The Devil Judge (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Dreams Shall Come True

This is the Dream Base project by the SRF
for which a nation-wide donation effort
has been carried out.
But we've received reports
that the project fund
has been trickling
into some private pockets.
They are the private pockets
of the key persons of this project.
I will reward you handsomely
out of my own pocket
if you come forward with information
about where your donations are going
and what the real purpose
behind this project is.
I promise.
Thank you.
Kang Yo-han that bastard…
Did he just
put a bounty on the head of the country?
My face was on my own channel
for something such as this…
Look, that's not what's important here.
He practically declared war
against the country.
This is a rebellion!
How dare he slander me?
He's accusing of bilking
pennies from our people?
That's just ridiculous!
After all that money I spent on
trying to salvage the poor…
This is what I get in return
for my good deeds?
Is he a national traitor or what?
And just what is Chairman Seo doing?
What's he thinking after
just sending his secretary here?
With all due respect,
I think you are
all getting overly worked up.
They're just ungrounded suspicions.
Aren't they?
Of course they're groundless.
You have a strange way of talking,
Director Jung. Watch your tongue.
How dare he get so cheeky like that?
Of course! That isn't just any money.
You were the one who kidnapped
Jang Ki-hyun, weren't you?
-I needed to have a chat with him.
-You mean a chat like
"Let's get our story straight
to con the entire country.
Otherwise you'll be in danger too."
Can't you put it in a better way?
There was truth in the message
although there were some sugarcoating.
Are you sure you only helped him out
because you pitied him?
You don't mean you offered to pay him
if he testified as instructed?
It could be that I pitied him
awfully from the very start.
Why are you being so judgmental?
Anyway, so it wasn't you
who attacked Su-hyeon.
So now you believe me, do you?
That I'm not someone to do that.
You are more than capable of it,
but you just didn't see the need
to do so, I guess.
You must have kidnapped him
after realizing that
Cha Gyeong-hui found
his transaction history.
And that's why you didn't see
a need to deal with Su-hyeon,
who appeared out of the blue
to snatch his bankbook.
Now why did a smart fellow like you
lose all his reason that day?
I'm not sure if I should be hearing that
from someone who almost killed me
just for taking Elijah out for a while.
Then who was it that attacked Su-hyeon?
Someone who doesn't look at me
so favorably, I guess.
Just what is Judge Kang planning?
I thought the foundation does good things.
They help out those in need
and do charity work.
Judge Oh. There's something
I've been keeping from you.
Why did you leave me out?
A secret party attended
only by the key persons of the foundation?
And you're telling me
just the two of you went?
I still have that super expensive dress
Judge Kang gave me the other day.
I'm really sorry.
But that's not the only reason
why you're mad, right?
Of course! Intervening with the trial
and all are completely not right.
Should we just take it to the press?
There's a reporter I'm close with.
She works for a fashion magazine
called Bling Bling.
I see…
Actually, no.
Let's cool our heads
and review this once more.
So you mean they all gathered together
including the president
and intervened with
Lee Young-min's trial, right?
-And dealing with rights and interests?
I'm sorry. I should have told you.
-What about Judge Kang?
What did he say to them?
Is he on their side too?
Why won't you tell me about that?
He'd kept quiet then,
but from how he declared war
in their faces…
I just don't know anymore
if he's actually cool
or just trying to be cool.
Still, it's true
he tampered with the witness.
Is a judge allowed to do that?
And that press conference was a show too.
Then he goes and plays
the vote of confidence card.
I can't help
but think that he's deceiving us.
You know, I was his big fan.
He was so confident, righteous,
and just shined.
But now… I don't know anymore.
Try being more greedy.
You were the one who shined the most
on the Live Court Show.
Twinkle, twinkle.
If you wish to reach for the stars,
if you truly desire them,
start by changing yourself.
Be the giant
so the stars are within your reach.
Gosh, your skin's just glowing today.
A compliment from you is a rare thing.
Is something on your conscience?
Just jealous. That's all.
Anyway, what should I do with this?
The bankbook I took from Yoon Su-hyeon.
Oh, the seed?
Throw it away.
You're one evil princess.
Geez, all this for nothing?
What do you mean nothing?
It's all necessary to build a story.
Enough about that.
The real game starts now.
Keep a good eye
on those old geezers at the foundation.
Not Kang Yo-han?
Our wolf has made an entrance
much wilder than I'd expected
to our sheep farm.
So now my scared sheep
are about to get wild.
All right.
One more thing.
I think you'll need to do
the self-healing lecture for our website.
Kang Yo-han just put up a picture of
Seo Jeong-hak for all to see
and ranted about how he bilked
public donations, didn't he?
If word gets out
that he's giving a lecture,
the journalists will hound him.
Oh, but I detest cheesy titillations.
Had you been quicker,
you could have gotten to
Jang Ki-hyeon first.
Or am I wrong?
Oh… sorry.
I didn't think that judge
would go that far.
Get it right.
You can do that, right?
I promise you. No mistakes this time.
We have just one more step left.
You know that, right?
If I catch you dozing off
during Chairman Seo's lecture,
you better be prepared!
Yes, ma'am.
I'm sick and tired of you
giving me that look.
Hello, ma'am.
Are you from the foundation?
Chairman Seo is running late
today, isn't he?
Hello, I'm here on his behalf today.
This is Director Jung Seon-a.
Oh, are you?
Welcome, Director.
You're a pretty little thing.
How old are you?
She's adorable, isn't she?
Go up now.
Come on.
They're all orphans or runaways,
so they're not very good kids.
I advise you to watch your valuables
when going near them.
Not very good, did you say?
It must be so much work for you, ma'am.
Please. Then shall we?
What is she saying?
This is my name.
"Seon" for good, and "a" for child.
I'm all grown up now, yet they are still
telling me to be a good girl.
I guess that's what my mom wished for me.
She wanted me to grow up nice
like everybody else.
So why did she?
I wonder why she beat me so
whenever she was drunk?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Seeing you reminded me
of my past for some reason.
-Honestly, I should be more composed.
-My mother was like that too.
She's normally an angel,
but whenever she drank, she…
First she'd cry, and then…
I'm sure it was because
life was hard for her.
I didn't understand back then,
but I think I do now.
Her husband abandoned her and their child,
and she's exhausted
getting through each day…
Still, she shouldn't have.
She shouldn't have done it
just because life was tough.
I thought my mom hated me
because I was a bad girl.
I'd curse, get into fights, and steal…
But back then, I just had no choice.
I was surrounded by those who cursed me,
made fun of me, and beat me.
And I was really hungry.
But you know what?
One day when I was 12,
I went to work for a rich family.
And wow, the young masters there
were so beautiful and nice.
They smelled good and didn't even curse!
They just twinkled.
If I had been good like them,
would my mother have not beaten me?
Would she have loved me?
So everyone.
What do you need to do to be a good girl?
You need to be rich.
You can only be nice on a full stomach.
The world out there is a jungle.
You can only barely survive
by slaughtering and preying on each other,
so how can you find time
to be nice, right?
So survive, no matter what.
If they hit you, bite them back.
If you don't have what they have,
snatch it off them.
Because it's especially harder
for you girls who are alone.
There's always a beast or two
wherever you go.
Whether they're educated or respected,
they're all the same.
So what should you do
if scumbags like them lunge at you?
Report them to the police.
No! You grab their weakness.
The law is never on our side.
You need to secure evidence,
no matter what. Record it, or film it.
you torture them to death.
You tell them
you'll ruin everything that they have
until they become well-tamed dogs.
Yes, go on.
Well, you're now a success, aren't you?
Does your mother now love you then?
My mother died when I was 12.
She fell from the stairs
in her drunken stupor.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It's all in the past anyway.
Your lecture was something new
yet so realistic.
I was extremely touched, Director.
I don't have much experience
with something like this…
I was a bit clumsy today, wasn't I?
What do you mean? You were stellar!
That's why we'd love to have you
again for another inspiring speech.
Then please invite me again next time.
Of course.
How did you know where I was?
Did you plant
a tracking device on me or something?
Why bother to ask
when you've already found it?
It's up to me where I go and who I meet!
Who are you to decide these things for me?
Whether you like it or not,
I'm your guardian.
Guardian? You mean keeper.
You should have learned
your lesson by now.
No one approaches another
without a reason.
Aren't you tired too?
You pretended to be so smart
ever since you were little,
but when someone reaches out a hand,
you just follow them like a puppy
-and be used like an idiot.
-That's enough.
Is it her fault she was lonely?
Stop talking like that.
You dare teach me how to speak, do you?
-I'm her guardian!
Elijah has no one else but you.
So why not try being more honest for once?
Don't make me laugh.
You think you've been here
long enough to know everything, do you?
Sorry if I was stepping out of line.
Let's go.
-Yes, Master.
How do you talk to teenagers?
Well, experts say
the start of every conversation is
to listen and to relate,
and that it is important to boost
their self-esteem with positive--
Forget it.
Just order me some books on the topic.
Yes, Master.
You asked me why I was the son of
restaurant owners for 16 years.
Do you remember?
That's when they passed away.
My mom and dad.
When I was 16.
Oh… really?
Why? Did they get into an accident?
They were deceived by a malicious
fraud and lost everything.
My father abandoned this world
on his own will,
and my mother collapsed from the shock.
Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
Gosh, what am I supposed to say
at a time like this?
It's okay. It was a long time ago.
But that's not something
you can forget so easily.
That's true, I guess.
It's been difficult for you, right?
Same with me.
I hated coming home to an empty house,
so I'd just sleep anywhere
and hang out with anyone.
It was lonely
and I felt like an abandoned dog.
You're a strong kid, Elijah.
-I am?
-Of course.
You bore it all alone in this big mansion.
You're truly something.
Stop it. You're making me cringe.
I thought you're the callous type.
Was that too obvious?
I guess it's not easy saying
something you don't mean.
You want a piece of me?
What feisty hands like someone I know.
Well, good night.
All right, let's smile.
Let's smile and talk.
Oh what? It was you, Yo-han?
What's with that look on your face?
What do you want?
I need to smile.
-If you don't have business…
-How was your day today?
Well, did you have a good day or not?
Maybe there's something we can talk about…
Well, actually…
Yes, what is it?
That bastard who conned Ga-on's parents.
Who was that bastard, exactly?
So it's about Ga-on again?
Sure, let's keep smiling.
It's a bastard who bilked millions
from the poor through a pyramid scheme.
At least ten of his victims
ended up taking their lives.
I see.
Darn it…
Butler, are you kidding me?
Do as the book says and what?
Master, stress is harmful to your health.
-On the kitchen counter is--
-What are you…
Make sure to take one a day.
You need to start looking after
yourself at your age.
Whatever, get lost.
Let me begin.
In regards to the sudden remarks
by Judge Kang Yo-han
during the recent Live Court Show,
the Blue House is cautiously--
It's fake news!
Fellow Koreans. I, Heo Joong-se, am
where I am today after overcoming
all kinds of slander and defamation.
Now, even one of our judges
is spreading fake news about me.
Is this really
the Republic of Korea I know?
And Judge Kang Yo-han spread
these rumors in these tumultuous times.
Is he truly one of the fellow citizens
whom I care and respect for?
Truth be told,
we saw a flood of reports
about Judge Kang Yo-han.
For example, he's scheming with foreign
powers to cause social agitation
or that he isn't pure Korean!
In other words,
his heritage is different from ours!
Moreover, we even received a tip-off that
he is a paid puppet for another country!
To anyone who comes forward
with information on Judge Kang
for the sake of our national security,
there will be a handsome reward
commensurate to its content.
I promise a hell of a reward!
Will that be out of your own pockets then?
That's all from me.
-One comment, please?
-How will it be paid with what?
We will be back tomorrow with a summary.
Don't you think you've gone too far?
Politics is not a comedy.
-You just got many talking now.
-It's better to make it a comedy.
-Comedy, competition…
Let them get used to it
and they'll shy away
from the complicated stuff.
Why do you think I mentioned
the word "commensurate?"
It's all to rouse competition!
I'm turning this
all into a full-fledged variety show.
Gosh, you…
Throw them something
so they're preoccupied.
Will this be okay?
What about?
He was a famous actor ten years ago,
-but now he's our president.
-Yes, you're right.
The President, the Minister of Justice,
media moguls…
They practically are
the Republic of Korea.
Exactly. You just waged war
against the country.
Will you be okay?
Do you know how they gained power?
Through hypocrisy.
And the direr the crisis,
the easier to touch people's hearts.
The Foundation aggressively expanded
the size of its charity projects
ever since the pandemic.
However, it wasn't disaster relief
that was the bulk of their expense.
Then what?
Promotion and marketing.
They promoted and exaggerated themselves
on all kinds of media channels.
They were selling
the image of the fully responsible elite.
Now that they seized power
using that as a weapon,
what do you think they're capable of next?
Recoup the cost.
No, much more than that.
They are scheming the Dream Base project,
and it is actually to build
a concentration camps
with public donations
to wipe out all the homeless, the poor,
and those who voice dissent. And then…
Next, they will carry out a nation-wide
urban regeneration project.
They would've already bought all the lands
under borrowed names for almost nothing.
Did you secure decisive evidence then?
You think it's that easy?
These guys blew up a judge's chamber
without batting an eye.
But still, you waged war against them
in front of the entire nation?
But it's fun.
It should be fun at least.
I'm getting cornered anyway.
So are you having fun?
Don't you think
you're being irresponsible?
What about Elijah?
Do you ever think about her?
I do.
Give me all the material
you've gathered on the foundation.
So you'll assist me?
-Just promise me one thing.
No subornation of perjury,
kidnapping, blackmailing,
nor lying to the innocent
and making a fool out of them…
I can't afford to be
a shameless lawbreaker.
Not in front of my parents
who died because of fraud,
and not in front of Su-hyeon.
You know what?
A Judge is most powerful
when he goes by the law, Judge Kang.
So you can't be a shameless lawbreaker
and claim that a judge is most powerful
when he goes by the law.
Whatever, up to you.
You have everyone's attention now
by raising suspicions,
so what next?
There's no way around it if those who
dominate the world have formed one team.
I need to shake them up first.
Perhaps we could start with that.
Yes, I understand.
What floor is the CEO's office?
Judge Kang?
It's on the 20th floor.
This is the lobby.
Judge Kang Yo-han has just…
Judge Kang, our CEO is
in a meeting right now.
I'll wait.
Oh, will you? This way then.
Don't mind me.
Seven minutes and 30 seconds.
You're just going to leave, Judge Kang?
My business is done.
You asked me to inform you
if something ever happened.
Five, four, three, two, one.
And 0.5, 0.25, 0.125…
Hello, President Park.
Come on. Just tell me, Judge Kang.
Is there something I don't know?
You know I'm always
on your side, don't you?
Remember the whole deal
about tampering with witnesses?
That's Cha Gyeong-hui's work.
Anyway, do you think you can handle this?
You just made everyone in
the foundation your enemies.
Don't you have any questions for me?
I can tell you all that I know.
So you're sucking on your fingers.
You guys must be hungry.
Sorry I wasn't being so considerate.
Go grab yourself something.
Now scram!
Go treat yourself!
I mean, we're only doing this
to survive, aren't we?
You guys go ahead first.
It's me.
Do you know who our old man
is with right now?
Whatever you discussed with Park Du-man
and whatever came out from
that bastard's mouth are all lies.
Whatever he gave you, it's all fake.
Everything he says is a lie.
In fact, he only speaks lies.
Ever since we were young…
He spends his entire day thinking
about how he'll get ahead of me.
Back in middle school,
he'd tell everyone that he was in college!
Just think about it.
What reason would I have
to touch the foundation's money?
If there's anyone who could do
such a thing, it's Min Yong-sik.
Besides, do you know
how he won over his wife?
Ms. Pi, I mean.
When she was drunk at a nightclub…
Minbo Group is tight on funds these days.
I'll sneak
the foundation's accounts for you.
I already have it all prepared for you.
Don't you worry.
I'll deliver it as is to you, Judge Kang.
Whatever that Min Yong-sik
gave you, it's all fake!
Do not fall for it.
-Is that right?
Go on and eat. Let's talk as we eat.
Try some of this. It's their specialty.
Will you come with us, Judge Kang?
The VIP wishes to see you.
This is quite unexpected, Mr. President.
What is?
I didn't expect you
to summon me like this.
It was quite frightening.
I thought they were going to
bury me somewhere.
What are you talking about, Judge Kang?
You humiliated me
by bringing my photo up on the screen
for the entire nation to see.
I'd be too battered to do anything to you.
But you know,
this could be more the reason
for people to be surprised.
Just think. "A president did this with
his own hands amidst all this commotion?"
It should be fun, right?
While they doubt it, time will pass
and with one or two
big celebrity scandals,
people should forget all about it
soon enough.
Like goldfish.
That's quite a plausible scenario.
You're anxious, aren't you? Judge Kang.
You're the mighty Judge Kang after all.
You look dashing in that suit, by the way.
But you must have been busy lately,
meeting bastards here and there.
Yes, just like now.
And I wonder what those bastards gave you.
Don't you think
the scenario I just mentioned sounds fun?
You know,
I could just execute it right now.
If you say so.
Hello, subscribers of
Heo Joong-se's channel.
Welcome! Today the President
has invited me too.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Wow! We're already joined by so many.
Look at the comments flooding in!
Yes, that's me. Judge Kang Yo-han.
Thank you, Mr. President.
So you changed your mind and decided to
look into the foundation issues, right?
-Oh, yes.
-He even invited me here at the Blue House
for a joint cooperative effort, everyone.
-Thank you so much, Mr. President.
-No problem, Judge Kang.
The President and I, together,
will get down to the bottom of
where your donations have ended up.
That's it for today.
How about we all shout it out together?
-The man to change Korea totally,
Heo Joong-se!
Yes, the man to solve all your woes!
If you're a patriot,
please subscribe, press like,
leave comments, and set up alerts too!
Now wave.
With a smile.
Give me a brighter one.
Are you already done with the analysis?
Though they diverted it here and there,
there were some gaps.
They spent too much effort with the PR.
They consistently published
their achievements
about how the foundation has donated
millions and billions for the project.
But the amount is just too big.
If you look at the size of the project,
the donations from the public alone
is already sufficient to fund it.
So they pretended
they had donated everything
when it was purely driven
by public donations?
They're just my suspicions.
We'll only know for sure
with the foundation's internal accounts.
The materials from Park Du-man
and Min Yong-sik were fake too, right?
Yes, they'd dressed it
to make each other the scapegoat.
I didn't expect those old weasels
to hand anything over so willingly.
-Any reports?
-Nothing useful so far.
They're mostly pranks
or false information to get the reward.
We'll still need to make payouts.
-The reward.
But just for such information?
What's important isn't the context,
but the numbers.
We'll post the number of reports received
on the Internet.
As if something big is happening.
Do you know what's crucial
in deceiving others?
That unwavering attitude.
That's the stuff that
people usually fall for.
You say it like
you're an expert in this field.
Oops, I forgot.
You have a painful past involving fraud.
Still, this is different.
Have you ever seen a fraud who spends
his own money to save the world?
Deliver justice to Do Young-choon,
the fraud who conned 800 billion won!
Do Young-choon killed my family!
Sentence him to death!
-Punish him!
-Punish him!
Do Young-choon killed my family!
-Sentence Do Young-choon to death!
-Sentence him to death!
-Punish Do Young-choon!
-Punish him!
-Sentence Do Young-choon to death!
-Sentence him to death!
-Punish Do Young-choon!
-Punish him!
-Sentence Do Young-choon to death!
-Sentence him to death!
Here comes Do Young-choon!
Don't ruin your life
because of someone like him.
It's not worth it, Ga-on.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'll be discharged soon,
so why bother visiting every day?
It's rather annoying.
What happened to the person
who was grumbling about
why he wasn't here already?
Please respect
your patients' privacy, will you?
Is she out?
Did you?
So what exactly is Kang Yo-han scheming?
Because I think this is a complete fraud.
Get some rest first.
You need to recover first.
Get rest?
I need to dig into so many things.
There's the tampering of witnesses,
the cathedral fire and Elijah.
How is she?
It must have been so tough.
She was so young and all alone too.
Did she remind you of when I was young?
Hey, you shameless bastard.
How dare you compare yourself
to that pretty little soul?
-Be more objective about yourself.
-Yes, ma'am.
You seem fine. I'll get going now.
That's true, but you're still my guest.
Do you want to eat this before you go?
Su-hyeon, you…
Well, let's see how good you are at
peeling that thing.
All right, here we go.
What are you doing?
I'll do it.
When you peel it,
there's hardly anything left.
You're so mean.
It is said more than 20 have come forward
so far with information
regarding the suspicions
surrounding the SRF.
The SRF continues to deny all allegations,
but is yet to make an official statement.
Meanwhile, more than 100,000
signatures were collected
for a protest demanding…
Let's not get distracted,
but get back to work.
Hey, I hear he'll really pay
for whatever you send him.
And the amount is no joke either.
Maybe I should try it.
I'm a little tight for next month.
You'll be in trouble if you're busted.
Strong support for Kang Yo-han?
Honestly, the opposition party
is such bastards.
They claimed that the Live Court Show
is all to distract the people
and that it may possibly
breach human rights.
But that's what politics is.
Your enemy's enemy is your friend.
you two, over there.
What did you hand over to Kang Yo-han?
It's nothing.
I just threw him something to screw him.
And to screw me too, right?
Hey, what do you take me for?
Anyway, he'll only dig his own grave
if he digs into it deeper and deeper.
Then what about you?
Are you planning to expand into
this industry once I'm gone?
That's not a bad idea.
Do you have to?
-Let go of me!
-Who would be most pleased
to see this situation?
The fortress starts to
crumble from within.
So sort yourselves out
before it's too late.
Judge Kang will strike next without giving
you a chance to turn yourself around.
What is this?
Reports are flooding in.
Many have taken the courage
to step forward
to shed light on the truth.
And thanks to our brave informants,
the Foundation has started
to change its stance.
You all watched the President's
YouTube Live, didn't you?
The man to change Korea totally,
Heo Joong-se!
Yes, the man to solve all your woes!
But there's a bigger surprise.
Two of the Foundation's directors
have given me something
saying that it's to do with the accounts.
And it's very interesting.
Nominating vendors
that are run by their families
and pre-purchasing land
at the proposed project site.
Coincidentally, the information I received
from them run counter to each other,
so I'll have to do some fact-checking.
But that's not all.
Let's take a look at the screen.
Where did all these huge donations
by their directors to date?
According to thorough cross-checking
with the Foundation's internal accounts
by Judge Kim Ga-on right here,
the amount claimed to have been donated
and the amount actually received by
the Foundation doesn't match up.
Did you really manage to secure
the Foundation's internal account info?
A brave informant has come forward for us.
You say the numbers don't add up.
Does that mean someone
has been embezzling money?
If no one did, then it could only mean
the money was never donated to start with.
Did Judge Kim Ga-on also agree
to join you on this effort?
Yes, he did.
As many of you are aware…
Judge Kim is a man of principles,
sometimes even criticized
for lacking flexibility.
But maybe you didn't know this about him.
This is the story of his parents.
This is the pain and suffering
Judge Kim has overcome.
He could not forgive such hypocrisy
and deceit directed toward
our innocent citizens.
After taking necessary measures
to protect our informants,
I will disclose all the tip-offs
I received.
Right here, in a week's time. Thank you.
Was there an informant
from the Foundation?
Are you personally acquainted with them?
Judge Kim,
is the story about your parents true?
Judge Kim!
Judge Kim, please say a word.
Judge Kim, please say a word. Please wait.
-Judge Kim!
-Judge Kim, please wait.
So that's what it was, was it?
I was just a tool for your show, was I?
How are you different from them?
Is it okay to use
anything and everything for your purpose?
You can't be a shameless lawbreaker,
and a judge is most powerful
when he goes by the law.
Don't you think
you're talking high and mighty?
This is war.
What will you present next week then?
Manipulated accounts?
Reports that don't exist?
Shouldn't we place them
before a true court of justice
even if it's slow and painful?
Really? So you're satisfied, aren't you?
I see you were extremely
touched by the stern ruling of the law
on that fraud who killed your parents.
Shut up!
He was sentenced to 17 years in prison
after the continuously
delayed trials by putting up with
all the trickery of expensive lawyers
and adhering
to all kinds of principles and procedures.
Is that the justice you'd proclaim so far?
Don't you dare speak like that!
The conclusion was reached under the law
despite all the sabotage
and much dilemma by the jurors
who were also ordinary citizens
like my parents. It was fair and square.
That's the system.
Whether you like it or not,
that's what the system is!
I guess the only way
for you to live on was to believe so.
Is that how Yoon Su-hyeon
and Min Jeong-ho had convinced you?
The only two left by your side.
Is that how you'd repressed the urge
to stab him and take your life
with that single belief?
Answer me.
Don't shoot your mouth off.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
There's something I'd like to show you.
How the hell…
How the hell did this happen?
There's just no way.
It's impossible to sneak out
the account book.
Can you be responsible for
what you just said?
What if it really were true?
He said he'll reveal it after one week.
The entire country will be watching,
so what are we to do?
-At least we'll have stellar viewership.
-That's enough, you bastard!
-Darn it.
I play some cards myself
and I'm sure Kang Yo-han is bluffing.
He's only acting like that
because he has no cards to play!
I'm sorry, gentlemen,
but Kang Yo-han is to make one
if he doesn't have one.
-Without even batting an eye.
-Then we should chop his wrist off!
This is a big game
with the entire nation watching.
And it's you three
who let this get out of hand.
Now, to expose Kang Yo-han's
hand as a dud,
we need to show ours too.
Will you be all right with that?
The issue here isn't
just the exaggerated numbers.
The total expenses to date
regarding the Dream Base project,
future plans for fund implementation, and…
the true purpose of the project.
-Director Jung!
-Oh, I'm sorry.
I dared step over the line.
So? What now?
How will we sort this out?
We have
Chairman Seo, don't we?
Does this mean thanks to that Kang Yo-han,
this old man will once again
have a chance at revival?
He's here.
Usually we have no way to see you
when you're in meditation.
Thank you for coming all this way for us.
You've grown haggard.
What is it?
Are your asses on fire
over this recent incident?
Yes. It's a mess, Chairman.
We need to sort this out
before it gets too late.
I can see our staff are starting
to have second thoughts too.
I will take care of it.
If you'll step forward for us,
we'll have nothing to worry about!
That's right, Chairman.
Right now, you're the only one
in this country
who can sort this mess out.
Yes, you're the only one.
The last true mentor of our generation.
-Our elder.
-Please, you exaggerate too much.
Anyway, once I come forward,
the public, who had been
disillusioned by Kang Yo-han
and his venomous tongue will soon wake up.
No need to respond to
every little tiresome rumor.
You're absolutely right.
Because once you have
the control of the flow,
the tables will turn.
That's what public sentiment is!
You're truly admirable.
Your perception is spot on!
Still, I must say…
We do need something to throw to them.
Something to throw to them?
The public will only go quiet
if you put something in their mouth.
Something to chew and gnaw at.
Then what do you have in mind?
We all know the perfect person.
While I withdraw to the prayer room
for the sake of our country,
she handles all affairs of the Foundation.
You mean Director Jung?
But isn't Director Jung
someone who always does
a perfect job?
Still, she is just a servant in the end.
Isn't that why we kept her until now?
Then how should we use
Director Jung, Chairman?
She's not the type to stay put
about becoming the sacrificial lamb.
That means we'll first need to
make her silent, right?
Of course.
So that she carries everything
without a word.
Do you understand?
Yes, sir.
What is this?
Get out.
We're your big fans, Judge Kang.
-We are
-We are
-the power!
-the power!
We respect you, Judge Kang.
-We are
-We are
-the power!
-the power!
-We are
-We are
-the power!
-the power!
-We are
-We are
the power!
Number 70618, Do Young-choon.
You have visitors in Room 7.
Do you want to see me losing it?
Or do you want to see me
strangle his neck?
You bastard.
Number 70618, Do Young-choon.
This man isn't Do Young-choon.
He's someone else. Something's wrong.
He is inmate 70618, Do Young-choon.
I said he isn't.
This isn't Do Young-choon.
No way.
This is someone else.
Sentenced to 17 years
under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment
of Specific Economic Crimes.
Name, Do Young-choon.
Well, I don't know what your story is,
but his prison number, RRN,
and date of incarceration are all correct.
not for one day,
have I forgotten his face.
No. This is someone else.
Why are you in there? Sir!
Sir, why are you in there?
Get out of there. Sir!
Let's go.
Only the system allows
for such complete manipulation.
This is called the system.
And the system is powerless
in front of authority.
It's the authority
that can wrap it around its finger.
-You were out, were you?
-Oh, no.
I was just getting some fresh air.
You'll catch a cold at your age.
Don't you have weak knees too?
Oh no, I'm just fine.
You've sure aged.
Is it because of me?
Because I got you
by the balls and harassed you?
Not at all.
It's a price I must pay for my sin.
So how could I dare blame another?
Wow, that's really amazing.
I'd blame me if I were you.
I guess great minds are different.
Do you remember?
When I first came here to serve you…
I'd been so young too.
You were.
So why did you?
Why did you do that
to a little girl
who had nowhere else to go?
Don't cry. Why are you crying?
I never had the chance to cry myself.
Get up.
Let's stop here.
I'll forgive you.
Yes, because you are a noble person,
someone who'll salvage our country.
It's all been agreed upon.
It's okay.
Everything will work out.
You'll die as the honorable Chairman Seo.
Which is more than you deserve.
Much more than
a filthy pig like you ever deserves!
Chairman Seo Jeong-hak
of the SRF has passed away.
It has been reported that
Chairman Seo took his own life,
assuming all responsibilities
for the recent suspicions
surrounding the embezzlement
of the donations.
While the real culprits
at the Foundation had fled
after destroying all evidence,
the Chairman, lamenting the truth,
chose to bear the Cross by himself.
The entire country is mourning
at the news of his death,
who had dedicated his entire life
to salvaging the poor
and promoting our national spirit.
May I now invite on stage,
Director Jung Seon-a,
our new leader
of the Social Responsibility Foundation.
I worked so hard to go back to it.
The owner of the world
you kicked me out of.
A monster that's been freed from its rein
will not choose to stop.
What do you think you're doing?
The show must go on
since our only weapon
is the public's support.
What could be Kang Yo-han's intention?
You meant to show him living comfortably
to provoke me, didn't you?
Remove him if he's a risk.
You're just like me, Young Master.
Is that why you like me?
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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