The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


[Gina] What did it mean to you?
It was really good sex, that's it.
-Do you want to get a beer after the game?
-Dang, I can't.
Take me to the hospital.
It's clear
that I will have to do in vitro.
I know becoming a mother
is very important to you.
-I could lend you the money.
-What about Núria?
Don't worry, it's my money.
[Santi] Your mom is doing
very well in Budapest.
We're just giving each other some space.
It'll be good to miss one another.
Have you ever had any problems
with your body before?
And are you going to have some now
because of some idiots?
[Lluc] Someone likes Laila!
Anything you wanna tell us?
So, do you want to start
with your science homework?
I already did them.
I don't need help.
-You're strong, honest
-No, Dad. You don't know me.
I'm not like that anymore.
[car honks]
[Emma] The Olímpic
is on a whole other level, right?
-I need to tell you something.
-What have you done this time?
I'm switching to Germán's team.
I'm leaving the Minervas.
[Lorena] I can't believe it!
Doesn't she have any shame?
Let me see!
No way!
It's one thing for the club to upload
a new player's picture,
but for Emma to do it
on her own Insta
Fucking traitor.
She looks so weird wearing
another team's colors.
We should kick her
out of our Whatsapp group.
No way. She can leave herself
or stay and be ignored.
She's the one who left us, right?
And so suddenly.
I'm surprised Terrat's managed
to find someone so quickly.
Did she say who it is?
No, not at all.
What are you doing here?
You have to go.
It's our turn to use the rink.
Mine as well!
I'm on the team!
-[Laila] What?
-[Berta] What are you saying?
I'm the new player.
What the fuck?
-[Gina] Yes,
so go ahead and thank me.
I left figure skating for you guys.
You're crazy, dude.
Enric, if Nil doesn't have more
play time it's because he's not ready.
He's JV. We've already made
an exception by letting him be in varsity.
-If you'll excuse me
-I know he's still a little green,
but all I'm asking is that
you push him a little harder.
I assure you that's what I'm doing.
And what about Anna?
When is she coming back?
She isn't answering my calls.
Soon, hopefully.
It must be hard to process
the whole knee situation.
I understand that it's a huge blow
for a high ranking player like her,
but hey, life goes on,
and she needs to move on.
Yes, yes. I completely agree.
I'm sorry.
Here's a photocopy of my ID
for the Federation record cards.
You should've brought it
to my office earlier.
-I know.
-You still don't have your record card?
No, I'm sorry, I wasn't able
to get a copy sooner.
Well, you can't play without
your record card, that's for sure.
-I know
-You're always late with these things.
Get back to the rink.
I'll be there in a minute.
Okay, bye.
Do you think she's a good choice?
No, but I need someone
to replace Emma.
And she asked me
with such enthusiasm
She's a good skater.
I guess she'll do
until we find someone better.
Thank you for training
the girls these days.
Let's try to get them in shape.
We shall see.
I've never hit rock bottom like this.
But I just didn't know what to hold on to.
everything annoyed me, it was like
It was as if
As if I was no longer myself;
as if I was living outside my body,
and my body wasn't my own.
[therapist nods]
I can't remember
anything else after that.
It's okay.
Thankfully, Emma came
to check on me last night,
otherwise I don't know
what could've happened.
[therapist] Don't worry, Anna.
Everything will be all right.
I've helped many athletes
who have gone through the same thing,
and I know you will get better.
I want you to do
a simple exercise these days.
Write down everything
that frustrates you in a notebook.
Everything. Write everything.
And if you want to,
we can talk about it next week.
Okay, sprint to the fence
and do some sit ups.
Go. Quickly.
-How are you?
-I'm fine. You?
-Perfectly fine.
-You sure?
What happened the other day
was serious.
I know.
You need to be careful, Júlia.
You lost a lot of blood.
I'm fine, Youssef.
It's done, it's over.
You know me.
Don't worry.
Are you going to start wearing leotards
when you play or what?
You wish.
I sure would.
Gina could do a triple Axel
before scoring.
Gina could be a goalkeeper.
She could stop them all by doing a split.
Yeah, right.
Don't make fun of me.
I skate better than you.
I'm sure that handling the stick
and puck won't be that hard.
[Lluc] Someone's cocky.
You're going to eat your words.
Boys! Don't you have
weight training today? Get to it!
-Yes, sorry.
-[Terrats] Quickly.
And girls, grab your sticks!
Show Gina how it's done.
[Terrats] Come on!
Are you stupid or what?
Son of a bitch! You idiot!
What's wrong with you?
-It was an easy score!
-Are you okay, Flor?
-Son of a bitch!
-Is it bad?
Let me see.
Damn, dude.
Good job, Gina. Just great!
[Lorena] Can you open it?
-Let's put some ice on it.
-Yeah, let's go inside.
[Lorena] She just needs to ice it.
Okay. Can you see anything?
[Flor] Yes, yes, I can see.
[Berta] Fuck
Gina, I'm sorry.
Come on, get back in the rink.
Why? So you can keep blaming me?
We're just stressed out.
And so am I, Lorena.
I've never played hockey before!
I'm doing the best I can!
-I'm doing this for the team!
-I know! I know!
But Flor is essential for this team.
If she's injured, we're screwed.
And to you?
Is Flor also important to you?
You've been spending
a lot of time with her lately.
Flor is not my type.
I joined the team because
I knew you needed a player,
and I've always supported the girls team.
But the truth is,
I joined because of you.
Gina, look at me.
She's not my type.
And I'm grateful for what you're doing.
When you look at me like that
I could forgive you anything.
I think you were right,
we're more than friends.
I can't stop thinking about
what we did the other day.
Neither can I.
[laughing and giggling]
[Emma] Hey.
Why couldn't you enjoy
tidying up years ago?
Is this how Mom likes it?
I don't know, I guess.
Here, put this book on that shelf.
Anna, how's the team?
Now you care?
Dude, I was trying to be nice.
[Núria] Hello!
[Núria] Hi.
Oh, this is nice, I missed this.
Go help Dad,
he has presents in the suitcase.
Anna, sweetie.
How are you?
I'm fine. You?
I'm great; happy to be here.
Hey, Dad told me you're having surgery
this summer, right?
Yes, I think it's for the best.
I don't think right now is the best time,
since I'm coaching the girls.
Are your therapy sessions going well?
Yes, he's a sports psychologist,
so he understands
what I'm going through.
[Núria sighs]
Don't worry, Mom.
-I'm fine, I promise.
-[Núria] Okay.
Okay, get ready. I'm all set here.
And maybe this goes here
Aren't these photos
supposed to look natural?
Shut up! I meant that I don't want
filters on them, got it?
Yeah, yeah. They're going to look
supernatural, you'll see.
Why don't you lie down?
I don't know, maybe you'll look better.
Why? So, I can hide my belly?
Lluc, if my belly is big, it's big.
I don't want to hide it.
You understand, right?
That's the whole point of this.
They don't care about filters
or beauty standards.
-Okay, okay. I get it, I get it.
-You do? Let's see if you do.
I'm going to take the best photos.
You'll see.
-[Lluc] You'll see.
Great. Looking good.
Now do one like this
This one, or this one?
Go back.
-They look the same to me.
-No way. Are you blind?
Flor, which one do you like best?
You look beautiful in both,
but I don't know,
I don't like posting
photos of myself on Instagram.
Well, I do.
Oh, really? No way!
We never would've guessed!
I think that whichever one you post
is going to look great, dude.
You'll have a bunch of followers
in no time.
People like realness.
Don't forget about us
when you become an influencer.
She's gunning for your position
as community manager.
Is that how bad
you want to get rid of me?
No, Gina, not at all.
I'm sorry for insulting you earlier,
I got nervous.
No, I'm sorry, dude.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
She's a damn good friend.
I don't know anyone who would dare
to try to play hockey at our age.
We're the new Minerva besties.
Let me see.
-Do you want me to buy you a planner?
-Damn it. Shit, I forgot my math book.
Shit, the exam.
I have to go, guys. Bye.
Always with your head in the clouds.
-Well, I'll also get going.
-Me too.
Can I walk you home?
Um No, I'm not going home.
-I'm meeting with Paula.
-Paula? That girl from Tinder?
-The one that lives next to my house?
Don't make that face,
we're just friends.
Yeah, right,
you call them "friends" now?
Hop on, I'll give you a ride.
-Bye, Gina.
-What's up? How's it going?
-Hey. I'm good, man.
Hey, thanks for the tickets
for the bike show.
It was nothing.
So, where's Sílvia?
She went out. She'll be back soon.
Is there any meat in there
or is she taking you to the dark side?
No, dude.
I still like meat.
She makes good sandwiches,
but there's nothing like a good steak
I know, man. It ain't rabbit food.
I mean
Listen, Enric, I have a guy who
brings me these really good steaks.
Why don't you come over
to my place for a barbeque?
Who? You and me?
I can't invite a vegan over to eat steaks.
I know, Pela, but
Come on, man,
that way I can return the favor.
-No, there's no need for that.
-Is tomorrow okay?
-Then it's settled. I'll see you tomorrow.
Well, then
Enjoy whatever it is you're eating.
-What are you doing here?
-I brought our daughter's clothes.
[Pela chuckles]
He's quite the character.
You don't have to tell me.
He just invited me over
for a barbeque tomorrow.
Look at that.
He's pulling my leg, right?
No. There's no ulterior motive.
That's how Pela is.
He can be generous when he wants to,
but can also have a lot of nerve.
At best,
he'll make you pay for the meal.
So, what do I do?
-Do I go?
-I don't know. If you want to
[crickets chirping]
[dog barking in the distance]
Have you really not been
to any of Emma's games?
No wonder she thinks
you're mad at her for switching teams.
I'm very busy, you know that already.
Besides, you never went
to any of her games either.
That's different, and you know it..
Hockey has always been your thing.
Fine, I won't miss her next game.
Hey, Núria, I have a favor to ask.
Tell me.
there's a client who hasn't paid yet.
He says he'll pay next month, but without
that money I can't order a new shipment.
Could you lend me some money?
I'll pay you back when I get paid.
Isn't there anything left
of the inheritance money?
No, otherwise I wouldn't ask.
But you said you were saving it
for emergencies.
That's why we didn't get
a second mortgage. What happened?
Forget it. If you don't want to lend me
the money, I'll ask my brother.
Enric? But you've never wanted
to ask him for money.
Santi, you're worrying me.
What did you spend it on?
On Júlia's in vitro.
Excuse me? What did you say?
You've just started a company,
and the first thing you do
is loan money to Terrats because
she's bent on becoming a mother?
I thought you would understand her
better than anyone.
[Núria] Are you kidding me, Santi?
We already argued about this new venture
of yours in Budapest. And now this?
I can't stay there trying to earn
enough money to support this family,
-so you can go around giving it all away.
-Oh, don't exaggerate.
You're more than happy in Budapest
with your new friends.
Or did you miss me while you were there?
And you?
Did you miss me?
Lorena knows that I enjoy
hanging out with her friends.
You can stay over any time you like.
-Maybe your youth will rub off on me.
-Good morning.
-I brought you something from the bakery.
-Aw, grandma.
Your mom's already at the bar.
[Rosa] I better get to yoga class,
we're practicing pranayama today.
Namaste, girls.
What do you want, Lorena?
I don't know, a thousand euros?
Don't joke with me.
Are you seeing other people
besides me?
Is this because of yesterday?
Did it bother you?
I don't get you, Lore.
One day we hook up,
and the next you ignore me.
Then, you say you like me, but you're
meeting with someone from Tinder.
Today we slept together.
-What's your game?
-No games!
But I don't see what the problem is.
Is this just a fling?
No, Gina.
I want to be together
and share things with you, I swear.
But we're still young,
and there's a whole world out there.
We don't have to limit ourselves.
I also want to share something
with other girls. It's okay.
Dude, I don't get you.
You claim to be progressive with
your feminist associations, but now what?
You want us to have a normal relationship,
like everyone else does?
Don't bullshit me, Lorena.
Your problem is that
you're afraid of commitment.
I swear that I want to be with you.
But to me, an open relationship
is proof that we truly love each other;
that we respect and trust each other.
The fact that I'm seeing other girls
doesn't change what I feel for you.
Do you love me?
Of course I love you.
Me too.
Does that ease your mind?
Anna, can we talk for a moment?
I don't want you to feel bad
about what Emma did.
Because Emma went on her own, right?
I'm sure you had nothing to do with it.
You do know that Emma's the one
who asked me to coach her?
She's tired of you
treating her differently,
and arguing about whatever problems
you have at home during practice.
Wait a second, what the hell is your deal?
Are you criticizing the way I coach?
No, that's not what I'm doing.
I treat them all the same, Germán.
There are no preferences.
Look, I don't know what's going on
between you two, okay?
But I've seen how Emma plays in the rink,
and she's always felt beneath you.
You don't realize it,
but you eclipse her every time you do
-something better than her.
-Hey, enough.
Can I tell you something?
You can keep all that cheap advice
to yourself, I don't want it.
If they took away my skate, I'd die.
Well, it distracts me too much, so I can't
have it back until I pass my classes.
-That sucks.
Looks like you're not such
a great tutor after all.
The worst thing
is that I'll never pass. I hate math.
What are you talking about?
It's simple logic.
-Once you get it, you're good.
-Right, that's if you get it.
It's too much for me, and the worst part
is that I can't cheat during the exam
because it's all math problems.
-Fine, I'll do it for you.
I can, I did it for Putxi once.
Send me a picture of the exam,
I'll write the answers
and then text them back to you.
-Of course, dude,
anything to get my personal tutor back.
Aw, thanks! You're a life saver!
-[Youssef] Hello.
-[Nil] Hey.
Well, I'd better get going.
-See you later.
Is he your boyfriend?
No way, Dad.
We're friends, that's all.
Good. You should only
be focused on studying.
Hey, Mom.
-What's up? What's that?
Don't tell Emma, all right?
You know how she gets.
[imitating Emma]
"She has one more gift than me."
She's so obnoxious.
Now I'm nervous.
[giftwrap rustling]
Damn, Mom, for real?
Yeah, sorry. It's just
What do I do with this?
I don't know, keep it
so you can make a toast
when you get yourself an apartment.
When I get an apartment?
Thanks, but to be honest,
that sounds too good to be true right now.
You should start thinking about
where you want to live, Anna.
Right? What do you want to do?
Oh, Mom, I don't know.
For now, continue coaching for hockey.
But it's been days since you've coached.
How do you know?
You were in Budapest.
[Anna] I needed to disconnect
for a few days, it's not a big deal.
Yeah, but you should
reconnect again, Anna.
[Anna] Come on, Mom.
Other than hockey,
you can do many other things.
Don't you want to do
something new with your life?
Anna, I get that you feel out of place,
but you're so much more
than just a hockey player.
[Núria] You know that, right?
I don't know, Mom, I don't know.
I'm afraid I can't do anything else
as well as hockey.
Come here, sweetie.
Come here.
[Pela] I got very excited.
So then, I jumped into the crowd,
they moved out of the way
and I hit hard against the ground.
Really? Maybe they weren't real fans.
I don't think so.
My god
You must have so many anecdotes,
what with the gigs
-and your bohemian lifestyle.
-So many, yeah.
But you never go watch the games.
-No, and I don't want to.
-Well, your kids are really good players.
Both Óscar and Lorena are
It's just that, I'm not into sports.
And they know it.
[Pela] They don't come to my gigs,
and I'm fine with it.
-No, no, no.
-Yeah, come on.
-Come on, just one drag.
-I don't smoke.
-Don't be so stuck up. Relax, man.
Just one.
Okay, fine.
[Pela chuckling]
[heavy coughing]
It mustn't have gone in right.
Oh, no, no, it went in all right,
and that it did.
[Terrats] Listen, although this is
an extra practice session,
it's still mandatory.
Arriving late is very disrespectful.
Where's Gina? Is she changing?
-No, she's not here yet.
-[Terrats] She's not here yet?
Has anyone called her?
I texted her, but she hasn't read it yet.
I'll call her.
We're all here for her
and she doesn't even show up.
She's doing so many things
that she probably just forgot.
She's not picking up.
What a disaster.
I'll be right back.
Why did you come?
How do you feel?
I'm fine, much better.
-I can't wait to coach again.
-I'm glad.
So, you'll be with them
during the next game?
Yes, but that's not why I'm here.
-I need to tell you something.
-I know, it's about Gina.
-She's a piece of work.
-No, no. It has nothing to do with Gina.
Well, it's Berta.
This is going to come in handy
for the banners.
Are you sure I can keep everything?
It's all yours, girl.
I can deliver them anywhere.
As far as I'm concerned, you can keep
all the junk you want from my place.
Thanks, Putxi. You're the best.
The girls at the assembly
are going to be so happy.
Aren't you supposed to be at practice?
Yeah, but if we don't have
the posters done today
we won't have them ready in time.
It's okay if I skip practice this time.
I suck at using a stick anyways.
The girls are going to kill you.
They can't. They're short on players,
they need me.
Then you don't know them.
When it comes to hockey
-[Putxi chuckles]
-It's just
I saved their asses,
and do you know how they repay me?
They treat me like an idiot.
I don't mean to be a dick, but without me,
they wouldn't be famous,
nor would they have new sticks.
You're unrelenting, Gina.
-I'm sure they're happy to have you.
You're so nice, Putxi.
You never ask for anything,
and you're always in a good mood.
Shit, I'm sorry.
Um, I didn't mean to
Actually, I did mean to.
Never mind.
Chill, it's cool.
Look, if you want to make out, fine.
If not, it's cool.
Don't worry about it.
I do want to, but I can't.
I want to be more open than I am now.
Lorena and I have just started
something and
she says that she wants an open
relationship And I don't know
I want to be like her,
but I just don't know.
It's cool with me, really.
It was just a kiss
and I was more than happy to do it.
Enric! Where the hell are you?
No, of course not.
Stay, of course.
Stay and listen to Pela's greatest hits.
Yes, of course,
since you're there already
No, of course not.
[dial tone]
Hey, Mom. What are you up to?
-[Rosa] I'm making curry.
Since when do you make curry?
Oh, never mind, I don't want to know.
Mom, get changed, I'm picking you up;
we're going to the movies.
[Rosa] Now? Why the rush?
What's the matter? I can't take
my own mother to the movies?
[Rosa sighs annoyed]
Come on, Mom, please.
[Rosa] Who's in the movie?
Thank you.
[Santi] I'll pay you back next month.
-[Santi] Núria.
Do you want to taste it?
No, I'm going to buy supplies;
we need to fix up our yard.
Come on, one glass.
[clears throat]
[glasses clink]
-Núria, I've been thinking--
-Yes, me too.
I love you, Núria.
We grew up together,
we have two wonderful daughters
But we're hurting each other.
You're the best person I know.
And you're the best thing
that's happened to me.
But I think that it's best
for the two of us,
well, the four of us,
to take a break.
You want to separate, right?
Damn, when you say it like that
Yeah, but that's
what we should do, right?
[Santi sighs]
At least we can't say we didn't try.
Hey, but
we still have each other, right?
You will always be
the mother of my children.
How will we tell them?
Perhaps we don't have to tell them yet.
Both of them are going
through a bad moment.
No, I think they're old enough,
they'll understand.
Either way, we'll be separated.
You, in Budapest, and me, here.
We'll figure it out when the time comes.
I don't know, sometimes I feel
like I haven't always
done a good job with them.
You've always put their needs
before your own.
Do you remember
when Emma arrived? Huh?
It was thanks to you
that she recovered so fast.
Every week you took her
to the psychologist,
the nutritionist and the speech therapist.
She owes it all to you.
Sure, but that was when she was little.
The present is the only thing
that can change the future.
Let's try our best.
Anna was right, huh?
You sound more and more
like Coelho the older you get.
And what about you three?
The three of you together
turn into a superwoman.
Come on.
I'll take you to the store.
I don't get it, Berta.
After that whole abortion incident,
you still want more attention?
Didn't you have enough
with everything they said about you?
-That was some stunt you pulled.
-I didn't do it for the attention.
Actually, I want to show that
I don't care what they say about me.
You don't need to prove it to anybody.
Yes, I do. I want to demonstrate
that women come in all shapes and sizes,
and that we shouldn't be ashamed.
That if you have
I don't know, stretch marks,
or fat rolls, or hairy legs,
you don't need to hide under a rock.
Right, and the way to do that
is to expose yourself like that?
You don't even know
who's looking at those pictures.
You don't get it.
I'm tired of hearing the word "fat" used
as an insult, and I'm not the only one.
I'm getting more and more likes.
We are creating a community
of women without hang ups,
and with the will
to change society's norms.
Whatever you say, Joan of Arc.
[reggaeton music]
Hey sexy.
I hope you have a good excuse.
You've gone too far.
-Because I didn't go to practice?
-Well, yeah, dude.
Did you forget about us?
I had to do this. It's important.
-Can't these two do it?
Practice today was to help you out.
So you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
You know we have a game, right?
Or did you forget about that too?
Can you calm down?
There are other things in life
besides hockey.
I didn't know practice
was a life or death situation.
You're unbelievable.
You have no idea what it means
to be part of a team.
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
You want to do so many things,
but you quit them halfway.
And you still find time to lecture me,
but the only one
with commitment issues here is you.
Excuse me?
It's very important to remember
that they won't be in your zone,
so you have to block indirectly.
-Otherwise, they'll get through.
And then there's the Alligator,
but I don't think we'll do that today.
Thanks for helping me out, girls, but
I don't think I can remember everything.
Chill, just do what you can.
I'm so sorry for ditching practice.
I didn't know it was so important.
You've already said you were sorry
a thousand times. It's okay.
And don't worry about Lore.
You know how she is.
-Okay, let's look over the play.
No, no, no, not now
because the other team is here.
I'm getting a drink.
Do you want anything?
Have you found the record cards?
-We have to start the game.
-I did bring them. I'm sure.
-It's not enough with their IDs?
-No, I've already asked them.
Look, here we do things the right way.
And some of them
didn't even bring their IDs, right?
We won't play
until we have the record cards.
This sucks.
One way or another,
we always get screwed.
Will the game be postponed?
I don't think so.
But if they keep this up,
we might end up playing at midnight.
I think they have to call the Federation.
Are they dumb?
How could they lose their record cards?
Could you give us half an hour?
We all have to find a solution.
You have ten minutes.
-Have you looked in the car?
-Yes, I did.
-What happened to the record cards?
-I don't understand.
Girls, use this time to warm up.
Come on, don't lose focus.
Lorena, I want to tell you something.
I have the record cards.
Gina looks good in her uniform.
Do you really want me to believe
that you kissed her?
I did, loser. Besides,
I think she was wearing
lilac colored lip balm.
Because her lips tasted
like cranberries or raspberries.
-It tasted nice.
-Putxi, I don't believe you.
How else would I know
if I hadn't kissed her?
Putxi, don't lie. What I can believe,
is that Nil is with Laila.
Hey! Stop that.
I already told you we're not.
You're out of your mind, okay?
Out of your mind.
I know, but I'm too scared to play.
I wasn't thinking when I took them.
Well, next time,
be sure to use your head.
My mom found them at the bar.
You must have left them there
or something.
Thank you.
Okay, let's begin.
This has taken long enough already.
[Anna] Okay, girls,
everything's worked out.
[Gina clears throat]
-Do I need to play today?
-Of course, everyone does.
Come on, we're late.
Emma, I'm more than happy
to take you to practice,
-but you have to be on time.
-I know, I'm sorry.
Do you miss playing with them?
I don't know, depends on the day.
I mean, I like the way you coach,
and the girls are amazing, but
But they're not your friends, right?
Hey, put your seatbelt on.
They're mad at me, Germán.
I'm sure they'll forgive you.
Give them time.
And you have to give
the girls at Olímpic a chance.
They're good girls.
I'm sure you'll end up being friends.
Let's go.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
[Laila] What a shitty game.
[Raquel] We were nervous in the beginning,
and it showed.
Yeah, especially Anna.
I don't know how we were able to tie.
[Laila] Because the other team
was also distracted.
I'm sorry, guys. I played horribly.
We knew you would, dumbass.
But stealing their record cards
She told you?
Of course she did, we're a team.
You could've made it worse, Gina.
What if we had been expelled
from the league because of it?
I'm sorry. I was scared shitless.
I didn't want to make you look bad,
and I didn't want
to make a fool of myself.
Well, you did look like a fool.
[Berta] Look, Gina, we're not here
to lecture you or anything like that.
[Berta] Sure, we like to play rough,
and we also like to do things our way,
but if you want to win,
you win on the rink.
And if you don't get that,
I don't know what you're doing here.
[door closes]
[phone rings]
A text from Pela.
He sent me one of those animated gifs.
It's funny.
[Enric] You were right.
Pela may be off his rocker,
but he's a good guy.
And he knows how to eat.
He promised that next time he'll take me
to an Argentinian steakhouse
that he and his buddies have found.
What do you mean next time?
What? You're friends now?
Isn't that what you wanted?
I just wanted you guys
to get along, but this
I mean, we ended up getting along.
I even promised I'd fix up his porch.
Damn, Enric!
You let him talk you into that.
He won't pay you, you know that, right?
-Come on, don't exaggerate.
-I'm not.
You haven't known him
for 20 years like I have.
I don't think it was a good idea
for me to join the team.
Look, Gina, you screwed up today,
but there's no point in self-pity.
They hate me.
They don't hate you, Gina.
The thing is, you have to work for it.
You need to find your place on the team
and prove to them that this is
as important to you as it is to them.
I don't even know how to pass the puck.
That's normal, Gina. You just started.
Listen to me,
it's okay if you lose the puck.
But you can't give up on it
from the start.
Listen, I think you have talent,
and you're a born fighter.
And I want people like you on the team.
[Gina sniffles]
So, then, you want me to stay?
But on one condition.
I want you to come by every afternoon,
one hour before everyone else
and be willing to work your ass off.
We'll do some intensive training.
And you'll get there.
You're a great skater.
[Lorena] You'll need someone
to help her make those passes, right?
Do you want me to help?
Tomorrow sounds good?
I was looking for you.
I think it's best if we didn't spend
so much time together, Lorena.
All we've done is argue
these past few days.
And this whole open relationship thing
I can't do it.
I don't know,
call me old-fashioned but
If I'm with you, I'm only with you.
And if you hook up with others,
I'll get hurt.
In the beginning I'll put up with it
because I like you so much,
but the time will come
when I explode, and then
we might not even be able to be
friends anymore, you know?
And that would really suck.
When do you start?
I can begin the process right away.
Now that Anna is coaching,
I can get an ultrasound anytime.
[phone rings]
Oh, it's Laila.
FOLLOWERS: 100,000
[nervous tapping]
So, how's it going?
You should be finished,
I can't give you extra time.
Wait, wait, I'm almost done.
All right, you're doing well,
but hurry up.
Come on, you're on the last question.
Laila, you know
you can't bring these in.
I'm sorry, it was in my pocket,
but I haven't looked at it.
Damn, now I've got dirt under my nails.
-Oh, come on.
-You sound like a city slicker.
You should do this more often instead
of spending all day on your phone.
-Here, have some dirt.
It's just dirt, honey.
-Help us carry this pot.
-The big one?
-Come on. Yes.
Anna, help us.
All right, one, two, three.
-Damn, that's heavy.
-You weren't expecting it to be, huh?
Are you planting a tree in here or what?
Careful. Here.
-I'm letting go.
-Bring that plant over here, Emma.
Um, sure, but which one?
I'll go get it.
Hey, you go.
I don't know which one it is.
The one with the big leaves.
-This one?
Can you help me, Anna?
It's way too big.
Can you handle it?
Yes, I can!
Right in here?
-What are you doing?
-Are you kidding?
Come on, Emma, get your hands dirty.
[all talking at the same time]
-Where are we planting it?
-Not yet Give me a second, please.
You're getting dirt under your nails.
[Emma] Come on Anna.
Get your hands dirty.
Stop, stop, stop.
Don't even think about it.
-No, no, no, no.
-It's raining dirt.
Stop it!
What's up?
Earlier, I was watching
a video on Instagram,
and I thought,
"Wow, I want to show this to Gina,"
but I couldn't because you had just
told me that you needed a break, and
Is that why you made me come here?
I can't spend more than two hours
without talking to you,
and I can't imagine how life would be
without seeing you every day.
[Lorena] I can't lose you.
Neither can I, Lorena,
but I'm not okay.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner.
[Lorena] Look
What are you doing?
It's my turn to make an effort.
If you're only doing it for me,
you don't have to.
I don't want to feel like I owe you one.
I don't want you to change, Lore.
No, but there must be a way
for both of us to be okay.
My few remaining friends have a life now,
with kids and a family
And I don't want my parents to worry.
[Therapist] Worry them how, Anna?
[Nil] I like being with you.
[Laila] I feel like
I'm not good for anything.
We think that perhaps you should start
taking pills for ADHD.
I'm getting tired of hearing your
"I got distracted" excuse.
Didn't you want me to decide
for my future?
Then I've decided that
I won't finish high school.
You said it yourself,
they're doing a great job.
I'm sorry, wanting them
to be better is pushing too hard?
There's more to life than hockey.
-Are you taking hormones again?
-Time flies.
Hey, Aunt, you know
this isn't a competition, right?
I'm screwing up, I'm screwing up.
I obsess over things
and I don't know when to stop.
Do you think they'll separate?
Are you and Mom still together?
[Raquel] Dude, it's the photographer.
-Yeah, but naked?
-I know, I know.
[Raquel] What is this?
[Berta] It's that fucking photographer,
he wants more pictures.
-[Raquel] We'll do something. Don't worry.
-[Terrats] What's wrong?
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