You just gotta hope these people
are gonna fight for you.
Well, I already know
that I wanna have Joey on first place
because that's my main man.
I'm putting Joey second
because I shared some things with him now,
so I feel like we have
a different kind of connection,
and it's not so much flirting anymore,
I feel like he's my actual friend.
So, this is where it starts to get tricky.
I'm going to put Sammie
in fourth position.
I don't feel like she's really an Adam fan
or an Adam ally.
I enjoy Sammie and I respect Sammie,
so I'm gonna throw Sammie in third.
I'm so sorry, Miranda.
I'm gonna put you in my sixth place spot.
I feel like
we've had a lot of opportunities,
but I still really don't know ya.
I think I gotta put Miranda in my fourth
because Miranda and I have talked more
and there seems to be
more of a relationship.
"Ratings complete." Ah!
After a stressful rating session,
Miranda decides this is the perfect time
to start a little girl chat.
Ooh, I'm excited.
This should be fun.
Oh, boy.
Circle, take me to Girls Chat.
Message: "Hey, pretty ladies,
exclamation point, smiley face.
Thought it'd be great to start
a Girls Chat with our new girl, Sean.
Exclamation point. Heart."
[messenger beeps]
Yay! I'm here!
Alright, message:
"OMG. Yay.
I'm so happy to be here."
This is good. It's like bonding.
It's like real bonding time.
"I was really craving some girl time.
Honestly, I woke up this morning
with the worst cramps.
Oh, my gosh.
Message: "That was me last week. Sad face.
Hoping you feel better soon,
exclamation point."
Message: "Oh, my God, today's my last day
and I am so happy about it."
I didn't even know
that women went into so much detail
about Mother Nature.
Now everyone is talking
about their periods.
I am so happy that I started this trend.
[groans] Ah.
As Seaburn, I'm like:
"I don't wanna know this,"
but as Rebecca,
we have to, you know, know this.
"Try to keep something
nice and warm in your system.
That really helps."
[Sean] Aw, so sweet.
Message, at Rebecca:
"That's funny you say warm
because for me, it's anything cold.
- [messenger beeps]
- [groans] Ah.
Message: "The only thing
that helps my cramps
is curling up in a ball
and making weird noises, lol."
Laughing face emoji. Send.
Message: "Don't be mad, lol,
but I honestly rarely ever get cramps."
"Sammie, you are hella lucky, girl,
exclamation point."
[laughing, moaning]
Message: "You are so lucky
that you do not have to deal
with the whole crazy cramps.
Mine get really bad.
I absolutely wanna cry."
- Aw.
- I know. Oh!
[Sammie] I feel for girls like that.
"The only thing that happens is
my left side starts to hurt really bad."
Whoa, I have never heard that.
Your left side?
Is that where your appendix is?
"I've never heard
of just your left side hurting."
Oh, we are booking it fast as hell.
Message: "I am getting ready
to hop in the shower.
I can't wait 'til our next chat."
[narrator] Period!
That was fun.
Women, I freaking applaud
each and every one of you.
While Seaburn makes a pact to himself
to google menstruation
when he gets out of here,
we have another bit of shocking news.
Oh, shit.
"Players, the Ratings results are in."
This is really harshing my mellow!
I'm feeling really vulnerable
after being influencer twice in a row.
We're starting with lucky number seven.
Oh, who's number seven?
Not Adam.
She can't be feeling too good right now.
That's nuts.
I'm seventh?
Nobody likes me.
Does that mean she's last?
It's one hurdle.
So, let's look at who is sixth.
Come on.
Shit. It's okay.
Oh! It's Adam!
Poor kid's probably heartbroken.
I need to step up my game.
Oh, number four was tied.
Please don't be me and Joey.
I'm cool with that.
Wow, so I stayed the same. Not too bad.
Are you kidding me?
This is perfect!
Be Rebecca ♪
Be, be Rebecca, baby ♪
Be Reb ♪
Okay. Come on, we're close.
We are close.
[narrator] So, that leaves Joey, Shubham,
and Rebecca aka Seaburn
to fight it out
for those influencer spots.
Third, just give it to me.
Are you kidding me?
Number three for a third time.
We're so close!
Come on. Who is it?
Who's first and second?
I can't be first again.
This is like: "Hey, here's a big target
on Shubham's back."
[Joey] Oh, my God!
I love ya, Shoobs! We did it together!
Yes! I got second!
Yes! Let's go!
Oh, God.
"As the most popular Players,
Joey and Shubham
are now The Circle Influencers."
Oh, man.
I finally got the tick
and it was a lot of work!
"Rebecca, Chris, Sammie, Adam
and Miranda are at risk of being"
"Blocked." Yeah, I got that.
[sighs] This is not fun anymore.
Oh, boy.
"Joey and Shubham,
please go up to the Hangout."
This is great!
This is better than Christmas!
[narrator] You know the drill.
Joey and Shubby are heading to the Hangout
for blocking and nibbles.
Oh, my God, what is this place?
This is nice.
I should be here all the time.
Is this a martini?
Is this what happens
when you're an influencer?
You get food? Who doesn't like food?
I'm so proud of broey Joey.
I'm so happy I'm with Shubby.
I don't think
I could talk about this with anyone else.
We can talk completely open and honest.
Say how we feel.
[narrator] But this is The Circle
and the surprises keep coming.
This is the one time I'm not screaming it.
What is this? I don't think I remember
an alert at a hangout.
[Seaburn groans[
Oh, fuck. Alert.
They've made their decision.
I feel it in my bones.
Man, that was quick.
I don't understand.
"Circle Influencers Joey and Shubby
have entered the Hangout,
but cannot discuss who to Block."
What do you mean we can't discuss
who to block?
I thought that's what we do.
What does that mean?
"Joey and Shubby can each
save two players"?
Oh, my God.
How does this happen?
There's me, Chris, Miranda, Adam, Rebecca.
Joey can pick two
and Shubham can pick two.
So, one person is going home.
"The remaining Player will be Blocked
from The Circle."
How does this happen? I was excited.
"All Players must to Circle Chat now."
Am I in with all of 'em?
Oh, my gosh.
They're doing it in front of us.
The one time it happens,
it goes like this.
This is crazy.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, no.
[electronic dance music playing]
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