The Expecting (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Side Effects

TY: Em? It's me again.
Look, I feel like shit
about what I said.
I didn't mean it that way.
Please, just call me back, okay?
Are you okay?
We heard screaming.
So, like, just take
as much time as you need.
We're not
We're not firing you.
- Don't Don't worry.
- Well, am I still getting paid?
I think your sick days
are already
I'll have to check with HR,
but I think you used them.
What about maternity?
Um, I think that's for
after the baby's born.
Again, I'll have
to check with HR.
Don't you handle all the HR?
I'll call you, okay?
Cara? It's Emma.
I've been emailing you.
Oh, hey, Emma.
Can we meet?
Come on.
Freezing out here.
You like the lights?
- They make me happy.
- Yeah.
Shit getting close,
aren't ya?
- Mm-hmm.
Don't mind, do ya?
If I try and get it yanked,
they'll come and stop me.
I heard about people
getting killed for that.
So I figured
I keep this up
maybe it dies on its own.
Your blog.
All the stuff you said.
How do you know it's all real?
First, I wasn't sure.
Then people started writing me.
People who'd seen the blog,
saying the same stuff happened,
just like you.
- There are others?
- Plenty.
Girls with all sorts
of fucked-up-ness.
That's who they go for.
Girls like me, girls like you.
That way, no one
in their right mind's
gonna believe us,
and these babies get born.
Just like they want.
How'd it start?
Me and my boyfriend Tommy.
He told me he wanted
to show me something beautiful.
So, we went out
to the forest out there.
What forest?
I don't know.
Just somewhere off 95.
Got a trail
and campsites and shit.
But we went to see
something beautiful,
and, well, we never even see it,
'cause I guess
we got a little faded.
You know?
Maybe a lot faded.
And then I pass out.
Woke up next day
all beat to shit.
Like wolves got after me
or something.
Wish it had been wolves.
Oh, no
Emma, it's me, it's me.
It's me what are you
doing out here?
It's okay, it's okay.
Emma, you're bleeding.
How'd you find me?
Your location sharing's on.
Thank God.
We were all worried about you.
All of you were?
Hell yeah.
- About me?
- Yeah.
Let me try
Dr. Green again.
No, let's go
Let's go to the hospital.
No, no, no, no, no.
Those places are factories.
They don't care.
DR. GREEN: Let's get her inside.
I'm gonna make some coffee.
Do you want something hot?
I'm good Emma,
you need anything?
- I'll stand.
- You need to rest.
All right, I'm gonna
boot up the exam room,
and we'll see what's going on.
Hang on one sec,
I'll be right back.
You can't let her out of your sight.
She cannot run away like this,
it's dangerous,
we've talked about this,
you have to promise me
you're gonna do better.
Hold on.
Where do you think you're going?
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