The Machinery (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


We need to rest now.
I'm hungry.
Never mind him now.
So we're going swimming.
Ok. Be careful.
We'll stay on the south side.
-Mum! Come!
-All right.
Give me those. Yes. First one in!
This is the police, Inger Sävström.
Help me. It's Ole Hultén.
Is that you, Olle?
I can barely hear you.
Shut up and listen!
I'm with Monica Hansen.
And she's got a child with her.
Be careful.
I'll try to get to Strömstad.
Olle, where are you?
We've left Norway,
and are on our way to
Did you get that?
I want you to track this phone.
I hear you
Was that Olle Hultén?
Yes, but I could hardly hear him.
Where was he?
In Norway, I think.
-I'll be quick.
Now then, darling. Voilà!
OPEN 7-23
Olle Hultén?
-I haven't seen you since Mexico.
I hardly recognise you.
What kind of outfit is that?
Have you become a social democrat?
Nice family you've got.
Lilly and Josefin.
You see, I need some help.
You wouldn't want
anything to happen do them?
If you touch my family,
I will kill you. Do you understand?
Look at this.
I'm not by myself this time.
I need some equipment
from Laholmen Building.
If you fix that,
I'll leave you alone.
You never know, right?
Lilly walking home from school
Suddenly she disappears.
Or she might be hit by a car.
Please don't hurt my family.
Do we agree?
You are so cute. Do we agree?
"Einar Edvardsen,
his private weapon is lost.
The weapon is a Nagant."
I need to talk to you.
Where are we going?
To an old house.
Rismyrveien in Kodal.
You'll recognise it.
-Good of you to come.
-Of course.
Read it.
"On the evening of 24th of August
1998, a perpetrator broke in
to Tord Isaksen's house
in Rismyrveien in Kodal.
The motive was to rob Isaksen,
as he had recently won
a large sum in the lottery."
Are you sure? It doesn't look
like he has won millions.
He's bragging about it to everybody.
We have to hurry up
before he's back from the shrink.
He's got therapy today.
Fucking mental case.
-What are you trying to say?
-You wrote the report, right?
Yes. Yes.
According to you, there was only one
perpetrator, Brede Karlsen, correct?
Yes. There were
no signs of anything else.
Yes! Brede!
Ole, shoot him.
-Ole, shoot him!
Help me.
Let go of me.
Let go of me.
Don't go. Get help.
No. I'm sorry.
What the hell is this?
If you want to accuse me, do it.
Otherwise I don't understand why you
are nagging about a 20 year old case.
I'm interested in the shotgun
Brede used to shoot the man.
Come with me.
The shotgun's serial number
is not in your report.
Oh, OK.
I can't remember this.
It's a long time ago.
Perhaps Brede had
bought it illegally or stolen it?
The odd thing is that Brede,
lying there,
held the shotgun in his right hand.
My brother was left handed.
-Your brother?
I changed my surname
when I moved from Sandefjord.
Olle was standing there, in the hall,
and shot the man.
There's no proof of that.
There's no proof
he only shot once.
But what if he shot twice?
He panicked.
Bang, bang.
The second bullet ended up in the
tree 50 metres outside the window.
The window was open.
And I'm guessing
that this bullet
came from your private revolver.
I suggest you test shoot
my private revolver.
Not the one you have now.
The one you reported stolen in 1998.
A Nagant with 7.62 mm ammunition.
Inherited from your grandfather,
I shot him.
I shot him.
Where are the shells?
I threw them in the sea.
Who did you shoot?
Who did you shoot?
It was him who aimed at me.
Am I wrong?
It was Olle who shot the man.
It was him
who let Brede bleed to death
And you hid all the traces
and placed the weapon by Brede.
With your help,
Olle could go free for 20 years.
Nina, you don't have a weapon.
The thing is, this ammunition
is unique for Nagant revolvers.
I was seven years old
when I saw Olle
with your revolver in his hand
when they were on their way
to rob Tord Isaksen.
Do you have children, Nina?
Anyway, this is an old case.
It is time-barred.
Not for me.
I need to know.
Thank you. You're clever.
Jimmy? Try that with me.
One more time. If you make it,
I'll give you 500 kroner.
-Are you ready?
Come on!
He's really good at it.
Take it.
Here. If you can catch a crab,
I'll give you 700 kroner more.
Can I bum a cig?
-Maybe later.
We have to leave soon.
You're good with kids.
I do have some practice.
And he's a good kid.
Giving birth in a Mexican prison
is the most horrible thing I've done.
Monica, listen to me.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know what else to do.
It's OK.
You're here now.
That's more important.
Mum! I caught a crab!
That's great, Jimmy.
Does he know?
Let's see how it goes first.
-How are you?
-Great. And you?
Did you have time to look
at the papers from Sandefjord?
-Yes, I've prepared them.
To what do we owe the pleasure?
Hi. Are you tired
of retirement already?
-I can't get off the board meetings.
-I see.
On that topic,
now that Olle has you know
If there's an available seat
on the board
We're not hiring
any new member for now.
Thank you, Ester.
What did he want?
When we get to Jutland,
we've got the Skagen area here.
My contacts in Copenhagen can help us
with transport and documents.
What's the matter?
You have
an entire family in Strömstad.
You have Josefin, you have Lilly.
You just learned that you have a son.
I need to know
it's the two of us now.
I love you. I have always loved you.
You can't just leave Lilly.
Strömstad isn't all that far.
Wash your hands,
and I'll start on dinner.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, my God!
Olle asked me
to install an alarm for you.
-And he gave me spare keys.
-What alarm?
Laholmen is installing a new alarm,
and he wanted it done here too.
Hi, Lilly.
So, is it OK?
It is kind of you
to help us with this, but
I'll leave. I'm sorry.
Perhaps you want to stay for dinner?
Since you are here.
Well, yes, why not?
Wash your hands now.
-Do you want help with the bag?
-No need. Thank you.
Coming? We're leaving now.
A little bit further down.
A little bit further. Yes.
There. Can you feel it?
Pull it up carefully.
Carefully upwards.
-I did it, Mum!
I'm proud of you.
Honk, honk says my uncle's car
It can take you very far
We are a bit early, so we have to
wait for Lilly to finish school.
-Jimmy, are you hungry?
-What would you like?
-Hot food.
-What kind of hot food?
-Hell if I know. Pancakes.
We can get pancakes.
She wants to sell the house.
Hey. Josefin. She asked me
to find her an estate agent.
I see. That's good.
-This is very odd.
-What is?
Laholmen had a booking for
the conference in Gothenburg.
Then Håkan changed it to Sandefjord.
Why did he do that?
The booking is done by a company
called Bohus Event & Partner.
-Have you heard of them?
-It smells nice.
-The food. It smells fantastic.
Lilly, dinner's ready.
Let her play.
Should I light the candles?
Yes, sure.
Have you
heard anything about Olle?
You know I'm here for you
if you need me.
-Are you sure it's the right address?
Hi. My name is Henrik Hultén.
I'm calling from Laholmen Building.
We had a conference there
last Thursday.
Could you check
who paid the booking fee?
According to the company listings,
there is no company
called Bohus Event.
Are you sure?
What did they say?
What did they say?
He doesn't want pancakes,
he wants lobster. Isn't that right?
Where is Niko?
Why do you ask?
Is he coming south with us?
No, I've never said that.
We can take Olle instead.
If he wants to.
-Yes, he's OK.
-What did you say?
-Did you say I'm OK?
I'm a lot better than "OK".
You have no idea.
Should we steal a Porsche next time?
Of course we'll steal
a Porsche next time.
Of course you'll meet someone.
I have many friends who would love
to be with a stable guy.
-You are stable.
That sounds exciting. "Stable."
After a certain age "exciting"
is the last thing you want.
-No, but you have a good job,
a big, nice house,
no kids, no difficult ex-wife.
Yes, I sound like the perfect man.
But you are!
This will sort itself out.
-Listen, I've got to powder my nose.
Mum, can I watch another film?
Yes, you can.
Thank you.
I have to admit something.
I've always been
a little bit in love with you.
I'm sure you understand it's
a little bit embarrassing
to admit it at my age.
My God, it is flattering, but
It's difficult for me to receive
a compliment like that.
-Why is it like that?
It really is
what I needed to hear now.
No. What are you doing?
Listen, I can take care of you.
And Lilly too.
Olle isn't coming back.
And you and I
could have such a good time.
No, Håkan.
But, no! My God!
Stop it! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
-What's the matter?
-Are you dumb?
Forgive me, but you are sending
bloody mixed signals.
Please leave now.
Please leave.
OK. Are we leaving?
Yes, but I need the loo first.
I'm glad you ate all of it.
We do have some time to spare.
Coffee? You want ice cream?
-Let's do it late.
-He wants ice cream.
No, we are leaving now.
He was absolutely a bit weird.
What did he say?
What are you doing?
Could you send this to the lab?
Haven't you talked
to your boss in NCA?
You can't work on this case now.
Have you talked to Oslo?
I didn't mean
to go behind your back, Nina.
But this is way too personal for you.
It's been a pleasure.
-Hi, it's Daniel.
We've found an Iron.
Weren't you looking for one?
Yes. It was stolen from
Sandefjord Boat & Motor yesterday.
Check for traces from Olle on it.
All right.
-Ring me when you know more.
-They were
-Hold on.
-Ring when you know more.
They were at the café a few minutes
ago. They had a kid with them.
-Did you hear that?
-Yes, I'm coming.
Turn right here.
-Yes. Small roads are better.
We won't make it in time
on small roads.
Yes, we will. Drive in here.
Pia? Is this all today's takings?
Yes. There was
hardly anyone here at lunch.
A toast for your sister, Pål.
She is fucking special.
Can you explain to me what she sees
in that bloody Norwegian? Can you?
-I need to work.
-Yes, it's very stressful.
Listen. I just want to say something.
That Norwegian isn't to be trusted.
I can see it in his eyes.
He's no good.
She and Lilly need
someone to take care of them.
They deserve better. And it
isn't him. I can promise you that.
And that would be you?
Watch him!
-Don't just nod. Listen!
I'm going to talk to
-Hi, Henrik. Sit down.
I'll buy you a drink.
Would you like wine?
Pål, can we have a talk?
-Why, Håkan?
Why did you move the conference
from Gothenburg to Sandefjord?
Because we got a very good offer
from that Bohus something.
I've got
the company's finances in mind.
Even though
certain other people don't.
It was Palle's idea.
And it was a good offer.
Can you explain this invoice?
What is Bohus Event?
I don't know.
You are lying. It was your restaurant
that paid for it all.
You moved the conference
to Sandefjord, didn't you?
-How would I do that?
-By manipulating Håkan.
Do you understand what you've done?
I've made myself some contours.
Start talking, or this will be
the last time you see us.
People died at that robbery.
You are an accomplice.
I didn't know what they'd planned.
I knew nothing about the robbery.
This isn't the way to Strömstad.
OK, what are we doing here?
Hey, what is it, Victoria?
"Call the police.
Olle Hultén
and Monica Hansen are here.
She's armed. There is a child too."
I believed in you again.
-I'll give you two minutes.
-Thank you.
You have to get me out of here.
I did everything.
I did everything I was supposed to
according to the plan.
-Why were you so late?
-They're after me too.
Do you know what they know?
You have to help me appeal.
Talk to your lawyer.
I can't be here for three years.
I know. Victoria, listen to me.
There's no point
me being in prison too.
-My God, if you love me
I love you.
If you love me,
you have to let me go.
But it is the two of us?
Of course it's the two of us.
Always, always you and me.
I love you. Try to remember that.
But I have to go.
Don't leave me here!
No, you can't leave me here!
No! Don't leave me.
I'm such a fucking idiot.
I'm so fucking naive.
But I think about you
all the time.
You're always in here.
Mum! Take it easy.
Yes, I'll take it easy.
Mum will calm down.
But sometimes we have to beat up
people we are angry with.
Go back to the car.
Now you are going to die for me.
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