The Event s01e07 Episode Script

I Know Who You Are

We need to root them out.
Every one of them.
So, do whatever you have to.
Sophia's train is proceeding east.
We're getting a clear signal from the scandium 46 in her bloodstream.
They've got a tracker in Sophia.
They put an isotope in her food.
I'm counting on you.
Whoever dosed the people at the coffee shop did it with the same isotope we used on Sophia.
Agent Lee.
Someone needs to check you.
My cover's blown.
Sterling's aide made me.
I don't know anything about your sister.
Where is Samantha? Where is she? Do not move or I will shoot you! Don't shoot.
You can have the file.
Move! In 1944, an aircraft crashed in Alaska.
The government imprisoned the survivors.
Who are they? Aliens.
That's him.
Call it off.
It's too late.
This is it, Simon.
Execute, execute, execute! You have to come with us now.
I'm sorry.
Go! Go, I'll be right behind you! Simon? Aaron! Do you have any idea how many innocent lives you just took? They weren't innocents.
They were armed men, hunting us down.
So that Martinez could lock us both up for the rest of our lives.
No, there had to be a better way.
We were outnumbered.
Or was the building about making a point to show them what you could do? It's good for them to be afraid of us.
It'll make them think twice when it comes to their next move.
Don't you understand? It will make them want to hunt us down even more.
It's good to see you, Sophia.
And you, Aaron.
Reinforcements are being brought in from all over the city.
We need to be on our way.
Where's Simon? I thought he was supposed to be with you.
He was supposed to be.
I thought his cover was blown, that they found out he was working with us.
What happened? Where is he? That's what I'd like you to find out, Aaron.
We don't even know if he made it out of the building alive.
How many of our men were in that building? How many? We're currently estimating between 15 and 30 men were still in the building when that happened.
They were ahead of us every step of the way.
Can you tell me anything that's gone right with your operation? Because this is a disaster.
How could this possibly have happened? It happened because Sophia's people have an informant in our ranks.
My aide, Justin Murphy, brought it to my attention less than an hour ago.
Why didn't you tell me? I felt it would be more pertinent once we had actually discovered who the informant was.
And have you? Mr.
Murphy narrowed it down to someone on the field team.
Your field team, men you hand-picked for the job.
That's correct.
Murphy went into the field hoping to root them out.
Where is he now? We've lost contact.
He was last seen with Agent Lee, who was hurt in the collapse.
Once Agent Lee recovers from his wounds, hopefully we'll find Murphy and the informant.
Hopefully? You need to do better than that.
This informant is in your department, he's one of your people.
If you can't trust your own judgment, how the hell can you expect me to? Find the informant, or I'll find someone else who can.
So yesterday, I told my seventh graders that they might have a surprise quiz on Gettysburg today.
You are too easy on them.
Apparently not because even with the warning, half the class fails.
Couldn't even answer the question, "Where does the battle of Gettysburg take place?" Come on.
I'm serious.
It's like their bodies are in the chairs, but they've projected their consciousness somewhere else.
If I had you as my teacher, I'd be hanging on your every word.
I wish I knew you in seventh grade.
No, you don't.
This is really good.
It's from that winery near Barcelona where our car broke down.
You're kidding.
How did you I called the owner, asked him to ship a case.
Does anyone else know what a hopeless romantic you are? It's been ten months, three weeks and two days.
And I feel like celebrating, okay? Yes.
Oh! Okay, go ahead.
I have some risotto to stir.
Hello? Blake.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Of course not, Father.
There are some things we need to discuss.
Yes? Not on the phone.
Come by my office first thing in the morning.
Sorry, I've got a meeting in the morning.
Cancel it.
This is important.
How is he? Mr.
Lee suffered a subdural hematoma.
Now, we were able to reduce the swelling in the cranium When can he talk? It could be hours.
He suffered severe trauma Thank you, Doctor.
You're going to wait? For as long as it takes.
You can't keep me here.
I have a job.
I have responsibilities.
Help! Somebody! I'm in the trunk! Help me! Can anyone hear me? Mr.
Murphy! Mr.
Murphy, slow down.
Take it easy.
Agent Lee Agent Lee made it out of the building.
They took him to the hospital.
Agent Lee, he's the mole.
What? I need to talk to Director Sterling.
Aliens? Do you expect us to believe that this happened to my family because of aliens? Because he discovered the truth about aliens.
And the correct term is Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, or EBEs.
So long as that's clear.
I know it's a lot to accept.
I didn't, not at first.
Madeline, if no one's actually seen these EBEs, how can you be sure they really exist? Top secret government documents, some of which are in the file.
See for yourself.
Where? Sean, you're not actually taking what she's saying seriously.
Your father and I were on a plane that went from Florida to Arizona in seconds.
We don't have that technology.
Are you talking about Avias Flight 514? Michael was piloting that? You know about it? Rumor has it the plane disappeared during an assassination attempt.
Now it makes sense.
What? What makes sense? Well, there was chatter, since suppressed, that the President was going public about Inostranka.
Don't you see? Having your father fly his plane into the President was killing two birds with one stone.
The President would be stopped from revealing the existence of the EBEs and your father would be stopped passing on what he found out.
What did my father find out? The night before he disappeared, your father told me that there was someone out there who would go to any lengths to stop Martinez.
For their own mysterious reasons, not political.
Whoever this person is, they are behind everything that has happened to you.
If you want to find your family, you need to find them.
And we need to hope that the answers are in that file.
Look in your father's file.
Look! Look, come here.
I don't know about all this either, okay? EBEs, conspiracies to keep them secret But right now, it's the only theory, however insane, that explains any part of this.
Sean, I don't know I don't know.
I don't know either, okay? But your father's file is the best and only lead that we have to finding out who's behind this and your family.
You know something.
What do you know? She's not telling me anything.
Nobody's telling me anything.
Look I'm trying to help.
May I take a look? Let me see.
This I've seen.
This I've seen.
This is new information.
This is your father's notebook.
And most of this stuff I've already seen, but this is new.
This list of names and numbers Who are these people? I don't know, it looks like most of them are women, but the numbers are too long to be phone numbers.
It must be some kind of code.
Well, if it's a code, then I can crack it and I can find out who all these people are.
I just need the right kind of hardware and a CES-encrypted hardline.
So that we can data-mine without anyone knowing that we're doing it.
I have a friend that might be able to help.
Phalaenopsis typically only flower once every two years, but these guys are different.
Genetically engineered to open every month.
You have a call, sir.
For your wife.
A $2 million bouquet.
Where are you? In FBI custody, Dallas Field Office.
The lawyer your people sent says this room's been swept and the line's clean.
The last I heard, you and your partner were moments away from securing the pilot's daughter and her boyfriend.
We didn't secure them, sir.
They got away.
How? I'm not sure, sir.
That is not an acceptable answer, young man.
Do you have any idea where they are now? Somehow they found out her father was chosen to fly that plane for a reason, sir.
I see.
They may have gone to her parents' house in Atlanta to dig around.
But they could have come and gone by now.
I'll find them.
I have my ways.
And we really have no choice.
Michael Buchanan put his nose into things he shouldn't have.
If these two come up with the same discoveries, could be dangerous for us.
I understand, sir.
That'll be all.
You've done well for yourself over the last 66 years.
Our holdings are in good shape.
Their economy fluctuates up and down in a way they can't predict.
With our math, we can.
Buy low and sell high.
And you weren't concerned about someone taking notice of all this success? A man in the Midwest does all the investing for me.
He's made a fortune following my advice.
Draws all the attention to himself.
We need to talk.
I don't want to hear about what happened to the building How dare you speak to me like that! Your orders were to do what was needed to get us home! That's all.
Instead you've destroyed every bit of trust I built.
You've blackmailed the President, infected innocent people I tried to do what was right for us.
I decide what's right for us, not you.
And you need to come to terms with that before anyone else gets hurt.
Is that a threat? It's an order.
And our people, Aaron and Simon and the rest of you who are living free, will follow my lead.
You know that.
I understand.
Do you? I didn't mean you disrespect.
I'm sorry, Mother.
Then what's past is past.
We start fresh from here.
I just heard from one of our watchers.
Simon's at the hospital.
Is he all right? He's alive.
But the accusation's being made that he's our mole.
You're telling me the head of my Special Operations crew is the informant.
Sir, there is no doubt in my mind.
I don't see how that could be possible, sir.
When I went to scan him for trace radiation, he attacked me.
Why else would he do that, if not to protect himself from being exposed? You think he planted that isotope at the coffee shop? Well, then scan him now! It won't work any more.
The half-life on the isotope has already expired.
Yeah, how convenient for you.
Agent I'm sorry, sir, but I can't just sit back and listen to this.
Simon saved my life back there and I wasn't the only one.
Why would he do that if he was working for the other side, sir? To convince you that he isn't.
Which he clearly has.
This isn't productive.
Murphy, bring me all of Agent Lee's personnel files.
I want to take a second look at everything.
Sir Your protest is noted, Agent.
If this is true, it has significant national security implications.
I have no choice, but to proceed accordingly.
I want you to go back to that coffee shop.
Process the scene.
Look for evidence in light of these allegations.
You want me to help crucify my friend.
I want you to do your job.
Yes, sir.
Good morning.
Want some coffee? No, thank you.
I'd like to know what this is about.
How are things at home, Blake? Fine.
If you don't mind, Father, I have a lot on my plate this morning.
So if we could please just get to whatever you need to talk to me about, I'd appreciate it.
It's Laura.
Aren't we past this? Her real name is Svetlana Agletinova.
Born in Moscow, 1968.
She's a Russian intelligence operative.
We've been trailing her for months.
She meets her contact at the Dupont Circle fountain on Tuesdays.
She has drop points all over the city.
There must be another explanation for this.
Hello? Hello.
Is Bobby there? This is Bobby.
Bobby is Sergei Vneshney.
He works both sides.
She copied the Oxford file from your computer, among other things.
Blake, I know you understand what you have to do.
You don't need me for this.
No, I don't.
But I thought I'd at least give you a chance to say goodbye and to save your career.
Bring her in.
You asked for me, sir? I found a lack of key verifiable points in Simon's biographical information.
Inconsistencies? Mmm.
The high school he claims to have attended was destroyed by Hurricane Floyd in 1999.
Ditto for his middle school.
So no records? That's convenient.
Most of his family, too, is dead or unreachable.
Now that I think of it, I've never heard him mention his family.
My first 10 years on the job, I lost half my hair.
The other half went grey.
That's what this work does to most people.
But Agent Lee looks as fresh as the day I hired him.
Wait a minute, are you saying Simon Lee may not just be a mole working for the sleepers, there's a chance he's one of them.
Take his blood and run a DNA screen.
We'll know the truth soon enough.
I know how difficult this must be for you, sir.
On the contrary, I'm only too happy to expose whoever this operative is, if it gets us further intelligence on the sleepers.
And if he won't talk? He will.
When the identity of the mole is confirmed, I intend to subject him to the kinds of enhanced interrogation techniques that congressional oversight committees have never even conceived of.
And if that mole is Simon Lee, may God have mercy on him.
No one's home.
No, he's here.
Then why isn't he answering? You want to find out about the list, right? What those names mean? Come on, Peter.
Go away, Madeline.
I left you a message.
It's important.
You know it's important.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
Who are they? This is Sean Walker and Leila Buchanan.
She says you can get me access to an encrypted trunk line and some decent hardware.
Peter, they need our help.
It's too dangerous, M.
I don't know who you are, but you're our only hope.
My mother has been murdered.
My father and my sister, they've been taken.
She's seven-years-old.
Empty your pockets.
Do it.
Every one of us is tagged, tracked and catalogued by what we carry.
All your personal information, scanable from a distance by whoever has the wherewithal.
Everything like that has been taken from us.
What do you need? We need help figuring out what this list means.
What is it? We don't know.
Names of women but there could be some coded information in there.
We're hoping that it will lead to the people who took her family and framed me for murder.
What? I still have sources inside the intelligence community.
The government has your father.
So he's alive? Whether they'd acknowledge that, or let him out, for that matter What about her sister? Unclear.
I'd write it off.
Consider her dead.
What? He does not know that for sure.
He does not know that.
I don't know who took your sister, but I've seen what they can do.
All right, this game, it's rigged.
You cannot win.
Walk away while you still can.
We're not giving up, okay? Okay? All we need is a few minutes on your system and then we'll be gone, okay? Did you find them at the house? We missed them, but according to a neighbor, there was a woman who was with them, that matched Madeline Jackson's description.
Are we sure it was Ms Jackson? Yes, sir.
A friend of ours at NSA ran a voice match on archived cellular traffic, said that they made a phone call about an hour ago.
Left a message with someone saying the that three of them needed help and were on their way.
Were you able to determine their destination? Yes.
We'll be there shortly.
Did you find anything? Uh Not yet.
We built custom search protocols, but they're gonna take a while to run the names.
Are you okay? I've been I've been thinking about how unfair I've been.
To ask you to put yourself in danger for my family.
If something were to happen to you Leila Leila, Michael and Samantha, they're my family.
What if what he said is true? Do you believe that Samantha's still alive? I honestly don't know.
The names on your list, they're not women.
They're girls.
What? All reported missing within the last six months, all roughly the same age as your sister.
Oh, my God.
What does that mean? What does it have to do with the people who took my family? That I can't tell you.
What about the other data? The letters and the numbers Yeah, it's strange.
They're SEC ID numbers for shell corporations.
Shell corporations for what? That I don't know, but they're based in Los Angeles.
Peter, we need to go! There's someone here.
Follow me.
Let's go! - Come on.
PETER: I told you I shouldn't have let you in.
This and this.
Hold on to your hats.
This is your life now.
Come on, let's go! No time! Are you okay? They're gone.
They're gone.
Hold it! Thank you.
What floor? Ground, please.
Can I ask you something? Would you happen to have a cigarette? No, sorry.
Been years for me.
Me, too.
It's a terrible habit, but today is one of those days.
You know what I do? Hmm? Dark chocolate.
Chocolate? Really? Sounds crazy, I know, but it releases a little serotonin kick.
Eases the craving.
Thanks for the tip.
You're awake.
You know I can never fall asleep when you're away.
Do you love me, Laura? Of course I do.
What is it, baby? What's wrong? I know.
What? Everything.
Everything about what? No, no, no, please.
Please don't do that.
Don't lie because I know.
And only by being completely honest is there any hope of this working out.
Honey, you're scaring me.
I don't understand Listen to me! I know who you are! Crazy thing is, I don't care.
I know this started as a job for you but somehow, I do believe that this part, what we have, is real.
I love you in a way I never thought possible.
And the thought of my life without you, everything else fades.
Blake So I bought us two tickets for Buenos Aires.
We'll leave tonight.
Just disappear.
The rest doesn't matter.
Laura! There was no alternative.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.
Here, take it.
We'll say that you handled this yourself.
Get out of here! Son, this can either be the end of your career, or a genuine triumph.
The choice is yours.
Take the gun, Blake.
Don't throw it all away.
- Sir? Agent Garret.
I think we've got some traction on our problem.
The receptacle used to transport the scandium 46, we found it in a trash bin at the coffee shop.
Any prints? Yes, sir.
We dusted and found two partials.
Should be enough to work with.
All right, I want you to personally get the evidence to the lab.
Call me as soon as you get an ID.
That I will.
Oh, and, sir, any word on Agent Lee's DNA test? Not yet.
It takes time.
Get us a match on those prints and we won't have to wait.
Come on! Come on! Where are we going? Hurry, hurry.
Where are we going? Okay, okay, we're onto something, or they wouldn't be chasing us.
Okay? So, we're getting closer.
We're gonna figure this out.
So what? We're just gonna be like them, and keep looking over our shoulders everywhere we go? Listen, listen, I'm gonna make sure that I do everything I possibly can to untangle this mess so that we can get back to living our lives.
We're gonna get older Look, look, look, stop, stop, stop.
Look at me.
Look at me.
It's okay.
Hey! Hey, look at me.
We're gonna be all right.
We're gonna be okay, okay? I love you so much.
And I'm gonna do everything, okay? I love you.
I love you.
We took blood from you, Simon.
Ran a DNA screen.
Why would you do that? To prove Murphy's accusation that you were a sleeper.
You're human.
Of course, that still leaves a multitude of unanswered questions.
Such as the unfortunate presence of a mole in our midst.
Luckily, a vial with the mole's prints was found.
Garret ran the prints and found a match.
Murphy's the mole.
Murphy? That's unexpected.
I believe I owe you an apology.
No, there's no need, sir.
I understand.
No, Simon.
You couldn't possibly.
Well, I'd like it sooner rather than later, obviously.
I mean, it's been over two hours now.
Please come with me.
What's going on? You're under arrest.
Are you kidding me? Wait, wait, wait.
Get your hands off me! Wait, what's going on? I don't think that's necessary.
Director Sterling! Sir! Sir! Please.
Just a second! What the hell is going on? Mother, Simon's gonna be fine.
The blame's been placed elsewhere.
Thank you.
So tell me, how far along are you? In terms of getting everyone home? Over the years, I helped their nuclear program along.
I got them to the point where they could produce, crudely, the raw materials we need to open up the portal.
The uranium hexafluorides and cesium isotopes.
I assumed as much from the portal you used to transport the plane and implode the building.
Unfortunately, we have limitations.
Meaning? What you witnessed is the current extent of our abilities.
We can move an airliner a few thousand miles away, but we have nowhere near the capabilities of being able to transport everyone all the way home.
Why? We're missing a few key components.
But we can recreate, and in some cases, recover, with your help.
Then the problem is the raw materials.
We don't have enough.
Nowhere near enough.
The only source for the major ingredients is in their processing facilities, or the nuclear warheads themselves.
All tightly guarded.
Yes, but I've been giving this a lot of thought and I may have a way in.
The White House just released a statement that the passengers of Avias 514 are recovering well from the effects of the substance they were exposed to on board.
They also say they will be released as soon as doctors determine their condition is stable.
Come in.
We found the leak, sir.
Justin Murphy.
I heard.
Over the years, I've become so careful.
I've honed my intuition, learned how to identify those I could really trust.
It's been a long time since I've been this wrong about someone.
I failed you, sir.
I'm sorry.
Are you actually telling me you're not perfect? Honestly, it's kind of a relief.
Want a beer? Absolutely.
Where's my mom? I want my mom and dad.
When can I see them? Girls, this is Samantha.
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