The Midwich Cuckoos (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


-[Sam] I just found this
at the school.
I saw David there the other day.
-[Nora] Rachel didn't deserve that,
whatever she did.
-The government have a care
order still active against you.
Now, it stops you
from seeing David.
-[Susannah] Something happened
at Winthorpe. We both know it.
-Having consulted
with the children,
it seems prudent to arrange
their staggered departure
from Midwich.
-I don't want to leave you.
-Your mother is going
to miss you so much.
-She won't. None of you will.
-[Susannah] I will tell you everything
when I get home. I promise.
10:00, I'll be back.

[Door closes]
[Birds chirping]
[Car door opens]
[Car door closes]
[Keys jangle]

Cassie. Oh, no.
[Breathing rapidly]

[Siren wailing]
-Okay, now, Cassie,
we're going to put this on.
I just want you to breathe
for me, okay?
That's right. Just breathe.
We're not far away, okay?
What did she take?
-I don't
-What did she take?
-I -- I don't know.
-Okay, that's fine. That's it.
You're doing great, Cassie.
You're doing really well.
You're doing brilliant.
You're gonna be alright.
[Women vocalizing eerily]
[Monitor beeping steadily]

-Yeah. Like a zebra.
Will you play in here
for a second?
-Can I sit?
-Of course you can.
You just play in there, okay,
[Vehicle approaching]

-Do you want some breakfast,
-We need to talk about Dad.
[Brakes squeal]

-Where were you?
You said 10:00.
-I was at the school.
I got locked in.
-You just lie
all the time.
-No, Cassie.
-Mum, just go.
-It's always the same thing.
I need you
and you're not there.

Get some rest.

-How is she?
-Uh, physically,
she's going to be okay.
Got most of it out of
her system, but, um
-I'm sorry.
-Where's Westcott?
-He's gone to Winthorpe.
Preparing the children's move.
-Paul, can I speak to you alone?
I Know there's something wrong.
Can you speak to me too?
-The Nordosk file.
Is it still here?
No survivors.

[Door closes]
-What's going on?
-Mr. Haynes went to the school
last night.
-We think you told him
to go there.
-Hannah, he didn't say anything.
-Don't lie.
Are you trying to hurt us?
-Where's Ellie?
[Energy warbling]
[Locks click]
[Water trickling]
[Faint pounding]
Hannah, please.
Please don't do this.
-Who did the policeman go with?
-What did he find?
-Please, that is your sister!
[Faint pounding]
-Hannah, please,
because she could hurt herself.
-Then tell me!

-Who did he go with, Dad?
Was it Dr. Zellaby?
[Energy warbling,
locks click]
-Hey, darling. It's okay.
You're okay, aren't you?
-[Energy warbling]
-Think back to that day
at Winthorpe.
What happened?
-We were in the testing room.
-And you felt sleepy. Yes?
-Evie looked through the window.
-Towards the parade ground.
-Yes, towards the soldiers.
-And what about Westcott?
Did he fall asleep?
Did you see him wake up?
-I don't know.
-Well, think.
Bryony, please think.
I don't think so.
-And what happened
when you woke up?
-There was a noise.
I Gunshots firing rapidly,
shells clattering]
-Like a gunshot?
-Yeah. I heard that.

I Gunshots firing rapidly,
shells clattering]

-Hi, Mum.
-What are you doing here?
-Where's Granny?
-She's -- She's gone. Why?
-Did you hurt yourself?
I'm -- I'm okay now.

-You have to contact London
and tell them what's happened.
The children have taken
over a squadron of soldiers.
Westcott is planning
to help them.
-Because he is one of them.
-What are you doing,
Dr. Zellaby?

-Hello, Joe.
I'm just talking to DC] Haynes
about my daughter.
She's been taken unwell.
-You should come with me.
-What did Granny tell you?

Did she tell you what she saw
in the school?
She didn't tell me anything.
I promise.
-You don't touch her, Joe.
[Energy warbling]
[Women gasp]
It's okay. I'm coming.
It's okay. I'm coming.

I'm coming.
Paul, wake up!
-What did you see at the school?
What do you know?
-Joe, listen to me.
I'm your friend.
I'm not your enemy.
-You're lying, Dr. Zellaby.
-No. No, I promise.
I Know nothing.
I Know absolutely nothing.
[Breathing heavily]
-I haven't finished
talking to you, Dr. Zellaby.
[Energy warbling]
[Glass cracking]
Don't- Don't do this, Joe.
[Energy warbling]
[Gunshots firing]
-[Exhales sharply]
-[Breathing rapidly]
rapidly approaching]
[Gunshots fire]
[Gunshot fires]

[Gunshot fires in distance,
Nathan, are you okay?
-[Breathing rapidly]
What's going on?
What happened?
-[Breathing heavily]
-[Distorted] Hannah?
-Evie? Evie? Evie?
Evie, what's wrong?
Evie? Evie, what's wrong? Evie?
-I have to go.
-No, no, no. Please. Please.
Please, Evie, please don't --
Please don't leave me. Please.
Please just wait. Just --
You -- You --
You could take me with you.

-[Exhales sharply]
Come on, soldier.
[Shoes scuffle]

-I'm taking him away.
You won't make it.
-Why should I listen to you?
-They won't let you leave.
They'll kill you,
and they'll kill David.

-You brought them here.
You did.
-[Inhales sharply]
[Energy warbling]
No, Hannah.
-No. No. No.
No. No! Hannah, don't!
Hannah! No, Hannah! Don't!
-[Gunshot fires]

[Siren wailing in distance,
police radio chatter]
Excuse me, have you
seen my daughter?
[Cellphone ringing, vibrating]
[Lock clicking]
[Cellphone ringing]
-Hi, Granny.
-Evie, where's Cassie?
-She's where she wants to be.
-Listen to me.
Cassie took pills last night.
-We know.
-She needs medical supervision.
-She's coming with us to
Winthorpe. She wants to leave.
-You listen to me. You bring her
back here right now.
-An army bus will travel
from Winthorpe
to pick us up tomorrow morning.
Cassie will travel with us.
She'll be safe
as long as you do as we Say.
Don't cause trouble.
[Phone clicks]
[Cellphone chimes]

[Brakes screech]
-[Jodie] He rushed into the house,
said he couldn't stay.
Um He said someone else
would come pick up his stuff.
He gave me this hug.
It felt like
he didn't want to let go,
you know?
Then he just left.
His eyes had nothing in them.
They were just empty.
Then I found this.
-This is Nathan's?
-He doesn't want to be
one of them. I know he doesn"t.
So why did he go with them?
-He's scared.
-But why won't he talk to me?
I'm his mother.
I don't care what they say.
I'm his mother.
you have to find him.
Bring him back.
Promise me.
-I want you to go to my house.
Wait for me there.
I'm going to get him back, okay?
[Police radio chatter]
-We're one of the parents.
-Go through.
[Ambulance door closes,
engine starts]
-What's going on?
-Where's Hannah?
Is she with you?
-No, she just left the house.
-Lily-Grace did the same.
I can't find her anywhere.
What is going on?
-I can't get Sunny on the phone.
-Yeah, Olive's gone.
I can't find her.
-I overheard Bryony talking.
The children have locked
themselves in the school.
-Let's get up there, all of us.
-Let's just wait, Maria.
-For what? For them to leave?
He shot one of them, Sam.
They have to know
we had nothing to do with this.
-Excuse me. What is going on?
-Is it true?
Are they at the school?
-We're getting more information
as soon as we Can.
-Why is the army here?
-What army?
-Yeah, they were in our street.
You don't know what's happening,
do you?
-Oh, my God.
[Vehicles approaching]
-Major Craig Seymour.
Good afternoon.
I have authority under the
Civil Contingencies Act of 2004
to take command
of the Ward 300 operation.
I'm implementing a full curfew
for tonight.
Everyone is to return
home immediately
and wait in their homes.
-Why? Wait for what?
-Just do as I say, please.
Let's move these people
out of here.
Make sure they get home safely.
[Indistinct conversations]
[Door opens]
[Birds chirping in distance]
-Stairs right!
-We're looking for
DCI Paul Haynes. Is he here?
-W-What's going on?
What's going on?
-Where is DCI Haynes?

You okay?
-[Inhales sharply]
Yeah. You seen the soldiers?
They're from Winthorpe.
-Blank faces, nothing going on.
-Obeying orders.
-We need to stop this, Susannah.
-I Know.
-Yeah. I'm gonna go in there.
I'm gonna go into the school.
-Yeah. I'm gonna find a way,
and I'm gonna speak to them.
-You can't.
You can't go in there
because they will do
exactly to you
what they did to Curtis.
-Well, what the fuck
are we gonna do?
-The children
must not leave Midwich.
If they reach Winthorpe, they'll
take control of another platoon,
and then the whole army.
This is a takeover,
Paul, and we have to stop them.
-The children are taking
a military bus tomorrow morning.
All of them will be on board.
-Are you saying?
This is our only chance.
Do you think you can do it?
-Where are you going?
-They have Cassie.
I have to stop her
going with them.
I have to try.
[Inhales sharply]
Nathan left me this.
-How did he write this
without them knowing?
-He uses pain to block the hive.
He doesn't want to be
a part of them anymore.
Get him out of there please.

[Exhales sharply]
[Beeping, lock disengages]
-Hello, Olive.
How are you?
-You should be at home.
-I'm I came to speak to Evie.
I'm alone.
-You can't come in.
-Well, ask Evie to come out
then, would you?
-We are all Evie.
-No, darling.
No, you're not.
Not quite.
-What is this, Granny?
-I want to come with you.
I know that Cassie's in there,
and I want to come too.
-You've caused us
enough trouble already.
-It was never my intention.
But you lied to me,
about Mr. Westcott.
You never told me that
he was the only survivor
from the first landing.
I Know about the Winthorpe
that you're using them
to expand your power
so you can take over here
and then
and then who knows?
So you'll either have to take me
with you or kill me.

-It seems you know about me.
And now I understand why
they're so important to you.
40 years is a long time
to be alone.
-40 years is nothing
when you've lost everyone.
My hive died,
burnt alive by your bombs.
These children
are a superior evolution.
But they are, for now,
still children.
They need my protection.
-And they need mine.
-I disagree. You are the threat.
-[Scoffs] What threat?
I love them. I've always
looked after them. I
I love them maybe
even more than you do.
-That's a lie.
No, it's not a lie. I love you.
I always have.
-You're human.
Humans cheat and deceive.
-[Mary-Ann] Lily-Grace,
come out here!
-Front gates.
-Front gates.
-What's happening?
-Mum, what are you doing here?
Can you just leave me alone?
-I can't.
-I don't want you here.
-If you reject me,
they won't just let me leave.
They will kill me.
-No, they won't.
-[Mary-Ann] Lily-Grace!
I want to see her!
-Can't you just -- just let me
speak to her, please?
-Lily, listen to me, please?
I just want to say goodbye.
[Voice breaking]
Just one hug. Please?
Let me through?
-Go home, Mum.
-One hug.
That's all I want.
Thank you.
-Go home, Mum.
-No, you're coming with me!
-I'm taking her with me!
-Let go.
[Energy warbling]
[Gunshots firing rapidly]

-We had no choice.
-I know.
I'm on your side.
you're better than us.
You don't hurt each other.
You're not
You're not angry or jealous.
I -- I thought that we could
learn that from you
but we'll never change.
We're a flawed creature, and
and our time
on this earth is over.
whatever you're planning,
let me help you.
Please, Evie.
Trust me.
Let me be your guide.
Take me with you.

[Car doors open]

[Radio chatter]

-What's happening?
-We're taking you below ground.
-You'll be safe here.
-Safe from what?
-[Exhales sharply]
-[Whispering] Nathan.
What's going on?
-Blackouts on the town.
y-you have to warn your dad.
[Lock clicks]
[Drill whirring]

[Cellphone vibrating]
-You and Mum
need to get underground, now.
-Why underground?
-The blackout.
It's the only place you're safe.
-Nathan --
[Receiver clicks]
[Inhales sharply, exhales]
[Cellphone vibrating]
-[Exhales shakily]

[Energy warbling]
[Electricity crackling]
-[Distorted, indistinct]
-Get underground.
-What's going on?
-[Distorted, indistinct]
-[Distorted, indistinct]
-We need to go.
[Car alarms blaring]
[Glass shatters]
-Where? Where?
-It's just in there.
[Energy warbling]


-What are they doing?
-It's a second blackout.
To make everyone forget
they were here.
If you kill people,
you attract attention.
But if Midwich forgets, then
no one will know
the children exist.
-How do you know that?
-Because Evie let slip.
She said
no one will miss them.
[Footsteps in distance]
[Door opens in distance]
-Don't, Cas. Don't.
Some part of Evie did love you,
you know.
The hive will do anything
to survive.
I've been such a fool.
No, Cassie.
There's nothing foolish
about loving your daughter.
What are we going to do now?
-You have to escape.
-What about you?
-I'm going to stay here
just for a little while,
so they don't panic.
But I know what I'm doing.
So just trust me, okay?

[Birds and insects chirping]
[Electricity crackles]
-Okay. Let's go.

They've taken all of
Hannah's photos.
They've taken all her stuff.
It's like she was never here.
-That's what
the blackout was for.
They want us to forget
she ever existed.
[Car door closes]
[Engine starts]

-Where are they going?
[Car door closes]

[Brakes squeal]
Are you okay?
-Don't you know me?
-Uh, no, I don't think so.
Should I?
I haven't been here
very long, So
-Sorry. I just
I just thought I lived here once.
-Are you alright?
Do you need me to call anyone?
-No. I'm fine.

[Engine starts]
[Doorbell rings]
-Hi, Dad.
-Excuse me?
-It's me.
Zoe, do you know this girl?
-Hi, Mum.
-I'm not your mum, darling.
You must be confused.
-Don't you recognize me?
-No, I don't. Should I?

-My mistake.
-Hi, Hannah!
[Door slams]
-I know. I Know.


[Neck snaps]
-Main truck, please.
The children will travel
in the coach.
You and I will travel
in the lead vehicle.
-Looking forward to having you
on the team, Ms. Cummings.

Ms. Cummings?
[Vehicle approaching]

-Let's go.
what have you done?
[Energy warbling]
-[Sam] Now, Hannah
-Hannah, please.
[Warbling stops]
-Get ready. We're leaving soon.
-My mum
She didn't know me.
-And your dad?
-He did.
-[Exhales sharply]
Listen to me, Nathan,
you have to get out of here.
Take Cassie with you. Please.
You have to leave.
You have to get away
and get safe.
Please. Okay?
This is your chance.
I'll see you on the other side.
Okay, go.

[Radio chatter]
-Nathan is missing.
-Nathan is missing.
-Nathan is missing.
-Nathan is missing.
-Nathan is missing.

[Both breathing heavily]

This way. Quick! Come on.
[Energy warbling]

[Chain snaps]
-No, no, no. No, no.
Leave it, leave it, leave it.
-We've lost him.
-We've lost him.
-We've lost him.
-We've lost him.
-We've lost him.
-We've lost him.
-Well, then --
Well, then cut him off.
You don't need him. Please.
If you let him go
Look, you took
a risk coming here,
a risk that they would
become attached.
One boy has.
Please. Please let them go.
-And the girl?
-Cassie won't say anything.
You only need one hostage.
Let it be me.
[Energy warbling]
-Nathan Nathan?
Nathan, what are they doing?
[Energy warbling]
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Nathan. Nathan.
Nathan? Nathan.
[Energy warbling]
[Warbling stops]
-[Exhales sharply]

Okay. You're fine. You're fine,
Nathan, you're fine.
-It's done.
[Women vocalizing eerily]

Let's go.
[Engines starting]
[Bus door closes]
-[Exhales shakily]
[Engine starts]

-Clearing town.
Keep speed steady.
-I'm glad you're with us,
I would have missed you.
-I would have missed you, too.

-We have a sergeant down.
Uniform missing.
Sir, it's possible you have
an infiltrator with you.
-This is Westcott.
Stop the bus. Stop the bus.
Stop the car.
[Tires screech]

-[Exhales shakily]
-[Breathing heavily]

-It's okay.
- [Seymour] Rear jeep.
He's in the rear jeep.
[Cellphone beeps]
-It's all going to be okay.
[Cellphone vibrating]
[Explosion echoes]
-[Breathing heavily]
[Women vocalizing eerily]

-[Nathan] Let's go.

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