The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

The Yaksha King

Though exiled in the forest,
Ram's love for his wife was boundless
There was nothing
he would not do for her
So, when Princess Sita asked him
to get the beautiful golden deer for her,
how could he refuse her?
She had never seen anything
so beautiful
But Lakshman cautioned him
that there was something unnatural
about the creature
But Ram was determined
to see his wife smile
A small thank you for all the hardships
she had endured in their exile
He asked his brother
to keep her safe
Had Ram only listened
to his brother that day,
had he not been led astray,
perhaps, then,
this whole story would be different
and Ram would have remained happy
in the forest
For Ram lost much that day
But in killing the demon Maricha,
he was not the only one to suffer
As he watched the demon die,
mimicking screams in Ram's voice,
he remembered
the words of his brother,
"Don't go, for I fear this is a trick
that may destroy us."
All right, big boy, shall we continue?
It's over
You're safe now
I thought my life was over
You risked your life for me. Thank you
How could I do any less?
How did this happen?
I was kidnapped
Stolen from my home last night
The demon said nothing,
gave me no reason
A rakshas like this rarely enters
a city alone
Tell me, who is your king?
It's my uncle, the great King Suketu
I am sure his guards
must be searching for me
Does King Suketu know this forest?
We are on a mission and time's running out
Maybe he can help us?
Why not? You people saved my life
My uncle has vast resources
If you take me to him,
I'm sure he will reward you
I like the sound of this reward
Maybe it's food
If it is, I think I'll like the taste of it
even more
Hanuman, a moment
See how they talk behind your back?
You are the prince!
Does Hanuman think he's better than you?
Quiet, Hariya
My head is pounding for some reason
and your voice only makes it worse
Some more water then
to ease your headache
I know of Suketu. He is a good man
I feel there is a "but" coming
But he may not be the ally
we think
There is a darker history
that may surprise you
Enough of your whispering!
Suketu knew my father
They were allies and friends
Someone has to think of our mission
Someone has to lead
If we are to hold this girl's hands
all the way home,
then at least we can get some help
from a friendly face
Angad is wise. We must listen to him
Unless you think otherwise, Hanuman
Jambhvan, this is the best choice we have
Let's head to the Yaksh Kingdom
We're almost there. Come on
Last one there has to rub Jambhvan's feet!
Not after last time!
I nearly passed out!
This time it'll be you, Nal!
Look at them
To be young
Angad, are you all right?
I'm fine. Take care of yourself
Help! Help!
Now what?
Nal, what happened?
Why did you scream?
What is this?
Have you ever seen anything
like it before, Jambhvan?
Never and that's what worries me
These vines were not here yesterday
What has happened to my kingdom?
My King?
Don't touch it
It might be poisonous
Look! Angad's just ripping them apart
See, they're just vines,
easily pushed aside
We should wait
You can hide outside if you wish
I will follow the Prince
There are darker forces at work here,
Perhaps, old bear. But if so,
we can't let them face it alone
Dharini? Kandarpa?
Where is everyone?
Dharini? Kandarpa?
Nirvani, where were you?
We were so worried!
Who who are these vaanars?
Don't worry; they're friends
They saved me from a rakshas
in the forest
What happened here?
How did these vines surround the city?
No one knows. They grew overnight
King Suketu is planning to use all his power
to perform a mahayagna to destroy this evil
Take us to him
I must speak with my uncle at once
Uncle Suketu!
Nirvani! Thank the gods you're safe
We searched the city but feared the worst
when you went missing
I would have died
if it wasn't for these heroes
They killed the rakshas
that took me
These are the vaanars of Kishkindha
I present to you Hanuman,
Jambhvan and Prince Angad
It is an honour to welcome you
to my kingdom, Prince Angad
But tell me,
how did you get past these vines?
What do you mean? I just pulled them apart
They're just vines
Impossible! We've tried cutting them,
burning them,
even using magic, but nothing works
They surround the entire kingdom now
Wait, if they surround your entire kingdom
then that means
Yes. I'm afraid there's no way in or out
You're as trapped here as we are
Trapped? No!
We must leave at once!
We're on an urgent mission,
and its success grows slimmer
with every setting sun!
But that's not for me
but for our great leader to decide
Isn't it, friend?
I see much has changed in Kishkindha
I was sorry to hear
about your father's death
It wasn't right
what Sugreev did to him
Thank you,
but Sugreev is our king now
If we don't do his bidding,
our lives are forfeit
I need your help
Then you will have it
For saving Nirvani,
all my resources are yours
But, first, we must destroy these vines
Prince Angad,
the vines opened for you before
Perhaps you possess something
that we do not
Perhaps he does
What? This worked earlier!
Why won't you move?
- Stay calm, Angad
- Be quiet, old bear!
Perhaps you should resume your mahayagna,
Lord Suketu
Surely this barrier would be no match
for your immense power
Whatever we do, it needs to be fast
If we fail, Lord Suketu will not be there
to stop Sugreev's sword
when he swings it down on our necks!
Angad, we do this mission to help
Prince Ram, not for fear of death
I have faith
Prince Ram will guide us
You come as envoys of Ram?
Ram of Ayodhya?
Do you represent Ram of Ayodhya?
Yes, Lord Suketu
We've been sent on this mission
to honour an oath made by King Sugreev
to Prince Ram,
to find his wife, Princess Sita
Cursed be his name
Ram and his brother
took everything from me
My beautiful daughter, Tataka,
and my loving grandson, Maricha
Tataka's foolish husband
mocked Sage Agastya
and was killed for his mistake
It should have ended there
But the sage spared no one
My daughter and grandson
were also cursed,
robbed of their true appearance,
transformed into monsters, into rakshasas
Driven mad by their transformation,
their minds became twisted
until nothing of my sweet daughter
and her son remained
They terrorized the holy men
of the forest, attacking them,
destroying their homes
and fouling their yagnas
Eventually, Sage Vishwamitra appealed
to Ayodhya's king
who sent two warriors
They first killed my sweet daughter, Tataka
Then later, when my grandson, Maricha,
was tricked by Ravan
into posing as a beautiful golden deer,
they killed him as well
That arrow did not just kill him,
it killed my spirit
Those two warriors
were Princes Ram and Lakshman,
sons of Dashrath of Ayodhya
I would rather die
with all of us trapped inside these vines
than see you leave here and help Ram!
Uncle, you can't do this!
We will starve!
The vaanars will starve
before our people will
Once they are dead, I will resume
my mahayagna and remove the vines
King Suketu, you're wrong about Prince Ram
He is a man whose virtue and righteousness
have given my life a greater meaning
There is a great evil
spreading across the realms
These vines are just the start
I believe Prince Ram may be the only one
that saves us in the end
Ram and his brother robbed me
of all that I loved in life
Every day since has been one
of hollow existence
Let the evil come. What can it do to me
that hasn't already been done?
I'm sorry, my friends
I was not expecting to bring you
into this trap
You did nothing wrong, Nirvani
You will release me!
Release me!
Angad, control yourself
Angad, are you
Don't touch me!
Here, Prince Angad, relax a little
Have some more water
These vines are as strong as steel
and as sharp as knives
It's almost like it let us inside
Suketu's kingdom
with the intent to trap us inside
Yes, I thought that, too
We must discover what this is
and what its connection to Angad is
Put out the fire
There will be no yagna
Tell the priests, if any of them
say a prayer against these vines,
they will face my punishment
Hanuman saved my life
How can you do this to him?
To our people, to me?
How dare you question me
You know nothing of the pain
I have endured
My daughter
My grandson
Dead because of Ram
Tataka was my cousin, my sister
Maricha was like my own son
They were my family, too, Uncle!
But they were already dead and gone
the moment Sage Agastya cursed them
Ram killed only their bodies
He gave them salvation
I will never forgive him,
never help him
Then help yourself
To forgive is to set a prisoner free
and discover, in the end,
that the prisoner was you
Nirvani! I'm sorry,
but I will not help them
Then, I will
What was that?
It's the vines, Nal
Go, deal with it. Go on!
Why me? You are the older one
But Mother loves me best
If anything happens to me,
she'll be really upset
You on the other hand?
Not so much. Weren't you adopted? Go!
Don't worry
Remember your courage
Remember why we are here
Why do you keep us here?
Whom do you serve?
So, you're the little monkey
that's caused all this trouble
Hardly even worth it
How can you know my worth?
You cannot see into my heart or soul
Do you challenge me, monkey?
Do you wish to have your worth measured?
If the reward is freedom, then yes
I am not afraid. Are you?
You are an insolent one
I see now why my mistress hates you so
Fine. A game then
It's unfair to play against one
that I can't see
Show yourself
and stop hiding behind those vines
Careful, Hanuman!
We don't know what we're up against
Stand back, Hanuman!
I will face this demon
Oh, quiet, you fool
You've done enough
The grown-ups are now talking
Lie down
Leave him alone!
Then come forward
You wanted to see the real me,
didn't you?
Hanuman, wait!
I'm coming with you
No, Jambhvan!
Listen to me. If this doesn't work,
you have to convince Suketu
to complete the mahayagna
You and Angad must still find Princess Sita
If I play your game and win,
will you let these people go free?
Of course
Do you want me to give you my word?
We both know that's worth nothing
But then again,
what other choice do you have?
So, do you accept my challenge, hero?
Hanuman, please
We'll find another way
That mace won't protect you in there
I am more than my mace, my friend
Jambhvan, quick!
Something's wrong with Angad!
Angad, are you all right?
I don't think he is!
Angad, what's happened to you?
You will all die
You will all die!
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