The Legacy (2014) s01e07 Episode Script

Afsnit 7

You got a letter from Veronika
you think is genuine.
We don't think it is genuine,
and we can obtain a judgment
following a very long
and very stupid legal battle,
or you can tie a ribbon round
the whole business right now
by accepting the settlement
I have offered you.
You can shove your settlement
up your backside.
I am not afraid
of seeing you in court.
We have to show the court that you had
absolutely no contact with Veronika
before she got in touch with you,
and this is very, very important,
we will need your father and your
adoptive mother to testify as such.
Frederik will undoubtedly try to show
that Veronika's will was more your will.
That I made Veronika write the letter?
That's a lie and he knows it.
The deed of transfer makes it
pretty unlikely
that you were after the house
from the start.
Yes, but I don't have
the deed of transfer.
- No, but I assume you have a copy.
- No, I gave it to Gro.
Can you get it back?
No, I know very well that it's Frederik
who is making you take this line,
but unless you give me that contract
right now I will go to the police myself
and turn you in for forging
the signature on the trust document.
There is no trust paper.
There is no proof.
- A lot of people have copies.
- No, they don't,
because Frederik collected
everything; the copies,
the original,
the whole fucking lot.
I am really sorry to intrude.
Look, I just wanted a word with Gro.
She isn't here. Is there anything
I can help you with?
She meant me to pick up
some contract.
- Where did you get that?
- Gro is in Copenhagen.
- Did you break in?
- No, Rene gave it to me actually.
- It was an honest mistake.
- Yes, it was a mistake
- that is going to cost me the house, Emil.
- Listen to this! Gro met John yesterday.
Thomas was there too. He saw
John prowling around the house.
You realise that if what you're
telling me now is true
we can overturn Signe's entire defence.
But you don't know
what you are up against.
- Frederik will crush you completely.
- And you'll help him, Gro.
Don't answer that.
Make way, make way, thank you.
Signe, we will just do precisely
as we agreed.
Frederik will start by presenting his
evidence and then it will be your turn,
and then the witnesses will be called,
in orderly fashion, one by one.
And remember, even if Frederik lays
into you, just take a deep breath
- and take your time.
- Yes.
Where the hell has Emil got to?
Weird him not being here.
He said he'd be here from the word go.
- Hi, Martin.
- Hi, Solveig. - Hi.
- Hi, Frederik.
- I'll be with you in a second.
That's fine.
- See you, darling.
- Yes.
- I am so sorry I can't get the day off.
- That's all right.
It was lovely you gave me
a lift into town. See you.
I'll come and get you afterwards.
- Hello.
- Bye.
- Thanks for last time.
- Karen. - Solveig.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Right.
- Just take your time, all right?
See you shortly.
May I sit down?
- May I sit down?
- Do, go ahead.
The court is in session.
This hearing is to determine
the validity
of the deathbed will
drew up in favour of Signe Larsen.
At the courthouse in Svendborg
the legal battle over the legacy
has just started
and so far the only
parties in attendance
and Signe Larsen.
Later today we also expect
as she will be testifying
against her half-sister,
and it will be interesting to hear
her interpretation of the case,
as she originally wished to turn
and why she did not succeed, well,
perhaps we'll learn the reason today.
Thank you, thank you.
Sorry, but can we get a move on?
I am meant to be in court!
Please, remove those sunglasses.
Yes, of course. It's just really
important for me to be there on time.
Yes, but you should have considered
that before you broke the speed limit
by 20 kph in a car
that isn't roadworthy.
- Yes, I understand.
- It's illegal and it's dangerous.
- Do you agree?
- Yes. - Here. - Thanks.
- And it'll cost you three points.
- That's fine.
Signe Larsen,
when did you meet Veronika
When she came to the shop to buy
flowers the day before she died.
- So you'd never met her before that.
- No.
So why did you agree to go to her
house at 5 in the morning?
An unknown lady who phones
you in the middle of the night?
Firstly because
she said it was important,
and also
because I could somehow tell
well, that I really had to go.
And you chose to accept
the deathbed will.
I didn't have time to object
because she fell.
But I did take it home, yes.
And two weeks later you chose
to transfer the house to the museum
was setting up, why so?
Firstly, I never had any intention
of taking anything away
from my siblings
but Gro convinced me that the best
thing was to give the house to the trust
so we could make a museum.
That was her mother's wish, or it was
what her mother wanted, she said.
As you can see from exhibit 6a,
Signe gave the house to the
I have to ask if you tried in any way
to pressurise Veronika
into writing that deathbed will.
No. She had already written it
when I arrived.
Thank you.
And the plaintiff.
Signe, who is paying your legal costs?
- My father is.
- Your father, John Larsen.
Thank you, no more questions.
I understand that you have agreed
that the first witness to be called
is the defendant's boyfriend
Andreas Baggesen.
Yes, please.
took unfair advantage of your mother?
- That is not up to me to decide.
- How does it feel to be suing
- your own sister?
- What do you think your mother
- would have said about this case?
- I haven't the foggiest.
Do you know where I am meant to go?
Hey there, I am coming too.
- Hi, Andreas.
- Hi. - Yes. - Hi. Emil.
- Take the stand.
- Thank you.
- Just sit down.
- OK.
Which of you is Andreas Baggesen?
- I am.
- I am just the brother.
Andreas Baggesen,
are you close to Signe's father
and adoptive mother?
What will become of your
mother's works now?
And you never suspected
that Lise wasn't Signe's mother?
Very well.
Thank you, no more questions.
Are you nervous?
No, I am fine, thanks.
That's good.
There is one thing that puzzles me,
which is
Signe says
she didn't want the house,
but nevertheless she took
the trouble to go to a lawyer's,
Ole Kaufmann, to have
the letter checked out.
Actually it was
against Signe's wishes.
How can it be against her wishes?
It was her letter!
It was her father, John, who thought
we should have it checked out,
and I also thought
it was the only proper thing to do,
but Signe actually got
really angry about it
because as you say, she didn't
want the house at all at that stage.
Thank you, no more questions.
Gro, it's time.
that your testimony is subject
to the penalty of law,
and that if you do not tell the truth
here you can be punished?
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
Well, Gro.
There were plans that Signe Larsen
was going to help you make a museum
following Veronika's death.
She showed up with a deathbed will
and she wanted to give
the house to the trust.
- Yes.
- That was jolly decent of her,
wanting to give the house to the trust.
But not really,
because what happened next?
I was informed that the deathbed will
was not valid
and the museum
could therefore not come about.
And why was the deathbed will
not valid?
Because my mother received
help to write it against her will.
No, excuse me, but that is simply a lie.
Gro, you were the one
who forged the trust papers,
and it was not Veronika's will at all.
This is not getting us anywhere.
Signe, stop it!
We cannot prove anything,
this will get us nowhere.
- She is Iying in court.
- Signe, stop it!
Please, refrain from any more
emotional outbursts. Carry on.
Thank you.
Would you say that you were the one
And did your mother ever mention
Signe Larsen?
- No.
- Never at all?
Thank you, no more questions.
Go ahead.
you just said that Veronika
never mentioned Signe.
Did Veronika talk about
her life in other ways?
But never about Signe.
Did Veronika mention
that she was ill?
Your mother was diagnosed with breast
cancer a few weeks before she died,
she was in the middle of an
extensive programme of tests.
Didn't she mention that?
Do you think it was
because it didn't matter to her?
Isn't it so that there are things in life
that are far too difficult to talk about,
yet they are perhaps the very things
that are closest to our hearts of all?
I don't know.
I don't know what she thought about.
I don't know what went on in her mind.
But you know that Signe pushed
Veronika into writing that deathbed will?
I don't know anything.
Thank you.
We will recess for 15 minutes.
But it is weird that he only asked me
that one question.
- Hey, Frederik, I'm off now.
- You can't go now.
- But I have said my piece, haven't I?
- Stay on, Gro,
- let's show our support for Frederik.
- You don't even have to testify
or anything. You can just drift
your way around everything.
Gro, he hasn't been in Denmark
for the last ten years.
- That has nothing to do with it,
it's just so typical of him. - Stop it, Gro!
Well now, we have brought
the two together.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How is it going inside?
- It
- It's going very well.
- Lise, you are on now.
- OK.
- It'll all be over soon, darling.
- Yes. - Right?
So you decided that Signe was never
to know who her real mother was.
I we felt it was for the best
at the time
but I regret it now.
And since that time
there has been no contact
between you all
No, we haven't had any contact.
- John, you are on.
- Yes.
John Larsen,
you say that there has been no
contact between you and Veronika?
Yes, that is correct.
Of course there were
a couple of occasions,
I mean over the years,
when we have been in touch.
When did you last talk together,
you and Veronika?
I couldn't tell you off hand.
No, but perhaps I can help you,
because I have a transcript
of Veronika's phone bill.
Excuse me, but we seem
to be departing from the case,
we have not been given
any such exhibits.
No, that is correct. I only obtained
access to these papers
yesterday evening. I hope I may be
permitted to disclose them now.
Why didn't you bring this up
at the start?
Of course I should have done so,
I apologise, it's an error on my part.
- What does this mean?
- If we refuse to accept disclosure
of the transcript now we'll end up
in the High Court.
It does seem relevant to the case,
so it must be up to you to decide.
Well, I don't have much option.
Thank you.
Thank you very much,
Well now John, these itemised phone
bills indicate that you and Veronika
had quite a bit of contact
in the months prior to her death.
Actually they show that you spoke
together no fewer than nine times
in the period between 3 October
and 23 December.
Would you like to tell us
what you talked about?
Veronika wanted Signe to be her heir
but I said no.
Do you deny that it was you
who called Veronika
and not the other way round?
It may well have been me who phoned
her, but that was what we talked about.
Perhaps the conversation
may have been the other way round,
so that you actually tried to persuade
her to give Signe the house?
Frederik, damn it, you know very well
I would never do anything like that.
- I don't know that at all.
- Come off it.
- You have done quite a bit of building
work on that house. - Yes.
So you felt you had invested
a great deal in it.
- Yes, I do feel I have.
- Perhaps you felt in some way
that Signe had a certain
right to inherit the house?
There must be a limit
as regards leading questions.
Keep to the case,
I will rephrase that.
Do you think Signe is
- I never put any pressure on Veronika.
- No, but do you think Signe is entitled
- You can bloody well bet I do!
Thank you, no more questions.
- I'd like to request a brief recess.
- All right, ten minutes.
I just don't get it. We have built
our entire case
on there not being any contact.
- Why didn't you tell us?
- Veronika phoned me and I refused,
I mean,
I didn't think it was important.
Frederik twists everything.
He doesn't realise that all his notions
have nothing to do with real life.
That is a weird thing to say,
why did you say that?
His adored father just upped and left.
He was gay and we went to the States
and he came home because
he was dying of AIDS.
- And what has that got to do with it?
- Yes?
I didn't ask Veronika for anything,
just as you never asked her
for anything either.
I can't stand it here,
I want to go home.
You asked me to come to testify,
didn't you?
- Yes.
- Come along.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
- I think I'll pop back in.
- Yes, do that.
Robert Eliasen. You were
for the last twelve years of her life,
is that correct?
That is correct.
You were in daily contact with
either Veronika or her daughter Gro,
often with regard to the purchase
and sale of works, is that correct?
That is also correct.
Just over three years ago
you sold Veronika's work Opbrud
and something peculiar occurred
in connection with the sale
or more accurately
with the transfer of funds.
Will you tell us what happened?
Veronika wanted to deposit
the proceeds of the sale
- in another account than her own.
- Another account than her own?
- And how much money was involved?
- 43,000 Euros.
43,000 Euros,
that's about 320,000 Danish krone.
Whose account was the money
to be put into?
John Larsen's.
- Are you quite sure?
- I am quite sure, John Larsen's.
You mean this John Larsen
who says there has been no contact,
who says that he did not wish
to receive anything,
but who nevertheless received
320,000 Danish kroner
and took the letter to his lawyer
and who is now paying
- his daughter's legal costs.
- Objection. This is not the time
- for closing arguments.
- Stick to the case.
Thank you, Robert.
Hey, don't go.
Do you have any questions
for the witness?
Do you have any reason to suspect
that John Larsen exerted any
pressure on Veronika for that money?
- I wouldn't know anything about that.
- So you don't. - No.
Thank you, no more questions.
We'll adjourn for today
and resume tomorrow at 9.30.
John, stop!
Did you get money from her?
Why didn't you mention it?
That money went on the deposit
for their house, damn it.
That was what Veronika offered
and that is what I said yes to.
I wanted to protect you.
Signe never discovered anything,
did she?
And I only thought it was fair
for her to pay something too.
If Signe loses this case because
of you I will never forgive you.
- Lise.
- Don't touch me.
He leaned on her. Otherwise why
would he sit there telling lies like that?
Do calm down a moment.
I know that it was quite traumatic
and I know
we were not prepared for this,
but you really must keep
a cool head now.
New evidence has been pouring in all day.
He has told lie after lie after lie.
He certainly hasn't handled things
particularly wisely.
But there is no evidence
that he has broken the law.
- See you tomorrow.
- Yes.
Get some sleep.
Frederik, what are your feelings
right now?
I am not involved with feelings,
I am trying to concentrate on facts.
Were you surprised by some
of the things that emerged today?
No, I am not.
So you are satisfied
with the way the day has gone?
I am completely satisfied
with the way the day has gone
and you will receive
a more extensive answer tomorrow.
- Hi.
- Hi, darling. Did it go well?
Yes, I think so.
I have shopped for supper.
Emil, come on,
come to supper.
- Actually I have a dinner date.
- With whom?
- Just a few old school pals and stuff.
- OK, but you must come home to sleep,
and I'll make sure
you are up early in the morning.
- Yeah, bye, have a nice evening.
- Thanks, you too.
Give us a hit.
It is absolutely crazy
sitting there in the public gallery
gazing at one's own life.
Frederik is going to win.
I couldn't care less any more. I don't
need the house, the museum is over.
I have to move on.
But I just don't know
what I'm going to do.
What do you want to do?
All I want to do is to be with you.
Hey, are you two sitting here?
Look, how are things going in there?
Are they biting
each other's heads off?
Yes, something along those lines.
Do you think Frederik will end up
with the house?
You can never tell
but I think so, yes.
Hey, remember to take a corkscrew
so you don't have to keep
popping back here.
No, it's a screw top.
- Right, so that's sorted.
- No red, Lone.
He won't move out.
He'll just want to stay.
How will you feel if I leave Claudia?
Married men never leave, Robert.
- Will you take over the session?
- Sure.
- I have something to attend to.
- No problem.
- John?
- Not right now.
- John, can't we just have a word?
- Not right now.
Hey, what the hell are you
thinking of, eh?
Ole, have you got a moment?
That letter from Veronika.
Yes, I thought you'd come asking for it.
Tell you what, pop by in an hour
and I'll find it for you, all right?
- OK?
- Thank you.
I don't know if he's a psychopath,
being able to lie so much.
No, John is no psychopath.
Shall we have another slug?
- Stop, stop, stop.
- Whoops. Oh no, I'm really sorry.
What about your father?
What about him?
Is it true that he was into men?
I beg your pardon?
No, who says so?
John does.
John said that?
Bloody hell.
Yes, but that he met a man and
they went off to the States and then
and he had AIDS when he got home.
Don't tell that to Frederik.
- OK.
- He won't be able to take it.
Your dad says my dad was gay.
My dad is a psychopath.
- Maybe they screwed.
- What?
Maybe they screwed.
- I bet they did.
- Me too.
So that's twice times
Don't hit us.
- I have been through it all.
- Yes.
It doesn't look as if John Larsen
received more money,
but I did find something else.
Let's look at it at the office.
You are so annoying.
Right, sit down quietly.
Tobias, what don't you understand?
No need for you to struggle with it,
you can sort these cards.
- Bye.
- No!
Are we still going to move
Yes, it would seem so.
What did Martin want?
Nothing, nothing.
- I don't believe it.
- Solveig, Solveig
I mean for goodness sake.
Emil has received
about 4 million krone
from Veronika in the last six years,
gifts that have not been
recorded anywhere, investments,
regular transfers
month after month after month.
4 million?
He has received practically
his entire legacy.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Are you drunk?
- Do you mind?
- You're drunk.
- Not especially.
Is there anything to eat?
Hey, where have you been?
Down at the docks.
With who?
With Emil.
We are in the middle of a legal battle
and you go out
and drink yourself silly with Emil?
Yes, and I don't care.
You don't care?
I don't care about the court case
at any rate.
Yes, but if you decide you have
already lost, you will lose for sure.
What if I think
it is most right if I do lose?
Hi, this is Lise,
I can't answer the phone right now
but leave a message
and I'll call you back, bye.
Lise, it's John.
Look, there is something
we need to talk about.
Please call me back,
please, it is really important.
Call immediately.
Fuck me!
Why aren't you asleep?
- My session with the lads went on a bit.
- I see.
I'll be all right tomorrow, don't worry.
How much money have
you actually received over the years?
- I have no idea.
- Just roughly.
Close to a million,
I guess I've had.
I know it's a lot of money.
I expect she saw it as a kind of
investment or something.
You have received 3,987,000 krone.
Maybe there is another
If we deduct the sum from the estate,
it leaves you with a legacy
of pretty much nothing.
You mustn't disinherit me.
I am not disinheriting you, Emil.
You've merely already had
your share of the legacy.
No, it can't be right,
there has to be something left for me.
- We'll have to talk to Gro about it.
- No. - It's her money too.
She has never been able to
understand my way of life.
I don't understand
your way of life either.
We'll have to talk to Gro about
this business after the court case.
Frederik, I've got to pay what I owe now.
I don't know what will happen if I don't.
I have bought a bridge.
- You have bought a bridge?
- Yes and mum promised
she'd pay for it so I borrowed
the money from a guy
and I don't know what he's capable
of if I don't pay him back soon.
I'm sorry. Sorry. I know
I have been a complete fool.
Who did you borrow money from?
- Who did you borrow it from?
- I borrowed it from a guy in Thailand,
from Bangkok,
he organizes betting.
- You borrowed it from a gangster.
- Yes, I am not involved
- Are you a complete imbecile?
- Chill, Frederik, damn it, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to, I didn't realise I'd had
all that money, I had no fucking idea.
- I am not trying to cheat you two.
- I am going to bed.
- I am trying
- I am going to bed.
He borrowed money from the mafia,
the Thai mafia.
You must be able to give him
some money though.
Gro will never agree to it.
Maybe she doesn't need to know.
That little fool has never learned
to act responsibly about anything.
- You can't just leave him in the lurch.
- I can't give Gro's money away.
You can work something out
so he can go back
and sort that business out.
Give him another chance.
One last chance.
- There, are you going to have one?
- Yes, please.
I am not going to tell anyone about
the money you've already received,
not Gro either.
And nobody is going to go through
those bank statements unless we ask
them to, and so the sum won't be
included in when the estate is divided.
So I'll get my legacy.
You have had it.
You can thank my lovely wife for
allowing you to have it a second time.
I have got Danish and maths.
- Did you finish that homework?
- Yes.
Really and truly?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Emil, are you coming
swimming today?
No, I can't, half pint,
we have to go to court.
But what about tomorrow then?
I can jump off the five metre board.
Emil has a lot to do.
And you have to pack your bag.
- No. - Yes, you do.
- Come on, kiddo, I'll help you.
I am going back to Copenhagen
as soon as the court case ends.
That's fine.
Thank you for your help.
Hi, all.
- Sister.
- Hi, Robert.
- Thanks for your help yesterday.
- Hi, Robert.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, have a safe journey,
What a gorgeous fella!
Check-out that arse!
How nice that you take
such good care of our witness.
- What has got into you two?
- It's nice of you, that's all.
Michael Lind, would you tell the court
what you do for a living?
I am a specialist in family medicine.
Would you please listen to
the following description
from an ambulance that was called out
I am quoting from exhibit 3.
The patient is responsive
but confused.
She slips in
and out of consciousness.
There is no sign of improved
oxygen and we suspect a stroke.
We know that at this stage
Veronika had consumed
approximately two bottles of wine and
a mixture of various prescription drugs;
Tramadol, Diazepam,
Hexalid, Citalopram
and the list goes on and on.
We know that she has been
diagnosed with cancer
and that it has spread
and that she has had a stroke.
The doctor says she is confused.
If this were one of your patients
would you advise
that vital decisions be made
under such circumstances?
No, I probably would not.
No. Would you say
that under these circumstances
people usually possess
sound judgement?
No, I would not say so.
Well, this was the Veronika
from whom Signe
Fuck! Sorry.
Sorry. I will have to just
This was the Veronika from whom
Signe received her letter that evening.
I cannot help asking myself whether
one might imagine that Signe perhaps
realised that Veronika was not
fully compos mentis at this stage.
Could one perhaps imagine
that Signe Larsen realised
that John had been exerting pressure
on Veronika to write the letter
and perhaps her conscience
got the better of her
and she therefore decided
to give the house to the trust?
- For goodness sake!
- Let me remind
you that this is not a criminal case
and this is not the time
- for your closing arguments.
- No. Thank you,
- I have no more questions.
- It says here
that the patient smelled of spirits.
It doesn't say that she was drunk.
How does alcohol affect somebody
who drinks daily
and who has done so most
of her adult life?
Obviously the body adjusts.
The body can tolerate more and more.
If you drink regularly for 25 years,
for example, you don't necessarily
get drunk from two bottles of wine
you have consumed over an entire day?
Alcohol tolerance is very individual.
- Come on, Emil.
- Yes, yes. I am coming.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Yeah, I am on my way.
- Hey Thomas, I was looking for you.
- Hey, but
- It's time to go in. You are on now.
- Sorry about that. - That's all right.
What is the hurry?
- Does Lise know about this?
- No.
I think you should use it.
Don't go in there.
We have got to talk first.
Would you approach
the bench, please?
A letter has emerged which
the defendant would like permission
to have read aloud to the court.
I feel it is relevant to the case.
Please bear in mind that
the defendant has been amenable
to all the documents
you have wished to present.
What guarantees do I have
that this letter is genuine?
I can phone Ole Kaufmann, he is
the original recipient of the letter.
Shall we adjourn and ask Ole
to come to court to verify the letter?
Of course this will only be necessary
if you really have reason to believe
that the letter is not genuine.
This should have been disclosed
at a much earlier stage.
The case took a new twist yesterday
which my client
and I were frankly
not particularly prepared for,
or of course we would have disclosed
this letter somewhat earlier.
We both know that the case will
proceed straight to the High Court
unless we include everything now,
which will be both expensive and
time-consuming of all concerned.
All right, use it.
I stand here with a letter Veronika
a lawyer, on 30 July 2011. It says:
Dear Ole.
I am writing to you because
I can't get through to John.
You know that we had a dramatic
argument on our trip to Rome last month.
I have kept my word
for the last 22 years
and have not contacted Sunshine,
but I am no spring chicken,
Ole, and I want Signe to take
over my house when I finally depart.
Sunshine is my child and John's,
and it is natural that Sunshine is entitled
to be given something by her mother.
I hope you will plead my case.
Affectionately, Veronika.
Do you wish to call more witnesses
following this development in the case?
I just want you to know
that I don't give a shit
what that crazy bitch
wrote in some letter or other.
She changed her mind so often
you never knew where you had her.
And you! You prowled around up
there just waiting for a chunk
of flesh to fall off in your direction.
- This is going to the High Court!
- No, Frederik, let's stop now.
No, it won't stop until I have got
that house, it is my father's house
and she took it from him
and then she threw him out!
- Order in court.
- Your father walked out on you!
- He was gay!
- Signe, don't. - It's true.
He ran away with another man,
- How dare you!
- He came back dying of AIDS.
Shut your fucking mouth!
I don't understand why you
think it's sad for him, Emil.
Sit down, all of you!
He has been sitting there Iying
for two days now
and he doesn't give
a toss about anything.
What the hell do you know
about that man?
Never mind, Frederik, never mind.
Emil, you'll have to leave him be.
- How about going outside for a smoke?
- No, I don't want a smoke.
- What?
- Not now.
Is he there?
Hey. Hey, kids.
How did it go?
The court is in session.
Oh, OK.
- Hi.
- Hi. Emil.
Yes, we'll be along in a jiffy. There is
hot chocolate in the vending machine.
has withdrawn his case.
That means that as already
affirmed by the executor,
in accordance with the deathbed will
dated 24 December 2013,
Signe Larsen.
Are you prepared to enter into a
settlement as regards the legal costs?
That means that Frederik
will not have to pay your costs.
No, no, no, I don't want him
to have to pay anything.
Good, right, yes,
then the case is therefore dismissed.
I really hope it was worth it, Signe.
- How really magnificent.
- Emil.
Just what kind of person
are you, damn it?
So you managed
to screw everything up.
You are never to contact us
again, never.
Signe has got the house.
- Well, congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Thanks for your help.
- Think nothing of it.
I would like to be alone.
- Lise.
- There is no more to say.
- I don't know where to begin.
- I think you should pack your things.
I want you out of the house
this afternoon.
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