The Good Lord Bird (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Last Words

What are you doing here?
[Onion] I got to give
your pa the password
for the railman
before it's too late.
Who goes there?
I said, who goes there?!
Don't take another step.
Jesus is walking!
[John] Onion, did you see
our friend the railman?
I shot him.
I shot him.
Ain't nobody coming, is they?
We just took over
the nation's largest armory.
We're here to free
the Negro people,
and you are my prisoner.
Cook, Robert,
take Onion, go find Owen.
Reinforcements are coming.
No, say, "I'm here
to exchange myself
and my Negroes for all
the white prisoners
inside the engine house."
-It's them!
Hey, get down!
Hey, put your head down.
Bob, B-B-Bob. Bob!
You're in a pickle now, Brown.
You're surrounded.
All right, we're gonna begin
the exchange of hostages
for the freedom
and safe passage
of every Negro
in this building.
Why would they do that?!
Why would they?
They shot my son!
Why would they do that?!
They shot my son.
The question is,
did John Brown fail?
He certainly did fail
to get out of Harpers Ferry
before being beaten down
by United States soldiers,
and to lead a liberating army
into the mountains of Virginia.
So, did John Brown
draw his sword against slavery
and thereby lose his life
in vain?
And to this I answer
10,000 times no.
No man fails
or can ever fail
who so grandly gives himself
and all he has
to a righteous cause.
If John Brown did not end
the war that ended slavery,
he did at least begin the war
that ended slavery.
If we look over the dates,
places and men
for which this honor
is claimed,
we shall find that
not Carolina but Virginia,
not Fort Sumter
but Harpers Ferry.
John Brown's zeal
in the cause of freedom
was infinitely superior
to mine.
I could live for the slave.
John Brown could die for him.
The war being waged
in this land
is a war for
and against slavery.
And the Brown army fired
the first shot.
upbeat gospel music
Come on, children, let's sing
about the goodness
Of the Lord, my Lord
Come on, children,
let's shout
All about God's rich reward
Guide our footsteps
every day
Keeps us in the narrow way
Come on, children,
let's sing
About the goodness
of the Lord
Yeah, come on, children,
let's sing
About the goodness
of the Lord, my Lord
Come on, children,
let's shout
All about God's rich reward
Guide our footsteps
every day
Keeps us in the narrow way
Come on, children,
let's sing
Come on, children,
let's shout
How the Lord Almighty
has brought us out
There's none like Him,
without a doubt
Come on, children,
let's sing
About the goodness
Of the Lord
Oh, Lord, we invite You
into this room,
and we invite You
into this room, and, uh,
-and what and what and what?
We invite You into this room
and into-into my heart.
Lord, we know that Satan
speaks loudest to the wealthy.
-Few can resist his lies.
-[glass shatters]
Fuck you, John Brown.
We pray for the good people
of Harpers Ferry!
[whispering] We know that Samson
defeated his enemies
not with a victory
but with death.
Oh, Lord, come to me now.
Please, Lord,
come into my heart.
Come into this place,
please, right now.
Please, please, please, please.
Well, all the Old Man's
hammering on God
finally fell on me.
I'd never noticed
how beautiful the world was
till I was about to leave it.
And I started thinking
about poor Jesus,
wondering why His Father left
Him all alone and forsaken.
And then I looked
at the Old Man and realized
he looked exactly like the way
white folks picture God.
And that's when I knew it.
This shit was gonna work.
[gunfire stops]
Why'd they stop shooting?
That's a bad sign.
[knocking on door]
Who are you?
It's Lieutenant Jeb Stuart
of the United States Cavalry.
-You remember me?
-[John] I remember ye.
John Jr.,
are you in there?
[John Jr.]
I'm here.
He's dead.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I have orders from my commanding
officer Robert E. Lee.
He is approaching the gates
and demands your surrender.
Tell him we demand
the immediate emancipation
of every Negro in bondage
in this land.
What is it that you want
in this direct moment?
The freedom of every
Negro in this building.
Safe passage for all of my men
across the B&O bridge.
And then I will
surrender myself
directly to you.
Mr. Brown, you're in
no position to negotiate.
Give me a hundred yards
head start.
John Jr., may I look you
in the eyes?
John, no amount
of your father's
ploys or theatrics
are going to get you
or these Negroes
out of this, you understand?
You are now surrounded
by 1,200 U.S. troops.
You must surrender.
[John Jr.]
We will do no such thing.
We will exchange
the prisoners we have
for safe passage across
the B&O bridge.
That cannot be arranged.
Then our business is done.
Jeb you heard my father.
Our business is done
if you cannot free
the Negro from bondage.
You know the speech.
You have until daybreak.
Have a good night.
foreboding music
John, verse 16, chapter eight.
Jesus came to the world
to show us how wrong
we are about sin
and who's truly right.
You'll hang, Brown.
You've committed
You ought to give yourself up.
You'll look good
ducking that thick neck
a hangman's noose.
Huh? Huh?
I know what to do.
All right, look,
you see the hinges there?
-[coachman] You know
[John] We're gonna
take apart those hinges.
there was a time I actually
thought you were above me.
But watching you
wet yourself and
getting a whiff of your nature
doings in here with no privy,
I come to understand
the human situation.
One stalk of corn don't grow
no higher than the other.
[Washington] But you
you really think that
crazy old man is going to
save all o' you Black people?
Oh, he ain't
gonna save us.
He's trying
to save you.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, Coachman.
Here you go.
[indistinct chatter]
So this the way it is.
If we live through
this next fight,
all us is gonna hang.
Now, we done fought hard.
Shit, we-we done fought
too hard.
And enjoyed our freedom
a bit too handily.
So, so just before
the first light,
the Old Man, he-he gonna
start up a good fight up front.
Let all us coloreds sneak out
the back vent with the hostages.
Make a run for the river
when the shooting starts.
And what if we get caught?
Lie your ass off.
Say you was
a hostage.
Else you gonna swing for sure.
Even you, Onion.
So it's best you don't
get caught at all.
Look, the Old Man,
he giving us a way out.
Take it or not.
You gonna do it?
Y'all ought to get some sleep.
You think there's
any chance I won't swing?
They gonna hang
every colored in here.
Hell, even if you looked
at them white prisoners funny,
you'll hang, and you done a lot
more than looking at 'em funny.
You ought to take it
standing up.
What if one of us was
different from what they know?
Ain't no difference between us
when it come to white folks.
They don't know me!
They don't know
my true nature.
His true nature.
I knewed you was playing
the fool from the minute
you brought that sissy show
up to Mr. Douglass's.
I bet you ain't got enough
fruit there to squeeze.
It'd take you all night
to find them peanuts.
I'm just asking.
You want to dress like a man
and act like a man.
Ain't you want to die like one?
That's just it.
How can I die like a man
if I ain't lived like one yet?
I only kissed one girl.
low, somber music
-Take these.
Look, if them Federals
find you,
they're gonna splatter
your brains, but, uh,
it'll cause all us here a
pretty good frolic
just thinking about you
getting out clear.
What you gonna wear?
I ain't going nowhere.
Neither are these other fellas.
[Emperor] The white man, he
don't care what pants you wear.
You just another
shabby nigger to him.
Just play it smart.
At dawn,
when the captain there,
he give the order,
then we're gonna fire
them tow balls.
Throw a couple out,
fire a few charges
out the window.
That's when you got to get gone
to the river, quick.
You hear me?
[Emperor] If you can
get clear of the ferry,
them white folks,
they won't pay you no more mind
than a hole in the ground.
Tell them you belong
to Mr. H. Gourhand.
He lives up near the Kennedy
farm. Mr. H. Gourhand.
-You got it?
Mr. Gourhand's got
a slave boy about your age.
Them U.S. troops
ain't from around here.
-They won't know the difference.
-[Emperor] Yeah, they can't tell
the difference
between us no way. Now
Onion, look.
You can make it.
And when you do,
make your own freedom.
Hey. Pass me that drink.
To Onion.
To Onion.
And his little peanuts.
So, if we go out
the front doors,
blow 'em open,
draw enough fire,
and I draw enough
of the troops around,
make that south exit work.
That's the plan.
Father, I would like
to lead the charge.
Mm. That's not necessary.
It would be my honor.
You don't have to be Owen.
You're enough just as you are.
"Here I am, send me."
I'm just the poor
Wayfaring stranger
Traveling through
this world below
There is no sickness
No toil nor danger
In that bright land
To which I go
I'm going there
To see my father
And all the loved ones
Who've gone on
I'm just going
Over Jordan
I'm just going
Over home
I'm just going
Over home
low, suspenseful music
[breathing deeply]
-What you doing? Come on.
-[man] Around the back.
-Come on.
-[horse neighs]
-Move, move.
-Let's move!
Around the corner!
Whoa! Whoa!
Where are you from?
Who do you belong to?!
Um, w-we's hostages
from all over, sir.
The white folk inside,
they hurt?
They, uh, uh,
shook up some, I reckon.
You've never seen such ignorant
Negroes in all your life.
By God, we acted
like they was our savior.
We dropped to our knees
and thanked Jesus
for them soldiers being born
and saving us and so forth.
Boy looks familiar to me.
Who do you belong to?
Mr. H. Gourhand. He lives
up next to the Kennedy farm.
I'm not sure if Jeb was fooled
by my true nature,
or he just felt bad for me
and let me go.
Or maybe we didn't look
no different to him after all.
Take this boy home.
But, sir,
I want to be in the fight.
This fight is done.
slow, contemplative music
-[horse snorts]
-[tongue clicks]
[horse neighs]
[hoofbeats approaching]
What the hell happened to you?
The massa kicked me down
the well for fun again.
Know whose nigger this is?
Says he lives around here.
He was taken prisoner
at the ferry raid.
I heard the news, sir.
I know this child
and am glad you brung him back.
I'll go wake my massa.
There's no need.
I'm up. I'm his master.
Now you in a heap
of trouble, huh?
You better get your Black ass
in that house!
This nigger's had
quite the night.
It's a dangerous time
to be about,
with what's going on and all.
Uh, you want to, want to come in
and have some coffee?
Uh, no, I got to get back
to the ferry.
Well, I'll skin her ass alive
if she runs off again.
That is a "he," sir.
I mean, can't you tell
your niggers apart?
I mean, it's no wonder
you got insurrections.
You treat your damn colored
so bad,
you can't tell one from another.
Now, we'd never treat our
niggers like that in Alabama.
[tongue clicks]
-I thought you was a goner.
-Me, too.
-How'd you get out?
-The Old Man did a diversion.
I run out with some others
dressed like this.
Then I made up a story
about who I was.
That's about normal for you.
What did the Old Man
think of that disguise?
It ain't no disguise, Owen.
This is me. I ain't no girl.
How long you
known about this?
Too long.
I never thought
he'd string it on this far.
And Pa?
And John Jr. and Jason?
slow, somber music
Jason died a hero.
The others,
I don't know.
Last I saw, they was putting
steel and lead to the enemy.
All right.
Well, let's ride.
[Onion] Owen led me
and Bob north a ways
to George Watson's Barbershop.
They was working
the underground gospel train
and were friends of the cause.
So what are your plans, Owen?
Want to stick around
for a while.
See if anyone else made it out.
Stick around?
No, you got to
get away from here.
haven't you heard?
Everybody's dead.
Everyone except your pa.
John Brown's alive?
[Watson] Yeah, he's cut up
pretty good.
They got him down
at Charles Town jail.
Trying to make a big deal
out of his hanging.
You gonna try to bust
the Old Man out of jail?
No, why would I?
No, Pa's not in there grieving.
And he's proud of my brothers
and everyone that died.
Now, you see,
most people
they don't die for anything.
Our men, they died
for something.
[Watson] What you need
to do right now
is split up
so you can stay alive.
-God bless you.
-Thank you.
May you be safe.
Thank you.
Give my regards
to Salmon and Miss Annie.
And don't be
a stranger, Robert.
The Old Man
was fond of you.
Oh, and you
It all makes
sense to me now,
your interest in
my sister Annie.
You ever come up
our way to court her,
bring a book of poems and
something for her sweet tooth.
Don't she have
a lot of suitors already?
Definitely no one like you.
-[horse neighs]
-[Owen clicks tongue]
See you, Owen.
slow, somber music
You know they still ain't
killed John Brown yet?
[Watson] Guess the Lord ain't
ready for him to die.
And why the hell not?
Mm, maybe He's got some
more work for him to do.
[Mark] Well, he don't
have long to do it.
I hear it'll be the
first of next month.
Bah, John Brown's an idiot.
And why you say that?
[Luke] Well, he gone and got
himself killed for a crazy idea.
[Mark] I reckon you could say
the same thing about our Savior.
Yeah, but Jesus didn't know
He was gonna get killed.
Now, you saying
John Brown is smarter
than our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ?
-Nobody said that, Mark.
-Oh, shut your mouth.
-Shut your mouth and
-Play the game.
Play the game.
[indistinct chatter outside]
contemplative music
Excuse me, sir.
Reckon I'll be seeing you.
I doubts it.
Storm coming like
the Old Man said.
You and me should steer clear
of anything to do with Virginia.
Well, Bob
Mr. Watson sent Bob off
to Philadelphia
for work in a lumberyard
to earn money to buy his family
out of bondage.
I don't know if Bob
ever saw his family again.
The Old Man was a stirrer-up
of things.
Didn't matter if he was
in Kansas, Virginia or jail.
He stirred shit up.
"The Bible teaches
to 'remember those in bonds
as I am bound with them.'
I believe to
have interfered
as I have on behalf
of the poor
was not wrong
but right.
I believe I must
forfeit my life
and mingle my blood
in the blood
of my beloved children."
[John] "Had I so interfered
on behalf of the rich,
the educated,
the so-called great,
or any of their friends,
fathers, mothers, brothers,
sisters, wives;
if I had fought for them,
what I have done
would have been deemed
by any court as an act
worthy of reward
rather than of punishment."
[Onion] Folks was listening
now that a white man
was gonna hang.
And not just any white man.
The Old Man was a Christian
who could write.
He had friends who could write.
Walt Whitman
took up the cause.
Henry David Thoreau,
Ralph Waldo Emerson--
I didn't know who any
of these turkeys were,
but we were no longer alone.
He hangs in three days.
It'd do me good to see him.
You think I been hiding you here
for my satisfaction?
I got enough risk.
I can't sanction it.
I'm gonna go see the Old Man.
That's not the question.
The question is,
are you willing to help me?
I'm not doing
this for you.
I'm doing it for him.
This is Clarence.
He works in the jail.
Captain Avis
is helping us, too.
He's gonna
look the other way
while Clarence
brings you in the back.
After that, you're riding
on thin air and grace.
I won't forget you, Mr. Watson.
It's best if you do.
I'll take care of you from here.
-What's your name again?
Come on, Henry.
slow guitar music
Old Man knows what he's doing.
They should have killed him.
He's raised a lot more hell
with letter writing
than he ever did
with that gun.
And he raised plenty
with the gun.
Is it true you rode
with him and his boys?
I suppose I did.
Two years, thick and thin.
Best be quick about it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Who's there?
It's me.
Come closer.
It does my heart good
to see you, Onion.
You gonna hang tomorrow?
I'll be fine.
Takes a man six to nine minutes
to die from a neck hanging.
I figure I'll do more
for the cause
in those precious minutes
than I have with my whole life.
I'm the luckiest man
in the whole world.
Don't seem that way.
There is an eternity behind us
and there's an eternity ahead.
This little speck
right here at the center
that's our lives.
I've done what
the Lord asked me to do
with the little time I had.
We rung the bell, Onion.
We did.
There's a great war coming.
You keep your head down.
God's mercy's gonna spread
all over the world.
I won't live to see the change
that's coming,
but I hope that you do.
Having peace takes time.
Still got God in your heart?
Yes, sir.
Mm-hmm. Good. Good.
Come in. Pray with me.
-Come on in.
He-he doesn't lock the door.
Open it. Come on in.
[grunting softly]
It's your turn to lead.
Dear Lord,
we give thanks
for the time we is together.
Watch over Mr. Brown
tomorrow, please?
Give him the strength and the
courage to die a man's death.
Help the people
that is mad at us right now
to see that we just
want to save people.
Wake 'em up
that there's too much
unfairness in this world.
We're just
asking for a little bit
of respectfulness.
Do you hear that?
I can hear
your heart beating.
Can you hear mine?
That's God.
Reminding us
that we are alive.
Don't forget that.
Also, dear Lord,
I ask Your forgiveness
from You
for not giving
the captain the password
for the railman.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry for
changing the date.
[inhales sharply]
Oh, please
forgive me, Lord.
Forgive us all our sins,
and unseen.
In Jesus' name we pray.
In Jesus' name we pray.
this is goodbye.
I'm sorry you gonna hang,
I'm so sorry.
I wish I could stop it.
Ah, I deserve to hang.
Not for inciting
a slave insurrection.
For tarrying so long
in the engine house, and why,
why didn't I take the bridge?
That was so stupid.
For that, I should hang.
Y-You did the best you could.
We'll see if God agrees, hmm?
You still have
your Good Lord bird feather?
-It's safe.
The Good Lord bird
doesn't fly in a flock.
You know why?
[whispers] The voice
of our spirit is gentle.
Sometimes you have
to fly alone to hear it.
But, Captain
how come
you never asked me why
I went about as I did?
like a girl?
Whatever you are, Onion
be it in full.
You were made
by your Maker.
And He loves you.
And I love you, too.
I don't care
what clothes you wear.
Any more than I do
the size of your shoes.
You check in on my family
from time to time.
I plan on it.
[water dripping]
[door creaks open]
[door closes]
[exhales sharply]
[muffled drumming]
[bell tolling]
suspenseful music
Port arms!
Hey, boy.
No niggers allowed
for three miles.
Now scat.
[Onion] People called
John Brown a lot of things:
killer, saint,
prophet, lunatic.
He prophesized a war
was coming, and it came.
But in that jail cell,
I knew for the very first time
that him being a person
to lead the coloreds to freedom
weren't no lunacy.
It was something he knew
was true inside.
When the sun comes back
And the first quail calls
Follow the drinking gourd
For the old man is waiting
Just to carry you
to freedom
Follow the drinking gourd
Paper said nobody heard
John Brown's last words.
But I can imagine him
looking out, saying
What a beautiful country.
- Though I walk
-[chorus vocalizing]
Through the valley
of the shadow
Shadow of death
I will fear no evil
For thou art with me
Thy rod, thy staff
They comfort me
- Keep me walking
- Walking
- Oh, with Jesus
- With Jesus
Yeah, walking
Walking with my Jesus
every day
- Oh
- Yeah, yeah
- Walking
- Walking with Jesus
- Every day
- Every day
- And I'm talking
- Oh, talking with Jesus
- Yes, I am
- Every day
- Oh, singing
- Singing with Jesus
- Yes, I am
- Every day
- And though you're happy
- Though you're happy
- Along the way
- Along the way
- With every instruction
- With every instruction
- Light my way
- Light my way
- Turn my midnight
- Turn my midnight
- Into day
- Into day
- And I'm walking
- I'm walking
- With my Jesus
- With my Jesus
- And I'm walking
- I'm walking
- With my Jesus
- With my Jesus
- And I'm walking
- I'm walking
- With my Jesus
- Ooh, with my Jesus
- And I'm walking
- I'm walking
- With my Jesus
- With my Jesus
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Oh, yeah
- Yeah, walk on
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Oh, yeah
- Yeah, walk on
- Walk on, oh, yeah
- Walk on
- Ah
- Walk on
- I'm walking
- I'm walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- Every day
- Oh, walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Oh, yeah
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Oh, yeah
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Walk on
- Oh, yeah
- Walk on
- Oh, walking
- I'm walking with Jesus
- God Almighty
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm walking with Jesus
- Walking with Jesus
- Endure the pain
- I'm walking with Jesus
- I'm singing, I'm singing
- I'm singing with Jesus
- I'm singing
- I'm singing for Jesus
- Singing for Jesus
- I'm singing for Jesus
- God gave me
- I'm singing for Jesus
- A voice to sing
- Oh, I'm singing for Jesus
And I'm singing,
singing for my Jesus
I'm singing for Jesus
- I'm singing, ooh
- I'm singing for Jesus
I'm singing for Jesus
- Sing on
- I sing it
- Oh, yeah
- For my Jesus
- Sing it
- Sing it
- For my
- For my Jesus
- Sing it
- I sing it
- For my, ah
- For my Jesus
I'm singing,
good God Almighty
I'm singing for Jesus
- Singing for Jesus
- I'm singing for Jesus
- Singing for Jesus
- Oh, I'm singing for Jesus
- One more thing
- I'm singing for Jesus
- One more thing
- Singing for Jesus
- I'm living
- I'm living for Jesus
- I'm living
- Living for Jesus
- I'm living
- I'm living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- I'm living for Jesus
Ever since
one chilly evening
I'm living for Jesus
- One chilly
- I'm living for Jesus
- One chilly evening
- I'm living for Jesus
- Somebody
- I'm living for Jesus
- Somebody, somebody
- I'm living for Jesus
- Somebody touched me
- I'm living for Jesus
somebody touched me
I have a friend in you,
I'm living for Jesus
And I have a friend in you,
I'm living for Jesus
I started a fire
Burning deep down
in my soul
- I'm living for Jesus
- The Holy Ghost
- Took control
- I'm living for Jesus
- Living
- I'm living
- Oh, yeah
- For my Jesus
- Living
- I'm living
- Oh, yeah
- For my Jesus
- Living, oh, Lord
- I'm living
- Ah, I'm living
- For my Jesus
- I'm living for Jesus
- God Almighty
- I'm living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- I'm living for Jesus
Living for Jesus,
living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- I'm living for Jesus
- Living for Jesus
- Oh, I'm living for Jesus
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