The End (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Blood Sandwich

See if you'd listened to me
Rushing it doesn't help.
I am not rushing it.
I'm only suggesting.
Oh, yes, because you did
Bio-Medical Science
at a tertiary level?
You missed a step.
I didn't.
10.9g of urea added slowly,
one scoop at a time
and with good stirring.
It's like cooking, isn't it?
Maybe we need another recipe.
To use the next
dog system for a peaceful death,
first check the cylinder is full
with nitrogen.
To do this, connect the regulator
to the cylinder,
tightening it firmly
with your fingers.
A spanner is not required.
See my earlier film,
'Doing It With Betty'
to learn how to make
and use an exit bag.
I had a bag but not the nitrogen.
A bag from Tesco's or?
The type you roast a turkey in.
Seals better.
..and open the tap on the top
of the cylinder.
Nembutal would've been easier.
What are you doing?
Your boyfriend's here.
I don't have a boyfriend.
So casual sex?
My mother, the town bike.
How many firsts have you got?
Are you early?
Yeah, a little bit.
This is Josh.
Josh, this is my mother, Edie.
Oh, Josh.
Josh, yeah.
I made too much if you're hungry.
Oh. He cooks?
Just vegetarian lasagne.
No, she can't stay.
I would love to,
but I've a Committee meeting.
Seph, I'm just gonna drop Nanna
home. Do you want to come with
No more licking.
Come on, cats can't go to
swim carnival.
Hey, you seen the 'No-No-No Cat'?
This Chinese site charges $900
for their Nembutal.
And that's with no quality guarantee
or personalised care.
We are not charging anything.
I don't know how many more times
I can
Your business sense.
It's not a business.
Charitable Service.
But you have to charge something.
If people pay they're more invested
and that minimises our risk.
And you said marketing was
my department anyway.
Manufacturing was yours.
At this rate, I don't think I
I definitely did not say
any of that.
If we happen to come across someone,
whose suffering is both intolerable
and unrelievable
How do you expect
these organic conversations to go?
"Hello, how are you?"
"Oh, I'm not too bad,
I'm in the mood to die today.
"If someone would only help me."
Mum, promise me.
So, your restraint is shocking
but you may as well.
Oh, him.
You've no opinion?
You're gonna tell him
what we're doing?
No. I don't think so.
I don't need to.
'Cause you know I only want you
to be happy.
And if a toy boy who happens to be
the husband
of one of your dead patients
makes you happy
then who am I
OK. Goodnight then.
Sad eyes.
Wants saving.
Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied
when I was 17?
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shinning
I can't avoid the lightning. ♪
Let's do this.
See you out there.
See you out there.
You made it!
Ah, thank you!
The Owl looked up to the stars above
and sang to his sweet guitar
"Oh lovely Pussy! Oh, Pussy my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are."
Have you made it yet?
Nope, not even close.
Have you seen the news?
Turn on local.
You shouldn't be watching local.
It's bad for your brain.
Michael and Jillian Regan
have been charged today
with importing the border-controlled
substance, Nembutal.
My husband has cancer of the spine
and lives in constant pain.
He's never broken a law in his life.
The Regan's are members
of advocacy group,
Dying with Dignity,
which supports
voluntary assisted dying
OK, awful, and?
..few months of his life
is not only devastating
Mum? wastes the precious time
we have left.
If I cannot get it right now,
I don't want it, I don't want it,
I don't want it
I don't want it, I don't want it,
I don't want it
Give me all of your attention ♪
No service?
Me neither.
No, I don't want it,
I don't want it ♪
For the wishes
of the community,
I've talked to a lot of people.
Doesn't come as a shock, does it?
I'm known for my talking.
But I've heard stories
in my travels
I'm not easily gonna forget.
At Dying With Dignity,
you guys have been
at the coal face
for a long time fighting this fight.
We've got to do our bit now.
And there is something
that you can do,
we need your letters,
not emails
because they can be easily deleted.
But handwritten letters,
personal stories, like Jillian's.
And Michael's.
Perhaps you'd like to include
some photographs as well?
We need them
to really feel like
Sorry Kevin but that is total crap.
We've all sent letters for years.
My husband doesn't have time
to ask politely.
What we need is real action
and real leadership.
Great, thank you.
Lovely to meet you.
Lovely to meet you!
Hello, I'm Edie.
I saw you on the news.
I though it was very moving.
Thank you.
I've had some experience myself.
We all know someone who's suffered
a terrible end.
How the Catholics are allowed
to run a secular country.
It's awful.
I'd like to help.
Good. Always after volunteers here.
You should sign up.
No, I mean I want to help you
and your husband.
If we could have a cup of tea
or a drink?
Somewhere alone?
It's busy now but
Do sign up.
And thank you for coming.
Should've used a post box.
If you don't want to get caught
you don't put your address
on the package.
How do you mean?
Jillian likes the fight.
Good for her.
How were you going to help them?
Fuck that snake.
Yeah, just moved at me.
I don't think you're meant to yell
at them.
Where is he?
I'm a counsellor,
I can do it.
I like snakes.
Are you speaking parcel tongue?
Yeah, I am making friends.
Dude, it's not funny.
Got him.
Oh, my hero!
Oh, so brave!
Yes. Bravo! Bravo!
Fuck you.
She doesn't have any friends
as far as I know.
She's a 104 years old
and no family.
Well, you said you weren't going to
approach people.
Well, this was organic.
She struck up a conversation with me.
So, what was I to suppose to do?
We haven't got anything to give her
Well, exactly. That's why
you gotta get a rigger on.
So, Rita, I'm just trying to get
a whole picture,
so you had emphysema in 2005?
There about.
And that was after you had
the throat cancer?
Must've been.
But, no dementia,
I do not have that.
No, I can see that.
You're very alert.
So would Rita be a candidate
in your assessment?
I don't know.
I have to ask a few more questions.
And you've wanted for a while?
Oh no. Not for me.
The Nembutal she means?
I don't think so.
We should all have the right.
It's our choice.
Not politicians, not doctors.
Excuse me, no offense meant.
None taken.
But you never know what the next day
will bring, do you?
How about having some
in the pantry, just?
..just in case.
And that's me in our apartment
in our New York.
That's my sister.
Do you miss her?
Yes, I do miss her.
She was my best friend.
And you can't really replace
your best friend.
Can you?
They think it's cervical cancer.
Some suspect cells.
So I will be going into hospital when
this is
Am I boring you Kathryn?
Is my cancer prognosis
so uninteresting?
No, I am just wondering why
you're telling me about it today?
Where's Chris?
I need Chris.
Have you guys seen Chris?
No, not for a while.
I wanna cancel the mobile plan.
No actually, no.
She wasn't that satisfied
with her coverage actually,
but it's not really that.
Yeah, look, I've been authorised
No, no
Because she died!
Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry too man.
Yeah, it's a bit shit!
Look, I've been put on hold
three times already.
You know back home I feel like
everyone's just like Lego.
They all fit together.
And I just never do.
But with this group I just
But are you pan?
Like technically,
don't you fit everywhere?
Oh my god,
that is such a guy response.
Everything's just black and white.
I've gotta piss.
OK. I won't look or listen.
Nature's pretty cool, hey?
Is that OK?
Your cock tastes amazing.
You don't have to say that.
Wait, wait, wait.
Shit, you OK?
Dude, wait, what's wrong?
What binder are you wearing?
Hold up, wait, sorry.
How tight is this on you?
I need to take it off.
Can you let me take it off?
Please, let me help you.
I'm fine!
Can you breathe properly?
Fuck off!
I think you need to take it off.
Oh, is this not Pamela's?
She's inside.
Come on in.
I didn't realise I'm interrupting.
No, no, no.
We're about to merge lunch
with dinner.
Everyone this is Edie.
She's from the village.
Hi Edie!
Can I make a plate up?
No, I'm not
I can't stay.
Excuse me.
It's Oberon.
I just wanted to borrow your car.
You don't drive.
I know, it's another rescue mission
and I just thought
Is everyone OK?
Yeah, just minor drama
in the scheme.
Apologies again for interrupting.
You didn't. Are you sure
everything's alright?
Yep, perfectly, perfectly.
See you.
Hey Josh?
Hi. I am just wondering if you need
anything brought by for dinner?
We don't have plans tonight.
Yeah, but I don't have a gig
or anything.
Josh I don't know how to
I'm not your wife.
I'm so sad for you
but I have just got too much
going on.
I've been thinking about it
and she is gone.
You know? And you probably need to
sit with that
and try not to fill it.
Shit, sorry.
I'm sorry, I' gonna call you back,
I'll talk to you later.
How's everyone?
Did he tell you I wrote to him?
He's good.
He's camping.
I always wanted
to take him camping.
My dad taught me
how to build a fire.
You're scared of spiders, snakes
and Ross River fever.
I was disconnected from the land
I am working with my hands now.
Seph mentioned a boyfriend,
is camping his thing?
I'm too old for boyfriends.
What's he like?
You're fucking him in our bed,
our sheets?
I have new sheets.
Your friend who cooks ice?
Beard? Muffins?
Do you trust him?
Yeah. Why?
Call him over.
I need advice.
Are you a child?
I'm fine.
And you need to talk to
a convicted drug dealer about?
I was thinking
I'm gonna take up ice as a hobby.
Shame about my teeth
but I've heard it's amazing.
I don't think it's out of line
to ask for more information when
It is.
Who is this new guy?
What's happening to my family?
You don't get to ask.
You don't get to lie
and screw us over and leave me.
You're not upset that he called me?
No, I think it's great
he reached out.
OK. Scale of one to ten now?
I think we can rule out appendicitis.
Or a collapsed lung.
So I am lying?
Why don't I fix us some supper?
Blood sandwich?
Go to be a bit thoughtful,
think it through.
Oh my god, that's so good.
Is it good?
It's really good.
How are you doing there Oberon?
Looks like you're enjoying yourself.
Uh, yes, I'll accept the charges.
We got that recommendation for you.
For the dog rather.
Oh, yeah, hang on.
Yeah, it's a good vet.
He's reliable, should do you
a decent deal, friend of a friend.
That's great, thank you.
Name, Hoang Do,
at Poor Paws.
And then the second paws is
like the feet.
Southport Central.
OK. Got it.
I don't understand
what you need it for.
Ah, it's a bit of a weird one.
Mum and I are
'Cause given the fact that
I'm in here,
Ah, don't do the favour
then lecture, Chris.
Wait, wait, wait.
You were right what you said,
I did fuck us
But to be fair,
you were fucked way before then.
Way before me.
That never stopped you being magic.
And so if you wanna move in
with camping man
I'm not doing that.
No, I mean,
if that's what you wanna do,
then I am right behind you,
you've got my full support.
Hey Chris.
Hey baby.
I lost 'em.
The cheque from your parents.
And the ring.
Out to sea.
All those little nobodies
in your heart
Damning all your yesterdays
Cursing a time
when you acted like such a tart
You really were an arsehole
that day. ♪
Thank for letting me uh
Uh, yeah.
Look, I gotta get to work soon.
Another wedding gig?
What'd you do for yours?
You and uh
I know you're not my wife.
Actually, it's about Beth,
the reason that I think you'd be
I'd be getting into something new.
I mean not like family or anything
but I'd like to tow about.
Hey Kell.
Hi, I'm Kelly.
How're you feeling?
You know this is only
an initial chat?
I can't promise.
Oh, still.
She a good witch or a bad witch?
I don't know yet.
A bad witch,
but she's working on it.
Sweet dissatisfaction
Sweet dissatisfaction. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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