The Fortress (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Savior

234 new cases have been
registered in Bergen today.
That's 43 more than yesterday, 121
more than the same day last week.
The trend is upward, with
a reproduction number of
Uma came from a camp in Sweden.
The chance of her being
infected with Yersinia pestis
with the exact same DNA at the
exact same time as Stefan is zero.
Charlie Oldman was
infected, but he's alive.
He could pose a problem.
- You know Charlie Oldman?
- Yeah, I was his doctor in jail.
He had the pneumonic
variant of Yersinia.
We thought he was going
to die, but he survived.
He was cured by antibiotics?
With max two days to live, we gave
him painkillers and fever-reducers.
Delete that. Then I'll
go straight for it.
Please, don't do this. We
can't make such a big decision
- without thinking it through.
- I have thought it through.
I'm ready.
Yeah, it's good.
Our Way was founded
on one simple idea.
How to safeguard our small country
in an increasingly dangerous world.
Now the time has come to
say that I have failed.
We thought we had the
transmission routes under control.
We did not.
I have let you down.
I have failed my mission
to safeguard our country.
The truth is that we can
no longer do this alone.
That's why I and the government
have asked the World Health
Organisation for help.
Hi. Hi, Johannes.
A rat bit me, Mum. I
don't want to be here.
I understand, but you'll have to
stay until they've examined you.
But me and Daddy will
be here the whole time.
Leo and Esther Winter? The
doctor wants to talk to you.
I'm sorry, but Johannes has tested
positive for the Yersinia bacterium.
We know when he was infected, and as
you were exposed to his blood, Leo,
you have to stay in
isolation at the hospital.
As for you, Esther, I've been told
you're a resource vital to society.
So you must isolate at home.
- Huh?
- No, no.
No! I'm staying here with my son!
I'm staying here with my son!
I'm sorry.
What the hell was he thinking?!
And he wants my blessing to tear
down everything we've built up.
You asked me once what
our relationship is.
It's this.
No secrets from now on.
We don't let each other
down no matter what happens.
That's love to me.
- Do you want that?
- Yes.
Scheduled meeting
starts in five minutes.
Hello, everyone. Welcome.
So, Odd, how are
things in Bergen?
What are people saying about us now
we've asked for help from outside?
Who would we ask? The party agreed
only because we had no other option.
I understand, and I
appreciate your support.
And guys, I have some good news.
We've had an answer from the WHO.
They've already been researching
the new Yersinia for some time.
So that gives
grounds for optimism.
So here we stand. The
decision's been made.
Now we must find a
way forward together.
So Ingvild,
what do you think?
I think that we have a plan.
Updated infection numbers:
3,482 infected in
the last seven days.
There are now 1,213
hospitalised people.
Norne, match Zara
Sandberg's travel pattern
with Stefan Keyn's
and Anne Marie Moen's.
Matching travel data
for Zara Sandberg,
Stefan Keyn and Anne Marie Moen.
Did Ingvild Kamfjord
go to the same places?
There is no travel data
for Ingvild Kamfjord.
Norne Give me the trips
Ingvild Kamfjord has undertaken.
Give me Ingvild
Kamfjord's travel log.
Give me Ingvild
Kamfjord's profile.
You do not have access to
Ingvild Kamfjord's profile.
Security clearance of a
higher level required.
Hello. I need to meet
the Attorney General.
Your fridge has been filled.
If you need more
equipment, call Pantogena.
The number is stored
on speed dial key 1.
My son is sick. Can
I have my mobile?
To talk to your
husband, click on key 2.
Then he can bring the
phone to your son.
To talk to us, it's key 3.
There will always
be a car outside.
Can I talk to my lawyer?
You're subject to the
Emergency Powers Act.
Your lucky you can stay here.
I'd have sent you back to jail.
You think you're above the
law and ordinary people.
- Hello? Esther.
- This is Ida Aandahl from Pantogena.
About the analysis of the frozen
salmon. There's something strange.
- What do you mean?
- It's several months old.
But we still found
Yersinia pestis in it.
You mean Yersinia
ruckeri, redmouth disease?
No. Yersinia pestis.
The Black Death.
- My God.
- We don't understand it either.
We have triple-checked.
Then it's even worse than I
thought. It is indeed the vaccine.
Stefan has messed
with Yersinia DNA.
And he didn't discover his
mistake until it was too late.
The vaccine must have made the
bacteria mutate in the salmon.
And the plague has just been waiting
for the right host to attack.
It could have been
there for six months.
And the fish has been
sold all over the country?
Have you found Oldman?
Your special forces were supposed
to take care of him. What happened?
Someone knew where he was
and where he was going.
If someone made such an effort
to get hold of one refugee,
they know that
Oldman can harm us.
Have your infiltrators found any
more members of the Vigen group?
After Lars Irgens was killed
Vigen battened down the hatches.
- We haven't managed to get in.
- I don't accept that!
Charlie Oldman is the
only loose end now.
Find him, and eliminate
the infection!
Are you looking for him?
You've found him?
Put this on.
- They'll realise that I'm gone.
- We have that under control.
But we have to go now.
You're meeting the leader of
the resistance group Vigen.
He's taking care
of Charlie Oldman.
It's good to see you, Esther.
I'm Geir Hammer, officially I
work for the Border Control.
Why did you abduct
Charlie Oldman?
Because there are strong forces
that want him to disappear.
And if he's that important to them,
we reckon he's important to us too.
He is important. He's the only one
who has recovered from the plague.
I have his epicrisis here.
We're keeping him in hiding
here for the time being.
Come with me.
He may not agree, but Charlie
must have a guardian angel.
There have been three
attempts on his life.
Vigen, our organisation, consists
of entirely autonomous cells.
No one has known
about anybody else.
Lars Irgens' cell was
infiltrated by the PST.
But the order to
blame the refugees
when the salmon vaccine got
dangerous came from high up.
Charlie was injected with what
he thought were antibodies
so he could get a vaccine passport,
but he was infected with Yersinia.
- And you know this?
- Yes.
I had Uma Scholl autopsied by
an army force special unit.
- You've committed a crime!
- I followed the orders given to me.
The whole country is built
on loyal people like me.
But one day you wake up and
realise that it's all a lie.
We need your help, so no
more innocent people die.
- Ida Aandahl.
- Hi.
- You have to pick up a blood sample.
- Okay?
- Right away.
- I'll send somebody.
Call me when you've checked
it. Don't do anything
- without talking to me.
- Okay.
Ariel They're coming.
The WHO are on their
way to the border.
Prime Minister The Swedish
troops arrived during the night.
Probably to prevent refugees from
slipping in with the aid workers.
Thank you.
I only want what's best for Norway.
That's why I'm open about this.
Bergen is on the verge of collapse.
If we don't find a vaccine soon
If the WHO can produce a vaccine,
I support Heyerdahl's plan.
So do I. But we must be able to
think two thoughts at the same time.
Our Way is much, much
bigger than one person.
And we need a Plan B, or Norway
will be thrown into chaos.
It's a big ask. First we'll
have to see what the WHO say.
For the first time
in nine years,
the PM will meet a
delegation from abroad.
Can the WHO help us develop
a vaccine against the plague?
And how long would that take?
Prime Minister, we have to
evacuate. Pull out, pull out.
Deviation detected.
What's the matter?
Charlie Oldman is
completely healthy.
There isn't a trace of the
Yersinia bacteria in his blood.
- He has antibodies?
- Yeah, he was ill and recovered.
But we have no idea how.
I can't tell enough from these
images, we have to go to the lab.
I've tried, you
won't get permission.
But I have to. This contagion
could explode everywhere.
Charlie is all we've got.
- I warned you.
- This is just as much your fault.
No. It was you who pushed through
the decision to ask for help.
Because we ourselves have created
a plague that's impossible to stop.
Esther Winter She
was right all along.
Stefan Keyn and Uma Scholl were
infected by an identical bacterium.
And you
You classified the
one report that proves
that the contagion
didn't come from outside.
That report was sensitive
material. It proved nothing.
Whose idea was it to give
refugees the salmon vaccine
in order to blame them?
If we'd known the vaccine was
dangerous, we'd never have made it.
So it was you who
approved that vaccine?
The country needed a salmon vaccine
to ensure Norway had enough food.
And I did what I always do. I
cleared up the mess. For you.
- For me?
- Yeah, for you.
Zara Was that why she had to
go, because she knew too much?
If we fall now, it will be
Our Way's downfall as well.
Everything we've built up.
Everything we've worked for.
Well, you saw how that went.
Are you ready for Plan B?
- You accept our demands?
- Yeah.
- What's your horizon?
- Only as long as necessary.
I prefer to stay
in the background.
We. The Farmers
Party. We're in.
- Esther! You can't be here.
- I'm not sick.
This can be brought
to your home.
My son is dying!
I don't have time.
Look at this. It's a virus that
lives off the Yersinia bacterium.
Bacteriophages. They penetrate
the bacteria to breed in there.
And when there are enough of
them, the bacterium bursts.
If it's that simple, why
haven't you found it before?
Only this type of bacteriophage
will kill the Yersinia bacterium.
- It's a miracle we found it at all.
- Where did you find it?
In a blood sample taken
from Charlie Oldman.
Before he disappeared.
We have all the channels at 9:00.
I have a proposed statement.
- First we have to talk, Amund.
- We can talk later.
No. We have to talk now.
You no longer have the
confidence of the government.
Call my personal lawyer. Fuck!
Give me that.
Give it!
Hi, it's me.
Ingvild has stabbed me in the
back. She wants me deposed.
No, now! It happened just now.
You have an e-mail from the
Attorney General with a link.
That's proof! Proof that Ingvild was
behind everything the whole time.
Good. When can I file
charges against her?
Give me that.
You just have to open the link.
It worked earlier today, let me
Hang on. I'll just
- Access withdrawn.
- Hello?
Hammer. Do you know where he is?
Something about the surveillance of
Esther Winter that doesn't add up.
What we thought was a live
feed of Esther's bedroom
is a loop of a recording
from several days ago.
What's also interesting is that when
I log onto the surveillance rota
I see that you broke isolation
and were on duty in her street.
And all surveillance systems were
disconnected while you were there.
That requires authorisation on
a level way above yours or mine.
So where is Hammer
at this moment?
There have been 2,024 new
cases in Bergen today.
That's 430 more than yesterday and
500 more than on this day last week.
The trend is upward, with
a reproduction number
There's been a development.
Esther Winter may have
found a potential medicine.
A vaccine?
No, it's not a vaccine,
it's a medicine.
Something she found
in Oldman's blood.
He's the only person
who's recovered.
So Winter is producing a
medicine based on his blood.
So she knows where Oldman is?
I suspect so.
If the medicine works, we'll
put it into mass-production.
Then you arrest Winter for
the murder of Lars Irgens.
Esther Winter must not get away.
- You enjoying that ice cream?
- You bet.
- Looking forward to going home?
- I can't wait.
- Esther. You can't be here.
- We're packing.
No, you have to
come with me now.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on, come on!
Get in! Lie in the back!
Order to drive.
Our cell is blown.
Bjørk was arrested. It's only a
matter of time before they get me.
A new cell will assume
responsibility for you.
- Who?
- It's me.
- What about Charlie?
- He's in a safe place.
He'll stay there until we get him
and his daughter out of the country.
There's a bag back there with a
map showing your escape route.
The bag also contains a
phone with a saved number.
Send an empty message
when you arrive.
Our turn. Cover
yourselves. Cover!
Today I was informed
that I no longer have the
confidence of my government.
My mission and my goal
has never been anything other
than what's best for Norway.
That's why I've chosen
to step down as prime minister
with immediate effect.
I'm doing that to
to ensure that we don't lose
momentum at this critical time.
I will now leave the
floor to my successor.
In record time, Pantogena
has begun mass production
of a medicine for the
treatment of Yersinia pestis.
Preliminary studies of the
medicine seem very promising,
showing that a majority
of the sick recover.
This medical breakthrough
proves that Norway still
stands strongest on its own.
- Look at you!
- Hi.
Oh shit! Are you okay?
Yes, except that
I'm about to burst.
- And Leo and Johannes?
- We're all good.
We've turned into smallholders.
- Did you talk to the skipper?
- Yes, we're taking them to the ship.
We have a two hour window
in this sector, so
You know Vigen can get you out.
There are safe places out there now.
Safer than Norway?
We have to go.
- It's so good to see you again.
- Likewise.
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