The Defeated (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


You scared?
I don't know.
I mean, you know.
I got to go.
Hey. Max, it's okay.
You got the next round.
Yeah, yeah.
You should've hugged him,
little brother.
I wonder what she'd be like today.
You ever think about that?
I remembered what Mom used to tell me
when I didn't want to go to school.
She'd say, "One day,
you're gonna graduate, get married",
and have a kid who you love
just as much as I love you.
"And it's all gonna be worth it."
But now, I'm grown up
and all I've got is me.
That's it. Just me.
But look at you.
You've got a lovely wife
and a great kid.
And it took me a while to realize,
but I'm jealous of you.
You know,
Jimmy, he's eight now.
He hasn't seen you in three years,
and he needs his dad.
Just like we did.
So if you change your mind
and you want to come home
and be with your son
you let me know,
and we'll go home.
But if you don't
I never want
to fucking see you again.
You understand?
We're not going back, Max.
We're finishing this.
I'm trying to explain this to you.
We have to act now.
There's only a handful of these guys
going to trial at Nuremberg.
Most of them
are going back to their lives
like nothing ever happened.
These fucking Nazis, they
they escaped through Italy,
and from there,
they grab a boat to North Africa
or South America,
but it's trickier for the big fishes
to slip through, right?
They need another route.
So the big ones, the top Nazis,
they're all getting out
on secret flights.
- Secret flights?
- Yeah, that's right. That's right.
They've got secret flights
where they're flying out ex-Nazis
and it's all under the table.
They're trading antiquities.
That's how they pay to get out,
you know.
It's not with money.
It's stolen art and other shit.
Here, look at this.
What's this?
It's a lost piece by Bach,
never been played before.
You know, classical music.
Apparently, it's worth a shitload
because it guarantees safe passage
for some big-time Nazi
and his family out of here.
Right on time. Good girl.
- Who is that?
- That is Oberlander's wife.
See, she's about to make a payment
to guarantee her
and her little Nazi children
safe passage out of town.
Yeah, here we go.
Hey, look.
That's your boss.
Big fucking surprise.
Okay, where's the gun?
It's time to use it.
If he's guilty, he's going to trial.
What do you mean "if"?
You seeing something I'm not seeing?
Don't fucking worry
about Tom Franklin.
That's not why I'm here.
I'm here because of you,
and now I'm leaving.
You just saw him
with your own fucking eyes.
What aren't you getting?
I can't do this anymore.
I can't.
You and I are done.
He's getting away.
No. He's not.
Show us
how you will activate the bomb.
Like Karl explained, first prep
first prep.
Before I enter, I insert
the detonator into the explosives.
Show me what will you insert
into the explosives.
That's the pliers.
I I I meant this.
Please. I meant this.
Can I take a break?
Just for a moment?
It's all very confusing. Please.
What do you do
after you've prepared the explosives?
I enter the station.
Then, I put the briefcase
on the floor,
I say I have to go to the toilet,
then I leave.
No. First, you crush
the copper tube
so the acid can leak through.
That's what I meant. Sorry.
You can take a break now.
- Have a little lie down, Trude.
- Thank you.
Operation Valkyrie failed
and they were soldiers. Officers.
They were trying
to assassinate Hitler.
Of course they were nervous.
While she's not?
She's a wreck.
What are we going to do about her?
A mother will do anything
for her daughters.
Take him to the sick bay.
Take him, don't stand here.
You're soaked.
Dreadfully sorry to inform you,
but this party's over.
Where's Tom?
I want to talk to you.
"The worst is not."
So long as we can say,
"'This is the worst.'"
You're drunk.
Getting there.
Maybe now is not the best time.
No, tell me.
Why are you here?
Have you changed your mind, Mr. Max?
Perhaps you realize
Your husband
helps Nazis escape, Claire.
They pay him in stolen art,
and he somehow
flies them out of the city
on diplomatic carriers.
He's setting up George
to take the fall.
I'm sorry.
I see.
And you're telling me this
not because you care about me
in any particular way, but because
I do care for you.
But I need you
to help me find evidence.
- Claire.
- I think
I think you should leave.
- Claire
- Get out of my house!
Get out! You have no right!
Get out of my house!
Your girls,
they're so beautiful.
The older one?
Is that her name?
I saw it on her schoolbag.
And the little one
looks just like you.
I noticed ballet shoes
above your daughter's bed.
They looked too big
to be your daughter's.
They're mine.
Please don't hurt my girls.
Do you know
what I'll do to your girls
if you don't do what we ask?
There we go.
Ow! God!
What is it, George?
I don't know. I think I just sat
on something kind of sharp.
Why are we meeting here?
It sounded as if
- it was important.
- Yeah, it is. It is urgent.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
I just feel a little
Never mind. Never mind. Anyway,
it's about those flights out of here.
I've noticed something
You noticed?
Yeah. The Germans are flying out.
Someone's issued them
false documents, and
I'm sorry.
Shit. I think I'm going to be sick.
George, what's going on?
I don't know.
I think I just have to
What happened?
You're still up.
What happened to your hand?
I took a shortcut.
There was debris on the street
I had to clear
I didn't know you left.
Well, I didn't plan to, but
I had to take Bob Travis
to this meeting.
Late meeting.
Well, it was with the Brits
Brits don't attend meetings
in the middle of the night.
We're in bed by 11:00
with a nice warm toddy.
It's in our constitution.
You're drunk.
Rather so, I'm afraid.
But I'll be sober tomorrow.
Whereas you
What happened to your hand?
Do you know why
I didn't want to have another go?
Claire, I know you're afraid of
another miscarriage, but I never
That's what I told you,
but that's not the reason.
You don't make me feel strong.
I think that's what it's all about,
making the one you love feel strong.
You never will.
- I set the timer
- Good.
And next?
This is next.
Before I go in I put the detonator
into the explosive
- And this goes here
- No, no.
- Oh, right, this goes before that.
- Yes. Keep going.
I think this?
I'm sorry.
I know I can get this right.
Ah, fuck!
Again, again.
It's me. Open the door.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry for coming so late, but
can you hold onto these for me?
Just for a couple days.
What is it?
I don't know.
It's some musical notes.
I guess they've never
been played before.
- It's very mysterious.
- I know. I'm sorry.
Thank you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Night.
Ah, one one one more thing.
Say I had a bag of gold.
Big fucking thing.
And I could only spend it in Berlin
on one thing.
Where would I spend it?
Books. Teachers.
- That's three things.
- No, that's one. The future.
The future.
Any other guidance
I can assist you with?
You're funny now, real funny.
Try my best.
Thank you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
The American Max McLaughlin,
he just gave me a
It's just a flesh wound.
It's the TB.
Standing in the rain for so long.
Didn't he receive his medicine?
Not enough.
That's all. Leave.
The doctor tells me
you are about to die.
Do you want to die?
Do you want to meet your wife again?
Tell me why.
A good Saturday.
No war.
Tell me about you and your wife
having a good Saturday.
She reads to me
while I make her coffee.
She walks me to work.
You work on Saturdays?
At people's homes.
You're a handyman?
I am a tuner.
What does that mean?
I tune pianos.
You tune pianos.
I do.
- You don't have to do this.
- I don't have to do what?
- Keep me alive.
- I know, you told me.
Someone else already is.
It would never have worked.
Your idea is good,
but she was just too close to them.
But I have an idea.
You're the same height.
You're more firm in your figure
than she,
but you have the same shape.
You even have the same eyes.
Did you kill her?
Not me.
I'm offering you a chance
to set things right, Karin.
I can't just walk
into a police station.
They are looking for me,
they'll recognize me.
You arrive late, fast, discreet,
put the briefcase down, leave.
She is blonde.
And you're going to be.
You're going to be blonde.
What is it, Karin?
Do you want to say something?
She was a mother,
she had two children.
No loose ends.
I found them.
In the basement.
- How many?
- I don't know.
Too many.
I'm sorry.
Tomorrow, I'm leaving for London.
Please feel free
to tear my husband apart
in whatever fashion you may fancy.
After the rain
comes me.
Take these.
This might just work.
And last but not least,
something sweet.
This gave
the panzer divisions courage
and stamina
on their way to Stalingrad.
- Chocolate?
- Fine chocolate.
Laced with the Fuhrer's
own pervitin.
Made right here in Berlin.
Eat it twenty minutes before.
- The whole bar?
- The whole bar.
You need the pervitin.
And you need to put some flesh
on those hips.
if you'll excuse me,
I need to get our shooters
into position.
Good luck.
Mr. McLaughlin?
Sorry, I'm running late.
There is a note here for you.
Thank you.
"Too bad you're leaving.
You'll miss my finest work yet."
Where are the Alt-Bayern Hotel
I put them on your desk.
- Everyone's downstairs, Trude.
- Right.
Has anyone seen Max?
You're late, Trude.
seems like we have to start
without our American friend.
Remember this?
Anne Christine Friedrich
from Dresden.
She was raped and murdered.
Remember what I asked of you?
To instil this city with hope
rather than fear.
Well, today we're going
after the man
who ordered the kill
of Anne Christine and the two GIs.
We cannot allow this man,
or any man,
to get away with such atrocities.
Today is the day we make him pay.
Today is the day
we catch the Angel Maker.
Monika, I need you to go
to the American Consulate
and make sure
they're aware of our operation.
We'll split into groups.
One will go to the French
- It's her! It's that waitress!
- Grab her! Eva!
Bomb! Everybody to the vault.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Eva! Eva, come on!
Karl, you stay here and help her!
Everyone else, with me!
She couldn't have gone far.
Come, help me.
Come on! Quickly!
Don't shoot, it's me!
Don't shoot!
Come on, come on!
Quickly. Come on!
Are you okay?
How are you? Are you alright?
Quick! Take Gad. Inside!
Quick! Take Gad. Inside!
Get inside. Come on!
Let me deal with her.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Where is he?
Tell me where he is
or I will let my hand go.
Where is he?
The medics are coming.
Tell me where he is, I'll make sure
they'll help you first.
Weishaupt Institute
No, that place is bombed to pieces.
The tunnels
air raid shelter
We all have a choice.
And yours put you here.
Please. Please.
You all right?
Help the medics inside.
Do what you can.
You know where to go?
Hey! Police! We need a lift.
Let's go.
Ah, Tom, I'd like you
to drop me off on your way.
- I don't have time.
- Of course you do.
Where are you going?
London. My mother's ill.
- Your mother's dead.
- Oh, yes, that's right.
I still need to go, I'm afraid.
Just drop me off at Tempelhof,
there's a flight
leaving in two hours.
What the hell's going on?
It's all in here.
You can read it now
or when you come home, as you wish.
So there's nothing you want to say?
Not really, no.
It's all here in this letter?
Pretty much, yes.
You're still drunk.
Sober as a judge, sorry to say.
Tempelhof Airport, please.
Yes, Ma'am.
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