The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Into the Loveless Forest

The serial killer who has terrorized
the Kanto and Koshinetsu regions
for three months has yet to be found.
A gun stolen from the police was used
in all of the murders
and it is likely that they were
all committed by the same killer.
You must be her sister.
Let's talk outside.
Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage.
But apart from that
Yes, what is it?
She has bruises all over her body.
And I found burn scars on her arms and legs.
They're signs of electrocution.
Was there anything odd about her recently?
No. Not that I know of.
I believe her injuries
caused her miscarriage.
This is just a personal suggestion,
but I think you should go to the police.
- Why?
- I believe
she's being abused by someone.
- That's not true.
- Then I'll call.
Wait, just give me a moment.
I'll speak to my family first.
We're in trouble.
- What's wrong?
- We're under suspicion.
The doctor wants to call the police
about Mitsuko's scars.
I love you, Mitsuko.
How could this happen?
Stop being so foolish!
Didn't I promise
that I would protect you forever?
Mr. Murata.
Thanks for the 50 yen.
She's always had a habit of self-harm
and she just won't change.
I never imagined she'd get to this point.
Whenever I was around,
she always seemed normal,
so I never noticed.
From now on, please watch her carefully.
If her mental condition doesn't improve,
she'll kill herself one day.
Will she recover?
She'll be fine.
I'm so glad.
I'm so glad.
Thank you so much.
He's gone.
I see.
Hey! Shigeru! Where are you?
I'm here, Zenjiro.
What's with that outfit?
More importantly
what the hell is this? I looked into this.
It turns out your company has
nothing to do with it!
Give me back my money!
What are you saying?
Have you gone mad? Give me back my money!
Stop it, please.
- Give me back my money, you bastard!
- Leave me alone!
Snap out of it! What's gotten into you?
What on earth happened to you?
The university said you took
a leave of absence. What happened?
Everything is
Stop it! Please! Listen to me!
That girl killed a person.
What are you saying? Have you gone mad?
It's true.
We don't have your money.
He took off with all of it!
There's nothing left!
- Hit me!
- What?
Your fucking money is all gone!
You greedy pig!
Do you fucking hear me?
What did you say?
Hit me again! More!
Hit this filthy bitch!
Look at these scars!
- It's delicious.
- Dear
- Mommy!
- Go on, suck on me.
- It's delicious.
- Dear
Go on, suck on Mommy's tits.
You're both crazy!
Shut up!
You bastards!
- That hurts!
- Stop it!
- Stop it!
- Kill me!
Kill me!
Kill me!
You bastards!
I've had enough!
Kill me!
No! Don't hurt my wife!
Shut up! You're crazy!
It hurts, damn it!
when we went fishing?
It hurts so much. Damn it!
It was
near Mt. Fuji
What was it called, again?
It was a beautiful day.
I still think
that was the best day of my life.
I caught another one! Look!
- See?
- That's amazing!
- Zenjiro.
- Yes?
Mitsuko and Ami are growing up so fast.
- Right, Azumi?
- Yes.
Looking back on everything
it turns out I'm the worst of all, aren't I?
I'm sorry.
I should have been a better sister.
It's too late for that.
I'm a mess.
Yes, you are.
I should go home.
It's too early to be discharged.
- Don't cause trouble.
- I'm going.
I said don't cause trouble.
I have to go.
I have to be home, or--
Shut up! You're such a pain in the ass!
I caused trouble for Mom and Dad.
To hell with them.
What happened to my 50 yen?
will you go look for my 50 yen
in my room somewhere?
Come on. Stop the nonsense!
I can't live without it.
Nothing seems right.
As long as I have it
- You found it?
- Yes.
I found it.
Where was it?
At the bottom of the closet.
I'm so glad.
I'm home.
What? Where is everyone?
It was tough, but I got this far.
- I see.
- I think I'll try boiling it better next.
- I'm back.
- Hey.
We were surprised, too.
I took care of Zenjiro, so
Please take care of your parents, Ami.
- What?
- There's nothing to it. Just cut them up.
Sorry to make you do it.
Gosh, it's disgusting.
"I devote myself to the Mystic Law
of the Lotus Sutra."
- Daddy!
- Yes?
What is it? You drew a picture?
It's a pretty drawing.
You're very talented, Ami.
This is Mommy.
This is Daddy.
This is Mitsuko.
And who's this?
It's me.
I see, it's you. She's adorable.
What happened?
What do you mean?
Mom, you're dead.
Why is he dead?
How should I know?
Don't you remember?
I'm not sure.
Here, hold Dad's leg.
Come on!
Do it!
Ami, what are you doing? Ami!
What have you done to your father? Say it!
Say it.
Your father will be upset.
You know how strict he is!
Say it! Now!
I am your mother!
Tell me you love me.
Just once. Please.
I love you, Ami.
That hurts, Ami.
Kill me if you must.
It's only pain.
Give it all you've got!
This scene needs more work.
What are you doing?
I wasn't expecting such a thrilling life
when I first arrived here in Tokyo.
I'm happy for you.
We're almost done with our movie.
It's going to be a real spectacle.
Let's take it even further.
I knew it.
We have a lot in common, you and I.
Let's shoot the climax
when Mitsuko gets out of the hospital.
Let's kill her as soon as she's out.
Good idea.
Yes, I can see it now
What's with the glum look?
You're going to worry Mitsuko.
Come on. Get out. Come here.
You've done nothing wrong.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
- Answer me.
- Yes.
- Louder. Good.
- Yes!
Mitsuko! Thank you for everything, sir.
Welcome back.
I'm so glad.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Let's go.
Thank you.
Get in slowly.
How about
a picnic to celebrate Mitsuko's discharge?
Moonlight in the white forest ♪
In all of the trees ♪
Mitsuko, how are you feeling?
Are you happy?
I see. Good.
- Yes?
- Are Mom and Dad doing well?
I don't know. Don't ask me.
They're fine. Fine as can be.
Fine as can be.
There's a lake nearby
that we used to visit with Mom and Dad.
Do you remember it?
I don't.
- Mr. Murata.
- Yes?
I want my wedding to be there.
What? Right.
Nice. Let's do that.
Good idea, Mitsuko.
- This area is fine, right?
- I suppose so.
Sure. Filming.
Okay, get out.
Isn't it nice here, Mitsuko?
It's wonderful.
- Let's go over there.
- Yes, sir.
in the white forest ♪
In all of the trees ♪
Cicadas emerge ♪
From their ♪
Chrysalises ♪
And so ♪
As thoughts of you run through my head ♪
My body reaches the final stage ♪
We're thinking about killing you.
We figured you'd understand.
From the moment we met,
I wanted to kill you.
- Mr. Murata?
- Yes?
I'm glad we met.
Thank you.
You should thank her, too.
Hurry up.
Thank you.
Let's kill her, then.
It's wonderful to be able to die
on a lovely day like this.
Wonderful indeed.
Why don't you stop the ridiculous act?
I figured this would happen,
so I wrote an essay.
May I read it first?
Wait, what?
Here I go.
"I, Mitsuko Ozawa,
am far worse than all of you."
I told you at the hospital, didn't I?
That I'm the worst one of all.
I'm the worst of all, aren't I?
"First, I should apologize to Mr. Murata.
I never loved you.
Not once!"
"I knew you were a con artist
from the very first phone call."
- Hello?
- Mitsuko?
I'm Joe Murata.
"Under normal circumstances,
I wouldn't have gone to meet you.
But that afternoon,
my old classmate Taeko
had just come to visit.
She brought a bunch of stupid kids with her
and said to me"
Yours is a dead woman's world.
Create a scar and move forward!
Mitsuko, you need to create a scar
and move forward!
"I was incredibly hurt.
Hearing that from that damn Taeko,
I was so hurt I could puke."
We'll come back later.
"I always despised Taeko.
When we were in high school,
I always knew
that she was kissing my Romeo behind my back
and that my Romeo
was head over heels for Taeko.
That's why I despised the two of them."
Is Mitsuko home?
"So when Romeo died in an accident,
I was so relieved.
I figured
Romeo and Taeko could
no longer love each other.
My Romeo
was separated from that despicable woman
and taken to heaven.
Then Romeo became mine.
My own masturbation tool."
I'm guessing you killed Taeko.
"When I sensed that,
it felt so cathartic.
I'm grateful.
She's finally dead.
I was so happy
I practically jumped for joy."
She's watching.
Serves you right! Fucking Taeko!
When you and Romeo were in the classroom,
you lied to me and said you were
doing foot massages."
A foot massage?
No, stupid.
"I will always hate you."
I'm a rotten fish.
- What?
- "And
And I hated Romeo, too.
I hated Romeo for lying like that.
Once Romeo died and became mine,
my hatred of Romeo faded.
After Romeo died,
she began to love me.
She appeared before me
and loved me all the time.
And Shin,
you probably knew the truth about me
from the start."
She can't do it.
Not with men.
"You said
I hadn't been with a man yet, right?"
I don't think she's ever been with a man.
"That was funny to me,
so I kept pretending to be a virgin.
Me? A virgin? Ridiculous.
I've been a slut since high school.
One time, when we were all on the roof,
I lied and told everyone I was a virgin."
- Are you a virgin, Mitsuko?
- What?
- Don't tease me!
- I knew it!
"I slept with Manami's boyfriend"
He's my boyfriend.
"I slept with Ami's fuck buddy, Kenji."
Who's that? A cousin?
"And you, Mr. Murata,
I told you I didn't do it
with Mr. Sasaki."
- Did you sleep with him?
- No!
"We fucked like rabbits!"
Okay, the rest of you can go now.
You've got it all wrong!
This is a misunderstanding!
What do you mean?
There are no good lies or bad lies.
A lie is a lie.
Are you hiding something from me?
I'm going to the bathroom. Watch him.
Yes, sir.
What were you going to say?
But we're--
Shut up.
Don't tell anyone we had sex.
Got it, scumbag?
Say it, and you're dead.
This is nothing
compared to what you'll go through.
- Got it?
- Yes.
Keep your trap shut.
"Why do men like virgins so much?
When I was 16,
I tossed aside my worthless virginity.
Mr. Murata.
After our first night together,
you looked for my blood on the sheets.
But there wasn't any, not a drop.
So you said,
"It's okay. Not all virgins bleed."
I was sneering at you inside.
why did I go through all this trouble?
I sensed that you were a murderer
from the very beginning.
I've been yearning for you to kill me.
But I didn't want to die first.
I wanted to see that bitch Taeko
and that idiot Jay,
and that filthy Dad"
I'm sorry for everything.
"that slovenly narcissist Mom
and that tramp Ami die first."
What are you rambling about?
I think she's gone insane!
Kill Ami first.
- Hey!
- Ami, take a good look at your sister.
- What?
- Just do it.
I see her.
You've never once looked
at your sister's heart.
Mitsuko, give your sister
some last words of farewell.
I love you, Ami
- Not!
- What the hell!
Truly, Ami
I've loved you since you were little
Not! You idiot!
Hey! Mitsuko!
Are you serious about all this?
"I wanted to die from the very beginning.
But I didn't want to commit suicide.
I was the only one who survived.
Romeo had saved me."
Come over here.
"I secretly spat out the medicine.
I wasn't sleepy,
but I was thankful for Romeo.
I thought Taeko was dead, too.
When I saw Taeko writhing in pain
on the car that was dented by her weight,
I figured she deserved it.
But she was alive.
I couldn't stand it.
When she asked me to perform
on stage with her again"
Let's perform together!
"I wanted her to die."
Mr. Murata, help me!
Say something to her.
This cute woman is about to die.
Ami, I'm sorry.
You see, I
have no use for you anymore.
Well, that's perfect.
You can finish her with this.
What the hell, Shin?
Are you ordering me around?
You're a coward
who's never done anything himself.
Do it!
Do it, Murata!
Do it! You third-rate hack actor.
- Take it!
- Fine!
- I'll do it!
- Then do it.
Mr. Murata!
Don't shoot me!
Hurry up and shoot her.
I'm fine.
I'm fine, see?
I'm fine.
See, I got up. Mr. Murata.
I'm still alive.
- Yes
- Right?
Let's love each other again.
What's with that look?
I love you, Mr. Murata.
I love you too, Ami.
Me too.
Give that back.
Hey, watch it!
You're useless, you middle-aged punk.
You should die here, too.
Go on, do it.
You won't be able to finish the movie
without me.
What? I don't care about your dumb movie!
Really? Good.
I never cared about
any of you dumb kids, either.
- Go on, do whatever you like.
- Fine, I'll kill you.
I only followed you
because I thought you were interesting.
Do you want to know who I am?
I'm the serial killer
that's been in the news.
I'm a free spirit, doing as I please.
You, on the other hand
You're a con man
who's never gotten his hands dirty.
I'm going to enjoy torturing you
to death the whole night.
Are you ready?
Is that right?
That sounds interesting.
What a dramatic day we're having today!
Hey, Mitsuko?
You're alive again?
Hurry up and kill me.
Then can I ask you one thing before you die?
What, scumbag?
Did you love me, even just a tiny bit?
"A tiny bit"?
Yes, a tiny bit.
Maybe I loved you a tiny bit.
That's great.
A tiny bit, right?
I loved you a tiny bit, too.
A tiny bit.
A tiny bit.
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Thanks, I feel better.
Okay, Shin, you can kill her.
Thanks for the 50 yen.
Romeo! Alack!
What blood is this, which stains
the stony entrance of this sepulchre?
What mean these masterless and gory swords
to lie discolour'd by this place of peace?
Romeo! O, pale!
Who else?
What, Mitsuko too?
Is she dead?
- I think she's dead.
- I see.
What do you think about her?
Her heart is not exactly pure.
Not at all.
There isn't an ounce of purity in her.
I'm purer, don't you think?
- Maybe a little.
- Right?
Did you feel my purity just now?
- I sure did.
- Right?
Then what should I do?
- Die? Or perhaps--
- You should die.
I see. I'm going to die?
- But--
- You should die.
But come on, not here.
Not together with them.
Hey, how about over there?
It's pretty, isn't it?
Yes, maybe over here.
I think I prefer this spot.
I like this big tree. Yes, this big tree.
- Yes. This tree. Run around, and
- Hey!
- That hurts!
- You little shit!
You stupid shit!
Hey, Murata!
- Catch me, moron!
- Hey!
You think I'd let you shoot me? Moron!
You stupid serial killer!
I'll kill you the next time I see you!
Oh, really? I can't wait!
I'll kill a ton of people before that,
including you!
- Are you okay there?
- I'm sorry.
My car broke down
and my phone won't connect.
Is that right? Well, I can take you
to a nearby gas station.
- Get in.
- Would you? Thank you.
- I'm so glad.
- Hop in.
- You saved me.
- Off we go.
I lied, of course.
Hey, where are you going?
Sorry, I'm lost. Would you mind
taking me to the highway?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
Where are you headed?
Go to hell.
Taeko, Mitsuko, it's Romeo and Juliet!
Taeko, Mitsuko, it's Romeo and Juliet!
Hey, everyone!
- What is it?
- You startled us!
I found our play for the school festival!
Romeo and Juliet?
Mitsuko will play Juliet,
and I'll play Romeo.
And you can be the director, Taeko!
Mitsuko as Juliet?
This is going to be amazing!
- This is great!
- Shakespeare?
It's a classic!
"O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
I gave thee mine
before thou didst request it.
And yet I would it were to give again.
Wouldst thou withdraw it?
For what purpose, love?
But to be frank, and give it thee again.
And yet I wish but for the thing I have.
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
my love as deep.
The more I give to thee, the more I have,
for both are infinite.
I hear some noise within.
Dear love, adieu!
Anon, good nurse!
Sweet Montague, be true.
Stay but a little,
I will come again.
O blessed, blessed night!
I am afeard.
Being in night, all this is but a dream,
too flattering-sweet
to be substantial.
- Bravo!
- Bravo!
Thank you!
That was amazing!
- Mitsuko!
- Eiko!
Thank you!
That was incredible!
- Juliet!
- Romeo!
- Eiko!
- Mitsuko!
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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