The Flash s01e07 Episode Script

Childs Play

My knee! - Oh, my God, my knee.
- Sorry, son, I didn't see you.
You all right? Yeah, I don't know.
Listen, help me up, will you, mister? - Thanks.
- Come on.
- Yeah, yeah, I think it's gonna be okay.
- You sure? - Yeah, listen, thanks for your help.
- I'm sorry.
- Chump.
- Chump? What did he mean by? Hey! Hey! He took my wallet.
Yes? This is your wake-up call, Sullivan.
Wake up and dig the bum trip you're about to take.
Bum trip? Who is this? Where are you calling from l968? Who is this? - Listen, man kill the Lesko story before the Lesko story kills you.
It's me.
Say the word, baby, and he'll kiss the sky.
- Hi there.
- Hey! Hey! Turn on, tune in, drop out.
And, Lesko, there was one problem.
You know the computer disk with all of Sullivan's notes on it? Some kid swiped it.
They don't know who killed him or why.
- But, Barry, I was hoping that maybe you - I'm already on the case, Tina.
I'll do whatever I can, on or off duty.
The Arkham exposé, I remember that.
- He was some writer.
- The best.
But you know, Phil always hated these awards.
He called them bowling trophies.
It never stopped him from letting me put them up.
Joan, I'm so sorry.
This is a friend from the police department.
Barry Allen, Dr.
Joan Sullivan.
Pleased to meet you.
I was a big fan of Phil's work.
You and me both.
Will you look at this dress.
It took me an hour to get the dog hair off.
Joan's a vet, Barry.
Phil always said it'd be impossible to have children because they'd have to compete with the animal kingdom.
Phil hated me in black.
He said I looked like someone died.
- Oh, Joan.
- What am I gonna do? Hey, Earl.
Come on.
Hey, don't we get enough of that? You just keep wasting my time, Duvivier.
All you give is talk.
Will you relax, all right? And, you, if you don't take that foot off my bumper l'm gonna chew it off at the ankle.
Thank you.
Look, we are setting the next major trend in the drug market here.
I think we know these guys.
Come on, I'm gonna make you two so rich it's gonna take you weeks to spend it.
Yeah, that's a swell sales pitch, but we still ain't seen jack.
You ain't seen jack? All right, well, meet Jack.
This is Blue Paradise.
The clouds of heaven are now being sold right here on earth.
Even for a guy like you though, the first one's always free.
- Beautiful.
- Good.
You're under arrest.
Spread them, pal.
Pal? Look, we could've been pals, all right.
But now, how about I spread you two all over the sidewalk, huh? Excuse me.
Hey, ladies, not on the car, all right? Don't look at me like that.
Tie, please.
What am I doing here? A guy can't have car trouble anymore? What is this? What are you booking me on? How about suspicion of a stolen necktie, gerbil.
Come on.
Let's go.
Hey, Barry, I got a deli tray in the back.
You want a sandwich? - Two.
- Sure.
- Okay, guys, what happened? - We had a line on Blue Paradise this new designer drug just hitting the street.
The bust went bad.
But the dealer got collared anyway.
- We had a little help.
- From whom? Don't tell Lieutenant Garfield.
The Flash saved our lives.
- What, you don't think he's for real? - Absolutely not.
Hey, maybe you guys have been undercover too long, huh? - What happened to the Paradise? - It went down the drain.
Now every alligator in the sewer's grooving to the colors.
I don't get it.
Sullivan's editor said he was working on a piece about Blue Paradise.
- But there's nothing in his files.
- Maybe someone killed him and cleaned out the evidence.
- I don't know.
Only fingerprints on the files were his own.
- I should get back to the lab.
- I got a lunch date with Sabrina.
We're going to some new place called Eggzadica.
- You ever eat a poached ostrich egg? - I have not.
Would not.
Will not.
Hey, me neither, man.
Strictly turtle-eggs benedict for me, thank you.
- See you back at the ranch, man.
- Right.
Lose your keys? Yeah.
I mean, my dad did.
He's always locking them in the car.
- He's a doctor.
And he needs his bag - Oh, yeah? because there's a sick baby across the street in the building.
Sounds serious to me.
Maybe I could help you out.
Wrong car.
Help! Somebody call the cops! Police! - Can I tell you something? - What's that, Murph? - Bean dip is my world, man.
- Really? - So is lard, cholesterol, salt and cancer.
- This has salt? Book this little hoodlum for attempted theft, auto.
- Nice collar, Bar.
Anybody killed? - A young delinquent.
- It's truly a shame.
- Let me go, huh? I'm a victim of society.
Keep your eye on this one while I get an officer from juvenile hall.
- You got it.
If you can do that and eat at the same time.
All right, young man.
Can you say, "I'm in big trouble"? What are you doing? Hey, this is a no-smoking area.
Hey, kid, at your size, you can't afford to stunt your growth.
Put that thing out.
Last kid that did that's now called Stumpy.
His name is Terry Cohan, age 13.
Her ran away from a foster home in St.
Louis nine months ago.
He's got a history of running away, surviving on petty theft.
A kid like that living on the street for nine months? - What's the procedure from here? - Well, if he's drug-free and if his foster parents want him and if we can convince the St.
Louis authorities to pick up the tab he'll be sent back.
The paperwork will take a week.
Till then he'll be locked up.
- Like hell.
- Take those cuffs off.
- Yeah, sure.
Sorry, I'll get right on it.
Carmen, come on.
Listen, I don't wanna put the kid in jail.
I just thought a good scare might help set him straight, that's all.
Stay! - What else can we do? - Look, Barry.
You can drop the charges, but I'll still have to take him to juvenile hall.
Unless Terry can stay with a responsible guardian until we can contact his foster parents.
Say you've got one of those nice, big warehouse apartments, don't you? - Yeah, it's big.
- And a dog that loves kids.
Yeah, Earl loves kids.
Carmen, wait a minute.
Now, you don't think that I'm the right guy for this.
Send me to jail, all right? Just save me from another bleeding heart.
All right, Terry, come with me.
I'll take you down to the hall.
Hold it.
I guess we could give it a try.
What do you say, Terry? You got cable? Here's my car over here.
But you know that.
Listen, Barry.
You're welcome.
- Hey, isn't that a bank robbery going on? - A bank robbery? There's no bank in that Cory? Hey.
Hey, Cory.
Cory? Cory, come on.
Where are you? Cory? - What the hell are you doing here? - Well, I'm I'm just trying to give you a break, kid.
All right? So this is some place you got here.
Take Taught her everything I know.
My sister.
Never disturb me when I'm working.
- Never.
- Sorry.
Sorry, sorry.
Well is our greasy little pusher out of jail yet? Duvivier should be free tomorrow.
The pigs lost the evidence.
They'll never make anything stick.
Why do you even keep him around? He's Duvivier is like a one-celled organism driven by a single thought: Greed.
He'll put the Paradise on the street almost as fast as I can make it.
But how long will I be able to make it with Sullivan's story drifting about on that disk? Pepper twenty years of life underground have made me a very cautious man.
- Lf the cops find out I'm still alive - I checked around.
That kid on the skateboard, the one that took Sullivan's bag he works Helltown as a pickpocket and a shoplifter.
- Then why aren't you searching Helltown? - Word's out he got pinched by the man.
Then in the morning, go down to the police station and find out where he is.
How am I gonna do that? One of the fabulous properties of Blue Paradise is the rush.
Pepper do you love me? - When you're nice to me, I do.
- I'll be very nice if you get Sullivan's disk.
And kill the kid.
Lesko! Never disturb me when I'm laughing.
- Free surprise.
- Hey.
Hey, hey, let me see that.
All right? - Hey, mine.
- Look, Cory, this isn't a toy, all right? Dinner's ready.
- Our secret.
All right? - Okay.
- Sorry I'm late.
- No problem.
- I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Tina.
- Hi.
- I'd rather eat with Earl.
- Cory! So, Barry, this your new squeeze, huh? No, this is not my new squeeze.
She's a good friend of mine, like I told you.
- Come on.
- Hey.
Well, that's a relief, okay, because she's too fine a babe for a dipstick like you.
Well, thank you.
I think.
You volunteered for this? - I don't have a mommy.
- That's so sad.
Isn't it? I'd feel better if you gave me $ 100.
Come on, Earl.
Earl, come on.
Here's some spaghetti.
Look out! You see why I didn't clean up the place.
The Mongol hordes would just wreck it again.
What will you do when you go to the lab? - Take them with me? - Barry.
Julio had his three nephews there once.
They made that stink bomb, and the station was evacuated for two days.
Good point.
Well, I don't know.
What do you suggest, daycare? - The circus? - What about Joan? She's got a lot on her mind, don't you think? She loves kids.
Maybe having them around would do her good.
- These two? - She's a vet.
And your little boy's been missing for how long? Two days.
I can't believe he'd run away.
We don't have much, but I try to make a good home for him.
Don't worry, we'll find him for you.
They usually don't go far.
I hope you're right.
Listen do you have an aspirin or something? A glass of water? Sure.
I'll be right back.
Thank you.
Earl's a picture of health, but how did he get spaghetti sauce all over him? The little monsters.
- I understand.
They're a real handful.
- Both hands.
And the way they eat Joan, they're a mouthful too.
You think you're gonna be able to handle them? Yeah.
Like I said on the phone, I could use the help.
And frankly, having someone else to worry about can't hurt.
You forget how much time you give the people in your life.
Joan, I hope you don't mind, but I've gotta ask you a couple of questions.
- Barry.
- It's okay, Tina.
What was your husband working on? We had a rule at home.
Work stays at the office.
The only thing I do know is that he had been bringing home a lot of dead files.
- Stuff from college.
- Were there any notes? An address book, anything like that? Phil lived out of his file-a-data, and he had that with him in the car.
Oh, no! Oh, gosh! Oh, come on! Oh, God! Oh, come on, come on, come on! Let's go.
Let's get out of here.
Let's get out.
Come on.
Come on, you.
Let's go.
Out! Out! Out! This is not a good idea, young lady! - These are not stuffed animals! - Hey, you.
Here you go.
As for you, young man, you are old enough to know better.
- They looked cramped.
So sue me.
- That cuts no ice with me! These are sick animals.
You might have hurt them.
Just for this you're both walking Brutus.
Brutus? Which one is Brutus? Come on, Brutus.
Move it, huh? Summer of love is here again.
Candles? Hey, incense? Peppermint? - Spare change? - Get a job, hippie.
I got a job.
Hey, Pepper.
This is West.
I found the kid you're looking for.
- Hey, Terry, your shoe's untied.
- Very funny.
Make me laugh next time.
Cute dog.
Watch out.
He's an attack dog.
I'm kind of lost.
Do you know the way to the waterfront? - Yeah.
Follow the seagulls.
Come on, Cory.
- Hey.
I'll never find it by myself.
How about taking a ride, showing me the way? - Are you crazy? Get lost.
- I've got a gun in my purse.
- Get in the van.
- Brutus, attack! Get away! Brutus, I like a mouse with an attitude.
- Do it harder, Pepper.
- Wow, you really do have a third eye.
I have more eyes than you can count.
A pair of them told me you tried to grab the kid and got stopped by a schnauzer.
Well, hey, the mutt had rabies.
He almost ripped my face off.
- Do I have to send someone else? - No.
- I thought you could handle this for me.
- I can.
Then what are you going to do? Well, you know that report I stole from the station? It said the kid never went to juvie.
He's in custody of some cop named Barry Allen.
Find out who he is.
Have someone watch the station.
Get a license plate number.
Bribe some DMV slave and get a home address.
Must I do everything? You're wearing patchouli oil.
That's very nostalgic.
A police scientist.
I wonder if his civil servant's brain can grasp the elegant complexities of Blue Paradise.
It might just blow his mind.
- Thanks, Julio.
- You look beat, man.
Cory's on my bed.
Terry's on the couch, I'm on the floor with Earl.
And he snores.
Well, you're the one who wanted to play bachelor father.
- The Sullivan murder.
- Yeah.
- Think it was a Mob hit? - No.
No way.
Bomb was amateur night, man.
You can pick up that stuff from any hardware store.
Radicals in the '60s used to build them, but those guys aren't around anymore.
But Sullivan was on to that Blue Paradise story.
Maybe he crossed a drug dealer or two? I need his notes, you know.
They're in his file-a-data, and that went up in the blast.
No, it didn't.
File-a-datas are made out of leather and the only leather we found at the crime scene were from his shoes.
I've gotta find that notebook.
You were careless, Duvivier.
Don't ever sell my wares to people you don't know.
Come on, Lesko, the cops had nothing on me.
I'd never give your name up, you know that.
They're just part of the equation.
I have been at this since before you were even a bad idea and I've never let the law be a part of any equation.
What am I supposed to do about the Flash? The Flash? You sure you're not hallucinating? Hallucinating? Lesko, I don't hallucinate.
I think you're confusing me with one of your brain-dead hippies here.
And who dresses you guys anyway? It ain't the '60s anymore There was a whole lot less peace and love back then than you think.
Could you watch the car? I just had it redone.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The idea, Duvivier, is to make people die if they don't get their Paradise not if they do.
Now go and spread my gospel.
I want everyone to share my dreams and my nightmares.
Even with 100 Duviviers, it's moving too slowly.
I need to find a way to get us the entire city.
A population of addicts thanking me with their bank accounts for admitting them to Paradise.
Washing cats, shampooing dogs.
This has to be the boring-est day ever spent.
- Well, Cory enjoyed it.
- Yeah, she was just being polite.
Is that why she asked Joan to let her close up? You know, went right by me.
Listen, since it's just us, why don't we go out for a pizza.
Or four.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Yeah.
You know, you're making a mistake.
You know? I mean You stick us in a foster home, we're out of here.
Me and Cory are better on our own.
- You think so? - When did you leave home? - When I was 19, for college.
- You going back? - No, of course not.
- You get my point.
- Okay, baby.
We're on.
- Wow, yeah! Barry? Hey, Barry, you okay? Barry! Barry! Gotcha, kid! Barry! - Barry! Barry! - Come on! You can't get away with this! My dad's a cop! You guys should have worn your seat belts.
- Flash! - Never accept rides from strangers.
- I'm telling you guys, I saw him.
- Blurry, kind of like a red ghost? Yeah, that's him.
Why don't you two form a club? You can join too, Allen.
- I never seen him.
- They hire you on a jerk quota, Murphy? That's two.
Hey, Murph, I got some cold drinks over there.
Come on.
Thanks for the pizza, guys.
Okay, Terry, who are these guys? Why'd they grab you? How should I know? You're the one with the rap sheets.
Well, all right, let's take a look.
Looks like both these guys have a lot of narcotics arrests.
- You involved with drugs, Terry? - Hey, come on, I'm not that stupid.
My life is hard enough.
Those two guys you brought in are freaking out in lockup.
Stay here, Terry.
Man, they look like hell.
But they don't seem to be Well, five seconds ago, they were jumping around and screaming like apes in a cage.
- No lie.
- Open the cell.
Let me check them out.
- Are you sure, Allen? - I gotta check them out.
Careful, Barry.
Barry, look out! Time to die, friend! I got him! I got him! Call the paramedics! - This one's dead.
- So is this one.
What the hell are they on? Blue Paradise.
Terry, take your sister upstairs.
Get her ready for bed, all right? Good night, Cory.
Thank you.
You were great with Mrs.
Galuchi's weird dog.
- What a knucklehead.
- No kidding.
See you tomorrow.
- Barry? - Yeah, sweetheart.
We don't get to stay here forever? I'm afraid not, Cory.
But listen, maybe we can find you someplace you can.
Yeah, right.
- Joan, listen.
Thanks for everything.
- Yeah.
If it weren't for you, those kids would run me into the ground.
But I just I don't know.
They're so hard-boiled.
Were we as cynical at that age? - How are you getting along with? - There's nothing yet.
- I'll keep you posted.
- All right.
- Okay? - I'll see you in the morning when you drop the kids off.
- Yeah.
And, Barry, thanks again.
It really is great therapy.
- Yeah, shock therapy, huh? - Bye-bye.
Well, she's all conked out.
You know, Allen you're all out of potato chips and stuff.
I wonder why.
Terry, I've been talking to the cops down in Helltown and it seems they're looking for a skateboard snatch-and-run artist.
Could that be you? - Yeah, well, way past my bedtime, huh? - Yeah.
Come on.
All right.
Okay, what do you want me to do? Learn to say, "Will there be fries with that, please?" Equal opportunity counts for zip when you're 13.
Those kidnappers are dealers.
Didn't snatch you for no reason.
Look, I've seen these crackheads and these needle freaks.
And they all end up like those two in jail.
I've got Cory to take care of.
Who else is gonna protect her, you? No, I'm just trying to find out who you've gotten messed up with and why.
Now, what have you lifted lately? - Terry! - Nothing! A doll, a knapsack.
A knapsack? Okay.
From where? From whom? Some car in front of the Daily News building.
The Daily News building? - What kind of car? - I don't know! It was a red car, okay? When was this, huh? - Look, it's important! - All right! - This was last week? - Yes, it was last week! - Just stop grilling me.
- Sullivan's car.
- What did you grab? Where is it? - You're a really dull dog, Allen.
You know that? I mean, you take us into your house you let us trust you.
All this social-worker crap to get me to cop to some boosts! - Man, you are way off base.
- To hell with that and with you! Okay? - Why don't you give me a break? - Me and Cory got along fine before you.
- Nobody wants us, and we don't need you.
- I am trying to help you! Look, the only one in this whole stinking town who hasn't been jabbing me is the Flash.
All right.
The Flash! - What are you doing here? - Keeping an eye on you.
- You've made a lot of enemies.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
You definitely saved my bacon back there.
How do you do it? The speed, I mean.
It just happens.
- Do you wanna check it out? - Are you serious? Just keep your balance.
Awesome! I may be fast, Terry, but there's some things even I can't run away from.
- Like what? - Like trouble, for one.
Word on the street is you'd do almost anything to protect your sister.
What happens if you end up in juvenile hall? - Hey, I'm not gonna get busted.
- Don't kid yourself.
Look, I know life's been hard for you.
But you can't do it alone.
Find someone to trust.
Someone who can help you.
What you're involved in is bigger and more dangerous than you know.
All right, man.
Listen, l I never went through the bag.
- All I wanted was the doll for Cory.
- Yes! Here it is.
I'll tell you one thing.
We're a lot closer now to figuring this whole mess out.
Well, I analyzed the Blue Paradise.
It's an extremely powerful hallucinogen euphoric.
With a healthy load of amphetamine for a boost.
The smallest amount could rewire your head.
Yeah, I've seen a few rewired heads lately.
Rewired to death.
Barry, who's behind all this? I don't know.
According to Sullivan's notes, only person capable is Beauregarde Lesko.
- Lesko? Who's that? - An outlaw chemist.
Went berserk in San Francisco in the late '60s.
Only problem is he died 20 years ago.
- Joan, listen, thanks for babysitting.
- No problem.
Thank Tina too.
- I think we're really on to something.
- Bye.
All they had were mushu fajitas.
- I'll pass.
- You'll pass? Julio, look at this.
I accessed the file from the Central City Library.
- Check it out.
- So? This isn't news.
Yeah, but this is.
FAA report.
Plane went down over the Pacific.
No bodies were recovered.
The only evidence that Lesko was ever on that plane was his signature on the charter.
- What's this? - The most advanced hallucinogen l've ever come across.
Fries your brain before you wanna kick the habit.
Nobody but Lesko could have synthesized it.
- What are you trying to say? - I think Lesko faked his death went underground.
Now he's back, bigger than ever.
That's what Sullivan discovered, and it cost him his life.
So you're saying Lesko is still alive and you think the kid has Sullivan's evidence? Yeah, dispatch.
Allen, Crime Lab.
You have a squad car watching my house, right? - No, no.
Just checking.
- Relax.
You sent the car hours ago.
Nobody is gonna get those kids.
- Why can't I go with you? - Because it's business, Cory, okay? What kind of business? I'm gonna sell something to a guy, and with the money he gives me it's enough to take care of us for a long time.
- Does Barry know about this? - No.
Barry's all right.
He's a great guy but sooner or later, he's gonna have to put us in a foster home.
But with the money I'll get, hey you know, we can go wherever we want and no one's gonna tell us what to do.
- That would be great, right? - I guess.
Now, listen up.
I'm giving one of these to you, all right? And I'm gonna keep the other one.
If I'm not back in a couple of hours, you give that to Barry.
And don't worry, because everything's gonna be cool from now on.
Lesko, chill out.
I've been sitting outside his apartment all night.
I'm tired, I'm hungry and I know! But there's a cop car parked right out in front.
What am I gonna do? Wait a minute.
Something's going down.
- Okay.
- Where did you come from? I called the false alarm.
By the time they figure that out, we'll be out of here.
Just take me to Lesko.
What's the matter? You ever see a drug-free face before? Step on it.
- All right, call if you hear anything, okay? - Okay.
Well, I checked the zoo.
No luck.
There's an APB out.
- Barry, we're so sorry.
- Don't be silly, Joan.
I know what these kids are capable of.
Cory, listen to me.
If you know anything at all about this, you must tell me.
I can't.
I promised Terry.
But Terry could get hurt.
So we have to help him.
He went to sell something and get big bucks.
- Sell what? - One of these.
- A dragon? - No, this.
Johnny, how you doing? You look good tonight.
Excuse me.
Could I speak to you two ladies for a second? Don't worry about the line.
I'll get you in.
I know the owner.
We're good friends.
I was just wondering if you two girls would maybe like to take a little trip to Paradise? Get off me, man.
You got nothing on me.
I'm clean.
You're dirty as the drugs you deal.
Now tell me where Lesko is.
- Lesko? What's Lesko? - I can take you apart faster than a car.
No tools required.
All right, it's the old Fillmore Central, downtown.
Well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite rodent.
Come on, dirt bag, let's go.
Look, Mr.
I've got all your dirt right here on the disk.
- The price I'm asking is cheap.
- A million dollars.
Why not 2 million? Or 5? It doesn't matter.
What makes you think you'll live to spend a nickel? I made a copy.
Anything happens to me, it goes straight to the police.
Did anyone ever tell you how the universe works? It's the duality of life: The yin, the yang.
The Tao, the balance.
Now, it's true that you have something that I want but if I dose you with Blue Paradise, I'll have something that you'll want.
You'll be so desperate for another fix you'll sell your own sister.
And then maybe maybe I'll give you more.
But not until you give me the second disk.
And I promise you you will hand it over gladly.
Relax, Terry.
You're going to have lots of company.
I've filled enough canisters to strap to a half-dozen choppers I've got standing by.
Imagine a shimmering cloud of Paradise drifting over Central City as she sleeps and come tomorrow morning, we'll have a town full of addicts.
Pepper you may do the honors.
- Ready to get turned on, junior? - Is it okay if I just say no? What a trip.
What is that? Just a bad flashback, Lesko.
Terry, take off! Get up! Get those canisters together.
I want them on the copters in an hour! - Hey.
Hey, Flash, you okay? - Yeah, yeah.
I think so.
Lesko hit me with some of that Paradise, but I think I burned it out of my system.
You went through that brick wall like a ghost.
Yeah, I guess my molecules were vibrating so quickly I passed right through the wall.
Hey, Lesko! You ready to rock? All right! Yes! Wish I could change your minds.
New York can be a pretty tough town on your own.
So you want me to drive you to the bus station? I mean, you got a long ride to New York as it is.
I think we'll walk.
Listen, thanks for everything.
- We'll send you a postcard.
- All right.
Here you go.
Bye, Barry.
So long, sweetheart.
- Come on, let's get out of here.
- Hey, wait.
Joan came here to see you, all right? Joan, you coming to New York with me and Terry? I don't think so.
But I might have a better idea.
How would the both of you like to come live with me? That way we could take care of each other.
- You set this up, didn't you? - Well - Come on, Cory, let's get out of here.
- Terry.
All right.
That's what you want, fine.
All right.
I'm going to New York.
Terry, wait a minute.
I've known you for a few days, all right? And I know you're a tough guy.
Are you tough enough to do the right thing? Okay.
All right.
For Cory.
- But only under one condition.
- What? Next person who asks me to shampoo a cat dies.
- Deal.
- All right.
All right.

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