The Diplomat (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Keep Your Enemies Closer

Don't play chicken with a country
that's ready to lob a tactical nuke.
Try everything before that.
She's got a good idea.
It hasn't escaped me that you are
an incredibly attractive, compassionate
But, at the moment,
we have bigger fish to fry.
I gave you 15 years. Give me a chance.
So you're back-seat driving
the vice president?
So I'm married to you.
We hit Russia, Russia hits back.
But the Lenkov Group isn't Russia, right?
Right now is the one time
you get to break shit.
What is it that you think I should break?
The secretary of state.
You may not see that right now,
but we're great together.
I feel it too. I can't think when you're
in the same room. I can barely breathe.
U.S. and the UK go to war with Russia?
That's the kind of thing
where people have babies.
- Are you asking me to have?
- No. That's the whole point.
But, a dog?
Do you want to be
in a public relationship with me?
It's better than one, isn't it?
I should go.
Back to my room,
before the staff find me.
You can relax for five minutes.
Are you asking me to stay?
I'm saying you can relax.
Are you asking me to stay?
Are you asking me to ask you to stay?
Should I?
I don't know.
I shouldn't do that to you.
You should do whatever you want to me.
I shouldn't.
I'm sorry.
I didn't think you could do it.
Because I'm an asshole.
You are an asshole
but you had reason to worry.
You were great.
I always am.
Sometimes you don't know 'til later.
You should not forgive me.
Maybe I won't.
- Nah, I will.
- Don't do that.
Don't make me be the only one
who thinks through the obstacles.
I can handle it.
I can't.
I don't like being that angry at you.
So, what worked?
Last few days, it worked, right?
- It did.
- Yeah, so why?
I don't know.
No, you gotta make it clear.
Obviously, I don't always know.
What worked?
I mean, you set the agenda.
You came up with a moonshot.
I made a few phone calls
to make you feel you weren't in it alone.
That's not what you did.
- No?
- No.
- So, what did I do?
- You made a hundred phone calls.
You made people
feel brilliant and important.
- They run after you, desperate to help.
- They are brilliant and important.
The guy from Phoenix?
He's just important.
You didn't hate it?
Being a backup singer.
No, I didn't.
I thought I would.
But, uh
It was kind of fun.
I don't want to do nothing.
Well, of course not.
I'm not ready to retire.
I would never think that.
You know, I didn't spend
the last decade working on my tan.
Yeah, I know that.
It can be a big job,
being a backup singer.
That's not quite what you did.
You made it all happen.
Whatever fuck-witted scheme
I came up with.
I don't think you should start
with making it all happen.
- Sure.
- That could get tricky.
Jesus, Kate,
I attended a two-day emergency meeting
of world leaders
and I did not speak unless spoken to.
You were so great.
I spent a shocking amount of time
discussing the rain.
You were so great.
Don't go.
Not yet.
Do you want me to stay?
I don't know.
But I don't want you to go.
Don't freak out.
Love it already.
I wanna hit pause on
declaring our relationship status.
- Just 'til the Russia thing plays out.
- Okay.
Is it?
I'm cool, it's just
People have waited a long time
for the Russia thing to play out.
I'm talking a week.
Napoleon told Joséphine he wanted
to wait 'til the Russia thing played out.
I knew this was gonna be a problem.
I don't love lying to my boss.
She's been your boss for ten minutes.
You can not love it a little longer.
I'm in that zone where it would've been
weird to say something right off.
Now it's weird I haven't mentioned it yet.
- I don't mention things for a living.
- Yeah, it's fucking weird.
I don't live under the misconception
that anybody knows the whole story
of anything, ever.
So I'm not compelled
to share everything I think I know.
I can leave stuff out.
Everybody does it.
I'm just cognizant of it.
This is some high-end rationalizing.
Nobody needs the distraction
is the bottom line.
That's fine.
She's meeting Oleg Balakin today, right?
- Yeah.
- Good.
We're messaging Russia
through every plausible official channel
because every non-official channel's
gone cold.
Langley's been calling
old deconfliction lines
and the phones just keep ringing.
Are you throwing me a bone?
It's a fact.
Relevant to both
of our professional portfolios.
This is worse than a mercy-fuck.
This is a mercy declassification
of eyes-only intelligence.
I'm never telling you anything again.
So all our backchannels are dead?
I don't know.
- Wait for the briefing.
- Come on.
I was all set to parade around
with my girl on my arm.
This just keeps getting better.
Go to dinner with me tonight?
Will you look at me over candlelight?
Talk about Russian non-government
paramilitary organizations?
You know I will.
You'll meet Russian Ambassador
Oleg Balakin at the Foreign Office.
Inform him Britain knows
that the Lenkov Company,
commissioned by the Russian government,
carried out the attack on HMS Courageous.
And that Britain intends to take action
against Lenkov troops in Libya,
with our blessing, in the next 24 hours.
And that will be the period
at the end of the sentence.
Not the next
in a series of escalating moves.
And to you, sir.
All good?
It is.
You can keep going.
- Keep going.
- I'll wait.
He can sit in on the briefing.
All right, then. Um
You'll have talking points from State.
The same conversation
is happening mil-to-mil, intel-to-intel,
every U.S. ambassador
to every Russian ambassador
in every country.
Why are you doing
a démarche at the Foreign Office?
Yeah, it's kind of weird.
United front. Us and the UK.
Why do you put eggs on top of the berries?
Now there's eggs on them.
I'll separate it for you.
- Is that better?
- Thank you.
- United front?
- Yes.
Making it clear
there's no daylight between us.
He'll be meeting with Dennison
before he meets with you.
- What's his name? Belkin?
- Balakin.
Oleg Balakin.
Russian ambassador to
this place.
- You know him?
- No.
You wanna call Sergei,
find out if there's an angle?
- Sure.
- Okay. What kind of angle?
Whatever, you know?
He likes toast. He doesn't like toast.
He's a representative of
the Russian Federation. He likes alcohol.
Didn't see it coming.
Be nice.
He's nervous.
Me? No.
- I'll stick to the talking points.
- Thank you.
Period at the end of the sentence.
That's great.
He's trying to figure out
how long he should wait
before he asks if this is a sign
you're serious about VP.
- What, you and me getting along?
- Yeah.
Tell him to be cool
and try not to ruin it.
We do. Obviously, they
Hi there.
- Good morning.
- Oh. Morning, sir.
Are you here to see me?
No, sadly.
Oh. I just saw him myself. Good luck.
- It requires luck?
- It might.
- Shit.
- Well, you'll be fine.
- He's mean, but
- I'm meaner?
I didn't say that.
I didn't.
You thought it.
The policing of thought
has gone out of fashion.
It never goes out of fashion.
Amba Ambassador Balakin's
already in there.
Shall we?
I'm not going in. You can do the windup.
Then you step out
and it's just the two of them.
Or you could do it.
I can't welcome them.
It's your building.
On behalf of His Majesty's government,
it is my honor to introduce
the Russian ambassador
to the Court of St. James's,
Oleg Balakin, to the American
That's enough.
Thank you so much for taking
the time to meet with me, Ambassador.
I understand the United Kingdom
has shared its plans
to end Lenkov Company violence in Libya.
My government would like to convey
our firm expectation
that this will be treated
as an isolated incident.
Russian retaliation
toward the United Kingdom
would inevitably draw in the United States
in support of its longtime ally.
American arrogance is once again
matched only by its simplicity.
By the breathtaking assumption
that a moment in time marked by tragedy
can be stripped of its infinite complexity
by the clarity of your dislike
for the outcome.
The Lenkov Company
is a wholly independent entity,
unaffiliated with the Russian government.
Shall I hold you accountable
for the actions of Blackwater?
Or the Proud Boys?
- Sir
- You will wait patiently
through my lecture,
as I have waited countless times
through the moralizing of a nation
that not only manufactures
weapons of mass destruction,
but sells them in establishments called,
without irony, convenience stores.
The Lenkov Company,
like many organizations
of well-armed illiterate men,
claims to have connections
at the highest levels in the Kremlin,
not unlike the sycophants who insist
they have the ear of your president,
when, in fact,
they have nothing but a photo
with Mr. Rayburn's least intelligent son,
a post for which there appears to be
constant and spirited competition,
like all such bodies
Roman Lenkov has a child
with a woman called Laurissa Safonova.
She lives in a villa he owns
in Cap d'Antibes called La Colline.
He will be there on the 30th of this month
for three days.
When will he be there?
The 30th, for three days.
- Where?
- Cap d'Antibes.
La Colline.
La Colline.
we are not interested
in indulging another excuse
for the hegemonic aspirations
that live on in the increasingly
brittle memories of your president.
The next time you wish to educate us
as to the limits of our right to protect
our citizens, at home and abroad,
please take a moment
to exercise the imagination it may take
to ponder the idea
that things are not as simple
as you declare them to be.
That the wishes of the Kremlin
may bear no resemblance
to those you believe them to be.
And that the opportunity
for a peaceful and stable future
is unlikely to be found in an attack
on the employees of an individual
like Roman Lenkov,
who is not an arm of my government,
but simply an internationally recognized
common criminal.
Good day, madam.
And please convey my warm regards
to your president.
That sounded bad.
You okay?
Would it be possible to speak
with the foreign secretary for a moment?
I'm afraid Mr. Dennison
is quite tightly booked today.
Is there anything I can help with?
No, thanks.
We should go.
Sorry for the fuss.
I'd like to stretch my legs.
She's on the run.
This happens.
You can come.
They're offering us Lenkov.
The Russians.
They're giving him up.
He'll be in France in ten days.
They're telling us to arrest him.
- What does that?
- Mean?
Either the Kremlin's fucking with us
or they didn't do it.
didn't do it?
- Hello?
- Ronnie, could you tell Ms. Park
that we need to have a meeting
of the Tax Structure Review Team?
- Today?
- Yeah.
- Right away.
- On it.
That's okay. I'm just reading the paper.
- Absolutely. Sorry, sir.
- No, you don't need to
What does this mean?
They'd like to see you at the embassy.
Who's "they"?
Uh, I'm afraid I don't know.
Did they say why?
Again, sorry.
They've just asked that you come in.
Was it Kate? If it wasn't Kate,
someone should tell her they asked.
I don't want her to think I'm horning in.
You don't know. It's fine. Thank you.
Thank you.
They're giving him up.
They're telling us to arrest him.
They gave me a fucking address.
- And this is because?
- They didn't do it.
That's the message.
They may be fucking with you.
- Or they didn't do it.
- Yeah.
Lenkov's a well-guarded guy.
Nobody ever knows where he is.
This is something.
Maybe they didn't do it.
But they're not saying, like, Cuba did it.
They're saying Lenkov did.
He's a gun for hire.
Somebody else hired him.
That could be anybody.
Lenkov knows who hired him.
They're saying arrest the guy
and he'll tell you who hired him.
Or he's a scapegoat.
Maybe we take the scapegoat
and call it a day.
I mean, he's a bad guy.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I need to talk to Dennison.
- You need to talk to the White House.
- And Langley.
And I'm not sure this should happen
over airwaves. Maybe you go there.
Can I just?
- Why her?
- I'm approachable.
- Are you?
- Yes.
The Iran thing
gave her some buzz and
And what?
You're the right level.
You're not nobody,
but not really somebody either.
They don't want this going wide.
The Kremlin?
They love their reputation.
They're badasses. They'll shoot at anyone.
Ukraine, UK.
They don't wanna call the White House
and say,
"We're innocent
and that nasty Lenkov got us in trouble."
So you quietly tell somebody
who's not really anybody.
We should get somebody
from the Russia desk in here to brief you.
And then let's get you on a plane to D.C.
We don't know what it's about, exactly,
but they asked us
to get you on a secure line.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I heard you were knocking around.
I didn't believe it.
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
- What the fuck is this?
- You're an asshole.
So you around? Can I take you out?
- Get you plastered?
- I'm so sorry, sir. Just
Oh. I got the White House on the horn.
She'll take your number.
I'll take you out
for an overcooked English steak.
- Morning.
- Hey, Dan.
She's stepping in.
I'm gonna get into trouble for this.
- Why?
- I'm trying to keep out of her hair.
Is that what you did at the country house
with the 19-part plan
to liberate Libyans in Libya?
Singing backup.
What happened with Ganon?
He's a fuck face.
Can you be more specific?
You know what happened.
He's launching a presidential campaign
and he's trying to hide it
from a president
who's stated clearly he does not like
being used as a step-stool,
which is disqualifying on loyalty grounds.
Much worse is
he can't even cover his own tracks,
which is disqualifying
on he's-a-fucking-idiot grounds.
How's Kate?
She's good. Yeah.
Is she?
Is the VP idea taking root?
Uh, yeah, it is, actually.
I think it is.
She did what she set out to do.
She made London into a real job.
Yeah, she did.
She's turned it into something pivotal.
- You're proud.
- Yeah, I am.
She deserves it.
And she's good at it.
- That's it?
- I just wanna make sure she's solid.
'Cause things are gonna get bumpy.
I'm glad we're not going to war
with Russia.
Oh, yeah?
I wasn't up for it.
I think we were all pretty freaked out.
I heard somebody talking about
getting, like, a dog.
- Or a baby.
- No.
Because we were gonna
go to war with Russia?
Apocalypse babies.
- That's a terrible idea.
- Isn't it?
War with Russia is nuclear.
Those babies are gonna get irradiated.
It's fucking ridiculous.
I like dogs, though.
Did you start, like,
trolling for strays online?
I kind of knew.
That they didn't do it.
- Russia?
- Yeah.
Everyone in the Russian establishment
was like, "We did it.
Not my office,
but clearly, something we'd do."
We couldn't find the origin of the order.
Intelligence chiefs, oligarchs, generals,
nobody was read in.
And these are people who are read in.
That's weird.
It's less weird if Russia didn't do it.
Ah. Yeah.
You can still get a dog.
I don't want a dog.
- The Russia guy?
- Yeah, you ready?
- Yeah.
- We're not telling the Russia guy?
We're not.
We're asking questions about Lenkov.
Which we'd have asked even if
we were still going with the Libya plan.
Carly Green from the Russia desk.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is Carly?
The Russia person.
- Okay. Great.
- I'm older than I look.
- You'd have to be.
- I was number six at the Russia desk,
then everyone got moved
to Langley or Kyiv.
The Agency spent 25 years
training Middle East specialists.
Then it was all-hands on Russia.
There weren't a lot of hands to be had.
- Those of us who speak Russian moved up.
- Is your background Cold War or post-'91?
Uh, my background is Tolstoy's influence
on the later work of Chekhov.
- Sorry. Ma'am, could you?
- Not a great time. Can it wait?
- Uh
- Is it Mr. Hayford?
No. It's Mr. Wyler.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- No.
When you said you didn't know
where the line is,
it's like eight feet behind you.
The president wants to fire
the secretary of state.
- Because of her?
- No.
- What, are you fucking stupid?
- It's not because of you.
It absolutely is.
I served him up on a platter.
Let me put this
in the way you would to me.
The narcissism involved
in assuming that you managed
- to get the secretary of state canned
- He's not canned, right?
No. But I don't like his odds.
Fuck me.
The president has been waiting
for Miguel Ganon
to stab him in the back
since the day he hired him.
He's secretary of state
'cause you keep your enemies closer.
I thought he'd get benched for a week.
I didn't want him fired.
- It'll fuck up his whole life.
- No.
He does this chin tucking thing
every time the president talks.
It's like he's trying to disappear
down his own neck.
The man's not subtle.
Try not to sound excited. Okay?
I gotta get on a plane.
- Where?
- D.C.
- What, because of Ganon?
- No.
You can't march into the Oval Office
and demand he doesn't fire Ganon.
- It's not why I'm going.
- Why are you going?
Sweetheart, it's fucking classified.
You'll head straight to Langley
from the airport,
brief Michelle, brief Roger Post.
They'll put it through the mill while you
go to State to brief Tim and Ganon.
Okay. Say what you just said to me.
She goes to Langley
to brief Roger and Michelle.
They'll put it through the mill
while she goes to brief Tim and Ganon.
- Oh. Can somebody else brief Ganon?
- Tim can brief Ganon.
I guess.
It's a big get.
You sure you don't wanna bring it in?
Ah, might be better coming from Tim.
I'm on his shit list.
- Ganon's?
- It's fine.
Okay. Tim brings it through State,
you go to the White House,
brief in the Oval.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Just a big pivot after all that.
- Yeah.
- Trowbridge will hate it.
That's tomorrow's problem.
Today, you wanna show the Russians
we're taking the tip seriously.
Hand-delivering it to D.C.
is a meaningful sign.
Who tells Trowbridge?
I'm heading to MI6
as soon as you're in the air.
- They'll bring it to Number 10.
- And Dennison?
They'll tell him.
We've built a relationship.
I'm here to tell him things.
That's the point.
Don't look at me
like I'm being a shit.
You are.
The president's watching you.
You can't be wringing your hands
'cause you just discovered
actions have consequences.
This is the bigs.
For the trip.
I prefer black.
I'm aware of that.
- I'm starting at the beginning?
- They know what you told me.
- But if they have questions
- Got it.
- What'd you have for lunch?
- Um
- Yogurt.
- You're wearing it.
You, for a second.
No. No, no, no.
- No, no.
- Kate?
- Jill. Hi.
- Oh, hey.
I didn't pee.
- Okay.
- This.
- Oh.
- This suit is not black.
Do you want a towel?
No. It'll probably air dry.
- Maybe cover it.
- Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah.
Are you around? Can we get a drink?
- Ambassador?
- Yeah, sure.
I I'll call you after this.
- Tell me we confirmed her tip.
- We confirmed.
- With who?
- Source in Prague.
He took a trip to Coventry. It lines up.
Good to see each and every one of you.
Anything we didn't know an hour ago?
- We're double sourced.
- Thoughts?
- We're a yes.
- Same.
- France will light their hair on fire.
- We're getting into it.
They like to be asked and say no
a few times before they say yes.
- We'll make a fuss, make it feel good.
- How about the Brits?
- They'll get there.
- The
Are we putting a pin in the Libya plan
or full-on scrapping it?
- No pin.
- The PM isn't gonna love this.
His agenda on the domestic side makes
the previous option a lot more attractive.
- Until we've spoken to him
- Secretary Ganon did.
- He's in?
- He'll get there.
I don't love cleaning house
for the Kremlin.
It's the Brits, and the alternative
was a harebrained scheme
to lose our pants in Libya.
- Talk to the French.
- Thanks, everybody.
Really great work. Danny? Tokyo.
Make it clear we're not happy.
Why can't Australia scold Tokyo?
Australia doesn't wanna get involved.
Neither do I.
The president can weigh in
but if it'll eat the meeting
It shouldn't.
Oh. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
No, don't worry. I was early.
The meeting ended sooner than I thought.
Oval Office.
- Fancy-pants-y.
- Yeah, fuck that.
So how's it going?
I mean, have you been over there?
Ah, I've been to Doha.
They won't let me into Kabul.
- They were gonna let all of us in.
- They were.
And then when your appointment
got scrapped, they pushed pause.
Have you talked to Bazya?
I wanted to call her, but things got so
- Busy?
- Insane.
I'm sure.
- I'll call her.
- You don't have to call her.
- No. Of course I'm gonna fucking call her.
- Bazya doesn't have a phone.
They took away her phone and her computer.
She's not allowed to leave
the house without Hussein.
Hey, excuse me?
Do you have a chardonnay? Thanks.
So, what are you doing?
Trying to get people out.
How many are still left?
Uh, people who can prove
that they worked for us
and have a legitimate fear for their lives
if they stay in the country?
About 35,000.
- I wanna hear what you're doing in London.
- I'm doing nothing.
Did Par get out?
- Kate, well
- Yes or no?
She went to a protest and the Taliban beat
the shit out of her with a rubber pipe.
But only on her boobs and her crotch,
so she couldn't take pictures
to prove to anyone that it had happened.
Then she went to another protest,
and they took her away.
Probably she's dead.
We like to think she's in jail.
It's smart.
Two of you for the price of one.
- It's just Kate. It is.
- Ah? Are you really not helping?
You're not telling her how to suck up to
Brussels without emasculating the French?
She doesn't need my help.
Yeah? Well, curl up with me
and talk about my problems.
Come work at the Institute.
I'm surrounded by children
with PhDs in history,
trying to teach me the lessons of Vietnam.
- That's gotta have an upside.
- It doesn't.
You can't fuck anybody anymore.
You can't even marry anybody.
That shit you pulled with Kate?
Keep it quiet for months,
then invite everybody to the wedding?
- Those days are over.
- Saddest story I ever heard.
Whitehall is a mess.
The SNP want our nukes out of Scotland.
GCHQ is shitting their pants about China.
There's a ton of work for you.
I'd love to.
But I'm not ready to take a job.
Are you replacing Ganon?
What are you talking about?
Ganon burned the president on something.
Larry said it was about Mexico.
Larry? Larry makes shit up.
The secretary of state
takes a long walk off a short pier
it should be you.
Can you get this guy another drink,
see if we can get him to pass out?
Still not back?
She's in the elevator.
Welcome back.
- Why don't I send Dr. Brady up?
- Byron, I swear to God.
- I suggested we start at the house.
- What's going on?
Byron's never seen a woman
with a hangover before.
- Welcome back.
- Morning, Ronnie.
It's not morning, ma'am.
The prime minister wants
to see you in an hour.
Uh, he has an event at the IoD.
He'll find a minute to step out.
Is Dennison gonna be there?
I don't know.
Well, he should be.
The PM is gonna lose his fucking mind.
Somebody taught me
that if you are really tired
and you change your shoes,
you trick your body
into thinking it's morning.
Maybe change your shoes
and everything else.
Do you see this?
Yeah, I do.
This is why I wear a black suit.
This doesn't show on a black suit.
It makes me look insane.
- How about I get you something black?
- Great.
No fucking dresses.
They marched into Ukraine,
and thought to buy our assent
with the price of petrol.
We thought, no.
We ended the import of Russian oil.
And though the winds grew cold
and fuel grew dear,
our homes blazed forth
- with the bright lights of freedom.
- Yeah, just hang on. I'm stepping outside.
Cold winds blew through the land
No, still here. Yeah.
Thank you.
- Twelve minutes.
- Prime Minister.
Twelve minutes
after I told Libya I was saving them
from the Lenkov troops.
That's when I got the Ganon call.
I had already accepted Libya's thanks,
kissed the royal ring.
And 12 minutes later,
in a phone call lasting one minute
and 42 seconds, thank you kindly,
Ganon told me,
in no uncertain terms, to pull back.
Turned the words to soap in my mouth.
Informed me to inform Libya to sit tight
whilst the Americans
changed our minds for us.
The president wants
what's best for the UK.
Don't embarrass yourself.
He didn't feel
we could ignore the possibility
that the Russian state
was not behind the attack.
We're not going after the Russian state.
We're going after naughty mercenaries.
Does this ring a bell?
If there is any way to de-escalate
What happened to deterrence?
- He lost interest?
- No.
I was led to believe
by, if memory serves, you
that the president also thought
that peace in Libya was worth our time.
Does he believe that the arrest
of some nameless Russian mafioso
by a posse of frogs will answer
the deaths of 40 servicemen?
If we bring in Lenkov,
he will tell us who actually hired him.
That will take forever.
The president understands that,
and he's not thrilled about it.
I told Ganon, in no uncertain terms,
that an extended delay was not acceptable.
It was not responsive
to the needs of the United Kingdom.
Ganon brought up your concerns.
And so did I.
To the president?
In the Oval Office.
Nobody is ignoring the trade-offs.
The president is incredibly grateful
for your patience.
He does not have it.
There was something refreshing
about the days
when America looked us in the face
and said we should go fuck ourselves.
Now we're back to getting
dry-buggered and told it's love.
- How did it go?
- Great.
Did you talk about the vice presidency?
Not even with Billie?
She say anything about Ganon?
She did not.
Did you ask?
I said no words, Hal.
Not to the president, not to Billie.
I briefed at Langley.
They put my information into the mill.
I was in the Oval Office
with 90 other people for 40 seconds,
and then I was gone.
Oh, shit.
Then Trowbridge requested my presence
for a blow-by-blow of how the plan
I shoved down his throat vaporized.
- Libya?
- They're going another way.
- A better way?
- Not if you ask Trowbridge.
- What did you say?
- I said I tried.
I said the president feels his pain.
I said I fell to my knees
in front of the Resolute Desk
and begged the president to reconsider.
But on further reflection,
it's clear that this is really
what's best for the United Kingdom.
I definitely didn't say I stood quietly
in the Oval like a fucking moron
while Ganon drove a tractor over my face.
I saw Jill.
What the fuck do you think?
I need to call Dennison
and tell him where we're at.
Bit late, no?
Trowbridge is gonna
try to blow it all up, so
You can call him in the morning.
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