The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

La tercera víctima

[somber instrumental music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
- [dog 1 barks]
- [dog 2 whimpers]
Thank you.
[dog 2 panting]
[dog 1 barks]
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
- [bell tolling]
- [dog barking in distance]
[engine starts]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel breathing shakily]
[engine revving]
[Raquel exhales]
- [tense music fades]
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Raquel panting]
- [gentle instrumental music playing]
[intercom beeps]
- [Mauro on intercom] Yes?
- It's Raquel. Open the door.
[door buzzes, unlocks]
What happened?
I'm sorry.
It's just, I thought, uh…
I was being followed.
What? By who?
I don't know.
I'm not sure
if I was even being followed. [sighs]
It's fine. Relax.
Here. Let's have a drink. Come on.
- Sorry to just show up like this, but
- [Mauro] Don't be silly.
- [Mauro] Here.
- [Raquel] Thanks.
[Mauro] So, tell me.
I don't even know where to begin. [sighs]
I'm starting to think I'm going crazy.
I don't know who I can trust.
I don't know my husband.
Someone broke into my house
and killed my dog.
- Your dog?
- Yeah.
- But why?
- I don't know.
To drive me insane?
- Shit.
- [pill bottle rattling]
Okay. [exhales]
- What are these?
- Tranquilizers. [sighs]
I feel better having them with me.
- Do they work?
- [Raquel] Mm.
But the side effects are pretty intense.
[breathing shakily] It can be hard to tell
what's real and what's not.
[scoffs] If you don't know
what's real and what isn't,
these aren't the best thing for you now.
- What?
- I'm throwing them out.
No. No, no, no. Don't.
I just need to carry them with me.
I'm not going to take them, okay?
No, no. I'm fine. Thanks.
You're gonna make me drink alone?
[clicks tongue]
Sorry again for just showing up.
It's not a problem. Really.
[Raquel sighs softly]
Germán and Viruca knew each other.
Isn't he from here?
Everybody knows each other.
Did you know he sold her coke?
Did you?
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Tomás] Come here.
Come. Come on.
Come here.
[Viruca exhales, gasps]
[both breathing heavily]
Is there any more wine?
We've had enough already.
[Viruca exhales]
I'll be the judge of that. Hmm?
Be right back.
[Viruca sighs]
[takes a deep breath]
- [inhales]
- [Iago] Can I get some?
Oh, shit.
You fucking scared me.
[keys jingling]
Is that a yes or a no?
[Viruca scoffs]
Cut the bullshit.
You need to do that shit
to put up with my father, right?
- So you don't throw up.
- [Viruca scoffs]
[Iago exhales deeply]
[Viruca swallows, smacks lips]
What do you know?
- We're more alike than you think.
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm?
He know you do that?
[sighs] You should be in bed.
Fuck, so should you.
But in your house, not mine.
[Viruca sighs]
I can deal with not being with you, okay?
But having you around all day…
my head will explode.
Is that so hard to understand?
[Viruca sighs]
[Iago] Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
Maybe what I should do is go to school
and tell everyone you do coke,
fuck your students and their dads.
I dare you.
[Iago exhales]
You don't want to test me.
[Concha] So, uh,
are you goin' boar hunting now?
If we don't finish too late tonight,
I'll go with Mijaíl.
Germán. Germán!
- Freshen your coffee?
- Huh? [grunts softly]
[Germán exhales]
[coins clatter on table]
[indistinct chatter]
- [Roi] I mean, yeah. We're gonna
- Nerea!
- Can we talk for a second?
- Yeah, sure.
I wanna talk to you, too.
You're Roi, Ramiro's son?
Yeah. Why?
Somebody broke into my house
and killed our dog.
- Know anything about that?
- Shit. No.
- [Roi] No.
- No, sorry.
[Germán] Stop fuckin' around.
You've been making
Raquel's life miserable.
- How about you?
- [Roi] I don't know anything.
- You might fool my wife, but not me.
- If you say so.
- You little shit!
- Hey! What the fuck?
Don't touch me, asshole.
If you did it,
I'm gonna smash your head in.
- Fuck off, man!
- [Nerea] Roi, you good?
- [Germán] Tell me if you know something.
- Get off me.
- I'm willing to pay you.
- What?
He's your friend? You trust him?
You're an asshole.
[suspenseful instrumental music playing]
- Fuck.
- What happened with that fucking dog?
- You think Iago could've done that?
- Why would Iago kill a dog?
And what about Viruca?
I mean… [sighs]
…all this is really freaking me out,
and you won't even talk about it.
That's because
I don't know anything about it.
- No?
- No.
Well, when Viruca died,
Iago started losing it.
- And you changed, too.
- How did I change?
You don't write. You don't read anymore.
I… I don't know
why you're taking this so hard.
[grunts softly, inhales sharply]
Are you accusing me of something?
Of course not.
Let's go.
[birds singing outside]
[Raquel sighs]
[ominous instrumental music playing]
[Raquel chuckles softly]
- [Roi sighs]
- [door opens]
- [Roi exhales]
- [door closes]
[garage door whirring]
[motorcycle engine revving]
[Roi panting]
- [doorbell rings]
- [Roi exhales]
Hi, María. Iago asked me
to grab him some things for class.
Do you wanna call him
to check if it's okay?
- Hmm. No, no, it's fine. Come on in.
- [Roi] Great. Thank you.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Roi exhales]
[grunts softly]
[vacuum cleaner whirring]
[tense music grows louder]
[Roi gasps]
[sighs] Ah, fuck.
[clicks tongue, sighs]
[birds singing]
I have something important to tell you.
I know why everything happened now.
I'm on my way to your house.
[Viruca] Ah…
- [student coughs]
- Ah, we were… [sighs]
Sorry. Let me just find… [exhales]
- Uh…
- [Iago] You seem out of it today.
Been sleepin' okay?
[students laugh]
[Viruca sighs]
Page 43.
Miguel Hernández.
This will be in the exam. Please.
Thank God.
At least now we won't fall asleep.
[class laughs]
- Do you have a problem, Iago?
- Should I tell them?
- [Viruca] Go ahead.
- You sure?
[Viruca] Mm-hmm.
[Iago takes a deep breath]
You see, I happen to have a girlfriend
who does a lot of cocaine.
And I wanna help her,
but I don't know how.
I don't think
Miguel Hernández has an answer for that.
[Iago] I'm not asking him. I'm asking you.
Beats me, too.
It's late, so finish the reading at home
and study the chapter, okay?
It'll be on the exam,
and it won't be easy.
You can go.
Thank you.
[students chattering indistinctly]
[Viruca] Iago,
can you stay for a minute, please?
[students continue chattering
and laughing]
[door closes]
What exactly do you hope to achieve
by disrupting my class?
- You call that disruptive?
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm.
That was nothing.
You know what your problem is?
[Iago] Hmm?
You are used to getting what you want.
Since I won't yield,
you can't help but become obsessed.
[Iago takes a deep breath]
You'd be a terrible therapist.
- [Viruca sighs]
- [Iago] What happened between us was real.
You know it's true.
Why don't you see that?
[Viruca sighs]
Because I'm not okay…
And you can't do anything about it,
all right?
Nobody can.
- [Iago sighs]
- [Viruca] It's over.
You need to understand that what happened
between us won't happen again.
Get that into your head.
[Iago huffs, breathing shakily]
- [students chattering outside]
- [door slams]
- [Roi panting]
- [dog barking in distance]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[heavy footsteps approaching]
What's up, man?
You okay? Huh?
- [man grunting]
- [Roi groaning]
[coughing and gasping]
[cries out, groaning]
[knocking on door]
[Ramón] There something you need, Iago?
- Is Viruca here?
- [Ramón] You can see she isn't.
Something wrong?
Could you give her this?
[Ramón] Okay.
I left you something.
[somber instrumental music playing]
"If you're not with me, I'll kill myself,
and everybody will find out why I did it."
"Do you remember
when you talked to us about Baudelaire?"
"'I am the knife and the wound.'"
[Marga] Excuse me.
- Raquel.
- Yes?
- [Marga] I've been calling you.
- Um, my phone must have died.
It's Roi Fernández, one of your students.
He's in the hospital.
What happened to him?
Someone beat him up,
but that's all they know.
- How bad is he?
- [Marga] Pretty bad.
And what hospital is he at?
The University Hospital at Ourense.
I'm going over now. Want to come?
Uh, sure. Let me use the restroom,
and we can go.
[Marga] All right.
- [Raquel breathing shakily]
- [suspenseful music playing]
[pill bottle rattling]
[Viruca sighs]
[Viruca] What were Plath's intentions
with these verses?
Were they a cry for help?
Is she announcing her death?
[Iago clears throat]
- Can I ask you a question?
- No.
[Iago] Please? Just one? Viruca.
Ask me.
Why are you so cruel?
This is obviously about the note
I left you, but it wasn't fucking serious.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Now, get to it, or you'll run out of time.
You're going to regret this.
- [school bell rings]
- [students chattering]
[Nerea] Iago.
- What's with you and Viruca?
- Nothing. Why?
There's seriously
nothing going on between you?
That's what I said.
Don't be jealous. It's not a good look.
You're pathetic. Know that?
You think she'd go for a brat like you?
You don't know anything.
I know the more you follow her around,
the more ridiculous you seem.
[Iago sighs]
- Yeah?
- [Nerea] Yeah.
[Viruca moaning on cell phone]
- [tense music playing]
- What's this?
- [Viruca continues moaning]
- That's how she sounds when she's coming.
You're lying.
Ask her.
[Nerea breathing shakily]
[woman crying softly]
- Blanca, sweetie!
- [Blanca sighs]
[Marga] We came as soon as we found out.
How is he?
Bad. They say he's not well.
Do you know what happened to him?
Well, these policemen
were just letting me know.
It's okay if they hear. I trust them.
They left the kid at the emergency room
entrance and ran off.
- [Blanca] Mm-hmm.
- We have the feed from the cameras.
We're looking over it now
to see what we can find out.
And what can you see on those cameras?
Just part of the car that brought him here
and someone wearing a hood
putting the kid on the ground.
- [Marga] Hmm.
- Could we see the video?
It's just, if they happen to be
one of his classmates,
we might recognize them.
- [Marga] Mm-hmm.
- Of course. Leave us your number.
We'll let you know
when you can come by the station.
- Okay.
- Excuse me.
Thank you.
[Blanca sighs, whimpers]
[Viruca sighs]
- Hi.
- How are you?
What's that odor? Ugh.
It really stinks, doesn't it?
Maybe the sewer?
[Viruca] Maybe, but it's like…
…like it's coming from right here.
- [keys jingle]
- Really.
What the fuck is this? [sighs]
- [woman gasps] What is that?
- [Viruca] It's disgusting!
[tense instrumental music playing]
- [quietly] Holy shit.
- [woman] Oh, my!
- He's out of the operating room.
- And?
Well, we stopped the internal bleeding.
Several of his organs were affected,
but the liver sustained the most damage.
And he also has a brain contusion.
The next few hours will be critical.
But he's gonna be okay, right?
We'll do everything we can,
but we also have to be prepared
for whatever might happen.
[Blanca sighs]
[Raquel sighs]
[Roi on recording] Raquel,
I have something important to tell you.
I know why everything happened now.
I'm on my way to your house.
[Raquel exhales]
[sighs deeply]
[indistinct chatter]
[boy] Hey, how's Roi doing?
[Raquel] Nerea! Do you know where Iago is?
No idea.
That's too bad
since I don't think anyone could answer
your classmates' questions better
than he could.
Do you?
- You think he's the one who beat up Roi?
- Hmm. I wouldn't know.
But he might know who did.
[Nerea] Mm-hmm.
Maybe there's something you know.
Why do you keep covering for him?
You tell me.
I'll do whatever to stop this.
- I owe it to Roi.
- So now you care about Roi?
- [Raquel] Do you?
- Yes.
[Raquel] You care about him. Of course.
You care about him so much
that you let your boyfriend humiliate him
in front of your classmates.
- Right?
- He's not my boyfriend.
- [Raquel] He isn't?
- No!
Well, that's a relief.
I never understood how a girl like you,
intelligent, a feminist,
could date someone like Iago.
- You don't have a fucking idea about me.
- You're right.
I have no idea what you're like.
Maybe you aren't the person
you pretend to be.
Maybe you're up to your neck in this,
too, like Iago,
and it just so happens
you're as guilty as he is. Aren't you?
[Nerea huffs]
Where you going, Nerea?
Got nothing to say?
Raquel. Can I see you for a minute?
[students whispering]
[Raquel sighs]
You just berated one of your students
in front of her entire class.
[sighs] Yes. And, Marga,
I know I shouldn't have done that.
But it's just that I am sure
that Nerea knows what's going on.
I wanted to get a reaction.
By putting her on trial?
This thing has claimed two victims.
- Viruca and Roi.
- [Marga] Three.
Three victims.
You can add yourself to the list.
Come on.
[Marga] You showed up here
a few weeks ago, full of excitement.
- Now look at you.
- [Raquel sighs]
You've become obsessed with a teacher
you've never even met.
You're accusing your students
of conspiracy theories.
And you're always nervous.
Even a little frightened.
- You can't keep doing this.
- Marga, I'm serious. I
[Marga] I don't wanna hear another word.
Unless you want to ask for medical leave.
[Raquel scoffs, mutters]
[Marga clicks tongue]
[birds singing]
[Nerea] What's the deal?
I called you. Why didn't you call me back?
[Iago] Because I want you
to leave me alone.
So you don't care
what happened to Roi? [sighs]
I'm gonna go to the hospital. You coming?
[grunts softly, sighs]
do you know why someone like me
would go out with someone like you,
ignoring how hurtful you can be sometimes?
You're really desperate.
[Nerea scoffs]
Because you act like an asshole,
but you're a good person.
And I know
you really care about your friends.
- So I'm just fucking astounded.
- Is that so?
Look, are you coming with me?
Yes or no?
[sighs] No.
[Nerea] Fuck me. Why not? Hmm?
You don't have anything to do
with Roi getting beaten up?
Don't be ridiculous, Nerea. Seriously?
Know how worried he's been about you?
He'd say how closed off you'd become.
That you wouldn't even talk to him.
- He was trying to help. You ignored him!
- What are you saying?
That I don't even recognize you.
Your friend was concerned,
and you don't give a shit.
You're being a pain in the ass!
A pain! What do you want?
[Nerea] Behave like a decent person,
for fuck's sake!
Look, you know what?
You can just fuck off.
And this is over.
- [Iago sighs]
- For good.
You'll come back. You always do.
Not this time.
[crow cawing]
I don't give a fuck.
Fuck you, you fucking cunt!
[birds singing]
[Iago exhales]
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music playing]
[Viruca] What the fuck?
- Excuse me. Do you have a minute?
- [Iago sighs]
Great job. That graffiti is very subtle.
What? What graffiti?
Oh, of course. You're too smart for that.
Did you send one of your friends to do it?
- It wasn't me.
- [Viruca] I'm gonna find out who.
Even if I have to look through
every single backpack in this school.
[scoffs] Whatever.
Or maybe I'll tell your dad.
He'll settle this mess.
You still don't know who my father is.
Because you can't see
past the end of your fucking nose.
I'm gonna open your eyes.
[door slams]
[Raquel sighs]
[clicks tongue, sighs]
[Raquel exhales]
[inhales sharply]
[exhales slowly]
[distant footsteps echoing]
[lights click off]
[Raquel gasps]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [woman] Raquel.
- [Raquel gasps]
You're so scared
this is all too much for you.
[Raquel breathing shakily]
If you couldn't get over my death,
how do you expect to deal with this?
[Raquel hyperventilating]
[music swells]
- [music fades]
- [cell phone ringing and vibrating]
[Raquel gasps] Ah.
- Hello?
- [on phone] Raquel. Hi. This is Pascual.
We met this morning at the hospital.
Uh, yeah. How are you?
Any chance
you could come to the station now
and look at the footage we got of the car?
Uh, yes, of course.
I'm on my way. Thank you.
[inhales sharply, sighs]
The image isn't that clear.
It's from a surveillance camera,
and it was nighttime.
- [Raquel inhales sharply]
- [Pascual] Do you recognize that man?
Can I see it again, please?
- [Pascual] Mm-hmm.
- [keyboard clicks]
[Pascual] Recognize anything?
The man or the car?
[Raquel sighs]
You call me?
- Look.
- [Germán] What?
- What's this?
- It came today.
Just fucking read it.
The permit from the Xunta? [gasps]
So, Viruca actually did her part.
What did I tell you, Demetrio?
- Hey, Germán.
- I told you, Demetrio.
Some policemen are here,
and they're asking for you.
- [Germán] Did you tell them I'm here?
- Of course.
- [grunts] Mom.
- Why wouldn't I?
You have to tell them
that I spent the night here.
- And I was with you all day.
- What happened?
Just in case they question you.
It's important, Demetrio.
- Fuck, Germán. What happened?
- [Germán] Just trust me!
- You're scaring me.
- [Germán] Don't worry, Mom. It'll be fine.
[Demetrio] Germán!
- Germán Araújo?
- Yeah, that's me.
You're under arrest
for assaulting Roi Fernández.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say may be used against you.
What's happening?
Why are you arresting him?
- Why are they arresting you, Germán?
- It's just a misunderstanding, Mom.
[mom] You can't just take him away!
My son is not a criminal!
[Germán] I didn't do anything, Mom.
It wasn't me. Please tell Raquel!
- [door closes]
- [mom sighs]
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
[knocking on door]
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
[door unlocks]
Hey, Claudia.
What's wrong?
This is all your fault.
You corrupted my son.
- Corrupted?
- [sighs] That boy they say he attacked.
He's one of your students.
That means I'm responsible?
- Germán wouldn't do that.
- [Raquel scoffs]
Don't lie.
- [Claudia] Why do you think I'm lying?
- [Raquel sighs]
Because Germán
has always been your favorite.
Then something happened.
Didn't it?
Why can't you at least be honest about it?
[sighs] You don't know anything, do you?
About the friend of Viruca and the Xunta?
And the money Germán and his brother
took out of our bank account
to bribe him and
Um… no, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Sure. You just look the other way
and play dumb, as always.
Just like with your mother.
[Raquel sighs] Shit.
He told you?
He was a mess,
and he needed to get it off his chest.
[Raquel scoffs, sighs]
[Claudia] What I could not forgive
was that he kept you out of it.
You had the right to know.
It was your mother.
And you needed
to make that decision for yourself.
Here. Look for a folder called "comments."
- But why?
- [Iago takes a deep breath]
So you'll see
what a son of a bitch my dad really is.
I've been trying to tell you.
You just won't listen.
Watch this, and then we'll see
if you can stand to fuck him again.
And make sure
no one's around when you watch.
[thunder rumbling in distance]
- [doorbell rings]
- [rain pattering]
Raquel, you're soaking wet.
I should just get you a set of keys.
Be a lot easier.
I'm sorry.
I didn't feel like being alone tonight.
Do you mind?
No. It's not a problem at all.
I'll go get you some clothes.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
These Viruca's?
If you want,
I can get you some of my clothes instead.
No, no. It's fine.
You can change upstairs.
It's more comfortable.
["I'm on Fire" by Stateless playing]
[Raquel inhales sharply]
Whatever you've done ♪
Just bury it ♪
[Raquel sniffs]
We'll swim back down ♪
To the ocean bed ♪
And find the secret place ♪
Where we buried those bones ♪
While we explored our shipwrecks ♪
With pockets full of stones ♪
I don't care ♪
Where you've been tonight ♪
It is ♪
Of no consequence ♪
My dear ♪
Just stay here ♪
My arms are wide, my lover ♪
The rest of the world could disappear ♪
And I wouldn't care ♪
'Cause I'm on fire ♪
[both breathing heavily]
- [Viruca gasps, breathing shakily]
- I guess I should open ♪
Another bottle of wine… ♪
- [gasps] What happened?
- I just burned myself. I'm fine.
Another cigarette ♪
[both panting]
- And turn the record over ♪
- Turn the record over ♪
And play the song ♪
- [thunder rumbles]
- We sang ♪
When we buried those bones ♪
While we explored… ♪
- [Mauro] Raquel… do you want to stop?
- Uh, no.
No, no. It's okay.
I don't care ♪
Where you've been tonight ♪
[both breathing heavily]
It is ♪
Of no consequence ♪
My dear ♪
Just stay here ♪
My arms are wide ♪
- My lover ♪
- [man panting]
The rest of the world could disappear ♪
- And I wouldn't care ♪
- [Nanook whimpers]
[thunder rumbling]
[song fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
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