The Halcyon (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

1 You look tired.
I've had better days.
Oh, the perils of a double life.
Updated estimates.
Sorry, they'll need to be added to tomorrow's charts.
Don't work too late.
Transatlantic convoys departure dates.
There doesn't seem to be anything for arrivals.
Well he's a cocktail waiter.
He can only do so much.
Then perhaps you need to move up the food chain.
No, he's still useful.
You'll get what you want.
I trust my efforts will be reflected in my fee.
You're not a man complicated by ideology, Mr.
(CHUCKLES) I like that about you.
Fill in the blanks and then we'll talk.
I know I have to go back to work, but you should be resting.
I'm supposed to be presenting to his aide-de-camp tomorrow morning.
So I doubt even a direct hit would cut it as an excuse.
I'll have some coffee sent up then.
I'm starting to think I might be quite lucky.
(WATER SPLASHES) These sands are moving fast No time left in my hourglass No hopes for you and me They're long gone, they left without apology Nothing can stop these Cold clock hands From turning Pray it won't stop these Falling sands Raining down I just wanna be good Cos I know that I should Wanna be good If only I could I want to be good I don't wanna be bad Make my daddy mad Don't wanna confuse the guys and the booze With the troubles I've had (SONG CONTINUES) - It's quite beautiful.
- I'm glad you like it.
I should have consulted you.
Why? Well, I'd like you to take over the organisation of the hotel's anniversary celebrations.
It's a big event, the biggest we've ever had, - but I think you're ready for it.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Ooh, it's chilly out there.
- Good evening, Mr.
Her Ladyship's waiting for you in the bar.
You have something for me, Mr.
Joshi? I obtained the rest of those figures.
- Well I think that calls for champagne.
- I'm finished with this.
No, you're not.
And please remember I like my service with a smile.
- Your Ladyship.
- I want to be good Thank you.
Bloody things.
- Just like Cinderella.
- (CHUCKLES) Hardly.
And sorry, staff only back here.
They're big on the rules.
Come out front then.
Have a drink.
No, I'm fine, thank you.
I insist.
The lady said she's fine.
Of course.
- No offence intended.
- And none taken.
Enjoy your evening.
"The lady says she's fine.
" PEGGY: I've packed your sandwiches.
We'll speak on the phone every day, sometimes twice.
I didn't know Dora was being evacuated.
Peggy feels it isn't safe here any more, especially after Billy.
You have to be a big girl.
For me.
Look at me.
And for Billy.
Come on now.
Wave bye-bye.
Nah, she doesn't want me sticking my nose in.
No, you you do it (SIGHS) It's Chertsey.
That's not so far.
Seems a long way to me.
They said it couldn't be done, but he proved them wrong.
The first US president to be elected to a third term.
(KNOCK AT DOOR) And yet here in London there is still little cause for celebration as Roosevelt vows not to send any American boys into foreign wars.
I asked one hard-working English woman what she thought of the President and she said Erm, he seems like a nice man? (SIGHS) Uh! She said that she hoped the President could hear her prayers from all the way across the water.
It's called artistic licence.
It's called making things up.
(CHUCKLES) How can I help you, Miss.
Garland? Well, I've been put in charge of the Halcyon's Golden Anniversary party and I wanted to run my ideas past someone before I present them to Lady Hamilton.
And as I work in the entertainment industry Well, as you spend most of your time in bars but that works too.
I'd ask you to discuss it over dinner and drinks but I know what your answer to that one will be.
Yes? It would have to be tonight though as I'm volunteering tomorrow.
But you're saying yes.
Was that wrong of me? Should I have said no? I can always change my answer.
Yes is good.
We can work with yes.
Good morning.
How may I help you? Maybe they're going to give you a promotion? I'm just presenting facts and figures.
Doesn't mean they can't promote you at the same time.
Toby, I think what your mother is trying to tell you in her own unique way is that she's proud of you.
We both are.
If they do promote you, you can get yourself a decent suit.
(CHUCKLES) I apologise for the interruption, Lady Hamilton.
This gentleman would like a word with Mr.
Oh? Hello.
- How can I help you? - Not here.
Right, OK, let me just - Mr.
Garland, who are these men? - Mr.
Mortimer is from MI5.
He has a warrant from Special Branch to have Toby's room searched.
And you let him in here? It's unacceptable! Has something happened to my brother? It's not about your brother, Mr.
Hamilton, just you.
Wait! They have a warrant, there's nothing we can do.
- What are they looking for? - I'll make some telephone calls.
Good God, what are you doing?! - That belongs to my son.
You have no right.
- Priscilla, you need to contact Freddie.
Go and telephone your son.
They must stop No, no, no, no.
I'll see what I can find out.
I appreciate it's difficult but if you do hear anything Mortimer, yes.
Thank you.
I want her.
I see.
(LOW CONVERSATION) You're the band leader, aren't you? Sorry to ask, it's just um, you boys all look a little alike to me.
(CHUCKLES) If you say so.
Tell me, what's the situation between you and that delightful young singer? We're friends.
You seemed a little more than friends.
With all due respect, that is our business and no-one else's.
With all due respect, we let you come here, to England, and you're pawing away at our women.
There's no respect there at all, is there? If you'll excuse me, I need to get to work.
My God, they put a suit on an ape and it thinks it's better than us.
I'm talking to you, Sambo.
Don't turn your back on me.
Argh! (BOTTLES CLATTER) - What have you done? - Nothing.
Did you tell Toby? Did you tell anyone? No, I swear.
If you ruin this for me, I will destroy you.
Do you understand? Do you understand? Good.
Good boy.
You know, they once tried to shut down the coffeehouses in London.
Long time ago.
It was the 17th century.
Charles II.
An educated man.
Then I suppose you know why they wanted to close them.
They were seen as gathering places for potentially subversive activity.
"Potentially subversive activity.
" Very well put.
I don't understand.
What is it that you think I've done? We've discovered some information has been leaked from the Admiralty, information that could only have come from your department.
It could have led to the destruction of many of our key ships in the Atlantic.
What? No, that's Surely you don't think I had anything to do with it? It's a small department.
Were you close to your father? No.
You understand why I'm asking you that though given his Nazi sympathies.
(DOOR OPENS) (WHISPERS) Five people in your department and one of them has leaked the information.
(DOOR CLOSES) So, take a few minutes.
Think hard on who that might be.
(CHUCKLES) It's called The Dorsia.
You've never been? Well, I've heard of it.
You'll love it.
It's good food, good wine, good company.
- I am starting to regret saying yes.
- Hmm.
- Do you know where they've taken him? - Taken who? Lord Hamilton.
I have some information.
- Mr.
O'Hara? - Of course.
My contact told me So as far as we know they've taken him to the interrogation centre at Latchmere House.
- Well, go down there and get him out.
- It's not that simple.
Freddie, you're Lord Hamilton.
The name carries some weight.
If I may offer a note of caution forcing his release won't exonerate him.
With all due respect, Mr.
Garland, it's a family matter.
What it is is an insult.
I need a drink.
What happens to Toby then? We make them release him, He'll always have this cloud of suspicion hanging over him.
He'd be effectively ruined.
He's your brother.
They dragged him out like a common criminal.
He won't be the only one they're questioning.
We know he's innocent.
Let them do their job and they'll reach the same conclusion.
I'll give you the number for my contact at Special Branch.
He can keep you updated.
I think that's too risky.
They might just be looking for a scapegoat.
The advice is appreciated but my decision has been made.
At least your father had some backbone! Do you recognise these? Documents about troop movements found in your briefcase.
In your hotel room.
We have a lot to get through, some people take work home.
Isn't that against the rules? Officially yes, but it's understood if we're up against it - You're giving me excuses, Toby.
- No-one else sees them.
When I'm not in my room, they're locked away.
- I'm the only one with a briefcase key.
- And yet someone in your department's - leaking information just like this.
- I love this job! It means the world to me! You actually have no idea Go on.
Shout at me again, Toby.
Raise your voice.
Go on.
I am not some snivelling manservant of yours.
Someone is leaking information to Germany.
I don't think you realise just how much trouble these papers put you in.
FREDDIE: That is concerning.
I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding - I appreciate the effort.
- I'll take it.
Thank you, Mr.
Joshi, that will be all.
Thank you.
O'Hara, this is a private residence.
Well the door was open.
Well, you can close it on your way out, please.
Toby got pinched over leaks from his Admiralty department, right? - How do you know that - I got a tipoff.
And if I'm getting one it means others are too.
I'm not that popular.
- And you want to do a story on it? - No, just wanted to see if there's anything I can do to help before this all blows up.
Toby's a friend.
You can trust Mr.
O'Hara, Freddie.
It turns out it's not as simple as we thought.
I've just learnt they found confidential papers in his room.
You don't think he was No, he'd have brought them home to work on.
(SIGHS) But they can call it evidence.
And that changes everything.
Have you been compromised? As far as I can tell, no.
- This is not good, Mr.
- The fault does not lie at my end.
It must be your people who were caught out.
- Careful.
- I was careful.
And now I need to plan my exit route.
Documents for safe passage.
Don't be foolish.
If you flee now, you expose the whole thing.
There are ways to leave quietly.
Not without money.
What is it you want me to do? While the Americans won't want to get physically involved, we believe Roosevelt may send armaments across the Atlantic as aid.
This is well beyond what we agreed.
Information like that would be worth a lot, Mr.
D'Aberville, enough to help a man disappear, whatever his circumstances.
There are good ways to leave or there are bad.
The choice is yours.
Ah, Mr.
I have a very serious complaint about one of your staff.
It doesn't matter that you think he's innocent.
Of course that matters.
Nobody cares what you think.
Well that's good because I think this conversation is a waste of time.
Just hear me out.
Whoever you speak to will want to know why they should care.
It's a rule of broadcasting.
You personalise it.
Here's why Toby's arrest is bad for you.
And it would be bad for them because? Yeah, I said I wanted to help.
I didn't say I had all the answers.
Freddie? We're talking about interfering in state security.
I get that, but your country's at war.
Justice and due process don't always win out.
And history is full of men who swung at the end of a rope for something they didn't do.
Do you know why I'm here? Mr.
Wilson claims he and his friends were talking to you and you took offence at an innocent remark.
- He says you struck him.
- That's not what happened.
- You didn't raise your hand to him? - Only to push him away when he grabbed me.
He wants you dismissed.
Now I'm of the opinion that a humble and sincere apology will placate him.
I can't do that.
I'm sorry.
He's returning this evening to have a few drinks and watch tonight's show.
I suggest you strongly reconsider your stance on this.
Try to put everything back in its place as best you can.
Is his Lordship going to get him out? Just clean the room.
Lord Hamilton.
Who would I speak to about having Toby released? I strongly advise against it.
I appreciate that, but my mind is made up.
There is someone, but it may not go well.
Lord Ambrose.
He has influence.
He is also a close acquaintance of Brigadier Harker.
And Harker Is head of the Secret Service, yes.
And Lord Ambrose and my father were good friends? For a while, yes.
For a while? What happened? They had a disagreement.
It concerned Lord Ambrose's wife.
(SARCASTIC CHUCKLE) Well, that's just perfect! Do you think he'd still be willing to meet with me? I think he'd be curious to see what the new Lord Hamilton is like.
But be careful.
His dislike of your father runs deep.
If you don't handle him correctly he has the power to make things a lot worse for Toby.
Have you got a girlfriend, Toby? - What? - A girlfriend.
No, I haven't.
You sure about that? Bright young thing like you.
Nobody new in your life? There's nobody.
You seem upset.
Of course I am.
You're accusing me of betraying my country.
If you're protecting someone this is the one chance you get.
The one and only chance when I can help you.
So, I'm asking one more time.
I've told you already.
There's nobody.
- So, are we finished? - (CHUCKLES) Oh, Toby.
We've only just started.
Good evening.
I'm going to play you a song I wrote.
It's called Invincible.
(APPLAUSE) (LIVELY JAZZ) Time The currency of now We know how to spe-end, spend War War that can't be won Never gonna e-e-end Won't end It always feels a bit strange that despite everything that's happening elsewhere Life still goes on.
Yeah, well, what are they going to do? Lock the door and hibernate? Do you regret staying here? No, I'm not a fan of regrets.
- I don't think anyone's a fan of regrets.
- Yeah, right.
- I didn't think that one through.
- A Joe O'Hara special.
- Sounds meaningful b - But ultimately empty.
Now I didn't say that.
When I first met you I didn't think you had a sense of humour.
- Do you realise how insulting that is? - It's not like I was broadcasting it.
So it's just insulting in your head, then? Best place for it.
I'm sure you had your opinions of me.
- Honestly? - Mm.
I didn't think you'd last.
Not once things changed.
Well, some things are worth staying around for.
We'll be invincible Just for one night (MURMURING) Ladies and gentlemen, I apologise for this.
A sign of the times, I'm afraid.
But I assure you it is temporary.
And if you do need a torch, you can get one from Mr.
- You should've told me.
- I knew how you'd react.
I'm going to throw a drink over him, glass and all.
You can't do that.
I want you to stay out of this.
Are you going to apologise? He won't be the last person who has a problem with us.
I'm not going to spend my whole life saying sorry when I've done nothing wrong.
You? If they sack you, I'm walking out right by your side.
But we're invincible We're invincible Just for one more night You really care about the place, don't you? I know it's just a job and a hotel.
But it's home as well.
And after what happened, I Part of you wishes you were there make sure Toby's OK.
But part of me wants to be here too.
One more drink and then we'll go.
One or two more drinks.
- And thank you.
- Invincible Invincible tonight We'll be impossible to find In the darkness There's a light Invincible Invincible tonight We'll be impossible to find We're invincible We're invincible Just for one night Ye-e-eah - He's good.
- Yes.
(SIGHS) - Maybe a power surge tripped it.
- When was it last checked? I don't know.
Billy was in charge of it.
I see.
If I hadn't encouraged him to go and play soldiers - he would have been here to do it.
- I arranged Billy's transfer.
If I hadn't he wouldn't have been in the park and Have you been ignoring Peggy? No.
- Maybe a little.
- She needs our support.
She doesn't think Billy's gone.
She keeps talking about him like he's still here.
And then the other day (SIGHS) she was telling me about this widow, her son was in the Navy.
He was reported dead.
It was a clerical error.
- It's as though she's saying - Peggy knows.
Of course she knows.
But knowing and believing aren't quite the same.
(SIGHS) (HEAVY CLICK) (SIGHS) It's what Billy used to do.
(SIGHS) - No, thank you.
- Come on.
Make you feel better for a moment anyway.
- Here? - Yep, ready? (SIGHS) (HEAVY CLICK) (FAINT RATTLING) Again? (HEAVY CLICK) (WHIRRING) (BOTH LAUGH) Aye, he's a clever lad.
So, I hear that you might have some family problems.
It's all a misunderstanding.
Toby wouldn't betray his country.
Oh, nobody betrays their country.
They all have their reason.
A brighter future, a better way.
Your father presumably had his own for seeking to shake the hand of the Fuhrer.
My father only discussed appeasement as a way to prevent war.
See? A reason.
I understand you and he had your differences.
Really? What differences were they? Do you believe I'm loyal to this country? You wouldn't have the wings if you weren't and I hear you're an ace nearly twice over.
So, doesn't it seem strange that my brother would conspire against me? Don't you see, this is an attack on people like you and me.
I'm not sure I follow.
You've seen how things have changed since the Great War.
- Mm.
- Lloyd George deliberately targeted our families and estates for tax.
We were once respected, now we're barely tolerated.
There are even calls for the Lords to be disbanded.
But, no.
Instead Toby Hamilton is a traitor.
That makes more sense.
Your father would have barked more.
I prefer your style even if it is a little feminine.
I can get them to release him.
But I can't get them to stop investigating.
- I understand.
- I don't think you do.
It's this kind of entitlement, Lord Hamilton, that creates enemies.
That's the real reason they'll turn against us.
(DOOR OPENS) You can go.
Thank you.
- I knew this was a misunderstanding.
- It's not my call.
Turns out you have influential friends.
And, frankly, that makes me sick.
- I give you my word.
- Your word means nothing to me.
I haven't finished with this.
Someone leaked that information.
And you can't hide behind your family forever.
Now get out.
- Thank you for your help.
- You're the one who handled Ambrose.
What are your feelings on Mr.
D'Aberville? I think he's very fond of himself.
But I also think he cares for mother.
Not just her status? Well, can you ever remember seeing her this happy? Mm.
There was one other thing.
What you said to me before, about staying away from Emma.
I would very much like your permission to speak with her.
To see if there's any way she would consider me again.
I don't wish to see her hurt ever again.
You understand that? Very well.
I have to say of all the things I thought you'd be, a gentleman wasn't one of them.
I do have my reputation to consider.
Oh, well, I'm sure under that suave exterior beats a heart of solid dirt.
- That's terrible.
- (LAUGHS) I know, I'm sorry.
There's something about you.
You bring out the worst in me.
I get that feeling.
Any regrets? I'm not a fan of regrets, Mr.
I've not gone mad.
I don't actually think he's coming back.
I just er I wake up and everything feels so empty.
It was just a thought.
A stupid thought.
Something to hold onto and it got bigger and bigger and Do you miss him? Only you've hardly said a word to me since he died.
Er, I didn't think it was my place.
Because if you do miss him it would mean the years of life I gave him weren't a complete waste.
It will mean he made a difference.
And I can't tell you what it would mean just to hear you say that.
I miss him a lot.
I um I wrote a poem for him, but It's not very good but er, I just Yeah, just (SIGHS) Oh Oh, my God.
It's terrible, Richard.
I mean, it's heartfelt but when he said it wasn't very good I didn't think he meant it.
(CHUCKLES) I'm sure it's not that - Oh, dear.
- Aw.
Billy would have bloody loved that.
(LAUGHS) (SOBS) I just (SOBS) Thank you.
Hamilton, welcome home.
Thank you.
- How are you? - I'm I'm - I'm fine.
- I'm sorry I had to intervene.
I understand it's not what you wanted but I couldn't let them treat you like that.
No, no, that's - I understand.
- And what happens now? Well, they might let me continue working but it won't be the same.
It's not fair, you've done nothing wrong.
Thank you.
Sorry, I It's been a difficult day.
I think I just need to get to my room.
Um, Lucian says that mother wants us all to have dinner.
They're waiting in the suite.
Half an hour.
End of those happy days They went so fast But you can't hold on To a love that's passed I thought I knew the rules I wouldn't take the blame You can't play fast and loose With this loving game Have you reconsidered what we discussed? I won't apologise to him.
I will not give that man the satisfaction of seeing me beg.
Very well.
Then you leave me no other option.
I will have to deal with him myself.
So, you were bluffing? I don't know exactly what happened out there, but I do know I believe you.
Playing soft and low Mr.
Hamilton would like you to bring up some coffee.
- Do you mean Lord Hamilton? - No.
He's back home.
- How are you? - Feeling unwelcome, Mr.
May I? Do you know how many rooms there are in this hotel? - Of course I don't.
- More than you'd imagine.
And a great proportion of them are at the back, - where you claim - Mr.
I would like to apologise for my behaviour.
It was unprofessional and I deeply regret it.
I just hope that you can find the decency to forgive me.
For I know you are a decent man.
A bottle on the house and we'll leave it at that.
I'll arrange that now, Mr.
You said you wouldn't apologise.
Not for him, no.
I did it for you.
She sings as though her heart's breaking.
it's been since you've been gone Do you know the best thing? It's all an act.
She doesn't mean a word of it.
- How's Toby? - He's a little shaken.
I feel bad for him.
The first time he's found his place in this world and - You just wanted to protect him.
- Well, these are difficult times.
Nobody should be facing them on their own.
What about you? Well, I have my squad And your family.
And, well, I'm still here.
The work is brutal.
And I thought it would be better not to inflict it on others.
But I think I was wrong, Em.
Lord Hamilton.
I am glad to hear that Toby's home.
Thank you, Mr.
Garland, I was going over your proposal for the event again.
I did have a few thoughts, if you wanted to go through them.
Yes, of course.
I'll fetch my notebook.
50 glorious years, right? The party next week.
I presume you'll be there.
I think I will be, yes.
Good evening, Mr.
(KNOCK AT DOOR) Come in.
I was worried about you.
How are you? What is it? What's happened? Tell me you didn't betray me.
Say it wasn't you.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
- Is that what all this was about? - No.
No, no, no, Toby.
Toby, I love you.
I was threatened, my family, I - I didn't have a choice.
- Who's threatening you? Believe me, I never wanted to do it.
I swear to you.
No, I asked you who.
- What are you doing? - I need to speak to him.
- No, please don't.
Don't - Don't touch me! And don't tell me what to do! I trusted you.
And I Toby, pl (LIFT BELL PINGS) Toby.
Good to see you back.
- I spoke to Adil.
- Well, I suppose that's a relief.
It means we can talk freely.
Makes things so much easier.
Easier? I'm not going to let you get away with this.
No, no, listen.
Listen! Listen, listen to me.
You're already implicated, you and your disgusting little boyfriend.
Forget the shame you'll bring on your family.
I'm talking about treason, espionage, capital offences.
But you you are going to help me.
- No! - Yes, you are.
I only need one more thing and then all of this will be over.
I was worried about you.
Come on, dinner's waiting.
And look who I found wandering in the corridor.
Toby! We were so worried about you.
Have you said a big thank-you to your brother? Yes.
Yes, I have.
Shall we tell them? I think we should.
I have an announcement.
D'Aberville and I are to be married.
That's wonderful news.
Thank you.
Yes, I look forward to being a part of this family.

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