The Envoys (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Mi nombre es Legión

Zebras are social animals.
This means,
they live in groups
and they work collectively
in defense,
protection and feeding duties.
Each member of the herd
is able to identify
by their smell,
their voice and the design
on their stripes.
Esteban, what did you do?
They are coming.
Who is coming?
What are you talking about?
They'll open your eyes up
even if they have
to rip your eyelids off.
To whom?
All of the people you have
in that hospice with the priest,
in that prison.
But there's no prison
that can keep us locked up.
I'm not Esteban.
I'm Legion.
Come here, honey.
You need help
Father, have you seen Esteban?
Esteban? Here at these hours?
He told me something
about the patients here.
I'm very worried.
Adriana, are you OK?
Please ask the nurses
to check the aisles.
Can I borrow
your phone for a minute?
Sure, go ahead.
Go ahead, please.
One moment, I'll answer this.
- Is everything OK?
- I don't know.
Esteban left the house
and I don't know
where he could be.
- What happened?
- I think he had a breakdown.
I'll call you back.
No, don't call my cell phone.
I'm here at the hospice.
Alright, I'll see you there.
I've always feared
this could happen, Rafael.
And now it's happening,
just like with my mom.
- What happened exactly?
- He's outraged.
He's angry
with this father's death
and he doesn't know what to do.
He filled the house with flies!
How did he do that?
He looked so different.
He was pale, with big eye bags
And his voice was way deeper.
He said his name
was not Esteban,
that it was Legion.
Are you sure?
What is it?
What does that mean?
Jesus went to a possessed man
and he asked what his name was.
And the man answered,
"My name is Legion,
because we are many."
It's written on the Bible.
Rafael is so ill.
Right now that's not important.
We need to find him.
Do you have any idea
where he might have gone?
He could have gone to the city,
but I called the doorman
and he told me
the apartment's light is on,
but no one
is answering the door,
he's not even
picking up my calls.
- I don't know
- Come here.
Come here.
- Alright. Calm down.
- Yes, I will.
Son, you scared me.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
What are you doing?
Esteban listen to me
very carefully.
You can't ignore me.
We have to wait until
everything calms down
so we can put an end to it.
I know exactly what I'm doing.
- Where are you going?
- Nowhere.
Quintana is the one leaving.
No, they turned
the phone off again.
And can't you track it?
A nun could find me in Rome
and you can't find him?
The thing is, in San Acacio
there's only one antenna
and you can't
triangulate with it.
How many
do you need to triangulate?
It's triangulating,
the word itself tells you that.
Right, three. OK.
With only one antenna,
the only thing you get
is the distance there's to it.
Right now
the radius is pretty vast.
I don't know,
you could shorten that,
adjust the perimeter,
looking from another angle.
But please, find him.
Sure, we will.
Please keep us
informed, officer.
- Of course.
- And again, I'm sorry for
for tackling you and the fuzz.
No, don't worry about it.
I get it.
One last question, before
you take that moron away.
Could you give me
a minute to talk to him?
Come with me.
But don't overstep it, Father.
Or else I'm the one
answering for it.
It's here.
Let's go.
Go ahead.
How did you find me?
How did you find me?
Hold on, hold on.
Oh. What about the phone?
Oh. Let's see.
What is the password?
Come here. Come here.
Put your face there.
Let's see what's inside.
It's Quintana.
Do you have his phone?
What did you do with him?
What did you do with him?
Thank you very much,
God bless you.
We'll take care
of this from now on.
Have a good day, thank you.
- Please.
- What are you doing here?
What the hell
do you think you're doing?
Try to calm down, Father.
There's no need to be
inappropriate, please.
What is this, kidnapping?
I thought
we had reached an agreement.
An agreement where
we stay quiet
about you killing two children.
- Two children!
- Pedro! Help me.
- Two children
- Sit down.
Just, sit down.
You have no idea
what you're talking about.
Or on what side
we are on this war.
Oh, yes.
It's curious
you mention it, Monsignor.
Now that I think about it,
and also recalling some,
I think we are clearly
in different sides, right?
You've done nothing but trying
to silence us, threatening us,
attacking us, all of us,
even Dr. Cortés,
even Sister Emilia.
And as you can see now,
your plan about
Your plan about killing
my partner here
didn't work out.
This is much greater
than you or me or your partner.
And you know it.
We didn't cause the death
of those children.
Then who did it?
The Devil.
The Devil?
Of course.
One day life will rip off
your arrogance,
you damned Spaniard.
You think because
you travel around the world
taking pictures
you are above us?
What the hell
do you know about the Devil?
You have no idea
what you're dealing with.
And did the Devil
also kill Quintana?
Or was it one
of your colleagues,
as you call them?
I am a soldier of God,
like yourself.
Oh, come on.
For God's sake,
enough with your soldiers
and your wars
and your bloodshed.
Don't you think
it's embarrassing to talk about
these things when you have
such a weak army
that two kids ended up dead?
For God's sake.
Quintana was going
to tell on you,
and you sent
your colleagues, right?
Don't worry,
the Captain is already searching
Quintana's phone.
Why don't you save us the time
and just confess already,
You don't have a single idea
about anything.
Enlighten us.
Rafael was like a son to me.
I could have
never hurt him, never.
Can you hand me my phone?
Just let me.
The day Rafael disappeared,
someone told him
about the hospice.
Then he called me,
but I wasn't able to pick up.
He left me a message.
It's me. I have a case
to put under judgement.
It's urgent,
I'm really worried about it.
I'll call you
as soon as I can.
Who was he talking about?
He just left that voice message.
I assembled my work team,
Antonio the psychiatrist, Badi.
But Quintana never called back.
I never heard anything
from him again.
But the person
he's talking about
is responsible, not me.
You're wrong, Father.
You are very responsible.
And I do know the Devil,
I've seen him
since I was a child like this,
face to face.
You are the Devil.
May the Lord
forgive you, Father.
He ruined my negotiation,
he made me look stupid!
Why? But, why?
The deal was
he wasn't going to do anything,
that's what we agreed,
and you don't contribute at all!
Well, I didn't report him
so I don't get killed,
what about them?
He just said
they wouldn't kill you.
We can't be
his hostages forever, Emilia.
I'm not saying it's forever.
Let's get out of here alive,
we can see
what to do later to negotiate.
Let's do the following,
we can go to San Acacio
to search Quintana's phone,
and you can stay here
and negotiate.
Is that OK?
Come on, Sister.
I can already see
you wearing the red skullcap,
the first female Bishop
in all history.
So you think I'm dumb?
No, I'm being serious.
And for me to say that
I can see you,
you have no idea
how much I admire you.
Or do you know?
Thank you
for being of so much help.
OK, sure.
- Now, find the phone.
- Thank you, Sister.
May the Lord bless you.
And don't believe
anything he says.
What are you looking at?
Stop staring then.
Go to your room.
Leave that, go to your room.
Federico. How are you?
- Can I come in?
- Come on in.
What brings you here?
I need to talk to you.
OK. Sure.
Would you like a coffee?
No, it's fine. Thank you.
Tell me something,
did you go up the old road
to the mines today?
No. Why?
Did you use your car?
So, you lent it to your son?
Also no.
What did Esteban do today?
He spent the whole day
here with me, he just left.
What is it?
Quintana's phone turned on.
I mean,
we don't know where it is,
but it's moving,
it's getting away.
As soon as it enters
a three-antenna area,
we'll be able to locate it.
That's some great news!
That means he's alive.
It means it's turned on
and that is moving.
Like as if it was on a truck?
But where is Quintana then?
Today someone snuck
to the truck station
using the back,
using the old road.
And it turns out
it was your car, Adriana.
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Then it was Esteban
if it wasn't you.
And why would he do that?
What are you looking at?
We've grown a lot, haven't we?
I was recalling the times
I got in trouble
and you would lie
to have my back.
You remember?
I would see you and think,
"Oh no,
she's going to get caught."
"You can see from miles
she's lying."
Are you sure Esteban
is not in his room?
No. Federico, you can't
just enter my home like this!
Captain, this is Antequera.
Do you have
any updates about the phone?
We're on our way to San Acacio.
Anything you find out,
please call.
Let's meet
as soon as you get this.
Thank you.
I owe you an apology.
I can't believe I trusted them.
Forget about that, Pedro.
I don't
I don't know what to think.
I thought
I could make a difference,
or that I was special.
I was a moron.
I think you are too.
Right, I'm stupid.
You're special.
Especially stupid?
No, special.
Special, just special.
Look, Pedro.
I don't know
if I was already dead
or if I was about to,
but I swear it,
I saw myself in a lake,
surrounded by yellow flowers,
the flowers you see everywhere.
And suddenly I was sinking,
and you appeared
and pulled me out.
I don't know
if it was a miracle,
I don't know what that was.
All I know is that
I'd been on my own
on my three last missions,
and this time,
as much as it pained me,
the Lord gave me a partner
as much as it pained me,
I didn't want to.
I wanted to go alone.
A partner who is a doctor,
a partner who was there,
and you pulled me out,
it was you, I saw it clearly.
And you resurrected me,
either with medicine,
with prayers, with PCR,
I don't know.
But you resurrected me.
So, if that's not worth
a prayer,
we should start with that.
That's it.
Now, what do we do?
It would be great to know
who called Quintana
the night he disappeared.
That's the key to everything.
We could go to the hospice
and speak to the guards
that were on shift that night,
there should be some record.
I'll take you to the hospice,
I'll go check on Adriana.
If she was on call that night,
it could be very helpful.
Esteban, don't do that.
Esteban, leave now
while you can!
Shut up.
How disappointing, Federico.
Are you really on the side
of those priests?
You suffered it,
you know what it's like,
and you survived it.
You know them,
and you are protecting them?
Don't answer that phone.
Esteban, turn that phone off!
You're just
like everybody else, right?
You go around praying
and believing faith
will save you.
Faith is for fools.
They have their beliefs too.
On this village even the doctors
light candles
to their little saints.
Pray to your saints, Federico.
Pray to them!
Or else my mom will have
to put up a picture of you
in the family altar.
Right next to Rafael.
Esteban, it's me, Rafael.
Can you open up?
I want to talk to you.
Esteban, don't do it!
You also thought
he was a saint, didn't you?
Are you OK?
Esteban, don't do it.
He was the worst of them all.
With his miracles,
he just deceived people.
What are you doing?
Put that down, please.
I won't let you keep doing this.
- Son, what are you
- Your scams!
Your lies about being a healer,
a miraculous man.
The one
everyone comes over to visit.
Even the priests
that came from the Vatican.
What's next?
The Pope coming
to kiss your rings or what?
You and me, we know the truth.
That you didn't save my dad,
that you are a scam!
Come on, move.
That's why
I needed a confession.
That's why!
To open the eyes
to all of those morons,
but of course not!
How could they, they've
been believing for 2,000 years
in something they cannot see.
OK, come here.
You'll sit right there.
Hold on.
And you'll tell everyone
who you really are.
- What?
- A fraud.
Calm down.
That's my mission.
To open people's eyes.
Esteban, no!
Stop, don't do that!
What are you doing?
What do we do?
What do we do?
I can't reach.
Guadalupe, right?
Do you have a moment?
I'm sorry, Father.
I'm on my way home already.
- You can speak with a colleague.
- I just have a question. Look.
Look, I know it was
several days ago,
but do you remember the night
Father Quintana went missing?
Were you working
on that shift that night?
- Yes.
- OK.
And, do you remember
anything out of the ordinary,
someone visiting
that wasn't supposed to?
Nothing out
of the ordinary, Father.
Honey, you go first
to the bus stop.
I'll catch you up in a bit.
Sure, mom.
I always knew
you were a saint, my darling.
I heard of the miracle
you performed.
What is it?
I trusted you, Badi.
What happened to you?
How can you work
for someone like Benavent?
Two children died,
a priest got nearly killed.
I don't expect you to understand
the work I do here,
but that doesn't mean
you don't have a gift,
a life-saving touch.
If you want to fight
against us, go ahead.
But stop fighting the gift
the Lord gave you.
It's a blessing, honey.
- Are you OK?
- Yes.
The TV was on,
that's why I couldn't hear you.
- Sure.
- What happened to you?
Can I have
a glass of water first?
- Of course, have a seat.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah. Have a seat.
I'm glad Pedro was there,
or I wouldn't tell the story.
How did they know
where to find you?
Someone sent a message
from Quintana's phone.
I saw the message myself.
Can you think of anyone
who could have sent it?
Maybe people saw them
leaving Esteban's apartment.
That's Esteban,
he's in his bedroom.
- Is he alright?
- Yes.
Sometimes he gets anxious
before bed.
Someday you'll have to
introduce me to him.
Why would they do
such thing to you?
I don't know,
but it's related to Quintana,
the children's disappearance
and those medieval rituals.
Is there something wrong?
You have a cut.
I cut myself with the glass
from some pictures I dropped.
I'm fine.
Do you feel uncomfortable?
Do you want me to leave?
No. I'm fine.
I don't want to bother you.
Actually, I think it's better
if you leave.
Yes, of course, I
- Are you sure your son is OK?
- Yes, he's fine.
Would you like me
to talk to him?
No, no. It's not necessary.
Can I do anything for you?
- Hey.
- Simón.
I need to tell you something.
- Of course, what?
- I feel it eating me up inside.
Tell me.
- Are you OK?
- No.
It's nothing, I'm fine.
Sometimes it gets difficult
juggling work at the hospice
and my son, but I'm fine,
it's nothing.
I'll leave for now. OK?
You call me
if anything happens, please.
- Yes.
- I have the phone back,
you can call me there.
- Sure.
Hey, just one thing.
The day Quintana disappeared,
someone called from the hospice
because they wanted help
with some process.
Were you there, Adriana?
Can you think of anyone
who could have called?
No, I don't remember anything,
Rafael doesn't tell me
about his calls.
- Call me if anything happens.
- Sure.
Sister Emilia.
Sister Emilia,
I'm glad to see you.
Now it was me the one
that surprised you.
Grace be with you,
Your Eminence.
Sister Emilia,
you are an ambitious woman.
And that's OK.
But it could make
some uncomfortable.
Yes, logically.
We live in times where
you must adapt to change.
Besides, I know your family,
and I want
to get along with them.
- Logically.
- Logically.
Your boss, Father Antequera,
since you don't answer
to any other boss here.
I answer to God, Your Eminence.
- Logically.
- Logically.
But here on Earth,
your boss, Father Antequera,
and yourself are
ambitious people.
Which is good,
I was ambitious too.
I wanted to propose a deal.
Monsignor Zuliani
is retiring soon,
in a couple years,
but we can it happen early.
I think it's natural
for Antequera
to have this position
in the congregation.
And from there
to State Secretary,
there's just a mass in between.
You could become
a Congregation envoy.
You won't make it to Bishop,
but you won't remain
as a secretary either.
In exchange for what?
Respect for this House
and its duty,
and on these times of change,
people with your value,
we need them to be on our side.
Fine, don't say anything.
Think about it.
- Anything?
- Nothing.
Have you heard anything
from the Captain?
I've been calling him,
but he won't answer.
I'll call Emilia now.
Sister, we need
your brother to help us find
Molina Reyes' phone.
Yes, but we need
to talk urgently, Father.
Now it's not a good time.
We'll talk later.
- Did you tell on him?
- Yes.
Did you tell them where he was?
- Yes, I made you a favor.
- How?
You think I don't know
you want to screw him?
He's just like Quintana
and all those shitty priests.
That's why
you don't have a husband.
What are you doing with that?
Those priests ruined our lives.
You can't keep
obsessing over it!
- You have to stop.
- No, I'm not going to stop.
- You will listen to me, damn it!
- No, I have to put him down.
Father, the picture
I just sent you,
that cross,
that's the antenna.
The cell phone
is in that radius.
We can't do anything more.
Thank you, sister.
I'll call you back.
What is it?
It can't be I can't believe it.
Look, isn't where Adriana lives?
Yes, that's the place.
Is something wrong?
I cut myself with the glass
from some pictures I dropped.
That's Esteban,
he's in his bedroom.
What is it?
I need to tell you something.
I feel it eating me up inside.
- Let's go to Adriana's house.
- Now?
Let's go, let's go! Please.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Come on. Let's go.
- What?
- Now, quick!
What?! No, Esteban!
What happened?
It's not his fault.
- No
- What happened?
Where is Esteban?
It's not his fault
We have the phone already,
but it's locked.
Do you know where
your son could have gone?
Look, I'll try to be
as clear as possible.
Your son murdered a captain.
A dearly beloved captain
by his colleagues.
It's best for all
if we find him first,
before the investigation unit
If the police get him first,
I don't think
he'll get to have a trial.
He's involved in the death
of at least two people.
It can't be.
Esteban wouldn't hurt anyone.
Let's do something.
I'll leave you alone
for a couple of minutes,
when you're ready
you can call me back.
But know this, the only
way we can help your kid
is if you tell us where he is.
It's his mother,
she won't say anything.
- Let me talk to her, please.
- No. I'm sorry, no.
I know you want to help out,
but she's a witness
of an ongoing investigation.
Right, but look.
My partner has developed
a relationship
of trust with her.
I think that trust could
save us a lot of time.
And that time could help avoid
a tragedy, don't you think?
- You've got 15 minutes.
- Thank you.
You have to help him, Simón.
Adriana, I know you want
to protect your son.
But if it wasn't him,
it was you.
The best way to protect him now
is making sure
he won't hurt anyone else,
and that no one else
will hurt him.
Simón, help me please.
Your son needs
a lot of mercy right now.
We need to get to know him
and what he did
to Quintana and why.
If you don't want people
to go hunt the monster down,
tell us who are we looking for.
Esteban didn't do anything.
Help me, please.
Of course.
Calm down.
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
Two videos on Quintana's phone.
My name is Rafael Quintana.
I don't know how to say this.
A moment, please.
Do you recognize this shadow?
Do you?
Is it familiar?
We didn't see it before
because the light was coming
from the front
and it killed the shadow.
It's Esteban's
apartment, isn't it?
Simón, Esteban is very sick.
Like his grandmother.
Like my mom.
I guess the genes got their way.
He didn't show any signs of it,
but since his dad died,
he became so sick.
And he wouldn't
stop blaming Rafael.
I'm sorry,
I can't keep doing this.
I'm really sorry.
That's it,
I said what you asked.
"That's it"?
No, Quintana.
I'll see you never hurt
the people that trusted you.
Like us, we did trust you.
You let him die.
He was a special case,
Javier had a
Javier had
a late stage of cancer.
No, what are you doing?
No, wait! No!
No, no please!
Don't do it, don't do it!
Wait, hold on.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name
Esteban is in
a serious condition.
And I couldn't help him.
Not as a doctor,
not as a mom.
I couldn't.
Adriana, I'm sorry.
Did you
Did you call Quintana
to tell him
that Esteban was possessed?
And now you're telling us
he's sick.
What does your son have?
Is it a demon or a disease?
On this village you hear
of demons and possessed.
I had to ask Rafael for help.
That's why Quintana
called his secretary.
Elena, right.
She was already on her way
to help Esteban.
But, of course,
she couldn't say anything.
You need a ride?
Isn't it?
And Prado
All of them
to cover up a dead body.
If his hatred
was against Quintana,
why killing them too?
They were covering up something.
If he attacked him in the city,
what could he had seen
in San Acacio?
They saw him.
Balam, Valentina, Prado,
they saw him.
He's alive, isn't he?
Quintana is alive, right?
I couldn't just let him die.
Adriana, please
Where is Father Quintana?
Rafael, can you hear me?
Father. Help me, Father.
Come on, let's go.
You ratted on your own son,
you stupid bitch.
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