The Decameron (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

This Is Awful, And You'll Never Recover

[opening theme music playing]
[music fades]
Leave me alone! I've done nothing wrong!
What? You've done everything wrong!
["Shock the Monkey"
by peter Gabriel playing]
[Pampinea squealing]
This way! This way!
[Pampinea] This will haunt me to my grave!
[Sirisco] Hurry! Hurry!
Cut her off!
- [man] Over there!
- [man 2] Where?
[man] Over there!
[man 2] All right, go over there!
[man] Keep going!
[man 2] I just saw her hiding!
- [Pampinea squealing]
- [man] This way!
[Pampinea screaming]
[man] Here!
No, no, no!
Come now! We can't let her get away!
- [indistinct clamoring]
- [Sirisco grunting]
[Sirisco] Come on, Sirisco.
[Pampinea] Misia!
[Pampinea panting, screaming]
[man] This way!
[Stratilia] Jacopo!
[Jacopo] Mom!
- Mom!
- [Stratilia] Jacopo!
- [Jacopo] Mom! Mom! Mom!
- Jacopo!
- [Jacopo] Mama!
- [Stratilia] I'm here.
- Mama.
- I'm here.
I'm here.
[Jacopo] Mama!
[Stratilia] Hold on, hold on.
[music fades]
[Stratilia straining]
- [Jacopo] Mom.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- Are you hurt?
- Are you okay?
- No. I'm just scared.
[panting] Are you okay?
Are you are you hurt?
[both panting]
I'm I'm burned and ashamed.
My friendship with Tindaro got us here.
It's my mistake.
- No.
- I failed you.
[Jacopo crying]
Everyone, look behind doors.
There's a lot of doors.
Wow, this is quite a space.
[Sirisco] That spider could be anywhere.
- No, I mean it's lovely here.
- [all murmuring] Nice.
Thank you, yes.
And Pampinea's ruining it.
This was built by Benedictine monks,
and now it's littered with her hats.
[chuckling] And some of them
are over the top.
Most of them are over the top!
Is she the woman you were talking about?
[crickets chirping]
Yes. It means a lot to me
that you were listening.
Oh, thank you.
Now, we have to find her,
we have to get rid of her,
and then we can share
in this wonderful villa together.
And we can do as the nobles do.
We can drink wine, and we can tell stories
of perverted women!
[Sirisco cackling]
- And perverted monks.
- Yeah.
All right, now, please, please, please,
please, please, keep your eyes open.
But beware.
She will lull you
[quietly] because she is
a beautiful woman.
- [woman] Where?
- [man] This way.
[whimsical music playing]
Old friend, I thought you were dead.
Yeah, I almost was,
by those disgusting mercenary men.
Licisca was being a huge bitch.
I was like,
"Where's that Misia when you need her?"
[Misia chuckling]
It's so weird that you're Filomena.
No, it makes perfect sense.
[music fades]
I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, I missed you so much.
I missed you too, you low-hanging branch.
Oh, thank you, you uneven stump.
[Misia] Hmm.
We need to find Pampinea, though,
before they do.
She just tried to burn Stratilia
at the stake.
Maybe we let them find her.
I can't let them hurt her.
You can't or you won't?
Anyway, tell me everything I have missed.
[Tindaro] Stratilia! [panting]
My boy, you're okay.
You're a warrior at heart, as I suspected.
Stratilia, I wanted
to tell you something.
I do understand why you refused
my proposal earlier at the pyre.
It it was quite a busy time for you.
But seeing you in danger
made me desperate to ensure your comfort.
I'm a wealthy man. I can protect you.
And there is, as you know,
a fierce erotic bond between us.
So now, I ask you
in all calmness
All right.
Are you hurt?
Did that redheaded harpy
mar your precious legs?
We need a doctor.
Jacopo [snaps fingers]
send for Sirisco, who can send for
a messenger, who can send for a doctor.
Money is of no importance.
It's endless in this case.
Stop talking.
- Stop talking?
- You never stop talking.
- My love
- Please, stop talking.
Come on.
[dramatic music playing]
[Licisca groaning]
Stratilia, where's Dioneo?
[Stratilia] Dead.
[Stratilia] Dead.
Oh God.
Shit. What am I gonna do?
Not sure. Bye.
No, Stratilia, please.
I have a really bad wound.
Please can you help me?
I can, Licisca, but I won't.
What? Why?
I'm taking my son,
and we're leaving this place for good.
- We are?
- Yes.
- But where are we gonna go?
- Someplace else.
Please. Without your help,
I will die here,
and I have to get out of this place.
I wanna leave just as badly as you do.
Mom, be nice.
No, I'm not putting a noble's business
above our own ever again, Jacopo. No.
But she's not a noble, she's a servant.
Good paying attention.
Okay. Go to the hut, pack our things.
I will tend to her,
but we leave at sunrise.
- Can I play with Tindaro first?
- No.
Come lay on the table.
This is gonna feel just awful.
[Licisca grunting]
[music fades]
I wish I could've been here
to see it fall apart.
Were you quite satisfied to see Ruggiero
and his lunatics get their just rewards?
[Misia exhaling]
[Misia exhaling] Yeah, I was.
Ruggiero is in there.
[Filomena] Ruggiero is alive?
But I thought you said
everyone died of the plague.
No, he's not alive,
or no, not everyone died of the plague?
What's going on?
Pampinea, sh
Pampinea what?
She asked me to kill Ruggiero.
And you did it?
[whispering] Yeah. Kind of.
I Yeah, I definitely I did it.
She made you murder?
He was there, so had to be done.
No, it didn't have to be done.
My friend, you look disturbed.
Your eyes are dimmed.
Come on.
They're the same as they've always been.
And I am the same Misia. [scoffs]
Aboard The Brassy Saint
There sailed a man named Ivy ♪
And when he smiled-- ♪
Shh. Misia, I know you love her, but with
what has happened, you have to leave her.
And I will help you. She is a bad person.
I will not leave any space
for your loyalty to her.
If you do not cut out the rot,
what will happen to you?
- I'll be fine.
- [Filomena] You will not be fine.
You'll be stamped out.
You'll be extinguished.
[breathing shakily] Shit.
I want to cut her out.
I feel like I'm suffocating.
I feel like I'm suffocating.
Help me, please. Help me.
- [Misia crying]
- [somber music playing]
I want you to be free.
You can be free.
I feel free when I'm with you.
[Sirisco] Pampinea?
Check this room.
There's a closet in the back corner.
Is she in there?
- She is.
- [Sirisco] Really?
Oh, you mean Neifile, your wife's body.
- Yes.
- Sorry.
I lied.
- What?
- [Panfilo] Before she died.
Can't I undo it now?
I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Will you help me bury her?
I don't think I can do it myself.
Yes. Yes, I'll help
I'll help you, Panfilo.
As soon as I find Pampinea,
and toss her out a window!
That shout was for her benefit.
I understand.
In the meantime,
maybe you could say a prayer.
She seemed to enjoy
that sort of thing, right?
Oh, here's my new friends.
Yes. Yes, they live here now, as equals.
- Hmm. Could she be in the walls?
- She could be anywhere.
She's tiny.
She could fit into a large jar.
Come, come. Hurry. Please.
Keep an eye out for large jars.
[indistinct chattering]
[somber music playing]
Dear Almighty Father
Father, I know I said
I wasn't sure about you
[breathing deeply, exhaling]
but I will take any mercy you can bestow.
Any meager crumb.
I can't bear this grief,
this anger, this guilt.
Help me.
Neifile, help me.
- [Licisca yelling]
- [Stratilia] Okay. [shushing]
[Licisca groaning loudly]
[Stratilia] Okay, okay.
Haven't even started yet.
Breathe, sweetheart.
[Licisca groaning]
[Licisca] Whoa.
And the feathers are for?
The shafts go over the barbs
in the arrowhead,
so when I pull it out,
it doesn't dig in as much.
- Oh right.
- The hard part is finding the barb.
All right, breathe in, two, three
[Licisca groaning, exhaling]
Where did you learn to do this?
Leonardo once shot his favorite dog,
and I took it upon myself to save her.
When he returns, he's gonna hate
what they did to this place.
Leonardo's been dead for weeks.
I have to get out of here.
- [squelching]
- [Licisca yelling]
- Okay.
- Fuck!
[Stratilia] First one is the worst.
[Licisca groaning]
Oh, so your son was cute.
Yep, my Jacopo.
- Mmm.
- Leonardo was his father.
That's, uh
- That's surprising.
- Yep.
[Licisca groaning loudly]
Uh, talk more. Tell me more about
your affair with the wretched noble.
- Oh my God.
- Okay. It started out nice between us.
Leonardo was very romantic
when he was in the mood.
He told me he loved me.
I'm embarrassed to admit
how long that worked.
I believed until it was obvious
that he didn't care.
And then I had Jacopo and had to stay.
- You weren't together when he died?
- [Stratilia] No, not for years.
I wouldn't even sleep in the house.
He was generous enough though.
He said he would bequeath Jacopo
all that was his.
- So the villa could be his.
- It means nothing now that he's gone.
If it ever did mean anything.
- [yelping] Blast this fucking arrow.
- [Stratilia] Okay.
- You talk, all right? Talk.
- [Licisca] Okay.
Turns out Filomena is my sister,
and she knew
and just kept me as her servant.
[scoffs] So you're a noble too.
Well, no more than your son.
- [squelching]
- [Licisca yelping]
My whole life, I scrubbed the floors
of my father and my sisters,
them knowing what I was
and quite content with the arrangement.
I slept on filthy reeds
while they slept
in feather beds, laughing.
They laughed while they slept?
Laughing at my suffering and debasement.
I wanted to believe
that Tindaro was better than Leonardo,
that things would be different this time.
But the only difference
was that his smallness and selfishness
were far more obvious.
I enjoyed the power,
but I don't like the person.
Tindaro means nothing to me.
No, me either.
- I guess, fuck 'em all, then.
- Fuck 'em all.
[dramatic music playing]
[Stratilia] All right, you'll live.
I think.
Just remember to keep this leg up
and rest till you leave.
Thank you for taking care of me.
It's a stupid thing I can't get away from.
[dramatic music swelling]
[Tindaro gulping]
[Tindaro belching]
[Tindaro sighing]
Take me, death.
May Stratilia find me and weep.
[music fades]
While I was out there,
I was thinking about you,
and you kept me warm.
[Filomena moaning]
I like you.
I know.
- I feel free. I can be free.
- Screw Pampinea.
[Misia] Screw Pampinea.
[both giggling]
["Just Like Honey"
by The Jesus and Mary Chain playing]
Listen to the girl ♪
As she takes on half the world ♪
Moving up and so alive ♪
In her honey dripping beehive ♪
[Misia breathing heavily]
Beehive ♪
It's good, so good, it's so good ♪
[both breathing heavily]
Walking back to you ♪
Is the hardest thing for me to do ♪
[Filomena gasping softly]
[Filomena moaning]
[chest creaking]
Just like honey ♪
Just like honey ♪
- [Filomena moaning]
- Just like honey ♪
Just like honey ♪
[song fades]
[crickets chirping]
Arriguccio, did you search the attics?
No trace of her there, Sirisco.
Well, there's three attics.
I I counted four.
[Sirisco] Hmm.
Sirisco, I thought we might search
the kitchen together,
and whilst we're there, grab a bite
of that food that you promised.
How could you eat
at a time like this? Please.
Pampinea could be watching us right now!
Just a reminder that we are starving.
Sirisco, may I speak?
As a friend?
A treasured friend.
Perhaps you've let this Pampinea woman
weigh too heavily on your mind.
Did she get to you?
- No.
- She pay you to say that?
- No.
- Yeah, she did.
- [Arriguccio] No.
- Spider!
No, friend, be calm.
The woman can do you no harm anymore.
You know she used me?
Even lied to me and made me believe
she was pregnant with my child.
- She's your lover.
- [softly] Oh yeah.
She loved this.
[Sirisco growling softly]
[Arriguccio] Hmm.
[Sirisco's growling continues]
That siren makes me a fool again.
- No. No, Sirisco, no.
- You're right, this is pointless.
She has no power over us, right?
So should we go and get some food?
[whimsical music playing]
- Let's gorge ourselves.
- Yeah.
We'll pig out. Come, come, come.
- [all chattering]
- [Sirisco chuckling] Come.
[music fades]
- Do we have to leave?
- Yes.
- Can Tindaro come?
- No.
I can't believe
I'm losing my first friend.
I just got him.
- He's not your friend.
- Yes, he is.
Well, I'm sorry, sweetheart,
you can make another one.
Where are we going?
How far is it? Do you even know?
No, I don't. I don't. Okay?
But I will.
[crickets chirping]
The lady said the villa belongs to me.
Well, it doesn't
because I wasn't married to him.
And, in their minds,
you're a peasant. You're nothing.
You're a notch above dirt.
- How can you say I'm a notch above dirt?
- Because I am too.
It's no bad thing. It's not anything.
It's just where the world placed us.
I'm glad of who we are.
[contemplative music playing]
[Jacopo sighing]
She said the villa belongs to me.
And she's rich.
What if
What if this whole thing is for us?
Things can be for us, can't they?
Things can be for us.
If if we take them.
[dramatic music playing]
[choir vocalizing]
[Tindaro groaning]
[Tindaro groaning loudly]
Brother, are you ill?
[crickets chirping]
[Panfilo] Oh.
I should be.
What kind of a man
can't even kill himself?
A weak one, I suppose.
Yes exactly.
I am exactly that.
A weak man.
I feel flat.
Me too.
Despite my most gentlemanly pleadings,
I've lost the only woman
I've ever really loved
At least she's still here.
Neifile has left me.
I have no one,
and it's my fault.
I could have let her be a nun. I
I didn't have to marry her.
I'm as alone as you.
No you aren't.
I am.
I found a woman who I admire,
not just as an object,
but as a human person.
And that human person
will never love me back.
She's basically dead.
[Tindaro grunting]
[whimsical music playing]
[Tindaro yelling]
[Tindaro] My eye.
[Licisca groaning]
[Licisca] Oh.
My bloody fiancé.
You look
A vision?
No, I was going to say
you look quite destroyed.
yes, you look a vision.
Didn't I love her well?
You loved her well,
but you loved her wrong.
I'm sorry for loving you wrong too.
Well, you didn't really love me, did you?
I thought I did.
[birds chirping]
Though perhaps not,
given how easily it turned to hate.
Yeah, well, I've had a lifetime
of being loved wrong.
Or, I guess, not at all.
When the sun breaks, I'm gonna walk away
from the bonds of it all.
- What does that mean?
- [Licisca] I'm going at all this alone.
Independence is the greatest luxury.
I'm gonna take it all for myself.
Doesn't that sound divine?
Not at all.
The most divine thing in the world
is having someone worth loving.
- Shall I jump in this moat?
- No.
When the pestilence ends,
you can come and live with me in Firenze.
As your servant?
[Filomena breathing deeply]
As my friend.
I don't think I want servants anymore.
That's the battiest thing I've ever heard.
Me not work.
Well, what will you do?
You won't be working for Pampinea anymore.
I suppose you're right.
I won't be.
[Filomena] Yeah.
After we leave here,
you'll never have to see her again.
- [both kissing]
- [dramatic music playing]
[yelling silently]
Conviction is powerful,
and we have it on our side.
This place belonged to your father,
so it belongs to you.
If anyone disagrees,
they can come through me.
Whoa, Mom.
I hate those flowers.
I'm taking the villa.
Can I come?
[Stratilia] Fuck off.
Good for her.
[clearing throat]
[gasping] Oh, whoa. It looks so cool.
You look like, uh, the lady.
I look far more beautiful
than Pampinea, Jacopo.
Okay, I'm ready.
[footsteps approaching]
[Andreoli whistling]
[Panfilo] Andreoli.
God, what happened to you?
They beat me.
What happened to you?
Did she go?
I'm sorry.
I lied to her at the end,
and she could tell.
[birds chirping]
And we had just promised no more lies.
And it made her so scared.
And she went so scared.
I feel so much pain.
I I can't move through it.
- What do you want me to tell ya?
- The truth.
She is dead.
And your loss does not make you unique.
We have all suffered.
I have delivered the message of death
a hundred times.
And I am but one handsome messenger.
Panfilo, it's awful,
and you will never recover.
This is awful
and I'll never recover.
[Panfilo chuckling]
That's the truth of it.
Well, maybe I can cheer you up
with some more terrible news.
[tense music playing]
Do you have a copy
of The Fables of Avianus?
You can read?
N-no, but a person
can still be interested in a book.
Yeah, true indeed.
The Visconte Leonardo
possessed a fine library,
which you are more than welcome to peruse.
Which, I guess is yours now. [chuckling]
[screaming] Get her!
You look shiny.
Sirisco, I'm taking the villa.
It belongs to Jacopo,
and I am his old spinster mother.
You may stay on as steward.
[Sirisco chuckling]
You're taking the villa?
Jacopo is the heir.
That is the way of things.
[Sirisco] Is it?
'Cause the villa belongs to no one.
Leonardo is dead.
We should share
in its resources, Stratilia.
It should be run by the people.
[Stratilia tutting]
Jacopo is the people.
I'm the people.
It's my turn.
[dramatic music playing]
[quietly] Good God.
We have another bitch on our hands.
Friends? Friends, come now.
The holiday is over.
Hey, Panfilo. Come sit with us.
I have news. Dreadful news.
Mercenaries are coming here.
Uh, the mercenaries?
The ones that did this to me?
She she keeps moaning about her leg.
- How long do we have until they arrive?
- Perhaps a few hours.
[Panfilo] Andreoli told me
they were coming.
He also told them that the villa
is fortified with armored knights.
But it's not.
He knows that.
He's bought us some time here.
Okay, everyone [shushing]
Licisca, I demand
more information from you.
How many mercenaries are there?
Is there any chance
they're physically stronger than me?
It's a small army.
We're lucky we're here.
The villa itself is well fortified.
We need a plan.
[Licisca] We could buy them off.
Sirisco, does Leonardo
have some hidden treasure room?
[Sirisco] Mm-mm, mm-mm.
[smacking lips] Oh.
There is, um, Pampinea's dowry.
Oh yes.
The enormous dowry with which she hoped
to buy Leonardo's heart.
The whore.
But that would make Leonardo the whore.
- Would that work?
- Maybe. They're quite corrupt.
[Sirisco] Well, it has to work.
And in the meantime, our quest
to find Pampinea has been renewed.
- [Filomena] I found Pampinea!
- What?
[dramatic music playing]
Pampinea, we need your dowry
to save the villa.
Where are your jewels?
Uh, what? My my dowry?
- I
- Don't you dare
It's in her trunk.
It's in her trunk.
[music fades]
[Misia] Where is it?
Where is the fancy bag?
Has somebody been going
through your things?
Just go and sit.
There are soldiers coming here, yes?
If if the dowry will save us,
by all means, take it. Take it.
[Sirisco] Shut up.
[chest creaking]
Where's Stratilia?
I I owe her an apology.
Of course she's not a witch.
You stay away from her.
Guess I owe you all an apology, don't I?
I wanted love so badly, I made one up,
and the lie made me
lose myself for a moment.
[Sirisco] Lose yourself?
You manipulated every person in this room.
[Pampinea] I know.
I'm sorry, Sirisco.
I'm I'm so ashamed.
It's too late.
The bag isn't here.
The dowry is It's gone.
Where is it, Pampinea?
Did you grab it
while Sirisco was hunting you?
- I promise you, I don't have it.
- [dramatic music playing]
You're lying.
- I swear I'm not.
- She's lying!
Okay, stop.
Maybe she just needs some time
to brace herself before she tells us.
Brace herself? She's not swallowing a bug.
I promise on our friendship,
I do not have it.
Friendship? [scoffing]
Funny how you still consider
Misia your friend.
We are still friends.
Misia, this woman cares only for herself
and how you can advance her interests.
When you fail in any way, she pretends
you have fallen out of her heart.
That's a lie.
Then she smiles and allows you to,
just this once, earn your way back in.
And for a while, she's gleeful.
And you're gleeful because she's gleeful.
But she is only gleeful
because she knows her system works.
You have proven it.
- No, it's a little bit more complicated
- [Filomena] Yes, Misia. Yes.
I know this because I am this.
Or I was this.
[Pampinea] Misia, no.
[softly] Misia, it's not true.
Misia, please,
step away from this woman.
Misia, you know that I love you.
Well, I suppose she is no use to us
without her jewels, so
take her away, boys.
- You are useless.
- Well, it is time to say goodbye, my lady.
- Let's go.
- Sirisco, no.
- [Sirisco] Goodbye.
- No!
Sirisco, Sirisco, perhaps
one of your poverty-stricken friends
came across my dowry.
[music fades]
What did you just say?
I don't blame them.
It's in their nature.
They couldn't help themselves.
[softly] You need to get as far away
from here as humanly possible.
You can't tell me to leave this place.
Who do you think you are?
Who do I think I am?
It's obvious, isn't it?
Right, okay, Sirisco, that's a knife.
[Sirisco roaring]
[Sirisco] It's the one
you've been waiting for.
- [Sirisco yelling]
- [Pampinea gasping]
Your beloved Visconte Leonardo.
I'm finally here.
Sorry I got sidetracked
with some Venetian whores,
but I'm back.
I'm here, and I'm ready
to get acquainted with my new bride.
And I'm gonna suck her dry.
[tense music playing]
[Misia smacking lips]
[Sirisco] But first,
do you know what I need?
The dowry.
It's my payment.
Let's be honest,
it's the only reason I chose you.
I mean, look at you.
[Sirisco chuckling]
So where are they?
- [Sirisco grunting]
- [Pampinea gasping]
Show me the jewels.
I don't have them.
- [Pampinea] No! Misia. Misia, help!
- [Sirisco] Time to go!
[Pampinea] Misia, I don't wanna go!
Misia, how could you?
[dramatic music playing]
- Misia!
- [Sirisco] Stop!
- Misia!
- [Sirisco] Stop it!
[Pampinea] Don't let them
put me out there alone!
Sirisco, a moment. A moment, please.
- [Pampinea] I won't make it without you!
- [Misia] Please, please.
- Stop!
- Enough! That's enough!
[Pampinea breathing heavily]
[Misia panting]
Goodbye, Pampinea.
I know you're gonna be
just fine on your own.
As will we.
[tense music playing]
[softly] Misia, listen to me. Please.
[suspenseful music playing]
You all stink!
[Sirisco chuckling]
[suspenseful music swelling]
[music fades]
All right. Things are going to be
different around here. [chuckling]
Uh, Sirisco, everybody,
I think it's time
that we turn our attention
to someone who actually deserves it.
[somber music playing]
Um, thanks.
I came here to evade the truth of things.
To buy time with pleasant distractions.
A holiday. [scoffing]
But that holiday was fleeting,
as are they all.
And now,
I'm left with only truth.
Neifile, without you
I am lost.
[Sirisco sighing]
I held my sister as she died.
Right before she went,
she couldn't see.
And in that moment,
my own eyes failed me,
so badly did I wanna take her place.
She used to clean the fireplaces for me
when I was too tired.
I had Lisabetta.
[music fades]
[Tindaro] And Carlotto.
Luigi, Antonio.
Scarlata and Tedaldo.
And my mother Caterina.
She, of course, died at my birth.
I understand that even my baby brain
was so enormous, it murdered her.
And Dioneo.
My uncle took his death
standing up, which
I don't know, made me sad.
He used to like to hit me about the ears,
but he was still kind to me.
She she was beautiful and gentle.
She had large feet.
Damn this pestilence.
[man] Oh no.
A horse kicked her.
My Lucia.
She hated me until her last breath.
And I get why.
My dove.
[contemplative music playing]
- Eduar
- Dad.
Hey. Licisca.
Hey, wait.
[Licisca sniffling]
Do you want to talk about him?
- I still don't wanna talk to you.
- [Filomena] I'm sorry.
I lied because Father asked me to lie.
I can't find any part in me
that can forgive you.
We have to try.
What's the point in having family
if you can't have
their unconditional love?
I'm to start treating you like family?
When were you supposed
to start doing the same?
Certainly not the years I washed
the shit out of your chamber pots,
cleaned your shit-stained clothes.
You make it sound like I'm always in poop.
You never have to do hard things.
I always do.
That's the difference between you and me.
I never have to do hard things?
That's absurd.
What's something you have ever done
for someone else?
I tore Pampinea down for Misia's sake.
Yeah, right. Well, what's something
you ever ever ever did for me?
How about when I saved your life?
[Licisca scoffing]
When did you do that?
I told you Dad was dead
so that we wouldn't get sick and die
from the plague, and that saved us.
What do you mean?
He was dead.
You said he was gone.
- [music fades]
- I lied.
We left him to die alone?
He'd understand.
How could you?
He was so obviously going to die,
and so would we if we had stayed.
I saved us.
Oh [scoffing]
Yeah. Yeah, no, I I forgot we're saved.
[Filomena sighing]
I refuse to be tied to you forever.
Always serving your needs, saving you.
You're helpless,
and you deserve to go it alone.
I know that's what I want.
["Debaser" by Pixies playing]
[door creaking]
Got me a movie, I want you to know ♪
Slicing up eyeballs
I want you to know ♪
Girlie so groovy, I want you to know ♪
Don't know about you, but I am un ♪
Chien Andalusia, I am un ♪
Chien Andalusia, wanna grow up to be ♪
Be a debaser ♪
Debaser ♪
Debaser ♪
[twig snapping]
[muffled] I had no choice.
Got me a movie ♪
Thought they were Leonardo's.
There is no Leonardo.
[Pampinea grunting]
[Pampinea] Tell them.
Tell them I had to take my dowry.
It's my whole worth.
[Licisca] Hmm.
Where you where you going with that?
Hey, the villa is the other way.
Stop! That's my dowry!
Fuck yeah, signora.
Debaser ♪
[horse neighing]
- [footsteps approaching]
- [armor clanking]
[ending theme music playing]
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