The Following s01e07 Episode Script

Let Me Go

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
We need you in Virginia, Ryan.
I'm not an agent anymore.
You caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.
So what's my sequel about, Joe? We're gonna write this together, Ryan Ohh! Even though you slept with my wife.
I have so many surprises waiting for you.
Olivia, I require legal counsel.
Do not bring me into this any further.
We're just getting started.
If you want to see Joey, get in now.
I was told that I would see my son.
Where is he? You don't have to be afraid of me, Claire.
You have to trust me.
Hey, Joey.
Remember me? Do not move.
Be right back.
Place is surrounded by cops.
No way out.
Come on.
We got to go.
What's taking her so long? I looked all over the place! She and Joey are both gone.
Ugh! Don't move! Joey, we're here to help you.
I'm with Roderick.
Let's go.
Stop right there! No.
Joey, no! Wait! Where are we? I thought we were going to see my mom.
We are, but I need to meet a friend first.
We have to meet your friend here? Yes.
He's gonna help us, okay? We won't be long.
What about Jacob and Paul? Aren't they coming, too? I don't know.
What about all the bad guys? Aren't they still looking for us? - No.
- How do you know? Joey, please stop.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Hello? I've been waiting for you.
I was told to come here.
I know.
It's about time you showed up.
My name is Bo.
Go pull your truck in there.
I have to go use the bathroom.
We've been driving all night.
You got a little boys' room? Through the office.
Go ahead, Joey.
Hello? Please! Please! Help me, please.
Don't leave me here.
Don't leave me.
Please come back! Come back, come back, come back! Aah! Oh, God! Guards! Guards! Help! Hey.
Come on, come on.
Ryan Hardy's assault resulted in 3 broken fingers.
As I'm sure you're aware, warden, this is a clear violation of my client's eighth amendment rights.
I'm aware.
The FBI's behavior was unwarranted.
We have case law precedence, federal tort and civil liberties claims.
Just exactly what do you want, Miss Warren? I'll let my client tell you himself.
First, Warden Montero and other important people, thank you.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share the injustices that have been inflicted upon me.
He said his name was Charlie, and he told me that he was hired to follow me and to report back to Joe.
He had photos and video, and he-- he said he was gonna take me to Joey.
And you believed him.
Yes, I did.
He had this honor about him like hew as living up to some code of conduct, definitely military.
Um, Marines or army or something.
He said that he was waiting to hear from someone named Roderick for orders.
Thank you.
Roderick? Um, yeah.
I'm sure it's an alias.
Roderick Usher-- it's from Poe's "Fall Of The House Of Usher.
" When we were at the farmhouse, Emma got a call from this Roderick.
Cult leaders often have a second in command, someone to oversee, manages the cult.
Do you even know how many people are involved in this? I mean, are we talking fans or prison groupies or people with serious mental disorders? And do we know how many of them have killed? Truth is, we don't know, but it's a lot bigger than we thought, more pervasive.
Miss Matthews, can I count on you not to engage with any more of Joe's followers? No, you can't, not any more than I can count on you to find my son.
Claire I don't know what I would do in your situation, so I will just ask you to inform us if anyone makes contact with you again.
You have to find this guy-- Charlie.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
Just find him.
He knows where they took Joey.
When is Charlie coming? There you are.
You okay? Hey.
Everything okay, honey? There was a girl.
She's locked in a cage back there.
She's scared.
We have to help her.
- There's a what? - We have to help her.
You're not supposed to go back there! She's none of your business.
You don't go back there, okay? You understand? Stay right here.
Why do you have a girl in a cage? Is there something that I should know about? It's none of your business neither.
Why don't we just wait? Less talking and just wait.
You can't do this, Gene.
I've already discussed it with Director Franklin.
I understand that some lines may have been crossed, but this doesn't make any sense.
We're talking about a convicted serial killer here.
Carroll makes a convincing case for prison abuse.
I do not need that kind of liability! What's going on here? Look.
Just give me the time to speak with the Justice Department, find a better alternative.
It's too late for that.
Excuse me.
And I'd suggest you do something about this man before he does more damage.
This is on you, Mr.
What is he talking about? What's going on? The warden just granted Joe Carroll's request for a transfer.
He's leaving.
What? When? Immediately.
They're preparing to move him now.
Joe Carroll, you've been remanded into the custody of the Jesup County federal correctional facility of the state of Georgia.
You mind giving us the room? He's all yours.
I don't believe we've had the pleasure.
Oh! Ryan.
Come for your farewell visit.
Well, I couldn't let you leave without saying a proper good-bye.
So why the transfer, Joe? What's in Georgia, huh? You have friends there? Is that where the cult is, your good buddy Roderick? Roderick? Roderick.
Name doesn't ring a bell.
Tell me about Claire.
How did she react when you failed to rescue our son? Was she upset? Has she rejected you yet? It's okay, Ryan.
Every great love must be tested after all.
- You know, that's strange.
- Hmm? I say the name Roderick, and you immediately change the subject.
I'm so gonna miss these little chats.
We need to take him down for processing.
Good-bye, Ryan.
I want to go.
I really think that I should be supervising the transfer.
The US Marshals are supervising the transfer.
They agreed to let me accompany them.
I got to be there.
You can't.
I know that we are all upset and disappointed about what happened at the farmhouse, but we got this.
I will make sure nothing goes wrong.
What's up? I need you to look into Warden Montero.
You think the warden's been compromised? I don't know what to think, - but something's not right.
- Hmm.
So how do you know Roderick? I do things for him from time to time.
What kind of things? Are you still in there? I'm Joey.
I've got the keys.
Let me get you out.
Joey, I'm Dana.
Nice to meet you.
I knew you'd come back.
Do you know Joe Carroll? I know who he is, but I'm not a part of his little club.
Where's the kid? Joey? Joey? - Please hurry.
- I am.
You-- you can do it.
I'm trying Got it! Come on.
What are you waiting for? Let's go.
What did you just do? Why'd you do that? Why did you do that?! You come back here! Ugh! Come here! Come back here! Where are you?! Joey! All right, Joey.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna hurt you, Joey.
I told you not to go back there! Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Touch him again, and you're dead! Joey, come here.
Unh! Denise! Oh! Joey, run! Aah! Noooo! What the hell is going on? Everything okay out there? All set.
Chopper's inbound now.
They're locking him in the transport vehicle.
Prisoner is in the transport.
Securing all doors now.
What'd you find out? Well, he looks clean.
No known association with anybody that's ever visited Joe Carroll, but I did find one thing.
The warden's got a teenage daughter enrolled in college.
You thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah.
Warden Montero.
I really don't have time, Hardy.
I have a question about Joe Carroll's transfer.
We've already been through this.
Humor us.
You're the reason that man got transferred, not me.
So this has nothing to do with your daughter Dana.
Where is she, warden? She's in school.
Hoberman college.
That's right.
She hasn't been to class in over two days.
This morning, her boyfriend filed a missing persons report with campus security.
Well, I wasn't aware of that.
I'll look into it right away.
Joe Carroll's people threatened you, didn't they? They forced you to authorize his transfer, huh? Mr.
Hardy, I understand that you're here at the behest of the FBI, but you're skating on very thin ice.
Do not push me.
- You buying it? - Not for a second.
I want to know everything about him, where he goes, who he talks to, everything.
What's taking so long? We're waiting for word that it's safe to move.
Why do we have to wait here? What about that guy Bo? Is he part of this? When we set up the web site, we found a lot of people like Bo, useful but in a limited way.
He's not part of everything, and he won't be coming with us.
He's got that girl in a cage.
The girl is very important.
Her name is Dana.
She's our leverage.
She's gonna ensure that we all make it home safe tonight.
You know the people there? A few.
Some of my buddies that I signed up with, friends of Roderick's.
What-- what about your friends-- Paul and Jacob? What happened to them? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to, uh We do what we have to do.
Run it again.
What's up? Going through the stuff we confiscated from Charlie's warehouse.
I found a bunch of surveillance footage all spliced together, and one was marked "detention center.
" Wait.
It's from here? Mm-hmm.
Well, that's the prison's exit.
Why would Charlie have video of that? Do you have access to the surveillance footage of Joe Carroll's transfer vehicle just as he left? Uh, yes.
I think I do.
Pull it up, the same point, exiting the sally port.
Look there.
Look at that.
Run that back.
Enhance that.
That's an edit.
The warden hijacked the surveillance footage.
Ryan, the warden just left the building, said he was taking the rest of the day off.
Get Parker on the phone now.
Agent Parker.
Joe's not in the transport vehicle.
What are you talking about? Stop the transfer, check the truck.
He's not in there.
That's impossible.
The warden and his men have been compromised.
Do it! You need to stop, check on the prisoner.
What? Why? Stop now.
Open up.
What's going on? Need you to open the vehicle.
I'm not really authorized to do that, ma'am.
I'm authorizing you.
That's not how it works.
It's not a request.
What the hell is your problem? What did you do? I don't know what you're talking about.
Open the trunk.
You're gonna get my daughter killed.
Open the trunk.
Where is he? Where the hell is he? Yuhh.
Thank you, Olivia.
She's my daughter.
They're gonna kill her.
They won't.
They need her alive to guarantee Joe's safety, so just tell us what you did, and we can save your daughter and stop Joe.
His lawyer Olivia Warren.
They told me to hand Joe off to her.
Cuff him.
We need a current location for Olivia Warren, Joe Carroll's lawyer.
Tell Mitchell to ping Warren's cell phone.
If it's on, that's our best chance.
Tell boy wonder thanks for the help, but I'm already on it.
She says she's already-- Yeah, no.
I heard that.
Found it.
She's in Richmond, driving, headed southeast on 12th Street toward Cary Ave.
- Great.
- I'll call for backup.
Southeast-- Yeah.
I heard that, too.
You seem a bit nervous, Olivia.
That's because I'm presently committing at least 7 felonies.
How much further? Oh.
Just a few more minutes.
You're not supposed to be out here.
Denise thinks I'm reading my book.
She said you were going to take me to see my mom.
Doesn't sound like you believe her.
She's telling you the truth.
I was just with your mom, you know? You were? Yup.
She wouldn't stop talking about you.
I was supposed to bring her here so you could see her.
What happened? I screwed up, and, uh, let the bad guys get in the way.
She okay? Oh.
Yeah, yeah.
She's fine.
It's just It's gonna take a little bit longer before you can see her, okay? I'm sorry about that.
Okay? Will you tell me the truth? What's really going on? What do you want to know? That girl, will she be okay? Would it make you feel better if I promise you she'll be okay? Yeah? Okay.
I give you my word, all right? Is this where you need to be? Yes.
I don't think anyone followed us.
I admire your positive attitude, Olivia, but I don't share your optimism.
There's, uh, one more thing I need you to do for me.
What is it? Call Ryan Hardy.
What? Why would I? Do it.
FBI dispatch.
This is Olivia Warren.
I need to speak to Ryan Hardy.
It's an emergency.
I'll connect you now.
Hello? Mr.
Hardy? Olivia, where are you? Is-- is Joe Carroll with you? Say these exact words to him-- Joe Carroll is killing me, and it's because of you, Ryan.
What?! Tell him that I am killing you and it's because of him.
Don't do it, Joe.
Wait, Olivia.
No! Put Joe on the phone with me.
Tell him, Olivia.
Tell him it's all his fault.
- I won't! - What's going on? Tell him he can kill me.
Aah! Aah! Olivia? Olivia? No, wait, wait.
I'm gonna be there soon.
He can kill me.
Olivia? Olivia? Hello? Hello? No.
No, no! No! Hardy, hold on.
FBI! Anybody see anything? Some guy got out of the car and ran in there.
All right.
Call 911! You see him? Go that way.
I'm David.
It's a pleasure, sir.
Weston, he's up there! Get out of the way! Come on! FBI! Stay back! Stay back! This way, sir.
This way.
- Take that side.
- All right.
What are-- Excuse me.
I'm Louise, sir.
Nice to meet you, Louise.
Douglas, are you in the basement? Over.
Douglas, Douglas, do you copy? Unh! Unh! Unh! Ugh! Oh.
Oh, this is most baffling.
You, me, us here in this moment? What do I do? I kill you? Huh? Now? Hmm? No.
This is-- this is all wrong.
I mean, you can't die in a parking garage.
That would be most uneventful, hardly dramatic at all.
Go ahead.
Do it.
Really, you must admit it's a quandary, hmm? I so very much want you to live and see all that's about to happen.
You see, as much as you've encountered up until this moment, I don't quite know how to tell you this, but we have only just concluded the first part of our novel.
Yes, Ryan.
For 9 long years, I have sat in my prison cell outlining this entire story in my mind.
I've meticulously planned all of it with a little help from my friends.
That's a Beatles reference, by the way.
But I must say very, very much going according to plan.
We should leave now, sir.
There is so much more to come, Ryan.
I'll be in touch.
Call me when you're gone, and then I'll let him go.
Don't even think about it.
You can't kill me.
Didn't you hear what Joe just said? He wants me alive.
Then I'll shoot you in the leg.
- Don't miss.
- No! Aigh! Okay.
We'll be on the road in a few minutes.
Clear to go.
It's gonna take us a few hours to get there.
What about him? And the girl? Give me a few minutes.
I'll be right back.
You need anything else? Need a word in private.
Anything wrong? No.
Just some unfinished business.
The helicopter they used wasn't registered.
Local airport radar had them for a short time, but they lost them.
Warden Montero's in federal custody.
Anyone locate his daughter? Not yet.
How are we supposed to find these people? They're nameless, faceless.
We'll find them and break them.
Let's start with this guy, right now.
I can't let you hurt him, Ryan.
If we're gonna end this, if we're gonna find Joe, we're gonna find his son, the rest of them, we got to start doing things a different way.
I'll give you 5 minutes.
Guys, listen up.
Fellas I need to speak with him.
So the boy Joey Matthews where is he? I'm not gonna tell you anything.
You look like you're in pain.
I can handle it.
That's good to know.
Unh! Aigh! Aah! Aah! Need some bolt cutters! We found the warden's daughter! We're gonna get you out of there.
She's a live.
Bring in the paramedics.
I got you now.
You're okay now.
You're okay.
We got you, we got you.
Hey, hey.
Look at me.
There was a little boy.
Joey? They-- they took him.
He-- he-- he was-- he was trying to help me.
Place is clear.
She's the only one.
It's okay now.
Come on.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Did they tell you where I'm going? Because they won't tell me.
Protective custody.
Better if I don't know.
- So Joe's free - Claire.
And now I get locked up.
It's for your own safety.
And my son? I'm not giving up, Claire.
That's what he wants, but he's not gonna win.
This isn't a game, Ryan.
This is my life, this is my son's life! This will never end 'cause I want more more, give me more, give me more This will never end 'cause I want more more, give me more, give me more If I had a heart, I could love you If I had a voice, I would sing After the night when I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh ahh, ahh, ahh If I had a voice, I'd sing Dangling feet from window frame will I ever, ever reach the floor? More, give me more, give me more Crushed and filled with all I found underneath and inside just to come around More, give me more, give me more Come on.
It's okay.
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh if I had a voice, I would sing Hey, Joey.
I know you.
You're my dad.
Yeah, I'm your dad.

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