The Interest of Love (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

This is nice.
Why aren't you drinking?
Who's going to drive?
We can hire a designated driver.
No, it's okay. You go ahead and drink.
I'm looking at my boyfriend,
wondering why he said he'd date me.
You said that's how I'd get this.
You say you like me so much now,
but you couldn't
care less about me back in college.
So whom did you give
your heart to instead?
The timing was off back then.
I had graduated by the time
you came back to school.
What about you?
Were you really single that whole time?
Not even a crush?
No, don't tell me. I'm already
starting to get jealous. Forget it.
Su-yeong. Let's break up.
Help me understand you.
You took a leave of absence
and didn't answer my calls.
Then you suddenly showed up, and…
I'm sorry.
You can apologize later.
Give me an explanation first.
By any chance…
did you do badly on the test?
Is it your studies?
Is that why?
But still…
I'm sorry.
-I have to go.
-How can you leave after this?
Let's talk again later.
What is it?
I think it's amazing
that we're in a relationship now.
When I first saw you,
I never imagined we'd end up like this.
I did.
I went to the future and saw us.
What else did you see?
You got promoted and began to work at HQ.
And I passed the test
and became a police officer.
we took walks whenever it rained.
Were we still dating when you saw us?
Yes, and breaking up
never crossed our minds.
-When will you get here?
By the way, I'm already here.
Right, I'm almost there.
Hey, you're here.
-Make me a cup too.
-Get it yourself.
-Good morning.
-Hey, Ms. Park.
Did something good happen?
Can you tell?
What is it? Come on,
let me live vicariously through you.
Actually, something good
happened to Mr. Noh.
It's definitely different.
Now then. Let's have another good day.
Good morning, Mr. Branch Manager.
What did you say? Who?
Goodness, I just slipped up.
For a second there,
you looked like a real branch manager, so…
That's quite understandable,
but let's be careful.
Yes, sir.
Blue Mountain coffee with
two-and-a-quarter pumps of syrup, right?
-Thank you.
-Please enjoy.
You must be stressed.
Yes, right.
-These have to be signed.
-Is that so?
Let's see.
When will you do the site inspection?
As soon as the paperwork is done, sir.
I see.
-Can you press a bit harder?
-Yes, sir.
I almost forgot.
-This weekend…
Why don't we go hiking?
I'm sorry. Did you say hiking?
Why not?
Golfing is okay, but hiking isn't?
Wait, I got chills.
I was just thinking
that I should go hiking this weekend
because I got a sudden urge to go.
Mr. Branch Manager, I've been thinking for
a while that you and I are like soulmates…
You're doing it again.
I'm only filling in for Mr. Yuk
while he's away on vacation.
-I'm just borrowing his office.
-I'm sorry.
-So watch what you say.
-Manager Ma.
-I'm still an assistant manager.
-Is that so?
-Yes, sir.
-I slipped up too.
-It's all right, sir.
Okay, then.
I'm all right, really.
This Sunday, we'll meet at the entrance
to Cheonggyesan Mountain.
Please get there by 10:00 a.m. sharp.
We'll take a group photo at the top,
come down, and go home.
But it'd be a shame to go straight home,
so we'll go to a good restaurant nearby
and have some fun while sharing a meal.
Is hiking the new trend now?
A sudden urge to go hiking?
What did you say again?
That you two are soulmates?
You sly punk.
You're all coming, right?
Mr. Lee?
No idea. We'll see.
It's my in-laws' wedding anniversary.
I have a blind date.
That's a lie.
It's my cousin's wedding.
A wedding?
What about you, Ms. Ahn?
I'll go.
Okay. Ms. Ahn is coming.
Mr. Ha, you're definitely coming.
-I'll go too.
Ms. Park is coming.
I have a memorial service to attend.
As the eldest son, I must be there.
I'm getting a suit to wear
to meet my future in-laws.
I see. I got it for now.
Tell me if you change your mind.
It seems like Mr. Jeong is still on leave.
Wait, Ms. Ahn.
I'm sorry.
I'll clean it up.
No, it's okay. I got it.
Shall we get going, then?
We're going to Yeongjin Products today.
Let me just get changed quickly.
I'll take that.
Thank you.
Uncomfortable, right?
I meant the car. It's small.
No, it's all right.
Your annual income surpasses
the standard amount,
and you've been employed here long enough,
so you can borrow up to this amount.
Do you have the paperwork ready?
Automatic payroll deposit to this account
will give you regular benefits.
Could you fill in the blanks I checked?
Is that your lunch?
No. I'll eat with Sang-su
when he gets back.
He's going to eat with me.
-Did you two make plans?
-No, but I'm about to ask him.
I can hear you fine.
We're done now and heading back.
I'm craving something today.
Really? Then ask Su-yeong to join us.
I'll ask Gyeong-pil too.
Okay. I'll meet you there.
Come quickly.
You heard that, right?
You're having lunch with us.
Looks like you two have become close.
Is that a problem?
No, I was just making an observation.
Get ready and come.
Was that Ms. Park?
She wants to have lunch together,
including you and Mr. So.
But if you feel uncomfortable,
then you don't have to come.
Why would I feel uncomfortable?
So where are we going?
The four of us haven't had lunch before.
You're right.
Sang-su, did we eat
oyster gukbap last time?
The siraegi soup is also delicious.
What is it? Do you not like oysters?
No, I do.
-How about we try siraegi soup today?
Is that okay with you?
Here, I'll take that.
Thank you.
Thank you. Enjoy your meal.
-Thank you.
-Yes, thank you.
I wanted to eat first.
You never ate this in college.
No, I actually like perilla powder.
Does it taste all right?
Mr. Jeong has been
on vacation for a while.
Is something going on?
You're as nosy as ever, aren't you?
Call him yourself if you're so curious.
What's wrong? Indigestion?
Yes, a bit.
I wonder why you have indigestion.
Well, that was unexpected.
What do you mean?
You and Mi-gyeong dating.
-How did you know?
-I didn't.
Until you told me just now.
Well, I've known you for a while,
so it was obvious.
So does Mi-gyeong know?
-That you liked Ms. Ahn.
Well, even if she knew,
she wouldn't have backed off.
Yes, sir. Yes.
You're already here?
I'm right around the corner.
Yes, I'll be there soon. Yes, sir.
Good luck. You have my support.
Where's Gyeong-pil? Did he leave?
Yes. He went to the singing class.
It's just a little something.
You seemed to enjoy it a lot.
-Thank you.
-How much is it?
It's not a big deal. Please accept it.
-Thank you so much.
-No problem.
-Thank you.
-Come again.
She won't make any profit
because she gave us so much.
Sang-su, let's come again.
I'm going to head back.
You two should take your time.
Maybe she's going to call Mr. Jeong.
-We should go too.
This looks great, doesn't it?
Jong-hyeon. We need to talk.
The weather forecast says it might rain.
Should we go later?
Come on. When it rains, it rains.
Let's just go. I like it when it rains.
I want to like the things that you like.
And I hope you'll like
the things that I like.
Sang-su, the light is green.
Why? Don't you like it?
For someone who disapproves of this,
you sure do have nice gear.
It's because you said you like this.
Anyway, do we have to sit here
and watch oxygen burn?
This is the beginning of civilization
and the fruit of human prosperity.
Human prosperity came from reproduction.
You need to light a fire
under reproduction for history to begin.
And when will history begin
if we just sit around and watch this fire?
How about a sweet potato?
Sure. Peel one for me.
Gosh, that's hot.
So are you really going to go hiking?
Of course.
Won't it be tough?
You won't get any rest this weekend.
But you're going.
You'll be really tired.
I can't let my boyfriend face death alone.
Besides, I'm in much
better shape than you.
Just try not to crash
to the ground like you did last time.
If I fall down, will you ask me out again?
Here. Take this and eat it.
My gosh.
Be careful.
Gosh, this is so hot!
Wait, did you peel this
with your bare hands?
It must've been so hot.
It was super-hot.
-Are you okay?
-Yes. I'm fine. Eat up.
What's going on?
Jong-hyeon, are you moving?
You still refuse to talk to me?
Are you even listening to me?
Yes, I'm moving out.
And I'll quit the bank tomorrow.
I knew your studies were an excuse,
but I went along with it
to give you time.
So why are you
stabbing me in the back like this?
If you quit your job and move,
am I just supposed to accept that?
Am I just supposed to say, "Yes."
And break up with you?
Are you sick of me already?
Did I not meet your expectations?
Did I fail to take a hint?
-Should I have just left you?
-My father…
My father collapsed.
Here, take this.
Please make the first payment
at administration.
Do you know how awful it was?
I was more worried about money…
… than to be happy
that my father was okay.
I thought I was at zero.
I thought all I had to do was
build my way up from zero.
But I was wrong.
Starting at zero
was more than I could hope for.
My life actually started below zero.
How was I supposed
to tell you this, Su-yeong?
Where are you moving to?
Please leave. I need to pack.
Don't quit your job just yet.
You should think about it
until your leave is over.
How may I help you, ma'am?
Is Assistant Manager Park Mi-gyeong here?
Are you one of our VIP clients?
I'm a VIP, all right.
Please come in. Let me escort you.
-Please wait in here.
-Thank you.
Have a nice day.
He has great taste in ties.
Please sign here.
So where's that young lady
who came to our house before?
Su-yeong is with the Deposits Team.
Then did you just take credit
for everything she did?
It was my job to begin with.
Shall we have lunch?
No, I'm meeting my new bestie.
You two seem close.
Share this with everyone here.
And these are your vitamins.
You never take vitamins
unless I bring them to you.
I said I was fine.
These are really good for you, though.
How good?
This is a multivitamin from Switzerland,
and it's top-of-the-line.
Vitamin A, B, C, D,
folic acid, calcium, and magnesium.
Anyway, everything in it is good.
I'll take it then.
But only because I said
it's top-of-the-line.
Then I'll contact you
once the screening process is over.
Yes, thank you.
Emergency stairwell. Now.
What is it? Is something wrong?
Take this. They're vitamins.
Do you want to take one now?
I'm okay. You should take it.
This is really good for you.
It's a multivitamin
imported directly from Switzerland.
It has vitamin A, B, C, D,
folic acid, calcium, and magnesium.
Whatever. Everything in it is good.
So just be grateful.
I'll live a long life thanks to you.
You helped cure my disease,
so I'm returning the favor.
What? Are you sick?
Yes, I am.
What is it?
Monday blues.
I would get really depressed on Sundays.
I'd want to get off work badly
even though it was only Saturday.
But now, I want to come to work
every single day just to see you.
Aren't you embarrassed to say such things?
Not at all. I can take it even further.
So? Do you want me to go on?
Do you?
There's absolutely no use
in raising a daughter.
She won't hang out with me now,
so imagine if she starts dating.
I'll make sure
to keep my eye on her boyfriend.
If she takes after you,
then she'll bring home a good man.
My daughter takes after me,
so she has very high standards.
How old is your son again?
Is he dating anyone?
I have no idea because I don't ask.
Let me give you
a piece of advice as a friend.
Don't ever accept a daughter-in-law
if she's like my kid.
Why not?
I only live with her because she's mine.
But to have her as a daughter-in-law?
Gosh, you won't find
anyone bossier than her.
I'll be happy as long as
he's happy with whomever.
I hope he'll start dating.
Dating is great when you're young.
But now, I realize
that having a husband or child is useless.
My life is much better
with a friend who is willing to listen.
Thank you, Ms. Han.
Are you here to quit?
I told you yesterday.
We need to talk.
Do you have to take extreme measures?
I get that your situation is difficult.
But you don't have to quit your job.
Your father will recover
after he gets surgery.
-And if you pass your test--
-I failed the test too.
Being a security guard doesn't pay a lot.
I wanted to do it while I studied,
but there's no need to do that now.
What about me?
Why are you giving up on me?
I get that you're quitting
because of money,
but why are you breaking up with me?
You're the same to me,
no matter what situation you're in.
No. It's different.
If I were a part-time security guard
with no future ahead of him,
could I have met someone like you?
I failed the test,
and my family's worse off now than before.
I want to break up
because I feel humiliated.
Because you saw this side of me.
And because this is all I am.
It's humiliating that you saw everything.
But whenever I see you…
I forget my place and keep wanting you.
It's tough for me.
Then what should I do?
Should I just break up with you then?
Is that what you really want?
Is it that easy for you?
Who said it was easy?
It's hard.
It's not like I want to do this.
What should I do?
I don't know when things will get better.
-Should I hold on to you?
-Do it.
Ask me to wait. Hold on to me.
I'll quit my job once my leave is over.
If that'll make you feel better,
then I'll do that.
-Please take care of this.
Su-yeong, are you done? Shall we go?
I'm almost done.
Let's go to Cheonggyesan together.
I can take the bus.
You live right across the bridge from me.
We can chat on the way.
Text me your address.
I'll pick you up in the morning.
Guess what? I'm dating Sang-su.
I thought you should know
since you told me about Mr. Jeong too.
It's like a piece of a puzzle.
It feels as if I've finally found
the last puzzle piece
missing from my life.
Are you that happy?
Of course. It's wonderful.
It's exactly how I imagined it.
Are you getting in or not?
I'm coming.
Numbers can tell you many things.
Here's your ID, sir.
Okay. Thank you.
One's wealth.
Social standing.
One's full potential.
Numbers help me realize…
that he has a rough future ahead of him.
That his situation
isn't something I can handle.
-Good morning.
-Hey, you're here.
Are those sneakers?
-Will your ankle be okay?
-I'll be fine.
You might really sprain your ankle.
How did you know I was going for that?
If I sprain my ankle,
you'll have to carry me.
Hop in.
Sang-su, let's take my car.
You can leave yours here.
She lives closer than I thought.
We'll be there soon.
But does she know that I'm coming?
No, but she knows that we're dating.
I told her.
She told me
that she was dating Mr. Jeong too.
Is that okay?
Yes, that's fine.
-What did she say?
-What? What do you mean?
When you told her that we were dating,
what did Ms. Ahn say?
She congratulated me
and said that we made a cute couple.
Su-yeong, hop in the back.
Sang-su is here too.
Let's go.
Right, I got some chocolate.
Isn't this good?
I ordered it from this popular place.
Yes, it's good.
Do you want one?
No, thank you.
It's like a piece of a puzzle.
It feels as if I've finally found
the last puzzle piece
missing from my life.
Do you think we'll be late?
-I think we'll be fine.
Will you be doing that too?
You'll be the first person
I salute when I become an officer.
Yes. I'll keep it at all costs.
And when you're having a rough day,
you can call me whenever you want.
I'm sorry, but I have to get out.
What's going on? Goodness.
I thought you all couldn't make it.
The wedding was called off.
The groom-to-be had an affair.
Goodness. No personal questions, please.
I thought this would be more fun
than attending a memorial service.
Well, I just came.
Don't ask. I'm about to get mad again.
But where's Su-yeong?
Something suddenly came up.
Mr. Noh was the one who wanted to come.
Why isn't he here yet?
Good morning!
-Good morning.
-You're here.
I like how everyone is dressed.
KCU! Are you ready?
Hey. Louder, please.
Are you ready?
Okay, let's go!
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Keep it up.
-Let's go.
He's so energetic.
Let's go.
Keep up the pace. Pass it on.
-Keep up the pace. Pass it on.
-Keep up the pace.
What is it? Are you tired?
No, I'm fine.
-Give me that.
-What? I'm fine, really.
-Here. Take this.
-What? Are you looking after me?
Wipe the spit off your chin.
You're so gross.
You might as well lie down.
Oh, my. You're down.
Everyone is so fast.
Is this a hiking club?
Or maybe you're just that slow.
Have you thought about that?
This is it for me, Ms. Bae.
You should go ahead.
Ms. Bae. Wait for me. Ms. Bae.
Does Mr. Jeong Jong-hyeon live here?
I'll take that.
So you work with Jong-hyeon?
Were you going somewhere?
I'm sorry for making you stay.
I was on my way to the hospital
to see my husband,
but it's only right
to greet a visitor properly.
Thank you.
Jong-hyeon told us
that the bank gave him a loan
for his father's surgery.
If they let him borrow
such a huge amount of money,
it must mean
that Jong-hyeon is excellent at his job.
He is. The bank appreciates him very much.
My goodness.
I didn't even offer you anything.
We grew these apples.
They're not pretty, but they're organic.
You can eat the skin too.
Thank you very much.
I'm not just saying this
because he's my child,
but Jong-hyeon is very sweet.
You'd never know that he's my kid.
He's smart, kind, and good-looking.
He really is.
Goodness, your skin is so fair.
Even more so than this rice cake here.
Anyway, what brings you
all the way here from Seoul?
How did you find me here?
How did you end up here?
What are you doing?
I used to work here, and they needed help.
I see.
I came to tell you something.
I'm hungry.
All right, come and sit.
Hurry up and sit down.
Come and sit. You too, Sang-su.
Mr. So, stand there.
And you should sit there.
Here we go.
Okay. Big smiles, everyone.
And don't blink.
One, two, three.
Wait. My scarf.
Is something missing?
My scarf. I had it just a moment ago.
Pink stripes?
I think that's…
Ms. Bae and I'll find the scarf
and come down. You go on ahead.
-Okay, then.
-Search your backpack again.
-But I had it on me.
Where did I see it last?
Sang-su, wait.
What is it? Do your feet hurt?
No, let's take a photo.
I'll take it for you.
What? I want to take one together.
Not a group photo. Just the two of us.
Hey, I don't really take selfies.
You'll take a lot from now on.
Get closer. Closer. Good.
Let me do it.
One, two, three.
Are you hot?
Your face is red.
Right? I wonder why my face turned red.
Mi-gyeong. Why are you so bold?
Come here, Sang-su.
-Come here.
-No, why?
Are you okay?
My gosh. No way.
-Are you two…
We're in a relationship.
Mr. Lee!
-Mr. Lee Gu-il!
-Wait for me!
-You're in a relationship?
-Mr. Lee!
A relationship?
He'll tell everyone now.
What can we do? They caught us already.
-My gosh.
-Thank you.
-Everyone, fill your glasses.
-Yes, sir.
My dear Sang-su. I told you to work hard,
but you worked on something else.
My gosh.
I think you two look great together.
Hey, you should consider
getting married while you're at it.
If two bank clerks save up together,
they can buy a house in no time.
They don't have to.
Ms. Park already has a house
in the center of Gangnam.
How did you know that?
Most people here know.
Sang-su, once again, congratulations.
Be good to her, and don't let her go.
I had a feeling
since the day you two got together
to work on the in-house contest.
I told you. I'm friends with Cupid.
I can tell right away when I see a couple.
When Seok-hyeon gets married,
Ms. Park should receive the bouquet.
-Stop teasing us now.
This is why we kept quiet.
I see.
Hey, Mr. So-Nosy.
Why are you so quiet?
Congratulations, you two.
-This is great.
-Good for you.
-This is nice.
They're an office couple.
You said you were hungry.
Why aren't you eating?
Why did you come so far to see me?
I'm not sure.
I don't know why I'm here,
considering how you just took off.
Should we go now?
After I sober up a little.
It's nice here.
You can swim here in the summer.
I did that when I was younger.
It's deeper than it looks,
so I used a swim tube.
That must have been cute.
You should go now.
Is your father doing well?
How did you
take care of the hospital bills?
I used up my security deposit
and the savings I had.
Are you going to live here from now on?
My mom thinks I still work at the bank.
The place I used to work at
has a room I can use.
They give tips
if you work the night shift.
I'll stay and work there
till I save enough for a place.
Are you really giving up
on the police exam?
It's not a matter of choice.
And that's why you're breaking up with me?
Are you sure you'll be okay?
I told you already.
I can't see you right now.
No, I meant your dream.
You wanted to be a police officer.
Are you okay with giving up that dream?
I have to be.
You said you saw my house.
Dreaming is a luxury that I can't afford.
Someone I know
can see five years into the future.
In five years,
you'll shine even more brightly than now.
It'll be unimaginable.
You don't care what others think of you.
You're an amazing man
who recognizes his own worth.
But despite all that,
I don't think I'm a fool.
It doesn't bother me
when people mistreat me.
I have a dream,
so I know things will get better.
Those words you gave me,
I'll let you borrow them.
In five years,
you'll shine even more brightly than now.
You said that things
will get better if you try harder.
This is for you.
You said your life started below zero.
No matter how hard you try,
it feels as though
you can't reach that zero mark.
I know that feeling quite well.
As if nobody will hold your hand…
That kind of loneliness.
But I'll hold your hand.
Come live with me.
Work at the bank
and study for the exam again.
You know that nothing will change
even if you manage
to find a way to make a living.
Don't give up on the exam.
And show me…
that it's possible
to become happy if you work hard.
I'll wait for you at the bus terminal.
If you don't come…
then let's just break up as you said.
I can't go with you.
Then that's it, I guess.
I'll get going then.
Sang-su, look. We look great, right?
Yes, we do.
I'm sorry you couldn't drink
because you had to drive.
And it was to celebrate us too.
It's all right.
You don't like it, do you?
That people found out about us.
I was being cautious.
People talk a lot at the bank.
-If everyone knows--
-It'll be awkward if we break up.
You're really straightforward, aren't you?
If you're worried about that,
then just don't break up with me.
Let's not break up.
Su-yeong, are you okay?
Is something the matter?
Call me when you see this.
The bus for Seoul
will leave in ten minutes.
Thanks, Sang-su.
I got here comfortably, thanks to you.
I didn't drink too much today.
You had more than a bottle. That's a lot.
You're so considerate.
When did you notice that and get this?
See you later.
Hey, Sang-su.
We're now departing.
Do you want to come up?
It's 1031. The passcode.
Why did you get up so early?
Jong-hyeon. Do you have a girlfriend?
You guys look great together like this.
You too. You suit each other.
Unlike what you think,
I'm not that nice of a person.
Hi, Jong-hyeon.
I'm sleeping over
at my friend's place tonight.
I'm not going home tonight.
Subtitle translation by: Eunsook Youn
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