The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Copa do Circle

What a tense atmosphere, right?
My own sister
didn't give a shit about my feelings.
She's probably thinking
that I mislead her.
Recently, you changed.
There's no guarantee
that you'll be on top again.
Let's see if this new player
can help to clear the air a little bit.
Now that I'm in, I'll win no matter what.
I could easily live here.
The tiger, little animal
This probably gets very dusty.
I'm a bit dramatic.
You can see it in my eyes.
My name is Rafael,
I'm 37, and I'm from Rio de Janeiro.
My mom calls me Rafael,
but my sisters call me Rafinha, Rafa,
but I'd rather be called Raf.
I don't like lies. I can't stand them.
Only if it's really necessary,
if there's something at stake,
like money.
Then it's fine.
In that case, I would lie a bit.
I have a lot of charisma,
but I know someone that has even more.
That's why, on The Circle,
I'm Ana Paula, my best friend.
Ana's writer, I think she's 36-years-old.
But since I'm lying,
I'll say that she's 35.
On the past ten years,
she has been the closest friend I have.
There are things I don't know about her.
I might not know what her bra size is.
But I can just say
I want to make friends for life
on The Circle,
I want to experience things,
feel that vibe
I want the money.
I don't drink often,
but if I don't drink now,
my friend Ana is going to be
very disappointed on me.
It's going down smoothly.
No, it's not.
"Welcome to The Circle."
Thank you.
"Set your profile."
So it begins.
Circle, open photo gallery.
Well, obviously Ana is fat,
and I won't hide that
because she's proud of it.
A boob pic is beautiful,
but it can shock people from the start.
It's best to ease into it.
Circle, open the BadGurl folder.
The drink in her boobs is great.
Nope. It's a plastic cup.
That's the only reason.
Can you imagine
if there's someone pro-recycling
and they see that picture? You're out.
Circle, open the Swimwear folder.
What did I tell you?
Circle, let me see the picture
with the nose piercing.
Sexy without looking vulgar.
Which I'm not opposed to. It's a blessing.
Circle, add that as my profile picture.
Looking great.
Relationship status?
Maybe there's another single person
looking for someone.
Circle, edit About Me section.
Feminist and writer.
Fat. In case someone don't get it.
It's important to make a point here.
It's not chubby, it's fat.
Single and always
I need to address my sexuality.
When you meet someone on-line,
you don't go,
"Do you prefer grilled or fried chicken?"
No. "Do you like boys or girls?"
Circle, write down, I really like men,
but I also like to bat for both sides.
Insert rainbow heartemoji.
Circle, post it.
I wonder if I can see
all the profiles yet.
I want to see those little faces.
While Ana stays curious,
one of the Lumas is exercising
with a piece of furniture?
What could it be?
This alert thing it's never good news.
"A new player just joined The Circle."
I'm not the new chick
on the block anymore.
The Circle is like the more, the merrier.
It's a male or a female player?
From how many women there are,
I'm guessing it's a man.
Two men were blocked in a row.
Let's start the stalking.
Okay, easy there.
Look, it's a woman!
She's perfect! Great cleavage, sis!
Circle, open Dumaresq's profile.
Dumaresq is himself, he's not a catfish.
That confirms it.
Nobody says,
"I'll be a catfish in the game."
"What will be your name?" "Dumaresq."
Welcome to the madness!
You arrived in a complicated time.
Circle, open Akel's profile.
"I like astrology."
Doctors don't worry about
if the Moon is Mercury Retrograde
Conjunct Pluto.
Doctors don't worry about that stuff.
Ana isn't here to play games, right?
Let's see how she goes in the first game,
but she seems very nice.
Very positive.
Circle, take Akel's face away from me.
Circle, open Lorayne's profile.
"Hyperactive and loves to chat."
So annoying.
That picture it's not enough for me.
What are you trying to tell me?
Circle, open Ana's profile.
"Age: 35-years-old.
Relationship status: single."
Firemen don't belong
behind a desk on the computer,
you hear me, JP?
They belong on the streets.
Rescuing stranded cats on trees.
"Feminist and writer,
fat, single"
"And always #BodyPositive."
I loved it!
Come closer, my plus size princess!
"I really like men,
but I also like to bat for both sides."
She's incredible. So like Dumaresq.
I think it would be so much better
if she said, "I'm bisexual",
rather than "I also like to bat
for both sides."
I didn't get it at all!
Circle, open Ana's picture.
Oh, my!
I love her boobs!
Open Marina's profile.
She's gonna be obsessed with me.
We'll get so tight
Marina. I will put a star
next to her name.
I loved her.
There's something incredible about her.
Let's hope she's not a catfish.
Luma needs to send
an incredible welcoming message,
'cause Marina I'm thinking.
She's gonna come strong,
rolling down the red carpet.
Luma is such a catfish name.
Like a straight guy
pretending to be a pretty lady.
"What'll be my name? Luma."
Is Ana real?
Why put "fat" on her profile?
I don't see why that's necessary.
- Like if put "thin"?
- Yes.
She's not very creative with words
for a writer.
Not exactly the words,
but the text structure in general.
She seems so real.
So real. There's no way she's a catfish.
I need to hook Dumaresq first,
who is gay,
'cause all gays have a fat friend.
I'm not that excited
to welcome new people.
I can't handle it.
Yes, you can, sis.
Let's socialize.
"The Circle Chat is now open."
Let's chat with Ana.
Welcome Ana!
Circle, open chat.
Now I have to pretend I liked everyone.
Circle, message.
I have arrived!
I can't wait to meet all of you!
I'm glad to see
that women are the majority here.
She's trying to get on the girls side
like the good feminist she is.
Welcome, Ana!
I'm dying to read something of yours.
I'm curious.
What do you write about?
Nice, right?
"I'm dying to read" is a bit much.
It seems everyone is kissing her ass
at the beginning
and say, "Welcome!"
Circle, message.
I had a blog for several years
where I wrote about celebrities.
Now, I write about feminism.
I'm obsessed with your second picture.
I can't just answer,
I need to give a compliment too.
Oh, how cute!
"I'm obsessed with your second picture."
Sis, that Carnival picture
is really something, isn't it?
I couldn't care less about that pic.
Circle, message.
The about me of your profile is nice.
It showed attitude and personality.
Where are you from?
Smiling with hearts in the eyes emoji.
Jeez, JP, such an ass-kisser!
JP, as always, not original at all.
He said the same about Luma,
Ray, and everyone else.
I'll hit on JP.
Here. Heart for JP.
Circle, message.
Thank you. I'm from São Paulo,
but raised in Rio de Janeiro.
"I was reading your profile
and got curious about what is 'aggro'."
How can you not know that?
Well, Marcel, that's a slang word.
'Aggro' is annoyance.
When a guy says, "No aggro",
he means, "Don't get bothered, relax."
Ana, careful. He goes after women.
He likes to lure women into a trap.
Circle, message. Another girl from Rio.
Where do you live in Rio?
Marina, we're almost neighbors.
I live in Tijuca! Exclamation point.
She's really my neighbor!
Marina must be so happy.
I loved the fact that she's from Rio.
She must be thinking,
"The fat ladies from Tijuca".
Circle, message.
What makes you really angry?
I loved your profile.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Luma.
What makes you angry?"
No one talks like that in real life.
Luma asks great questions. I like it.
What makes Luma lose her temper
is people that likes to kiss ass.
Just like Marina does.
I'm lost right now.
What makes me lose my temper?
I'll just say,
Machismo, right?
I lose my temper when I see that.
"Luma, without any doubt, machismo.
Hi-five, Ana!
That hashtag is dreadful, but I'm using it
'cause it's what you people want.
Circle, message.
So do we a have a bi-curious over here?
What is a bi-curious?
Bi-curious. Looks like a bird's name.
"I just saw a bi-curious flying by."
Does Lorayne bat for both sides?
Circle, message.
It's good to know that more players
also like to bat for both sides.
Circle, send.
We have something in common.
"Spill the tea,
what made you decide
to join this rare experience?"
Circle, send.
Akel is a catfish.
"Rare experience?"
Akel is an old man.
I want to know why she's here,
if it's in order to showcase her work.
No one asked me why I'm here.
Circle, message. Akel, comma,
someone promised
to give me a snack, so I came.
She's so clever!
Ana is manipulating you, Akel!
And that's how you answer
a jerky question.
You're going to say something else, right?
Circle, message.
Speaking of which, it's snack time.
We should talk soon.
I want to know more about you.
Kissing emoji.
Circle, send.
What was that?
Circle, open chat with Lolo.
"Akel has invited you to a private chat."
I really need to talk to her
about what JP said
regarding the talk he had with her,
that he thinks I pulled back from him,
that I'm sitting on the fence too much,
and I'm not very straightforward.
It's his strategy.
He's gonna talk about the game,
about someone
who he doesn't trust,
which is a great topic.
We only talked about stuff related
to our so called "relationship",
and that doesn't help our strategy.
Circle, open chat with Akel.
She opened. I hope this chat goes great.
It's the most important chat of the game.
Circle, message.
Hey, baby girl, how are you?
I want to ask you something.
JP told me
that he felt like I was pulling back
from him
and I wasn't being very straightforward
regarding what I stand for Ellipsis.
Do you feel like others share
the same concern?
Circle, send.
On She Fights group chat,
everyone is suspicious of you.
But I can't tell you that, obviously.
I think he just made all this drama up
in order to have a reason to block me.
Circle, message.
That's precisely
what I wanted to talk about.
He mentioned that
in the blocking conversation.
He argued that Lucas should stay,
and I argued that you should.
I didn't like his reaction.
He went so far as saying
that I owed him one.
Thinking emoji.
JP wanted to give me the boot,
arguing that Lucas should stay,
and my love saved my ass on that one.
Circle, message.
On his mind,
if I left the game,
you would lose a strong ally.
# PlayingDirty #LiesHaveShortLegs.
Circle, send.
Yeah, boo, I thought the same.
You have no idea
how the conversation went!
Circle, message.
Boo, I'll protect my people.
I fought so hard with JP.
#DownWithPlayingDirty. Send.
Circle, now it's romance time,
'cause I'm about to pour my heart out.
Okay, I'll give you a hand on that one.
Go big!
I'm even crazier about you now.
You protected me when I needed the most.
I hope I can make it up to you someday.
Circle, send.
And she thinks I'm a doctor.
Can you imagine
when she finds out I do funny videos?
She will be all over me. She'll say,
"I want to marry this guy!"
"#LoKel #Admiration."
I trust you.
I think you're playing fairly.
You might be walking on ice right now,
but you'll show what you came for,
you'll do that
in the chats, conversations,
and everything will be all right.
Circle, message.
Baby, your support means so much to me.
# DreamAboutMe #Let'sGo.
Heart emoji.
Oh, my, Lolo
My heart can't take all that.
Can we end with a little peck
on the lips, gorgeous?
Cutie, you did so well.
I don't have to keep a secret
about what JP told me.
It was about Akel and he needs to know.
He really needs to do better
and evolve in certain aspects.
We're talking, I like him
and I think he likes me too.
And I think things are gonna be better
from now on.
We need allies, friends in the game,
no matter what happens.
Even better when your ally
is also your crush.
But if you don't have a crush,
you can always count on ice cream.
I need to chase someone.
The only person
I'd have something in common with
would be Marina,
'cause we live in the same area.
Circle, open a private chat with Marina.
"Ana has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, open chat with Ana.
I thought she'd say,
"I'm not talking with the fat girl."
I bet she wants to know about everyone,
'cause people from Rio are witty.
Circle, message.
I related so much to you!
Exclamation point.
I'm still trying to mimic your pose
on your second picture.
Circle, send.
That's a lie. I'm eating ice cream
telling her
that I'm trying to mimic her pose.
I knew she would relate!
Circle, message.
I wrote a little song for you,
and you invite me to chat?
Aninha, you're such a liberated woman
I loved your profile
Come chat with the cat woman
"Come chat with the cat woman."
Jeez. She must be
Marina must be so proud
of her little joke.
Circle, message.
I loved your rhyme! Exclamation point.
Let me be straightforward.
I got here late in the game,
so I don't have time to waste.
"Let's chat about the other players.
Do you know who the catfishes are?"
Good one.
Circle, message.
two catfishes were blocked so far.
We'll see a lot of people
playing dumb here.
It's best to focus on being honest
and listen to your gut.
"It's best to focus on being honest
and listen to your gut.
I didn't like that answer.
I'm so good at this!
I'm against this witch hunt on catfishes.
'Cause the game it's not about catfishes,
it's a popularity contest.
If they already caught two catfishes,
it's 'cause
they're on the hunt.
That wasn't gossip,
it's just me being straightforward,
being honest with her,
I opened my arms to her.
I don't want to be so honest
and tell her what I really feel.
Circle, message.
My gut tells me
that we'll find so much more in common
between us.
You guys!
Sometimes, you need to copy their hashtag
and use it in your sentence,
even if makes no sense.
Circle, message.
It was very nice to meet you.
# MéierTijucaConnection #SistersInArms.
"Sisters-in-Arms." What did I just say?
That's what I wrote down,
"Like a sister to me."
There it is. "Sisters-in-Arms."
I loved Ana so much.
For real.
I can't believe I'm the only catfish here.
Am I the only queen in this game?
A bit too confident, are we?
I've been wanting to have a one-on-one
with Luma for a while now.
I feel like she could be a great partner.
Circle, open chat with Luma.
invaded the playand was banned.
"Dumaresq has invited you
to a private chat"?
Oh, my, Dumaresq!
Bring Luma. Wait.
Bring Luma into the chat.
I'm happy!
I've been wanting to have this chat
for a while.
Circle, open chat.
What Dumaresq wants with Luma?
Let's wait for him.
The ball is in your court, Dumaresq.
Circle, message.
Girlfriend, I feel that we're
so much alike!
Sometimes, you say things
that I was already planning to say.
He's right.
Circle, message.
Hey, beautiful!
We got along from the get-go, baby!
Girl, it's so true.
Circle, message.
I think it's really important
to praise where we are from.
Let's united North and Northeast
on this Circle.
It's like he's talking about
our group chat.
Do we tell him?
"How about we unite North and Northeast?"
Circle, message.
We have the same love
for where we're from.
Let's mix the North with the Northeast
and make a great meal out of it.
L-O-L. Send.
- Dumaresq is smart.
- Do you think he knows something?
I wonder if someone gave him some dough.
- Ray.
- Did Ray spill the beans?
- Ray.
- Ouch, Marcel!
"and make a great meal out of it."
Wonderful! I loved to eat!
Circle, message.
I was thinking about the people left
and I felt so lonely.
I believe we can help each other here.
Speaking of which,
what do you think
about what Marina said regarding Akel?
My goal here,
besides having a partnership,
is badmouth Akel to them,
so that we can block him.
Circle, message.
We have to pay attention
to everything people say in this game.
I was wondering about who Akel is.
And about helping friends out.
Wait. No. "I was wondering about
who Akel is"
And I believe he's playing for real.
- No.
- Dirty.
- And I believe he's playing.
- Are you going to say that?
Everyone is playing.
No. Let him decides what it means.
Luma won't get her hands dirty.
"and I believe he's playing.
He's the typical Mineiro,
likes to do things low-key.
Sis, about helping each other out,
I'm here for that too."
I loved the fact that I hinted
and she confirmed
that she's here for the partnership.
I think that
can really benefit us.
What if he knew of the group?
So what?
Luma wasn't the one who created it.
Circle, message.
I'm so glad to hear
that you are on board
with this partnership.
Circle, send!
It's a new ally, Marcel. Wait a minute.
Luma is so friendly!
Circle, message.
Let me tell you something
I only play with honesty.
"I really like to make things clear.
I loved this chat."
Suck it!
He really seems to be
- Lucas, everyone seems
- He's scared.
He's scared to be kicked out.
Everyone seems to be something here.
Trust me, baby.
'Cause I'm with you,
and now it's us two, girl.
You got to be careful.
He might be playing
and he might still be friends
with Lorayne and Marina.
Not like before.
They don't have time
to think about the new player,
'cause it's time
to use their mind elsewhere.
"Brilliant Minds."
Is it a game, maybe?
It's a game! "Brilliant Minds."
"It's time to find out who are
the brilliant minds on The Circle."
Oh, shit.
I'm a doctor, so I have to be smart.
I'm a writer, so I have to be smart.
"All players"
"are going to answer"
- "a common knowledge quiz"
- "split in two teams."
This is gonna be fun!
"'Cause she's the new player,
Ana'll be the Pink Team captain,
and pick her own team."
Now I have to show
the ones closest to me: No one!
"Ana, choose your first player."
Hello, Ana.
I have to be on the smart ones team,
'cause I'm not the smartest cookie.
I rather just follow along.
Me! Pick me, lady!
Circle, message. Marina.
I know Marina won't be helpful at all
in this game,
but she might be later on.
"Ana, pick your second player."
Is she going to choose Duma?
Circle, the second player is Dumaresq.
Dumaresq was called in to the Pink Team!
Let's go, Aninha! Let's go, Marina!
Let's make the other eat dust!
"Pick your third player."
I'm sure she's gonna pick
the doctor over here.
I'll pick Akel as my third player.
'Cause he's 30-years-old, he's a doctor
He probably studied a lot.
Look at that!
His brains, baby. He's a doctor.
Who's going to tell her?
For Christ's sake. What a mess, huh, Ana?
"Ana, pick the captain for the Blue Team."
I think I would choose Ray.
'Cause she's not really close to anyone,
so she could do poorly.
The Blue Team captain is Ray.
She's crazy!
I'm gonna be captain!
She choose me as captain
and I'm going to win something.
I find Ray a little slow.
"The players left are in the Blue Team."
Go, Blue Team!
It's Blue Team, babies!
Attack, Pink Team!
"Go over your door
and pick up the box with your uniform."
Luma liked it!
Yay! They'll have an outfit!
Look like the Pink Team works.
How beautiful are these clothes!
A plane went by
- And written on it was
- That the Blue Team's gonna win
But the plane fell down
And the pink went up
Nobody will hold me down! Pink!
Everyone's ready to go to war.
- "The winning team"
- "is going to have a pizza party!"
"And the losing team
will be off-line for the night."
Pizza, come to daddy!
I can already smell it!
"In each round,
the team captains are going to choose
which player
is going to answer."
It's going to start.
I'm ready.
"Topic: Science."
Circle, message.
Pick me!
I'm gonna pick Luma.
I wasn't expecting that.
Luma is super ready!
The doctor knows about Science, right?
For Christ's sake.
I know nothing. I'm tainted there.
Crippled, actually. Leave me out.
Circle, message.
Akel is going to answer.
Jeez, what am I doing with my life?
Dear Lord and Virgin Mary.
"How many teeth adults have?"
Where are the choices?
I hope Akel has all of his teeth.
If he decides to count them
and some are missing
One, two, three, four
- Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
- Eight, nine, ten
Thirty-five teeth.
Circle, message.
Answer: Thirty-two teeth.
Circle, send.
If I got it wrong, my act is gone.
I got it right!
Doctor Akel! Or is it dentist?
He's a doctor, isn't he?
Congrats, Dr. Akel.
Circle, message.
Thirty-two teeth.
"Topic: Sports."
Oh, my God!
I know shit about sports!
And I have Dumaresq who also knows shit
about it. Oh, my God!
It's going to be JP.
- What if is Lorayne?
- JP is the only man.
How misogynist are you?
I'm gonna choose Marina.
The sport I practice is twerking.
Circle, message.
It could only be Marina. Send.
Oh, no
"I'm gonna choose JP."
Shoot. Let's go.
"What was the year
Ronaldo used this hairstyle
to play in the FIFA World Cup?"
Wait. Every four years.
That hairstyle was used in 1998.
It was in 2014.
I'm going to guess 1998.
Circle, message.
I can't believe it!
I knew it! Marina is from Méier.
She paints Brazil's flag on the streets.
"Topic: Culture."
Pick me! I think I got this.
Can Ana pick herself?
I'll put myself up there.
'Cause that topic it's so her.
Circle, message.
The player who is going to answer
this topic is Ana.
If Ana misses
Dude, you said you had a celebrity blog.
This is your time to shine.
I'll answer this topic.
"On this picture
you can see the singers,
from left to right"
"Ana and Vitória or Vitória and Ana?"
Damn it. I'm screwed.
Hey, for years,
you wrote a celebrity blog.
I have no idea.
If you get that wrong,
you shouldn't have mention
the celebrities.
I'll choose letter B. Send.
Ana and Vitória. Letter A.
The drums roll!
Here it comes the answer.
I got it right!
Jesus, she really got it wrong.
Virgin Mary.
I'm like,
"What kind of celebrity blog you had?"
Just for the record,
my Ana wouldn't know either.
So, at least, I'm into character.
It reflected poorly
on you.
"Topic: Geography."
You should have picked me now.
It's up to you, Lorayne.
I wonder how good Lorayne is
in Geography.
She probably went to prep school.
Go, Lorayne!
Looking down on your friends happiness?
The player who's going to answer
is Dumaresq.
The only one left,
so he'll have to answer.
I studied Geography in one semester
in college!
"What state capital
the following emojis represent?"
Race, finishing line, trophy.
What the hell is that? A hidden message?
If you put together
- race, flag, trophy
- Man from
I know he's in my team,
but I want him to get it wrong
so I'm not alone.
He's running, arriving somewhere
and getting the trophy.
Is it Brasília?
- Rio de Janeiro?
- Conquista?
The Federal District!
Is there a city called Vitória?
- Vitória!
- Vitória, man!
I'm gonna guess Vitória.
Please, get it right, Lorayne!
The answer, Circle.
Write the following message: Vitória!
I knew it!
I'm the only one who got it wrong.
That was close!
Virgin Mary!
Go, Blue Team!
"It's a tie between the two teams,
so the captains need to choose a player
to answer the last question."
This is it.
So, if we lose, it won't be my fault!
Circle, message.
Don't choose me. I already got it wrong.
I'm gonna choose @JP
"I'm gonna choose JP.
I'll give him another shot
to get it right and make us the champions.
Give another shot to someone
who got it wrong? Does it makes sense?
That player is Akel.
They choose me for the penalty.
I think she overrated Akel.
"What is the diameter
on The Circle neon sign?"
The radius is half of a diameter,
so double the radius.
- JP must be in his apartment like
- measuring with this hand.
One, two
Circle, message.
I think I'm way off,
but I guess 55 meters.
Circle, send.
That's too much!
Look through your window, dumbass!
Go, JP! I trust you!
Circle, message.
That was really hard,
but I'm going to guess 60 meters.
He said the double
of what I had estimated.
62,84 METERS
I wasn't that bad!
I was off by only 7,84 meters.
I'm a math genius!
There's no way someone got closer
than I did on that one.
It has to be me.
Blue Team!
Suck it, Pink Team!
I want to die!
Jeez, I never win anything in my life!
I'm going to be off-line,
I can't even say I'm sorry.
The face of defeat.
Oh, my God!
A cold beer.
Thanks, team!
That's awesome!
Come to daddy!
Hey, JP, can you hold me a piece?
All I have to say to the Pink Team is,
"She Fights!"
Why does it have to be
through the downs and downs?
It tastes so much better after the win.
Happiness for ones, misery for others.
Are you kidding me?
I'm off-line for real.
I'm really sorry, Pink Team.
Cheers to you.
The Circle likes to humiliate.
Luma, pose. Let's send a picture to Ana.
I made my team lose on my first day.
They're probably smelling my pizza.
I'm over here, salivating.
- Cheers to JP.
- JP.
- Beer?
- Cheers to Lorayne.
To Ray, the captain.
I deserve it.
That's just for the privileged.
How about sharing that abundance?
"The Blue Team's chat is open."
Let's chat with the girls.
Circle, open Blue Team's chat.
Circle, message.
Blue Team for the win!
Cheers to us!
Circle, message.
I want to congratulate each
and every one of you
that did your best on the answers.
You go, girl!
Circle, message.
What was that, team?
JP went straight for the win!
"That was crazy!
Pizza, bray" Bray?
"Pizza, bree"
I don't get it.
I never called it beer in my life.
I call it "brew."
I think she meant pizza and beer, right?
Lorayne is kissing JP's ass,
saying that he went straight for the win
and such
She's kissing ass.
But he's onto her.
I'm thinking about saying,
"We were a team before,
now we're closer than ever."
But then Lorayne'll know about
my alliance with the girls from the North,
which is shooting myself in the foot.
And Lorayne doesn't know about that.
It's better to keep this way.
- Lorayne is out of place.
- Yeah.
Circle, message.
Ray, congratulations
on your choices, captain.
Clearly, JP didn't change
with Lorayne at all.
You can't ask him to act like Luma would.
Not like Luma.
Any person that's upset about something
wouldn't act like that.
I think he needs to take sides.
Or it will came across as hypocritical.
He's not trustworthy.
I don't have any problems with Lorayne,
among all people here,
she's the one I least relate to
I think that's how he plays,
pretending that nothing happened.
My next ratings
will reflect everything
that just happened.
It's not the time
to think about ratings, right?
Focus on the win and have fun!
Oh, my God! That scared me! What was that?
It's my party!
Hands up.
Let's go.
I don't care about the party.
I do. I would like to listen
to some music.
I can't believe it.
I thought it would be easier
to win The Circle.
But I can even win a pizza.
Subtitle translation by Natalie Botello
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